Spiritual resistance to overcome. Why do “kickbacks” occur after trainings? "Overweight, self-sabotage and other consequences of spiritual resistance"

Do you know that feeling that you are putting in too much effort to make positive changes in your life? Perhaps you even feel that subconsciously you yourself are resisting the desired changes, i.e. With one foot you press on the "gas", and the second - on the "brake". Is there such a feeling? Then this article is exactly for you!

If you like to put things off “for later”, if you need, for example, just take and do something, but you like to stop, think, dig around in the table, on the table and under the table, suddenly start cleaning: wipe the computer, put things in closet or do some other "urgent matters", then you are here!

You may have experienced the following symptoms:

  • You suddenly began to increase (or sharply decrease) weight without visible reasons. Your self-esteem suffers because of this.
  • During the transformational work, for no reason at all, does your health worsen, relationships with loved ones, longing rolls in and other “strange things” begin?
  • Have your eating habits changed dramatically (do not want to eat food that you used to love and digest well, or vice versa, you want a completely different food)?
  • Your need for sleep changes after transformational practices
  • You have strange body temperature reactions or skin reactions (unexplained allergies)
  • Do you understand that you could achieve much more in your implementation (career, finances, personal growth), but something prevents you from doing this?

This is a serious process that almost all people involved in self-development and spiritual growth face. If you do not pay attention to it in time, it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Brain neurons have separate receptors for different emotions. Any emotion manifested in you is embedded in the receptors of cells. If an emotion is repeated over and over again, then neurons begin to work along the developed route - this is how a habit is formed.

Your habits keep you in your habitual state: happy or depressed, happy or sad. You kind of “stick” in this state and constantly recreate it.

The brain does not like change and runs on autopilot of the created neural connections. Therefore, it is so difficult to make changes in your usual life. You will have to re-create other habits and realize which of the old habits are good for you and your life. And retrain your brain to feel joy and happiness.

At the Master class, you master a simple and efficient technique work in Theta mode - waves, so you get the opportunity for fast transformations. If any negative feelings appear in your life again, you are already easily and simply aware of their causes, and you can independently influence it.


Spiritual Resistance is the physical and emotional resistance to the process of raising your vibrations. That is, it is expressed not only at the level of the physical body, but also at the level of subtle bodies.

This is expressed by the unwillingness of the body to accept so much "Light", your true spiritual essence - which leads to excess weight, self-sabotage and disease.

Spiritual resistance is also manifested by various energy blocks and protests, emotional outbursts, strong “kickbacks” after practices, a “fall” in willpower on the way to your goal.

You have a wonderful opportunity to free yourself from those barriers that prevent your positive changes in life and spiritual growth.

The master class will help you with this.

"Overweight, self-sabotage and other consequences of spiritual resistance"

Price 2100 rub.

If it is difficult for you to accept the idea that you are a multidimensional Being of Light, and “embed” this feeling into your system of perception of the world, do it gradually. At first, the idea of ​​your divinity may seem quite seditious, because we have been taught for a long time that God is high and far from us, and we are God's servants. And this belief can “sit” in our subconscious quite deeply, and we, without knowing it ourselves, will resist with all our might a simpler and easier onset of positive changes in our lives.

If you now, reading these drains, feel that this is about you, I advise you to take a Master class on spiritual resistance and gain the necessary skills to manage your spiritual energy.

You will be doing yourself an invaluable service,when you decide to purchase the materials of the Master class"Overweight, self-sabotage and other consequences of spiritual resistance"

Price 2100 rub.

How to get master class materials?

Send an application to my personal e-mail: [email protected]

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I decided (a) to purchase the materials of the Master class "Overweight, self-sabotage and other consequences of spiritual resistance" for 2100 rubles.

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I dedicate this material spiritual practitioners who, at some stage in their development, encountered "heavy life".

The easiest way to describe it is this phrase: « I work on myself, grow spiritually, why am I getting worse?!»

This can lead to disappointment in oneself or practices - “all in vain ...”

This information is so sharply resonating with me and my like-minded people now that I considered it simply necessary to convey it to readers.

