Features of the application and medicinal properties of barberry ordinary. Barberry - the benefits and harms of the plant and its fruits for the body. Application in cooking and traditional medicine Barberry short description

Common barberry leaves are a herbal remedy that is part of the tincture, and is also produced in the form of crushed raw materials, from which you can prepare a decoction and infusion for medicinal purposes.

What are the benefits of barberry leaves? The medicinal properties of the drug

The main actions of herbal preparations, which include barberry leaves, will be as follows: hemostatic, that is, hemostatic, in addition, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, and choleretic, while the funds are effective for cholecystitis, as well as the patient has cholelithiasis.

In addition, the herbal remedy slightly increases blood clotting, so it should be used with caution by people prone to thrombosis. Berberine, which is isolated from barberry leaves, has been used in the treatment of malignant tumors.

The listed actions on the body are explained by the fact that the leaves of this representative of the flora contain many medicinal components, in particular isoquinoline alkaloids, the main of which is berberine, in addition there are vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotenoids.

In addition, the leaves include some organic acids, for example, citric, tartaric, and also malic. In addition, there are mineral salts, the composition of which is quite extensive.

What are barberry leaves from? Indications for use

I will list the conditions under which drugs are prescribed, which include the active substance barberry leaves:

The indication is the presence of hepatitis;
Apply drugs for cholecystitis, as well as for biliary dyskinesia;
Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are effective if the patient has the so-called cholelithiasis, which is not complicated by jaundice;
The presence of splenomegaly in infectious disease like malaria.

Metrorrhagia is also considered an indication for the use of products prepared on the basis of the leaves of this representative of the flora, including in the postpartum period.

Who should not use barberry leaves? Contraindications for use

Among the contraindications to the use of funds that include barberry leaves, the instructions for use call the following conditions:

Hypersensitivity to chemical compounds barberry;
Do not use during pregnancy.

In addition to the above, a contraindication is uterine bleeding during menopause.

What are the dangers of barberry leaves? Side effects

When using drugs that contain barberry leaves, allergic reactions may develop, this is extremely rare in patients with an increased allergenic background. If the severity of symptoms will be long-term, then it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Overdose of barberry leaves

How to use barberry leaves? Application and dosage

The tincture is recommended to be taken orally, while it is prescribed 20 or 30 drops up to three times throughout the day. It can be dissolved in a small amount of liquid, it is better to use chilled, pre-boiled water, a tablespoon is enough.

The course of treatment with a tincture based on this representative of the flora must be agreed with a qualified doctor, on average, its duration is two weeks or twenty days.

The infusion is prepared in this way. It will take 30 grams of raw dried leaves, after which they are poured into a container and water is poured into it, while its temperature should be quite hot, the amount is 200 milliliters. Next, the dishes are covered with a lid and left to infuse.

After forty minutes, you can filter the infusion, for this they take a small strainer and pour the finished drug through it, the settled cake can be squeezed out, after which it must be disposed of. Further, the tool can be used for therapeutic purposes.

Take an infusion of 15 milliliters up to four times throughout the day as an anti-inflammatory agent for liver pathology, rheumatism, and so on, without forgetting to consult a specialist first. Storage must be carried out in a cool place, while the infusion should be sold no later than three days from the date of its manufacture.

The preparation of the decoction is carried out in a water bath, for this, 15 grams of dry leaves are enough, they are brewed with boiling water and put on the stove for ten minutes, after which the drug is filtered through gauze or a sieve, and then the liquid is brought with boiled water to a volume of 200 milliliters.

After that, you can apply the decoction according to the indications. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than five days from the date of preparation, after which it is not recommended to use it, as it will lose its healing qualities.

special instructions

Berberine isolated from the leaves of the plant has, to some extent, an antitumor effect on the body. Therefore, preparations based on it are used in oncological practice.

Preparations containing barberry leaves (analogues)

The active substance of Barberry ordinary leaves is contained in the tincture of the same name, and crushed vegetable raw materials are also produced in a cardboard box, where the date of manufacture of the drug and the expiration date are indicated, storage should be carried out in a dry place.


The leaves of the common barberry are a good herbal preparation, but before starting treatment, they need to consult a doctor.

In the article we discuss the common barberry. You will learn what the shrub looks like and where it grows. We will talk about the medicinal properties of the plant, as well as discuss the care and cultivation of barberry in the backyard. We will look at recipes for herbal medicines that help with pancreatitis, diabetes, adenoids and high blood pressure. We will tell you whether it is possible to use barberry-based products during pregnancy and consider contraindications for use.

The common barberry or the eastern barberry is a deciduous shrub of the Barberry family (lat. Berberidaceae). The Latin name is Berberis vulgaris. The plant is known as sour, berberis, sour blackthorn.

What does it look like

Appearance of the common barberry. The thorny shrub reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Barberry rhizome lignified, creeping. The bark of the barberry is light brown on the outside, dark yellow on the inside.

The branches of the plant are spreading and covered with thorns. Shoots erect yellow or yellow-purple. Leaves grow on short shoots, spines on long shoots.

The leaves are alternate, narrowed towards the base. They have the shape of an ellipse with a rounded or pointed top. There are small teeth along the edges of the leaves. The leaf plate reaches 4 cm in length and 2 cm in width.

Inflorescence brushes unite from 15 to 25 small yellow flowers. Each flower consists of an orange nectary, 6 petals, 6 sepals, 1 pistil and 6 stamens. It blooms in late spring - from April to May.

The buds of the plant are small, up to 1 cm long. They have a smooth surface and a pointed shape. Barberry berries are oblong, bright red in color, sour in taste. The length of the fruit reaches 12 mm. It bears fruit in early autumn - from September to October.

The seeds of the plant are flattened, no more than 7 mm long.

Where does it grow

In the wild, barberry grows throughout Europe, Asia and the Caucasus. It is found in the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus.

The shrub prefers light and dry areas of soil. The plant is found in the steppes, meadows and edges. Barberry grows in chalk and pebble areas.

