The most effective drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis in men: features, causes, symptoms and treatment, prevention Osteoporosis treatment in the elderly in men

In a healthy body, mineral exchange occurs between the blood and bone tissue that makes up the human skeleton. In this case, the bone tissue receives the elements it needs: calcium and phosphorus.

Osteoporosis is a pathological disease in which the mineral exchange between the blood and bone tissue is disturbed, while only the “emptying” of the calcium and phosphorus reserves in the bones occurs.

The density and mass of the bones of the whole body begin to decrease, which leads to an increase in bone fragility. Fractures can occur due to the minimum load on them.

Osteoporosis begins to develop when there is a decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which leads to a decrease in bone density.

Please note! Osteoporosis usually develops very slowly. From the moment the disease develops to the manifestation of its symptoms, it can take from 10 to 15 years.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones lose their strength, become more fragile and more prone to fracture. With a disease in the bones, the calcium content is reduced, which is necessary to maintain their shape and strength. This leads to a change in the structure bone tissue. As a result, the risk of fractures increases significantly.

A disease such as osteoporosis, in itself, does not affect well-being. Its danger lies in the fact that even with a minor injury, a fracture can occur in a person, the consequences of which can be very serious.

Osteoporosis is a systemic disease. Externally manifested in fractures of the femur, vertebral bones or bones of the forearm, this disease gradually destroys all the bones of the skeleton without exception.

The main cause of osteoporosis is the leaching of mineral salts from hard bone tissues. Due to the lack of these salts, the bones become so brittle that the slightest mechanical impact can provoke a fracture. With this diagnosis, a person can break a leg or arm from falling from a height of their height or sharply turning a joint.

Bones in the presence of osteoporosis do not lose mineral density overnight. The process lasts for years: from the moment when the disease appeared to the first fracture caused by it, ten or even fifteen years can pass.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases, making it fragile and prone to pathological fractures. In other words, osteoporosis is an increased "porosity" of the skeleton.


Our body in general and the skeletal system in particular are designed in such a way that in the course of its life, the bone is constantly destroyed and rebuilt again, that is, it is renewed. If the destruction of the bone occurs faster than the restoration, then osteoporosis develops.

Normally, the bone grows up to 30-35 years, reaching the “peak” of bone mass. Then a natural decrease in bone mass begins, which is no more than 1% per year.

In women with menopause, bone loss may occur faster, since a deficiency of female sex hormones - estrogens - contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

Most typical explanation primary male osteoporosis - hypogonadism, i.e. estrogen and testosterone deficiency. The lack of this hormone has a negative effect on all stages of remodulation (natural permanent renewal) of bone tissue.

Limited testosterone production is fraught with both an accelerated destruction of the bone structure and a slowdown in its recovery.

The disease in many cases affects people with unfavorable heredity.

Another important negative factor may be short stature and low body weight.

Secondary osteoporosis in men develops against the background of hyperthyroidism, rickets, malabsorption, malignant neoplasms, rheumatoid arthritis, liver failure.

To eradicate the pathology, you will need a lot of effort. The treatment of this disease is as follows: therapeutic physical culture, reasonable activity, massage procedures and drug treatment.

heredity (genetic predisposition to osteoporosis);

Prolonged immobilization (bed rest for more than 2 months) - after operations, fractures;

As a result of research, it has been established that in men, the cause of osteoporosis can be an extensive group of concomitant diseases that have to be treated in parallel with osteoporosis. Diseases act in two directions - they reduce the absorption of nutrients or affect cells that renew and destroy bone tissue, these are:

  • chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism (Basedow's disease);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • male hypogonadism, a disease caused by testicular failure.

In the medical literature, information has appeared on the effect of somatic diseases on male osteoporosis - hypertension, stroke, coronary disease heart and heart attack.


Primary osteoporosis

Primary (involutional, postmenopausal, senile or senile) osteoporosis. It usually develops in old age (after 50 years). Risk factors for primary osteoporosis include:

  • elderly age;
  • fragile physique;
  • small growth;
  • family history of fractures;
  • late onset of menstruation (after 15 years);
  • early cessation of menstruation (up to 50 years);
  • scanty and infrequent menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • prolonged lactation (more than 6 months).

Primary osteoporosis in women develops 4-5 times more often than in men.

Secondary osteoporosis

What it is? Secondary osteoporosis develops in the case of development in the human body of processes that change the exchange of bone tissue (reduction of its mass). The causes of secondary osteoporosis include the following disorders of hormonal metabolism:

  1. increased activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), diabetes mellitus, hyperparathyroidism, hypercortisolism (develops due to long-term use of corticosteroids, or as a result of chronic diseases).
  2. In addition, the causes of development can be: leukemia (leukemia), myeloma, metastatic bone disease, thalassemia

Signs of osteoporosis in men

On early stages osteoporosis is almost impossible to recognize by external signs. If this disease is suspected, the doctor prescribes densitometry, an examination designed to monitor changes in the bone structure.

Now for the signs. Probably, many of you are wondering: what is the difference between osteoporosis symptoms and signs. Symptoms are what we feel and can assume the presence of the disease, and signs are what we observe, that is, what already indicates the onset of the disease.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

At the first stage, the disease does not manifest itself acutely, but still some distinctive features in women after 50 years, and sometimes even after 40, you can notice:

  1. Discomfort and stiffness when moving.
  2. Pain in the back and joints, aggravated after physical exertion.
  3. Reducing the height of a woman by 2-3 cm.
  4. The formation of a "widow's" hump, when the disease leads to deformation of the skeleton.
  5. Increasing incidence of fractures at the slightest injury.

In order not to be a regular visitor to the emergency room in old age, it is worth starting prevention long before the first signs of the disease appear.

Especially often, osteoporotic disease develops in adolescents during puberty and in adult men at the age of maximum sexual activity, i.e. up to 45 years.

The predominant form of the primary disease is idiopathic. Senile osteoporosis is typical for pensioners.

See the definition of terms in the article on the types of disease.

Of the external signs of the disease should be listed:

  • kyphosis of the thoracic region;
  • gait disorders;
  • pain.

Hormonal problems are sometimes indicated by sexual dysfunction, changes in the size of the testicles.

previous fractures.

The use of certain drugs, such as glucocorticoids;

Symptomatic painkillers.

In case of defeat lumbar lower back pain and age-related decrease in height (up to 15 cm) come to the fore. Lead a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Disease Risk Factors

  • At the same time, calcium should be 2 times more than other trace elements.
  • age (most at risk are men over 60);
  • calcium;
  • ​Lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, reducing excessive alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet with increased calcium and vitamin D. And as much sun exposure as possible.​
  • Medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis are grouped into separate groups depending on their active ingredient.
  • Long periods of absence physical activity, for example, prolonged bed rest.​
  • alcohol abuse;

Diet Osteoporosis requires adequate daily intake of calcium and vitamin D3 through food. To do this, in the diet it is necessary to have a large amount of dairy and fermented milk products, fish, egg yolks, nuts and broccoli.​

Symptoms of the disease

Diagnosis of osteoporosis

For early diagnosis of osteoporosis, densitometry is used to determine bone mineral density and predict the risk of fracture.

This study belongs to the number of x-rays (however, exposure to it is minimal). With it, the bones are translucent with x-rays and, if the strength of the bone is reduced, then it delays less rays.

Osteoporosis is a disease that lies at the intersection of many medical disciplines. The search for its causes most often begins in the office of a gynecologist, endocrinologist or therapist. Sometimes, in the case when the manifestation of the disease is manifested immediately by a pathological fracture, it can be a traumatologist - orthopedist.

The following conditions are used as indications for the densitometry procedure:

  • early onset of menopause;
  • anorexia;
  • secondary amenorrhea (prolonged nature of the course);
  • renal failure (chronic);
  • hypogonadism (primary);
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • low testosterone (relevant in particular for men);
  • hypotrophy;
  • estrogen deficiency;
  • the presence of diseases that may be associated with osteoporosis (spondyloarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • therapy with corticosteroids.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis includes:

  • X-ray examination, in which an X-ray image of the bone is taken and the state of the bone and its density are judged by the saturation of its color in the image. The brighter the frame, the stronger violation.
  • Absorptiometry - diagnosis of the disease using two beams, and not one, as with a densitometer. The more the bone absorbs radiation, the more serious and extensive the destruction.
  • ultrasound. In this case, the absorption rate of ultrasound is taken into account, the higher it is, the more obvious the violations of the structure of the bone tissue.
  • Single photon densinometry. This method is based on determining the density of bone tissue and takes no more than 15 minutes.
    CT scan.
  • Blood chemistry. With it, you can determine the exact content of calcium, alkaline photophase, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and phosphorus in the blood.

Treatment of osteoporosis

After a man contacts a specialist, the doctor must establish an accurate diagnosis, exclude or identify concomitant diseases, and then prescribe the necessary treatment to the patient. Rheumatologists treat osteoporosis.

To detect osteoporosis, examinations are used using the following methods:

  • Trepanobiopsy - this procedure is the collection of bone marrow by puncturing the bone with a specially designed needle.
  • Scintigraphy - allows you to get a two-dimensional image and is performed after the introduction of radioactive isotopes into the body.
  • MRI.
  • A general and biochemical blood test (allows you to find out if osteoporosis is caused by bone tuberculosis. If tuberculosis is the cause of bone thinning, the white blood cell count will be significantly overestimated).
  • The level of testosterone in the blood.

drugs that slow down bone resorption ("dissolution" of the bone):

  • bisphosphonates;
  • calcitonin;
  • estrogens (female sex hormones);

drugs that enhance bone formation:

  • teriparatide;
  • drugs that have a multifaceted effect on bone tissue:
  • active metabolites of vitamin D;
  • strontium salts.

