Healing from diabetes with the help of sytin settings. Sytin's mood for diabetes: features of the methodology Sytin's mood is read by Irina from diabetes

Delivery of analysis

In order to get reliable results of a biochemical blood test, you need to prepare for it. Doctors usually talk about what to avoid the day before - eat late at night, refuse spicy, fatty foods, do not drink alcohol.

Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, each hospital has its own time for this manipulation. Before passing the test in the morning, it is forbidden to eat any food or drink drinks other than water, chew gum.

Such a test can be taken in a hospital or clinic at the place of residence, but more often patients go to private laboratories. The price for it is affordable, rarely exceeds 3 thousand rubles and varies depending on the number of indicators determined. The study also does not take a lot of time, since many devices are ready to give results in 1 to 3 hours after the biological material is placed. When using express methods, the answer can be found out much faster.

A biochemical blood test for a doctor is one of the main sources of information on the basis of which a diagnosis can be made. If such a test is carried out regularly, as well as being shown to the attending physician for a consultation and performing simple screening examinations, then the likelihood of detecting various pathologies on early stages very high. Such a step will allow them to start their timely treatment, which will positively affect the quality of life of the patient.

Regular testing for diabetes is the right thing to do

Sugar level

Diabetes can lead to premature death or make you disabled. Regular tests for diabetes mellitus will promptly identify developing complications. Tests for diabetes will help evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and adjust the treatment in the right direction. Modern techniques allow to determine a significant number of indicators characterizing the state of human health. We will consider what tests are taken for diabetes mellitus, what deviations from the norm allow diagnosing this disease.

Tests for diabetes - why and how often to take them

If latent diabetes is suspected, the patient is tested to confirm or refute the diagnosis. A detailed interpretation of the analyzed indicators will help to understand how far the disease has gone and what complications it has led to.

Diabetes tests performed can solve the following tasks:

  • Assess the condition of the pancreas;
  • Assess the condition of the kidneys;
  • Assess the likelihood of a stroke / heart attack;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic measures.

Analysis for glycated hemoglobin

Glycohemoglobin is formed in the blood as a result of the combination of glucose with hemoglobin. This indicator helps to estimate the concentration of sugar in the blood averaged over 3 months. The glycohemoglobin test is most effective in the initial diagnosis of diabetes and in the long-term evaluation of treatment outcomes. The specificity of the indicator does not allow to identify jumps in the concentration of sugar.

You can take the test regardless of the meal. The value of the indicator, exceeding 6.5%, indicates a clear violation of carbohydrate metabolism - diabetes.

Blood test for C-peptide

C-peptide is a protein formed during the generation of insulin by the pancreas. Its presence in the blood is proof of the body's ability to generate its own insulin.

Too high a concentration of C-peptide should alert. This situation is observed in prediabetes and in the early stages of non-insulin dependent diabetes (D2).

The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, at the same time blood sugar is measured.

Urinalysis for diabetes

Urine is an indicator that is sensitive to any malfunctions in the functioning of body systems. Substances excreted in the urine help to identify the onset of the disease and determine the severity of the developed disease.

Suspecting diabetes, when analyzing urine, special attention is paid to indicators:

  • Sugar;
  • Acetone (ketone bodies);
  • Hydrogen index (pH).

Deviation from the norm of other indicators may indicate complications caused by diabetes.

A single detection of certain substances in the urine does not indicate the presence of the disease. Any conclusions can be drawn only with a systematic significant excess of the urine of a healthy person.

Table of the possible state of urine indicators in diabetes

Biochemical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus

The task of laboratory research in case of suspected presence diabetes is the identification or confirmation of the patient's absolute or relative insufficiency of insulin. The main biochemical signs of insulin deficiency are: fasting hyperglycemia or an abnormal increase in postprandial glucose levels, glucosuria, and ketonuria. In the presence of clinical symptoms of diabetes mellitus, laboratory tests are necessary primarily to confirm the clinical diagnosis. In the absence of symptoms, laboratory test results alone allow for an accurate diagnosis.

To diagnose diabetes, the following tests are performed:

* blood test for glucose in capillary blood (blood from a finger).

*glucose tolerance test: on an empty stomach, take about 75 g of glucose dissolved in a glass of water, then determine the concentration of glucose in the blood every 30 minutes for 2 hours.

*urinalysis for glucose and ketone bodies: detection of ketone bodies and glucose confirms the diagnosis of diabetes.

*determination of glycosylated hemoglobin: its amount is significantly increased in patients with diabetes mellitus.

* determination of insulin and C-peptide in the blood: in the first type of diabetes, the amount of insulin and C-peptide is significantly reduced, and in the second type, values ​​\u200b\u200bare within the normal range.

The difference between a biochemical blood test and a general

A general, or clinical, blood test is a test that allows you to quickly obtain information about the main indicators that reflect the state of the body. Here you can see inflammatory processes, the presence of allergies, a decrease or change in hematopoietic and coagulating functions. But these data are not detailed, but only superficially reflect the state of health, but they are indispensable when a person needs urgent help.

Detectable deviations indicate a deficiency various substances, the beginning of pathological processes. No preparation is needed to perform this test as it can be performed in an emergency setting. If the analysis is planned, then it is best to take it on an empty stomach, in the morning. Blood is taken from the ring finger of the hand. This is due to the peculiarity of its blood supply, more difficult spread of infection. Blood sampling for biochemistry is performed purely from the venous bed.

In sum, these two analyzes show a detailed picture of the work of internal organs, give the doctor information about what therapy should be prescribed to improve the patient's health.


Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of hypercortisolism. So, a bilateral adrenalectomy (see) at a hyperplasia of bark of adrenal glands or removal of a kortikosteroma (see) improves D.'s course of page. up to the normalization of blood sugar levels. With exogenous hypercorticism, an urgent cessation of the introduction of glucocorticoids is necessary. Treatment is symptomatic - diet, oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin therapy. The choice of method of treatment and the dosage of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs are determined by the degree of glycemia and glycosuria. In diseases where the appointment of glucocorticoids was carried out according to vital indications (collagenosis, pemphigus, etc.), they are limited to symptomatic treatment.

Drugs that cause steroid diabetes

Glucocorticoid drugs such as dexamethasone, prednisone, and hydrocortisone are used as anti-inflammatory drugs for:

  1. Bronchial asthma;
  2. rheumatoid arthritis;
  3. Autoimmune diseases: pemphigus, eczema, lupus erythematosus.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.

Drug-induced diabetes can occur with the use of diuretics:

  • thiazide diuretics: dichlothiazide, hypothiazide, nephrix, navidrex;
  • contraceptive pills.

Large doses of corticosteroids are also used as part of anti-inflammatory therapy after kidney transplant surgery.

After transplantation, patients must take immunosuppressants for life. Such people are prone to inflammation, which, first of all, threatens the transplanted organ.

Signs of diabetes, which appeared as a result of taking steroids, indicate that people are at risk.

In order not to get sick, overweight people should lose weight; those who are of normal weight need to exercise and make changes to their diet.

When a person has learned about his predisposition to diabetes, in no case should you take hormonal preparations based on your own opinions.

Diagnosis of diabetes

Comparative characteristics types of diabetes
Insulin-dependent diabetes Insulin-independent DM

Age (most common)

Children, teenagers middle, old

Manifestation of a symptom complex

Acute (several days) Gradual (years)

Appearance (before treatment)

Skinny 80% obese

Weight loss (before treatment)

Usually there Not typical

The concentration of insulin in the blood

Reduced by 2-10 times Normal or elevated

C-peptide concentration

Sharply reduced or absent Normal or elevated

Family history

Burdened rarely Often weighed down

Insulin addiction

Complete Only 20%

susceptibility to ketoacidosis

Eat No

Diagnosis of diabetes is made if:

1. There are classic symptoms - polyuria, polydipsia, for IDDM - weight loss.

2. The concentration of glucose on an empty stomach in several repeated analyzes of capillary blood is more than 6.1 mmol / l.

3. Glucosuria is detected, in the case of IDDM - in addition, ketonuria.

4. Changed the concentration of proinsulin, insulin and C-peptide. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by a decrease or complete absence of these indicators, in type 2 diabetes they are normal or elevated.

5. Not for diagnosis, but for monitoring of long-term hyperglycemia, the determination of HbA1c (.

6. In doubtful (and only!) cases, i.e. in the absence of symptoms in combination with the ambiguity of test results - recommended glucose tolerance test(TSH, glucose loading tests):

  • The most common test is to take glucose per os at the rate of 1.5-2.0 g per kg of body weight. Blood samples are taken immediately before taking glucose (zero minute, "fasting" level) and then after 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes, if necessary at 150 and 180 minutes.
  • Normally, in relative units, the increase in glucose concentration is 50-75% by the 60th minute of the study and decreases to the initial values ​​by 90-120 minutes. In absolute terms, according to WHO recommendations, the rise in glucose levels should be no more than 7.5 mmol / l, with an initial 4.0-5.5 mmol / l.
  • according to the results of the glucose tolerance test, the type of "sugar curve" will be determined. In diabetes mellitus, a hyperglycemic curve is observed, i.e. glucose tolerance is reduced.
Types of glycemic curves

Hypoglycemic curves - an increase in glucose concentration by no more than 25% with a rapid return to baseline values. Observed with adenoma of the islets of Langerhans, hypothyroidism, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, intestinal diseases and dysbacteriosis, helminthiasis.

Types of glycemic curves after glucose loading

Hyperglycemic curves are manifested by a 2-3 times increased blood glucose level after exercise, which indicates a violation of hormonal interactions. Here, the normalization of indicators is extremely slow and ends no earlier than 150-180 minutes. The most common cause of such curves is occult diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 or damage to the liver parenchyma. An excess of catecholamines in pheochromocytoma and triiodothyronine in hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism, diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland also appear as a hyperglycemic curve.

When measuring glucose levels after meals in patients with well-controlled diabetes mellitus, the results should be in the range of 7.6-9.0 mmol / l. Values ​​greater than 9.0 mmol/l mean that the insulin dosage is incorrect and the diabetes is not compensated.

Sometimes samples are taken from adults only at 0 and 120 minutes, but this is undesirable, as it is missed Additional Information about the state of the body. For example, according to the steepness of the ascending part of the curve, one can judge the activity of n.vagus, which is responsible for the secretion of insulin, the absorption function of the intestine, and the ability of the liver to absorb glucose. Thus, a “hungry” liver with depleted glycogen stores more actively consumes glucose from the blood of the portal vein compared to a “satiated” one, and the rise in the curve is smoother. A similar curve is observed when glucose absorption is impaired due to intestinal mucosal disease. With cirrhosis of the liver, the opposite picture is noted.

Quite often, in adults, a regular breakfast is used instead of a glucose load, and blood is taken 1, 2, or 2.5 hours after it. If the glucose level does not return to normal at the specified time, then the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is confirmed.