Landing and care

Barberry is cultivated in summer cottages and household plots. Planted as single bushes or as a hedge. One of the most unusual and colorful varieties is the barberry thunberga atropurpurea.

Planting and caring for shrubs have their own characteristics. Barberries are planted in spring in open areas. The plant is not afraid of windy weather. For planting barberry, a trench method is used. The depth and width of the moat is 40 cm.

A layer of sand and humus is laid at the bottom of the trench, then watered, and only after that a seedling is placed there, sprinkled with earth.

The first pruning of the shrub is carried out immediately after planting.

In dry weather, the plant must be watered once a week, during the rainy season, watering is canceled. Young seedlings are watered more often - 2 times a week, until they take root.

For more information about barberry, see the following video:

Leaf and root of barberry

Barberry has been used since ancient times as a medicinal plant for the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and upper respiratory tract. The leaves and roots of the plant are used in the preparation of medicines.

Chemical composition

Barberry ordinary contains:

  • berberine;
  • palmitin;
  • vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • oxyacanthin;
  • carotene;
  • resinous substances;
  • organic acids;
  • tocopherols.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of medicinal plants, including barberry, are studied by the science of pharmacognosy. With the help of it, it was found that the barberry has

  1. antimicrobial,
  2. antipyretic,
  3. anti-inflammatory
  4. astringent properties.

Thanks to the berberine that is part of the plant, barberry-based products have a choleretic effect. They also reduce the tone of the gallbladder.

Barberry is used as an anesthetic, as well as to stop bleeding - berberine increases blood clotting. Hemostatic agents with it are used to stop postpartum hemorrhage.

Barberry exhibits antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. Plant-based preparations are used to treat inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, dysentery.

Means based on barberry stop the development of cancerous tumors.

Barberry has a mild laxative effect and is also used as a diuretic. Barberry dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Based on the plant, medicinal infusions and decoctions are made.

How to collect

They start picking berries when they are not yet ripe. Unripe fruits retain their shape better. The bark of the plant is harvested in April and May. From the beginning of flowering until mid-summer, barberry flowers are harvested. The roots are harvested 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

Barberries are dried at a temperature of not more than 50 degrees under a canopy or in a ventilated room and stored in fabric bags in a room with low humidity.

Shelf life - 3 years.

How to apply

Barberry is used in regular and traditional medicine. Dry root can be bought at any pharmacy. At home, medicinal infusions and decoctions are made from medicinal raw materials. They are used as an antipyretic and choleretic agent for the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, with dysentery and colds.

An infusion of the plant is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Barberry tincture normalizes metabolism and improves appetite. The drug is used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys. The tincture eliminates liver intoxication and reduces its swelling.

With gout and rheumatism, the antiseptic and tonic properties of the plant help.

A decoction of barberry reduces the spleen enlarged during malaria.

In gynecology, barberry tincture is often used to stop uterine bleeding. The drug increases blood clotting.

Pharmaceutical products are produced from barberry medications. For example, berberine is prescribed for cholecystitis. The main active ingredient of which is berberine bisulfate. It is extracted from the leaves of barberry.

Preparations based on barberry stop the growth of cancerous tumors.

Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of barberry eliminates the inflammatory process.

Infusion and decoction of the plant is used for lotions for eczema and for wound healing.

Decoction for rinsing with adenoids

Adenoids - inflammation of the adenoids. This disease occurs in children 2 years of age and older. For the treatment of inflamed tonsils in childhood use an infusion of barberry for gargling.

For oral administration, the homeopathic preparation Barberry Comp Iov-baby is prescribed. This remedy is safe for children, as it contains a low concentration of active ingredients.


  1. Barberry root - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour the barberry root with boiling water, put on a slow fire and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. Cool the finished broth and strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Gargle 2-3 times during the day.

Result: The tool relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. With regular use eliminates swelling of the adenoids.

Infusion for pancreatitis

For the treatment of diseases of the pancreas, an aqueous infusion of barberry is used. It has a choleretic and analgesic effect. The remedy relieves inflammation and reduces the tone of the walls of the gallbladder.


  1. Barberry leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the grass, put in a water bath and bring to a boil. Stir the broth over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover, wrap with a towel and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain the cooled infusion through a strainer.

How to use: Take 10 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

Result: Infusion of barberry relieves inflammation of the pancreas and has a choleretic effect. The tool effectively relieves pain.

Infusion for diabetes

To lower blood sugar levels, you can eat fresh barberry berries or take infusions based on them. The juice of the plant saturates the body with vitamins, improves metabolism and reduces thirst, which often occurs with diabetes.


  1. Barberry berries - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the barberry berries, put them in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for at least 3-4 hours.

How to use: Take an infusion of half a glass before each meal, but no more than 5 times a day.

Result: The infusion strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.

pressure tincture

Barberry effectively reduces pressure, tones and strengthens blood vessels. Plant-based products are used in complex therapy for hypertension.


  1. Barberry flowers - 30 gr.
  2. Vodka - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour vegetable raw materials into a glass jar, fill with vodka and put in a dark, cool place for two weeks. The finished tincture has a cherry color and a sour taste.

How to use: Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for a week and resume treatment.

Result: Tincture dilates blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure. Regular intake of the drug normalizes blood pressure.

Barberry during pregnancy (breastfeeding)

Barberry has a strengthening effect on the immune system, which is especially important during pregnancy. But despite this, it is strictly forbidden to use any medicines based on barberry during the period of expectation of the baby and during breastfeeding.

The plant contains a large amount of alkaloids that are harmful to the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, barberry stimulates the contraction of different muscle groups, which can lead to miscarriage.

Preparations based on barberry can cause swelling and lead to the formation of blood clots.

During pregnancy, it is permissible to eat sauces and seasonings based on barberry, but only in moderation.

Barberry in cooking

The barberry leaf and berries of the plant are used in cooking to prepare various dishes. For example, they are added to pilaf, sauces or seasonings.

