Porridge for weight loss - cooking rules. Diet - fasting days. How to lose weight on fasting days? What can you eat on a fasting day? The diet of fasting days on cereals

Unloading days on cereals are easily tolerated, normalize the digestive tract and help to lose weight. Choose from 5 cereals and find out what you can combine them with to lose up to 1.5 kg in just one day!

  1. You need to prepare for the fasting day so that it does not become stressful for your body. Do not try to eat for 2 days the day before, on the contrary, exclude heavy foods from the diet: fried, fatty and starchy foods. Drink plenty of fluids - plain water, green or herbal tea.
  2. On day X, avoid physical exertion and stressful situations, otherwise by the end of it you will feel not lightness, but a breakdown.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters) - water, mineral water without gas, unsweetened green or herbal tea.
  4. The next day, limit your intake of fatty and fried foods, sugary carbonated drinks. But boiled beef or chicken breast, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juices and fruits will come in handy.


A fasting day on cereals helps the body get rid of toxins and, as a result, excess weight. In one day, you can lose up to one and a half kilograms. However, the result may differ depending on which cereal you chose, whether you combined it with other products, how much liquid you drank.


There are no special contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. If you are prone to constipation, you should weigh the pros and cons before you sit down on a rice menu, since cereals have an astringent effect. A day on oatmeal is contraindicated in kidney and heart failure. And most importantly - despite all the benefits of the product, do not turn a fasting day into a mono-diet, as this will lead to a protein deficiency and provoke a food breakdown.

Unloading days on buckwheat for weight loss

If you want to quickly lose a couple of kilograms, then we advise you to spend a day with buckwheat. It contains B vitamins, rutin, lysine and other useful elements that cannot be found in other cereals. Groats perfectly saturate the body and at the same time do not provoke the accumulation of body fat.

The menu includes steamed cereals and 2 liters of liquid.

How to cook buckwheat porridge

  1. Pour 2 cups of cereal with 500 ml of boiling water. Do not add spices and/or oil.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in a blanket or towel.
  3. Leave overnight.

In the morning, divide the resulting mass into 4 servings and eat them throughout the day at regular intervals. In between meals, you should drink water, unsweetened tea or herbal decoctions.


If it is difficult for you to spend a day in Greek, then you can diversify the menu. There are several variations of the buckwheat fasting day.

On buckwheat and apples

Apple and buckwheat unloading is considered an effective variety.

Eat steamed cereals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, between meals you should have snacks with green apples and drink plenty of fluids. The last meal is no later than 19:00.

On buckwheat with milk

The detox day menu includes buckwheat porridge and half a liter of low-fat milk. We divide the prepared portion of steamed cereals into 6 receptions. Milk can be added to buckwheat, but not more than 100 ml, or drunk after meals. During the day, do not forget about the liquid, you have to drink 1.5 liters of water or green tea.

Buckwheat-kefir day

For greater effect, experts recommend combining buckwheat with kefir. This mix has a laxative effect, so we advise you to stay at home on this day. Do not forget that you need to drink at least a liter of liquid per day. The last meal is no later than 7 pm.

For the day you will need:

  • 2 cups buckwheat;
  • 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink with a low percentage of fat;
  • water or green tea.

Menu options

  1. Steam buckwheat in the evening, and in the morning divide into 6 portions and eat during the day, washing down each meal with a glass of kefir.
  2. Pour the cereal overnight with 2 glasses of fermented milk product and eat this dish the next day, dividing it into several doses.

On green buckwheat

Experts are sure that green (not heat-treated) buckwheat contains more nutrients and trace elements than in the usual brown. If you don’t like the taste of such a core, choose light brown cereals, in which all the necessary vitamins and minerals are preserved.

On buckwheat and chicken

For those who cannot do a day without meat, unloading on buckwheat and chicken is suitable. Per day it is allowed to eat 500 grams of boiled chicken breast and 250 grams of steamed cereals. It is acceptable to alternate dishes, and eat them at the same time. An addition to such a diet can be a second chicken broth, but for its preparation you need to take only poultry.