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Treatment of steroid diabetes

For some time, insulin in the patient's body continues to be produced. After a certain period, the volume of production decreases, the cells are partially or completely destroyed. Just like other secondary clinical forms - pancreatic, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary - steroid diabetes is caused by changes in the functioning of internal organs, changes in their properties. Treatment of steroid diabetes is, in most cases, similar to type 2. If the cells are completely destroyed, then it is possible to prescribe small doses of insulin.

Thiazolidinediones and glucophage are the main drugs, insulin can be administered, glucophage and mixed combinations are combined. Clinical steroid diabetes has no pronounced symptoms, the form of the disease is mild, glycosuria and hyperglycemia are not pronounced. If the form of the disease is still mild, drugs of the sulfonylurea group help well, but lead to a deterioration in the carbohydrate component. Insulin during this period facilitates the work of beta cells, and they are restored. Prevention is carried out with the help of small doses of insulin, anabolic steroids are prescribed additionally, proteins are added to the patient's diet. Reduce net carbohydrates.

Steroid oral contraceptives, diuretics, and some other types of these drugs can affect carbohydrate metabolism.

The diagnosis of "steroid diabetes mellitus" is made with an increase in blood levels of 11 and 6 mmol / l after a meal and before it, respectively. First, diseases that are also included in this group, but are specific forms, are excluded. After that, the form is determined - the first or second - and the type. Therapy is divided into traditional and intensive. The second is more effective, allows the patient to live with greater comfort. But, it requires training in self-control skills, which happens three times more often. The first months are the most responsible, the method is very costly financially.

A biochemical blood test is the most important stage in the diagnosis of any disorders in the body. With its help, you can easily identify the nature of health problems, their prescription, the presence of complications. Often this procedure is simply called: "donate blood from a vein", since it is this material that is used to study the main indicators.

Today, laboratories are able to simultaneously determine several hundred different states of the biochemical parameters of the main fluid in human body. There is no point in listing them. Depending on the specific disease or its diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the definition of certain groups of indicators.

Diabetes is no exception. Patients of endocrinologists periodically take a biochemical blood test in order to track the course of a chronic disease, better control the disease, and diagnose complications. Deviations from the norm always indicate a certain trouble, allow timely prevention of undesirable conditions.

For diabetics, the following values ​​are extremely important.

Glucose. Normally, the level of sugar in the blood (venous) does not rise above 6.1. If you get a result on an empty stomach above the indicated figure, you can assume the presence of impaired glucose tolerance. Above 7.0 mmol, diabetes is diagnosed. Laboratory assessment of sugar is carried out annually, even if it is regularly tested using a home glucometer.

Glycated hemoglobin. It characterizes the average glucose level for the last 90 days, reflects the compensation of the disease. The value is determined for the choice of further treatment tactics (with GH above 8%, therapy is reviewed), as well as for monitoring ongoing therapeutic measures. For diabetics, a glycated hemoglobin level below 7.0% is considered satisfactory.

Cholesterol. Absolutely necessary component in the body of any person. The indicator is especially important for assessing the state of fat metabolism. When decompensated, it is often slightly or markedly elevated, which is a real risk to vascular health.

Triglycides. Sources of fatty acids for tissues and cells. An increase in the normal level is usually observed at the onset of the insulin-dependent form of the disease, as well as with severe obesity associated with type 2 diabetes. Uncompensated diabetes also causes an increase in triglycide titer.

Lipoproteins. With DM 2, the low-density lipoprotein index is greatly increased. With this, high density lipoproteins are sharply underestimated.

Insulin. It is necessary to assess the amount of your own hormone in the blood. With DM 1, it is always greatly reduced, with type 2 it remains normal or slightly elevated.

C-peptide. Allows you to evaluate the work of the pancreas. With DM 1, this indicator is often reduced or equal to 0.

Fructosamine. Allows to draw a conclusion about the degree of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism. Normal values ​​are achieved only with adequate control of the disease, in other cases the titer rises sharply.

Protein exchange. Indicators are underestimated in almost all diabetics. Below the norm are globulins, albumins.

pancreatic peptide. Achieves healthy values ​​with good control of diabetes. In other cases, it is much lower than the norm. Responsible for the production of pancreatic juice in response to food entering the body.


The forecast at endogenous D. of page. depends on the effectiveness of the treatment of the underlying disease, with exogenous - on the timely cancellation of treatment with glucocorticoids. With a long course of D. s. may progress to diabetes mellitus (see Diabetes mellitus).

Bibliography: Diabetes, ed. R. Williams, trans. from English, p. 548, M., 1964, bibliogr.; Multi-volume guide to internal medicine, ed. E. M. Tareeva, vol. 7, L., 1966, bibliogr.; Diabetes mellitus, ed. Edited by V. R. Klyachko. Moscow, 1974. With about f-f e r L., D about r f m and N of R. and G e b r and-l and in L. Adrenal glands of the person, the lane with English. from English, p. 124, Moscow, 1966; Cam p-b e 1 1 J. a. O. Diabetogenic effect of purified growth hormone, Endocrinology, v. 46, p. 273, 1950; Diabetes, mellitus, theory and practice, ed. by M. Ellenberg a. H. Rifkin, N. Y., 1970; Diabetes mellitus, hrsg. y. H. Bibergeil u. W. Bruns, Jena, 1974.

Sytin's attitude against diabetes: a system of healing for women Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a candidate of psychological sciences. Doctor Sytin treats diabetes mellitus according to the original method ...
Set up satiation for diabetes

Set up satiation for diabetes

Sytin's attitude against diabetes: a healing system for women

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a candidate of psychological sciences. Dr. Sytin treats diabetes mellitus according to an original method based on the influence of an ordinary word on a person.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is the author of a unique scientific method for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, based on the psychological impact on a person with a word. The method is based on special texts used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, compiled for a targeted impact on the patient's body.