To decide on the appointment of any of these drugs, you should consult a doctor. In each case, therapy is selected individually.

Remember that treating osteoporosis is much more expensive and less effective than preventing it. Much depends on you.

It is necessary to take care of your bones, from early childhood to old age.

During the period of treatment, and if possible in the future, the patient should completely stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. The lifestyle should be mobile, but strong abrupt loads should be avoided in order to prevent fractures of vulnerable bones.

To name some specific drugs: alendronate, teriparatide, calcitonin, vitamin D.

Osteoporosis is treated with medication, people with endocrine disorders are prescribed drugs that will help restore hormonal levels. Elderly people are prescribed nutritional supplements rich in calcium and vitamin D. Women during menopause are prescribed hormone replacement therapy, as well as bisphosphonates.

Doctors will prescribe a special diet, physiotherapy exercises, and massages to absolutely all patients. Of course, any power loads should be minimal - only a specialist will be able to choose an adequate training program, taking into account the degree of bone fragility.

The main goal in the treatment of osteoporosis is to reduce bone loss while simultaneously activating the process of its restoration. Complex treatment of osteoporosis includes hormonal therapy (estrogens, androgens, gestagens), vitamin D, bisphosphonates, calcitonin.

Drugs used in the treatment of osteoporosis:

  • Preparations that stimulate bone formation: bioflavonoids, vitamin D3; salts of strontium, calcium and fluorine
  • Bone resorption suppressants: bisphosphonates (zoledronic acid, risedronate, ibandronate, alendronate, pamidronate), calcitonin, natural estrogens
  • Hormonal preparations for osteoporosis are selected depending on gender, age and risk factors. When choosing drugs for women, the menopausal phase, the presence of the uterus and the woman's desire to have menstrual-like reactions in the postmenstrual period are taken into account.

Unfortunately, today it is impossible to completely cure osteoporosis, however, with the help of drugs that affect the absorption and subsequent absorption of calcium, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skeletal system.


A healthy lifestyle is a big and sure step in the treatment of osteoporosis. The concept of a healthy lifestyle in this case means physiotherapy, massage and sunbathing.

Regular gymnastics (at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes) will allow you to achieve bone growth by 3-5% in just a couple of months.

It is desirable that the set of exercises be selected by a specialist - only he will be able to calculate the load required on the body, taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the patient.

Before using any folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. Licorice naked. Grind the root of the plant, pour a tablespoon of raw materials into 0.45 l hot water, stand in a water sauna for half an hour, insist for 90 minutes, filter. Take ½ cup four times a day before meals.
  2. It is necessary to mix 100 g of propolis and 50 g buckwheat honey . Then add 100 g of crushed and pre-dried eggshells in the oven. The resulting mixture is recommended to take two teaspoons once a day.
  3. Eggshell for osteoporosis of the bones. The eggshell is crushed into powder (blender), and then mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 1:1. The remedy is taken orally ¼ or ½ teaspoon for two weeks, after which a break is taken for a week.
  4. Fresh juice of young nettle helps with fractures in the femoral neck. It is recommended to rub it into the affected area twice a day.
  5. Infusions from various herbs are very effective.. For their preparation, you can use St. John's wort, dandelion roots and others. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of grass with 220 ml of boiling water. The cooled liquid is drunk throughout the day.
  6. Shilajit is taken orally. To do this, you need to make a small ball of 2-4 grams and dissolve it in 100 g of warm water. The drug is taken for 3-4 weeks, after which they take a break. It has been proven that mummy is the best folk remedy for the treatment of osteoporosis in women and men.

Scroll useful herbs and medicinal plants is wide, but you must understand that not all of them can be used to treat bone disease. For example, natural foods containing oxalic acid will only aggravate the course of the disease.

The action of medicines

Medicines have an effect on bone tissue, cartilage miscellaneous action. Bone resorption inhibitors (bisphosphonates, calciotonins, hormone replacement therapy) reduce the activity of osteoblasts - cells that destroy bone tissue.

Preparations based on fluorine, strontium, parathyroid hormone, anabolic steroids stimulate mineralization and bone formation. Calcium - the main component of the bone, increases its strength, is involved in the synthesis of bone tissue. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium, promotes the synthesis of bones and cartilage.

How to treat osteoporosis with folk remedies?

There is a large group of medications that can cause osteoporosis. Some of them cannot be canceled for health reasons, since the patient needs constant treatment. Osteoporosis in men can be caused by:

  • diuretic drugs - lasix, furosemide and others, they remove calcium salts with urine;
  • drugs based on thyroid hormones;
  • drugs that reduce blood levels of male sex hormones are prescribed for cancer prostate;
  • radiation and chemotherapy - reduce the production of estrogen, lower bone density;
  • anticonvulsants for long-term use;
  • glucocorticosteroids - hydrocortisone, dexamezaton, prednisone;
  • preparations containing aluminum at high doses reduce the absorption of calcium;
  • prolonged use of heparin.

Dosage reduction or drug withdrawal without the recommendation of the attending physician can harm treatment and cause an exacerbation of an existing disease.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Calcium and healthy bones

Sufficient calcium intake is an important part of the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, as it helps maintain bone density. Decreased calcium intake increases the risk of fractures.

Adequate calcium intake is essential throughout life. The table below shows the recommended calcium intake for people of different sex and age.

It is advisable to consume enough calcium with food to cover the daily requirement. This will help prevent calcium loss from the bones. Milk and dairy products are the richest in calcium (see table below). The following formula can be used to calculate the daily intake of calcium from food.

Daily intake of calcium, mg. = dairy calcium, mg. 350 mg. Calcium content in various foods

Food product

Milk (any)

Ice cream

plain yogurt

fruit yogurt

Hard cheese (Cheddar, Edam, etc.)

Swiss cheese

Soft cheese (brie type)

White chocolate

Milk chocolate

White bread

Black bread

Sardines in oil (with bones)

Canned salmon (with bones)

Spinach (fried)

baked beans

Concentrated orange juice (no sugar)


70 (in 1 medium orange)

Rice (cooked)

55 (in 1 medium egg)

Let's highlight the three most effective ways to help fight age-related changes that are destructive to bone tissue:

  1. Taking vitamins and drugs.
  2. Complete nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as unsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Physical exercise.

Preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis

Prevention of osteoporosis should start at an early age. Again, let us turn to the sad statistics, which says that 25% of school-age children have a decrease in bone tissue. Therefore, as often as possible, give your child products containing calcium, such as milk and cottage cheese.

Prevention of osteoporosis involves:

  • Go to healthy eating with the use of a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products, fish;
  • Taking medications containing calcium, vitamin D3 and other multivitamin complexes;
  • Caution, avoiding fractures, bruises, cracks;
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle: dancing, rollerblading, skating, morning or evening jogging, swimming, staying on fresh air long time;
  • All drugs should be taken with great care and under medical supervision.

In all young people, bone mass reaches its maximum by the age of twenty. Their density and quality characteristics will depend on nutrition, heredity, lifestyle, the work of the endocrine glands. Malnutrition and low calcium intake in children and adolescence, low testosterone levels in adults are main reason development in men of a decrease in bone density.

Rheumatoid arthritis contributes to the development of osteoporosis due to the nature of the therapy used.

The main content of bone tissue is calcium and phosphorus. They give the bones hardness and density. Violation of metabolic processes and diseases of the endocrine system lead to insufficient absorption of minerals from the intestines. This cause leads to the development of osteoporosis. The lack of calcium and phosphorus can be associated with any pathologies that develop in the body.

Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density, which leads to a decrease in their strength, which increases the likelihood of fractures. The disease proceeds almost imperceptibly, so you need to know all the factors that lead to its development. Prevention and timely treatment of osteoporosis will help strengthen bones and stop the course of the disease. The development of osteoporosis in men occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. There are many reasons that contribute to a decrease in bone mineralization.

When can men develop osteoporosis?

Most often, the disease affects people with unfavorable heredity. Osteoporosis can be primary and secondary. Primary osteoporosis most often develops in the elderly and senile age due to the general extinction of all biochemical processes in the human body.

In men, secondary osteoporosis is most often observed, the development of which is associated with the course of some disease and the use of drugs that flush calcium from the body or block its absorption from the intestines. This can be facilitated by:

  • chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • rickets;
  • malabsorption;
  • development of malignant neoplasms;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • taking corticosteroids;
  • abuse of barbiturates;
  • the use of anticonvulsants;
  • continuous use of thyroid hormone preparations;
  • coffee abuse;
  • excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Genetic factors play an important role in the development of the disease. They determine bone density, the synthesis of vitamin D and some types of collagen in the body. All these processes are important for the proper formation of the bone structure. Genetic disorders lead to a deficiency of estrogen receptors and leptins.

Osteoporosis and hypogonadism are linked by a cause-and-effect relationship. An excess of estrogens and a deficiency of testosterone leads to a negative impact on the process of natural bone tissue renewal. Restriction of testosterone production due to any reason leads to accelerated destruction of the bone structure with delayed restoration.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis are also inseparable. Decalcification begins to develop following treatment with glucocorticoids. In this disease, all men have low bone mineral density and permanent bone loss. Its rarefaction affects both spongy and compact bone, and this does not depend on the age of the patient. The longer a person has rheumatoid arthritis, the more severe the symptoms of osteoporosis become.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

Symptoms of osteoporosis include changes in gait, reduced height, and curvature of the thoracic spine. With hormonal causes, the development of osteoporosis may indicate sexual dysfunction and a change in the size of the testicles.

