The polyglot method or the secret of memorizing English words. How to quickly learn a lot of English words: effective memorization techniques. Use associations and personalization

Knowing English in the 21st century is not just a way to expand your horizons and once again prove your erudition, but also a real necessity. Without the ability to communicate and express yourself freely, the doors to the world outside the post-Soviet space are actually closed to you. And even more so, there can be no talk of any career advancement either. But if the logical foundations (rules for constructing sentences, questions, punctuation) can be memorized without any problems, then the question of how to memorize English words, remains one of the most difficult for most people.

Say "NO" to cramming!

The root of the problem lies in the education system itself - at school and university we are forced to memorize new expressions. I retold the text, translated the passage, roughly speaking, “shot back” - and you can safely forget. But that's not how you expand your vocabulary. Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinion of experienced teachers and psychologists and learning how to learn English words correctly.

Do you know why it's hard for you?

In fact, when we learn English words (or try to do so), we often simply do not realize why we need all the information we receive and what function it will perform for us in the future. In fact, it is enough to overcome this barrier - and the process of memorization will become absolutely natural and pleasant.

To achieve a result and understand how easy it is to memorize English words, you just need to transfer new foreign expressions from the "foreign" category to the "ours" category. The process of filtering all information occurs uncontrollably in a person - the subconscious mind itself decides which part of it to skip, which one to delay, and which one to skip in an altered, distorted form. And the first thing we have to do is "hack" this filter.

How to do it?

To make this possible, you first of all need to minimize the stress component, which inevitably makes itself felt in the process of memorizing new information.

You may not be aware of this or even feel it, but subconsciously you are afraid of that fear of vulnerability and insecurity - being afraid of not giving up something, forgetting, disgracing yourself, you put yourself in the position of a victim, not a predator. Change your perception of the situation and go hunting! For what? Of course, for new knowledge and a chic vocabulary!

Ready to get into practice? Then we present to your attention the most effective ways of how to memorize English words!

Method number 1. Classical

Perhaps, of all methods, this one is the easiest, although it is inferior to others in terms of efficiency. You will need a special notebook to write down new words. Write about twenty words and other units of speech in a column so that the foreign expressions themselves are on the left, and their translation is on the right. Immediately set yourself up for the fact that you need to learn all these words, and not for a couple of days, but for the rest of your life.

How to quickly learn English words in this way? How easy it will be for you to master new knowledge depends largely on you. The main secret of success is to concentrate 100% on learning. Although at first it will be very difficult, but it is really worth striving for.

  1. Read all the written English words.
  2. Read the translation.
  3. Repeat the described steps again.
  4. Take a break for 8-10 minutes - during this time you can do what you want.
  5. Close the column where the translation is written and try to remember the meaning of each word yourself. Do not suffer from excessive perfectionism - it is impossible to learn everything at once. If the translation of a word stubbornly refuses to emerge from the dark depths of your memory, just move on to the next one.
  6. Take another 3-5 minute break and relax.
  7. Read the list of all the words and their translation again, paying special attention to the expressions with which you have difficulty.
  8. Again take a break for 8-10 minutes.
  9. Repeat the exercise, alternately closing either English or Russian words.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to memorize English words in this way. And one more little tip: after working through one batch of material, you don’t need to immediately move on to the next one - this way you will forget what you learned before. It is better to take a break and give the brain time for unconscious repetition.

Another one common mistake beginners - constantly repeat the newly learned words. This should not be done, since you will not contribute to a better consolidation of the material in memory and will not speed it up, but, on the contrary, will interfere with the natural process of memorization. It is worth repeating the learned expressions after 7-10 hours, and then every 24 hours. It is generally accepted that after memorizing words, they need to be repeated 4-5 times.

Method number 2. Subconscious

As in the previous case, first you need to make a list of 20 words that you plan to learn. We learn English words in this way only before going to bed. Your task is to focus all your attention on the process of memorization and abstract from the rest of the world.

Try to exert all your will. After that, choose some new word and try to imagine it mentally as vividly and vividly as possible. When you succeed, repeat it in a whisper, and then silently, without opening your eyes. Then you should relax and work through all the remaining words on the list in the same way.

All received information is deposited in the subconscious. Falling asleep, it is important not to think that you want to remember new expressions, distract yourself from such thoughts and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will need to repeat everything that you learned in the evening. Those words that you have learned will remain in your memory for a long time.