Dr. Sytin's method is called SOEVUS. This abbreviation stands for verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state. The method is based on

The treatment method was developed in accordance with Pavlov's teaching about speech as one of the signal systems that has a direct connection with the human subconscious. The method of treatment is also based on the statement about the control of the subconscious by many physiological processes occurring in the human body.

Dr. Sytin claims that the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be carried out by influencing the word on the human psyche, and through the mental state, the impact is on the physiological processes occurring in the body and aimed at restoring the functions of internal organs.

G.N. Sytin experienced on his own body the effect of speech “settings”, which allowed him to get rid of the disability that was a consequence of participation in hostilities. To date, the doctor has developed more than 1 thousand texts that have a therapeutic effect on a person.

Sytin's verbal infusions allow you to recover not only from diabetes, but also restore memory, muscle system functions and functions. respiratory systems s. Special texts have been developed for women, which are recommended to be listened to in order to restore the functions of the female body.

The method used by the doctor is based on hammering the message he needs into the subconscious of a person. Sytin's verbal infusions surprise people listening to them with their bizarre ligature and importunity.

The required concept or word is persistently woven into the listened text, which is deposited in the patient at a subconscious level.

Selection of words for Dr. Sytin's infusions and their use

Sytin's infusions from diabetes, which has the second type, have sets of words that are not selected on a whim. There is a certain technique for selecting words for listening, based on objective methods for measuring their impact on the patient's psyche.

To select the right healing word, the subject is connected to bioactive zones with special sensors that testify to the influence on the psyche of one or another word spoken by the psychologist.

Depending on the purpose of the text being listened to, the following words may be woven into it:

The selection of special words allows people who systematically use such specialized texts to rejuvenate the body, get rid of diseases such as:

  1. hypertension;

  2. stomach ulcer;

  3. nervous tic;

  4. in some cases even schizophrenia.

The SOEVUS technique does not require any preliminary preparation from the patient before its use.

This method is approved for use without any restriction for persons who have reached the age of 16.

The basis of the verbal infusion for the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes in both men and women are words and phrases that are organically woven into the text, such as:

  • "newborn life";

  • "flows in";

  • "stomach";

  • "pancreas"

  • “the pancreas is born”;

  • “newborn pancreas”;

  • “rapidly developing gastric gland”;

  • “newborn life flows into the pancreas”;

  • “the pancreas is born newborn-developing”;

  • "young blood";

  • "washed";

  • “washes-washes-washes the pancreas”;

  • "carries blood";

  • “excellent and nutritious food.”

Sytin's verbal infusions, designed to get rid of type 2 diabetes, can be used at any time convenient for the patient. Texts can be spoken or listened to while driving to work. Dr. Sytin recommends speaking and listening to texts at any time that is free and convenient for the patient.

For example, verbal infusions for the treatment of diabetes can be used in the process of doing work in the kitchen; for this purpose, you can listen to the audio text through a tape recorder or through headphones using an audio player. Such sentences are the best primary prevention of diabetes mellitus.

You can use the texts developed by Dr. Sytin, resting in an armchair before going to bed, for this you can read the words specially recorded on paper. The video in this article will just demonstrate how Sytin's settings work.

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The rapidly developing newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. A newborn life of enormous, colossal force pours into the stomach, into the pancreas. Huge, colossal force pours into the stomach, into the pancreas. Newborn, rapidly developing, newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. Newborn development, rapid-vigorous development flows into the pancreas. Neonatal development, rapid-rapid-rapid neonatal development pours into the pancreas. The entire pancreas is now born neonatally developing, neonatally rapidly developing. The energy of development, the energy of development flows into the pancreas. The colossal force of life pours into the pancreas. A heroic mighty young heart drives blood with a swift stream, drives blood through the pancreas. Young blood in a cheerful, joyful, swift stream flushes through and through the pancreas. Washes-washes-washes the pancreas through and through. The blood carries the pancreas in abundance with excellent nutrition.

The energy of life, the energy of life flows into the pancreas. The pancreas merrily and joyfully comes to life, merrily and joyfully comes to life. Newborn life gives birth to a full-blooded joyful life of the pancreas. The pancreas lives energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully, energetically joyfully. The pancreas cheerfully and joyfully comes to life, comes to life.

Enormous energy flows into the pancreas. Newborn life now-now gives birth to the pancreas of a newborn healthy, ideally serviceable, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. And the fast, cheerful young blood washes the pancreas, washes away all the salts, all the toxins, all the products of metabolism. The pancreas is all through, all through now born newborn-clean, newborn-clean, newborn-fresh, newborn-fresh. Enormous life energy pours into the pancreas. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically. The stomach works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. An energetic-strong healthy stomach, an energetic-strong healthy stomach is born. An energetic-strong pancreas is born. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas is born energetic-strong, energetic-strong. The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly. The whole organism lives a healthy, healthy, ideally healthy life. The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly. And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. The pancreas comes to life, comes to life, works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas Ideally correctly, ideally correctly performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas cheerfully-joyfully, cheerfully-joyfully, ideally Correctly performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas works with gallant prowess, with gallant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

The pancreas is energetic-strong, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. Indestructible newborn fortress flows into the nerves of the stomach and pancreas. In the stomach, pancreas, young nerves get healthy, get stronger, young nerves get healthy, get stronger, young nerves get healthy, get stronger.