On buckwheat and tomato juice

There is another kind of unloading day on buckwheat. The menu is traditional - steamed cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but finish each meal with one glass of tomato juice.

With buckwheat and soy sauce

Soy sauce will help diversify the taste of buckwheat porridge and at the same time maintain the effect of a fasting day. In cooked buckwheat, add 4 tablespoons of quality soy sauce. The dish will become tastier, but will not lose effectiveness. It is permissible to drink water, green tea, herbal decoctions.

During pregnancy

Unloading on buckwheat is absolutely safe for pregnant women and brings nothing but benefits. Often gynecologists themselves recommend expectant mother have a similar detox day.

The most popular are traditional buckwheat and buckwheat-kefir. But before practicing mono-nutrition, be sure to consult with a specialist, it is he who will select the appropriate menu for you.

On oatmeal

Oatmeal is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and fiber. With regular use:

  • work is normalizing nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • brain activity is activated;
  • the body is cleansed of salts of heavy metals, toxins and slags;
  • hair and skin become beautiful, and teeth and bone tissues- strong;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • edema and cellulite disappear.

Experts recommend practicing fasting days on oatmeal for people suffering from constipation, as well as dreaming of losing weight, because in one such day it is quite possible to lose 1.5-2 kilograms. At the same time, it is quite high in calories, which means that you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger.

For porridge, you need to take whole grain oatmeal, it takes about a quarter of an hour to cook them, but they are much more useful than those that take 5 minutes to cook.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of cereal;
  • 3 glasses of water.
  1. Pour the flakes with cold water. Adding salt, sugar and oil is prohibited.
  2. We put on fire and, stirring constantly, cook for 15 minutes.

There is another way to cook:

  1. pour the cereal with hot water;
  2. cover the pan with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave overnight.

The resulting porridge is your daily portion, divide it into 5-6 meals. After eating, try not to drink for 30 minutes.


There are also more delicious variations of a fasting day on oatmeal.

Oatmeal with kefir

The daily diet, in addition to porridge, includes kefir. The cooked portion of oatmeal should be eaten in 3 doses, and kefir should be used as a snack. In addition to the fermented milk product, you need to drink another one and a half liters of liquid.

fruit and oat day

Oatmeal and apples are an effective offload menu. Prepare 600 grams of steamed oatmeal and 4 medium apples of unsweetened varieties - Granny Smith, Pear, Antonovka, Simirenko, etc. Fruits are allowed to be added to oatmeal, and also used as snacks between main meals.

It is not forbidden to replace apples with your favorite fruits or berries. It can be pears, apricots, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, but just choose not too sweet fruits so that the unloading result is maximum. Eat them alone or mix with oatmeal. In just a day, it is permissible to eat 700 grams of fruits / berries and 500 grams of oatmeal, drink 2 liters of liquid.

honey oatmeal day

Unloading on oatmeal and honey is suitable in the absence of allergies to bee products. You can eat up to 9 teaspoons of natural honey per day - add it to porridge, improving its taste, green tea or herbal decoctions.

on rice

For a day spent on rice porridge, you can lose up to 1 kilogram. You will cleanse the body of toxins, remove swelling and set it up to fight excess weight. A similar menu will enrich with iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. But there are contraindications - with a tendency to constipation, you should choose a different diet.

For cooking rice

  1. Rinse 1 cup of cereal thoroughly.
  2. Fill with cold water and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning, drain the liquid and pour 500 ml of clean cold water.
  4. Put on fire and cook until done. Avoid spices, sugar and butter.
  5. Leave the finished dish for half an hour.

Another recipe is suitable for those who have free time

  1. 4 days before the expected unloading, pour 100 grams of washed rice with a glass of cold water.
  2. Don't forget to change the water over the next few days.
  3. In the morning of the fasting day, freed from harmful substances pour rice with cold water and cook until tender over moderate heat, and then let it brew for half an hour.

Divide the porridge into 5 equal portions, they need to be eaten every 3 hours. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.


Not everyone is able to withstand the whole day on rice, so experts offer several more gentle, but no less effective variations of rice unloading.

Rice and Apple Day

The difference from the classic rice menu is that after each meal you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. Snacks are possible during breaks, prepare 3 green apples for them.

