Varenets is a fermented milk product. Varenets. Rules for choosing Varents



Varenets is an ancient fermented milk drink obtained from baked cow's milk by joint lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. In the Urals and Siberia, baked milk, seasoned not with sour cream, but with cream, was called Varenets. This varenets was served with tea. It is known that A.S. Pushkin was very fond of Varenets. In the memoirs of V. A. Nashchokina - the wife of Pushkin's closest friend P.V. Nashchokin, you can read the following: "We asked for Varenets and pickled apples. These were the poet's favorite foods."

In the old days, varenets was traditionally made from baked milk, which was simmered in a Russian oven. They poured milk into clay pots and put it in a heated oven for the whole day. By evening, in a well-wearied warm oven sourdough was added to the milk and in the morning the varenets was ready for use.
But just as today in modern cooking we find various variations in the preparation of this or that dish, so in the old days they managed to cook varenets outlandishly.

Varenets with a silver coin

“Dip one silver coin or a silver teaspoon into one bottle of milk, put it in a warm place for four days, then take liquid cream and put almost half a glass of this silver leaven into three bottles of them, put the cream in a warm oven and stir as often as possible.
After four hours, the varenets should be ready: then carefully transfer it to another bowl without whey and put it on ice to chill; serve with sugar and finely crushed and sifted rye breadcrumbs. Silver sourdough can be kept on ice for two weeks.

Varenets or "Greek milk"

“Pour four bottles of whole milk into a wide pot, put it in the oven in front of the coals so that it gradually boils. When the foam formed on top is browned, lower it with a spoon to the bottom and do the same with several similar foams.
Then set aside, cool a little, put half or a whole glass of sour cream, put in a warm place to sour. Cool then serve with sugar.

Today, thanks to modern technologies the preparation of this product has changed. Baked milk is prepared by slowly melting (evaporating) milk so that it decreases by at least a third of its volume and acquires a reddish tint. Then baked milk is seasoned (fermented) with sour cream (at the rate of 200 g per liter) and kept closed for 3-4 hours in a warm room.

This product retains all the beneficial properties of milk, but unlike the others, it is better absorbed, normalizes the intestinal microflora and stimulates the production of vitamin C. Varents contains calcium and vitamin D. People over 35 annually lose 1% of bone tissue calcium. If you drink 1 glass of Varents every evening, you can strengthen bone tissue.
Varenets activates the secretion of enzymes in the digestive tract. Improves digestion of food. Lactic acid helps the kidneys, stomach and intestinal tract, in addition, enhances appetite. The protein in Varentsa helps to strengthen muscle tissue, including heart tissue.

Which varenets is better?

On the market, the Varenets product is represented by various manufacturers. Which varenets is tastier can only be determined by trying the product.
Varenets should not be light white. It should be remembered that this product is prepared from baked milk, so a yellowish or creamy shade of the product is acceptable.

The packaging must necessarily indicate the correct name of the product - "Varenets", food and energy value, in which the protein is clearly regulated; it should not be lower than 2.6%. The composition should contain only milk and sourdough, and no preservatives and dyes. Varenets must be "live", that is, the content of lactic acid bacteria at the end of the validity period must be no less than 1 in 10 to the 7th degree. And the last. The shelf life of Varents does not exceed 14 days.
Opened packaging with the product should be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator. Most best option- pour the varenets into glass bottle and close it tightly.

Varenets is consumed similarly to kefir - in small sips, warming the drink to room temperature. Varenets from whole village milk can be much thicker than store-bought, such a product should be eaten with a spoon.

Glycemic index (GI) – 30.

Calorie content: Varenets 2.5% fat 53 kcal.

Varenets is a fermented milk product. It, like fermented baked milk, is made from baked milk, but not sour cream, but cream serves as a starter. This drink is considered a traditional Russian product, which has long been made in Rus' in earthenware in an oven. This process determines its exceptional taste and beneficial properties.

For the first time, varenets was prepared in Siberia and the Urals in order to preserve milk and its valuable properties for as long as possible. Traditionally served with tea.

