Hormones affecting weight. What hormones and how do they affect a woman's weight. Estrogen increases the number of fat cells

The endocrine system plays a large, if not the main, role in regulating our weight. endocrine system make up the glands that produce various hormones that affect the activity of cells, organs and almost every function of our body. And of course, hormones play an important role in weight gain or weight loss, appetite regulation, metabolic rate, fat storage, the sudden desire to eat delicious, etc.


Leptin is a hormone primarily responsible for the feeling of satiety. It got its name from the Greek word "leptos" - slender. Leptin sends signals to the brain about the sufficiency of fat reserves. When its level decreases, the brain understands this in such a way that a person is “dying of hunger”, he needs new fat reserves, and the person begins to want to urgently eat a chocolate bar, sausages or chips.

In general, the effect of this hormone on the body is very mysterious. When this hormone was injected into laboratory mice, their weight decreased. It turned out that the mechanism of action of this hormone is simple and specific: it causes the breakdown of fat and reduces food intake. It would seem - introduce it into the body by injection - and there will be no obese patients. It wasn't there! Indeed, in patients with obesity, it is about ten times more than in thin ones. Perhaps because the body of obese people somehow loses sensitivity to leptin and therefore begins to produce it in an increased amount in order to somehow overcome this insensitivity. With weight loss, leptin levels also drop.

Leptin levels also decrease with lack of sleep. This partly explains the fact that chronically sleep deprived (less than seven hours a night) people are prone to.

Those who regularly eat fish and seafood have a balanced level of the hormone leptin. This is very good, since there is a relationship between high level leptin and low and obese.


Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is a close relative of adrenaline, both produced by the adrenal glands. It is a corticosteroid hormone produced involuntarily at times of increased stress and is part of the human defense mechanism.

Cortisol affects metabolism and excess weight different ways. Being part of the built-in biological defense mechanism that manifests itself under stress, it starts some defense processes and suspends others. For example, in many people it increases appetite in time, so that a person has the strength to resist the world around him, and a person in psychologically difficult moments begins to “comfort himself” with delicious food. At the same time, it reduces the metabolic rate - again, so as not to lose the energy necessary to escape stress. Since a person cannot somehow influence the production of cortisol, it remains only to either minimize stress by changing lifestyle or avoiding sources of stress, or find relaxation methods that suit you: yoga, dancing, breathing exercises, prayers, meditation, etc.


Being, as we have already said, a relative of cortisol, adrenaline, however, affects the metabolism differently than cortisol. If cortisol is released in response to fear, danger, or stress, adrenaline is released in moments of excitement. The difference, it would seem, is small, but it is. For example, if you are skydiving for the first time, then most likely you will experience fear and your cortisol levels will increase. If you are an experienced skydiver, then, probably, at the moment of the jump you feel not so much fear as emotional excitement, accompanied by an adrenaline rush.

Unlike cortisol, adrenaline speeds up metabolism and helps in the breakdown of fats, releasing energy from them. It triggers a special mechanism called "thermogenesis" - an increase in body temperature caused by the combustion of the body's energy reserves. In addition, the release of adrenaline usually suppresses appetite.

Unfortunately, the greater the weight of a person, the lower his production of adrenaline.


The female hormone estrogen is produced by the ovaries and performs a variety of functions from regulating the menstrual cycle to distributing body fat. It is estrogen that is one of the main reasons that in young women fat is deposited, as a rule, in the lower body, while in post-menopausal women and men in the abdomen. It is believed that a lack of estrogen leads to weight gain.

Hormone levels in women begin to decline as early as 10 years before menopause. Very often, this is primarily manifested in an increased love for sweets. With a decrease in estrogen production, the body begins to look for it in fat cells. Once fat cells begin to supply the body with estrogen, it begins to store more and more fat. At the same time, the woman begins to lose testosterone, which is expressed in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. Since muscles are responsible for burning fat, the more muscle is lost, the more fat is deposited. That is why it is so difficult to lose weight after 35-40 years.