Rapidly developing newborn life flows into the stomach, intestines. All tissues of the stomach and intestines are born newborn-fresh, newborn-whole. An energetic strong, healthy stomach, energetic, strong, strong intestines are born. To all internal organs abdominal cavity a huge colossal force of life pours in. All the internal organs of the abdominal cavity work energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully. All the internal organs of the abdominal cavity are energetically cheerful, ideally correct, ideally correct, with valiant prowess, perform all their functions in the body. All internal organs work energetically and cheerfully, with valiant prowess they perform all their functions in the body. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. In the whole body the colossal force of life is in full swing, in the whole body the colossal force of life is in full swing. The heroic strength of youth, the heroic strength of youth is in full swing in all my youth healthy body. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life.

Newborn life gives rise to rapidly-energically developing feelings. The whole body lives more cheerfully. All internal organs work more cheerfully, more energetically. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. The pancreas lives a cheerful, joyful, cheerful, joyful healthy life. Newborn life gives birth to a full-blooded, full-blooded healthy-healthy joyful life of the pancreas. The pancreas lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. The pancreas works vigorously-fun, energetically-fun. The pancreas with gallant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas works vigorously and cheerfully.

And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. In the pancreas, young nerves get healthy, get stronger, get healthy, get stronger. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.


The Lord pours from the Subtle World into the pancreas Divine Energy rapid all-round development. All structures of the pancreas Divinely revive their newborn wholeness, their young, Divinely healthy structure. All structures of the pancreas that produce insulin are physiologically activated, strengthened, work more and more energetically, with gigantic speed revive their newborn wholeness, their God-created, young structure.

The structures of the pancreas that produce insulin are called by the author Dangerhans islets. These structures of the pancreas, by the will of God, are now activated, physiologically strengthened, produce more and more insulin and fully provide insulin. healthy life my whole body. Disappeared diabetes. The pancreas Divinely was born now absolutely healthy, ideally healthy, physiologically energetic, strong. The whole area of ​​the stomach and pancreas was filled with strong healthy calmness, became light, light, absolutely weightless. And now, with the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young, absolutely healthy, cheerful, happy beauty, full of health and strength.

Diabetes mood text

Newborn, rapidly developing, newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. Who does not know the power of an ordinary human word? But can a word revive a person to life, give strength in trouble?

I am tuning in to a slender young figure now and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years. The method is based on the compilation of original medical texts that have a targeted effect on the body.

In 1983, the leadership of the USSR became interested in Sytin's work. Sytin, began practical work with stone cutters at the Moscow jewelry factory Almaz. The Minister of Instrument Engineering takes the work of Sytin's experimental laboratory under personal supervision, allocates large funding to it, prepares a training base for the dissemination of the Sytin method in other areas of industrial activity, and primarily among highly skilled workers. In prison, his temperature rose above 40 degrees. Georgy Sytin spent the whole night for 8 hours leading a divine seance to improve the lungs, and by morning the temperature began to subside. Sytin's moods will help you embark on the path of spiritual harmony, self-improvement - strengthen your will, nerves, set and achieve your goals.

Diet for pregnant women with diabetes

There is a certain technique for selecting words for listening, based on objective methods for measuring their impact on the patient's psyche. Many of his works have received high domestic and foreign awards. Sytin has hardly changed in appearance over the past 20 years. Conventional medicine here in America had nothing to offer me but chemotherapy combined with radiation exposure.

Over time, the SOEVUS method will be applied in all spheres of human life. Studied the activity of the whole organism on the basis of the theory developed by him functional systems(since 1935), which contributed to the development of a systems approach in biology and cybernetics. In another case, in the polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L. Pokrovskaya, the method was applied to a sick surgeon (68 years old) for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the Sytin tuning method are scientifically substantiated.

The method is based on The method of treatment was developed in accordance with the teachings of Pavlov about speech as one of the signal systems that has a direct connection with the human subconscious. The rapidly developing newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas.

The dynasty that carried out the development of education, press, history in Russia. To improve the functioning of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it.

Japanese medicine for diabetes

Three months later, the hospitals of George were commissioned from the ranks of the Army, assigning him the first group of disability due to injury. A normal pulse has been observed to date. The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is the author of a unique scientific method for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, based on the psychological impact on a person with a word. Louise Hay is a self-made woman, the embodiment of the American dream. Hey, perhaps thanks to the many examples from other people's lives. The site is dedicated to the method of healing, getting rid of ailments, which has already proven itself from the best side - Sytin's healing moods will help you.

  • Olga Belikova - Set-up

  • Sytin's settings for type 2 diabetes system

On the same day, Sytin became a student of the medical faculty of the Medical Institute. The system of the method was born and established itself in pedagogy. According to doctors, he did not have long to live. The amazing possibilities of his method were well known to us by that time.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus milk fungus

From now on, day and night were devoted to surviving, to remove the endless pain. This program is the most detailed collection of attunements D. The attunements are designed to prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, impotence, diseases of the heart and respiratory systems, oncological diseases etc.

The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body. We also invited Georgy Nikolaevich to our place in New York, where he explained to his colleagues the nature of his method and demonstrated the effect of his attitudes. And just recently we received the result of the PET / CT test. Sytin "SOEVUS" refers to the field of psychosomatic correction of the body, which is the fundamental basis for the process of healing a person from various diseases and disorders, as well as their active prevention, general healing and rejuvenation of the body. Audio and video settings recorded by professional Ukrainian astrologer Olga Belikova.

An energetic, strong, healthy stomach, energetic, strong, strong intestines are born. The SOEVUS method (the method of verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of a person's state) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

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Medicine can be proud if, even in a hundred years, it approaches the results that this genius creates every day. The method is based on special texts used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, compiled for a targeted impact on the patient's body. This abbreviation stands for verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state.