Rice and kiwi

Another variation of the rice-fruit fasting day. Boil the grits and buy a few kiwis. tropical fruit will help to fill the deficiency of vitamins. You can add it to rice, but not at every meal, but every other time, or use it as a snack.

Rice-fruit-vegetable day

This unloading option allows you to diversify the taste of rice porridge with the help of fruits and vegetables.

Sample menu for the day

  • porridge with the addition of grated half an apple;
  • a cup of green tea.
  • 1 small carrot;
  • herbal decoction.
  • rice porrige;
  • 1/2 bell pepper;
  • 1 glass of water.

During breaks, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Rice and salad

There is a kind of fasting day, which allows you to add a vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice to the porridge. It is allowed to alternate dishes, for example, eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and salad during snacks. You can drink water only half an hour after eating.

Rice and compote

Another option for unloading on rice suggests washing down porridge with compote, cooked from dried fruits or fresh fruits, without adding sugar. The daily norm of liquid is 1.5 liters. At the same time, compote is allowed to drink not only after meals, but throughout the day.

Milk rice unloading

No, unloading on rice and milk is not a favorite milk porridge. Boil rice in water, divide into 5 servings. Drink a glass of low-fat milk with every meal. It is also acceptable to drink mineral water and green tea without sugar.

Rice, sesame and curry for weight loss

For lovers of spices, unloading on rice with the addition of curry and sesame is ideal. Add a tablespoon of sesame seeds and a pinch of turmeric to the rice porridge. Stir. Divide into 3 portions and eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not forget to drink green or herbal tea without sugar and plain water throughout the day.

Unloading day on brown rice

For maximum efficiency unloading, we advise you to use not white, but brown rice, which has not been polished, therefore, it has retained all the useful substances.

On pearl barley

Pearl barley contains vitamins B, E, A, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, a lot of fiber, it is saturated with amino acids. It contains lysine, which promotes the formation of collagen, which slows down the aging process. Barley porridge is included in the diet of many diets, as it removes toxins from the body and normalizes the digestive system.

How to cook barley

To get the maximum effect from barley unloading, you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Soak 250 grams of sorted and washed pearl barley in a liter of cold water for 3 hours, or better, leave it overnight.
  2. Rinse barley, fill with fresh water, and cook for half an hour over moderate heat. Adding spices and fats is prohibited.
  3. Wrap the pan with cereals in a towel and leave it to swell for 30 minutes.

There is another way to cook. Boil the soaked cereal for 4 hours in a water bath.

Divide the porridge into 5 servings and eat hot. Observe the drinking regime.

On millet porridge

When using millet groats, fat deposits not only do not accumulate, but already existing ones disappear. In one day on a millet menu, you can lose up to 1 kilogram.

To prepare dishes for unloading

  1. Pour 100 grams of cereal into a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil.
  2. Rinse the cereal thoroughly. Pour in a glass of clean water.
  3. Cook over medium heat after boiling for 10 minutes. Attention: neither oil, nor salt, nor sugar can be added.
  4. Cover and leave for 30 minutes.

Divide the porridge into 4 parts, they need to be eaten during the day. If you find the dish too bland, you can add some fresh vegetables. It is allowed to drink green tea, still water, kefir and chamomile tea.

Many of them are complex long-term diets that involve severe restrictions, therefore, as a rule, do not give good results. Therefore, many resort to the so-called fasting days, which are quite easy to endure and which help to keep in shape. There are many variations for unloading, therefore, in any case, you need to choose the most effective unloading day for weight loss in your case, and strictly adhere to it.

The best fasting days for weight loss: what are they and how are they useful?

Effective fasting days involve eating only a certain set of foods. Usually the daily menu consists of one or two components that are easy on the body. They are not starvation, since only the complete absence of food can be considered starvation. The best unloading days for weight loss are useful for the following:

  • Helps fight excess weight, especially during periods known as "plateau" when in a certain period the weight stops at some figure and stops decreasing.
  • Contribute cleansing the body, removing from it .
  • Give the body rest from the need to constantly digest a lot of different foods.
  • Gives you the opportunity to exercise willpower, but, despite this, it is quite easy to withstand them.