It is known that the mineral boron is needed for the production of male and female sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone). Boron is found in very low amounts in most soils, and therefore our diet is low, resulting in low levels of the hormones estrogen and testosterone in many people. Supplementing with boron often helps to balance the production of these hormones. The level of estrogen and testosterone also decreases with stress. Support muscle mass and you can slow down its loss with the help of strength exercises.


Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar (glucose) levels and converts excess sugar into fat stores. Insulin deficiency leads to type 2 diabetes. Popularly speaking, this is the result of a long and hard work of the pancreas due to the constant excess intake of sugar and starch into the body. Eat less food white color so as not to overload the pancreas and not to gain excess weight.

The work of the pancreas, and therefore the balanced production of hormones, is improved by the action of the minerals chromium and vanadium and vitamin B3 (niacin). Unfortunately, these minerals and vitamins are usually deficient in Western diets. Additional intake of these substances in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes can help in the prevention and early treatment of pancreatic disorders.


Ghrelin is a "short-lived" hormone produced in the stomach that is designed to send hunger signals to the brain. Recent studies have shown that fructose (one of the sugars found especially in fruit juices, corn syrup, and sodas) stimulates the production of ghrelin, leading to an increase in overall caloric intake. That is, the consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to increased and more frequent feelings of hunger and overeating. Fortunately, most people who follow healthy diet, know that in the first place it is necessary to remove these foods from your diet.

Thyroid hormones

These similar in nature, which are briefly called T1, T2, T3 and T4, are produced by the thyroid gland. Thyroxine, which speeds up metabolism, has the greatest effect on weight gain.

Insufficient production of thyroid hormones, known as underactive thyroid, leads to recruitment and other troubling conditions. However, the increased production of these hormones - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, entails its own diseases and is also undesirable, although it is rare in overweight people. That is, in this case, a healthy balance is important. If you suspect that you have a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, then you can do a blood test for the content of these hormones. But although the use of drugs that regulate the activity of the thyroid gland is widespread, they should be resorted to as a last resort and only as directed by a doctor.

The thyroid gland needs iodine to function properly. The intake of iodine in the diet can be provided by consumption iodized salt, iodine-containing supplements, vitamin-mineral complexes, supplements containing algae, etc. Recent studies have shown that thyroid function is further improved when iodine is taken in combination with another mineral, selenium. In addition, according to other studies, thyroid dysfunction is accompanied by low levels of copper in the blood.

The function of the thyroid gland is also affected by some food products. So, people with reduced function or people who simply want to speed up their metabolism should avoid soy products and excessive consumption of peanuts. A useful natural thyroid stimulant is coconut oil, which is often condemned as a source of saturated fat. In addition, the level of thyroid hormones, as well as testosterone and estrogen, decreases under the influence of stress.

Thus, if you have overweight and you want to lose weight, or if your body does not respond to diets, you can do a series of laboratory tests to check the levels of hormones in your blood. But do not rush to resort to replacement therapy, even in case of a deficiency of any hormone. Most cases of hormonal deficiency can be compensated by changing lifestyle and diet, taking mineral, vitamin and fatty acid supplements.

It is unlikely that I will be original if I say that most women associate the word “hormones” with a rapid set of extra pounds. It is for this reason that most of them refuse to take contraceptive hormonal drugs. However, hormones are different, and there are situations when hormonal drug turns out to be more effective than any other or its reception is necessary for health reasons. In this regard, I would like to talk about the effect of various hormones on a woman's weight, so that readers can feel confident in the "boundless hormonal sea."

Let's start with the fact that a significant role in female body fat plays. It is his reserves that "launch" menstrual cycle in girls. The minimum body weight required for this is somewhere in the range of 40-48 kg, depending on height. With excess weight, menstruation begins earlier, with insufficient weight, they are delayed.

