Activation of unconditional love through the chakras. Unconditional love as a healing tool. Personal transformation courses for people of all skill levels in their development

The second chakra of Svadhisthana is our sacral or sacral chakra. She is responsible for human instincts, love of life and difficult emotions. Let's get to know this center better. And also learn how to properly diagnose its work.

Where is

Svadikhthana is located right at the level of the genitals. It's about 3-4 fingers from the navel. Approximately in the groin area, where the pubic bone is located. This chakra center encompasses the most gross and difficult emotions of a person. Here all the most hidden animal instincts are revealed.

The chakra symbol is a crocodile.

What is responsible for

The Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for the simplest human desires: food, sleep, physical intimacy. In the body controls the element of water and any liquids. Also responsible for:

  • self-preservation;
  • perception of the world through feeling;
  • feeling of cheerfulness;
  • sexual activity.

'Sva' means 'ego' and 'self-consciousness'.

well developed

If the open Svadhisthana chakra functions perfectly, then the person has good tact. It also has a sense of taste and beauty. He is always very neat, well-groomed and looks beautiful. It's nice to look at him.

Tarot card - XVI Arcana Tower.

Stop your internal dialogue, look at the center of the picture and meditate.

The chakra sound is pronounced like TO YOU. You need to say 21 times. You can do several approaches of 21.

Signs of a blockage

Signs of blockage of the second sacral chakra of Svadhisthana can always be identified both on the physical and on the energy plane.

Pain spots on the physical plane Problems with emotions on the energylevel
  • paranoia;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • painful periods;
  • disruption of the e cycle in women;
  • loss of semen in men;
  • impotence;
  • cystitis;
  • constipation;
  • reproductive disorders;
  • problematic lymphatic system;
  • diseased kidneys;
  • blood poisoning.
  • diffidence;
  • tactlessness, rudeness;
  • unfunny jokes;
  • suspicion;
  • anger;
  • greed;
  • jealousy;
  • a sense of ownership;
  • such a person is sure that other people deceive and betray;
  • controls everything and everything;
  • does not trust life;
  • has a persistent indifference to the lives of others;
  • but at the same time there is a frequent change of mood;
  • isolation, unsociableness;
  • fear of showing one's weakness;
  • have any uncontrolled addictions (food, cigarettes, alcohol, love pleasures, computer games, etc.)

Living Dead

As you know, the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for human desires. So, such a person lives on a very primitive level. He seems to be a man, but he does not feel himself in this world at all. Doesn't live, just exists. And every day only performs routine tasks.

And it seems that he wanted to live like a person with all the joys and pleasures, but he cannot afford it. And I can't unearth the reason in myself. But at the same time, instincts often dominate in him! And at the wrong moment they always make themselves felt.

About the instincts

With a poorly developed Svadhisthana chakra, people cannot listen to themselves. They act by inertia and do what their instincts dictate. Even when common sense speaks: "No!" . A person will still eat an extra pie, drink another bottle of vodka, play an extra rink or call another girl for love pleasures.


All people assert themselves in different ways. A person with an undeveloped Svadhisthana has a deep complex of fear and self-doubt. And they compensate for this uncertainty if they humiliate and offend others. Such people feel comfortable only when they mock and belittle the dignity of an opponent.


These are the same people who take life by the neck and control it from beginning to end. And when the scenario of life begins to differ from their own, they get very angry. And they blame others for their own troubles.

Also, such people have manic suspicion. It is they who control all the social networks of their partners or children. Read letters and diaries. They keep track of when and who was last online, who gave what likes to whom.

It's useless to argue

People with a poorly pumped sacral chakra are very dogmatic and have a static mindset. They can never prove anything. Now, if they once read something somewhere, then until the end of their lives, foaming at the mouth, they will defend their point of view, not taking into account others.

Also, people with weak Swadhisthana are poorly irradiated.


A blocked Svadhisthana chakra provokes stupor. With serious problems, people with an underdeveloped sacral center quite often fall into a stupor or go underground.

Sometimes it happens that, having met with fear face to face, people prefer to climb into a hole. And while the rest of the team or friends are looking for him, he just hides somewhere and does not get in touch.

Spiritual lesson: lessons of the material world.

Naturally, after some time, this person may reappear as if nothing had happened. But at the same time, he does not apologize, does not explain anything, but behaves as before.