However, even if you do not consider yourself a spiritual practitioner, but "accidentally" saw this article - read it. Perhaps this is the information you need right now.

depressive, depressed state for no particular reason;
unwillingness to live - from deep despair to mild indifference to your life and everything human (“everything is decay”);
feeling confusion in this world - I do not understand who I am and what I do here at all;
Longing for the "True Home", the feeling that you are not from here, that there is somewhere else where you would be truly happy;
unexplained seizures anxiety, fear (so-called panic attacks);
bone disease, teeth;
excess weight or lack of weight;
periodical weakness and cold in body;
immune disorders such as allergies, etc.;
problems with money.

At the same time, most likely, you have already worked with programs of love and self-acceptance, healed the past, accepted your family and clan.

(If you have not yet completed this stage, I recommend Alena Starovoitova's transformation seminar.
I took this course myself and am deeply impressed!

This article deals with cases where acute injuries and acceptance of one's own personal qualities you have already passed, and the above symptoms get worse.

You have worked so hard on yourself, you have shifted large layers and it seems that you should become happier and freer - so what's the matter?

I will answer you. You have advanced far in your development and are faced with.

Laurie Gilmore described it as "the resistance of the body to the loss of density caused by the descent of the spirit".

Simply put, it is difficult for your huge and powerful Soul to integrate into your body and live like a person.

And the more spiritual you become, the more you identify yourself with the Soul - sometimes, alas, the more difficult it is for you to contact the body and earthly life.

The origins of spiritual resistance are the so-called First Cause ("Descent into darkness", or Separation).

It is about your birth on Earth.

At some point, your great Soul, connected with unconditional love Creator, chose to have a human experience. And then many of us fell into the illusion of separation.

Here is what Sal Rachel writes about this (hereinafter, quotes from the book “The Unifying Man. Soul Integration”)

This process is called " compression of spiritual energy into matter».

When you get to the memory of this experience, "the physiological imprint includes an intense contraction energy and a strong desire to decompress" (essentially a death wish).

Beginners diligently practice in order to feel themselves and their reality at least a little more than the physical world. They are weighed down by this lack of freedom and the memory of something greater.

You, as advanced practitioners who have finally felt the illusory nature of reality and your own truth, can fall into a specific trap - “ longing for higher realms».

Here's what it looks like.

You feel that you were once huge, powerful and free beings, full of love.

You lived in a place where there was not even a knowledge of pain, and everything was permeated with love and wisdom.

Do you remember how nice it was to explore the Universe, how easy it was to come into contact with any creatures and feel the boundless acceptance of God.

You remember the gifts of telepathic communication, instant healing, moving to any point in the universe, energy exchange with kindred souls.

Compared to these wonderful memories life on earth seems painful and unbearable, and we unconsciously strive to interrupt it.

“Pain is resistance to what is,” writes Sal Rachel. And in this pain is the source of spiritual resistance.

These painful feelings are based on emotional trauma during incarnation.

Such experiences cause a desire to escape from the squeeze.

This manifests itself as a "death urge", i.e. the desire to leave the physical body and return to a less compressed, disembodied state.

This is the cause of depression, depression, panic attacks.

Because the impulse of the Soul is the unconscious desire to leave the body, the body, following its will, starts to break down.

This is especially noticeable in diseases of the bones and teeth, as the densest matter in your body. It is not for nothing that in old age, when the soul is already preparing for the transition, the bones become brittle, the teeth fall out.

Remember that they say about an overly fragile person “he is unearthly”, that is, he is almost not present in the body.

Immunity problems are also possible, especially allergies (rejection of the body, earthly food, etc.)

Let's highlight this point separately, because many spiritual practices are faced with unexplained weight gain.

In this, alas, rather destructive way, the body tries to accommodate the existing spiritual mass.

Your Soul remembers the world where the exchange of energies was free and easy, where not ranks and finances were valued, but the qualities of pure love and wisdom.

Therefore, the Soul does not understand the need to earn money, and yearns for that “free world”.

As one of my acquaintances (a powerful practitioner) called it: “I'm still waiting for when I won't have to work and I'll just be paid for my glow and love. But this still does not come, and I am disappointed in the justice of the world.