The mechanism of fat accumulation in women has its own characteristics. The body stores it "just in case" - for future pregnancy and breastfeeding. Under the influence of female sex hormones, fat reserves are distributed in a special way - in the hips and buttocks. Fat on the abdomen is deposited under the skin (i.e., it can be captured in a fold) in contrast to the male type of fat deposition - around the internal organs. Since the reserves are made “consciously” by the body, overweight for a woman is not as dangerous as for a man, it is more of a cosmetic problem. And that is why the reduction of each kilogram for a woman will be harder.

The mediator between adipose tissue and the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that regulates the reproductive system) is leptin. It is a hormone produced by adipose tissue itself. Its main function, proven to date, is to “turn off” the zones in the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger, thus regulating body weight.

The female sex hormones did not stand aside either. The menstrual cycle in a woman is supported by the coordinated work of 2 hormones - estrogen, which carry out the growth of the egg in the ovary and progesterone, whose task is to prepare the uterus for the "reception" of a fertilized egg. Estrogens regulate the work of enzymes responsible for the deposition of fat characteristic of women, and the higher their number, the more active it occurs. Another effect of estrogen is to suppress appetite.

It has been noted that in women with a regular menstrual cycle, appetite is moderate immediately after menstruation, and by the middle of the cycle, when a mature egg is released from the ovary (this process is accompanied by a 2-3-fold increase in estrogen levels), appetite decreases. In the second half of the cycle, when the level of estrogen is again reduced, women begin to eat "for two". If fertilization does not occur, menstruation begins, the level of estrogen gradually rises, and the woman's appetite slowly decreases again.

The most annoying thing is that the second sex hormone, progesterone, just helps a lot to reduce weight. Firstly, it enhances metabolism, accelerates fat burning. Secondly, it prevents adrenal hormones from increasing the number of fat cells. But just when there is a lot of it (in the second phase of the menstrual cycle), the amount of estrogen, which is stronger than it in action, just decreases, and all its positive effects are “crushed” by increased appetite. Try to lose weight in this scenario!

male sex hormone testosterone women also produce it, but in smaller quantities. In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - a condition where the egg is not developed enough and cannot be released from the ovary - its level increases, which leads to weight gain. In this case, adipose tissue is more often deposited according to the male pattern.

What other hormones affect adipose tissue? We can say that almost everything.

Growth Hormone (GH). It is produced by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain. One of its functions is to stimulate the breakdown of fats and increase the amount of muscle tissue. It is produced mainly at night, so the duration and quality of sleep have a positive effect on the figure, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. At home, you can increase the production of growth hormone by taking a small amount (100-200 grams) of low-fat protein foods (such as chicken breasts, salmon, etc.) an hour and a half before bedtime. Medications, containing growth hormone, have a strong effect on many organs and systems, therefore, in order to avoid accidents, they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Cortisol. Produced by the adrenal glands. very harmful hormone slim figure. It converts connective tissue cells into fat cells. Connective tissue- this is a kind of "layer" between the internal organs, blood vessels, muscles. It produces fat cells. In structure, they are very similar, only in the fat cell, 80 percent is fat, and the rest is the core and the inclusions necessary for its vital activity. However, a woman may not face these actions of his. Diseases accompanied by an increase in cortisol are rare. Normally, it can increase with stress, but this increase is temporary and does not cause weight gain. Medications containing cortisol are prescribed in rare cases (during pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage, in severe cases of asthma), when other drugs are powerless and the patient is no longer up to maintaining weight.

Insulin. A hormone produced by the pancreas. Its function is to deliver glucose to the muscles and brain. Under the influence of excess insulin, the deposition of fat increases. It is very easy to cause an excess of insulin in yourself with modern image of life: eat more easily digestible carbohydrates: chips, sugary sodas, beer, honey (he is, of course, healthy, but 99% consists of sugar), white bread, potatoes, bananas, sweets, cakes, noodles and instant soups ... in short In other words, everything is delicious. Considering that almost all overweight people eat this way, it becomes clear why it is so difficult to reduce weight - the hormone does not. If a person begins to severely restrict himself in food, insulin immediately begins to “resent” - the mood deteriorates, weakness appears, trembling in the hands, inability to concentrate.

Thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland regulates the basic metabolism in the body. Basal metabolism is the energy that the body spends on maintaining life - i.e. so that the heart beats, the lungs inhale and exhale air, the stomach works, etc. Usually, 800-1000 kilocalories are spent on this per day. With an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland, people lose weight, but with a decrease in weight, weight is added slightly, but it is almost impossible to reduce it. If in such a situation a woman begins to take thyroid hormones and their level returns to normal, then the weight begins to decrease even on the lightest diet. Thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine) are freely available, and this is often used by those who like to lose weight without effort, in which the amount of their thyroid hormones is normal. But in vain! Firstly, their excess, especially triiodothyronine, which is most often used for these purposes, has a very harmful effect on the work of the heart. And secondly, when they are canceled, the weight will return very quickly.

And so it turns out that most of the hormones in a woman prevent her from becoming slim and beautiful. What to do?

In my opinion, you need to “negotiate” with your body and very slowly reduce the calorie content of the diet - no more than 300-500 kilocalories every 3-4 months. Let it take a lot of time, but it will not be a strong stress for the body, then the diet will be easier to tolerate, and if you “relax”, the weight will return more slowly. With short-term dietary measures - fasting days, 2-week fasting, the body is under very strong stress, and in order to protect itself from further encroachments on the "most sacred", it rebuilds the metabolism. Each time, the weight will go away less and less, and you will want to eat more and more, and the weight will return faster and faster.

If the calorie restriction of the diet is very difficult to tolerate (which indirectly indicates an excess of insulin), then a low-carbohydrate diet (the Montignac, Dr. Atkins or Kremlin diet) helps very well. The main thing is to wait for the beginning of its action (sometimes 2-3 months), then the weight begins to decrease very easily. The advantages of such diets include the fact that they do not provide for limiting the amount of food consumed, it is important to exclude certain foods (which I wrote above, in the section on insulin). In addition, the weight of people who have lost weight in this way will return more slowly, because. on the background of the diet, the level of insulin will decrease and the metabolism will normalize.

Therefore, dear women, if you want to lose weight, then be patient, resign yourself to the fact that you won’t eat your favorite foods for a very long time, squeeze your will into a fist and go! Good luck!

Men lose weight much faster than women. This fact is undeniable and has long been proven by nutritionists. You can exhaust yourself with diets for years and sweat for hours in the gym, but the result will be imperceptible. Why do some people lose weight easily and others don't? Maybe the hormones are to blame.

Influence of hormones

The usual rule "eat less - spend more" is only partly true. The main cause of excess weight is a metabolic disorder and hormonal imbalance. The influence of hormones on a person's life is reflected in the metabolic rate, appetite, weight loss or gain, and other physiological processes. And the first thing to do before engaging in "weight loss" is to contact an endocrinologist.

We will tell you which hormones are to blame for the fact that a woman cannot lose weight, and why overeating is dangerous symptom. And at the end of the article, see what 10 tests you need to pass in order to exclude endocrine pathology.


This hormone regulates appetite and is responsible for energy metabolism. It is called the satiety hormone or the main fat hormone. Low leptin levels increase appetite and lead to obesity. If there are a lot of fats in the cells of the body, the level of leptin rises, thereby the command comes to the brain: “Enough eating!” But an excess of leptin creates a high likelihood of thrombosis.

It is produced in the gastrointestinal tract and causes a feeling of hunger. Ghrelin stimulates nervous system and protect the cardiovascular system. If you snack often, then you will have low level ghrelin, but increased anxiety and depressive stress. Enhanced level hormone in the absence of food reduces anxiety. It turns out a vicious circle - after a diet, a brutal appetite and hunger wakes up, which is very difficult to suppress.

Therefore, you need to eat no more than 4-5 times a day, of which 2 meals are light snacks. Particular attention should be paid to breakfast, it should be mandatory.