Symptoms that should alert a man are the appearance of heaviness in the interscapular region and general muscle weakness. After that, pain appears in the lumbar, sacral spine and ankle. At first, the pain is not strong and is periodic. Then it intensifies. This is due to the deformation of several adjacent vertebrae, which compress the nerve fibers. Then the pain becomes strong and constant.

Osteoporosis in men is constantly progressing, and the bone tissue becomes more and more porous. There is severe back pain, which is of a long-term nature. This sign indicates the deformation of several adjacent vertebrae, which compress the nerve fibers.

Pain and bone deformity are symptoms that appear at that stage of the disease, when the bones of the skeleton begin to break from the slightest load, which had previously been commonplace. Men ignore the manifestation of these symptoms until a fracture occurs, which leads to disability. Rheumatoid arthritis has similar pain symptoms, and patients attribute them to the underlying disease.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis in men

Rheumatologists conduct early diagnostics in their patients, identifying systemic disorders of bone mineral density. Diagnostic studies are carried out to study the state of the spongy and compact bone substance. When diagnosing osteoporosis, the doctor excludes osteoarticular tuberculosis and the development oncological diseases that make bones brittle.

For this, a study of bone tissue is carried out, which is taken for analysis using the trepanobiopsy method. The general and biochemical analysis of blood with osteoporosis remains normal, and with tuberculosis in the general analysis of blood there is an increased number of leukocytes. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases. In a biochemical blood test, an increase in C-reactive protein is observed.

Examination of the patient with the help of scintigraphy, computed or magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examination allows to determine the development of osteoporosis with a sufficiently high accuracy and distinguish it from other diseases.

Often in men, the development of osteoporosis is diagnosed after a fracture of the spine or hip. Osteoporosis should be diagnosed if a man has:

  • age over 70;
  • fractures not associated with trauma;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • manifestation of signs of osteopenia during x-ray examination;
  • hypogonadism;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • the presence of other factors that can lead to impaired bone metabolism.

Treatment of osteoporosis

Treat this disease with medications that improve bone mineral density. These include calcium and phosphorus preparations, vitamins A, B, C, E, D. A diet rich in organic calcium and phosphorus helps maintain bone health at the right level.

The choice of therapy for osteoporosis depends on what symptoms are observed, and treatment depends on the reasons for which it began to develop. If there is a history of diseases of the endocrine system or rheumatoid arthritis, glucocorticoid therapy is prescribed. To it is added therapy aimed at the treatment of osteoporosis. The use of calcium and vitamin D supplements in combination with bisphosphonates prevents the development of symptoms of osteoporosis in the presence of these diseases.

If a person takes anticonvulsants, then in addition to calcium and vitamin D, he is prescribed bisphosphonates.

Low testosterone levels are treated with hormonal preparations that contain this androgen.

The use of hormone replacement therapy in men improves bone mass and strengthens it. Stopping smoking and alcohol, especially beer, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, because these substances strongly affect the endocrine system and disrupt its work.

Prevention of osteoporosis is very important for men, since the consequences of the resulting fractures of the femur in men are much more severe than in women. Hospital mortality after hip fractures in men is 2 times higher. Fatal cases during the first year after a fracture of large bones and the spine occur in half of the men, while women die from it in two cases out of ten. Mortality from osteoporosis is due to the appearance of concomitant diseases: bedsores, gangrene, sepsis. More than half of men who have suffered hip fractures become disabled. They cannot move independently and are in severe pain.

In order for bones to be dense, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives enough easily absorbed calcium with vitamin D. It is especially important to do this in childhood up to 20 years, after 30 years and up to old age, taking drugs in the autumn-winter period, and at the direction of a doctor at other times of the year. This can achieve the regulation of the mineral content in the bones and their normal density. Timely visits to the doctor and preventive examinations will help to recognize the disease in time and prevent its development.

Osteoporosis is a specific process in which the destruction (catabolism) prevails over the restoration of bone tissue. The disease occurs more often in women in the premenopausal and menopausal period. With some somatic diseases, it occurs in men and even in children.

Interesting fact! At least 40% of people who have experienced a fracture of the limbs have progressive osteoporosis, which is caused by a violation of calcium metabolism in the body.

The process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a medical specialist. Therapy is carried out with drugs that contain calcium and vitamin D3.

Attempts to treat folk remedies aggravate the condition of the bone and lead to the formation of spontaneous fractures of the limbs. One of the most serious consequences of untreated is a fracture of the femoral neck.

Causes and risk factors

Osteoporosis refers to polyetiological diseases that occur under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors.

Endocrinological causes are as follows:

  • Male or female infertility;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Late onset of menarche;
  • early menopause;
  • Dysmenorrhea.

Genetic factors:

  • Asthenic body type;
  • High growth;
  • Low body weight. For women is less than 55 kg;
  • Critical age. For women, this is the age range from 45 to 55 years, when hormonal changes occur, provoked by menopause. For men, it is dangerous in old age, when involutive changes occur that affect calcium metabolism;
  • The presence of spontaneous fractures or signs in close relatives.

There are also exogenous factors that contribute to the start of the processes of destruction of bone tissue. These include:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • tobacco smoking;
  • Insufficient intake of calcium With vitamin D;
  • Long-term parenteral nutrition;
  • Sedentary work.

Concomitant diseases can provoke the development:

  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland, primary hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease;
  • Systemic diseases (Bekhterev's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis);
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Pathologies of the hematopoietic organs (lymphomas, leukemia, multiple fibroids).

Also, the cause of the disease can be long-term use of anticoagulants, tetracyclines, lithium preparations, thyroid hormones, anticonvulsants and glucocorticosteroids.

Development mechanism

Pathogenetic processes do not have a single mechanism. They can be sluggish and lightning-fast. There are several stages of bone tissue destruction:

  1. A dissociation between the process of destruction and renewal of the bone is formed;
  2. There is a decrease in the density of the cortical layer, resulting in a decrease in bone mass;
  3. Damaged bones become less strong and vulnerable to various injuries. At the final stage, frequent spontaneous fractures can be observed, as well as deforming changes in the limbs or spine.

The decisive factor in the development of osteoporosis is the deficiency of elements such as phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D.

The disease is characterized by a long asymptomatic course. The patient for several years does not know about the systematic destruction of bone tissue. The spine is most commonly affected. Pain syndrome indicates the onset of the disease.

Early signs include:

  • Daily episodes of tachycardia, sometimes fatigue;
  • Meteosensitivity, aching pain with aching weather in the spine, limbs;
  • Premature appearance of gray hair;
  • Fragility of nails, hair and peeling of the skin;
  • Pathological changes in the oral cavity (periodontal disease);
  • Episodes of convulsive contraction of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, often observed in women of young and middle age.

Osteoporosis affects the entire musculoskeletal system. indicator pathological changes is the spine. If destruction processes predominate in the vertebral bodies, then a wedge-shaped deformity and spontaneous fractures appear. The lumbar region is very vulnerable spot, since it has a large axial load. Patients do not suspect that their body is actively rebuilding bone tissue and calcium is excreted.

Osteoporosis of the hip joint symptoms and treatment

Destructive disorders in the hip joint are accompanied by discomfort and pain. A gradual increase in pain with an increase after physical exertion is characteristic. In the absence of proper treatment, pain begins to disturb at rest, in the evening and at night. The next stage is atrophy of the skeletal muscles, a sharp decrease in motor activity.

In addition to these symptoms, additional signs are observed:

  • Deforming changes in the joint;
  • Unilateral or bilateral shortening of the lower extremities;
  • development of lameness.

The disease affects the quality of life. Characterized by emotional lability, increased irritability, apathy, sleep disturbance.

With osteoporosis of the hip joint, degenerative changes in bone tissue occur, the formation of bone growths is observed. The main symptoms of degenerative arthritis include:

  • Crunch in the joint area when moving;
  • Difficulty moving;
  • Pain at rest and during exercise;
  • An increase in its size;
  • Atrophy of the skeletal muscles surrounding this area;
  • Reducing the height of the patient.

Damage to other joints

Along with the hip joint, other joints are also involved in the pathological process: the knee, the area of ​​the ankle joint. In violation of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, osteoporosis affects the tibia and fibula, as well as the feet.

If the disease affects the area of ​​​​the hands, then the person feels the symptoms:

  • Pain in the metatarsophalangeal joints at rest and during exercise;
  • An increase in the heads of the metatarsal bones;
  • Deformation of the small joints of the hand;
  • Atrophy of small muscles and stiffness of movements.

Interesting fact! The disease affects not only the structures of the musculoskeletal system, but also the teeth of a person. They also have a bone component, which, in the absence of proper mineralization, becomes thinner and destroyed.


If there is more than one factor for development, then a comprehensive examination is necessary.

Type of diagnostics


Ultrasound computed densitometryThe essence of the technique is to determine the speed interval necessary for the passage of ultrasonic waves through biological tissues with different densities. The lower the speed of ultrasound passing through the bone tissue, the lower its mineralization.
Biochemical blood testThe method consists in the quantitative determination of the level of thyroid hormones, as well as trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).
X-ray densitometryAn outdated but less secure diagnostic method. Bone density is determined using x-rays.