Method number 3. Background

Another interesting method for those who want to know how to remember English words well. By itself, it will not be very effective, but in combination with other methods, it can bring a fantastic effect.

Record about 40 new words and expressions or a simple text on a tape recorder. Adjust the volume to a medium level and just listen to the recording many times in a row. At the same time, you do not need to constantly sit nearby and listen to the pronunciation of each word and translation. Do what you want - after repeated listening, you will unconsciously remember new information.

Method number 4. Relaxation

How to remember a lot of English words? We offer you another interesting option, at which you can use your memory. As in the previous case, new words must be recorded on a tape recorder. However, the volume of information should be increased - up to approximately 80-100 expressions.

It is important that soft, calm, melodic music plays in the background of the recording. Sit down, try to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, dream a little. Having turned on the recording, you do not need to concentrate your attention on it and listen carefully - let it just sound. You need to repeat this little ritual before going to bed and in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The secret of success is simple: when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, the barriers of internal resistance are almost completely weakened, as a result of which we learn English words much faster and more efficiently than usual. This exercise should take no more than 1/6 of the total time that you devote to learning a foreign language.

Method number 5. Hypnotic

So let's move on to the next method. How to quickly memorize English words without putting in almost any effort? Probably, this question was asked by every person who reads this article. This option is ideal just for those who cannot force themselves to take up language learning seriously - in a word, a real salvation for the lazy.

Again, you need a tape recorder. This time we write down up to 35-40 words and expressions with translation. Before going to bed, double-read the material from the sheet, turn on the tape recorder and listen to the recording twice. You should not focus too much on it - just repeat the words behind the player. After that, go to bed. Within 40 minutes, your assistant (yes, you can’t do it on your own) should scroll through the recording, gradually reducing the sound. Fortunately, in this age of high technology, a computer program can also cope with this task.

In the morning, about 30-40 minutes before you wake up, the “assistant” should turn on the recording again. Now, on the contrary, you need to start with a minimum volume and gradually increase it. When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed - wait until the recording ends. In just 20 sessions, you will be able to replenish your stock by 100-120 words and expressions.

Method number 6. motor-muscular

Most likely, you have already heard about it. The essence is simple - each new English word is compared with some real subject and then learns. Naturally, this method cannot be used with all expressions, but with many it is still possible.

How to quickly learn English words this way? It's simple - combine them with objects from your environment, denoting a particular word. Let's say you need to remember the word "pen". Take a pen in your hands, feel it, even write something while pronouncing a foreign term.

An important point: it is not enough just to imagine the actions, they must be performed independently. In this case, the entire process of memorization is based on movements. To better consolidate the words, you need to perform as many actions as possible. In this case, you should not focus on the term, but on the movement that you are making.

Method number 7. figurative

Again, in order to learn the material, no effort is needed - all information is remembered involuntarily. Just connect your imagination and draw interesting plot pictures in motion. How to learn a lot of English words in a figurative way? First, match the English word with a Russian word that sounds similar (for example, “snack” and “snow”). Now imagine how snow and snacks are connected. Logic is not important - the main thing is that the picture is appropriate.

You can memorize up to 25 words at a time. When you get a little used to creating pictures for individual expressions, you can complicate the task. For example, you can take any dynamic picture or photograph from a magazine, memorize it and write out on a piece of paper the names of all the objects depicted on it, both in English and in Russian, and next to write down the consonant Russian word.

Method number 8. Center-associative

Regardless of the number of syllables, any foreign word can be divided into three parts. For each of the parts, it is necessary to select a Russian word similar in sound to the beginning. The meaning of what you get as a result of such linguistic manipulations, in fact, does not matter. After doing this with each syllable, we move on to the next step. All Russian words should be combined into one meaningful phrase, at the end of which there should be a translation of the word that you want to remember. Consider this with the example of the word “sinister” (sinister): A BLUE mist spread over the clearing.

  1. It is very useful to combine 5-6 new words into one short text, and then learn it in its entirety.
  2. Try not to learn all the words in a row, but only those that you really may need.
  3. Memorize not only individual terms and definitions, but also the features of their use in various set expressions.
  4. Once your vocabulary exceeds 1000 words, try to memorize special formative statements and insertions that will help you to make your speech smoother and more natural (“rather”, “probably”, “really”, “should say that. ." etc.).
  5. Use synonyms: even if you cannot say exactly what you wanted, it is better than being silent for a long time.