Estrogen and progesterone

Female sex hormones manifest themselves after the age of 45, when women go through menopause. Low estrogen promotes the deposition of fat cells in the abdomen. And a low level of progesterone causes the body to retain more fluid, therefore, the volume of the body increases.


Menstrual disorders and polycystic ovaries are sometimes caused by elevated testosterone levels. This leads to uncontrolled weight gain, facial hair, acne, and infertility. During menopause, low testosterone lowers the metabolic rate, which also causes obesity.

It is produced by the pancreas and plays a very important role in fat metabolism, inhibiting the activity of enzymes that break down fats. Insulin promotes the processing of excess sugar into adipose tissue. If you like sweets, know that eating too much of it dramatically increases insulin levels and, as a result, there are overweight on the sides.

Thyroid hormones

Thyroid disorders can lead to weight gain. Thyroid hormones are activators of fat breakdown. With a low level of these hormones, hypothyroidism occurs - a disease in which the deposition of fat increases and a person becomes very and unevenly stout. And with hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease), severe exhaustion occurs.


Somatotropin is a growth hormone that promotes weight loss. Normally, it activates the secretion of fats by cells and their breakdown. A low level of somatotropin inhibits all processes in the body.


It is called the stress hormone. The main reasons for its increased excretion are stress and lack of sleep. Elevated cortisol levels increase appetite. To cope with the problem, many women "seize" it and feel relieved. Those who constantly find themselves in traumatic situations often gain excess weight, even if they do not overeat. This is due to a violation of metabolism during a nervous strain.

endocrine diseases, diabetes, increased levels of sex hormones are closely associated with uncontrolled weight gain. To identify and exclude pathology, it is worth undergoing a special laboratory study. Below is a list of tests that allow you to detect and stop very dangerous diseases at an early stage.

What do you think, are there biologically active substances, the level of which in our body depends on whether we lose extra pounds or gain them by leaps and bounds? It turns out that this is not an invention of doctors: hormones that affect weight can become our allies or, on the contrary, our worst enemies in the fight for harmony. How do they participate in the process of losing weight? In order to answer this question, you need to find out what these invisible participants in all processes in our body are.

What do we know about hormones?

Hormones are substances that act as a kind of regulators of many important functions. They are responsible for the stability gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. The complex processes of carbohydrate metabolism and the mobilization of free fatty acids depend on them. Little helpers stimulate metabolic processes that affect our weight. Among other important things that these highly active organic compounds perform is the effect on absolutely all systems (nervous, sexual, etc.). What is the effect of these substances? Imagine that the hormone is a shooting range. He has several targets - completely different organs. What happens when a bullet flies straight at the target? In our body, changes begin to occur that affect the work of all systems. So, if the level of glucose in the blood, which is controlled by insulin and other important hormones, rises sharply, our condition will change dramatically: severe headaches will appear, a feeling of dry mouth will appear, vision will deteriorate, weight will begin to go away by itself, and habitual cheerfulness will change. weakness and lethargy.

Agree, no one wants to feel sick. Unfortunately, not everyone keeps track own health, highlighting the most minor changes. Our weight also depends on the level of hormones. Why is it not only buns and cakes that should be blamed? Let's try to understand the mechanism of action of some substances.

Hormones and overweight women: the relationship

A sedentary lifestyle, overeating, a love for everything fatty and fried ... One more item can be added to this list - hormonal imbalance. All these factors determine whether we are losing weight or rapidly gaining extra pounds. Why are organic compounds responsible for regulating the most important processes guilty of fat accumulation? The fact is that our body has a good memory. By stuffing your stomach, you give it a wrong idea of ​​​​the daily rate and deliberately slow down metabolic processes. If, after realizing it, you begin to “deprive” yourself by reducing portions or declaring a hunger strike, the “bins” will still not remain empty - ugly folds will appear on the waist and sides, and the figure on the scales will stubbornly creep up.

