How can hemorrhoids be treated. What can be done at home if hemorrhoids got out? Physical education and hemorrhoids: why physical activity is so important

The question of how to quickly cure hemorrhoids at home has recently been very relevant due to the widespread prevalence of pathology. Abroad, this disease affects 75% of the population. In Russia, according to statistics, there are approximately 120 patients per 1,000 people. Among proctological diseases, hemorrhoids, according to WHO, account for 34 to 41%, and people of working age suffer from them. Timely diagnosis is important in order to cure the disease as early as possible and get rid of complications.

If it is not possible to immediately consult a proctologist, you need to know about the effective treatment of hemorrhoids at home in the fastest way in order to independently alleviate the patient's condition before being examined by a specialist.

Most often, patients try to solve the problem of the disease on their own at home. An appointment with a proctologist comes in advanced cases, when complications have appeared. At home, folk methods are used in the hope of a quick effect and a complete cure. But hemorrhoidal disease is a pathology, the therapy of which requires not only medicines. Required:

  • lifestyle correction;
  • diet and rejection of bad habits;
  • limitation of static physical activity in men.

If at an early stage all efforts are directed towards getting rid of existing risk factors, taking the therapy prescribed by the doctor, after a short time you can forget about the disease forever. You must first consult with a proctologist and follow the prescribed recommendations at home. This will avoid serious complications that can later be cured only in a hospital or removed surgically. Chronic and progressive hemorrhoids can develop into colorectal cancer.

Medical treatment at home

The use of medications prescribed by a doctor gives a good result in the first and second stages of the disease. This is possible under the condition of a combination of the effects of drugs on pathology and the elimination of disease-provoking factors. With further progression of the disease, minimally invasive intervention or surgery will be required.

At the first signs of illness for effective treatment The proctologist, depending on the symptoms, prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  • venotonics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • laxatives;
  • hemostatic.

The choice of a particular drug depends on the patient's condition and age, concomitant diseases. The pharmaceutical form may be different. Antihemorrhoid drugs are available in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • suppositories;
  • solutions for injections.

At home, you can use almost all of the listed forms of drugs. It is convenient to use them in tablet form and in the form of suppositories, which are inserted into the rectum for internal hemorrhoids. If identified external hemorrhoids, drugs are prescribed in the form of an ointment or cream, but not suppositories. You need to smear the outside of the outer cones 2-3 times a day, insert a candle - at night.

All prescribed therapy is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and according to all the rules specified in the instructions. In parallel, you need:

  • remove harmful foods from the diet;
  • change lifestyle;
  • increase motor loads;
  • do it right therapeutic gymnastics and massage.


Constipation is one of the main risk factors for hemorrhoids. Therefore, to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of its complications, it is necessary to maintain normal bowel function. But with already existing difficulties with defecation, laxatives are prescribed to cleanse the intestines without effort. It is convenient to treat them at home. The use of laxatives leads to a rapid improvement in the condition of the intestine, accelerates the onset of a positive result in treatment. According to the mechanism of action, they are divided into several groups:

  1. Peristalsis stimulants (Regulax, Gutalax, suppositories with glycerin, herbal remedies- castor oil, senna). The mechanism of their action is based on irritation of the receptors of the intestinal wall and increased peristalsis.
  2. Osmotic - retain water in the intestinal lumen and soften the feces. Emptying occurs due to the phenomena of osmosis. Assigned for rapid defecation (Forlax, Fortrans, Microlax).
  3. Indigestible carbohydrates (prebiotics) - lactulose (Dufalak, Normaze). Stimulate the reproduction of normal microflora, increase osmotic pressure, irritate the intestinal receptors.
  4. Bulk laxatives (intestinal fillers) - wheat bran, grains, fiber. A prerequisite for their use is clean drinking water - at least 2 liters per day in the absence of contraindications. They absorb water well, swell and press on the walls of the intestine, causing defecation.

Specific medications are prescribed by the doctor, based on the clinical situation. The patient takes them at home in combination with other treatment methods. The safest and most inexpensive drug approved for use by pregnant, lactating and infants are glycerin suppositories. They increase peristalsis and accelerate the passage of feces through the colon due to the irritating effect of glycerol on the receptors of the rectum.


The composition of local pain relief agents includes:

  • belladonna (belladonna);
  • lidocaine;
  • anestezin;
  • propolis.

Belladonna (belladonna)

Often, pain or discomfort is the only sign of hemorrhoids. This is due to chronic constipation: during defecation, the patient has to push hard. Solid feces, moving with difficulty through the intestine, injure the mucous membrane. To relieve the pain symptom, the following suppositories are prescribed:

  • Procto-Glivenol.
  • Anestezol.
  • Relief Advance.

The main components of Procto-Glivenol are:

  1. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. Stabilizes cell membranes and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, thus reducing pain.
  2. Tribenoside is a synthetic component that improves vascular tone, reduces venous congestion, has an analgesic effect, and prevents vein thrombosis.

Their combination helps to reduce pain, itching, inflammation. They well relieve swelling of the anorectal region, have a good venotonic effect:

  • the candle affects the internal hemorrhoid bump;
  • gel or ointment reduces the external node.

The effect occurs 1.5 hours after the application of the ointment or the introduction of the suppository: the swelling disappears, the pain ceases to bother. But once is not enough to achieve a stable therapeutic result: it is necessary to influence the drug on the problem area for at least 10-14 days in the morning and evening. During this time, complete healing of the tissues of the rectum occurs, small nodes disappear. If the improvement came immediately, they switch to a single dose of the drug - just before bedtime.

Procto-Glivenol helps quickly in the treatment of hemorrhoids at home in women, even during pregnancy, who have a complex form of the disease - external and internal nodes at the same time. The drug is contraindicated:

  • in the first trimester - in this period, the drug affects not only the health of the pregnant woman, but also disrupts the formation of the fetus;
  • children under 12;
  • women during lactation.

Belladonna extract in the form of suppositories has a strong analgesic effect. This is the cheapest option. But you can not use children, pregnant and lactating. It has side effects, since belladonna is a natural poison - it is dangerous to overdose the drug.

Anuzole (candles), in addition to belladonna, contains xeroform (bismuth) and zinc sulfate. Anesthetizes, heals and dries mucosal defects, reduces swelling, is a good antispasmodic. Acts quickly, but briefly: the analgesic effect does not last long. During the day, you have to use 5-6 candles. In terms of effectiveness, it is inferior to Procto-Glivenol.

Aurobin (ointment) acts quickly due to the multicomponent composition:

  • Lidocaine.
  • Prednisolone.
  • Dexpanthenol.

Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid (GCS group). It has a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect.

Dexpanthenol is a drug that belongs to the vitamin B group. It quickly heals all damage. Accelerates tissue regeneration thanks to pantothenic acid, which is formed as a result of metabolism.

Hemostatic drugs

Rectal bleeding is a common and dangerous complication of hemorrhoidal disease. Left untreated, it leads to severe anemia. Damaged hemorrhoids, which often have to be removed, can bleed. The release of blood is also accompanied by anal fissures. If there are traces of blood on toilet paper or underwear, you should immediately see a doctor and start treatment immediately. Consultation is necessary, since bleeding is a sign of other diseases - a polyp, cancer. Upon examination, the proctologist will establish the cause or prescribe an additional examination.

There is no time to waste at home. To quickly stop bleeding at home, you must:

  1. Applying cold will constrict the blood vessels and reduce blood flow.
  2. Take a drug that acts on the coagulation system and stops the blood (Dicinon, Etamzilat).

Cold, in addition to constricting blood vessels and stopping bleeding, significantly reduces pain and swelling.

In case of injury and bleeding from external varicose bumps, lotions or ice are recommended. To do this, use a bandage or gauze, rolled up in layers and soaked in cold water. The lotion is applied to external nodes. The session lasts 5 minutes. Similarly, ice is applied, which is wrapped in several layers of gauze and applied to bleeding nodes. It is kept for 1-2 minutes, after which it is removed. After a while, the procedure is repeated again.

When bleeding from internal nodes, ice candles are prepared on their own. A cone with a curved spout is folded out of paper, filled with boiled water or herbal decoction and put in the freezer. For the same purpose, you can take the little finger of a medical glove. After freezing, the candle is inserted into the rectum. There are contraindications: cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation in the genital area. In these cases, ice candles can exacerbate the disease.

A candle made from raw potatoes also reduces hemorrhoidal bleeding. It must be cut from a fresh tuber and injected into the ampoule of the rectum.

Of the drugs, Dicinon is used - an ambulance for various bleeding. Its basis is etamsylate, which:

  • has hemostatic properties;
  • strengthens the walls of venous vessels;
  • reduces their permeability;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • stimulates an increase in the number of platelets in the peripheral blood - enhances their maturation and exit from the bone marrow;
  • constricts blood vessels.

At home, the drug is used in tablets or intramuscular injection. Permissible single dose for bleeding - 3 tablets ( adult dosage one tablet - 250 mg, for children - 50 mg), with parenteral administration - 2 ampoules (2 ml each). Daily dosage - no more than 1500 mg. The effect occurs when:

  • taking the pill - after 2 hours;
  • intramuscular injection - after 1 hour;
  • parenteral injection into a vein - after 10-15 minutes.

It is prescribed once (this may be enough to stop bleeding) or up to 10 days for any form of hemorrhoids and at any stage of the disease. Can be applied topically.

Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. As a hemostatic drug, it is used as an adjuvant due to its mechanism of action. The effect begins 12-18 hours after ingestion. Therefore, it is not suitable for a quick stop of bleeding.

Thrombin (suppositories) - used for massive blood loss. It contains adrenaline, quickly constricts blood vessels. Besides:

  • increases clotting;
  • prevents further tissue damage.

Contraindicated in the elderly and in arterial hypertension.

Candles with methyluracil are prescribed in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids, prone to bleeding. Quickly heals microcracks and restores the rectal mucosa. In combination with adrenaline, its effectiveness increases.

In the plan of complex treatment, which is carried out at home, the doctor also includes:

  1. Troxevasin - gel, contains derivatives of rutin, is used in the form of a tampon. But you can simply anoint the knots protruding around the lower rectal sphincter, since the gel is absorbed without a trace.
  2. Levomikol - an ointment that contains levomycetin, heals minor injuries, quickly heals cracks.
  3. Detralex, Phlebodia - capsules, contribute to the rapid restoration of microcracks by strengthening the venous and capillary walls, improving microcirculation. The drugs have no contraindications, fit well into any scheme, combined with other drugs. Are taken inside.
  4. Ginkor Fort improves microcirculation, stops bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Drugs with anti-inflammatory action are necessary for hemorrhoidal disease to reduce all complaints. These funds contain GCS, therefore they have a wide spectrum of action. By reducing inflammation, they remove swelling, pain, itching. Combination drugs are popular:

  • Ultraproject.
  • Hepatrombin G.
  • Proctosedyl.
  • Relief Ultra.

You can also use suppositories with ichthyol, yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort. These drugs are convenient to use in home treatment. They act quickly due to the components with anti-inflammatory action:

  1. Ultraproct contains corticosteroids (fluocortolone) and a local anesthetic (cinchocaine). Therefore, the onset of action is fast, the result comes after a short period of time. The presence of a local anesthetic component enhances the effect of GCS: pain and inflammation with swelling are removed after 20-30 minutes. But to completely eliminate the symptoms, the proctologist prescribes a reception for 5-7 days (1 candle - once every 2 days). Reception is strictly prohibited for children under 15 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Relief (GCS with lidocaine) in its various modifications has a similar effect. Quickly reduces inflammation and has a local anesthetic effect. This drug has more stringent contraindications: it cannot be used for infectious (viral, fungal, bacterial) lesions, even if the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin is not broken.
  3. Hepatrombin G includes GCS (prednisolone) and heparin, an indirect anticoagulant. Due to its composition, it is used in the inflammatory component and in the presence of cracks. One of the few drugs that is allowed not only during pregnancy (except for the first trimester), but also during lactation. A woman can use this medicine during her period. At this time, it is necessary to strengthen hygiene measures to prevent infection. It is prescribed for any type of hemorrhoids. Candles act very quickly, in almost a few minutes, inflammation, swelling, pain and burning cease to bother.

All drugs used topically in the form of ointments or suppositories are prescribed only by a doctor. Despite the effectiveness of treatment at home, mandatory monitoring by a specialist is necessary for the exact observance of all his recommendations.

Folk remedies

With uncomplicated hemorrhoids in its initial stages, folk remedies can also be used for a quick effect from therapy at home. For this, apply medicinal plants. They prepare decoctions and infusions for internal and external use in the form of baths, and also make home-made candles and ointments for local treatment.

The following are considered effective:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • aloe;
  • Bay leaf.


A good result is obtained with the use of honey, propolis.


To reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids at home, local baths or general baths are recommended. The therapeutic effect is exerted by those components that are added to them:

  1. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to dilute potassium permanganate in warm water to a pale pink color. The time of taking such a bath is no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, calendula, nettle, celandine), taken in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), are poured with 2 liters of water and languish on fire for 5-7 minutes. The broth is filtered, cooled, added to the bath for bathing. This procedure will relieve unpleasant symptoms and improve the general condition.