How to remember the whole text?

Now that you already know how to memorize English words separately, you need to say a few words about the secrets of memorizing connected texts. First of all, read the article in its entirety and understand it 100% - without this, nothing will work out at all. When you have finished reading, break the text into several parts and title each of them. You also need to learn it in parts, restoring logical chains in memory. At first, you should not mock yourself, trying to “drive” articles longer than a page into your memory, you need to increase the volume gradually - this is the only way the learning process will be easy and enjoyable.

Vocabulary is the alpha and omega of the English language, and learning new words is the fastest and most effective method improve my English.Is it difficult to remember English words?

We know that each person has their own preferred system for receiving and storinginformation: visual (visual), auditory (auditory) or kinesthetic (tactile). It is called the leading representational system. (R. Bandler and D. Grinder "Introductory NLP Training Course")Depending on which of the systems is leading, people are conditionally divided into visuals, auditory and kinesthetics. These types are rare in pure form, more often they are mixed: visual-kinesthetic or visual-auditory, etc. However, knowing what type you are, you can choose the most effective way for you to memorize new words.

Visuals (35% of the population)These people have great

visual memory. For successful memorization, they need to see new vocabulary as much as possible.

Audials (25% of the population)

These people perceive the world through sounds. It is desirable for an auditory person to listen to audio and video recordings more often. It is better for them to say out loud what they read or write.

Kinesthetics (40% of the population)

These people perceive information through feelings, emotions, instinctive sensations, touches. It is very good to write down new words by hand or type on a computer - in order to feel the memorized vocabulary through the movements and texture of tools (notebooks, pens, markers).

So, let's reveal some secrets of memorizing English words:

1. Sign all objects around you.

Do you know the names of the simplest things in your home? They are the most used vocabulary! Take bright green pieces of paper and a thick marker. Stick bright pieces of paper with English words on everything in the apartment: from a socket to a chest of drawers. After a week, you will memorize the names of the signed items.If you are not new to learning a language, then the task can be complicated. For example, on a folding chair ("a chair"), stick a hint sticker "to fold a chair", on a drawer - "to pull", on a book - "to leaf through", on the scales - "to watch one's weight". Unlimited field for creativity! Visuals, this is the way for you.

2. Make cards.
For kinesthetics, it is important not to see or hear the word, but to “hold it in your hands”, to feel it.Buy a block of leaflets for notes, write a word on one side, and a translation and an example with this word on the other. Carry the cards with you, and when you have a free minute, look through (in transport, in line, etc.). Look at the word and remember its meaning. If you can't remember, turn over the card and read the translation and the example again. This method is also suitable for visuals.Draw pictures for words and expressions that don't want to be remembered. Are you not an artist? Don't worry, this is the picture for you.

3. Make mind maps.

Another way for visuals is mind maps (Mind Maps) (Tony Buzan "The Mind Map Book"). These are flowcharts that help you learn words by topic. We take a large sheet of paper, write a topic in the center, for example, “Journey”. From this word we draw arrows - smaller topics - transport, hotel, excursions. The next layer is even more concrete: the plane, the breakfast, the monument. You can make a fourth and even a fifth layer. As a result, we get a logical and detailed diagram. You will memorize some of the words already in the process of drawing the diagram. The rest - reproducing it from memory several times.

4. Use mnemonic tricks to remember.(from the Greek "mnemonikon" - the art of memorization)One such technique is the method of direct associations. You associate a new word with some image - funny, bright or unexpected. Mnemonics suggests finding words in the native language that sound similar to English. For example, the word "puddle" is a puddle. To memorize this word, you can use the mnemonic phrase: “I kept falling and falling into a puddle” (from Wikipedia). Or another example: the word "garden" - a garden. The mnemophrase will help here: "All sorts of reptiles are found in this garden." "In this garden...". The main thing is to find a good association.
English-Russian rhyming is another great mnemonic device for children and adults:

"The treasure was looking for one eccentric

A whole month dig-dug-dug

Find-found-found at last

Metal casket»

(A.A. Pyltsyn "English in the family circle")


“The claw is sharp as glass, the claw in English is claw.”

Mnemonic tricks are suitable for any type. Visuals draw a picture before their eyes, audials remember by sound associations (garden-bads), and kinesthetics will be able to feel the words, emotionally passing through one or another meaning.