Full list of laboratory tests:

  • Study of quantitative indicators of ionizing calcium;
  • Study of the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D;
  • Determination of the concentration of triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine and thyroid-stimulating hormone thyroid gland;
  • Examination of blood samples for the level of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone);
  • Analysis for the content of parathyroid hormone.

Based on the obtained data of laboratory and instrumental examination, the patient is given a final diagnosis and appropriate treatment is prescribed.


The general plan of therapeutic measures includes the following steps:

  1. Basic therapy, its task is to normalize metabolic processes in bone tissue and replenish the deficiency of such basic trace elements as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D;
  2. Hormone Replacement Therapy. If the cause of the development of the disease is a deficiency of thyroid and parathyroid hormones, then the patient is prescribed replacement therapy, which includes taking natural and synthetic analogues of the hormone;
  3. Symptomatic therapy. Patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, topical agents with anti-inflammatory and warming effects, as well as multivitamin complexes.

Basic therapy

Basic therapy stimulates the regenerative abilities of bone tissue and prevents further destruction. The list of medicines includes the following groups of medicines:

  1. Means that inhibit bone resorption. They stop the destruction of bone during menopause, increase bone mass, reduce the excretion of calcium by the kidneys. Bright representative Raloxifene, effectively reduces the risk of spontaneous fractures;
  2. Bisphosphonates. This group has a large evidence base. Their action is based on a pronounced suppression of the process of destruction of bone tissue and increased deposition of minerals in the bones. Zoledronic acid, Fosavans, Risedronate Alendronate and Ibandronate are used for treatment;
  3. Genetically engineered drug Denosumab, which blocks the activity of osteoclast cells responsible for the physiological and pathological destruction of bone tissue. The domestic pharmaceutical industry sells it in an injection form for subcutaneous administration. The dosage is 60 mg. Denosumab has been shown to be safe in clinical trials and is used even in patients with renal insufficiency.
  4. Drugs that activate bone tissue regeneration. These include derivatives of parathyroid hormone (Teriparatide), as well as agents containing fluorine (Coreberon, Ossin). They proved their high efficiency. The only disadvantage of teriparatide is high price(about 27,000 rubles).

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormonal imbalance and osteoporosis are closely related. This is especially true for women in the premenopausal or menopausal period. They are increasingly being prescribed estrogen receptor modulators (Evista, Keoxifen, Raloxifene).

Also, a combination of calcium preparations with estrogen derivatives (Femoston and Kliogest) has proven itself well. The use of other drugs containing estrogens is highly undesirable, since these hormones have a proliferative effect, promoting the growth of benign or malignant neoplasms.

To avoid the negative consequences of taking estrogen-like drugs, hormone replacement therapy is recommended for women under the control of hormone levels in the body. A slow decrease in the dosage used is required when the hormone-containing drug is discontinued.

Therapy with calcium preparations and symptomatic treatment

Complete treatment involves the inclusion of drugs containing calcium. Calcium lactate, Calcium chloride and Calcium glycerophosphate. Multivitamin complexes are very popular, such as Complivit, Elevit, Calcinova and Nutrimax. To improve calcium absorption, combined medicines are used, which include vitamin D (Natekal, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Orthocalcium).

The treatment regimen also includes the following methods:

  • Surgical treatment of spontaneous fractures;
  • Compliance dietary advice including increased intake of foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D;
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and analgesics;
  • Therapeutic massage, hardware physiotherapy and physiotherapy sessions.

All of these methods are aimed at improving peripheral circulation, relieving pain and normalizing metabolic processes in the musculoskeletal system.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.

To eradicate the pathology, you will need a lot of effort. The treatment of this disease is as follows: therapeutic physical culture, reasonable activity, massage procedures and drug treatment.

heredity (genetic predisposition to osteoporosis);

Prolonged immobilization (bed rest for more than 2 months) - after operations, fractures;

Before the age of 30, your bones are dense and strong, but then a gradual decrease in bone density begins to occur. It happens to everyone, but some people develop osteoporosis much faster than usual.

This effectively means that they are at greater risk of fracture.

At-risk groups

Your bones are constantly being renewed. When you are young, the process of bone tissue renewal is fast, bone mass grows, and fractures heal quickly. Most people reach their peak bone mass between 20 and 25 years of age. As you age, you gradually lose bone mass.

Your chance of developing osteoporosis depends in part on how much bone you had when you were young. The higher this indicator was, the greater the “margin of safety” your bones have, the less risk of osteoporosis you have in the future.

Risk factors

Many factors increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, including race, age, lifestyle, and other characteristics. Some risk factors a person cannot control, but he can influence others.

Risk factors for osteoporosis include: 1. Congenital risk factors:

Floor. Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis.

Age. The older the person, the higher the risk of osteoporosis.

Race. Whites and Asians are the most susceptible to the disease.

Family history. The risk of osteoporosis is greatly increased if your parents, brothers or sisters suffer from this disease.

The structure of the bones. People with thin bones are more prone to osteoporosis than people with a massive skeleton.
2. Hormonal risk factors:

The level of sex hormones. A sharp drop in estrogen levels in menopausal women contributes to osteoporosis. The same applies to men suffering from testosterone deficiency.

Problems with the thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormones can lead to bone loss. This occurs with hyperthyroidism or taking too high doses of L-thyroxine.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

previous fractures.

The use of certain drugs, such as glucocorticoids;

Symptomatic painkillers.

With damage to the lumbar spine, back pain and age-related decrease in height (up to 15 cm) come to the fore. Lead a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Disease Risk Factors

  • At the same time, calcium should be 2 times more than other trace elements.
  • age (most at risk are men over 60);
  • calcium;
  • ​Lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, reducing excessive alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet with increased calcium and vitamin D. And as much sun exposure as possible.​
  • Medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis are grouped into separate groups depending on their active ingredient.
  • ​Long periods of physical inactivity, such as prolonged bed rest.​
  • alcohol abuse;

Diet Osteoporosis requires adequate daily intake of calcium and vitamin D3 through food. To do this, you need to have a large amount of dairy and sour-milk products, fish, egg yolks, nuts and broccoli in the diet.

Symptoms of the disease

Bone fractures, back pain, slouching, and reduced height are symptoms of osteoporosis.

In the early stages of the disease, you may not feel pain or any other symptoms.

The very first thing you can do on your own before visiting a doctor is to measure your height and remember what he was like at the age of 20-30. If there is a decrease in growth by at least 2-3 cm, this is already a “beacon”, and you need to be examined further.

Of course, this does not mean that there is definitely osteoporosis. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, after examining, questioning and prescribing a small list of examinations.

Osteoporosis is preceded by osteopenia - a moderate decrease in bone density, in which the risk of fractures is moderate. But he is! And higher than in people who do not have problems with the skeletal system. In any case, osteoporosis is better to prevent than to treat. What are the symptoms of osteoporosis and osteopenia? What tests and studies can be prescribed by a doctor?

Complaints and symptoms of osteoporosis:

The disease is considered systemic, caused by an imbalance in the processes of reproduction and destruction of calcium - decay prevails over recovery. It is characterized by changes occurring inside the bones:

  • the formation of tissue porosity;
  • violation of blood supply;
  • decrease in bone mass;
  • decrease in its density;
  • increase in fragility;
  • decrease in strength.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis

As a rule, osteoporosis in men is diagnosed only after fractures. As the main diagnostic method, the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method is used, which allows you to find out how many minerals are in each of the bones.

There are also clinical laboratory blood tests and x-rays, but these two methods are less accurate. The indications for examination are quite simple:

  • Age over 60;
  • The presence of non-traumatic fractures;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Taking steroid drugs;
  • Presence of signs of osteoporosis.

Treatment of osteoporosis in men will in any case depend on the underlying cause. The deterioration of bone quality is only a consequence that can be dealt with by taking calcium supplements with a complex with vitamin D.

As a preventive measure for osteoporosis in men, it can be recommended to lead an active lifestyle, eat milk and fish products, and regularly be in the sun.

17/10/2010 20:10

Treatment of osteoporosis

Treatment for osteoporosis includes taking bone-strengthening drugs and taking safety precautions to avoid various kinds of bone fractures.

If you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis or are at increased risk for bone fractures, your doctor will usually prescribe treatment to strengthen your bones, which helps prevent fractures.

  • Consume enough calcium, vitamin D and to sufficiently physically load your body to maintain your skeletal system;
  • Stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake, and change lifestyle habits that can negatively affect your bones.
  • Change the drugs you are taking that cause osteoporosis.

Types of drug treatment

There are a number of medications available to treat osteoporosis. Your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment based on your situation. To obtain the maximum effect from the use of any of the drugs, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the course of treatment and dosages.

1. Bisphosphonates.

Bisphosphonates are the most commonly prescribed drugs for both men and women.

Examples of these drugs:

Alendronate (Fosamax, Alendra).
Rizendronath (Rizendros 35).
Ibandronate (Boniva).
Zoledronic acid (Zometa, Reclast).

Side effects of bisphosphonates include abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, inflammation, and ulcers in the esophagus. Injectable forms of these drugs do not cause gastrointestinal disturbances. It may be easier to inject once every three months or a year than to take a pill every week.

2. Hormone therapy.

Replacement therapy estrogen, especially if treatment was started immediately after menopause, may support bone strength in women. But estrogen treatment increases the risk of endometrial cancer, breast cancer, blood clots and cardiovascular diseases.