When is the best time to unload?

In order for the result of the fasting day to be as positive as possible, you need to prepare for it. In many ways mental attitude is important, because at various diets usually the limitations themselves are not as complex as the fear of them.

The best time for a fasting day should be planned in advance. It is desirable that on this day you do not expose yourself to strong psychological and physical stress. The day should be relatively calm. Therefore, it is worth arranging unloading on a weekend or, for example, during a vacation.

Try not to cook anything for your family on this day, as you may not be able to resist the temptation to taste the food.

The best fasting day for weight loss: what to choose?

In the question of which fasting day is the most effective, much is determined person's personal preference, since the options are about the same in terms of efficiency. However, they can vary considerably in how easy they are to sustain. So, it is usually difficult to hold out all day purely on liquids or low-calorie vegetables. But protein days or days on porridge can be simpler.

Often, experts insist that the best fasting day should combine two groups of products of the same type. As for the most popular components for fasting days, these are kefir, cottage cheese, apples, lean meat, cereals. There are many options, but we will consider the most popular, and, accordingly, the best unloading days. in terms of efficiency, including kefir, apple and protein unloading.

Unloading day on kefir

Many believe that the most effective fasting day is a day on kefir. This option receives numerous good feedback because kefir discharge is effective and safe. Plus, it helps not only to lose a couple of extra pounds, but also cleanse the body. Advantage this method in that it allows the body to tune in to shedding pounds without severe stress.

The reason that many people think that kefir day is the best fasting day for weight loss is the benefits of the product. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it acts like a broom, eliminating all toxins and toxins, as well as relieving the intestines from the heaviness that appears due to the regular use of heavy meals. You can resort to such a one-day unloading once every 2-3 weeks. This will be enough for the body to get rid of extra pounds and always be in shape and tone.

Such a fasting day will help you get rid of 1-2 kg.

The fact that kefir is the most effective fasting day for weight loss is often confirmed by reviews. Unloading with the use of this product can be different: it is combined with other fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, cereals and so on. But we will consider the classic version, based only on kefir.

Rules for holding

Having decided which fasting day is the most effective for losing weight, and having settled on kefir, purchase about one and a half liters of product.

Experts advise to prepare the body for unloading in advance by having dinner the day before as easily as possible.

You can use different variants of kefir, both a fat-free pure drink and kefir equipped with fruit filler. Can be combined different types kefir - so unloading will be easier for you. The very scheme of the fasting day suggests the following approximate menu:

  • Around 9 am, drink a glass of fat-free kefir;
  • At 12 days, drink a glass of bio-kefir.
  • 15:00 - treat yourself to a glass of fruit kefir.
  • 18.00 - try a glass of biokefir.
  • 21.00 - let your dinner be a glass of fat-free kefir.
  • Before going to bed, you can also drink a glass of kefir of any kind.

Thus, the daily menu will include about 1.5 liters of kefir. Please note that it is necessary to clearly endure this day exclusively on a sour-milk drink, avoiding the temptations to have a snack. Therefore, it is better to choose a day for unloading, which will not be very stressful emotionally and physically. Despite the fact that the unloading will be drinkable, you will still feel thirsty, so you can drink clean water in unlimited quantities. It should be gas-free and without additives.

Not everyone can stick to such unloading. Among contraindications intolerance to dairy products, gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy and lactation are distinguished.

Unloading day on apples

Also effective fasting days for weight loss are days on apples. An apple is one of the healthiest fruits. Regular use of it helps to increase the number of bacteria in the intestines, which prevent the processes of decay and improve the process of digestion of food. Already it is considered beautiful excess weight prevention, therefore, in the question of what is better to do a fasting day, many people prefer an apple.

The composition of this wonderful fruit contains antioxidants, as well as almost all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs. Eating apples is a wonderful prevention of numerous health problems.

Apples help strengthen the immune system, relieve digestive problems, normalize cholesterol levels, and have an antitumor effect. In addition, it is the prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, a way to improve metabolism. This option is especially useful for those who suffer from chronic problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles and joints.

A fasting day on apples will help you lose up to one and a half kilograms.