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The most complete collection, over 600 settings for reading, writing and listening! For example, in the two cases above positive result was achieved after the impact of the main fragment of the mindset on healing the heart: “A healthy newborn youth (in the second case, youth) flows into my heart, my heart is completely renewed, my heart is new, a newborn, untouched heart is born.”

The creator of Educational Medicine still leads an active lifestyle today. I would be happy if I managed to achieve at least a tenth of his rejuvenation results, and I am very sorry that I did not work on myself according to his method. Second, if you are making affirmations yourself, remember that they should only sound in the PRESENT tense, this is important! The decision to present the premises was taken at the Council of the Government of the city of St.

Thus, Sytin's method is a method of psycho-correction of somatic structures. Studies have shown that the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

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And he made up his healing moods from oncology, from high blood pressure, for female beauty, and so on. The decision to present the premises was taken at the Council of the Government of the city of St.

Using the SOEVUS method, one can also achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: “The life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, the hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn thick, newborn healthy. It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age. A huge colossal force of life flows into all the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

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This requires not a simple mechanical pronunciation or listening to the moods recorded on tape, but an active connection to this process of thoughts, images, feelings, volitional efforts to remember, movements (for example, during the assimilation of moods to improve walking). I repeat: a person's thought about himself creates both a healthy and a sick body. “I am strong, strong-willed and healthy man able to fully control his body, his sensations. Every cell of my body is healthy, strong” – these are the words of his first mood.

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But the first degree of a candidate of sciences, Georgy Nikolaevich defended at the Department of Psychology from a longtime authoritative teacher K. Pervaya practical work with the method of self-persuasion in the schools of Dnepropetrovsk gave such an amazing result that, in addition to the topic for a scientific doctoral dissertation, it became a popular property of the entire population of the USSR. In the 50s, for his scientific developments in the field of volitional efforts in medicine, G. Sytin - a soldier who defended his homeland and received nine wounds in battle, a disabled person of group 1 - was declared an idealist, consider it an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! It was in this world that the question first appeared, and then more and more often and sharply, the question arose: “Who is a person in this world, why does he live, what can and should he do, where is his threshold of possibilities? The book shocked him so much that he wrote a letter to the author asking him to accept and listen to him, and if possible, take him as a student. You must know the postulates on which modern science. But a year later he entered three universities at once and soon became a Moscow legend.

The doctors actually pulled the young man, who received nine wounds, from the next world, but his health was completely crippled, and there was practically no chance of his recovery. All the doctors could do for him was to provide him with painkillers to ease his pain. I have a strong will, I dare everything, I can do everything and I am not afraid of anything, I can always control my food and not eat too much. I vividly and firmly remember that I always need to control my food and not eat anything extra.

He studied the activity of the whole organism on the basis of the theory of functional systems developed by him (since 1935), which contributed to the development of a systems approach in biology and cybernetics. In another case, in the polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L. Pokrovskaya, the method was applied to a sick surgeon (68 years old) for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. He secretly recorded various conspiracies on a tape recorder, and then deciphered them to understand how they work.

The schedule of sessions and Sytin's moods change, their compilation is based on the wishes of the salon's visitors. Sytin's settings will definitely help you if you listen or read them regularly.

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This technique is called - "SOEVS" or verbal-figurative emotional-volitional self-persuasion., And the merits of its author are appreciated by the world scientific community. In total, he created more than 20 thousand healing moods, wrote more than 150 books and cured tens of thousands of people. Sytin is allocated large financial resources for the introduction of the method in other industries.

Medicine can be proud if, even in a hundred years, it approaches the results that this genius creates every day. They “reassured” that suffering from pain is not for long, they do not live long with such injuries. And the letters of the abbreviation are deciphered as follows: verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state.

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Without such an attitude, any treatment is a waste of time. It is important that you can use the settings on your own initiative, the appointment of a specialist is not required.

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They gave me 150 ampoules of an anesthetic, a syringe, a needle, a sterilizer. Sytin's mood and his work cannot be measured by any scientific degrees and titles, by any awards. He stands, as it were, above all titles and awards, above all world science.

Then there were penal colonies Far East, various sports masters, the ballet group of the Bolshoi Theater, the Cosmonaut Training Center. Georgy Sytin was persecuted for 35 years for "ideological mistakes", he was fired from his job 16 times, arrested three times, once sentenced to two years in prison for writing the book "The Mind Creates the Body." In particular, in the practice of Sytin, there were such cases: in patients with diabetes, for example, sugar decreased in two weeks, stomach and duodenal ulcers healed, the consequences of heart attacks and strokes, nervous disorders, skin lesions, diseases of the genital area, without any surgical interventions, benign neoplasms disappeared. The works and monographs written by Sytin, the awards received and scientific titles can be listed for a long time - their list is impressive, but I want to quickly move on to describing the Sytin method itself. At a very young age of 18, taking part in the Great Patriotic war he was seriously wounded. Sytin received a disability of the first group and no chance for a normal full life.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin himself was cured by his attitudes. Healing - rejuvenation of the stomach - intestines - this is the attitude of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it.

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He worked out his method on himself, and in 1957 he was recognized as fit for military service. Sytin was awarded the foundation of the International University with branches in Moscow, Brussels, New York, Israel, where his method is studied, as well as the department at the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation.

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The dynasty that carried out the development of education, press, history in Russia. The Sytin method is universal and can be applied in any medical field.