Reasons for closing

The Svadhisthana chakra can be destroyed from childhood and not develop further. There are several reasons for this:

  • lack of love from parents or neighbors;
  • improper diets in adolescence;
  • suspicious companies that had a bad effect on a small child;
  • desire to control this world;
  • occasions after which the person felt insecure.


Try to analyze the state of your Svadhisthana chakra. Ask her questions like:

  1. What is the state of my physical body?
  2. Do I have fertility problems or any sexual problems?
  3. Do I want to control every event in my life?
  4. How do I feel when things don't go according to my plan?
  5. Am I confident?
  6. Am I ready to change my point of view if the person gives constructive arguments?

How to open

To awaken the energy that is sealed inside, you need to perform various exercises. Physical exercises are shown below. Performing various yoga poses, we release energy outward and help it circulate properly in our biofield. The blocks are gradually removed, and the Svadhisthana chakra is recovering.

As for the psychological blocks in the head, it is important to take the will into a fist and not succumb to your animal instincts. And also pump self-confidence and, if possible, refuse to condemn others.

If you saw some minus, then you need to find 3 pluses in this person. Even if they are the most banal.

How to activate Swadhisthana

  • drink plenty of clean water (2-3 liters per day);
  • if possible, avoid foods that warm the intestines (meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic and mushrooms);
  • have moderate sexual activity;
  • observe the hygiene of the genitals;
  • more contact with water, go swimming;
  • walks in the rain
  • daily cleansing, washing;
  • normalization of mental health.

Exercise 1

How to activate the Swadhisthana chakra? Try this simple exercise. Initially, you need to take a pose that has the name “ cow head“. How to do it, you can see in the picture.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Take the desired pose of the “cow's head”.
  2. If a person takes this position, then his genitals will “compress” automatically, that is, a slight tension will be felt in them.
  3. In this position, you need to sit for 2-3 minutes. Repeat the exercise several times a day.

Exercise 2

The Svadhisthana chakra is pumped by a very low forward tilt of the body. Yoga mudrasana helps the sacral center to be activated. It is necessary to take this position and stay in it for several minutes. As much as you are comfortable with. This exercise is usually repeated several times a day.

Exercise 3

You can also achieve Zen in this position. You need to sit in it for 2-3 minutes, but do several approaches a day.

Exercise 4

Good effect on Swadhisthana locust pose in yoga. It only takes a few minutes to spend in it. And after 21 days, you will notice how life begins to improve.

Any physical activity on the press helps to restore Swadhisthana.

Exercise 5

camel pose in yoga, it opens Svadhisthana and allows vital energy to flow throughout the body. The exercise should be repeated several times a day for 2-3 minutes per approach.

Exercise 6

How to open Swadhisthana? Try this exercise called supta vajrasana. The pose is quite difficult, but very effective. It not only activates the sacral chakra, but also improves the metabolism in the body.

Musical tone: D; folk music.

Try to take the position shown in the picture. Stay in this state for as long as you can. It is advisable to repeat the exercise several times a day.

Exercise 7

A good breathing exercise that will help activate the sacral center.

Chakra Swadhisthana mod on:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Feel the pulse in the area of ​​the sacral chakra. (Approximately 3-4 fingers from the navel).
  3. Mentally lower your consciousness to this point. There should be a slight vibration. If it doesn't show up, no big deal.
  4. Imagine mentally that when you inhale through your nose, all vital energy enters the center of Svadhisthana.
  5. When you exhale through your mouth, imagine that the energy is coming out of the chakra. Roughly speaking, you need to "breathe this chakra."
  6. Repeat the exercise for 7 breaths and 7 breaths. It would be enough.

It is advisable to perform the exercise early in the morning before 9 am.

According to ancient teachings in Hinduism and Buddhism, chakra- psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person. Central, heart chakra - Anahata. From Sanskrit, “anahata” is translated as “undefeated”, “unsurpassed” (meaning a chakra not affected by passions).

Anahata- a link between the upper and lower three chakras, between the divine and the animal in man.

Anahata Chakra expresses the very essence human nature explaining what is humanity- ability be in love.

When the energy center of love is blocked or disharmony is observed, a person loses the ability to experience the most beautiful feeling - love.

How to comprehend love? How does the heart chakra open? Are there special techniques?