Beneficial features

Due to the balanced composition, Varenets is easily absorbed by the human body. The product contains proteins - 2.9 g, fats, 2.5 g, organic acids - 0.8 g, carbohydrates - 4.1 g, mono- and disaccharides - 4.1 g, saturated fatty acids - 1.5 g, ash - 0.7 g. It has a large amount of vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, H, choline, beta-carotene.

Macro- and microelements: calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iodine, potassium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, chromium, strontium, tin, cobalt, molybdenum.

Satisfaction of the daily requirement for 100 g of Varents: calcium by 12%, phosphorus - 12%, vitamin B12 - 13.4%, B2 - 7.5%, B3 - 8%, H - 6.5%, organic acids - 40% , cobalt - 8%, molybdenum - 7.5%, iodine - 6%.

How does it affect the body

Varenets improves the intestinal microflora, slows down the process of reproduction of putrefactive bacteria and significantly improves immunity. Stimulates the work of the kidneys, has a beneficial effect on overall health. It contributes to the enrichment of the body with calcium, strengthens bone tissue, which is very important for the elderly. Helps cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins.

Regular use of Varents improves blood composition, slows down the aging process. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, tones up intestinal motility, eliminates constipation. destroys fat cells and promotes weight loss.

How to choose

  • The drink has a yellowish-creamy color. A milky shade indicates a low-quality product.
  • The composition of the product should include only milk, sourdough and live bacteria. The presence of dyes and preservatives is unacceptable.
  • Varenets should have a uniform consistency without bubbles and clots.
  • The shelf life of a natural product should not exceed 14 days.

Storage methods

Varenets is stored only in the refrigerator. For this, glassware is used. Do not store in metal or aluminum containers. Observe the expiration date indicated on the packaging.

What is combined with in cooking

Varenets is most often used as an independent dish. And also it is heated to room temperature and eaten in small portions with pastries or rye bread.

Useful food combination

This low-calorie product is an integral element different diets for weight loss. It is well absorbed by the body, serves for dressing salads. It is combined with vegetables, fruits and gives a feeling of satiety. It is useful to use with honey and black bread.

For those who count calories, it is important to know:

  • A teaspoon contains 5 g and is equal to 2.7 kcal
  • Tablespoon - 18 g = 9.5 kcal
  • Glass 200 ml = 106 kcal
  • Glass 250 ml = 132.5 kcal


It is not recommended to use in case of allergy to dairy products. If there is itching, a rash - this indicates individual intolerance. An unpleasant manifestation can also be bloating, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea, in this case, Varenets is contraindicated.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

The healing properties of Varents have been used in medicine for the treatment of the digestive system, liver and kidneys. It is prescribed for the treatment of dysentery, dysbacteriosis, after a course of antibiotics. It is recommended for cleansing the intestines, treating constipation (in the morning and in the evening, take 1 glass with chopped dried apricots or pears). Used as a prophylaxis for osteoporosis.

IN folk medicine to relieve puffiness, compresses are made from Varenets with chopped strawberry leaves. With headaches, warm varenets with honey helps. The same composition is taken for compresses that cleanse and heal wounds. A mixture of Varenets and beetroot juice is used to lubricate bedsores, thermal and sunburns.

In cosmetology, varenets is used to improve skin condition.

  • Sour milk lifting. Apply varenets on cleansed face, leave for 10 minutes, rinse and use any moisturizer. A positive effect occurs after 5 days of daily use.
  • Moisturizing mask. On a cleansed face, apply vegetable oil, then a layer of Varenets, cover with a warm towel. Keep 15 minutes.

Many of us have heard of this dairy product like a dumpling. What it is, not everyone knows. It turns out that Varenets is a fermented milk drink made from alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. This product differs from fermented baked milk in its moderate fat content, appetizing creamy shade, delicate aroma and pleasant taste.

Useful properties of Varenets

An incredibly tasty product retained all the beneficial properties of whole cow's milk. However, the human body digests this drink much easier. It strengthens the immune system and normalizes bowel activity.

Varenets is extremely useful for human health. It is rich in calcium and vitamin D. According to experts, drinking one glass of this wonderful product a day can significantly strengthen bone tissue.

The drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also activates the activity of the intestines, improves the digestion of food. Lactic acid in the composition of Varents awakens appetite, has a complex healing and restorative effect on the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. The abundance of protein helps to strengthen the heart and muscle tissues. It is Varentsa that contains more of this organic matter than fermented baked milk or curdled milk.

Energy value of Varenets

100 grams of Varenets contains 2.9 g of proteins, 2.5 g of fats and 4.1 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content is 53 kcal.

The secrets of choosing a good Varents

To get a real, healthy Varenets, you should know some of the features of this drink:

  1. Since varenets is made from baked milk, it has a creamy or yellowish tint.
  2. The manufacturer indicates on the packaging of the product its correct name, that is, "Varenets". What is it, we have already figured out.
  3. Which is also indicated on the packaging of the drink, contains only milk and sourdough. There should not be any dyes and preservatives among the ingredients.
  4. A good varenets does not have clots and bubbles.
  5. The shelf life of a fermented milk product should not exceed 14 days.
  6. Fresh varenets has a slightly sour taste.

How to cook varenets at home?

In the old days, varenets was cooked in the oven. Sour cream was added to the milk, mixed and set to languish. The main secret of making a delicious drink: the base should not boil. It was necessary to control the temperature of the oven so that the future delicacy would gradually become thick and greasy.

Of course it's best to buy a drink home cooking. But if this is not possible, do not despair. Delicious fragrant varenets, the recipe of which you will now learn, can be prepared by yourself.

Pour boiled milk into a thermos with a glass flask. The product should be left to languish for 12 hours. During this time, it will turn into real baked milk, acquire a pleasant creamy hue.

Glass jars (liter) should be prepared in advance. They must be dry and clean. At the bottom of each container, put 4 tablespoons of yogurt or sour cream, and pour milk on top. Its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Now the future varenets needs to be mixed, close the jars with plastic lids and leave warm for 3 hours. It is recommended to wrap the container in a blanket.

The readiness of the drink can be judged by its density. Do not overexpose the product as it can become very acidic. According to the owners, homemade jam no worse than store bought. Its recipe is quite simple and affordable.

Varenets with cream

Ready-made varenets (we have already figured out what it is) is the main component of a deliciously delicious dish that all members of your family will definitely enjoy. How to cook it? To do this, you will need the following ingredients: 150 grams of Varenets, three tablespoons of cottage cheese, one tablespoon of May honey and a handful of dried fruits. All components must be whipped with a blender. Before serving, add raisins to the treat.

Varenets and ryazhenka in cooking

Varenets and ryazhenka are not only excellent drinks that perfectly quench your thirst, but also the ingredients of many dishes. On the basis of fermented milk products, housewives prepare tender dough for sweet pastries, including ruddy pancakes and puffy pies.

Varenets in home cosmetology

No wonder that a product with such a valuable chemical composition women use for cosmetic purposes. A mask made from fresh Varenets is very popular among owners of dry, dehydrated, aging skin. Varenets perfectly smoothes the dermis, nourishes it, makes it incredibly smooth and silky to the touch.

The fermented milk drink contains retinol, riboflavin, thiamine, niacid, biotin, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, PP. These substances slow down the aging process, soothe irritations, protect against aggressive external factors, refresh and cleanse the skin.

Super moisturizing masks for dry skin

Consider two recipes for Varents masks that are ideal for dry skin:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of the product with one teaspoon and the yolk of one egg. Apply the resulting mass to dry, clean skin. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Grind three tablespoons of Varenets with a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese. Apply the mixture on the face. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water at room temperature.

We got acquainted with one of the most delicious primordially Russian drinks, learned what properties Varenets has, what it is and how it can be used. Drink to your health!

Historical reference

In the past, earthenware was used to prepare this product. Fresh milk was heated in the oven all night. Then the resulting fresh milk was slightly cooled to 36 degrees, cream was added, and this whole mixture was infused in heat for some time. As a result, it turned out thick product. Nowadays, varenets has become more liquid due to small changes in cooking technology. At the same time, the current Varenets has not lost taste qualities his ancestor from the Russian oven.

The benefits of Varents

  • Regular use of Varents helps to improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines and kidneys.
  • The body receives calcium, which is found in large quantities in the drink. This is especially useful for people over 40 years old. Around this age bone begins to lose calcium. Varenets strengthens bone tissue.
  • Varenets is an assistant in removing toxic substances from the body.
  • Daily intake of the drink, especially in spring, helps in strengthening the immune system.
  • Varenets is indispensable in the nutrition of patients with vascular and cardiac pathologies.
  • Varenets has a laxative effect used in the treatment and prevention of constipation.
  • Microelements, vitamins and acids contained in Varents help to improve appetite.
  • Varenets is often included in fasting diets. It helps in the fight against obesity.
  • The body easily absorbs varenets. This product is useful not only for children, but also for patients with diabetes, anemia, tuberculosis and other serious diseases.
  • Varenets normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora. The beneficial bacteria that form in the drink protect the intestines from putrefactive processes.
  • Varenets promotes synthesis folic acid(vitamin B9), as well as vitamins A and D, which are important in the nutrition of pregnant women.
  • Macro - and microelements contained in Varentsa contribute to blood renewal.
  • Phosphorus, which is so rich in Varenets, is necessary for strengthening teeth.
  • Varenets, like other lactic acid products, is an effective tool in the fight against old age.
  • Varenets has also found its use in cosmetology. For skin care, moisturizing masks using Varenets are recommended. Facial skin is pre-lubricated vegetable oil or cream, Varenets is applied on top in an even layer. To enhance the moisturizing effect, you can cover your face with a damp warm towel. Ten minutes later, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Varenets and his harm

With all its advantages, this fermented milk drink has some limitations in use. With intolerance to cow's milk, even with the use of Varents, various allergic reactions can develop. A rash, peeling and itching of the skin may occur. Allergy sufferers have problems with digestion, such a formidable disease as atopic (allergic) dermatitis can develop.
If there is not enough lactose in the intestines, an enzyme necessary for the normal processing of lactose, then eating Varenets is not recommended. In this case, the drink can cause symptoms of flatulence: rumbling and bloating. The reason for this reaction is associated with a violation of the digestion of lactose (milk sugar). Fermentation of lactose occurs in the intestine. All people with lactose deficiency should exclude this fermented milk product from their diet.

Rules for the use of Varenets

In order for this product to be properly absorbed by the body, it must be consumed in small portions. Pre-varenets must be heated to 20 - 25 degrees. Thick varenets in nutrition is compatible with black bread and honey. Varenets and pastries are a good combination.

Rules for choosing Varents

  • The drink should not have a milky color. Its shade is yellowish-cream.
  • The composition of the product should not contain indications of the presence of dyes and preservatives. Only the presence of milk and sourdough is allowed.
  • Varenets is good for no more than 14 days.
  • Only live beneficial bacteria are allowed in Varents.
  • The presence of clots and bubbles in the drink is excluded. These elements indicate the presence of foreign microflora, which can be dangerous.

Product storage rules

Varenets should be stored only in a cold place. For this, it is desirable to use glassware. Metal containers are not suitable for storing fermented milk products. It is unacceptable to continue storing Varentsa longer than the expiration date. The natural product does not contain preservatives that promote long-term storage. Because of this, the acidity of Varents grows, and the drink becomes liquid.
With some shortcomings, Varenets has great advantages. This is a delicate and tasty product with a creamy hue and a thick texture. Varenets contains more than a hundred useful substances beneficial effect on the human body. This drink is recommended for children and adults. The benefits of using Varenets outweigh it bad influence on the human body.

Surely many people have heard the word "varenets" and seen such a product on store shelves, but not everyone knows what it is - varenets. Let's try to figure out what products it can be prepared from, find out what benefits it brings to the body and how it differs from a drink similar to it - fermented baked milk.


Varenets - what is it? This is a fermented milk drink that is made from baked milk using cream as a starter. This product can be purchased at the store, or you can cook at home. The consistency of the store-bought varenets is more liquid - drinkable, while the homemade one is so thick that you can eat it with a spoon. The photos of Varents presented in the article show that the high-quality finished product has a beautiful creamy shade. This color is obtained due to special substances - melanoidins, they are formed by the interaction of proteins and milk sugar when heated. Varenets has a pleasant smell characteristic of fermented milk products. The consistency of the product must be homogeneous.