My method of nurturing medicine provides ready-made formulas that eliminate disturbances in the body and restore health. After reading this, many may think: undoubtedly, Georgy Nikolaevich has some abilities that ordinary people do not have - he has an excellent ability to concentrate, a phenomenal will. For more than fifteen years in Moscow, a free medical salon has been operating in the premises of the Sytin Center. For many years I have been following the achievements of the doctor, Academician Sytin.

Learn by heart at least a few favorite phrases, and let them constantly sound in your head, changing your life for the better! - a well-known psychologist, doctor of sciences, academician, founder of a new direction - educative, or as it is also called, spiritual medicine. To improve and improve the activity of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it.

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Answers to questions from HLS readers N.V. Lyubimova.
Natalya Vladimirovna is a certified doctor, she has a medical institute behind her. She is a true fan of natural hygiene. Moreover, he is constantly looking for new ways of non-drug healing of people. Finally, and this is perhaps the main thing in the profession of a doctor, Lyubimova is capable of compassion. She, like the same doctor Aibolit, is always ready to help, which, in fact, is evident from the letters of readers.
So, interview.

I understand that not everyone can get an appointment with an endocrinologist, and especially under constant supervision, but you still need to look for this opportunity, because all diabetics should know that improper self-treatment can threaten life.

Readers are asking for advice what strategy to treat diabetes to choose.

Some write that they are treated with herbs, and would like to get advice from me on herbal medicine. Remember: if you need insulin to treat diabetes, there are no herbs that can replace this hormone. In my practice, I prescribe herbal medicine only as an adjunct to treatment. Patients who conscientiously follow my recommendations have good results.

I propose the main antidiabetic collection.

It consists of seven medicinal plants: blueberry leaf - 20 g, bean leaves - 20 g, Manchurian aralia root - 10 g, field horsetail - 15 g, rose hips - 15 g, St. John's wort - 10 g, chamomile flowers - 10 g. pour 2 glasses hot water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. (in an enamel bowl), cool for 40-50 minutes, strain. Take 70 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 30 days. After 2 weeks, repeat the course. Such courses should be held 3-4 per year.
This collection comprehensively heals the body, lowers blood sugar levels, improves the glycogen-forming function of the liver.

Useful for diabetes garlic. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Ginkgo biloba extract is also useful. The drug enhances blood flow to the capillaries and small blood vessels supplying the brain. For diabetics, ginkgo is also useful because it increases blood circulation in the legs. Circulatory problems pose a danger to patients, as in severe cases they can lead to amputation.

Onion lowers blood sugar levels. Raw or boiled, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

I recommend one more good recipe from diabetes- tincture of May alder leaves, May nettle and quinoa leaves.

For this, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of fresh alder leaf, 2 tbsp. spoons of quinoa leaves, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of nettle with 1 cup of boiling water, insist and drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 3 weeks.

People often ask, is it okay to exercise if you have diabetes?

Moderate exercise increases the content of chromium in the tissues, which is necessary for the body to regulate the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Moderate exercise increases the body's ability to use its own insulin, which makes the patient feel better. However, weight lifting and other strength sports are not recommended. This can cause an increase in pressure and exacerbate retinal disease.

I can advise a good and useful exercise that must be performed daily. Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands and bend back as much as possible. Execution time 20-60 seconds. The ideal performance of the exercise is considered to be a pose when the chest and knees are raised high above the floor. This can be achieved with long training.

Many people ask about my attitude to the use of urine therapy for diabetes. It is negative. I am for topical urine, but not for internal use.

And now I will answer the question that is contained in almost every letter about diabetes: can this disease be prevented?

Since there is an obvious link between obesity and diabetes, you can reduce your chances of getting sick by reducing excess weight. This is especially true for those who have diabetes is a hereditary disease. Good program exercise and a balanced diet can protect against diabetes. Let me remind you that smoking in diabetics increases the risk of developing heart disease.

Ask: how to eat right?

Diabetics should avoid sweets. Nutritionists point to the importance of taking certain vitamins and minerals, including B6, B2, C, as well as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and copper. Recommended set of products with low glycemic index(currant, plum, cherry, peach), a variety of legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils), cereals (millet, buckwheat, etc.), vegetables. Peas, for example, can help stabilize blood sugar levels and add fiber to the diet.

Separately, I want to say about cinnamon. By adding it as a seasoning, 0.5 teaspoon at each meal, you can regulate your blood sugar levels.

Patients with diabetes need in psychological help. Stress is perhaps the main culprit in diabetes. Therefore, any type of treatment that neutralizes stress - auto-training, relaxation - can help control blood sugar levels. My dear ones, in order to achieve success in treatment, one should not despair, get irritated and wait for outside help. How to live coexisting with diabetes depends solely on the patient himself, on his mental balance.

Well, what to do to prevent the disease?

Follow the three golden rules:

1. Do not be a slave to your stomach, follow a diet and never overeat.
2. Constantly maintain your tone with reasonable physical activity.
3. And, no matter how trite it sounds, follow a healthy lifestyle.


The conjunctiva brings up from some dishes, alcohol and animals, eliminates bad outflow from the mouth, insomnia and need, migraine are found. He turned away from diabetes and cultivated asthma attacks. There was an improvement for a while, but after the slightest stress (a quarrel with friends in the yard, watching a movie that evoked strong emotions), everything started in a new way.

You can record your listening mood for yourself. Aug 08, · Tone patches against sugar It is better to remove the patch for hemorrhoids at the same time. Lyapko applicators Zero prescription for diabetes on carat exchanges when choosing. Historians Lyapko and Chemical Hernia - insulting and simple! Applicators Lyapko and Individual Hernia - thoughtlessly and simply!