When love lives in the heart

The ability to love from time immemorial has been associated with the heart for a reason. Anahata Chakra is located in the region of the heart, in the middle of the chest.

When energy flow in the heart is open (chakra is not blocked), a person filled with the energy of love:

  • pure and unconditional
  • all-encompassing and omnipresent,
  • generating and creating life.

An open heart is filled with the love that is the basis of all things. This great energy balances the physical and spiritual in man.

Here, in the heart chakra, they concentrate All other human emotions and feelings.

A person with an open heart chakra builds harmonious relationships with himself and others, can:

  1. Be an altruist kindness And tenderness, care, compassion, but do not take other people's sorrows too close to your heart.
  2. Forgive, follow the principle of forgiveness.
  3. Respect and accept themselves without value, respectively, to remain self-confident, boldly reveal their potential and fulfill themselves.
  4. Be in love:
  • myself,
  • neighbor (husband / wife, father and mother, children, brothers and sisters),
  • all people,
  • the whole world.

It is not difficult to guess that such a person is mentally balanced and calm. He is not tormented by excessive emotionality, irascibility, ardor, or, on the contrary, coldness, unemotionality.

The ability to accept your emotions and maintain their balance is the key to mental health.

He who knows how to truly love is loved in return by close people and just acquaintances, the whole environment, life itself for him is love.

What blocks the heart chakra

Signs that the Anahata Chakra blocked, a lot:

  • tearfulness,
  • fatigue,
  • shortness of breath (chest tightness)
  • irritability,
  • touchiness,
  • anger,
  • conflict,
  • "victim" complex
  • self dissatisfaction,
  • anxiety,
  • loneliness (may be accompanied by unrequited love),
  • excessive desire to be nice to others.

The flow of energy in the region of the heart can be not only insufficient, but also excessive.

Serious disharmony of the energy center of love in the body manifests itself as a series of diseases:

  • All cardiovascular diseases(including the most common cause of death today - heart attack),
  • depression,
  • skin diseases,
  • weakened immunity,
  • thoracic spine problems
  • breast disease (breast cancer in women),
  • lung disease,
  • diseases of the thymus (thymus),
  • hand problems.

The heart chakra is blocked all negative emotions experienced by a person in relation to himself or people:

  • anger,
  • hatred,
  • resentment
  • guilt,
  • shame,
  • fear,
  • envy.

All these and other similar negative emotions are contrary to the nature of love, they are Not Love.

Simple Methods for Opening the Anahata Chakra

Colors heart chakra:

  1. The main color is emerald green.
  2. Additional - pink, gold, purple.

Hence the first tip for opening the heart chakra is to wear clothes and surround yourself with objects of the above colors.

  1. Emerald (makes love deeper, wider and deeper, rejuvenates the heart).
  2. Jadeite (helps to see one's beauty and the beauty of the world, makes the heart wise).
  3. Tourmaline (teaches generosity in love, the ability to give it).
  4. Rose quartz (heals heart and soul wounds, makes sensitive to beauty, develops imagination).

Sounds like Anahata-chakra is like a flute, and in vibration it coincides with the mantra YAM (“yam”).

Therefore, it is useful to sing the sound of YAM, listen to the flute in classical works, oriental, sacred melodies.

Element the heart chakra is air. Need to visit more often fresh air, inhale it fully, practice breathing exercises. Light, airy textures and fabrics (especially silk) in the interior and wardrobe will also help open the heart.

Unblock Anahata will help and healthy food Green colour:

  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • green onion,
  • cucumbers,
  • cabbage (all kinds)
  • spinach,
  • green radish,
  • kiwi,
  • pears,
  • avocado,
  • green apples.

Smells used to open the heart chakra - essential oils:

  • sandalwood
  • cedar,
  • pink.

Sports exercises and dancing, in which the pectoral muscles and the shoulder girdle of the limbs are involved, also help to remove blocks from Anahata. Useful yoga asanas- poses:

  • cats,
  • cobra,
  • camel,
  • wheels, others.

Techniques for opening the heart chakra

There are many techniques for opening the Anahata chakra.