Rules for holding

Apples for a fasting day can be supplemented with other components. But in the classic version, the daily menu will include only these fruits up to two kilograms as well as water and green tea. It is better to choose unsweetened apples and divide them into six parts, which should be consumed throughout the day with approximately three hours apart. You can diversify your detox by eating some of the baked apples - such a dessert is very tasty and healthy.

It pays to be careful with a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. In this case, you will have to forget about sour varieties of apples. Such fasting days are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product, in diseases of the kidneys, liver in acute stages.

Even in the absence of contraindications, experts do not advise resorting to such a detox more often than once a week. The optimal frequency is once every 10 days. During pregnancy and lactation, experimenting with weight loss is also undesirable.

Protein fasting days for weight loss

Choosing which unloading day better fit in your case, you can pay attention to the protein options. Proteins have the ability to saturate well, and allow for a long time forget about the feeling of hunger. With all this, the body spends a lot of energy on their digestion, due to which weight loss occurs. Such unloading helps the body speed up the metabolism. Also, protein products are saturated with useful trace elements. In addition, the protein itself is a necessary substance, and in particular for those who are losing weight, since it allows you to save muscle mass and burn fat, not muscle.

Rules for holding

The most popular components on which better days unloading day on proteins - this is cottage cheese or boiled chicken.

  • If it's about cottage cheese unloading day, you need to take half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese and divide it into five meals. It is allowed to drink cottage cheese with unsweetened tea. Do not add sugar or honey. There is also an unloading option, where it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir with each dose of cottage cheese.
  • Unloading day for boiled chicken- A very useful option, since it refers to those products that go exclusively to the muscles. Need to boil 350 grams of meat and divide it into four parts. It is allowed to eat meat with a small amount of greens.

Weight loss on a protein fasting day can reach one and a half kilograms.

Consider also the available contraindications. Such fasting days are not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. It is also not necessary to cleanse the body with a similar method for pregnant and lactating women.

Having decided which option is best for a fasting day, you must remember elementary rules, which will help to get only benefit from unloading, and not harm. These tips apply to any fasting day:

  • Do not arrange fasting days more than once a week, otherwise the body may suffer from a lack of nutrients.
  • On the selected day, try to avoid strenuous exercise.
  • The amount of food will be determined by the specific option, but in general the amount of food consumed per day should not exceed two kilograms.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Having finished unloading, do not rush to immediately overeat with a huge amount of heavy food. Otherwise, it will be too much shock for the body.

Be sure to consider the existing contraindications. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

The rules of unloading days in an educational video

Unloading days - good way gradually and without harm to health, “cleanse” the intestines of toxins, and at the same time get rid of extra pounds. Regularly resorting to such gentle cleaning, it will be easier for you to maintain your harmony, beauty and health. After all, a fasting day is a rest for almost all body systems, especially for the digestive system.

There are a lot of options for fasting days - from sour-milk to vegetable, from fruit to juice. But the most effective and healthy, perhaps, are fasting days on cereals. We tell you why: cereals contain a large amount of fiber, which slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, reduces appetite, and helps to eliminate toxins. Thanks to this, cereals give a long-lasting feeling of satiety and help to lose weight.

Almost all types of cereals have the ability to clean, but to varying degrees. The most popular are fasting days on rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. How to spend a fasting day with them - read below:

Unloading days on buckwheat- it's almost a classic of nutrition. There is not a single girl, both of our generation and a couple of previous ones, who would not try this method. The fasting day menu is very simple: only buckwheat and kefir are allowed products. In the evening, pour 250 g of buckwheat into two glasses of boiling water, close the lid and, wrapping it in a towel, leave the container overnight. In the morning, divide the resulting porridge (cooked without spices) into 4-5 servings and eat at regular intervals throughout the day. As a liquid, buckwheat can be washed down with kefir (low-fat, up to 1% fat) no more than half a liter. Observing a fasting day on buckwheat, do not forget to also drink at least 2 liters mineral water without gas.