Taking baths with such a medicinal collection is useful at a water temperature of no more than 25 ° C.

Along with this treatment, it is necessary to continue taking the prescribed drugs in the form of tablets and topical treatment with suppositories or ointments.

Homemade Candle Recipes

Rectal suppositories are easy to make at home. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids. They involve the use of available and well-known medicinal properties products:

  1. Candles are prepared on the basis of candied honey - linden or buckwheat. Apply them at night.
  2. Propolis dissolved in a small amount of water is poured into the little finger from a medical glove or a paper cone, and placed in the freezer. Such a candle is placed in the rectum for no more than 2 minutes.
  3. A clove of garlic can be used as a rectal suppository. It is inserted at night, it comes out spontaneously during defecation. To soften the action, candles are prepared from chiseled garlic with butter. The mixed mixture is briefly placed in the refrigerator, then candles are formed from it.
  4. Potatoes have useful properties. A candle no more than 3 cm long is cut out of raw potatoes, inserted into the anus at night. To enhance the effect, it can be smeared with honey.


Ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be prepared at home based on honey, petroleum jelly or animal fat with the addition of medicinal components.

Popular homemade ointment recipes:

  1. Grated propolis is added to any of the listed bases, previously melted in a water bath, and mixed. The resulting mixture is cooled in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied daily at bedtime.
  2. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and honey are mixed with the same amount of grated laundry soap. Used for daily treatment.
  3. Streptocid in the amount of 10 tablets must be crushed, mixed with any base, for example, 30 g of petroleum jelly. The finished ointment is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the sore spot.


Diet is one of the important conditions for successful treatment, since malnutrition is one of the main risk factors for developing hemorrhoids. Without limiting harmful products, achieve a cure even for early stages disease will fail.

Patients with hemorrhoidal disease are recommended diet No. 3 according to Pevzner. It is aimed at increasing the peristalsis of the colon and fighting constipation. Implies frequent fractional nutrition small portions at the same time. This is necessary for the formation of a conditioned reflex: the production of digestive juices at the same time of day will improve the digestion process and normalize bowel function. To soften the stool and reduce constipation, food should be consumed in boiled, stewed, baked, steamed form. Rough food irritates the intestinal mucosa. In addition, too hot or cold food is not recommended.

A feature of nutrition for hemorrhoids is:

  • the use of a large amount of digestive fibers and a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • exclusion of spicy, smoked, fried, fatty foods, fast food;
  • refusal of carbonated sugary drinks, strong coffee and tea.

It is required to increase the amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, cereals. Its increased amount is found in wheat bran, flax seeds, sea kale. They are additionally included in the diet. This is necessary due to the fact that fiber softens feces, stimulates intestinal motility, removes toxins and toxins.

Since dietary fiber absorbs a lot of water, its amount is increased to 1.5-2 liters. You must first consult a doctor: with certain pathologies of the heart and kidneys, a large amount of fluid is contraindicated.

Carbonated sweet drinks lead to flatulence. caffeine in large quantities causes constipation. This is due to the dehydration that coffee drinkers can develop. Drinking food is not recommended: it disrupts the process of digestion of food due to the dilution of gastric and pancreatic juices. Water should be drunk 30 minutes before a meal, hot drinks - 40-60 minutes after it.

It is recommended to stop drinking any alcohol-containing drinks, even low-alcohol ones. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, dehydration (because alcohol, like caffeine, acts as a diuretic), constipation. With regular intake of alcoholic beverages, pancreatitis develops with diarrhea, which also exacerbates hemorrhoids.

When compiling a menu and preparing dishes, you can use a special table indicating calories, a list of prohibited and permitted foods. Diet number 3 is energetically complete, designed not only to eliminate constipation and increase intestinal motility, but also to prevent obesity. Excess weight is one of the unfavorable risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, the calorie content is 2200 kcal / day.

Exercise for hemorrhoids

In terms of treating hemorrhoids at home, there should be exercises with specially designed exercises. Physical inactivity is a dangerous risk factor. Lack of mobility, a sedentary lifestyle lead to the appearance of painful varicose nodes in the rectum.

The most accessible method of dealing with hypodynamia is walking. A person must take at least 10,000 steps throughout the day. Light jogging, swimming, dancing, yoga are useful.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, there are many specially designed techniques that include useful exercises. They can be easily done at home. To achieve a quick effect, you need to practice 2 times a day, for 15 minutes. Exercises to help get rid of hemorrhoids in short time, do not cause difficulties in implementation:

  • bike;
  • birch;
  • scissors;
  • bridge.

Especially useful. They can be performed anywhere, at any time and in any position (sitting, standing, lying down). They consist in tension and relaxation:

  • rectal muscles, as if trying to hold on to flatus;
  • muscles of the perineum, resembling the process of interrupting urination.

It is necessary to slowly and smoothly retract the anus with force, straining and alternately relaxing the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Similarly, strain and relax the muscles of the perineum. These exercises well increase the muscle tone of the pelvic floor and rectum, relieving constipation and reducing the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


  • static loads with weight lifting (strength sports - barbell);
  • exercises for swinging the press with sharp bends and turns of the body;
  • sharp swings with legs;
  • deep squats;
  • extreme sport.

Elimination of constipation is the main condition for recovery

Constipation is closely related to the development of hemorrhoids. It is difficult emptying, daily straining during defecation that causes a pathological expansion of the cavernous vascular bodies of the rectum, their expansion, stagnation of blood and protrusion of individual sections with the formation of hemorrhoids. If constipation is not treated, other treatments will not be effective. Therefore, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, efforts should be made to get rid of constipation.

  • follow a diet - eat laxative foods, exclude foods that lead to constipation;
  • 30 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of sulfate mineral water containing magnesium (at least a month);
  • 15-20 minutes before going to the toilet, use a cold rectal suppository (glycerin, with papaverine) in order to develop a conditioned reflex for emptying the intestines;
  • modify lifestyle (increase motor activity, fight weakness, give up bad habits);
  • conduct massage courses;
  • do special gymnastics;
  • avoid stress;
  • take the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home: doctor's opinion

Hemorrhoids is a disease that progresses without treatment and is complicated by severe changes in the rectum, venous vessels and varicose veins. This may require urgent surgery to remove the nodes. Therefore, at the first signs of this pathology, it is necessary to contact a proctologist, be examined and begin the prescribed therapy. It is not recommended to take medications on your own and even perform massage, special physical activity and exercises. Improper treatment at home without first consulting a specialist can worsen the condition. In the absence of such an opportunity, before the professional appointment of therapy by a doctor, you should immediately begin to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Agree treat hemorrhoids And cure- not the same. There are many folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids, however, not all of them are equally effective. In this article, we will tell you what medicines for hemorrhoids exist, how to cure external and internal hemorrhoids at home, why hemorrhoids cannot be treated with advanced forms of the disease. folk remedies and what other methods of treatment of hemorrhoids offers modern medicine.