New drug raloxifene (Evista) has a positive effect on bone metabolism, but does not carry the risks associated with taking estrogens. Taking Evista may even reduce the risk of breast cancer. side effects are hot flashes and a tendency to form blood clots.

In men, osteoporosis is caused by a gradual decrease in testosterone levels in the so-called male menopause. The appointment of the required doses of testosterone prevents osteoporosis.

3. Other drugs.

If the drugs of the first two groups are ineffective or poorly tolerated, then doctors have other means in their arsenal:

Teriparatide (Forteo). This powerful drug uses parathyroid hormone to restore bone density. Available as subcutaneous injection. The long-term effect on the body is not well understood, so treatment courses should not exceed 2 years.

Denosumab (Prolia). The effects of this drug are comparable to bisphosphonates, and even better. The drug is administered as a subcutaneous injection every 6 months. Available in some western market.

Calcitonin (Myacalcin). This substance is produced by the thyroid gland. Calcitonin slows down bone resorption. Convenient to use. May be given as a nasal spray.

The goal of osteoporosis treatment is to stop bone destruction and restore it. Treatment includes the preventive measures described earlier and drug therapy.

To understand why certain drugs are needed, you need to understand how they work. Recall that in osteoporosis, the processes of bone destruction prevail over its restoration.

One group of drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis are antiresorptive agents. When treated with this group of drugs, bone destruction stops. Bone restoration is also underway, but not due to the drug, but physiological (“work” of our body).

Anabolic means - build a new bone, restoring it. When taking such drugs, the processes of bone destruction do not slow down, but the processes of restoration of bone tissue predominate.

The use of both groups of drugs ultimately leads to a decrease in bone destruction and restoration of its structure and strength.

  • Whatever drug the doctor prescribes, drug treatment of osteoporosis is long-term, at least 5-6 years.

This is extremely important, since with irregular use of drugs or short courses of therapy, the effect of treatment is reduced to zero.

The effect of osteoporosis treatment is encouraging! According to numerous studies of large groups of patients, after three years of treatment with drugs of the antiresorptive group, the incidence of vertebral fractures decreased by 47%, and the femoral neck - by 51%. When treated with drugs of the anabolic group, according to the control data after 18 months, the risk of vertebral fractures decreased by 65%, and other bones - by 53%. Not a bad result, is it? When symptoms appear, patients often do not know which doctor treats osteoporosis. Initially, you need to go to an appointment with a traumatologist or orthopedist, they can prescribe additional consultations with a rheumatologist, endocrinologist. The main tasks that need to be solved are the correction of calcium metabolism, the strengthening of bone tissue. Anesthetizing the joints is equally important. How to treat osteoporosis? An integrated approach is required:

  • taking medicines - pills and injections;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • mud treatment.

Osteoporosis drugs

When a patient is diagnosed with osteoporosis, his symptoms and treatment will be determined and adjusted taking into account the degree of damage, the condition of the bones. Medicines contribute to the solution of several problems.

You can treat osteoporosis at home, and stop the severe development of the disease in a hospital. Medications address the underlying causes and symptoms.

In the complex treatment of the disease, recipes with natural ingredients are used. Folk remedies for osteoporosis help to activate calcium metabolism.

The use of mummy solution is popular. A substance the size of a match head is stirred into 80 ml of water.

The composition is taken in the morning, in the evening - about 20 minutes before meals. Onion decoction is effective for symptoms of the disease according to this recipe:

  • take 2 heads, do not clean;
  • cut;
  • fry in vegetable oil;
  • add a liter of boiling water;
  • boil for 15 minutes;
  • filter out;
  • drink 300 ml once a day.

Prevention of osteoporosis

There are three pillars to preventing osteoporosis:

Adequate calcium intake.
Taking adequate doses of vitamin D.
Regular exercise.

1. Calcium.

Men and women between the ages of 18 and 50 should consume about 1,000 milligrams (1 g) of calcium daily. This daily rate increases to 1200 milligrams when a woman reaches the age of 50.

The good news is that prevention of osteoporosis does not require special financial costs and is available to everyone. You just need to keep in mind that preventive measures must be implemented comprehensively, and only then can a good result be achieved.

Let us pay attention to the fact that prevention should be carried out not only in cases where there is osteopenia, or the skeletal system is still in good condition.

But more on that later.

It has been proven that daily physical exercise and the intake of calcium and vitamin D slow down, and excessive alcohol consumption (at the rate of more than 30 ml of pure alcohol per day), smoking and low body weight accelerate the process of bone destruction.

So, for the prevention of osteoporosis it is necessary:

  • Increase intake of foods rich in calcium (if necessary, calcium tablets).
  • Vitamin D intake (sun exposure, vitamin D-rich foods, vitamin D in solution).
  • Adequate physical activity (walking, Nordic walking, gymnastics).
  • Smoking cessation, moderate alcohol consumption (up to 2 glasses per day).
  • Limit coffee (up to 2 cups a day).
  • Maintain normal body weight.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits (more than 500 g per day).
  • Avoid falls.

Calcium Intake Rates

For women before menopause and men younger than 65 years - 1000 mg / day.

For women after menopause and men over 65 - 1500 mg / day.

How to estimate how much calcium per day we consume with food? The calculation can be carried out as follows. During the day, write down all the dairy and sour-milk products consumed, indicating their quantity, and, based on the table below, calculate the daily intake of calcium for each day of the week.

For example, you drank a glass of milk, a glass of kefir, ate 200 g of cottage cheese and 2 pieces of Russian cheese (about 40 grams). In total we get: 121*2.5+120*2.5+120*2+35= 877 mg. To this amount must be added the number 350 - calcium obtained from other foods. As a result, we have 1227 mg. For young women and men, this amount of calcium per day is sufficient, and women in menopause and men over 65 need to increase the amount of calcium products in the diet, or, if this is not possible (due to taste preferences, other dietary recommendations, etc.), additionally take calcium tablets. In most cases, it is enough to take one or two tablets a day. However, there are contraindications for calcium tablet therapy (eg, increased blood calcium, hyperparathyroidism). Therefore, the intake of calcium supplements must be agreed with an endocrinologist (rheumatologist).

Vitamin D Intakes

When you are outside.

  • Try to avoid icy sections of the road, walk along the paths sprinkled with sand.
  • Wear sturdy shoes with low heels and non-slip soles.
  • If the road is wet, it is better to walk on the grass.
  • If you find it difficult to walk on your own, use a cane.
  • Canes, walkers should be stable, with wide legs.

When you are at home.

  • All carpets or rugs must have a non-slip base or be fixed to the floor.
  • At home, it is better to walk in non-slip slippers.
  • Maintain order, extra things on the floor, bent corners of the carpet / linoleum can provoke a fall.
  • Loose wires, cords can be caught on, they must be removed.
  • Place a rubber mat in the kitchen next to the stove and sink.
  • Lighting in the room should be good.
  • A rubberized shower mat is also needed.
  • Suction cup rubber pads in the bathroom will help prevent falls.
  • Shower floors must be dry.

All drugs that cause drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, can cause a fall. Talk to your doctor about replacing them with safer alternatives.

If you have vision problems, use glasses/lenses.

Osteoporosis can benefit from regular exercise. And it is needed in order to redistribute the load on the bones and to stimulate the processes of bone formation.

At active person all bones, muscles and joints are included in the process of movement. The blood supply is distributed throughout the body, the bones receive the necessary "nutrition".

A person becomes more “flexible”, physically hardy. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Mobility increases, coordination of movements improves. Both an aerobic load (in which energy is replenished by inhaled oxygen) and a power load (for the “growth” of muscle tissue that “supports” the skeletal system) is necessary.

Aerobic exercise is walking, "Finnish walking" with ski poles, swimming. It is recommended to walk at a comfortable average pace. The duration of the load is 20-40 minutes 2 times a day. Aerobic activity primarily increases bone strength.

Strength training for the prevention of osteoporosis is gymnastics. Note important points.

  • The most important thing is regularity. Daily practice for 5 minutes will bring you more benefits than half an hour once a week.
  • You can't train with pain. But muscle fatigue is natural. If you feel pain, reduce the physical effort or range of motion.
  • Perform each exercise from 2-3 times at intervals of 15 seconds, gradually increasing the number of approaches if possible.
  • Results become tangible over time, and not immediately.
  • Breathe evenly without holding your breath.
  • When doing exercises while standing, for stability, you can hold on to the back of a chair or lean against a wall.
  • Exercises should be performed in comfortable, non-baggy clothing, in non-slip, stable shoes.

Examples of exercises for osteoporosis:

  • One leg to chest. In the supine position, pull the leg bent at the knee to the chest. The second leg is extended parallel to the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Change leg. Repeat 2 to 10 times.
  • Back stretch. Starting position - sitting on your knees. Tilt your chest towards the floor arms outstretched as low as possible. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 2-10 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. Tighten your body. Slightly raise your arms and upper body. Move the body slowly to the right and left, then relax. Potor 2-10 times.
  • Lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Slowly raise your hips and pelvis. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Lying on your back, straighten your legs, press your lower back to the floor. Raise one leg 10-15 cm from the floor, pull the toe towards you. Hold for 10-15 seconds. 2-5 repetitions with each leg.
  • Lying on your back, while inhaling, lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold the tension for 3-7 seconds. Exhale - return to the starting position. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat 3-8 times.
  • Stand with your right side against the back of a chair. The right hand is on the back of the chair. Left hand stretched forward, the left leg is laid back on the toe. Perform swings with a relaxed leg. Repeat 3-8 times. The same on the other side.
  • Lying on your back, pull your knees to your stomach, press, clasp your hands. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Repeats 2-5 times.
  • Exercise cat. Standing on all fours, raise your head and bend your back down. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Then arch your back with a “hump”, while lowering your head down. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-10 times.