Unloading day on rice
will help to lose weight, get rid of toxins, and also reduce the level of bad cholesterol, because rice is an excellent natural adsorbent. Once in the stomach, rice envelops its walls, which is especially good for people with high acidity and gastrointestinal problems. Rice is a gluten-free cereal, which means it can be consumed even by allergy sufferers.

But back to the fasting day, the diet of which is extremely simple. Boil 150 grams of rice (without salt) over low heat until tender. We divide the finished product into 5 equal portions, which will become our main course during the day. You can supplement rice with fresh vegetables to your taste - grated carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes (no more than 100 g per day). You can diversify the menu with fruits and dried fruits (also no more than 100 g), but in this case it is important not to overdo it, because these products contain a lot of sugar. But the choice must be made in favor of one thing or vegetables or fruits. To enhance the detox effect, drink chamomile decoction and green tea throughout the day.

Unloading day on oatmeal
can be very useful for the body if the porridge is cooked in water. Oatmeal regulates blood sugar, so you can eat it when you are sick diabetes(porridge has a low glycemic index). It has a positive effect on the functional state of the liver, contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. To unload: 200 grams oatmeal cook for 5-7 minutes, or just pour boiling water over it. The porridge should not be very thick. oatmeal should be divided into five doses, which must be distributed throughout the day. Garnish the porridge with raisins, grated apple or frozen berries.

As you can see healthy menu fasting days can be very appetizing. The question remains, with the help of which cereals to "unload"? This is only a matter of your taste, but the Feelgood editors recommend choosing cereals for fasting days very carefully.

On this day, you will receive nutrients exclusively from cooked cereals, therefore it is extremely important that they retain a maximum of natural vitamins and minerals. Cereals of TM "Zhmenka" meet this requirement, as they undergo a very careful process of production and cleaning of cereals, due to which they will only benefit your health. In addition, for the production of cereals TM "Zhmenka" uses only selected cereals, which makes the dishes also very tasty.

April - good time for unloading and losing weight, the beach season is very soon. Which version of the unloading day on cereals did you like the most? Try it tomorrow!

“You can’t spoil porridge with butter” - this well-known saying is “soaked” in calories and excess weight. In fact, it's not like that at all. We will talk about the fasting day, which, unlike many, has no contraindications, allows you to lose up to 1 kg of weight and is very healthy.

Why are we losing weight

To permanently add cereals to the list of dietary products, you need to find out why extra pounds accumulate and how you can get rid of them.

It's all about carbs

They are divided into two types: fast (sugar, fruits, bread, sweets) and slow (cereals, vegetables). The first are instantly and completely absorbed. The level of glucose rises rapidly, the hormone insulin is released, which “translates” it into the cells. The person again experiences hunger, and the excess intracellular glucose is processed into fat.

Slow carbohydrates are made up of polysaccharides. What are their benefits for weight loss:

  • split for a long time, a lot of energy is spent on this process;
  • give a persistent feeling of satiety (due to fiber and a constant level of glucose in the blood without sharp fluctuations);
  • favorably affect the microflora;
  • neutralize the processes of decay;
  • remove waste and toxins.

Nutritionists believe that proper nutrition half should consist of slow carbohydrates.


Porridges are products with an average calorie content. Most contain from 80 to 300 kcal per 100 g. For weight loss, the total energy value daily diet should be no more than 1000 kcal. Therefore, on a fasting day, you can eat an average of 700 g of porridge.

Glycemic index

Shows the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates. The smaller it is, the slower the process goes. As a result, blood glucose rises gradually and almost all of it is spent on the needs of cells (especially the brain). At the same time, a person does not experience hunger and mood swings.

Cereals are products with low glycemic index, which is comparable to cottage cheese and vegetables. Many fruits that are traditionally used for unloading have a higher GI.

Vitamins and minerals

Not directly related to weight loss. But for regular fasting days, it is important to choose foods with enough useful substances. Otherwise, health problems are guaranteed. Porridges are rich in vitamins A, E, B, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many other minerals.

Proven Recipes

It is important to remember that not all cereals should be used. On which of them will unloading be the most effective and beneficial to health?