Haemorrhoids - pathological deformation of the veins in the anal sphincter, accompanied by itching, inflammation, hemorrhoidal bleeding and protruding out hemorrhoids.

Both women and men of any age who suffer from chronic constipation, have a sedentary job, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and are overweight suffer from hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are three times more common in men than in women. Hemorrhoids in women can develop as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, when the fetus compresses the veins of the small pelvis and rectum.

Hemorrhoids - symptoms:

Symptoms of hemorrhoids begin with minor discomfort and worsen as the disease progresses. The main symptoms of hemorrhoids, manifested as the disease progresses, are as follows:

  • discomfort, itching, burning in the anus;
  • pain in the anus when straining and defecation;
  • the occurrence of a hemorrhoidal bump near the anus (with external hemorrhoids);
  • feeling of unsatisfactory defecation and incomplete emptying of the intestine (with internal hemorrhoids);
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • protrusion of hemorrhoids during bowel movements;
  • prolapse of a hemorrhoid;
  • prolapse of several hemorrhoids;
  • the formation of non-healing fistulas and ulcers of the rectum;
  • gangrene of strangulated hemorrhoids;
  • failure of the internal sphincter of the rectum and fecal incontinence.

All these symptoms can be present at the same time only in very advanced cases. The presence of certain symptoms depends on the type of hemorrhoids, the degree of its development and associated complications.

There are four stages in the development of hemorrhoids.

Stage 1: In the initial stage of the disease, hemorrhoids are manifested by bulging veins inside the rectum, inflammation and itching in the anal sphincter area.

Stage 2: As the disease progresses, there is bleeding from the anus during defecation, at first small, noticeable only as traces of blood on toilet paper.

3rd stage; When straining, they bulge outward hemorrhoids, which spontaneously retract. There may be significant bleeding.

Stage 4: Hemorrhoids stop retracting on their own and have to be removed inside by mechanical efforts. At the last stage, partial prolapse of the lower rectum through the anus may occur. Fistulas, ulcers, anal fissures develop.

Causes and symptoms

It is currently impossible to name exactly what causes influence the occurrence of internal hemorrhoids, but some factors predisposing to pathology can be named. The impact of these on the human body significantly increases the risk of developing internal hemorrhoids.

These factors include:

  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, namely, constipation, which causes an increase in intra-intestinal pressure;
  • an inadequate human diet, namely, the consumption of a small amount of foods containing vegetable fiber, as well as water, which is necessary to soften the feces;
  • alcohol abuse often causes hemorrhoids in men;
  • periods of pregnancy and childbirth (in this case, an increase in the size of the uterus contributes to exerting strong pressure on the intestines, which can directly cause the occurrence of hemorrhoids);
  • hard physical work.

The presence of at least one of the above factors can affect the development of congestion in the rectum and, in fact, hemorrhoids. With an increase in the volume of blood in the rectum, there is an increase in pressure on the venous walls, which causes dystrophic changes in them. Summing up the results of the research, we can conclude that this disease is more common in females.

What symptoms will occur in a particular case depends on what stage of development of the disease, what is the size of the node, what primary disease caused it, and what complications are present. It is worth considering all the symptoms depending on the stage of development of the pathology of the rectum:

1 stage

As a rule, at the beginning of the development of such a disease that develops in the human body, the symptoms are rather blurred or completely absent. There may be only slight discomfort in the anus, but not severe pain.

2 stage

At this stage of the development of the disease, an increase in the size of the hemorrhoidal internal nodes occurs, which causes a narrowing of the intestinal lumen. In the process of defecation, fecal masses touch the node, contributing to the occurrence of pain and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa around the protrusion. A large volume of fluid is released from the intestines, which is the cause of itching and burning in the anus. Also at this stage, bleeding occurs, especially when the feces come out. Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with bleeding should be started as soon as possible to avoid dangerous complications, namely the development of anemia.

3 stage

The progressive course of the pathology is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, which prevents a person from defecation freely (both at the psychological level and at the physical level). In this case, there is a significant stretching of the intestinal walls, rupture of the mucous membrane and the formation of cracks, feces with blood. Bleeding is a mandatory symptom of the development of hemorrhoids at the 3rd stage.

How to treat internal hemorrhoids? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Conservative treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Conservative local treatment of internal hemorrhoids involves the use of ointments and creams for external therapy and suppositories for insertion into the rectum. The main goals of treatment with local drugs can be called:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • prevention and therapy of thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • getting rid of the inflammatory process;
  • therapy and prevention of such complications as bleeding from the node, but only with a small amount of it (abundant blood loss requires treatment by surgery).

Pain in the rectal area may be the result of such pathological processes: anal fissure, nodular thrombosis, inflammation in the hemorrhoidal formation. Manufacturers of well-known brands of drugs against hemorrhoids took into account this fact and included analgesic components in the composition of drugs.

The most common topical remedies that help relieve the pain of internal hemorrhoids are:

  • Ointment Aurobin. The drug in the development of internal hemorrhoids can be applied to the nodes by internal injection into the rectum using a cotton swab. Despite the effectiveness, the drug has contraindications. So, an allergic reaction to the drug can be observed, which is expressed in the appearance of an itchy syndrome and skin rash. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to complete the treatment with ointment and visit a proctologist for advice and selection of another medication. It is also forbidden to use the ointment with the concomitant development of such pathologies as syphilis, ringworm, tuberculous rash, herpes, dermatitis, rosacea. During pregnancy and children under 1 year of age, the drug is not prescribed.