As a result, internal the message of the Soul "I don't need money" manifests itself in the physical world with financial problems.

Listen to your inner response, for sure, something like this is familiar to you.

Do you remember about my spiritual family, about those energies of love and acceptance with which dear beings surrounded you.

You are looking for the same quality of love on Earth, but many people, and often the closest ones, have hurt and continue to hurt you.

You don't understand why this is happening breaks your heart.

You enter into relationships with the most open mind, and when faced with misunderstanding, betrayal, rejection, you close and become disappointed in people or in yourself.

You are constantly looking for your “Divine Beloved”, sometimes almost not believing that happiness with him is possible on Earth…

Your Soul remembers that it is perfect and in its House you do not need to compete with others to receive any benefits.

As a result, when in society you are faced with deceit, indifference, cruelty of people, this causes unbearable pain and a desire to avoid it.

Hence the specific behavior of many spiritual practitioners, which is expressed in the desire to “take a backpack, drop everything and go nowhere”, as well as the inability to confidently stand up for oneself.

In addition, the desire to "get rid of life", dictated by spiritual resistance, forms a subconscious program "all in vain".

Which, as you understand, does not contribute to your successful implementation.

As a result, spiritual resistance leads to the fact that it's hard for you to live in this world, you are disappointed in yourself, money and relationships, and further spiritual growth can only increase homesickness and, as a result, self-destruction.

If you want to avoid this and enjoy life on earth to achieve success in all important undertakings, you Eliminate Spiritual Resistance and help your higher part settle into your body.

Remember that you are wonderful luminous beings, embodied in human bodies, and deserve maximum happiness on your Earthly Path!

In the process of knowing yourself from the point of view new reality(new coordinate system) and not only ourselves, but also our surroundings, both near and far, we are forced to move away from an instant REACTION based on unconscious emotions and mental limitations, and move into the position of a CONSCIOUS OBSERVER who first observes everything that happens from the outside and only then makes a conscious CHOICE how to LIVE the situation that has arisen.

The key word here is to live… not to react, not to survive, namely to LIVE this experience, whatever it may be.

And there is RESISTANCE standing in the way of living our various life experiences. Both internal and external.

In this group meditation, we will go through meditative journey "Beyond Resistance" that will give you the impetus to overcome the resistance that stands in your way forward, into a reality that you create yourself, beyond emotions and imposed restrictions.

Important information!

As you watch, you are automatically connected to the group energy of the meditation participants.
A separate attunement is NOT required.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to subsequent group meditations and you will have access to the full library of meditations for 2012-2017.

P.S. In order to help people work through resistance, the "Keys of Mastery" have been developed.

P.S.S. In order to effectively and safely endure the processes of change now taking place, your energy system must be built and balanced.

The basic course of Alena Starovoitova will help you with this.


This is the second article in a series on the disruptive impact spiritual resistance and removing it from your life.

Part 1 -
Part 2 - [You are here] Spiritual causes of depression, lack of money and disease

With love,
Lydia Dushka_li

They often come after series of painful lessons when there is an inner impulse and the need to radically change your life, once and for all

Or as a natural stage of personality development when you are looking for an answer to the question of the meaning of life and your purpose

Spiritual work is a way to yourself and often it is accompanied by changes at the physiological level: changes in eating habits, sleep, taste preferences, etc.

If you have become notice strange changes in your body and behavior, atypical bodily sensations, dizziness, changes in sleep or diet, Don't worry

Everything that happens to you is a symptom of spiritual growth. Or - arising, as a kind of spiritual resistance, in response to an increase in your vibrations

They should not be afraid - you just need explore them, and know how to help yourself in each specific case. These are natural processes.

Let's consider some of them:

Restructuring of the nervous system

One of the most common symptoms faced by practitioners

Perception of energies, volitional concentration on the chakras, inner world, images of the subconscious relaunches nervous system and changes the habitual frequencies of the brain

At the same time, new neural connections are being built, previously dormant areas of the brain are activated. This puts extra stress on the body.

This is expressed in the appearance of some strange symptoms, for example, unexpected tactile sensations, “heating” or “coldness” in certain parts of the body, goosebumps and slight trembling.

Sometimes your perception of weight or body size will change, sometimes you will stray orientation coordinates in space appear strange tension or relaxation of the muscles

You are here to broadcast the vibration of a new frequency - to people (through voiced words) and into the earth (through feet). Side effects may look like dizziness, high / low blood pressure, physical fatigue of the body (from an excess of energy)

You may notice that your emotional reactions to the same stimuli have changed. The perception of colors, sounds and smells usually becomes brighter. Dreams tend to become more colorful and rich in sensations

Particularly important magnesium and B vitamins(transmission of nerve impulses, stress relief, stress resistance)

Iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, vitamin A also have a beneficial effect on nerve cells. You can look for products containing these substances, or take optimized vitamin complexes

Weight change

Spiritual energy entering your body can cause weight fluctuations, most often a sharp increase in mass

Due to the study of energy blocks and the elimination of "leaks" of energy to negative experiences, a sense of separation, fears and doubts, a huge amount of energy is released.


“The bodies of some people can resist the loss of density caused by the descents of the spirit. Resistance symptom - weight gain

Human bodies tend to try to cope with the descents of the spirit by becoming larger to accommodate the incoming spiritual mass.”

Simply put, our consciousness is becoming more and more expansive, containing more and more spiritual energy. And the body seeks to keep up with it, in the simplest way for itself - by gaining excess weight.

By the way, this can also happen to those who are not engaged in very deep practices. The reality is that all people now, to one degree or another, are going through Ascension - which means they can unconsciously resist it and gain weight.

If you don't take care, you won't be able to conduct high vibrations properly.

But, most importantly, you risk getting problems associated with impaired metabolism and obesity - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, etc.

To stop gaining excess weight, you need 2 conditions:

    • Agree with the body and nourish it (physically load) in accordance with its needs
    • Choose a diet for yourself and the most close system workouts (dance, pool, yoga), at least 1 hour a day and several times a week
    • Do not let yourself be fooled by internal “excuses” that you don’t have money, time, that you have the wrong age or illness. For your own good, overcome these attitudes and take care of yourself.
    • This will help you form a beautiful and healthy body and fill it with powerful spiritual energies
    • Remove "protection" and resistance to change and spiritual growth
    • Resistance is originally a protective factor that has turned into a destructive self-sabotage
    • For us, practitioners of self-development, it manifests itself in several ways. This is not only a set of mass, but also, for example, a “slipping” of willpower
    • “I just can’t start (to do the exercises of the course, sports, practices) ... I can’t finish ...” Or - “I remember what needs to be done, but there are always some small things”

Changing rhythms of sleep and wakefulness

The more time you devote to your spiritual development, the more important the periods and the quality of your rest become for you.

During your vacation, you not only restore your strength, but also sync up with new skills and abilities, which are revealed to you (we will dwell on this in more detail in the 2nd part of this series of materials)

You are transitioning to a new sleep system that Steve Rother called "sleep triad": you sleep 3 hours, then wake up, you can spend 2 hours in a state of wakefulness and fall asleep again

At the same time, you do not feel tired or sleepy.

It is noteworthy that during this period of night wakefulness you are in a state of expanded consciousness, at the so-called alpha frequency, characteristic of meditative practices and deep relaxation

This means that your right and left hemispheres work synchronously, opening up access to new awareness for you and creating field of expanded creation when all your ideas are quickly embodied in material form

Change in diet

1) Increasing the daily consumption of clean water

After a short time after regular spiritual practices, you will find that you have begun to use much more clean drinking water: from a few glasses a day to 3-6 liters per day

Benefit: Pure water helps to conduct energy in the body, improves metabolism, removes harmful substances and slags, and also contributes to the adequate functioning of the nervous system

Tea, coffee, juices and any other liquids are not equivalent replacement drinking water. Therefore, do not be surprised if, after a glass of freshly squeezed juice, you are drawn to drink clean water as well ...

  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to help keep your body hydrated while you sleep.
  • Be sure to take a bottle of water with you for a walk, a break in drinking water for 2-3 hours will cause increased discomfort in the body and dry mouth, as if you spent this time in a hot desert
  • Drink water not during / after a meal, but 30-10 minutes before a meal
  • Charge water with positive energy

To do this, you can put the appropriate Masaru Emoto crystal under the water container or put shungite or a silver spoon directly into the water.

2) Refusal of "heavy" food in favor of vegetables and fruits

Your body has a body mind that tells you what food at the moment will serve your highest good. You only need listen to body tips

Instead of "violating" your body with another diet or hunger strike, ask your body what it wants at the moment.

There will be times when you volunteer give up heavy meat food in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits

This does not mean that everyone who is engaged in spiritual practices, Be sure to go vegan or raw food... No

But you will learn to HEAR the needs of your body, sensitive to signals that you need to ground yourself and eat something more dense, or vice versa, switch to a lighter vitamin diet

3) Intolerance to dyes, food additives and preservatives

Many people are familiar with well-known publications about the dangers of food additives and preservatives, so before buying products, they carefully read what is written on the labels, and this is what they are guided by when choosing food.

There will come a time when this will not be necessary. Because your the body will react on the composition of the product and tell you how it will be useful to you personally

Simple example: you start eating ice cream and feel like got sand in your mouth, since the ice cream is powdered with flavorings and dyes

At one time, from a huge range of cakes and pastries, I had to leave only honey and cream with natural sour cream. Everything else literally creaked on the teeth

Fortunately, the period of increased intelligibility does not last long: as soon as you have learned identify harmful and beneficial foods, negative manifestations gradually disappear ... you are simply not attracted to buy something that your body cannot handle on its own

Increasing sensitivity and sensitivity

In the process of spiritual development, increased sensitivity will affect not only food and water

Your skin, like litmus paper, will become more sensitive to any changes in the environment.

The principle is the same - down with non-natural components and additives

Here are some examples:

water procedures. When you change the hardness of the water or use chemical additives to clean it, your skin will immediately react increased dryness and irritation starts to flake and itch

A special area of ​​attention is pools and baths with chlorination of water for its purification. You swim once, then for a long time you will restore the usual softness of the skin of the body

Artificial materials in clothes. It all started with tights for me - you put on tights and you feel like squeezes legs like in a vise. Following this, I had to abandon the newfangled artificial materials(including lace) for underwear

If you want to feel comfortable in clothes, please take care of 100% cotton or wool

Everything that directly touches the skin should be NATURAL!

Means for face and body care. A separate song ... which will require maximum attention and time to pick up moisturizers and nutrients High Quality, which ACCEPT your skin

How much it will cost your wallet - we will keep silent)) However, you can master the preparation of eco-friendly cosmetics based on natural oils and fats, plant petals, coffee, etc.

memory impairment

going on restructuring of the brain, new sympathetic pathways are built that transmit impulses to nerve cells and synchronize the left (analytical) and right (creative) hemispheres of the brain

At times there is a feeling that you have lost your memory, there is fog in your head, the simplest mental activity causes headaches and irritation

As a result, you will gain greater clarity and accuracy. Start seeing the bigger picture as a whole. The mind becomes calmer the internal dialogue will be silenced without any effort on your part

Main, trust what is happening process and not exhaust yourself with unnecessary doubts and worries

cell mutation

All of you are familiar manifestations of the "spiritual" flu:

  • an increase in body temperature, although the thermometer shows that everything is normal,
  • pain, if you hold something on open skin,
  • the body seems to melt and break, including in the joints,
  • increased heart rate and general weakness,
  • pressure on the temples or impulse sharp pain in them

All of the above are similar to the symptoms of a very high temperature ...

But from a medical point of view, you are completely healthy - your spiritual transformation will transform the cellular structure so that your cells can accommodate more light and energy.

Energy sensitivity

A side effect of spiritual practices is increased sensitivity to different energies

Just by looking at a person, you can determine what mood he is in, whether he should be trusted and deal with him.

You immediately see the type of thinking of a person - his positive or negative view of the world

Sick or healthy, full of energy and strength, or de-energized. This is undoubtedly one of benefits of spiritual practices

  • On the other hand, increased sensitivity makes it difficult to distinguish where are your thoughts and emotions, and where are others
  • You easily read the energy of a person, but often take someone else's state for your own
  • It is difficult for you to be in crowded places (large supermarkets, concerts, festivities), because. you get tired quickly and feel exhausted

In such cases, remember to

I dedicate this material to spiritual practitioners who, at some stage in their development, have faced the "heavy of life." The easiest way to characterize it is with the following phrase: “I am working on myself, growing spiritually, why is it getting worse for me ?!”

From this, disappointment in oneself or practices may arise - “all in vain ...” This information is now so sharply echoed by me and my like-minded people (friends, clients), that I considered it simply necessary to convey it to the readers of the "Keys of Mastery".

However, even if you do not consider yourself a spiritual practitioner, but “accidentally” saw this article, check it out. Perhaps this is the information you need right now.

Check if you are familiar with the following symptoms:

Depressed, depressed state for no particular reason;

Unwillingness to live - from deep despair to slight indifference to one's life and everything human ("everything is decay");

Longing for the "True Home", the feeling that you are not from here, that there is somewhere else where you would be truly happy;

Unexplained bouts of anxiety, fear (so-called panic attacks);

Diseases of bones, teeth; being overweight or underweight;

Periodic weakness and coldness in the body;

Immune disorders such as allergies and others;

Money problems.

At the same time, most likely, you have already worked with programs of love and self-acceptance, healed the past, accepted your family and clan.

In this article we are talking about cases where you have already gone through acute trauma and acceptance of your personal qualities, and the above symptoms are intensifying.

You have worked so hard on yourself, you have shifted large layers and it seems that you should become happier and freer - so what's the matter?

I will answer you. You have advanced far in your development and have encountered spiritual resistance.

Laurie Gilmore described it as "the resistance of the body to the loss of density caused by the descent of the spirit". Simply put, it is difficult for your huge and powerful Soul to integrate into your body and live like a person. And the more spiritual a person you become, the more you identify yourself with the Soul - sometimes, alas, the more difficult it is for you to contact the body and earthly life.

The origins of spiritual resistance are the so-called First Cause ("Descent into darkness", or Separation). It is about your birth on Earth.

At some point, your great Soul, connected to the Creator's Unconditional Love, made the decision to have a human experience. And then many of us fell into the illusion of separation. Here is what Sal Rachel writes about this (hereinafter, quotes from the book “The Unifying Man. Soul Integration”)

“You are used to flying and soaring in unlimited time, space and even higher. And then suddenly you were restricted vehicle made of flesh and blood, making them absolutely helpless and dependent on others.

The sensation was so strong that it swallowed your consciousness. All you could think about was the excruciating pain running through your body as you were being pushed into the harsh, dense reality of the physical world.”

Unwillingness to live as a craving for "liberation"

Beginners diligently practice in order to feel themselves and their reality at least a little more than the physical world. They are weighed down by this lack of freedom and the memory of something greater.

You, as advanced practitioners who have finally felt the illusory nature of reality and your own truth, can fall into a tricky trap - "longing for higher spheres."

Here's what it looks like. You feel that you were once huge, powerful and free beings, full of love. You lived in a place where there was not even a knowledge of pain, and everything was permeated with love and wisdom. Do you remember how nice it was to explore the Universe, how easy it was to come into contact with any creatures and feel the boundless acceptance of God.

You remember the gifts of telepathic communication, instant healing, moving to any point in the universe, energy exchange with kindred souls.

Compared to these wonderful memories, life on Earth seems painful and unbearable, and we unconsciously seek to interrupt it.

“Pain is resistance to what is,” writes Sal Rachel. And in this pain is the source of spiritual resistance.

Consequences of Spiritual Resistance

1. Causeless longing and depression, unconscious craving for death

These painful feelings are based on the emotional trauma of incarnation.

“Your first thought is something like this: Strong contraction. It's uncomfortable and painful. I must have done something wrong and deserved it all.

God is punishing me. Once I felt great, drowning in bliss. Now I'm shrinking and full of pain. I must return to the Garden of Eden."

Such experiences cause a desire to escape from the squeeze. This manifests itself as a "death urge", i.e. the desire to leave the physical body and return to a less compressed, disembodied state.