On one's own it's easy to do something like this:

  1. Prepare space. You can turn on meditative music, light candles, an aroma lamp, but the most important thing is to ensure peace and security for yourself.
  2. sit on a soft chair or floor covering.
  3. Relax: remove tension from the body, let go of thoughts and emotions.
  4. Align your back, take your shoulders back, put the palm of your left hand on your right, connect the pads of your thumbs.
  5. Bring your hands closer to your heart, at chest level.
  6. Concentrate on the junction of the thumbs and feel the pulse there.
  7. Stay in position for 5 minutes.
  8. Closing your eyes, press your palms (without disconnecting them) to your heart.
  9. Feel the heartbeat, imagine its warmth.
  10. Imagine a glowing ball of green color in the region of the heart, the energy from which passes through the body and returns back.
  11. Stay in this position and state as long as possible.
  12. At the moment when the energy from the heart reaches the very tips of the fingers and, as it were, begins to come out through them, spread your arms wide apart. With this gesture, you need to try to spread your energy of love into the world and accept love from the world into your heart.

Opening the heart chakra requires diligence. Such work on oneself is easier to carry out under someone else's guidance.

You have great opportunity fast open Anahata Chakra - " .

Utraintensive is led by a healer, herbalist, phytotherapist, chiropractor with 20 years of experience Alexei Mamatov.

  • do a meditation together
  • to carry out the ancient rites,
  • cast runic spells, conspiracies,
  • speak out strong prayers and mantras
  • learn the secret practice of wish fulfillment,
  • create talismans, amulets and more.

Immersed in the magic of love, You easily attract this wonderful energy into your life and learn to save it in your heart!

Learn to manage the energy of love for your own good! Fill with love and open your heart!

Throughout our lives, we have accumulated so much pain, resentment, disappointment that it has become unbearable to continue to pretend that we can live with it.

We carry it all with us in the form of traumatic memories, illnesses. It's like a suitcase without a handle: it's hard to carry and it's a pity to leave.

When we pull ourselves together and shake out what is possible from this suitcase, for some reason it is impossible to completely get rid of this burden.

  • Will there come a moment when our bodies, thoughts, feelings will be completely cleansed?
  • How to dissolve this burden that prevents you from walking freely along the road of life?

The answer to both of these questions is yes.

Exists universal tool that can heal us is unconditional love.

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If you allow yourself to open it in your heart, you will initiate a powerful healing process on all levels, from the physical to the emotional.

What is unconditional love and how to heal with it, you will learn from this material.

What is unconditional love

Unconditional love is a feeling that lives in the 5th dimension.

It heals, transforms low-vibration energies: injuries, pain, fears.

It includes unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. Without these criteria, unconditional love is impossible.

If you are into spiritual practice, there have probably been moments when you have experienced this feeling.

When you felt your connection with the spirit, you felt yourself one with all people and the Universe.

These sensations are accompanied by the expansion of consciousness, a powerful stream of energy flows from the heart.

You feel that no matter what you do, you can do it.

What is the difference between conditional love and unconditional love?

Conditional love is the primitive level of human love. Here the principle "you - to me, I - to you" works:

  • I love you because you love me, treat me well, do what I say, etc.
  • If you do not love me, do not fulfill my requests, requirements, I deprive you of my love.

Unconditional love for a specific person, a child is the ability to accept people for who they are and love them despite their attitude towards you.

This does not mean, if you are humiliated, stay with such a person.

In such cases, you continue to love, but out of respect for yourself, leave this relationship.

Love is a gift.

Once you feel unconditional love, you will realize it and understand that it can be directed to anyone. This is not dependence on a person, this is freedom, expansion.

The highest level of unconditional love - when the heart is open, a stream of love pours out of it not only for a specific object, but to all things.

The moment we experience this feeling, our consciousness is transferred to the 5th dimension.

The more often we feel and broadcast unconditional love, the more we will stay more often there. Until we eventually make the transition to the 5th dimension.

How to feel unconditional love

Allow yourself to remember that feeling. But don't wait for it to happen.

If you have never experienced this range of feelings and want to understand what it is like, watch small children.

Children, especially those under 2 years old, love themselves and everything around them unconditionally. Their souls have not yet forgotten this feeling of unity, complete acceptance.

Look with what delight they look at themselves in the mirror, how they rejoice in communication with their peers. This is unconditional love.

This is how spiritual guides, ascended masters, angels and archangels love us.

While in the 3D world, we cannot experience this feeling all the time. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.

Enjoy every moment that consciousness expands and you experience unconditional love. Thank yourself for these states.

Before you undertake to heal your loved ones, the world, with unconditional love, heal yourself first.

Allow yourself to love yourself:

  • Realize that loving yourself is natural. Do not confuse with selfishness and selfishness.
  • Put yourself first.
  • Listen to yourself. Ask yourself questions: “Do I want this? Or am I afraid to look bad?

Our Higher Self is in the 5th dimension and loves us unconditionally.

Think about the fact that you are healing yourself not with some distant, inaccessible unconditional love, but you heal yourself through their own higher aspects.

Remember how you love yourself unconditionally, and open up to this familiar feeling!

When you begin to broadcast unconditional love into the world, the question arises: “Are those around you ready to accept it?”

Someone does not know what love is in principle, someone is afraid to love because of past traumas.

Do not think about how people will change, whether they will be healed.

As multidimensional beings, we live simultaneously in many realities and times.

Your wave of love will surely reach those who need it. needed at the right time moment.

Meditation Healing with Unconditional Love

I did this meditation at the Reincarnation 2016 conference.

The purpose of meditation: Afford Feel the healing power of unconditional love.

It is a multifunctional tool that you can use for healing physical body, traumatic situations, the transformation of negative emotions, thoughts into light.

P.S. Let love into your life, take a new free course by Alena Starovoitova.

Spiritual practices and meditations at the Center for Personal and Spiritual Transformation "Keys of Mastery" by Alena Starovoitova received the best reviews from his students

Learn how to find your individuality and understand your Purpose in this life in the Internet project of Alena Starovoitova "Keys of Mastery"

The "Keys of Excellence" training center is open to everyone who wants to change their lives for the better through practices and meditations for personal and spiritual transformation that will lead any person to the result he aspires to.

The Alena Starovoitova Center provides online training for both men and women. However, there are transformational programs designed only for women. View such tutorials online programs you can on the page of the official website "Keys of Mastery".

Alena Starovoitova is a well-known personal and spiritual transformation coach who develops and implements effective programs to qualitatively change the life of a particular person for the better.

Alena is the developer and leader of the popular Internet project "Keys of Excellence", which helps people participating in this project to improve relationships with other people, as well as achieve themselves, their uniqueness in this world and their Purpose.

Alena Starovoitova herself went a long thorny path after graduating from the faculty foreign languages Orenburg State University until finding his true Destiny. During that period of her life, Alena experienced many stressful situations, up to a break with a loved one ( civil husband). This gap led to the fact that she radically revised her desires and life priorities.

It was during that difficult period of her life that Alena began the path of studying spiritual practices leading to a radical transformation of life. Thanks to these spiritual practices and meditations, Alena Starovoitova managed to overcome all adversity and gain her own strength, which led her to create the “Keys of Mastery” project.

As part of this project, Starovoitova gives her students the tools she developed and tested in practice to transform human life for the better.

The project of Alena Starovoitova "Keys of Mastery" will help any person to become the creator of their own reality, to which they aspire. Before joining the "Keys of Excellence" Training Center, you need to set the Goals that you want to realize in life and believe in yourself!

Free courses and video lessons by Alena Starovoitova at the Center for Personal and Spiritual Transformation "Keys of Mastery" for personal and spiritual transformation

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Free online course "Activation of Unconditional Love through the chakras"

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Ezowriter. Energy Practice Expert

An expert on energy practices continues to share life hacks for pumping chakras. Take the Anahata state test and find out what everyday activities will help you find true love, why you need an alarm clock on your phone, and how to learn how to make effective decisions.

How to understand that your Anahata chakra really needs pumping? To get started, take a short test to find out what state your heart chakra is in. Be sincere and honest with yourself. When reading the options, listen to your heart - it will certainly give a response to those events and situations that you happened to experience:
If you checked at least one item, you have problems in the Anahata chakra. But almost everyone in the world has them (and so do I). Of every dozen of my esoteric acquaintances, only one has this energy center in a relatively good condition.

It is very difficult to work on the development of the chakra, but it is possible. And today I will tell you simple practices to improve her condition. I recommend that you first read the previous articles about and.

Anahata - love chakra

If a person has a well-developed Anahata chakra, he is able to love himself, his spouse, parents and children, friends and acquaintances, life and the world around. Love is a skill that must be learned. If you want to attract love, you yourself must learn to love. And you can truly love only with a well-developed chakra.