Daily activity. What you need to know

Older women need to prepare for a difficult period of life. To avoid problems with the joints, undergo diagnostics, make laboratory blood tests. Of particular importance is the prevention of osteoporosis in women over 50 years of age. Recommended activities:

  • diet rich in calcium;
  • walks in the sun;
  • physical education - swimming, walking;
  • taking vitamins, medicines;
  • refusal of coffee, smoking, alcohol;
  • exclusion of rigid diets;
  • treatment with hormone replacement therapy.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

previous fractures.

How does osteoporosis manifest itself?

​Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment. In case of an unsatisfactory result, we recommend that you consult with another specialist in this disease.​


​Body mass index (BMI) 19 or less - underweight;​

Women are at increased risk of developing osteoporosis if they:

  • sternal puncture;
  • Osteoporosis destroys bone tissue throughout the body. However, some areas are most susceptible to this disease. Most often, osteoporosis is diagnosed in the femoral neck, thoracic spine, knee, hip and shoulder joints, spine and radius.
  • Osteoporosis in men can also be treated with massage treatments. Together with the main treatment, they will speed up your recovery.​

drugs that prevent bone loss;

Causes and diagnosis of osteoporosis

sedentary lifestyle;

Osteoporosis in men is 4 times less common than in women. However, this fact does not mean that you are immune from this disease. The causes of osteoporosis are different, but basically it is necessary to treat, adhering to only 2 rules: physical gymnastics and calcium intake. Osteoporosis is characterized in medicine as a disease of the bones. They become thinner and brittle, resulting in frequent injuries (in particular, fractures).

Digestive organs (chronic liver disease, condition after removal of the stomach);

  • When diagnosed with osteoporosis, symptoms and treatment vary from case to case. Osteoporosis is an insidious disease in which the bones become brittle and the possibility of bone fracture progresses. Osteoporosis can remain in the body without any symptoms for several decades, because osteoporosis does not manifest itself until the bone is broken. Therefore, patients may not be aware of the existence of the disease until they break one of the bones. The symptoms of osteoporosis are similar in men and women.​
  • , vitamin D and to sufficiently physically load your body to maintain your skeletal system;
  • Long-term use of high doses of oral corticosteroids (often used for arthritis and asthma);
  • Early menopause (before 45 years);
  • Biopsy of the sacroiliac bone for bone marrow analysis.
  • Osteoporosis is called the “hidden enemy” because the disease does not manifest itself for a long time. The terrible processes of destruction go unnoticed, because they are not accompanied by pain and deterioration in well-being.
  • Daily exercise will help you get well soon. You just need to do them correctly, rationally calculating the load. It is best to schedule exercise therapy with your doctor. Everyone knows that gymnastics, like any other type of physical activity, helps to strengthen bone mass. Those men who have been involved in sports since youth will not pick up osteoporosis in old age. Experts advise to combine 30 minutes of walking (or jogging) every day with strength training.​
  • drugs that stimulate bone formation;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma and others);
  • Why women are at greater risk of osteoporosis is understandable - the disease begins to develop due to problems on hormonal background. In addition, they lead a less mobile lifestyle than the opposite sex. Oddly enough, young guys also get sick with this pathology. Most often this occurs in adolescence, as well as after 45 years. Consider the symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis.

kidneys (renal failure);

Fractures of the spine (vertebrae) can cause severe "cluster" pain that runs from the back to the sides. Within a year, repeated spinal fractures can lead to chronic low back pain, as well as loss of height and/or curvature of the spine due to the fracture, which in turn leads to the formation of a hump.​

Quit smoking, reduce your alcohol intake, and change lifestyle habits that can negatively affect your bones

  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) before the age of 45, in particular when the ovaries are also removed;
  • Osteoporosis is a chronic disease treated by endocrinologists, immunologists, rheumatologists and surgeons. The goal of treatment is to slow down the process of bone loss and stabilize bone metabolism. Symptomatic treatment is the removal of pain and the restoration of bones after pathological fractures. Today, osteoporosis is considered an incurable disease, but complex treatment, including drug therapy, diet and exercise therapy, can slow down the process of bone destruction and improve the quality of life of patients.​
  • Indirect symptoms that may indicate osteoporosis are signs of a decrease in calcium in the body, increased fragility of nails and teeth, periodontal disease, cramps in the calf muscles and early graying.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis should be done not only by healthy people, but also by patients in order to prevent the progression of the disease. There are only 4 points of prevention, and each should be followed to maintain your health.​

Means with a multifaceted spectrum of action. overweight.

Symptoms and treatments for osteoporosis in men

Osteoporosis makes itself felt in youth for many reasons. If in old age the presence of the disease is not surprising, then what about the younger generation? First, the disease begins to progress due to excessive consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances. Second, it's genetics. Many chronic diseases are passed down through the genetic line. In this case, problems cannot be avoided. Osteoporosis can be suspected in those guys who have been diagnosed with kidney stones. Also, osteoporosis cannot be avoided by young people who have problems at the hormonal level. As a rule, it is possible to prevent pathology if prophylaxis is followed.

  • blood (tumor processes, hereditary diseases);
  • A fracture that occurs without additional stress is called a minimal trauma or fatigue fracture. For example, some patients with osteoporosis suffer from stress fractures in their legs while walking or walking off a curb.​
  • ​Substitute your medications that promote osteoporosis.​
  • drinking and smoking;

Absent periods for more than six months as a result of excessive physical exertion or as a result of a strict diet.

drug therapy

A characteristic symptom of osteoporosis of the thoracic spine is aching back pain, which is aggravated by coughing and laughing.

  • Completely give up bad habits(alcohol, smoking).​
  • In addition, the treatment includes the appointment of a male sex hormone (testosterone).
  • As you can see, there are many reasons to get osteoporosis. If at least one of them is present in your life, make sure (using diagnostics) that you do not have this pathology.​

Proper treatment and prevention can stop the development of osteoporosis in men. Treatment of the disease should be started at the first sign, so you will save yourself from complications. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the fact that it proceeds almost imperceptibly. Special vigilance is required if any changes in the body are felt. It is recommended to visit a doctor in a timely manner and eat right, in this case, you are not threatened with any osteoporosis.

Rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, systemic scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus); Fractures of the femoral neck usually occur as a result of a fall. With osteoporosis, hip fractures can result from common accidents, such as slipping on ice. Hip fractures take a long time to heal and are painful. There are a number of medications available to treat osteoporosis. Your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment based on your situation. To get the maximum effect from the use of any of the drugs, you must strictly adhere to the course of treatment and dosages.

rheumatoid arthritis;

  • In most cases, the causes of osteoporosis in men are unknown. However, there is scientific evidence that the male hormone testosterone helps keep bones healthy. In old age, men still produce testosterone, but the risk of developing osteoporosis increases when it is produced extremely little.
  • drugs that stimulate bone formation (vitamin D3, strontium, calcium and phosphorus salts and bioflavonoids);
  • In addition to this, the patient may be disturbed by an increased heartbeat.
  • Observe moderate physical activity (no need to overload yourself, but you can’t not move either).
  • The main role in the recovery process is played by the diet that your doctor makes for you.
  • Each of the causes that lead to osteoporosis can be eradicated, except for heredity. You can maintain the level of androgens with the help of the recommendations of a specialist. You can improve your nutrition by including fruits and vegetables in your diet. Replenish vitamin D with a 30-minute sun tan. Talk to your doctor about metabolism. Eliminate drugs from consumption if they are not needed. Replace inactivity with sports. Annually carry out the prevention of chronic diseases in sanatoriums (if any). And you will never gain weight if you eat right, sleep at least 8 hours a night and exercise.​

The definition of osteoporosis in men is quite difficult. The disease does not give alarming signals, unlike the others. Therefore, it is important that you see a specialist for recurring pain in the limbs.​

  • alcoholism;
  • The goal of osteoporosis treatment is to prevent bone fractures by increasing bone density and bone strength. Although early detection and timely treatment of osteoporosis can significantly reduce the risk of future fractures, none of the available treatments for osteoporosis can completely defeat the disease. In other words, it is difficult to fully restore bone weakened by osteoporosis. Therefore, prevention of osteoporosis is just as important as treatment.​
  • Osteoporosis drugs increase bone density, which can greatly reduce the chance of bone fractures.
  • Malabsorption problems such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease
  • In about 50% of men, the exact cause of low testosterone levels is unknown, but it is known that its level may decrease for the following reasons:
  • drugs that suppress bone resorption (estrogens, calcitonin, bisphosphonates);

Osteoporosis of the thoracic region can be suspected if, with age, a noticeable stoop or curvature of the spine ("widow's hump") has appeared. ​

Osteoporosis in men: exercise

Stick to a rational intake of calcium (you can buy calcium in the form of tablets or make it from eggshells).

Prevention of osteoporosis in men

The diet must necessarily contain foods containing calcium and phosphorus.