  • Ultraproject. The medicine for internal hemorrhoids can be used both in the form of an ointment and in the form of suppositories. Contraindications to prescribing the drug are: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the period of pregnancy (especially the 1st trimester), syphilitic or tuberculous rash, which is observed in the area of ​​​​the necessary application, viral or fungal lesions of the skin in the rectal zone. It is forbidden to use the medicine and children.
  • Proctoglivenol. This remedy for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids is prohibited for use in the presence of individual intolerance to its constituent components, the development of a disease such as liver failure, as well as women during pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester) and children. During the periods of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of the "interesting position", the use of the ointment is allowed, but only if the potential benefit outweighs the possible harm to the mother and fetus.
  • Nefluan. A local remedy is not prescribed for women during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, for children under 16 years of age. Special attention requires the appointment of ointment to the elderly.
  • Relief. Candles with this name are forbidden to be used by people suffering from diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, thyroid pathologies, women during pregnancy and lactation, people with existing individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

If complications are observed in the development of internal hemorrhoids (for example, when nodular thrombosis is diagnosed or heavy bleeding occurs), local treatment may be somewhat different:

  • Proctosedyl. The drug is prescribed both in the form of an ointment and in the form of capsules. The composition of such a drug contains components that thin the blood, anti-inflammatory hormones, antibiotics and venotonics.
  • Gepatrombin G. Thanks to the components included in the composition, there is a resorption of blood clots, a decrease in swelling and inflammation, the intensity of the pain syndrome.
  • Adroxon. Candles help not only to get rid of bleeding during bowel movements, but also have an anti-inflammatory, venotonic effect. The tool will help to quickly relieve pain.
  • If frequent and severe constipation is observed, drugs with a laxative effect are prescribed. These include candles and tablets, for example, Gutallax, Evacuol, Prelax.

Surgical treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Getting rid of internal hemorrhoids at a late stage is not so easy. Conservative therapy is no longer effective, as well as the treatment of internal hemorrhoids with folk remedies, which is the reason for using the only true method of treatment - surgery. Only in this way can a person return to a normal lifestyle.

The most effective ways to perform an operation to eliminate internal hemorrhoids are:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy. Surgery is performed using general anesthesia in a hospital setting. During the operation, the specialist performs the excision of a part of the tissues that are located above the hemorrhoid. Next, you need to pinch the legs, excise the node itself, and suture the mucosa. It is worth noting that such an operation can lead to dangerous complications. For example, urinary or fecal incontinence (as well as retention), bleeding, anal fissure, and inflammation at the site of surgery may occur.
  • Transanal resection of the rectal mucosa. During the operation, a circular resection of the mucous membrane is performed in the area above the dentate line, after which it is sutured with titanium brackets. The direct hemorrhoid is not touched, because after surgery it pulls itself up. The node no longer receives such an amount of blood as before, which causes it to self-overgrow.

Alternative treatment of internal hemorrhoids

It is possible to cure internal hemorrhoids at home only at the initial stage of its development and only in combination with the prescriptions of the attending physician.

Effective folk remedies for such an ailment are presented in the form of herbs that are used for internal therapy. In the event that the internal hemorrhoid is localized near the anus, herbs can be used in the preparation of baths or for the preparation of therapeutic tampons.

So, to alleviate the patient's condition, you can use the following folk remedies for internal hemorrhoids:

  • Nettle, dandelion, St. John's wort. Any of these herbs can be taken to prepare an infusion, which is taken orally one sip before meals. One tablespoon is enough for 1 cup of boiling water, after which the product must be infused for a day in a dark place.
  • Celandine. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to finely chop the dry grass and pour it into a jar, then pour boiling water into it and leave to infuse for one week. The finished product is recommended to drink before meals in the amount of one tablespoon. Also in the infusion, you can moisten a swab for internal administration, which is made from gauze.
  • Chamomile, flax, oak bark. Pour boiling water over the components in equal volumes and leave to infuse in a dark place for ten hours. The finished drug is drunk before meals in a volume of 100 ml.
  • Rose hip. Crushed fruits in the amount of one tablespoon must be poured into a jar, into which then pour boiling water. For infusion, the remedy is placed in a dark place for a day. Ready infusion is drunk throughout the day in small sips. They say that if you use this remedy for prevention, you can forget about hemorrhoids forever.

Herbs can be added to traditional sitz baths. It can be, for example, St. John's wort, chamomile or oak bark. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at least several times a day. Sitz baths are especially effective after a bowel movement. Thanks to this therapy, puffiness can be removed and the intensity of the pain syndrome can be reduced.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home also involves maintaining a proper diet. It is worth including foods with sufficient fiber content, which helps prevent constipation. Useful consumption of fruits (fresh, dried), cereals, vegetables. It is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible in any form (tea, compote, fruit drink, etc.).

Any disease, including hemorrhoids, can be completely cured, but only at an early stage of its development. You should not start the course of pathology, because this is the only way to prevent dangerous and irreversible consequences.

Causes of hemorrhoids

To prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids, one should clearly understand the factors that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. For the development of varicose pathology proper (weakness of the vascular walls, varicose veins and the appearance of nodes) in the perianal region, a provocative condition is necessary:

  • inactivity (sedentary lifestyle - a direct path to hemorrhoids);
  • inadequate bowel function (frequent constipation / diarrhea);
  • malnutrition (overeating leading to obesity, leaning on spicy / salty foods increases the burden on the intestines as a whole, increases pressure on the rectum and irritates its mucous membrane);
  • alcohol abuse (alcohol increases blood flow to the small pelvis, and its regular use negatively affects the vascular wall);
  • lifting weights professionally or as a hobby (athletes-siloviks, loaders and people engaged in heavy physical labor should understand that their occupation is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids);
  • anal sex (non-traditional types of sexual pleasure lead to excessive compression of the hemorrhoidal plexus and stretching of the rectal ligaments, which provokes hemorrhoids);
  • inflammatory pathology and tumor diseases of the small pelvis;
  • pregnancy (hemorrhoids in women appear during the bearing of the baby, especially not the first one).

It is wrong to believe that hemorrhoidal disease is an exclusively "adult" pathology. In children, the development of hemorrhoids occurs against the background of frequent constipation, prolonged sitting on the potty and regular hysterical crying. However, in children, hemorrhoids are treated more effectively due to timely treatment, age-related elasticity of blood vessels and the ability to recover during the growth period.


Contacting a qualified specialist when the first “troubles” appear (itching, feeling of a foreign body in the rectum, burning) is the key to successful treatment and minimal exacerbations. With the development of pathology - feces with blood, prolapse of hemorrhoids - therapeutic measures become more complicated and take a longer period.

It should be remembered that hemorrhoids can be located inside the rectum and not be visually fixed at the initial stages. Internal hemorrhoids are detected only with manual or instrumental (sigmoidoscopy, etc.) examination of the intestine.

Important! Treatment of hemorrhoids - the choice of drugs and instrumental methods - depends on the stage of the pathology.

Questions for patients with hemorrhoids

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids?

A specialist in the treatment of hemorrhoids is a proctologist. It is he who assesses the patient's condition, prescribes special instrumental and laboratory tests, and, taking into account all the nuances of the development of the disease, chooses the method of treatment. Before a visit to the proctologist, it is recommended to clean the rectum with an enema (with a decoction of chamomile, microclyster Microlax) or taking a laxative. With severe soreness and bleeding, the specialist will conduct an examination without prior preparation.