Varenets in a Russian oven

The sour-milk drink Varenets, traditional in Russian cuisine, has long been prepared in Rus'. For this, fresh milk was poured into earthenware and put all night in the Russian oven. The milk was languishing in the oven, while decreasing in volume several times, its color became cream. After that, the milk should be slightly cooled (approximately to human body temperature) and cream should be added to it. The finished mixture should be left in a warm place for several hours, and then should be removed in the refrigerator.

Beneficial features

It is believed that this fermented milk drink contains approximately two hundred substances that have a positive effect on human health. Such a product is perfectly absorbed by the body, unlike, for example, milk. This is possible due to the partial fermentation of proteins.

Varenets is able to significantly improve the intestinal microflora, as it contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which prevent fermentation processes. Varenets is known to have useful properties that help the body resist infectious diseases.

What is a varenets? This is, firstly, a product with a high content of calcium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system and teeth. In addition, calcium is part of a number of enzymes and is involved in muscle contraction. Varents contains the following trace elements: magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, as well as saturated fatty acids.

Secondly, Varentsa contains vitamins necessary for the body: A, groups B, PP, C. With regular consumption of the drink, health and appetite improve, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes. Varenets has a laxative effect, helps to gently fight constipation. Useful Varenets and unloading diet It has an effective effect on weight loss.


Even this useful product has contraindications. It is not recommended to use the fermented milk drink Varentsa for people with intolerance to lactose, which is contained in cow's milk. May cause flatulence symptoms. In case of intolerance to milk, it can cause an allergic reaction.

Product calorie content

Varenets, manufactured on an industrial scale and offered for sale in stores, has a fat content of 2.5%. Its calorie content is low - about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product, so it is recommended for diet food in the fight against obesity and overweight. Varenets prepared at home has a calorie content of about 100 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to choose and store

Consider what criteria should be used to choose this product:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the product, it can only be cream or yellow.
  2. The word "Varenets" should be written on the packaging and the energy and nutritional value should be indicated.
  3. The composition of the product should not contain any other components other than milk and sourdough.
  4. Varenets should have a pronounced sour-milk taste.
  5. The consistency of the product is homogeneous, the presence of clots and bubbles is not allowed.
  6. The shelf life of Varents cannot exceed two weeks. After opening the package, the product must be poured into a glass container. It is recommended to warm up before use.

Varenets made at home from natural cow's milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days, and when room temperature- only 24 hours.

How to make varenets at home

This tasty and healthy product is not difficult to prepare at home. You can cook according to an old recipe that our ancestors used, or you can use a more modern one. You should take 1 liter of milk, and use half a glass of yogurt as a starter. Boil milk and pour into a thermos, the flask of which must be glass, and leave for 12 hours. We get baked milk, if desired, it can be obtained in the traditional way in the oven. The advantage of the first method is that the amount of milk remains the same. When it becomes creamy, it can be poured into another clean container. Prepare clean jars (glass) in advance, put yogurt on the bottom and pour milk, which has a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Mix everything well, close the lids and wrap in a blanket. After about 3-4 hours, the varenets will acquire a thick consistency and will be ready. It is not recommended to overexpose the product, otherwise it may turn out to be sour.

The difference between Varenets and ryazhenka and kefir

What is it - Varenets, and how does it differ from other fermented milk products? The technologies for preparing ryazhenka and varenets are similar; milk for making ryazhenka is also poured into earthenware and simmered in an oven. The temperature in the oven for ryazhenka should not exceed 100 degrees, and for Varents - at least 120. To obtain the first product, sour cream is added to the baked milk, and for the second - cream. Ryazhenka is a fatter product, and Varenets can be safely called dietary.

The difference between Varents and kefir is as follows: Varenets is obtained from baked milk with the addition of beneficial bacteria. Kefir is obtained from whole milk, where fungi are added.

Application in cooking

Varenets is widely used in cooking. It is taken as a basis for making pancakes, pies and other sweet pastries. It will add a sophisticated flavor to any salad when used as a dressing.


Varenets has a good effect as a moisturizing and healing face mask.

For lifting

Varenets is applied to a clean face for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water. After that, you need to apply a moisturizer on your face. It is recommended to carry out such a course of treatment within 5 days.

For moisturizing

A clean face should be lubricated with any vegetable oil, then a thin layer of home-made varenets should be applied and covered with a linen cloth. After 15 minutes, wash everything off with warm water.