  1. If you missed the moment with the prevention of osteoporosis, then consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Usually, specialists recognize the presence of osteoporosis in men by the following indications:
  2. In fact, osteoporosis is a lack of minerals. Make sure that your diet is varied: nutritious, healthy and rich (especially if you are a man). To keep your body in top condition, drink more water, but do not forget about vital micronutrients, such as:​
  3. eating disorders

For example, medications can increase bone density in the hip by approximately 1-3% and in the spine by 4-8% during the first 3-4 years of treatment. After taking medication, the likelihood of a spinal fracture is reduced by about 30 - 70%, and hip fractures by 30 - 50% (a positive effect can be observed as early as 6 - 12 months after the start of treatment).​

Taking certain medications used to treat breast and prostate cancer that affect hormone levels

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis of the thoracic spine?

The use of certain drugs, such as glucocorticoids;

Symptomatic painkillers.

With damage to the lumbar spine, back pain and age-related decrease in height (up to 15 cm) come to the fore.
Lead a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Disease Risk Factors

  • At the same time, calcium should be 2 times more than other trace elements.
  • age (most at risk are men over 60);
  • calcium;
  • ​Lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, reducing excessive alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet with increased calcium and vitamin D. And as much sun exposure as possible.​
  • Medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis are grouped into separate groups depending on their active ingredient.
  • ​Long periods of physical inactivity, such as prolonged bed rest.​
  • alcohol abuse;

Diet Osteoporosis requires adequate daily intake of calcium and vitamin D3 through food. To do this, you need to have a large amount of dairy and sour-milk products, fish, egg yolks, nuts and broccoli in the diet.

Symptoms of the disease

A clear sign of the disease are frequent bone fractures - wrist, femoral neck, compression fracture of the spine (without damage to the spinal cord and nerve endings) - with minor injuries and a long recovery period.

​Remember, the abuse of alcohol or smoking over the years leads to many chronic pathologies. If you can't eliminate them, then limit the number.​

Foods to eat for osteoporosis: non-traumatic fractures of the limbs;

magnesium; Prolonged immobility (for example, with a fracture);

For a long time, osteoporosis can be asymptomatic.

Pathological fractures in osteoporosis

  1. Bisphosphonates are recommended for people who have already had fractures caused by osteoporosis in order to prevent further fractures. They are prescribed for older people (over 70) who have not had a fracture but are at greater risk due to low bone density.​
  2. Osteoporosis leads to degenerative changes in the spine, and greatly increases the risk of fractures of varying severity. If you are experiencing any symptoms of osteoporosis, you should short time seek qualified medical help and begin treatment aimed at strengthening bones.​
  3. Hypogonadism (a pathological condition causing abnormally low testosterone levels).

Diagnosis of osteoporosis

Therapeutic exercise One of the effective methods that improve the quality of life in osteoporosis is the popular Nordic walking with sticks, which gives a full load on the bones.​

Laboratory methods

  1. Vertebral Fracture A vertebral fracture is one of the worst fractures in osteoporosis. The first sign of this injury is severe pain and a change in the curvature of the back. Symptoms depend on the damaged section of the spine. The vertebrae of the lower cervical, upper lumbar and thoracic regions are most often affected. With a fracture of the vertebrae in the lumbar region, symptoms of an acute abdomen and tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall may appear. If a pathological fracture of the chest occurs, then symptoms of heart disease may come to the fore. If a compression fracture of the spine is suspected, the patient must be urgently placed on a flat, dense surface and an ambulance called. It is necessary to urgently transport the patient to the hospital on a special stretcher, which excludes a change in the position of the body and an accurate diagnosis by X-ray.
    • Swimming, tennis, athletics or skiing will be an excellent prevention of all bone diseases. In the diet healthy person all micro and macro elements should be included in combination with vitamins and minerals. All of the above is called the lifestyle of a healthy person.
    • dairy products (low fat);
  2. diseases of the endocrine system;
    • Fluorine
    • Occurs when taking certain medications, especially glucocorticosteroid hormones (anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress immune inflammation, which are used to treat bronchial asthma ( inflammatory disease bronchi, manifested by cough, shortness of breath, suffocation), rheumatological diseases).
    • Often the first sign is a fracture (spontaneous or occurring with minimal trauma - for example, when falling from a height of one's own height).

Instrumental Methods

  • They should also be taken by people with low bone density who are taking corticosteroids (such as prednisone or cortisone) at a dose of 7.5 mg for at least 3 months.
  • Bone fractures, back pain, slouching, and reduced height are symptoms of osteoporosis.
  • In order to increase the level of testosterone in the body, you need to include some foods in your diet. You can find out about it here -​
  • To prevent the disease, women during menopause need a nutritious diet containing dairy products, fish, nuts and broccoli. You should limit foods containing phosphorus - red meat, carbonated drinks, as well as smoking, caffeine and alcohol. An additional intake of vitamin D3 and calcium preparations is useful in courses.

Treatment of the disease

Wrist fractures Wrist fractures are a common manifestation of osteoporosis. Most often, such injuries occur during a fall, when a person reflexively stretches his arm forward to soften the blow. Trauma symptoms are typical for a standard fracture - severe pain and sharp swelling in the area of ​​injury. To reduce the tumor, it is urgent to apply ice to the arm and ensure its immobility. Then you should urgently go to a medical facility for an X-ray and a plaster cast.

The complex of medical procedures includes:

  1. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs predominantly in menopausal and post-menopausal women. The main manifestation of osteoporosis is an increase in bone fragility due to the formation of voids in them (in the context, the bones become like porous chocolate).
    • All varieties of cabbage (cauliflower, white, broccoli);
    • the use of steroid drugs;
    • Men are known to be more active than women. On the one hand, the risk of diseases of the bones, joints (such as arthritis, arthrosis, and others) is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that male body stronger, more physically resilient. But if you look at the other side of the coin, then you will understand that men should eat according to their loads. Otherwise, the possibility of entering the risk group increases significantly. This is due to the fact that with osteoporosis, holes are formed in the bones, which later leads to serious injuries at the slightest load. Men are engaged in physical labor, as a result, if a pathology occurs, they can damage their limbs.
  2. Risk factors for osteoporosis can be divided into
  3. The most typical fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the femur (especially in the neck), the bones of the forearm in the wrist.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Denosumab has a slightly different effect than bisphosphonates, but it has the same effect - it reduces the rate of bone loss with a similar reduction in the risk of fracture. Denosumab is prescribed for people who have already suffered a fracture caused by osteoporosis to prevent further fractures. It is also recommended for older people (over 70) who have not had a fracture but are at greater risk due to low bone density.​

Osteoporosis is considered asymptomatic due to often no obvious symptoms until a fracture occurs. In the advanced stages of osteoporosis, symptoms may include pain in the bones and spine and a reduction in a person's height.​

What foods increase testosterone

Fracture of the femoral neck Fracture of the femoral neck is a fairly common injury in osteoporosis. The first symptom of the disease is acute pain in the groin, shortening of the leg and the inability to support the leg. Having found these signs, it is urgent to take a horizontal position and call ambulance. Medical workers transport the victim to the hospital, having previously fixed the leg on the stretcher with a splint capturing the hip and knee joint. Hip fracture in postmenopausal women is the third most common cause of hospital admission.​

Osteoporosis - causes, symptoms, treatment methods

In order to determine the causes of osteoporosis, it is necessary to know the structure of human bones and the mechanism of their formation. Bone mass actively increases during the period of human growth. Usually in men this period ends by the age of 25, and in women by the age of 20. After the end of the growth period, a gradual decrease in the density of the skeleton begins, which will last throughout the rest of life, passing as a natural process.​

turnips, carrots, legumes;

Noticeable signs of osteoporosis (prolonged pain in the limbs, brittle nails and hair loss).

Causes of osteoporosis

The symptoms of osteoporosis in men are "silent". You usually don't suspect anything until the first injury. At times, aching pains may bother you, especially when you are in one position for a long time (for example, standing or sitting). In addition, discomfort in the back area promises osteoporosis, but men, as practice shows, do not attach much importance to this circumstance.

At-risk groups


Causes of osteoporosis in women

Vertebral fractures are accompanied by back pain: acute (with a single-stage fracture) or chronic (with gradual destruction and subsidence of the vertebrae).

This medicine is absorbed into the bones in the same way as calcium. It increases bone formation and reduces bone loss, resulting in denser and stronger bones, which in turn reduces the risk of fractures. Strontium ranelate is recommended for people who have already had fractures caused by osteoporosis to prevent further fractures.​

There are several symptoms of osteoporosis that indicate the presence of this disease. Osteoporosis can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and there are plenty of causes that cause it.​

  • You should also regularly undergo a medical examination by an endocrinologist to identify hormonal disorders and their timely treatment.
  • Osteoporosis begins asymptomatically, so all women over the age of 40 should have regular bone density tests without waiting for pathological fractures. Indirect symptoms of the disease, such as pain in the chest and back, fragility of nails and teeth, cramps in the calf muscles, should be the reason for a preventive visit to the doctor for early diagnosis of osteoporosis by laboratory and instrumental studies.​

Causes of osteoporosis in men

Osteoporosis occurs when this mechanism fails. The fact is that in our body there is a continuous renewal of bone tissue with the help of two types of cells - osteoblasts (forming bone) and osteoclasts (resorbing bone), the balance of which is mostly regulated by sex hormones. During the period of attenuation of ovarian function in women, the sex hormone estrogen drops sharply in the blood, which leads to an imbalance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and the predominance of bone destruction processes.

nuts (walnuts);

  • Diagnosis of osteoporosis in men takes place in 2 stages: laboratory diagnostics and instrumental studies.​
  • With regard to the appearance of night leg cramps, stoop, increased fatigue (which was not previously observed), bone fragility, hair loss, periodontal disease, and even gray hair, these are infrequent signs of osteoporosis. No need to draw hasty conclusions, relying only on them.​

With a fracture of the vertebrae, there is a gradual decrease in growth, an increase in thoracic kyphosis (backward bending of the spine in the thoracic region) - the development of stoop. This medicine acts on the bones in a similar way to the hormone estrogen, helping to slow down bone loss and reduce the risk of vertebral fractures in women who have undergone through menopause. Fractures are one of the most common signs of brittle bones caused by osteoporosis. They can occur when you fall or even during a minor movement, such as when driving off a curb. In the advanced form of osteoporosis, fractures can even be caused by severe sneezing or coughing.