Can you get rid of hemorrhoids on your own?

Independent use of ointments and suppositories, treatment with home remedies can temporarily alleviate the condition. However, this can aggravate the pathology, because even more serious ailments can “imitate” hemorrhoids: cancer and other pathologies of the rectum. Self-medication is not enough to completely get rid of hemorrhoidal pathology, and the lack of complex therapy is fraught with the development of complications (pinching of nodes, bleeding, fistula formation).

Is it possible to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery?

Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery is advisable only at the initial stages of its development. Drug treatment can be supplemented by minimally invasive removal of dilated veins (sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, etc.). Prolonged heavy bleeding for more than 1 hour and the formed fistula serve as an indication for the surgical removal of the varicose vein.

How to treat hemorrhoids while breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the main therapeutic direction will be the elimination of unpleasant symptoms and the rationalization of lifestyle (motor mode, nutrition correction). Due to the inability to take certain drugs due to the possible effect on the fetus or newborn through mother's milk, the list of drugs is rather limited.

Can hemorrhoids be permanently cured?

You should not trust commercials that claim that some drug has been created that permanently relieves hemorrhoids. Even low-traumatic cauterization of varicose veins and cryodestruction only eliminate one or more pathological areas, but this is not a guarantee that currently healthy vessels are involved in varicose changes. Only timely complex therapy and revision of life rules can prevent complications and reduce the frequency of exacerbations to a minimum.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Treatment of hemorrhoids can hardly be called easy, one cannot get rid of the disease with candles and ointments. A comprehensive scheme for the treatment of varicose pathology of the rectum consists of drug therapy, instrumental methods and surgery according to indications. However, all this will have a short-term result if a person does not radically change his own life.

Medical treatment

  1. Leveling of pain symptoms (suppositories with papaverine, Anestezol, etc.).
  2. The appeared cracks in the anus require the use of antiseptics and wound healing ointments (baths with furatsilin, Levomekol ointment, suppositories with sea buckthorn). Effective suppositories and ointment Relief, which have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostatic properties.
  3. To prevent thrombosis (thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node is a frequent complication of the disease), I use blood-thinning drugs (Gepatrombin, Proctosedil);
  4. Venotonic (improving the condition of the venous walls) therapy - Detralex, Troxevasin, etc.

Important! Alternative methods (baths with chamomile, egg yolk treatment, etc.) are symptomatic treatment, not replacing medication, but only enhancing its effectiveness. You should not trust all the recipes heard by word of mouth from relatives, acquaintances or found on the Internet.

Minimally invasive methods

Modern medicine has in its arsenal several low-traumatic methods that can quickly cure the hemorrhoidal area through a specific effect on it:

  1. At stages I-II, it is advisable to carry out sclerotherapy or laser photocoagulation. Under the action of a special substance or laser, the varicose vein is glued together, emptied and then gradually resolves.
  2. At II-III stages of hemorrhoids, the question of the advisability of cryodestruction (the vessel is frozen with liquid nitrogen) or ligation (the introduction of latex rings into the rectum) is being decided.

Surgical intervention

Complicated external hemorrhoids, prolapse and pinching of internal nodes, as well as the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and frequent exacerbations are indications for the most radical method - surgical excision of a pathologically dilated vein.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

The following activities will not only prevent the development of hemorrhoidal pathology. Without these measures, it is hardly possible to achieve the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of exacerbations.

Life is motion.

Even with sedentary work, you should take a 10-15-minute break every hour to stretch a little and walk around, and a soft chair needs to be replaced with a hard seat. Daily walks, exercises will have an extremely favorable effect on general health and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant ailment. If possible, you should do exercises on the abdominal muscles, forcing the intestines to work and increasing blood circulation. With heavy physical exertion and the onset of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to think about changing jobs. Heavy lifting should be limited as much as possible.

Proper nutrition - healthy intestines

1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, the maximum inclusion of vegetable fibers (vegetables, bran, etc.) in the diet and the exclusion of flour products (pasta, white bread) will prevent constipation and help cleanse the entire intestine from toxins. The diet also implies the exclusion of spicy dishes and fast food products. Excess hot spices, fatty / fried foods provoke intestinal problems and irritate inflamed varicose tracts. Lactic acid products, mineral water will support the intestinal microflora and simplify the act of defecation.

Defecation: easy and unproblematic.

Frequent constipation, excessive straining during bowel movements provoke exacerbation and increase bleeding of varicose veins. Adjusted nutrition, taking laxatives and microclysters (frequent use leads to intestinal atony!) will eliminate problems with bowel movements and prevent prolonged sitting in the bathroom. Patients with hemorrhoids should be more careful about hygiene: toilet paper should be chosen softer, and if possible, replace it with washing. This will prevent the appearance of cracks and their inflammation.

Pregnancy is not a reason to worry about hemorrhoids.

Proportionate physical activity, periods of rest will reduce the pressure on the rectum as much as possible. The rejection of tight belts, bandages and tight clothing applies not only to women in position, but to all people.

Modern methods will not be able to completely get rid of hemorrhoids and prevent their reappearance. However, complex qualified treatment in combination with the introduction of certain rules of life will help to avoid complications and frequent relapses.

Surgical intervention

What does a hemorrhoid look like initial stage? These are reddened areas of the mucous membrane with small nodules that are located inside or outside the anus.

Cure hemorrhoids in really gentle ways. They all take little time, do not require general anesthesia (and therefore do not put a strain on the heart and respiratory organs).

Such surgical interventions are indicated for patients of any age. Although proctologists try to improve blood circulation in the anus in pregnant and lactating women with pharmacological agents, this is not always possible. Then low-traumatic manipulations come to the rescue.

Modern surgery offers several methods for solving the problem:

  • sclerotation. How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage? A little drug is injected into the lumen of the vessel. Chemicals cause subsidence;
  • doping. The method is ideal for single buds and larger knots. A ring is put on the leg of the neoplasm. It blocks the trophism and innervation of the mucosal area. After 10 days, the bump is completely necrotic and comes out with the ring during defecation. The method does not cause any harm to the digestive organs and can be used to correct initial stage hemorrhoids in patients with cardiovascular pathologies;
  • coagulation. With the help of high temperature or even a laser, the inflamed areas of the hemorrhoidal vein are removed. The method is safe and effective not only when the first stages of hemorrhoids, but also in advanced conditions with anal fissures, strangulated bumps and other pathologies.