5. Humming new words.

Yes Yes! Choose your favorite tune and sing the words you want to learn to it. You will be surprised. Words will be remembered much faster. Are you not a professional singer? The presence of voice and hearing is not required. You just want to remember the words. This method is good for auditory.

6. Make an accordion.

Take a sheet of paper and write in a column 10 English words that you want to remember (in the singular, verbs in the infinitive), draw a line and write the Russian translation. Then fold the sheet so that the English version is not visible and write these words in English from memory. And so on, until the sheet ends. Don't peek. If you don’t remember everything firmly, make another accordion.
7. Make up short stories.
One of the most interesting tricks. Take ten new words, write them down on a piece of paper, and make a funny story out of them on English language. Helps memorize new words and translate words from your passive vocabulary into an active one. The funnier and more unexpected your story, the better the words will be remembered.

8. Solve crossword puzzles.

Another fun way to memorize words. It is better to start with educational crosswords, which are designed specifically for learning the language. Over time, crossword puzzles can become more difficult.

9. Learn the most common words that match your level.

In English, there is a so-called frequency, that is, the most commonly used vocabulary. You should start with studying it.Resist the temptation to immediately learn words such as "relatively" (relatively), "skilfully" (skillfully) or "to justify" (justify) to amaze others with your beauty English speech. Do this when your level gets higher. Is it worth learning the words "huge" (huge) and "tiny" (tiny), if you don't know them yet simple words like "big" (large) and "small" (small)?

10. Learn words in context.

Remember the specific, narrow meaning of the word. If you come across, for example, the word “fine”, you find that it means “fine” and it fits the context, then stop there. No need to memorize all the meanings of this word in the dictionary. At the moment, it doesn’t matter to you that it is also “fine”, “very thin or narrow”, “refined, elegant” and so on. And if you ever come across "fine" in another text and with a different meaning, learn this word as if it were completely new.

11. Remember: the unit of memorized information should be as long as possible (a block of words or a phrase).

Always learn the word with its surroundings: verb with its own preposition: “to listen to”, adjective with noun: “a fluffy cat”, full expression: “You are kidding!”For each new word, try to remember a synonym or antonym to link the word to the one that you successfully remembered before. For example, “reduce” is to reduce, and “increase” is to increase. It will be easier for you to retrieve them from memory when one of them is needed.

12. Memorizing words should not be the goal.

Memorization should be only an action leading to the achievement of some goal.When starting to learn new words, tell yourself that you are learning a language so that you will remember it all your life. Suggest to yourself: "I remember these words for a long time." This setting will allow you to memorize words more firmly.

13. Repeat new words rationally.

Translate new vocabulary from short term memory in the long term. The probability of information loss is maximum at early stages impressions. The intervals between repetitions should be gradually increased. Repeat each portion of the words on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th day. Information will be remembered much better than if all five repetitions are performed during the first day. (Franz Loeser "Memory training").

Try as many word memorization methods as you can, experiment and see which methods are right for you. Dare!

Veselova Natalia Stepanovna

Methodologist of the network of schools of foreign languages ​​ALIBRA SCHOOL

Replenishment of vocabulary is a prerequisite for improving the English language. The more vocabulary you have, the better you will understand the language and speak it, the more competent your speech will become.

The Englex edition has collected tips on how to quickly learn English words.

What words to learn in English

  • Basic vocabulary needed to understand foreign speech. There are eternal topics like “Greeting”, “Family”, “Food”, every person needs to know them.
  • The words you need.Are you going to work for a big company? Learn business English. Do you work as a programmer? Take advantage of computer terms. Do you like to travel? Learn English for travel and more.
  • If you already read books or watch films in English, you should take vocabulary from there. The main thing is to watch and read MODERN masterpieces, it makes no sense to study archaisms.
  • Consult with an experienced English teacher, he will tell you what to study. Teachers know exactly what vocabulary you will need and which topics can be given less time.

You should not waste time studying specific vocabulary if you are not going to change the field of activity. For example, if you work for a large financial institution, then it is not necessary to learn medical or legal terms.

How to learn English words effectively

1. Make word cards

Old as the world, but an effective technique. All students at least once in their lives started cards and tried to learn new vocabulary from them. It is convenient and affordable: no need to spend money, because you write them yourself, and you can take the cards with you anywhere.