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Thus, our body is trying to make reserves for a rainy day, but it is pointless to blame it: you yourself set a bad example, and then created a stressful situation in which the main task was the unbridled accumulation of fat cells. Hormones help to restore the lost feeling of satiety. To do this, they slow down metabolic processes and keep our weight the same, creating a kind of reserves into which fats are sent. We try to tame hunger, limit ourselves, excluding everything sweet and high-calorie from the diet, but we do not achieve the desired result. How to be? You should start with the simplest thing - a trip to the endocrinologist.

What hormones affect a woman's weight

Let's try to make a list that will include all biologically active substances that somehow contribute to the set of extra pounds:

    Let's talk about leptin first. This organic compound is responsible for the feeling of satiety. It is also precisely because of its action that we feel the strongest appetite, which leads us to the kitchen - sometimes even late at night. What is the action of this hormone? He plays the role of a regulator who informs our body that the required amount of fat has been taken, and the meal can be finished. When the level of this substance drops sharply, we run to the refrigerator to replenish our supplies, and we put everything our heart desires into our mouths. For those who uncontrollably indulge themselves, without thinking about what constant overeating will lead to, sensitivity to leptin disappears, which explains the exorbitant indicator obtained as a result of testing. How to return the value back to normal? It turns out that this requires a full sleep. If we get up to work without sleeping even 7 hours, the hormone level drops sharply, and the hand itself reaches for food.

    Cortisol is another culprit in rapid weight gain. It is produced in our body as a defensive reaction to constant worries and worries. This substance affects metabolic processes and contributes to the production of additional energy. How? Do you know the expression "stress eating"? This is exactly what happens when new and new problems pile up on us from all sides. Having eaten a pie, a cake or a chocolate bar, we calm down for a while, and the fat deposited in reserve appears in a day or two on the sides and stomach, legs and hips. How to regulate the level of cortisol in the body? Everything is very simple: learn to look at the world with a smile, not paying attention to annoying failures and meeting every new day with joy. Love yourself and don't let negative emotions win. Find a relaxation method that works for you, but don't look for solace in food.

    Another hormone responsible for weight in women is adrenaline. It is released at the moments of the highest excitement and helps to start the metabolism in the body, which leads to the rapid breakdown of fats. The stored energy burns without residue, and the weight decreases. The higher the level of this substance in the blood, the less we want to eat. An increase in body weight leads to a decrease in performance and a gradual inhibition of metabolic processes.

    Estrogen is the most female hormone, which affects not only the distribution of body fat, but also the menstrual cycle. The lack of this substance leads to a set of extra pounds. The body begins to look for its missing helper where it does not exist - in fat reserves, which grow day by day. We are drawn to sweets and do not even suspect that the desire to swallow another candy is associated with a decrease in the level of the sex hormone. It becomes less and less after the onset of menopause, indicators also fall in stressful situations. Together with estrogen, the reserves of testosterone, which is responsible for the formation of muscle tissue, begin to dry up. Boron will help restore the balance of substances necessary for the body - take it as a biologically active food supplement, under the supervision of a specialist.

    The list of weight-gaining hormones would be incomplete without insulin. This substance regulates blood sugar levels. Excess glucose leads to diabetes, rampant accumulation of body fat and a set of extra pounds, as well as a malfunction of the pancreas, which cannot withstand the load and gradually ceases to cope with its basic functions. How to protect your body and maintain health? It is necessary to carefully monitor the diet, stop the uncontrolled absorption of all sweet and high-calorie foods and eliminate stress and anxiety from life. And the work of the pancreas will help stabilize chromium and vanadium, contained in many vitamin and mineral complexes.

    What hormone is responsible for weight? The one that constantly sends hunger signals to our brains. This is ghrelin, and we ourselves can cause its excess in the body. How? The fact is that fructose is responsible for its production, which is so abundant in sugar, honey, sweet soda and corn syrup. The higher the level of this substance, the stronger the feeling of hunger that overcomes us, and the shorter the pauses between meals.