Barberry is used to make jams and jams. The well-known candies "Barberry" contain the essence of the plant's berries.

Barberry juice has a sour taste and can replace lemon juice. Vitamin compotes are brewed from barberry fruits, and tea is also infused.


Contraindications to taking funds based on barberry:

  • uterine bleeding before separation of the placenta;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • stomach ulcer.

Do not eat green barberry berries as they are poisonous.


Common barberry (lat. Berberis vulgaris) is a species of the genus Barberry (lat. Berberis). The Barberry family (lat. Berberidaceae), to which the barberry belongs, unites 19 genera of plants. The common barberry belongs to the order Ranunculaceae (lat. Ranunculales), class Dicotyledonous (lat. Dicotyledones), Flowering department (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Barberry unites 580 plant species. The most famous of them:

  • Amur barberry;
  • Barberry ordinary;
  • Barberry purple;
  • Barberry reticulate;
  • Barberry multiflorous;
  • Barberry Wilson;
  • Barberry warty;
  • Barberry hawthorn.

Barberry common infographics

Photo of common barberry, its useful properties and application
Infographics on common barberry

What to remember

  1. Common barberry is used as an ornamental plant, as well as in cooking and as a medicinal raw material for medicinal preparations.
  2. Barberry lowers blood pressure, has choleretic, analgesic and antibacterial effects.
  3. Despite the wide scope, the plant has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Beneficial features barberry were well known in ancient world on different continents and in different parts Sveta. The ancient Greeks and Romans prepared drugs from the fruits and leaves of barberry for diseases of the stomach and intestines. In India, it was a popular tonic, thirst quencher, and laxative. IN Ancient Egypt barberry fruits cleansed the blood and the body of toxins. On Far East, in Japan and China, they treated scurvy, escaped from beriberi, relieved attacks of fever, and reduced high blood pressure. In Tibetan medicine, the barberry flower is popular; rejuvenating tinctures were made from the plant.

plant species

Is it possible to eat the fruits of barbaris vulgaris? Barberry is an extensive, large genus of shrubs and trees, which has about 580 species. This includes evergreen prickly species, and deciduous. What types of shrubs are most often used as medicinal raw materials, and which ones are cultivated for decorative purposes?

  • Barberry common. This is the most unpretentious type of plant, a grass that takes root perfectly in the Central Russian zone. "Favorite" of summer residents and gardeners. It is often used as an ornamental plant that pleases the eye. appearance for three seasons - spring, summer and autumn. The shrub looks beautiful in autumn, when bright clusters of berries ripen and the foliage turns red.
  • Asian barberry. This is the common commercial name for several botanical shrub species that are found on the territory of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. These varieties are frost-resistant, their fruits are much darker, covered with a bluish bloom. These, for example, include: oblong barberry, spherical-fruited, Turkmen, entire. The average height of Asian varieties is 2 m. Some of them are used in traditional medicine, Food Industry, some just for decoration.
  • Amur barberry. It grows in Primorsky Krai, it is also known in China and Japan. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary barberry, but with longer and larger fruits, leaves and spines. The crown of the bush is beautiful, wide, sprawling, can grow up to 3 m. It belongs to heat-resistant, dry-resistant and frost-resistant species. Found in the wild, but also cultivated since 1875.
  • Ottawa barberry. This is a hybrid obtained by crossing the common barberry and the Thunberg variety. One of the most famous ornamental shrub species, which is widely used for landscaping. A beautiful spreading crown, purple-violet foliage, fragrant flowers are the virtues for which it is worth growing this species. This is a real decoration of city parks and personal plots. The fruits of this species are edible, but small in size and very acidic.
  • Barberry Thunberg. In the wild, this species can be found in the highlands in Japan and China. Cultivated throughout Europe for landscape design. This is a small shrub no more than 1 m high, with small, graceful leaves and abundant fruits. The berries of this variety are bitter in taste due to the large amount of alkaloids in the composition, so they are not eaten. However, birds are happy to feast on these vitamins in winter.

Features of the common barberry

What is barberry? People far from the horticultural sphere can clearly imagine the appearance of the fruits of this plant. At least according to the image on the wrapper of the famous Barberry caramels or the berries in the seasoning for pilaf. However, not everyone knows what the shrub itself looks like, what are the beneficial properties of barberry and what diseases are they treated with?

Growth area

Common barberry can also be found in Asia. But this species is most characteristic of Central and Southern Europe. Distributed throughout the European part of Russia, it can also be found in the Volga region, Crimea, and the North Caucasus. In the wild, the shrub loves open, well-lit areas - mountain slopes, hillocks, hills, forest edges, open river banks, light forests.

Botanical description

The common barberry plant is a branchy shrub reaching a height of 3 meters or more. The bark of young shoots and trunk is gray, covered with spines up to 2 cm long. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, finely serrated along the edge, bright green in summer, purple-red, brown in autumn. Racemose inflorescences (6 cm), yellow flowers, with a pleasant honey aroma. The fruits are bright red, up to 1 cm long, very sour. The plant blooms in late spring and early summer, and the fruits ripen in late summer and early autumn, depending on climatic conditions.

Procurement of raw materials

The shrub is famous for the wide use of not only fruits, but also prepared roots, leaves and even bark.

  • Berries. Collected in September-October (it is better to harvest in dry weather). They are consumed fresh, but also dried in the air or in special electric dryers, in which the temperature should not exceed 40 ° C. Stored in linen bags for 3 years. Some herbalists state that it is better not to eat or prepare green barberry: due to the high content of alkaloids, berries can be poisonous.
  • Leaves. Gathered in the spring - in May-June during the budding period. The leaves are dried in well-ventilated areas (you can outdoors, but not under the lines sunbeams). Dried raw materials are stored in linen bags for no more than 3 years, protected from dampness.
  • Bark. It is better to do the workpiece in October. The bark is removed from thick stems, strung on a thin rope (thread) and dried outdoors in dry weather or in a closed but well-ventilated room. The bark, like other types of raw materials, can be stored for 3 years.
  • Roots. Most often dug in the fall (October-November), but can also be dug in the spring. They are well cleaned, washed, dried. Then they are cut into small plates, laid out in a thin layer and dried in a well-ventilated area. Dry roots can be stored for 3 years, protected from moisture.