Recall that there are several ways to compile such cards. For newbies:

  • On one side of the piece of paper we write the word in English, on the other - in Russian. We test our knowledge: we translate a word from Russian into English and vice versa.
  • On the one hand, we write a word in English and paste a picture, on the other hand, a translation into Russian. This method is well suited for people with associative thinking. In your mind, you associate a new English concept with the subject it denotes. We translate in the same way as described above.
  • On the one hand, we write a word in English, BUT with a Russian context, on the other hand, a word in Russian without a context. When repeating vocabulary, try to translate the concept from Russian into English, and if you can’t remember the translation, open the side with the Russian context, you will quickly guess / remember the meaning of the word.

Infographic: Englex

For more experienced students, we recommend using English-English dictionaries. Then on one side we write the word in English, on the other side - the definition in ENGLISH. You can also write synonyms and antonyms of the concept under study.

How to learn vocabulary? Remembering English words is best in context. Therefore, you can write on the card not just a word, but a sentence in which it is used. Where to get such an offer? You can enter the concept under study into an electronic dictionary, for example Lingvo: it will give you the most popular vocabulary usages.

You need to constantly work with cards: review and repeat the learned vocabulary. Periodically change the cards to new ones, and after 1-2 weeks return the old ones again to repeat the words.

2. Use special textbooks

Textbooks to increase vocabulary will help you not only learn new words, but also find out what words they are used with. Benefits are good because they provide not just lists of words, but also examples of their use. Words learn in context, so remembering them will be even easier than using flashcards.

3. Create your dictionary notebook

The method is similar to cards, only you constantly carry a notebook with you and supplement it with new words. This method is good for those who constantly lose something: your cards are unlikely to last long. Yes, and finding a notebook in a woman's purse is much easier than small pieces of paper. It is convenient to organize your notebook as follows. Each page will correspond to a specific day. Write the recurrence dates at the top. By checking your notebook daily, you will not miss the next recurrence date.

The page might look like this:

Infographic: Englex

4. Study on learning sites

If it is difficult to tear you away from the computer, then learn English words “without leaving the cash register”. Study on learning resources, it's even more interesting than classic flashcards or a notepad with words.

5. Combine words by topic

How easy is it to remember English words? Groups of words related to the same topic are usually well remembered. Therefore, try to break the words into groups of 5-10 pieces and learn them. There is such a thing as the Restorff effect: from a group of objects, the human brain best remembers the one that stands out with something. Use this position to your advantage: in a group of words on the same subject “introduce a stranger” - enter a word of an unrelated subject. For example, learn words on the topic “Fruits”, add one word on the topic “Transport” to them, your classes will become even more effective.

6. Draw a mind map (mind map)

You can easily learn English words of the same subject if you draw a mind map or mind map. Such a scheme clearly shows which topic the words belong to. In the meantime, you draw it, the vocabulary will be deposited in memory. mind map might look like this:

Infographic: Englex

7. Install Special Apps

Not everyone has time to write word cards or draw mind maps. But mobile application developers have already solved this problem: now you can install a special program on your smartphone or tablet and learn English words. We recommend using Lingualeo or Anki, they are free, and classes with them are effective.

8. Use associations

This method is loved by many students: in order to learn a word, you need to come up with an association in Russian. For example: you need to remember the word show- show. We all know the word show, so make up short offer: We are shown a show. Or a word shoot(shoot) can be remembered like this: the jester shoots. You can make convenient associations yourself, the main thing is that they are clear to you and easy to remember. This will make it easier for you to increase your English vocabulary. Learning will be effective if you not only make a word association, but also visualize it: pronouncing the word shoot, imagine this shooting jester, let the image turn out to be as funny and memorable as possible. Even better, a dynamic picture with your personal presence: you imagine how the jester next to you shoots someone (with a water pistol to make the spectacle comedic, not tragic). The more alive the picture, the easier it will be to remember the word.

9. Surround yourself with learning words

You can use all the same cards: stick them around the house so that they are constantly striking. Let's remember where we spend a lot of time? Of course, at the computer! Use technology to your advantage: write 5-10 words on the screen saver, in a few days you will remember them well. It is even more efficient to use a special program that will run in the background, that is, the words will pop up while working on the computer at specified intervals. Examples of such programs: Words, Sensei, LMBomber etc. You can install similar applications on your smartphone or tablet. It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes daily to feel the progress.

10. Read texts in English

The more you read, the more you come across new words and the more likely you are to remember them. Do not look up the meaning of every unfamiliar word in the dictionary, choose only those that are often found in the text.

11. Use learned vocabulary as often as possible

How to learn English words and not forget them? Are you familiar with the principle use it or lose it? In order for knowledge to remain in memory, you need to actively “use” it. Good to compose short stories using new words, and the vocabulary set out in a short funny text will be remarkably remembered. If you go to courses or study with an English teacher, try to "screw" new words into the conversation as often as possible: the more times you pronounce the word, the better you will remember it. Do not forget about spelling: in order to correctly write a word, try to use it in writing. You can make sentences or stories with new vocabulary and write them down, and then tell someone.

12. Use your favorite teaching methods

The more often you see a word in its natural habitat, the easier it will be to remember, so don't forget to read texts, watch videos, listen to podcasts in English. Do what interests you. So you can see in what context a particular concept is used. For example, on the site native speakers will present you new knowledge in an easy and funny way, thanks to this, the words will be well remembered. On the site an excellent tactic is used: you not only learn new vocabulary, but also involuntarily repeat it from time to time. All words are periodically repeated in new videos, so by constantly watching the news, you can significantly replenish your vocabulary. You can expand your English vocabulary through fun activities such as crossword puzzles, playing Hangman, memory games.

13. Test your knowledge

It is useful from time to time to take various tests on the level of vocabulary. After passing such a test, you will immediately see what is deposited in your memory, and which topics or words need to be repeated.

14. Improve your memory

It is impossible to remember anything if you do not have a good memory. Learning a language in itself is a good exercise for our brain and improves memory, but it is also worth using other methods of memory development.

15. Follow your daily plan

For the average person, it is best to learn 5-10 words a day. Be sure to follow your plan for learning new vocabulary to see progress.

In the process of learning English, many of us have tried a huge number of ways to memorize words: from colorful cards to compiling word lists, from marking phrases in text to posting sticky notes over the desktop, etc.

Mnemonics, or mnemonics - these are specially designed methods and techniques for memorizing information without "cramming" and in as soon as possible. Thanks to mnemonics, we can control the memorization of information, accumulate a large amount of data in memory and effortlessly recall them over time, without having a phenomenal memory or unique abilities.

Numerous studies have shown that the ability to memorize words using mnemonics methods is tens (!) Times greater than the capabilities of conventional memory. There are a large number of mnemonic methods: Mark Twain's method, Lincoln's method, Napoleon's method, etc. I'll tell you only about the most effective ones that I've tested.

logical patterns

There are two options: to compose a text in your native language using transcription (a), or a monolingual text in English according to the word list (b). In the first case (a), in the process of writing a mini-story, you memorize how words are pronounced and translated, and in the second case (b), how words are written and the context itself.

a) Words of various subjects:

handicrafts [handycrafts] - things self made
broken family [brown] - incomplete family
countryside [countryside] - village
vehicle [wikl] - car
tasting [teystin] - tasting

Brothers Handy and Kraft were engaged in making handmade things. They were from the incomplete Broken family and lived in the village of Countryside. In the summer, they loved to travel in their Wickle car through the vineyards, where they tasted Taystin, the magic wine.

A fairly simple technique, suitable for both beginners and advanced levels. It is very convenient in that you can come up with text or separate sentences from any words and parts of speech that you learn or repeat.

b) Words of the same subject:

rural poor - rural poor
to smuggle - smuggling
to cross the border - cross the border
to be deported - to be deported
immigration - immigration

The rural poor were very brave and smuggled day by day. Moreover, they crossed the border at nights and weren "t afraid of being deported, because everything they dreamed of was immigration.

More complex approach. It is very effective in that you can watch movies, videos, listen to podcasts, read texts, etc., write out words on a certain topic (I gave an example from the documentary "Immigration"), then compose a text or separate sentences. As a result, you memorize words in a block, thematically, which is important. The method is also effective in that you can restore the plot of the text from which the words were written out, as if retelling it with your own mini-story.

Phonetic associations

The method consists in selecting the most consonant word (or several words) from the native language to the foreign word. One of the most effective methods. Remembering one word, you automatically remember another. Another huge advantage of the method is the abundance of books and manuals on this method.

abyss [əˈbıs] - abyss
This biscuit fell into the abyss.

mascot [ˈmæskət] - talisman (person, thing, animal, bringing happiness)
The local CAT was a talisman for everyone.

addict [əˈdıkt] - drug addict
EDIK-To is a drug addict.

Autobiographical associations

We select the most consonant word (or several words) from our native language for a foreign word, not fantasizing, but remembering our real experiences.

puddle ["pʌdl] - puddle

On a rainy day, I fell into a puddle more than once.

creak - creak
I screamed at the creak of the door.

advice [əd'vais] - advice
Dress warmly is my mom's advice.

Place method

You need to imagine that you are going around your room and hanging leaves with the words you are learning in different places. Then mentally walk around the room again and remember where the word is.

I practiced this method with adjectives:

  • absent-minded - absent-minded (mentally hung a leaf at the switch [absent-minded person forgets to turn off the light])
  • passionate - passionate, hot (mentally hung a leaf by the battery [passionate people have a hot heart])
  • grimy - dirty, grimy (mentally hung a leaf by the sink [ dirty hands wash in the sink])

Aivazovsky method

The method is that we need to look at an object or landscape for a few seconds, then close our eyes and ask ourselves questions about the details (the shape of the object, color, location, etc.), then open our eyes again, remember the details, and so repeatedly.

I have adjusted this method for myself as follows, and I find it very effective:

1) Decide on the topic you are interested in (interior, appearance, colors, animals, etc.).

2) Open Google Images by entering a keyword (e.g. bedroom).

3) Describe verbally what you see in the picture, what color and size the objects are, where they are located, etc. OR make a table or list.

For example:
- black brown
- modern
- cozy

4) Close your eyes and say all the details.

The method is easy to use and very fun. Pictures on any subject can be found both on the Internet and in magazines, you can come up with your own exercises and alternate them using different parts of speech.

I also advise you to perform such an exercise in the subway: you need to look at a person for a few seconds, remember how he looks, what he is wearing, etc. When he leaves (or you leave) from the car, you can mentally say in detail how you remember what caught your attention. You can play the role of a physiognomist: dream up what kind of character he has, what positive and negative traits who he can be by profession, etc.

HOCH method

HEART: Orientation, Reading, Review, Main. This method is suitable for memorizing the text as a whole, however, in the process of memorizing the main idea of ​​the text, you also memorize individual words on a specific topic. The method is considered ineffective. However, I transformed it for my convenience in my own way, and for me it has become another very simple and useful trick.

  1. Read the text slowly, highlight the main idea.
  2. In each paragraph, underline the main sentence or key words or phrases.
  3. Re-read the text, paying attention to the main details.
  4. Retell the text, first mentally, and then aloud, looking at the underlined (or written out) keywords.

I combine this method with other methods for greater memorization efficiency.

ritual method

You can learn a huge number of words only with the help of daily training. You should have some kind of ritual: at a certain time you study English. For example, I know that every evening I, listening to relaxing music (which also facilitates the learning process), either read an article, or learn words, or watch documentaries or programs in English, etc. For more incentive, it is better to make a lesson plan in English. a week and not be lazy to follow it.

Method of interaction of all sensations

When memorizing a certain word (for example, boots - boots), you must mentally or aloud constantly pronounce this word (but without translation!), Presenting in detail what boots look like, how you put on shoes, or how you imagine buying these boots, etc. of this approach is that you learn to automatically speak foreign language, understand the interlocutor and at the same time not constantly translate the phrases heard in the mind. There should be vivid associations in your mind with any word you are studying.


In order to memorize information effectively and for a long time, you need to repeat the material covered in 4 stages:

  1. immediately after studying;
  2. after 20-30 minutes;
  3. in a day;
  4. after 2-3 weeks.

Believe me, these methods really work, so spare no effort and time, experiment - the results will not be long in coming. Try to alternate the above methods of mnemonics, taking into account personal characteristics, for example, if you are visual, practice the method of phonetic associations more often.

The main thing is not to be lazy and try all the time various ways, expand your horizons. And with regard to mnemonics, I advise you to read various literature, there are very interesting and effective methods, which really help people remember large amounts of information with ease and for a long time. It will also be informative to read the stories (and learn from experience) famous people(such as Cicero, Caesar, Bonaparte, Mozart, Roosevelt, Reagan, etc.), who, by practicing various mnemonics, developed the unique abilities of their memory.