1. On oatmeal

This is a traditional dish for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It envelops the mucous membrane, reducing its irritation. For weight loss, the following properties are important to us:

  • 10% consists of fiber, which suppresses appetite and cleanses the intestines from toxins;
  • reduces the absorption of cholesterol;
  • normalizes the function of the stomach and intestines.

Important! The desire to lose weight on instant cereals is wrong. After numerous treatments, only glucose and preservatives remain in them. It is better to arrange a fasting day on herculean groats, in which all beneficial features.

  • Preliminary it is desirable to arrange preparation. To do this, you need oatmeal broth - pour half a glass of cereal with a liter of water and boil until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain and drink in the morning on an empty stomach (ideally within a week). This is a wonderful cleansing of the intestines from toxins.
  • For a fasting day, use 700 g of hercules, boiled in water without salt and sugar. We divide into 6 portions. Between meals, drink only water or no sugar.

2. On millet

A product from childhood, and not because it has a pleasant sweetish taste. Millet is the "champion" among cereals in terms of the content of vitamins (B1, B2, B5, PP, E, A) and minerals (iron, fluorine, manganese, silicon). It can be safely included in any diet menu. A day on it will not only allow you to lose up to 1 kg, but will also be good for your health.

Recipe: cook 100 g of cereal and divide it into 4 parts. We drink water, green tea, low fat. A small amount is explained by a rather high calorie content (340 kcal per 100 g), but it is offset by unique properties:

  • prevents the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • removes salts of heavy metals and toxins;
  • gives a constant feeling of satiety.

Interesting! Millet does not cause allergic reactions, promotes the absorption of vitamin D and carotene, so it goes well with pumpkin and carrots.

3. Pea

Undeservedly forgotten in modern world fast and trendy food. But it is very useful for weight loss:

  • 30% consists of vegetable protein, which is better absorbed and digested for a long time;
  • lowers cholesterol and strengthens the vascular wall;
  • selenium removes heavy metals, neutralizes free radicals;
  • thiamine stimulates motility gastrointestinal tract;
  • lysine - an amino acid that is necessary for normal immunity;
  • vitamins and minerals provide the need for nutrients.

Recipe: peas are pre-soaked overnight and boiled for at least an hour without salt. From 100 g, a dish of sufficient volume is obtained, which is divided into 4 times. You need at least 2 liters of water per day. You can treat yourself or an orange.

4. On corn

Very tasty, even if cooked with water. The calorie content is small - 80 kcal per 100 g. For unloading, it is better to use large cereals. It takes longer to cook, but retains all the beneficial properties. What properties are important for losing weight:

  • acceleration of metabolism (fats are broken down faster);
  • improved digestion;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • inhibition of fermentation and decay;
  • removal of slags.

Interesting! The composition includes gold microparticles, which are necessary for the functioning of brain neurons.

Recipe: thoroughly wash the cereal before cooking. Pour 400 g into boiling water, the volume of which should be three times larger. We cook for about an hour.

5. Linen

It's extremely useful product but you have to know how to cook it. Taste in pure form few people will like it, so a teaspoon is usually added to the finished serving. Calorie content 80 kcal per 100 g. A lot has been said about the benefits of flax:

  • a lot of fiber and protein (colon cleansing, lack of appetite);
  • only slow carbohydrates (there are no jumps in the concentration of glucose in the blood, which also ensures persistent saturation);
  • burning own fats;
  • ensuring the body's need for fats is due to unsaturated fatty acids, which are not deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and do not increase cholesterol levels;
  • a complete set of vitamins and minerals.

Recipe: pour flaxseed flour with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2. Let's brew for 5 minutes. In addition to honey, you can add kefir, dried fruits. Be sure to drink water between meals.

In our last publication, we discussed the topic, as well as the main points that you need to know for those who have decided to get rid of a couple of extra pounds in this way, cleanse their body of toxins and toxins, or prepare for an important event that suggests that you will appear on it in an exclusive outfit, a couple of sizes smaller than usual.

Today we are ready to offer you almost everything existing options such a "unloading" on cereals for your body with detailed description, which will allow you to make your choice and choose the one that suits you best. So, a description of the main options for fasting days on cereals for our body is already waiting for you.