    Thyroid hormones close our list (T1, T2, T3, T4). All of them are produced by the thyroid gland and have a strong effect on our body. Most of all, the level of thyroxine affects the processes of accumulation of fat "in reserve" - ​​this substance is able to increase the rate of metabolic processes, and its deficiency leads to an increase in body weight.

So we figured out which hormones are responsible for weight gain. The list turned out to be impressive, but you should not panic: you just need to regularly contact specialists and carefully monitor your well-being. What to do if one of the indicators is far from the norm? Do not be afraid and do not rush to the pharmacy for medicines. There is a much more effective and affordable tool for all of us - the formation of a balanced diet and a change in the usual way of life. The effect of hormones on weight is not a fairy tale that idle doctors came up with, but you should not become discouraged at the sight of test results. It is in your power to restore harmony and beauty to the figure, restoring health. Divide products into “profitable” and “unprofitable”, stick to the daily calorie assigned to you by a specialist, do not forget about replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and start new life without stress and unnecessary worries.

The specialists of our clinic will help you get rid of extra pounds once and for all: we will make a unique diet, which will only healthy foods and delicious dishes, and we will choose a weight correction program that takes into account the characteristics of your body. Turning to us, you will understand: to lose weight without restrictions and experiments on yourself is easy and simple. Start a new life - choose harmony and health with us!

A slim figure and attractive appearance are of great importance for every woman. But sometimes it happens that no diets help to achieve the desired weight. In this case, most likely it is a hormonal imbalance. What hormones affect a woman's weight and what to do if the hated fat grows despite grueling workouts and the rejection of your favorite sweets?

endocrine system

The system of endocrine glands in a woman's body regulates many processes. Hormone balance regulates appetite, good mood, reproductive functions, metabolism and much more. When a woman has a hormonal imbalance, this is primarily reflected in appearance. A woman can suddenly gain weight or, on the contrary, lose a lot of weight for no apparent reason.

Many women in this situation begin to regulate their weight with diets and physical activity, but these methods do not bring the desired result. Today it is already known that 90% of cases of obesity are not caused by the abuse of junk food, but by an imbalance of hormones in the body, and this is a weighty fact to think about visiting a doctor.

Thanks to many years of research, scientists have identified several substances that directly affect a woman's weight. Today, hormonal correction gives good results in weight loss. Overweight women can finally find out the true cause of fullness and cope with their problem, regaining their beauty and health.

Hormones and body weight

Today, doctors are increasingly linking the concepts of hormones and obesity. Healthy women of reproductive age have moderate fat stores in the buttocks, thighs, and tummy. These fat deposits are necessary for the female body to maintain health and reproductive functions. However, it is not uncommon for these reserves to suddenly begin to grow actively, and then doctors prescribe tests for hormones. In some cases, the effect of hormones on weight may be downward.

The main substances that affect the weight of women are:

  • Estrogen.
  • Leptin.
  • Adrenalin.
  • Testosterone.
  • Insulin.
  • Ghrelin.
  • Cortisol.
  • A group of thyroid hormones.

Each of these substances performs certain functions in the female body, and if one of them deviates from the norm, weight changes. Mostly women over 40 years of age are overweight. This is due to a physiological decrease in female sex hormones. Today, however, experts say that more and more hormonal obesity young women also face.

How do hormones affect body fat?

What hormones make you fat? This question interests many women. The thing is that with a decrease or increase in certain hormones, women begin to rapidly gain weight.

The main hormones that contribute to weight gain are:

Leptin. With a decrease in the level of this substance, the brain ceases to receive a signal about the saturation of the body with food. As a result, a woman experiences a constant feeling of hunger, eats a lot and, accordingly, gains weight. Leptin is a satiety hormone that regulates appetite.

Cortisol. A substance produced by the body to protect against stress. In stressful situations, a large amount of cortisol is released into the blood. In order to get rid of stress, the body requires to seize this state. Along with eating, cortisol slows down metabolic processes in order to conserve energy in the body. The result is extra weight.