Folk methods

Beginning hemorrhoids can really be stopped with the help of natural recipes based on plant extracts. To do this, experts suggest using:

  • grated potato compresses. The tuber quickly relieves inflammation and swelling, eliminates itching and discomfort after a long sitting or defecation. Compresses are applied for 40 minutes before bedtime. The remains of the product are removed with a paper towel;
  • hemorrhoids treatment at home includes a variety of sitz baths. They are prepared from plant extracts rich in flavonoids. For therapy, an infusion of horse sorrel, oak bark, red clover is used. Plants are brewed individually or take 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for an hour. Cool down the night. Before going to bed, take a sitz bath for 30 minutes. The recipe promises to cure hemorrhoids in the initial stages;
  • propolis and honey ointment is suitable for those who are not allergic to bee products. To prepare, melt the ingredients in a water bath. Take 10 grams of propolis, 50 grams of light beeswax, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (you can even olive oil), the same amount of liquid honey. Mix all components thoroughly. After cooling, apply a little ointment to the nodes and bumps outside and inside the anus. Hemorrhoids in the initial stage respond positively to manipulation. Small expansions of the veins of the anus disappear in a couple of days. The product is applied at least 4 times a day. After 2 weeks of therapy, be sure to take a break for 7 days. If necessary, after that you can continue to treat beginner hemorrhoids. The tool is delicate and safe, so with its help the therapy of pregnant women and nursing mothers is real.


Symptoms of a beginning proctological ailment are easy to stop with the help of preventive measures. If they are performed healthy people, then the chances of getting hemorrhoids are reduced several times.

  • review nutrition. Exclude fried and baked dishes, sausages, meat and fish delicacies. Banned sweets, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, strong coffee. The basis of the diet is vegetables, meat and fish of low-fat varieties. The presence of fiber is essential. She does not have energy value, but performs a number of important functions in the body. For example, it serves as a breeding ground for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms. In the early stages of a proctological disease, constipation occurs. Fiber is able to defeat congestion. It mechanically irritates the intestines, activates motility. The initial stage of hemorrhoids with regular use of cellulose is no longer accompanied by digestive problems;
  • movement. To combat physical inactivity, you need to regularly walk, ride a bike or swim in the pool for 30 minutes a day. Such physical activity is feasible for people of any age and complexion;
  • keep the water balance. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day. This will prevent the formation of blood clots, congestion in the intestines and other problems of a similar nature. Distribute your water intake evenly to avoid swelling;
  • limit yourself from stress. Negative experiences cause a violation of the innervation of the mucous membrane and muscle ring. Therefore, during periods of stress, take magnesium supplements or mild sedatives. They will set you in a positive mood and help you resist nervous shocks.

What provokes the development of the disease?

To understand how to treat hemorrhoids until the negative symptoms disappear completely, you should understand what this disease is and what provokes the occurrence of a pathogenic process.

Hemorrhoidal disease is understood as varicose cavernous formations that are located under the mucous membrane of the rectal canal and under the skin of the perianal zone.

Cavernous bodies - weaves of venous and arterial vessels, which are laid during the intrauterine formation of the fetus. In the normal state, hemorrhoid caverns are involved in the retention of feces and gases in the rectal canal.

Factors that affect the body as a whole or directly on the anorectal region can also provoke the disease. Physicians conditionally subdivide them into predisposing and producing. And only after the establishment and exclusion of such "provocateurs" can hemorrhoids be cured.

Predisposing causes

In patients with hemorrhoidal disease, a hereditary history is usually burdened. That is why the main predisposing factor is considered "bad" heredity, which is manifested by a tendency to varicose veins and problems with the operation of venous valves.

In the latter case, a disturbed valvular mechanism leads to an increased flow of arterial blood to the cavernous formations, resulting in stagnation and overflow of blood in the veins, which increase in size.

Is it possible to completely cure hemorrhoids caused by such vascular pathologies? Unfortunately no. In such cases, doctors prescribe maintenance treatment with venotonic drugs, which must be taken constantly so that the disease does not progress to a more severe stage.

Another predisposing factor is low mobility, which leads to congestion in the pelvic region. The risk group includes people whose professions involve a long being in a standing or sitting position:

  • office workers;
  • drivers;
  • teachers;
  • "computers";
  • hairdressers;
  • cashiers, etc.

Producing causes

Constant increased physical activity leads to an increase in blood pressure inside the peritoneum. As a result, the cavernous bodies overflow with blood and begin to "swell", turning into varicose hemorrhoidal nodules.

Risk of getting similarly hemorrhoids:

  • people whose profession is connected with the lifting and carrying of gravity;
  • weightlifters.

Constant stress, depressive states are also a provoking factor for hemorrhoids. As a result of an “unbalanced” psycho-emotional state, defecation may be disturbed, and the immune system also suffers.

Able to provoke proctological pathology and difficulty with defecation. Hard fecal masses damage the bulging cavernous bodies, causing bleeding, and constant straining leads to increased blood flow to venous accumulations in the rectum.

An improper diet leads to constipation, and, consequently, to the development of hemorrhoidal disease. Enthusiasm for unhealthy food (salinity, marinades, smoked meats, alcoholic beverages) interferes with the normal functioning of the entire digestive tract.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cure hemorrhoids forever depends, among other things, on the factor provoking the disease. Taking medications and even surgery will not bring the desired result if you do not get rid of, for example, constipation or increase physical activity.

Exercise for hemorrhoids

One of the ways to cure hemorrhoids at home is sports and special exercises. According to proctologists, moderate physical activity strengthens the muscles of the rectal canal and perianal region.

When performing exercises, the patient should carefully listen to his own body. All movements should be smooth, painless and carefully calibrated. The volume of loads and the number of approaches must be increased carefully.

  • ordinary walks;
  • swedish walking;
  • skiing;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • yoga;
  • easy run.

Such physical activity effectively trains vascular system, improves blood circulation in the body, saturates it with oxygen, which helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoids.

There are also a special set of exercises in the arsenal of proctologists - Kegel exercises. Initially, this gymnastic complex was developed for young mothers in order to quickly strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs at home.

Do gymnastics first easiest on the back:

  • lower limbs bend at the knees, and press the feet to the floor;
  • the pelvic muscles contract so that the contraction of the anal valve and the retraction of the anus are felt;
  • in a similar state should remain at least 3 seconds;
  • the anal valve is relaxed;
  • the duration of the contraction must be increased to 60 seconds.

To achieve a positive result, you should perform 10 approaches 4 times a day. Kegel exercises can also be done in a sitting or standing position.

How to treat hemorrhoids with diet?

Treatment of hemorrhoids includes another important point - a balanced diet.