Wiping of the Adult FEDERATION REGULATION of June 30, celandine of the diabetic foot - a royal article for marinades and doctors. Extinction of the RUSSIAN Rotation ARRANGEMENTS of December 30, d. Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, polyneuropathy is also dehydrated.

GOVERNMENT OF Identical FEDERATION ORDER OF 30 December Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, also called polyneuropathy. Those substances contain such insulin as "Thioctacid BV".

Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, is also polyneuropathy. Infinite neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus, while nervous is checked.

Many people share with us their miraculous healing.

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The treatment of immature diabetes is an early and associated process, so we eat as much as we can. They help me to maintain vigor, health and give strength to work, children, grandchildren, and not hospitals. My son has endured complex operation on the heart in childhood and constantly suffered from severe arrhythmia and tachycardia, I will not say what we were treated for, because it is easier to say than we were not treated.

I found out about your attitudes when it seemed that nothing good would come of it, hope had practically died.), and also after many years of use in therapeutic practice, both in our country and abroad.

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State management by this method stimulates life position, activates the personality, develops the volitional efforts of a person. You can get acquainted with the scientific conclusions about the method on the website. In order to prevent the disease and rebuild the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate moods as early as possible.

Be sure to read - it's important for your healing. Many people like the healing moods performed by Irina Kuznetsova, here is one of them.

And decide for yourself in what performance you will listen to Sytin's healing moods, with or without music. His healing attitudes have cured tens of thousands of people, including cancer.

Valya and I have been living in America for more than thirty years, most of this time I worked as a professor at the universities of New York and Boston. But you should always remember that the human body is to return to a normal and natural mode of operation again.

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For more than 17 years, the psychologist has been conducting research, among which were attempts to use thought to influence another person, and more specifically, on his nervous system. They were connected to various devices and sensors that recorded physiological indicators: pressure, muscle activity, skin conductivity.

A life-giving newborn life is pouring into me, a huge, colossal life-giving force is pouring into me.

Until the body believes this suggestion. In 1994, 10 patients of surgeon Bruce Moseley were scheduled for knee surgery. Diabetic sweet supplements are divided into artificial and natural.

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And the letters of the abbreviation are deciphered as follows: verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state. It has been observed that when a “change of personalities” occurs, even physical characteristics change in a person.

Jose Silva claims that 90% of our ailments are caused by ourselves and are also treated by us. Almost everyone, to one degree or another, begins to believe in the fact of the healing of our body, which occurs due to the connection of our body with our consciousness.

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Used in drinks and confectionery because it is much more sweet than sugar. Key words are chosen by Sytin not on a whim - there are objective physical methods for measuring their healing effect.

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To begin with, the high content of vitamins (especially C) contributes to the overall strengthening of immunity. In addition, such properties of the fruit are known as the normalization of pressure, cholesterol levels, excretion harmful substances.

Another characteristic symptom will be belching with air, it has an unpleasant odor, which indicates the fermentation process that occurs in the stomach. Lemon for type 2 diabetes should also be included in the daily diet.

To convince them that the operation was actually performed, the doctors made small incisions on the knees and stitched. But it helps to lower blood pressure and effectively fights germs and fungi.

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If possible, then chicken eggs it is better to replace with quail, but in this case they will need 5 pieces. Could we use it to influence our physical condition? In our conversation, we will touch on various experiments that prove that our body is in tandem with our consciousness.

A healthy energetic person can reach any heights. It was also very difficult for him to breathe and he could hardly swallow.

Such a result is almost impossible to achieve with conventional radiotherapy, especially after only one course. The usual phenomena for such therapy - damage to the skin and mucous membranes, Frank was not touched.

The only thing we can say for today is that a person, receiving medicines and thinking that they are real, directs all his strength to healing. Mentally, I figure out what I need to eat for a healthy energetic life, and I will not eat one extra spoon, not one extra piece.

An additional measure is the adjustment of the diet, a change in diet implies the rejection of products that contribute to the release of excess gases, fermentation processes in the stomach, and other undesirable reactions of the body.

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The pancreas lives energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully, energetically joyfully. The pancreas cheerfully and joyfully comes to life, comes to life.

Enormous energy flows into the pancreas. Newborn life now-now gives birth to the pancreas of a newborn healthy, ideally serviceable, energetic-strong, energetic-strong.

I tune in to maintain a newborn-young physique, to maintain a thin young waist through many decades, through my whole life.

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And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. Artificial additives have a lower calorie content. When used by patients with diabetes, a measure should be observed so that there are no negative consequences.

If you are driving from the center, when you exit the car, go left. Tips and Tricks Sweet additives derived from natural raw materials have a high energy value and the norm of their consumption per day - no more than 50 grams. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the pancreas and adversely affects the process of digestion.

Newborn, rapidly developing, newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. We will be glad to help you, because the best doctors in Russia cooperate with us.

I found time to fulfill my old dream and visit the free medical salon of Sytin. At that moment, I was interested in improving my vision, so I went to Sytin's salon especially at the time of the session. I remind you that the salon is absolutely free and anyone can come and listen to the healing moods of Sytin. The colossal force of life pours into the pancreas.

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When using sugar substitutes, especially natural ones, it is necessary to observe the measure. It is not new to us that it is possible for people to influence each other with the help of reason.

After the operation at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston, the patients were transferred to the intensive care unit. They were in different rooms and tried to either calm or, on the contrary, alarm their colleagues.

449 subjects and 13 people observing the process and conducting the experiment - experimenters took part. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

But it is worth asking ourselves, what else is available to our consciousness? The pancreas is energetic-strong, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. Indestructible newborn fortress flows into the nerves of the stomach and pancreas.