Although medicinal properties barberries last 3 years, if possible, herbalists still recommend restocking every 2 years with a good harvest.

Composition and pharmacological action

What are the beneficial properties of barberry berries, its leaves, roots and bark? How did this plant deserve such popular fame and recognition in traditional medicine?

  • Chemical composition. The main value of barberry is alkaloids (substances containing nitrogen). There are eleven of them in the barberry. The most important of them are berberine, berbamine, leonthine, oxyxanthine. Ripe berries contain a lot of sugars, mineral salts, organic acids, vitamins, and leaves contain more vitamin C, essential oils, carotene, malic and citric acid.
  • Pharmachologic effect. Cholagogue, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, tonic, sedative, astringent, antiseptic, diuretic, hypotensive, antipyretic, antitumor, analgesic.


First of all, thanks to berberine, all parts of the plant are widely used as a choleretic agent. For what diseases and symptoms is this plant most often used?

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures and decoctions stop gastrointestinal bleeding, treat liver diseases (including hepatitis and cirrhosis), spleen, bile ducts, gallbladder, stomach ulcers, indigestion, hemorrhoids, dysentery.
  • Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. The benefits of barberry have been proven in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, any cough caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is also used in the treatment of pleurisy and tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. medicinal plant lowers blood pressure and improves heart function.
  • Diseases Bladder and kidneys. Barberry is a good diuretic, so it can be used for urolithiasis (under the strict supervision of a doctor!).
  • To improve appetite. Nutritionists recommend taking juice and jelly from barberry fruits in case of appetite disturbance before each meal. To reduce the acid, you can add a little sugar to it, dilute it with water, add the juice of other fruits.
  • Treatment of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. Infusions of barberry are recommended to gargle, rinse the mouth with gum disease. Thanks to bactericidal, antiseptic properties, barberry relieves inflammation of the mucous well.
  • For weight loss. How does barberry promote weight loss? Firstly, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body and improves digestion. Secondly, thanks to pectins and organic acids, it improves intestinal motility and cleanses it well. Berries also cleanse the blood and the entire body of toxins. During the diet, preparations based on barberry support the body with essential vitamins and minerals, which is also very important. However, when losing weight, it is not recommended to use barberry as a snack and seasoning, since the berry increases appetite. But you can cook compotes, decoctions, teas, infusions with a minimum sugar content.
  • For rejuvenation. The rejuvenating properties of barberry were known in ancient Tibet and China. Masks were made from it to smooth wrinkles and improve skin color.
  • Diseases of the muscles and joints. For arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis, barberry is used internally and externally in the form of compresses. It is not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an analgesic.
  • Diabetes. Barberry restores metabolism and improves the condition of diabetes mellitus.
  • Gynecology. Decoctions and infusions treat uterine bleeding, as well as leucorrhoea, inflammation of the female genital organs with the help of baths and douching. Uterine bleeding is a serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention and determination of the cause of bleeding. Barberry quickly narrows blood vessels uterus, so earlier its decoctions and infusions in folk medicine were used to stop bleeding after childbirth, with uterine bleeding during menopause with hormonal disruptions.
  • Help with addictions. In some herbalists, there is information that the fruits and leaves of the shrub help get rid of drug, alcohol, and nicotine addictions.
  • Outdoor application. With inflammation of the eyes and skin (wounds, eczema), lotions, baths, washing with a decoction of barberry can be done.
  • Anti-radiation agent. With active radiation exposure, barberry helps to increase the body's defenses.
  • Immunostimulating agent. Due to the large amount of vitamin C (especially in the leaves), barberry can be taken prophylactically to strengthen the immune system, in the spring period of beriberi.

Some countries have their own peculiarities of using this plant. For example, in Germany they treat not only the digestive tract, but also lung diseases, mucosal lesions. In France, it is an antipyretic, bactericidal and hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) remedy. In Bulgaria it is a popular remedy for sciatica and rheumatic pains, in Poland it is often taken for beriberi, and in China for cancer.


What are the contraindications?

  • Pregnancy. The alkaloid substances contained in barberry can increase muscle tone, which is dangerous for miscarriage on early term and preterm birth in the last trimester. In most sources, there is also a ban on the use of barberry during breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance. In case of hypersensitivity and a severe allergic reaction, barberry should not be used for medicinal purposes.
  • Cholelithiasis and cirrhosis of the liver. Barberry can provoke an acute attack. Therefore, you can not use the medicine for cirrhosis and hepatitis various kinds without a doctor's appointment or consultation.
  • Diseases associated with increased blood clotting. Barberry, having a hemostatic effect, can aggravate the disease.
  • Children under 12 years old. The use for medicinal purposes is prohibited or carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. This is due to alkaloids, which can bring not only benefits, but also harm the body.

Barberry is weak poisonous plants. Therefore, its use for medicinal purposes without consulting a doctor is not recommended. An overdose may be accompanied by such symptoms - an allergic reaction in the form of edema, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness, nose and even kidney bleeding. With the simultaneous use of barberry and sedatives, the effect of the latter may increase. If there are any signs of an overdose and an allergic reaction, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Features of application in traditional medicine and pharmacological industry

How to cook and use barberry at home? And what preparations based on this medicinal raw material can be purchased at the pharmacy?

How the fruits are used

The use of barberry fruits is the most diverse:

  • they are consumed fresh, dried, boiled, pickled;
  • medicinal infusions and decoctions are made from berries, as well as compotes, juices, syrups, jams, liqueurs, marmalades, jams;
  • a recipe for preparing barberry with honey is known (barberry berries are placed in liquid fresh honey), then it is used as a healthy treat;
  • the fruits are also used as a seasoning for pilaf and other meat dishes;
  • fresh berries are more often taken for diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, vitamin deficiencies, to lower blood pressure, and cough.

Making jam from barberry berries

  1. Prepare 1 kg of fresh fruits and pour over them cold water for 8 hours.
  2. Make syrup from 6 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water.
  3. Drain the water from the berries, pour the syrup.
  4. Cook over moderate heat for 30 minutes.
  5. Pour jam into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

This is one of the old Russian barberry jam recipes. This is not only a delicacy, but also an effective antipyretic for colds, flu, SARS.

Preparation of a tonic drink from fresh berries

  1. Squeeze ½ cup of fresh fruit juice.
  2. Dilute with a glass of boiled water.
  3. Take ¼ cup of drink before meals.

This tool normalizes appetite, and also strengthens the immune system. The beneficial properties of barberry berries are preserved until the first frost, so the fruits can be harvested even in October-November.

How the leaves are used

Barberry leaves are no less valuable than the berries, roots and bark of the plant. Where and how are they used?

  • In cooking. Only young leaves are used, which can be harvested in spring and early summer. From the leaves in the old days they cooked cabbage soup, added it to salads as a seasoning, and made marinades. You can also use dried leaves as a seasoning to give a more sour taste to first courses.
  • Decoctions, infusions, tinctures for internal use. There may be water infusions and alcohol tinctures. For their preparation, fresh and dry leaves are taken. They are used to treat the digestive tract, kidneys, uterine bleeding.
  • As an antiseptic and anesthetic for external use. To strengthen the gums, it is recommended to chew fresh barberry leaves. A decoction of the leaves can be used to gargle, it is used for douching with gynecological inflammations, lotions and baths are made from it for diseases of the skin and joints.

Cooking alcohol tincture barberry

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry leaves.
  2. Pour ½ cup of vodka or diluted alcohol (40%).
  3. Insist 14 days in a warm and dark place.

The tincture will have a dark yellow color, a pleasant aroma and a sour taste. Take 20-30 drops three times a day for 3 weeks.

How the root and bark are used

The use of barberry root and bark is advisable for inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa, gynecological inflammation, digestive disorders, as well as for external use - lotions and baths.

Preparation of a decoction of barberry roots

  1. Take 1 tsp. crushed roots.
  2. Pour in a glass of water.
  3. Boil and hold in a water bath for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the decoction.

Take three times a day, 1 tsp. A decoction is especially useful for pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy. It also quenches thirst well.

Pharmacy preparations

  • Berberine tablets. The active substance of the drug is a barberry alkaloid (berberine). This is a well-known choleretic and antispasmodic agent, which is used to treat chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Under the influence of berberine, bile secretion increases, its viscosity decreases, and bile secretion increases, the muscle tone of the gallbladder decreases.
  • Pharmacy fee. Dried fruits, leaves, bark and root can be purchased at the pharmacy. Also, barberry can be part of other pharmacy fees.
  • Alcohol tincture from the leaves. Narrows blood vessels, accelerates blood clotting, reduces the smooth muscles of the uterus in the postpartum period. Also used as a choleretic agent. Take about 30 drops three times a day for 3 weeks according to strict indications.
  • Homeopathic granules "Barberry comp". They are most often prescribed for chronic tonsillitis and adenoids. In homeopathy, a tincture of dried roots is also used, taken for a long time in a diluted form for cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, biliary colic, bleeding, rheumatism and other diseases.


From the leaves, fruits and bark, decoctions and water infusions are prepared, with which they wipe the face. These homemade lotions and tonics have a rejuvenating effect, eliminate skin defects (pigment spots, freckles, blackheads), smooth fine wrinkles, and give a healthy complexion. However, when preparing face masks from fresh barberry fruits, you need to remember about safety: acid can severely irritate sensitive skin. Recommend making masks small area skin to check for a reaction. Also, decoctions and infusions of barberry are effective in general care behind the hair and well eliminate dandruff.

Preparation of decoction for skin rejuvenation

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped barberry leaves (fresh or dry).
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 30 minutes.
  4. Strain.

The decoction is used in the morning and evening as a tonic. You can also freeze the decoction in the form of portioned cubes and wipe your face with them.

Preparing a hair mask

  1. Take ½ cup of barberry fruit.
  2. Pour in 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.

The healing properties of barberry are known not only in traditional medicine. Preparations based on barberry are actively used in traditional medicine and pharmacology. Its main pharmacological properties are choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic. Due to the high content of alkaloids, the shrub belongs to weak poisonous plants, dangerous in case of overdose and prolonged, uncontrolled intake.

The barberry family includes a large number of barberry shrubs. One of the common species can be called the common barberry. The plant grows both in mountainous areas and on the plateau. Gardeners are not indifferent to barberry, for its decorative effect and useful properties.

The species features of the barberry differ among themselves in the color of the foliage, the size and shape of the bush. The common barberry comes in red, purple, yellow and variegated colors.

Barberry description

The common barberry is represented by a thorny shrub, about two to three meters high. The trunk and shoots are covered with sharp thorns, and on the branches leaves are formed in the shape of an ellipse measuring 4.5x2.5 cm. Barberry, due to its decorative features and prickly "protection", is often used as a hedge.

Autumn paints the leaves of the barberry in bright colors of burgundy, purple and fiery colors. Barberry blooms in spring, forming brushes of 20 small yellow flowers, the plant continues to bloom for about two weeks. Being an excellent nectar-bearing plant, the barberry is widely used to produce fragrant honey.

Barberry ordinary, bushes generously, releasing many arcuate shoots, of medium length, the shape of the bushes is given by pruning. The trunk of the bush is brown. The root system is well developed, produces creeping rhizomes, which are located in upper layers soil and nourish the plant.

Barberry fruits are elongated, barrel-shaped berries of scarlet color, sour and tart. The weight of one berry is about 4 grams, length is about 2 cm.

Ripening begins in early autumn, "green" barberry berries are dangerous to eat for food purposes, since their high content of alkaloids is dangerous for humans and promises poisoning.