Fasting days on rice

The benefits of fasting days on rice

With the help of a rice fasting day, you can cleanse your body, rid yourself of toxins, relieve swelling and even strengthen your joints. The proteins and carbohydrates contained in rice will contribute to the processes of fat burning. That is, you will not only give your body the opportunity to take a break from food, but also stimulate it to begin to get rid of excess weight. Rice also contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the human brain. In addition, you will enrich your body with iron, iodine, calcium and zinc, as well as phosphorus. You can read more about the benefits of rice here.

Getting into human stomach, rice envelops its walls, which is especially useful for those of us who suffer from high acidity. In addition, thanks to such days, you can normalize the work of your gastrointestinal tract and not worry about what you will have, because rice is an absolutely gluten-free cereal, and even allergy sufferers can safely use it.

Such rice fasting days after holidays and feasts will be especially relevant and useful, when we didn’t follow our diet too much. Add to this its low calorie content and the benefits of rice unloading for you and me are obvious. By the way, some people say that

one correctly spent rice unloading day is enough, and you lose from 500 grams to 1 kilogram of excess weight.

What kind of rice to use for fasting day

However, it is worth remembering that for fasting days it is better to use not white rice, but brown. If there is a shortage of this in your stores, use white rice, but it should not be polished or steamed.

The scheme of the unloading day on rice

In parallel with rice on this day, you are allowed to eat green tea, . By the way, given that rice has a fixative property to avoid constipation problems, you can include herbal tea with a laxative effect in your rice day diet.

And, that's what you should completely refuse on this day, so it's from salt, sugar, and seasonings. It is also not recommended to season rice with oil - neither, nor.

Such unloading is allowed no more than 1 time per week.

How to cook rice for fasting day

Take 1 cup of brown (white) rice and rinse it thoroughly. You can soak the rice overnight in water to make it swell. The next morning, pour rice with 500 milliliters of cold water. Put the pot on the fire and wait for the water to boil. After that, the fire can be reduced and the rice cooked until tender over low heat. After you have turned off the pot of rice, let it rest for another 30 minutes.

Unloading days on buckwheat

The benefits of fasting days on buckwheat

for 1 such day, you can lose up to 2 kilograms of weight due to the fact that your body will get rid of all the food baggage and garbage that has accumulated in it, including the remnants of undigested food.

Also, do not forget that buckwheat itself contains a large set of useful substances that you cannot find in the composition of any other cereal (you can read more about the benefits of buckwheat in this one). Buckwheat itself is also a source of B vitamins, it contains a rutin substance that is very useful for our blood vessels, contains lysine (it is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body), buckwheat dietary fiber helps to improve digestion, cleanse and restore bowel function . By the way,

Buckwheat porridge perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, but at the same time it does not replenish the fat reserves of our body.

How to spend buckwheat fasting days

Experts recommend that on fasting days on buckwheat, to enhance the effect of benefits, use it in parallel with. This combination has a laxative effect and will help your body cleanse itself of all that is superfluous. Just do not forget that this day will be more convenient and comfortable for you to spend at home.

How to cook buckwheat for a fasting day

On the eve of your fasting day, pour 250 grams of buckwheat with 2 cups of boiling water, close it with a lid and leave the container wrapped in a warm blanket overnight. Adding salt, sugar or spices to cereals is strictly prohibited. In the morning, divide the resulting steamed buckwheat into 3-4 servings, and eat one serving at regular intervals throughout the day. Buckwheat can be washed down with kefir (it should not be greasy), but you should not drink more than 0.5 liters of kefir at a time.

Do not forget also that you will need to drink at least 1 liter of non-carbonated mineral water during the day - it will help your body cleanse itself. If you want, you can replace water with fiber, and you will get a unique “tool” with which you can cleanse your body, lose weight and restore your gastrointestinal tract.

However, abuse fasting days experts and nutritionists still do not recommend oatmeal, since such a mini is not balanced, and sitting on oatmeal too often and for a long time can harm your body. Therefore, approach the organization of such unloading days reasonably, and arrange them no more than once every 15-20 days.

By the way, before you arrange such a fasting day for yourself on oatmeal, you can prepare your body by first arranging it with oatmeal broth.