Obesity in women can also develop with a reduced content of adrenaline. How fuller woman the harder it is for the body to produce this hormone.

Adrenaline suppresses the desire to snack and burns fat.

This hormone is well known to athletes and people who love extreme sports.

Excess weight can appear with a lack of estrogen. Usually this deviation is observed in women in menopause. The ovaries cease to synthesize the female hormone, and fat begins to be deposited on the abdomen. It is worth noting that the decline in estrogen begins long before menopause, so it is difficult to lose weight after 30 years.

Insulin. This substance is responsible for regulating glucose levels in the body. When too much sugar enters the body, insulin converts the excess into fat. Obesity can be avoided by reducing the intake of starchy and sugary foods.

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone. This substance is synthesized in the stomach and is responsible for sending a signal to the brain about the need to eat. It should be remembered that excessive consumption of fructose provokes an increased production of this substance. In other words, the more fruit you eat, the more you feel hungry.

Thyroid hormones or a group of thyroid hormones can also affect a woman's appearance. Of this group, thyroxine is especially dangerous for weight gain. Excess fat gain causes insufficient production of these hormones. Doctors call this phenomenon a decrease in thyroid function.

When to take tests

If you notice that you suddenly have an increased appetite or body weight began to grow for no apparent reason. When you can't get rid of fatness by changing your diet and visiting Gym You need to get your hormones tested.

Only by the results of the study can you determine which hormone is broken in you and what could lead to such consequences.

When else do you need to take tests? With a sharp weight loss, you also need to take an analysis for hormones. Many people think that low weight is good. However, with a lack of adipose tissue in the body of a woman, irreversible processes can begin. Menstruation stops, the woman becomes infertile. Hair, skin and nails deteriorate. General health is in decline. Anorexia develops.

Treatment and prevention

The first thing to do in case of weight disorders is to consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and interview. He will determine what tests you need to pass in order to identify the causes of the violation. After that, you will be prescribed a corrective treatment that can bring your weight back to normal.

What hormones make you lose weight? With excess weight, an analysis of estrogen, adrenaline and thyroxine is first prescribed. It is these substances that positively affect the weight of women. They speed up the metabolism and burn excess fat. Somatotropic hormone also has a positive effect on fat burning. It is produced during sleep and breaks down fats. It is for this reason that it is so important for a woman to get enough sleep. However, it is not necessary to immediately resort to replacement therapy with a lack of one or another hormone. Hormones for weight loss can be replenished in other ways. Often positive results brings rest and a change in diet.

What hormones are needed for weight gain? Often, women can experience hormonal failure, leading to weight loss. In this case, it is important to establish the true cause of the deviation. So, for example, dystrophy can develop against the background of increased work of the thyroid gland. In this case, low weight is not the worst thing, because this deviation can lead to more serious illnesses. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to take any drugs that affect weight without the advice of a doctor.

Today, doctors can accurately determine from a blood test which hormone responsible for your weight shows a deviation. However, even experts today are in no hurry to prescribe replacement therapy. Synthetic substances have many contraindications and side effects. It is for this reason that doctors try to bring the hormonal background back to normal by changing the daily schedule and diet.

Also, experts call for the use of all measures to prevent hormonal failure. This is primarily about lifestyle. Women prone to stress are advised to rest more, get positive emotions, and learn how to calmly respond to minor troubles. This will allow you to eat less food and not gain excess weight. If you have problems with the thyroid gland and your excess weight is the result of its reduced function, you need to adjust your diet. In such a situation, you need to eat foods rich in iodine and vitamins. Vitamin therapy may also be prescribed.

Most often, women turn to doctors when there are already clear signs of weight deviation. However, hormonal imbalance occurs much earlier. The first signs of deviation are mood swings, irritability, fatigue and headache. When these symptoms appear, you need to take an analysis for hormones. Remember, the sooner doctors identify the problem, the shorter and easier the treatment will be.

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