Risk factors

Many hormones in the body are able to influence the process of formation and renewal of bone tissue. Diseases of the hormone-producing glands can cause osteoporosis. These include the following diseases:

  • Bone density has been proven to strengthen physical activity and vigorous physical activity. Therefore, all women after 40 years of age are recommended to exercise, aerobics, fitness or visit the pool. If it is not possible to attend a special sports institution, you can do physical exercises at home or practice Nordic walking.​ ​General​
  • Medical statistics have established that in the first year of menopause, bone mass in women decreases by approximately 1 kg due to a decrease in the mineral part of the bones and leaching of calcium from them.
  • seeds (sunflower and pumpkin);
  • The point of the first is to identify osteoporosis in men through general tests. The second stage includes an x-ray and ostedonsitometry.​
  • What causes osteoporosis in men? In fact, there are enough reasons. For example:​

Other risk factors


  • Possible night cramps in the legs, tooth decay.
  • Raloxifene is prescribed for post-menopausal women who have had fractures due to osteoporosis to prevent further fractures.
  • Osteoporosis can cause compression fractures of the spine. This can be very painful because the destruction of the vertebrae can cause pinching of the nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord. Pain symptoms can range from mild sensitivity to unbearable pain.​
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • In addition, one should not forget about a preventive examination by a doctor once a year to detect early signs of the disease.
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • a decrease in estrogen in the blood and the onset of menopause in women due to age, gynecological diseases or removal of the uterus with appendages;
  • vegetable oils.
  • The symptoms of osteoporosis, as described earlier, do not show signs of concern. However, some symptoms still prove the development of this disease. Doctors have come up with the following common features osteoporosis in men:

a decrease in the level of male sex hormones (androgens);

Symptoms of osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis:

The active ingredient is the hormone estrogen. Some drugs also contain a progestogen (combined HRT). Even at low doses, HRT helps slow bone loss, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in women who have gone through menopause. HRT is effective for most women under the age of 60 who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and who also need hormonal treatment to reduce menopausal symptoms. They are also prescribed for women under the age of 60 who cannot take other osteoporosis medications. They are especially recommended for women with early menopause (up to 45 years).

bone fracture

Compression fractures of the spine cause a decrease in a person's height. This is one of the most noticeable symptoms of osteoporosis.​

Back or neck pain

(hyperfunction of the thyroid gland);

Decrease in human height

Throughout life, there is a constant renewal (remodeling) of bone tissue. Your skeleton is almost completely renewed every 10 years.​


Determination of testosterone and gonadotropin in men.

Emergency care for osteoporosis

Rapid weight loss and improperly selected diets;

Treatment of osteoporosis

Eliminate from the diet:

gait disturbances;

Improper nutrition that does not contain enough vitamins and minerals;

  • ​Non-modifiable (they cannot be influenced):​​senile - osteoporosis associated with general aging and wear and tear of the body, a decrease in the mass and strength of the skeleton after 65 years;​​Due to some increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and breast cancer in older women, this type of treatment is not usually recommended for women over 60 years of age.​
  • Compression of the vertebrae can also cause a slight curvature of the upper back. Stoop in science is known as kyphosis, which is commonly called "widow's hump". Kyphosis can cause pain in the back and neck, and even negatively affect breathing due to the added pressure on the airways.​
  • Adrenal disorders such as Cushing's syndrome

Types of drug treatment

The thinning of bones and loss of bone mass in people prone to osteoporosis outstrips the growth of new bone tissue.


Pregnancy (calcium from the bones goes to the formation of the fetus);

tea, coffee;


kyphosis of the chest;

lack of vitamin D;


genetic features (predisposition);

Strontium ranelate

Juvenile - develops in childhood. Manifested by generalized (multiple) bone lesions, pain in the back, hips, legs and feet, making it difficult to walk;

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)

This medicine stimulates the growth of bone tissue, which leads to an increase in the strength of the bone structure. This treatment is prescribed for people with severe osteoporosis when other medications have failed and the risk of fractures is still very high. Teriparatide is prescribed only by a narrow specialist for a period not exceeding 18 months. After the course of teriparatide is completed, the next stage of treatment is carried out, aimed at consolidating and maintaining the result.

Symptoms of osteoporosis can cause pain and discomfort. In most cases, there is no need to go to the emergency room. But you just need to see a doctor immediately in case of unbearable pain in your back, neck, hip or arm. Strong pain may indicate a fracture. If you have or suspect osteoporosis, you should start treatment to strengthen your bones and prevent fractures.​

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Decrease in the amount of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone);

Bones become porous, brittle and brittle. If you look at an X-ray of a hip with normal bone density, you will see a dense matrix of bone cells. But if you look at an x-ray of a femur with osteoporosis, you will see mostly air.​

Teriparatide (Teriparatide)

Determination of markers of bone tissue metabolism (alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and type 1 collagen propeptide, urinary excretion of hydroxyproline and hydroproxylin, etc.);

old age (impaired calcium absorption in the intestine);


Some clarifications regarding the drug therapy of osteoporosis

aching pain;

bad habits (smoking, alcohol);

age-related changes in bone tissue;

Osteoporosis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Idiopathic - occurs for unknown reasons.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

Teriparatide is only prescribed for people who have extremely low bone density and who have had at least two fractures, one of which occurred during osteoporosis drug therapy.

What is a fatigue fracture

Osteoporosis treatment includes taking bone-strengthening drugs and taking safety precautions to avoid various kinds of bone fractures.

Violation of the pituitary gland;

How to cure osteoporosis and how to avoid its occurrence

By the age of 30, your bones are dense and strong, but then a gradual decrease in bone density begins to occur. It happens to everyone, but some people develop osteoporosis much faster than usual. This effectively means that they are at greater risk of fracture.​

determination of indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism (phosphorus, total and ionized calcium in the blood, urinary calcium excretion in relation to creatinine);

Measures to treat and prevent osteoporosis:


Symptoms of osteoporosis

  • honey;
  • Changes in sexual function (violations).
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • Some endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus - a disease characterized by a deficiency of insulin (pancreatic hormone) in the body, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome and disease - a disease characterized by excessive production of glucocorticosteroids (hormones of the adrenal cortex));
  • Secondary osteoporosis:
  • ​Recommended for people who have had other treatments but still have very low bone density and further fractures. This type of treatment is prescribed by a narrow specialist for both men and women. After the 18-month course of treatment is completed, the next medicine is prescribed, aimed at consolidating the result.


  • ​If you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis or are at increased risk of bone fractures, your doctor will usually prescribe treatment to strengthen your bones, which helps prevent fractures.​
  • Hyperparathyroidism (hyperactivity of the parathyroid glands).
  • Osteoporosis occurs in both men and women. It most often occurs in older people, but it can also occur in younger people.
  • Determination of gonadotropin and free cortisol in the urine.
  • professional sports and excessive physical activity;
  • flour products;
  • These symptoms indicate the development of this pathology. The above signs are the most common in osteoporosis, so you should pay attention to them first. And then you need to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an examination.
  • the use of various drugs for a long time (for example, steroids);
  • Taking glucocorticosteroid hormones for health reasons (anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress immune inflammation, which are used to treat bronchial asthma (an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, manifested by coughing, shortness of breath, suffocation), rheumatological diseases);
  • Occurs against the background of other diseases:
  • Taking medications by patients suffering from osteoporosis involves a fairly long period, because. bone loss has been going on for many years, and of course it takes quite a long time to regain strength in the bones. Using the right medication and timing is critical to bone health. How to treat osteoporosis in each case, the specialist will determine through tests and other examination methods.
  • Your doctor will recommend that you:
  • The cause of osteoporosis and an increase in the risk of its development can also be other factors, which include:
  • According to statistics, women develop osteoporosis much more often than men, due to the fact that hormonal changes that occur during menopause directly affect bone density. X-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • malnutrition;
  • canned meat products;


To eradicate the pathology, you will need a lot of effort. The treatment of this disease is as follows: therapeutic physical culture, reasonable activity, massage procedures and drug treatment. heredity (genetic predisposition to osteoporosis); Prolonged immobilization (bed rest for more than 2 months) - after operations, fractures; endocrine (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads); Most osteoporosis medications have been prescribed for many years, and patients who adhere to all prescriptions notice a significant reduction in bone loss and the risk of fractures.
  • Consume enough
  • heredity;
  • The female hormone estrogen is essential for bone health. After menopause, estrogen levels drop. This can lead to a rapid decrease in bone density and severe symptoms of osteoporosis.​
  • Determination of bone mineral density by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, bone ultrasonic densitometry or quantitative computed tomography;
  • Long stay without sunlight (vitamin D3 deficiency).
  • table salt.
  • Medications, in turn, can be divided into 3 main groups: