Goji berries are all about the berries. Goji berries, useful properties, uses and contraindications. Low glycemic index goji berries

Goji berries are the fruits of Lycium Barbarum and Lycium Chinense, two closely related species wolfberry from the nightshade family (which also includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, belladonna, chili peppers and tobacco). These two species are native to Asia.


Goji are deciduous woody perennials, grow 1-3 m in height. L. Chinense is grown in southern China and is usually somewhat shorter than L. barbarum which is grown in the north, primarily in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Leaves and flowers

Goji berry leaves are formed on the shoots either in a variable order or in bunches of 2-3 leaves, each of which is either lanceolate (spear-like) or ovoid. Leaves 7.0 x 3.5 cm with blunt or rounded tips. The flowers grow in groups of 1-3 flowers in the axils of the leaves. The calyx (torn apart by growing berries) is composed of bell-shaped or tubular sepals that form short, triangular lobes. Corollas lavender or light purple, 9-14 mm wide with five or six lobes, shorter than the tubes. Stamens structured, with filaments longer than anthers. Anthers are longitudinally opening. In the Northern Hemisphere, flowering occurs from June to September, and berries ripen from August to October, depending on latitude, altitude and climate.


The berries are bright orange-red in color, ellipsoid in shape, 1-2 cm in diameter. The number of seeds in each berry varies depending on the variety and size of the fruit. A berry may contain 10 to 60 tiny yellow seeds compressed by a curved embryo. In the Northern Hemisphere, the berries ripen from July to October.


The genus name Lycium (Dereza) is derived from the ancient southern Anatolia region of Lycia (Λυκία). In pharmacological reference books, the fruit is called Lycii Fructus, or "fruit of the dereza." IN English language goji berries are called "wolfberry", and the etymology of this word is unknown. According to one version, this name came from the name of the mandarin root, gou, which means "wolf", or as a result of confusion in the name of the genus Lycium, which resembles the Greek word Lycos, meaning wolf. In the English-speaking world, the name "goji berries" has been used since the beginning of the 21st century. The word "goji" roughly reflects the word gǒuqǐ for the species L. Chinense in several Chinese dialects, including Hoc Kien and Shanghainese. This name possibly comes from the same roots as the Persian word gojeh meaning "plum/berry".


Since the beginning of the 21st century, interest in goji berries has increased due to their novelty and nutritional value. Their veneration as "super fruits" has led to their abundance in the market. In traditional medicine, it is believed that the whole fruit or its extracts can have numerous health effects, which has not yet been scientifically proven.



Most commercial goji berries are grown in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in north-central China and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in western China, where they are grown on 200,000 acre plantations. Cultivated in the fertile alluvial floodplains of the Yellow River for over 600 years, Ningxia goji berries have earned a reputation throughout Asia for their premium quality. Sometimes these berries are called "red diamonds". The Ningxia region is recognized as the largest supplier of goji berries in China, and accounts for 39% (13 million kg, 2001) of the country's gross berry harvest, with a total value estimated at about 72 million pounds (33 million kg) in 2001. In addition, sales of goji berries are increasing in the Chinese regions of Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Hebei. When ripe, the oblong, red berries are very tender. Their collection should be carried out carefully and the whole fruit should be separated from the juice to avoid spoilage. The fruits are dried in the sun in open trays or mechanically dehydrated using gradually increasing heat exposure over a period of 48 hours. Every August, Ningxia hosts an annual festival that coincides with the goji berry harvest day. The festival was originally held in the capital of Ningxia, Yinchuan, but since 2000 the festival has been held in Zhongning County, an important goji berry growing center. As Ningxia's borders merge with the three deserts, goji berries are also planted to combat soil erosion and desertification.

Use of pesticides and fungicides

Organochlorine pesticides are commonly used in the commercial cultivation of goji berries to reduce insect damage to delicate berries. Since the early 21st century, the FDA has found high levels of insecticide residues (including fenvalerate, cypermethrin, and acetamiprid) and fungicides (such as triadimenol and isoprothiolane) on some imported Chinese-made goji berries, leading to the confiscation of these products. China Green Food Standard administered by the China Natural Nutrition Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture China has indeed allowed the use of some pesticides and herbicides.

Great Britain

On June 18, 2007, the UK Food Standards Agency analyzed the history of fruit consumption in Europe up to 1997, and removed goji berries from the list of new foods. It is currently legal to sell goji berries as food in the UK, according to the Food Standards Agency. The agency, however, is concerned about marketing claims regarding the potential health benefits of these berries.

Import of mature plants

Importing goji berries into the UK from most countries outside of Europe is illegal due to the possibility that the berries could carry diseases that attack nightshade crops such as potatoes or tomatoes.

Canada and the United States

During the first decade of the 21st century, farmers in Canada and the United States began to grow goji on an industrial scale for potential markets for fresh berries, juice and derived products.


Goji berries are usually sold in open boxes and dry packs.

Culinary use

Dried goji berries are traditionally heat treated before consumption. Dried berries are often added to rice water and almond jelly, and are also used to make Chinese tonic soups, combined with chicken or pork, vegetables, and other herbs such as wild yam, membranous astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula, and licorice root. The berries are also brewed to make an herbal tea, often along with chrysanthemum and/or red jujube flowers or with tea. Various wines containing goji berries (called gǒuqǐ jiǔ) are also produced, including wines that are a blend grape wine and goji berries. The young shoots and leaves of goji berries are also harvested and sold as leafy vegetables.

Preliminary medical research

A preliminary study found that goji berry polysaccharide-protein complex may exhibit biological effects that may be related to human health benefits, including supporting the immune system and preventing certain forms of cancer, neurotoxicity, and oxidative stress.

Security questions

There are two published clinical cases describing the condition of elderly women, namely, increased bleeding, after taking some goji berry decoction. Further in vitro testing showed that such tea interfered with metabolism, suggesting a possible interaction between and unspecified phytochemical constituents of the berries. , a toxic alkaloid found in other members of the nightshade family, is found in goji berries. Concentrations in berries from China and Thailand are variable, with a maximum of 19 ppb, well below the toxic level. However, the possible presence of higher level samples may explain the difference with earlier measurements showing much higher values. Potentially harmful interactions may occur when goji berries are taken with other medicines, for example, drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 liver enzymes. Such drugs include, or drugs for the treatment of diabetes or hypertension.

Trace elements and phytochemical compounds

Goji berries contain a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals, including:

11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals 18 amino acids 6 vitamins 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides 5 unsaturated fatty acids, including essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols 5 carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and cryptoxanthin, xanthophyll numerous phenolic pigments (phenols) associated with antioxidant properties

100 g of dried berries contains:

Calcium - 112 mg, providing about 8-10% of the daily dietary intake Potassium - 1132 mg, providing about 24% of the daily dietary intake Iron - 9 mg (100%) Zinc - 2 mg (18%) Selenium - 50 mcg (91% ) [[Riboflavin|Riboflavin]] (Vitamin B2) 1.3 mg

Berries also contain numerous phytochemicals whose daily intake has not been established:

Beta-carotene 7mg/100g dried berries Zeaxanthin - 2.4 to 82.4mg per 100g to 200mg per 100g. Higher values ​​make goji berries one of the richest dietary plant sources containing zeaxanthin. Up to 77% of the total carotenoids present in goji berries exist as zeaxanthin. Polysaccharides - proteoglycan polysaccharides are the main component of goji berries, and provide up to 31% of the weight of the pulp.


goji_berries.txt Last modified: 2016/04/05 15:28 - nataly

In the article we discuss goji berries, tell what they taste like, what benefits and harm they bring to the human body. We consider their composition and vitamins, beneficial features and contraindications, how to take it for weight loss, what is useful for women, men, children, during pregnancy and oncology. You will learn real reviews of doctors and those who are losing weight about the use of berries, where to buy them and how much they cost.

Goji berries is the Chinese name for the plant Dereza vulgaris, which refers to a species of woody plant in the genus Dereza of the Solanaceae family. In the people, this plant is called Wolfberry.

The maximum height of the bush is 3.5 m, its branches are covered with thin thorns. The leaves are simple, elliptical, entire. The bell-shaped flowers are purple or purple-pink.

The culture bears fruit, depending on the region, from May to September or from July to October. During this period of time, it is possible to harvest up to 13 crops, the most valuable of which is in August.

The fruit of the plant is a small coral-red berry, similar in appearance to the barberry. Fresh berries of the plant are toxic, they are not even recommended to be taken. with bare hands as the skin may turn black. In dried form, the fruits are not dangerous, they taste salty-sweet with a slight sourness.

Chemical composition

Goji berries contain the following vitamins:

  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • vitamin C.

And minerals:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

The fruits also contain phenols, phytosterols, mono- and polysaccharides, amino acids in the form of lysine, tryptophan, threonine.

The calorie content of berries is 253 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Dried fruits practically do not contain vitamin C, so their use has a minimal antioxidant effect on the body.

Where do they grow

Goji berries grow in China: Gansu, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang. Cultivated everywhere, including in Russia. The plant often runs wild.

Culturally grows in the north of the central part of China in the Ningxia region, in Tibet and the Himalayas.

Beneficial features

Many people have doubts that goji berries are a myth or a reality, how does their use affect human health? After all, these red fruits are actively promoted by various companies declaring their amazing composition and healing properties. Well, let's look into this.

Goji berries have the following beneficial properties:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • lower the level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • increase the protective functions of the body;
  • prevent the development of various neoplasms;
  • improve brain activity;
  • improve the condition of the lymph;
  • stabilize the level of sex hormones and treat infertility;
  • contribute to weight loss;
  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels and muscles;
  • normalize glucose levels;
  • restore the functioning of the genital organs;
  • activate metabolic processes in the body.

The fruits of the plant have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, bone and muscle systems, urinary organs and liver. The product contains substances useful for the brain.

Goji berry bush photo

Benefits of goji berries

Proper application and consumption of goji berries has a positive effect on the entire human body. At the same time, the fruits contained in the composition are useful in different ways, depending on who takes them.

For women

Healing berries contain natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on a woman's body. First of all, it is useful to eat fruits for people with hypertension, due to the ability of berries to normalize blood pressure.

The inclusion of red berries in the diet improves mood, normalizes the activity of the urinary tract, weakened during menopause. It is also effective to eat berries in case of heavy and painful menstrual flow.

Berries help slow down the aging process and have a general rejuvenating effect, increase immunity, and prevent the development of many diseases, for example, diabetes the second type, Alzheimer's disease.

Goji fruits are used to treat female infertility. Substances included in the product help restore reproductive functions in women, normalizing hormonal background and improving ovarian activity.

Not only red, but also black berries are useful for consumption. They contain anthocyanin - an antioxidant that fights aging. Thanks to it, the complexion improves, the visibility of wrinkles decreases, pigmentation decreases, and collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is retained inside the cells.

For men

It is useful to eat red berries and the stronger sex. Goji fruits help to cope with erectile dysfunction, decreased sex drive and premature ejaculation.

When included in the diet of this product, endurance increases, erection improves and libido increases. Nutritious fruits fill the body with energy and strength, so it is useful to consume them before sports activities or running. Also, the use of a small amount of fruit helps to recover faster after exhausting workouts.

During pregnancy

Despite the undoubted benefits of the product for the human body, the opinion of experts regarding whether pregnant women can eat goji berries or not is divided. Some argue that including them in the diet helps to saturate the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins and minerals, and also help to cope with malaise and morning sickness.

Others are sure that red berries can cause miscarriage, uterine bleeding due to the presence of abortive compounds in the composition. But so far, these claims have no evidence.

During pregnancy, women are advised to eat no more than 10 dried goji fruits per day. But first you need to consult a doctor, since in each case everything is individual, and if one pregnant woman can eat red fruits, then they can be harmful to another.


Many parents who have already appreciated the benefits of eating goji berries are wondering if they can be given to children. It is forbidden to give goji fruits to children under the age of 3 years.

Red fruits have the following beneficial properties on the children's body:

  • strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel
  • improve memory and learning ability;
  • strengthen immunity and protect against viral diseases;
  • increase physical activity and endurance.

A child can be given no more than 30 g of dried berries per day, divided into 3 doses.

Benefits of goji fruit for weight loss

Most people associate Chinese goji berries with effective tool for weight loss, because they are one of the components of diets that are prescribed for obesity. Many manufacturers include goji fruits in dietary supplements for weight loss.

The positive effect on weight loss is due to the following properties of the fruit:

  • The product contains a lot of fiber and protein, which do an excellent job with the feeling of hunger. The fruit can be used as a nutritious yet low-calorie snack.
  • Berries prevent metabolic failures, help maintain normal blood sugar levels and improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Fruits help with insomnia, prevent depression and improve mood. All these qualities have a positive effect on body shaping.
  • Berries saturate the body with vitamins and energy, which increases endurance during sports.

It is important to understand that weight loss will only occur if the basics are followed. proper nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle. By themselves, goji fruits do not affect the processes of weight loss, they only reduce hunger and give strength for sports.

Goji berries in palms

How to use

How to use goji berries for weight loss correctly? They are eaten dried, and are also used to make tea, cocktail, alcohol or water tincture. Drinking these drinks has a positive effect on weight loss, and we will tell you how to prepare them below.

Goji berry tea


  • water - 500 ml;
  • goji berries - 1 tbsp

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the fruits, leave for 30 minutes.

How to use: Drink tea 2-3 times a day for ½ cup.



  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • goji berries - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Chop the goji fruit. Beat milk with a mixer, then add chopped fruits to it.

How to use: Drink a cocktail 2-3 times a day.

Tincture on water


  • water - 500 ml;
  • goji berries - 1 tbsp

How to cook: Pour the berries with hot boiled water and leave to infuse.

How to use: Take the tincture on an empty stomach in the morning after waking up.

Alcohol tincture on vodka (moonshine)


  • vodka (moonshine) - 500 ml;
  • goji berries - 50 g.

How to cook: Pour the berries into a jar, fill with vodka, close the lid and put in a dark place for 10 days.

How to use: After the specified time, remove the tincture. Take it twice a day, 10 mg, diluted with water. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Goji berries for cancer

There is an opinion that red berries are effective for the treatment of oncology, in particular, cancer of the cervix and mammary glands. This is due to the fact that the composition of the berries contains selenium and germanium - minerals that have an antitumor effect. Therefore, daily consumption of berries is an excellent prevention. oncological diseases and helps to stop the development of malignant neoplasms.

At the same time, in 2007, the CBC conducted its own consumer protection investigation into marketing claims about “goji juice”. According to them, clinical researches at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York showed that the manufacturer's claims that drinking goji berry juice prevents the development of breast cancer in 75% of cases is not true. Only preliminary laboratory studies and one Chinese clinical trial have been conducted.

For this reason, you should not rely on goji berries as a remedy to help cope with oncology. If you suspect that you have developed cancer, you should immediately visit an oncologist, and not self-medicate.

Application in cooking

Goji berries are actively used in cooking for the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. The easiest way to use them is to use dried berries like regular raisins, that is, add them to pastries, oatmeal or other cereals, to a mixture of dried fruits, or eat a handful for a snack.

Before use, dried goji fruits should be thoroughly washed under water, like other dried fruits. And if you hold them hot water 2-5 minutes, they will become soft.

Goji can also be added to cereals and spicy pilafs, Mexican sauces, chili peppers and other dishes, additives to give them an original sweetish taste. Often soaked berries are added to tomato sauce, smoothies, frozen desserts (ice cream, fruit ice). Dried berries can be ground to a powdery consistency, and then added to homogeneous products (sauces, smoothies, salad dressings).

A few simple and delicious recipes cooking dishes with goji berries are given below.

Kissel of flaxseeds and goji berries

Especially in combination with goji berries, they have a positive effect on weight loss processes and improved metabolism.

You will need:

  • goji berries - 1 tbsp;
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 1-2 tsp;
  • water - 250 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over flax seeds and goji fruits.
  2. Infuse for 40 minutes, pour in lemon juice, add sweetener if desired and drink.

Casserole with apples and goji berries

You will need:

  • rice "Kuban" - 3 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • apples - 3 pcs;
  • curd mass - 0.2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar with cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • goji berries - 1 handful;
  • butter - 20-30 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 10-20 g.

How to cook:

  1. Boil rice.
  2. Pour the berries hot water, after a minute, drain the liquid and rinse the fruits under running water.
  3. Beat the egg with sugar and vanilla sugar, add curd mass. Mix well.
  4. Add cooled rice, goji fruits to the resulting mass, stir.
  5. Grease a baking dish butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Cut the apples thinly and place them in a mold, then sprinkle the cane sugar on top.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the mold into it for 15-20 minutes.

How to Consume Goji Berries

To maximize the benefits of eating goji fruits, you should follow these rules:

  • The daily dosage of dried or brewed berries is 25 g.
  • If you plan to take goji berries for weight loss, then you should exclude all junk food, alcohol and carbonated drinks from the diet. Only in this case the result will be noticeable.
  • You can not eat a lot of berries at one time, as this can cause allergies.

What can you substitute for goji berries?

Consumers often face the question of how to replace goji berries. It all depends on the purpose for which it is necessary:

  1. The main competitor of goji in terms of the amount of useful trace elements that help to lose weight and antioxidants are the fruits of the tropical acai palm, which look like dark purple grapes. In many respects, acai berries exceed the healing effect of goji berries, but at the same time, their price is quite high. For 30 capsules, you will have to pay more than $ 30.
  2. In order to reduce weight, instead of goji, it is permissible to use fresh currants, lingonberries, gooseberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries. The use of such berries for dinner will allow you to quickly remove fat from the abdomen, thighs and sides.
  3. Low-calorie fruits are ideal for normalizing metabolism for weight loss and antioxidant effect: apples, pineapples, cherries, plums, cherries, oranges, kiwis.
  4. Dried pears, cherries, dried apricots, apples, figs will help to cope with excess weight. But at the same time, they cannot affect the body in the same way as goji.
  5. Raw vegetables and light vegetable salads dressed with olive oil are great for weight loss.
  6. Iodine-containing seafood has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, which prevents the development of malfunctions in its work, leading to a set excess weight. Therefore, it is useful to include seaweed, squid, fish, mussels in your diet.

Goji berries in a basket

Contraindications and precautions

Can goji fruits harm the human body? If you adhere to the recommended dosages, then the use of red berries will only benefit.

The main contraindications for eating goji berries are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • breast-feeding;
  • stomach upset.

It is forbidden to combine the use of goji berries with taking medications from the groups of sleeping pills and anticoagulants.

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hypotension, blood clotting disorders, a doctor's consultation is required before using the product.

  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • sleep problems;
  • vomit;
  • indigestion.

When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to remove healing fruits from the diet.

Where to buy and price

You can buy goji berries at a pharmacy or a specialized online store. Even in the markets you can sometimes find them for sale. When buying, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate for the products, as often they sell ordinary barberries under the guise of goji berries due to the external similarity of the products.


  • dried berries, 100 g - 330 rubles;
  • dried goji berries, 500 g - 1450 rubles;
  • ground goji berries, 100 g - 600 rubles;
  • black wild goji berries, 60 g - 550 rubles.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years from the date of collection and packaging.

scammers from different countries and from different continents tirelessly come up with new and new ways to deceive gullible people. There have been many classic scams for centuries, two of which are especially famous: easy money and fast and easy way weight loss. Moreover, the sad experience of MMM and Herbalife does not teach anyone - people continue to step on the rake. So, new way scams - goji berries.

What is the famous Goji berry, aka "Paradise Berry", "Longevity Berry", "Red Diamond"? Oh, it is an indispensable source of antioxidants, trace elements, vitamins. In addition, Goji berry slows down the aging process, helps in the treatment of cancer, activates vital processes in the body, promotes weight loss. And the famous Chinese herbalist Li Qingyun (Li Ching-Yun, aka 李清云 or 李清雲) lived for more than 256 years just because he ate goji berries.

In general, the job is done - the legend has been created, and gullible Pinocchio from different countries rush to buy fresh, frozen or dried Yagoda berries at fabulous prices, and then begin to wonder: why is there no promised effect? Where is the slender figure?

What is a goji berry really? Let's see what Wikipedia says about the goji berry:

Dereza ordinary, or Dereza Berbers (lat. Lýcium bárbarum) is a species of woody plants of the genus Dereza (Lycium) of the Solanaceae family. vernacular name Wolfberry is quite common, and often refers to different types plants, see wolfberries. Contrary to popular belief, wolfberry is the collective name for a number of plants, not all of which have toxic properties. Dereza ordinary (Lycium barbarum) is not poisonous, its fruits are often dried.

What? Wolfberry? Dereza common? Somehow it doesn’t fit the name of a miracle berry, doesn’t it? Moreover, the famous berry comes from the nightshade family, that is, it is a relative of ordinary potatoes and tomatoes. But, of course, marketers prefer to keep silent about it.

Is Goji Berry Healthy? Is it true. Only the famous berry is useful to the same extent as apples, or strawberries, or currants, or like any other berry. There is no evidence of special benefits from goji berries, and even more so, these berries do not contribute to weight loss. No, of course, if you only eat Goji berries, then you really can lose weight - simply because there is no more money left for food, and you will have to starve. And even more so, there is no evidence that this berry helps in the treatment of cancer. And if you really want to try a miracle berry, then try barberry - it looks the same and tastes similar. And the barberry is just as useful (or just as useless) as the goji berry, and much cheaper.

Visiting any health food store, you will certainly come across goji berries. They are included in a huge range of foods, dietary supplements, teas and more. Indeed, goji fruits have a lot of useful properties and have a positive effect on our body. Today we will take a closer look at this product and determine what the real benefits of goji berries are, and which of the properties of this plant are exaggerated.

The fruits of Dereza ordinary, Dereza Berbers (lat. Lycium barbarum) or Chinese Dereza (lat. Lycium chinense) are called goji berries. All these types of woody plants are combined into the genus Dereza ( Lycium) family Solanaceae ( Solanaceae). They are a perennial shrub with a well-developed root system. It can reach a height of up to 3.5 m. During flowering, it emits a pleasant aroma that attracts bees that collect pollen and nectar. Berries have a sour or sweet-sour taste.

Goji berry plantation

Goji is sometimes called "wolfberry". However, it is a collective name for various berries with toxic properties not found in goji. Dereza is not poisonous, and its seeds are often dried and used for medicinal purposes.

The historical homeland of the plant is Asia: China (the provinces of Shanxi, Sichuan, Hebei, Gansu, Xinjiang), Mongolia. Dereza is cultivated everywhere, including in Russia and the CIS countries. The most valued goji berries grown in Tibet and the Himalayas. This berry has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has recently gained popularity in the Western world.

Vitamins and minerals in goji berries

Commonly referred to as a "superfood", goji berries are known for their high levels of vitamins and minerals, including:

Goji berries are naturally rich nutrients
  • vitamin C;
  • cellulose;
  • iron;
  • vitamin A;
  • zinc;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • betaine.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the production of collagen. This protein compound is found in our bones, teeth and connective tissue. Vitamin C is not accumulated or stored in the body, so we must consume it through food. large quantities. also necessary for the health of bones, tissues and skin, supports normal twilight vision. Vitamins C and are powerful antioxidants and support strong immunity.

Cellulose(dietary fiber) is necessary for our digestive system, as it is a substrate for development. Among other things, fiber perfectly cleans gastrointestinal tract from slag.

Iron, zinc and selenium are powerful stimulants of the immune system, affect energy production and metabolism. Iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the main transport compound of red blood cells, which is able to carry oxygen. Zinc plays an important role in the health of skin, hair and nails. Selenium exhibits pronounced antioxidant properties and contributes to the maintenance of normal activity. nervous system.

Antioxidants in goji berries help remove free radicals from organs and tissues. In fact, such radicals are waste products that are produced in our body as a by-product. They are chemically aggressive compounds and have a destructive effect on all nearby cells. As a result, the risk of developing cancer increases.

There is a special scale ORAC ) to assess the antioxidant activity of products, according to which goji berries occupy a leading position among all food products. For example, according to the ORAC scale: apple - 2.568 points, raisins - 3.406 points, goji - 4.31 points, pomegranate - 4.479 points, blueberries - 4.633 points (the higher the score, the more useful the product).

The US Department of Health has recommended that everyone take about 5,000 ORAC units of antioxidants daily. Scientific research confirmed: “Young and middle-aged adults can reduce their risk of exposure to age-related diseases, including progressive brain damage, simply by adding high ORAC foods to their daily diet.”

The content of antioxidants in various products (in points on the ORAC scale. Part of the scale as of August 2017 is shown).

Zeaxanthin referred to as carotenoids that can improve the condition of the retina. Due to this, goji supports the health of the macula ( yellow spot in the retina) and prevent the appearance of age-related degenerative visual impairment.

Betaine It is extremely important for the formation of a full-fledged cell membrane, since it is an activator of the synthesis of membrane phospholipids. It also lowers homocysteine ​​levels. Determined that high level This amino acid increases the risk of thrombosis and stroke.

Health benefits of goji berries

In traditional Chinese medicine, dry fruits are used to treat wet dreams, pain in the lumbar and pelvic region, headaches and dizziness, and amblyopia. They have a general strengthening and tonic effect due to natural vitamins and minerals that nature itself has collected for humans.

Useful properties of goji berries:

How to take goji berries

Thanks to a set of healing effects, the fruits of the plant are included in many recipes - from teas to cosmetics. Consider several options for the use of goji. It should be noted that not only berries are used. For medicinal purposes, the roots of dereza are also used.

For weight loss. fight with extra pounds carried out with the help of infusion. To do this, one tablespoon of berries (15-20 mg) is poured into 200 (1 cup) boiling water and covered with a lid. Insist for at least 30 minutes. Consume ½ cup every day for 30 days.

To strengthen the nervous system and eliminate edema. The remedy is prepared at the rate of one dessert spoon of dry wolfberry roots (10-15 mg) per 300 ml of water, boiled for 20 minutes on very low heat, then insisted for at least 40 minutes. Take 250 ml 4-5 times a day daily until the swelling is eliminated and the nervous system is restored to working capacity.

Soup with goji to strengthen immunity. 100 grams of dry berries soaked in cold water 15-20 minutes. After that, chop the soaked berries in a blender, 2 fresh tomatoes, one small onion, 1-2 sweet bell peppers, ½ cup water, salt and olive oil to taste. After grinding the soup, put it in the refrigerator for 90 minutes. Then the dish can be warmed up a little, seasoned with grated feta cheese (or any other if desired), herbs and spices.

Goji milkshake used to restore strength after heavy physical exertion or sports training. To do this, 3 tablespoons of berries are poured into 1 liter. low-fat milk, cover with a lid and infuse in a cold place for 30-60 minutes. Then beat until a homogeneous mass in a blender. Optionally, you can add mint or cinnamon to the cocktail.

Among other things, dry goji berries are added to meat, casseroles, confectionery and porridge. They complement herbal teas, prepare jelly.

goji berries in cosmetics

Recently, skin care products that include goji berry extract are gaining popularity. Due to the high content of the antioxidant beta-carotene (provitamin A), such products increase skin protection from ultraviolet radiation and fight the aggression of free radicals. Vitamin C, which is also rich in wolfberry fruits, increases the production of collagen, has a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Criticism of goji berries

Despite the rich and nutritious composition of the berries, there are a number of critical points that are worthy of attention. Firstly, There is a "folk wisdom" that the best healing effect is brought by those fruits and berries that have grown on their native land - where a person was born and raised. And overseas fruits do not bring much benefit to the body, because they grew on other soil, which chemical composition departs from native.

Our opinion: Scientists really say that the human body and its enzyme systems adapt to the food that grows in the native and familiar territory from childhood. By the way, dereza grows well in middle lane Russia.

Therefore, if you have such a tree on your site or you see “local” goji berries for sale, then it is better to give preference to them rather than those brought from abroad. Otherwise, you can use the brought berries - most likely they will be a little less useful, but they will definitely not bring harm to your body (if they were grown on chemically clean soil).

Secondly, at the beginning of the 21st century in the USA, Canada, some countries of Europe and the CIS, goji berries began to be aggressively advertised as a "cure for all diseases." They were credited with miraculous properties, allegedly due to the unique concentration of trace elements and antioxidants. For example, it was claimed that goji juice can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 75%.

Our opinion: After close medical scrutiny by physicians in the United States and Canada, as well as widespread public use, the berries were never given the official title of "universal medicine." Yes, they are rich in useful substances, but rely only on berries in the fight against serious illnesses This is the ultimate delusion.

Goji berries harm and contraindications

Plant foods, if grown in ecologically safe areas, rarely have Negative influence on human health. The harm of berries (as well as any other vegetables and fruits) can manifest itself only with the accumulation of toxic substances in the plant, for example, heavy metals or pesticides.

A conditional contraindication for the beginning of the systematic use of berries may be taking blood-thinning and antihypertensive drugs, antidiabetic drugs. In rare cases, it was noted that goji berries reduce the effectiveness of ongoing drug therapy. In other cases, it has been observed that lower doses of drugs, together with goji, have an excellent therapeutic effect on the patient. As the saying goes, if you don't try, you won't know.

Sometimes goji fruits can cause allergic reactions (usually urticaria). In this case, the use of berries should be abandoned.

In general, goji berries are an excellent natural product for maintaining health and maintaining vitality. Berries are rich in vitamins and other nutrients. However, one should not rely on their therapeutic omnipotence. Add them to your daily diet, use cosmetics with goji extract - this will allow you to maintain health, beauty, and maybe even prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

A few years ago, when the Internet was full of low-quality advertising, and women were buying up weight loss programs in the style of “lose 100 kilograms in 1 hour”, a unique product entered the market - goji berries. To the layman, they seemed to be a universal remedy for everything: from excess weight to the pathological state of blood vessels. The excitement around the berry gradually subsided and, in the end, completely slowed down. Goji berries are replaced by acai berries and "new generation" superfoods

But was the attention to goji berries justified and how do they really affect the human body?

Brief historical background

The growth in demand for goji began in 2006. Dr. H. Wu from Japan found something interesting in the berry juice - biologically active substances that are able to restore the structure of the DNA molecule. The scientist insisted on unique molecular bonds, special energy, ingredient functionality. Guru healthy eating and advertisers decided to bring the study to the masses, backed up by profitable and obvious facts. Stories began to emerge about Chinese centenarians, whose age exceeded 100 and even 200 years. These stories were connected by one central core - all centenarians constantly ate goji berries.

Territorial distribution

The historical homeland of the sensational berry is China. The plant grew in such locations: Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu, Hebei, Siuchan.

Today goji is cultivated in every, even the most remote, corner of the world. Cultivated plants often run wild, in their historical homeland (northern and central China) they grow culturally. Industrial cultivation of goji is also concentrated in China.

general characteristics

Goji is popularly called "wolfberry". It should be noted that most of the unfamiliar berries we call "wolf". This is a collective image that does not carry much information. Fruits can be both toxic and quite suitable for food consumption. But back to goji berries. Lycium barbarum (common barbarum) belongs to the nightshade family and can be used as a food product. The fruits of the plant are consumed more often dried than fresh.

How the common dereza got the name goji

The Chinese call the plant Níngxià gǒuqǐ (寧夏枸). The adapted translation is the Ningxiang dereza. Goji is a transliteration of the last word gǒuqǐ (goji is used in English) into Russian. English goji is a transcription of the name of the plant from the ancient Chinese dialect, which is adapted to the specifics of the English language. All these names refer to one plant - common dereza (Chinese dereza). Each language, acquiring a new word in the vocabulary, tries to organically introduce the term into the general language practice (for example, in German the word sounds like bocksdorn).

There are several forms of the word goji in English:

  • godji;
  • wolfberry;
  • barbary matrimony vine;
  • duke of Argyll's tea tree.

What does the famous berry look like?

Goji grow in the form of a massive shrub. Its branches are covered with thin spines, and simple whole-edged leaves take the form of an ellipse. The shrub forms lilac (the shade can vary from pale pink to deep red or purple) bell-shaped flowers. Harvest development occurs from May to September or from July to October. The timing of harvesting depends on the territory, climatic conditions, humidity. For several fruitful months, the shrub gives new fruits 13 times (all this time the flowers are pollinated by bees 2 times daily). In the world, the most valuable goji berries are harvested in August. It is believed that they contain the maximum concentration useful substances.

The fruit itself is unremarkable. A small, elongated, oval-shaped berry with a coral-red hue. Berries are widely used in traditional Asian medicine. They treat headaches, diseases of the genitourinary system and pathological conditions of the organs of vision.

The medicinal effect of goji is multifaceted: not only medicinal decoctions are prepared from them, but also strong alcoholic drinks.

What is the feature of berries

The product contains 4 polysaccharides, complex carbohydrates, which:

  • "serve" the functionality of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulate the level of insulin production;
  • strengthen the vascular walls;
  • supply blood plasma with useful nutrients.

Important: the concentration of nutrients in goji berries is so low that it cannot provide a miraculous effect. Berries are not a panacea. They have nutritional properties and really benefit the body, but it is negligible compared to the effect of the same currant or.

The real benefits of berries can only be obtained if their amount corresponds to the daily norm and is diluted with vitamins, nutrients and from other foods.

How the berry really helps:

  • relieve headache;
  • improve the condition of the epithelium;
  • cleanse the vessels;
  • will have a detox effect on the body;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

The main myths about goji berries

From 2006 to 2007, an ardent campaign for the food and nutritional value of goji berries was formed. Marketers and nutritionists excitedly talked about the healing properties of the product and created an artificially tense situation in the market. Every second adherent of a healthy diet wanted to get a handful of magic berries, despite the cost (and it remains high today). Goji flooded the US European Union and continued to develop rapidly.

In the same 2006, the US Department of food products and medicinal substances revealed that the benefits of goji are far-fetched, and in some cases berries harm the human body. The law banned the advertising of goji as a medicinal product and the hype around the novelty subsided. Subsequent research has proven and substantiated the critique of the berries, and their juice has not been found to be safe and effective under reference conditions.

Berries and ascorbic acid

The entire advertising campaign was based on one statement: "goji berries have a high content, which is incomparable with citrus fruits." Scientists, after analyzing the market and realizing the cause of insanity, decided to start by testing the product for ascorbic acid.

Clinical studies have proven that the content of vitamin C is significantly inferior to citrus fruits.

The amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in a red apple is 13 times greater than in goji berries.

Scientists have refuted the marketing postulate, but sales have not fallen. Even direct evidence that the Australian plum is several times healthier than goji did not affect the buyers. Why? Because advertisers and money-hungry manufacturers had two spare cards in the lining of their sleeves.

berry juice

Manufacturers claimed (and claim) that goji juice is the strongest one that heals everything. In January 2007, a consumer protection investigation took place during which goji juice was subjected to a laboratory test on 23 counts. 22 out of 23 items turned out to be false, and allegations of magical properties The product is nothing more than a fake. It turned out that juice is an absolutely useless product, and in some cases it can even be dangerous. The public began to come to their senses, the hype subsided along with the percentage of sales of goji berries.

Berries and cancer risk

The last trump card in the hands of manufacturers is the prevention of cancer. The study was carried out by the US National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute. The verdict was: no pharmaceutical product can be 100% effective, as goji berry producers claim. Herbal ingredients cannot be more effective than traditional medicines. In addition, scientists argue that berries could not cure any disease in the world. A preventive effect that would minimize the risk of developing cancer or any other pathology has also not been identified.

Chemical composition of the product

Ingredient use in cooking

In cooking, berries are used as an auxiliary element in many dishes. Smoothies are prepared from them, added to salads, used as a decoration or filling element. Fans of healthy eating sensibly evaluate real benefit goji and perceive it at the level, or pumpkin seeds (not a panacea, but a quality plant product).

What to combine goji with:

  • smoothies;
  • vegetable dishes (salads, stews);
  • porridge from any grain, both green and sprouted;
  • , soft drinks (goji will get wet, let juice and act as a sweetener);
  • meat dishes;
  • seafood.

It is recommended to carefully consider the choice of the supplier of berries. If it is not possible to arrange an official delivery from, for example, Tibet, where a cultivated plant grows, use a proven service. Order official products on iHerb, be sure to check the composition and documentation of the seller.

The ingredient is sold and introduced into the diet in dried form. Rinse the berries thoroughly before use to wash off the settled dust and possible harmful components. Producers may additionally process the fruit to increase shelf life, so never eat unpeeled foods. If you are not sure that a quick rinse of goji will not give any results, soak the product. Put the berry in a container with boiling water and let it "brew" for about 5-10 minutes. Drain the cooled water, rinse the berries again and add to the dishes. Goji will get wet, will become like, and that's all harmful substances will come out.

goji berry smoothie recipe

We will need:

  • - 3 pcs;
  • almond milk - 300 ml (you can replace soy or coconut milk, but it is almond milk that gives natural sweetness and perfectly replaces cane sugar);
  • goji berries - 100 g;
  • - 10 pieces;
  • to taste (add honey as a sweetener if the sweetness of banana and almond milk is not enough).


Grind the ingredients and send in any order to a blender. Blend until smooth consistency of a thick drink. Pour into glasses, garnish with strawberry wedges, and top the smoothie with a few more goji berries. Experiment with ingredients and get new unique combinations.

At the exit we get 3 servings of an invigorating drink. We recommend starting the day with a glass of freshly prepared mixture. The liquid will tone the body, stimulate digestion and prepare you for the start of a productive day.

Side effects and contraindications

The ingredient must be excluded from the diet of pregnant and lactating women. The berry can provoke bloating, which will worsen the mother's well-being. Also, the ingredient is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to yellow / orange / red fruits and components that make up the composition.

Goji is also prohibited for patients with high blood pressure. Please note that the product is quite active and is able to interact with other substances, including medications. Berries increase risk side effects from the use of drugs, so carefully approach the composition of the diet and consider the possible consequences.

Important: keep track of the amount of fruit that you enter into the daily menu. The maximum dose of goji is 2 tablespoons per day. Excessive consumption of berries provokes insomnia, has a laxative effect and can stimulate rashes on the skin. It is recommended to eat the product in the morning in a limited amount with an additional dose of fiber.

The American associations argue that goji is not a universal superfood and can be easily discarded. Balance your diet, calculate calorie consumption, and instead of expensive goji, choose healthier or citrus fruits.