Types and varieties of common barberry

The variety of varieties of barberry allows the summer resident to choose the one that will satisfy his needs. The plant is represented by several species, which in turn include a variety of varieties.

The most extensive group and the most common type of barberry. It grows in the south of Russia, settles along the forest edges, forest-steppe, hilly terrain and in the mountains of the Caucasus. Spreading shrub, not exceeding three meters, is protected by thorns. The shoots of the shrub are arched, prone to lodging. The foliage of the common barberry is green and red, round-oval in shape, located on short petioles. In spring, the shrub blooms with yellow small inflorescences, and in autumn bright and conspicuous fruits suitable for consumption appear.

Another common type of barberry, combining a huge number of varieties. The Thunberg bush is popular with gardeners for its decorative effect and unpretentiousness. The plant is a medium-sized shrub about two to three meters high. A strong plant needs pruning, due to the large number of shoots. The trunk and branches are covered with thorns and over time change color from burgundy to brown, the shrub looks spectacular as part of a hedge. The leaves of the barberry different shape and color, most often the shape of a pointed oval burgundy or green, located on short petioles, the leaves do not reach large sizes(average size 4x2 cm).

Thunberg barberry inflorescences can be solitary or racemose, flowers appear in mid-May, giving bright fruits in autumn. Summer residents note one of the most remarkable varieties of Thunberg:

Barberry red Red Pilar
, ornamental plant, low shrub with attractive, lush forms. Lilac foliage, with burgundy and gray tints.

Barberry variety yellow Golden Ring, medium-sized bush about three meters, with a lush hat. The foliage is purple, with a red tint and a yellow border. Flowering is abundant, bright, begins in spring, and barberry berries can be harvested in autumn.

Orange Rocket, an orange variety of barberry, an ornamental shrub with bright foliage and abundant fruiting. Leaves vary in color from bright red to orange flowers. Berries of rich coral color, elongated shape and sour-tart taste.

Ottawa hybrid species

Obtained by crossing the barberry Atropurpurea and Thunberg.

It has an exclusively decorative purpose and is similar to Thunberg's barberry. Leaf colors come in purplish, violet, and dirty pink hues. The plant develops rapidly, is stable and unpretentious. Needs pruning and sunlight. In autumn, the bright burgundy Ottawa barberry stands out against the gloomy gray backdrop of the garden. The varieties preferred by summer residents: Superba, Aurikoma, Silver Miles, these representatives of the species have a bright appearance and are unpretentious in their care.

Barberry ordinary purple Anthropurpurea or red-leaved

The bush is lush, sprawling, up to two meters high, very popular among summer residents. Anthropurpurea has burgundy or purple leaves, blooms with orange inflorescences, giving bright, large, shiny berries.

The purple species also has a variegated barberry form Albovariegata, differing from Anthropurpurea in a more squat shape, and green foliage in white stains and veins.

Aureomarginata with variegated leaves framed by a bronze border, is another form of Anthropurpurea. This type demanding to have sunlight, in the shade, the bright color of the foliage fades, and the bush begins to stretch upward, losing its "splendor".

Serrata, another form of purple barberry, has serrated leaves.

Sulcata, long, ribbed shoots, lutea, yellow fruit, Macrocarp fruit well, Alba produces white berries Asperms berries do not have seeds.

Amur barberry bush

Spreading, lush, deciduous plant. Primorye is considered the birthplace of growth. Outwardly, Amursky is similar to Ordinary, it is a large, tall (up to three meters), prickly barberry bush, with wide, serrated leaves. A spring green color, Amursky changes to an autumn shade of a blazing, scarlet color. This species is unpretentious, resistant to low temperatures, grows well on any soil. Propagation by cuttings and layering always brings good results. The Amur species of barberry, due to its height, is perfect for building a hedge on the site.

Red Barberry Cabernet

A low bush, does not reach a meter in height, the thorns reliably protect the plant from uninvited "guests". Foliage changes color from red to maroon or fiery orange closer to autumn.

It flowers mainly in spring and bears fruit in autumn. Flowers yellow, small. The berries are crimson red. The plant prefers sunny places with good moisture.

Needs pruning and does not tolerate drought well.

Motley Barberry Harlequin

The plant grows slowly, capriciously endures low temperatures.

Leaves are variegated, with spots white color. The shoots are covered with small thorns. Flowering begins from May to June. Flowers, small, light yellow are located throughout the shoot. Harlequin can't stand acidic soils and morbidity.

Planting a common barberry

The time of planting the barberry should be determined by the temperature indicators. These are mainly autumn months, before the onset of cold weather or in the second decade of spring. Barberry seedlings are preferably planted in the evening.

Growing a barberry will not be difficult, even a novice gardener will cope with a shrub, the main thing is to follow some recommendations when planting a plant. In order for the barberry to please bright colors, the place should be chosen well-lit, quiet. The planting distance of barberry seedlings varies in steps from one and a half meters, if we are talking about a single planting, and not about building a hedge.

Barberry bushes can be planted both in linear and staggered order, the plant will grow in any case.

As for a suitable soil, it should be soddy, ideally, chernozems are suitable, with low acidity (high soil acidity, eliminated by liming), and high humus content. If the soil in your area is poor, enrich it artificially, apply rotted manure and mineral fertilizers. Like any other ornamental plant, the barberry needs light, both to form fruits and to maintain the brightness of the bush.

The next step is drainage. Barberry will not survive a long stagnation of moisture in the soil, will not tolerate waterlogging and simply rot.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to bring sand into the pit when planting a barberry, in the amount of a quarter of a bucket.

So, in a well-lit place, dig a planting hole about 40-50 cm deep and about 35-45 cm wide. Pour river sand about 7-8 cm, pour sawdust layer of 5 cm, the third layer is soddy soil mixed with mineral fertilizers, after the formation of drainage, pour a bucket of water into the recess and proceed to planting.

The barberry seedling is placed vertically in the pit, the roots are sprinkled with wood ash, and then covered with soil, it will not be superfluous, in the middle, with a thin layer, to add peat or dry foliage to the planting pit, and cover it with the remaining earth from above. Do not cover the root neck, it should show up from the ground.

The planted seedling is watered abundantly and the top is cut off to form side shoots and a lush bush. On the surface of the soil, rotted manure can be decomposed, which will solve the problem of top dressing. Before winter, the plant is mulched or covered with spruce branches.

Barberry ordinary care

Plant care is simple and with the timely implementation of simple agricultural techniques, your barberry bush will delight you with its appearance for a long time. Care activities include: watering, weeding, loosening, hilling, pruning and top dressing.

Barberry bushes do not tolerate waterlogging, watering is limited to once a week. Weeding and hilling should be carried out as necessary, preventing the growth of weeds on the site. From unwanted plants, the method of mulching the soil around the young seedling will save. It is enough to fertilize barberry only once a year. in early spring. The plant responds well to nitrogen, organic matter and nitroammophoska.

In order for the plant to remain in “shape” for a long time, it is necessary to perform pruning, in addition, decorative pruning will create a look of well-groomed plant and please with its appearance. Barberry branches tolerate pruning painlessly, in early spring, as soon as the snow melts or in late autumn.

When cutting the shoots, make sure that at least four live buds remain on it, for further vegetation of the branch, and not drying out.

You can give any shape to the common barberry, thanks to the lush growth and the rapid growth of the bush, the bushes look most spectacular in the form of a “ball”.

Sanitary treatment of plantings is mandatory before wintering, pruning of old, dry and affected shoots is performed.

Treating the soil with fungicides or a strong manganese solution will protect the plant from a fungal infection. For the winter, young plantings must be mulched or covered with spruce branches.

Mature plants winter well and tolerate low temperatures, however, in harsh winters, they also need additional shelter, like all garden vegetation.

Useful properties of common barberry

Speaking about the usefulness of the barberry, many will doubt it, since the common barberry is grown largely because of its decorative effect.

However, the opinion can be considered erroneous. Kissels, compotes, marshmallows, molasses are cooked from barberry. Prepare jellies, mousses, syrups, tinctures, liqueurs. They are used in marinades, added to dishes as a fragrant seasoning, pickled berries are in demand in the national Caucasian cuisine.

Barberry berries have a choleretic and antipyretic effect.

Barberry root decoctions serve as an aid in the elimination of attacks associated with exacerbation cholelithiasis, normalize the work of the digestive tract, eliminating constipation. Table varieties of barberry contain a huge amount of vitamins and organic acids.

In pharmacology, I use all parts of the plant, in the form of oils, dietary supplements and teas. In the fight against uncomplicated hepatitis of various etiologies, a decoction of barberry leaves is used, for this, 50 grams of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and drunk on an empty stomach for half a glass. Barberry oil is used as a wound healing and decongestant.

Barberry fruits are harvested during the period of full ripening, unripe berries can harm the body and cause severe poisoning. The collected berries are dried in the sun and then stored in cloth bags. Thus, the berries do not spoil long time and do not lose useful properties.

» Barberry

Almost every adult remembers from childhood a delicious candy caramel called "Barberry". This candy is named after the shrub of the same name, which has recently become popular with gardeners in our country. Barberry ordinary - quite an ornamental shrub especially during flowering and fruit ripening.

The plant is grown not only for decoration suburban area, but also for harvesting, because its sour berries make wonderful compotes and syrups, jams and jelly, liqueurs and liqueurs, marshmallows and jelly.

Armenian and Georgian cuisines cannot do without barberry, the pickled berries of which add a special touch to lamb, poultry, veal, rice and vegetable dishes.

According to the description, Barberry ordinary is thorny shrub, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m. Its elongated shoots and trunks are covered with thorns, which allows the plant to be used as a reliable hedge, planting several bushes in a row at a close distance from each other.

On shortened shoots, regular leaves of an obovate or elliptical shape are formed. The leaves are not large: the average length is 4 cm, width - 2 cm.

Foliage looks especially beautiful in autumn when its color becomes bright red or red-burgundy.

Common barberry is a thorny shrub that blooms in April-May, bright red oblong berries ripen in September-October

Barberry shoots grow in an arcuate fashion in different directions, creating a spreading crown that is easy to shape with pruning.

The creeping rhizomes of the shrub are located in the surface layer of the soil and become woody over time. The bark of the trunks is light brown.

Barberry blooms in April-May, forming brushes of 15-25 yellow flowers. The plant is an excellent honey plant - fragrant, delicately sweet honey is obtained from pollen. You can admire the flowering shrub for three weeks.

In place of flowers bright red oblong berries ripen in September-October, tart-sour taste. The average length of each berry is 1.5 cm, and the weight is about 4 g.

Unripe berries due to great content alkaloids are poisonous and unsuitable for food.

Growing conditions for common barberry

Barberry grows almost everywhere: in Central Asia, southern and central Europe, Eastern Siberia and North America. There is a plant in the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, which, according to biologists, are its homeland.

Barberry has good winter hardiness and heat resistance., therefore, among gardeners, it has gained fame as an unpretentious and easy-to-care culture that is undemanding to soil fertility and can be successfully grown on poor soils.

The plant is more suitable for neutral soils with an acidity index of no higher than 7.0. Acid soil before planting is limed with slaked lime, wood ash or ground chalk.

The only requirement that the barberry makes to the place of growth- deep groundwater and the absence of prolonged seasonal rains, since excessive moisture is detrimental to the plant.

Barberry can be successfully grown in megacities. If many plants do not tolerate urban air pollution, wither and die from dust and gas, then barberry "bad" ecology is not terrible.

An important condition for abundant fruiting is good lighting., therefore, it is recommended to choose a sunny place for planting. If the plant is planted in partial shade, this will significantly reduce the yield.

Landing in open ground

V open ground held both in autumn and spring.

Autumn planting is preferable, because in spring the shrub starts growing very early. If needed spring planting carried out until bud break.

2-3-year-old seedlings are suitable for planting, although older plants (6-7 years) are also well accepted. For the future shrub, a hole is prepared with a depth of 40 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm.

At the bottom of the pit they pour fertile soil and fertilizers:

  • rotted manure or compost;
  • potash fertilizer - 2 tbsp. l (or 2 cups of ash);
  • superphosphate - 1 cup.

Fertilizers are mixed with fertile soil so that the roots of the seedling do not come into contact with chemicals. After that, the barberry is placed in a prepared hole, covered with earth and the soil is tamped down with a foot.

In conclusion the trunk circle is watered and mulched with humus or peat.

Beneficial features

By planting a barberry on the site, you can get medicinal raw materials, because all parts of the shrub contain useful material . The healing power of the plant has been known since ancient times and was used by the healers of Babylon and India.

Leaf harvesting for the preparation of medicinal potions, they are carried out during the budding and flowering of the plant. They contain vitamin C, carotenoids and mineral salts.

barberry rhizomes also used for treatment, they are harvested in early spring, until the buds have blossomed, or in the fall after the fruit has been harvested.

All parts of the shrub contain the alkaloid berberine, which is used to treat gallbladder diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Preparations based on barberry have different medicinal properties:

Based on medical goals use decoctions of leaves, bark or rhizomes. Decoctions are not only taken orally, but also used externally to wash wounds and inflamed eyes.

Preparations with barberry in compresses and rubbing are effective for osteochondrosis, sciatica, rheumatism and arthritis. An aqueous infusion of the bark is used for angina for gargling.

Barberry berries contain acids- lemon, tartar and apple. Berry juice improves appetite and helps with constipation, providing a mild laxative effect.

Reception of barberry fruits with honey is prescribed after radiation exposure as a means of increasing the body's defenses.

Even the flowers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. in case of problems with cardiovascular system, preparing water decoctions from them.

We cultivate barberry in the country:

barberry care

Barberry care is not a big problem. The plant needs infrequent watering, loosening and weeding, top dressing and shaping pruning.

Watering and weeding

Considering the intolerance of moisture stagnation by shrubs, often watering the barberry is not necessary. In normal weather with sufficient rainfall, the plant does not need additional moisture.

But during the dry heat, the barberry should be watered once a week with warm water, avoiding its contact with the leaves. Weekly watering is necessary for young seedlings for better survival in a new place.

In the process of growing barberry, it is necessary regularly remove abundant root shoots and weeds. After weeding, it is desirable to loosen to a depth of 5-8 cm to ensure oxygen access to the roots.

top dressing

If, when planting a barberry, the recommendations for applying complex and organic fertilizers were followed, it is not necessary to feed the plant in the first year after planting.

Next year starting from spring, 20-30 g of urea diluted in 10 liters of water is added under each barberry bush. Such top dressing is carried out every three years.

When growing a plant for the purpose of obtaining a crop, barberry is fed after flowering and in early autumn with potassium and phosphorus.

For these purposes, ready-made complex fertilizers are used ("Kemira universal" and analogues) or potash fertilizer and superphosphate, 10-15 g of each substance.


The shrub grows rather slowly, giving an increase of 30 cm per year, but needs pruning from the first years.

Sanitary pruning. Sick, dry and thickening bush branches are regularly cut out.

Formative cutting. The formation of the barberry crown comes down to regulating the number of branches. To do this, you need to decide for what purpose the shrub is grown.

If the priority is to obtain a crop, then the bush is thinned out more strongly, otherwise, with a strong thickening, fruiting is sharply reduced.

Rejuvenation. Over time, the barberry ages and needs rejuvenating pruning, in which the old branches are cut out entirely and new ones are formed in their place.

Prune in early spring before buds open. Do not get carried away and do not shorten the branches too much. remember, that barberry blooms and bears fruit mainly on annual shoots.

Protection against diseases and pests

Barberry is susceptible to attack by various insect pests and fungal infections, but the main danger to the plant is rust, powdery mildew and barberry aphid.

Rust and powdery mildew. Rust appears as orange spots on the upper side of the leaves. Convex "pads" appear on the underside of the leaves. orange color in which spores of the puccinia fungus are formed.

If the disease becomes threatening, then the shoots begin to dry out, and the leaves fall off. The close proximity of barberry bushes to fields of wheat, oats and other grains threatens the spread of rust.

Treat the infection with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1.5%) or Bordeaux mixture (1-3%). Processing begins in the first days after the leaves bloom and is repeated twice more every three weeks.

Powdery mildew appears as a white or grayish bloom and affects not only leaves, but also shoots with berries.

To combat the disease, colloidal sulfur (0.5% solution) or fungicidal preparations are used, the choice of which is quite large. Affected leaves and shoots must be cut and burned.

barberry aphid. The scourge of barberry is an aphid that settles in flowers and on the underside of leaves. If therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the plant will lose its decorative effect in a few days.

There are several ways to deal with barberry aphids:

  1. In order to prevent spring, the barberry is sprayed with a solution laundry soap(1 piece per 10 liters of water).
  2. To prevent aphids from attacking, the bushes are treated with a tobacco solution prepared from 0.5 kg of shag and 10 liters of water. For better adhesion, laundry soap is added to the solution.
  3. Effective folk remedies: decoctions and infusions of bitter pepper, garlic, marigolds and other plants that repel small pests.
  4. Good help insecticidal preparations ("Fitoverm", "Decis" and similar), which are used both for the prevention and for the destruction of barberry aphid colonies.

Barberry is a beautiful shrub with an Arabic name. It is used in landscape design as ornamental plant or a hedge, which, thanks to the thorns, serves as a reliable protection.

Barberry is attractive throughout the entire growing season: in spring - fragrant delicate inflorescences, in autumn - tassels of red berries and purple foliage.

Given the unpretentiousness of the plant, even an inexperienced summer resident will cope with it, and the plant will thank for the simple care with a harvest of useful berries.