Where is Anahata Chakra located?

Anahata chakra is located in the area chest, approximately above the heart. Therefore, it is also called "heart".

What is the Anahata chakra responsible for?

On the emotional plane, the chakra gives the capacity for love, empathy and compassion.

Anahata is also responsible for everyday intuition.

If the chakra is well filled, you always do right choice. You can easily navigate in unfamiliar areas, choose the freshest products, find the best way out of the situation.

Intuition helps in relationships and in everyday life, in work and business.

In the body, this center is responsible for the heart and blood vessels, lungs, thoracic spine, in women - for the mammary glands.

What happens when Anahata does not work well?

  • there are problems with the heart or lungs, women may develop mastopathy or breast cancer;
  • emotional instability and hysteria, or vice versa, zero emotions;
  • other people are enraged, you want to call them pejoratively: “little people”, “gray mass”, “plankton”;
  • it is difficult to find contact with other people, there is no knowledge of how to attract love;
  • it is difficult to quit smoking (a person puts a barrier between himself and others in the form of cigarette smoke);
  • I want to appropriate or suppress another person in a relationship, “strangle with love”;
  • insomnia, chronic fatigue, it is difficult to relax and rest;
  • difficulties in love and friendships, infidelity;
  • skeptical and aggressive attitude towards magic and miracles in life;
  • anger and resentment towards the world.

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Energy practices to strengthen the Anahata chakra

1. Meditation on Gratitude

When to apply: if you do not know how to attract Love to the whole world; when you feel constrained emotionally and want to “rock” Anahata; anytime and anywhere.

What to do: concentrate on the sensations in your chest. With each inhalation, imagine how the state of Love enters your chakra, and when you exhale, the feeling of Gratitude leaves it. Mentally list to whom and for what you are grateful. Try to keep this state as long as possible after meditation. Repeat throughout the day.

How does it work: you breathe chakra and open it with each practice, freeing you from clamps and blocks. If you are not familiar with the state of love and gratitude, you are training these emotions like muscles. The more you give thanks, the more you get.

My experience: for a month I did this practice for 10 minutes a day. At first, it was difficult for me to "breathe" Anahata, which spoke of my pinched chakra. When I connected the living of emotions, I finally managed to open the energy center. After each meditation, one feels delight, one’s attitude towards relatives and one’s life improves, one feels the value of ordinary things.

2. Positive thinking

When to apply: when to live sadly; when everything around is gray and unbearable.

What to do: set 4-6 alarms on your phone during the day, with the question: “Which of these is good?”. When the alarm rings, assess the situation you are in. Find at least 10 positives.

How does it work: helps develop positive thinking and open the chakra. Learn to focus on the good, not the bad. Over time, you will be able to find advantages for yourself in any situation.

My experience: combined with the practice of gratitude and thanked for all the pluses found. Even for those that seem simple - I'm sitting warm, I ate delicious food, I feel good, etc. I began to pay attention to the benefits that I had previously taken for granted. I learned to quickly get out of a state of sadness and blues.

3. Development of intuition

When to apply: when you do not hear your inner voice; with poor connection with the physical and energy bodies; if you are constantly messing around.

What to do: in any life choice, ask your Anahata chakra for advice. Formulate the question specifically. Listen to the sensations in your chest. So you ask - should I make a deal with this person? If inside it starts to stab or unpleasantly itch, then most likely the answer is “no”. If pleasant sensations and delight arise in the chest, then the answer is “yes”. Please note that feelings may vary from person to person. Perhaps you will have knowledge of the situation or you will hear the answer in your head.

How does it work: the more you pay attention to the sensations in the chakra, the stronger your connection with it. Since Anahata is responsible for everyday intuition, you will soon develop this skill and act as efficiently as possible.

My experience: although I do extrasensory perception, my intuition has always been not very good. But with this practice, I began to determine the future development of events quite accurately. I trained this chakra constantly, and asked her for any reason: what to eat, what to say, which way to go. Now it is enough for me to listen to her in cases of doubt. And sometimes the chakra itself reacts to situations without asking, saving you from mistakes.

Friends, how did you assess the state of your Anahata chakra? Did you manage to attract love and how exactly? Did you enjoy the chakra practices? Write in the comments!

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