This is the cause of depression, depression, panic attacks.

2. Declining health

"For man to live on earth in physical body, a certain percentage of the total energy of the soul must be present in his body. The more energy of the soul in the body, the healthier and stronger it is, and the more successfully the soul will cope with the problems of earthly life.

Due to the fact that the impulse of the Soul is an unconscious desire to leave the body, the body, following its will, begins to collapse.

This is especially noticeable in diseases of the bones and teeth, as the densest matter in your body. It is not for nothing that in old age, when the soul is already preparing for the transition, the bones become brittle, the teeth fall out.

Remember that they say about an overly fragile person “he is unearthly”, that is, he is almost not present in the body.

Immunity problems are also possible, especially allergies (rejection of the body, earthly food, etc.)

3. Overweight

Let's highlight this point separately, because many spiritual practitioners are faced with inexplicable weight gain.

In this, alas, rather destructive way, the body tries to accommodate the existing spiritual mass.

4. Money problems

Your Soul remembers the world where the exchange of energies was free and easy, where not ranks and finances were valued, but the qualities of pure love and wisdom.

Therefore, the Soul does not understand the need to earn money, and yearns for that “free world”.

As one of my acquaintances (a powerful practitioner) called it: “I'm still waiting for when I won't have to work and I'll just be paid for my glow and love. But this still does not come, and I am disappointed in the justice of the world.

As a result, the inner message of the Soul “I don't need money” is manifested in the physical world by financial problems.

Listen to your inner response, for sure, something like this is familiar to you.

5. Relationship frustration

You remember about your spiritual Family, about those energies of love and acceptance with which dear beings surrounded you.

You are looking for the same quality of love on Earth, but many people, and often the closest ones, have hurt and continue to hurt you.

You don't understand why this is happening and it breaks your heart.

You enter into relationships with the most open mind, and when faced with misunderstanding, betrayal, rejection, you close and become disappointed in people or in yourself.

You are constantly looking for your “Divine Beloved”, sometimes almost not believing that happiness with him is possible on Earth…

6. Dissatisfaction in career and implementation

Your Soul remembers that it is perfect and in its House you do not need to compete with others to receive any benefits. As a result, when in society you are faced with deceit, indifference, cruelty of people, this causes unbearable pain and a desire to avoid it.

Hence the specific behavior of many spiritual practitioners, which is expressed in the desire to “take a backpack, drop everything and go nowhere,” as well as the inability to confidently stand up for oneself.

In addition, the desire to “get rid of life”, dictated by spiritual resistance, forms a subconscious program “all in vain”. Which, as you understand, does not contribute to your successful implementation.

As a result, spiritual resistance leads to the fact that it is hard for you to live in this world, you are disappointed in yourself, money and relationships, and further spiritual growth can only increase homesickness and, as a result, self-destruction.

If you want to avoid this and enjoy life on Earth and succeed in all important undertakings, you need to eliminate spiritual resistance and help your higher part to accommodate in your body.

Remember that you are wonderful luminous beings embodied in human bodies and deserve maximum happiness on your Earthly Path!

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle, but for some reason, excess weight does not go away, but on the contrary - it arrives? Are you engaged in spiritual growth, but your health and relationships with loved ones have deteriorated? Could you achieve success in your activities, but something always gets in the way? Alena Starovoitova will help eliminate spiritual resistance and overcome obstacles.

Alena Starovoitova: secrets of inner strength

The author directs people to develop their inner strength. Spiritual resistance does not evaporate, it must be eliminated. Alena Starovoitova teaches how to deal with problems through inner strength person. 18,000 students have already been trained, 2,600 of whom have made a profound transformation.

How to overcome obstacles:

  • At the master class, you will learn where spiritual energy is stored in the human body and how to manage it;
  • There will be strength and a desire to move on;
  • You will free internal energy from the shackles of hated obstacles and direct the accumulated excess to the realization of goals;
  • By following the recommendations for nutrition and sports activities, you will improve your health and normalize your weight.

A master class by Alena Starovoitova eliminates spiritual resistance and releases internal energy for the implementation of tasks.