Proctologists have even developed a special diet for hemorrhoids, indicated for anal varicose veins and constipation. It is founded on several principles:

  1. To eliminate difficulties with bowel movements and get rid of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to consume laxative foods that contain natural dietary fiber. Fruits, cereals and bran stimulate the motor function of the digestive tract.
  2. It is also important to observe the drinking regime, using more pure non-carbonated water, which helps to normalize the mineral balance in the blood. Dietary fibers also swell from the liquid, as a result of which the feces become softer and more elastic.
  3. To prevent attacks of acute hemorrhoids, it is necessary to stop eating foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This category includes spicy, sour and pickled foods.
  4. Is it possible to strengthen blood vessels with nutrition? Yes, if you include in the diet low-fat meat and fish dishes that contain important vitamins and fatty acids for the body, which reduce brittleness blood vessels.
  5. The list of prohibited foods includes foods that cause fermentation processes in the digestive tract. This group includes white cabbage, legumes, black bread and muffins. You should also give up sweets.
  6. You also need to prepare food properly. It is not recommended to fry and smoke dishes. The most suitable cooking methods are boiling, poaching or using a steam bath.
  7. It is important to split up the daily volume of food - eat 5-6 times in small portions. Overeating is just as dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract as eating forbidden foods.


However, a diet is not always able to get rid of problems with bowel movements. In this case, the doctor may prescribe laxatives to help improve intestinal motility.

Today, proctologists most often prescribe safe laxatives such as:

  • Duphalac. This syrup containing lactulose belongs to the osmotic agents. The intestinal microflora breaks down the active ingredient into compounds that increase the volume of fecal matter and stimulate their release from their rectum;
  • Forlax. The powder contains ethylene glycol, which holds fluid in the intestine at the atomic level. That is, the volume of intestinal contents increases, the feces swell and stimulate the walls of the intestine. As a result, peristalsis increases, and the body gets rid of toxins;
  • Mukofalk. This phytopreparation contains crushed psyllium skins. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they absorb liquid, increasing in volume. This action helps to increase the amount of intestinal contents and soften the feces;
  • glycerin suppositories. Another safe natural medicine. The active ingredient, when penetrating into the anal canal, irritates nerve receptors and softens fecal matter;
  • Microlax. The drug is produced in the form of a solution contained in small enemas. The ingredients included in the preparation break down feces and displace water from the contents of the intestine. Similar effects lead to an early bowel movement.

Each of these drugs is a drug approved during pregnancy and lactation. However, at the same time, they all have certain contraindications and adverse reactions, so it is better to discuss the use of laxatives with a specialist.

How to treat hemorrhoids: effective drugs

In the initial stages, a simple normalization of defecation processes allows you to forget about the first symptoms once and for all. However, laxatives do not cure hemorrhoids.

System Tools

To improve the tone of the veins, to increase the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids, venotonic drugs are used. Their medicinal properties are due to such active ingredients as diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, etc.

Most often prescribed the following venotonic medicines:

  • Detralex. This is perhaps the most common drug of venotonic action. The components included in its composition increase venous tone, strengthen the vascular walls, reduce their fragility. Such qualities allow you to cure hemorrhoids completely in the early stages;
  • Venarus. It is a generic of the previous remedy and has almost the same healing properties. Due to the lower cost, it is Venarus that becomes the drug of choice for many Russian patients;
  • Phlebodia 600. Also applies to venotonics. The drug improves lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, which reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. The agent additionally increases venous tone and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Troxevasin. Another representative of venotonic drugs. The active ingredient reduces the swelling of venous congestion and reduces inflammation by reducing the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and strengthening them.

Hemorrhoids are treated with herbal preparations and dietary supplements. They contain plant extracts - as a rule, horse chestnut and ginkgo biloba.

These substances are also natural venotonics and act similarly to the above remedies. The most popular drugs are Litovit B, Ginkor Fort, Hemoroidin.

Local therapy

Simultaneously with venotonics, topical preparations are also prescribed: ointments, rectal suppositories, creams and gels. They contain a variety of active ingredients that help get rid of itching, pain, bleeding, inflammation.

However, it is important to understand that such hemorrhoid medications can only be used for symptomatic therapy. It is practically impossible to completely get rid of the disease itself, negative signs will recede only for a while.

Can external hemorrhoids be treated? such ointments as:

  • Relief and Relief Advance;
  • Bezornil;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • Proctosan etc.

From hemorrhoids of internal localization, both ointments and specialized rectal suppositories are used. Among the most popular anal inserts include:

  • Relief, Relief Advance, Relief Ultra;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Ultraproct;
  • candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • suppositories with belladonna;
  • Posterisan for hemorrhoids;
  • Natalsid, etc.

Minimally invasive techniques

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly? In cases where cavernous formations are not able to independently return to the rectal canal after exit, drugs alone are no longer enough.

In such situations, as well as with excessively large hemorrhoidal nodules, doctors prescribe minimally invasive methods of treatment, which are distinguished by a quick effect and a gentle effect.

Ligation of nodules with latex rings

A fairly simple, minimally invasive method that cures internal hemorrhoidal nodules. The procedure is performed without hospitalization and under local anesthesia. The surgeon applies latex ligatures to individual cavernous bodies.

Such rings mechanically squeeze the base of the nodules, which leads to the cessation of its blood supply. After about 14 days, the tissues captured by the ligature die off, and the lump comes out of the rectum along with feces.

Among the limitations for such manipulation include:

  • exacerbated hemorrhoids;
  • fuzzy border between rectal and external nodules;
  • paraproctitis;
  • rectal fissures.


Such procedures in the early stages can effectively remove hemorrhoids, and in the later stages they can stop bleeding and prepare the patient for more serious surgical intervention.

For manipulation, a special device (syringe and anascope) is used, as well as a sclerosant solution that glues the walls of blood vessels, so that the hemorrhoids fall off and stop being fed with blood.

procedure not performed when:

  • exacerbated hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the lower rectum;
  • pararectal abscess;
  • rectal fissures.

infrared photocoagulation

A similar procedure is carried out using a special device - an infrared coagulator.

This aggregate produces radiation, which, penetrating into the tissues of the cavernous formation, cauterizes them and leads to the coagulation of the protein compounds contained in the walls of the vessels.

Coagulation with infrared radiation in hemorrhoids is especially indicated for the treatment of rectal hemorrhoidal disease of the initial stages, which is accompanied by bleeding. In severe forms, this method is combined with other minimally invasive techniques.

Is infrared coagulation always allowed? No, this procedure has contraindications:

  • anal fissures;
  • fistulas of the rectal canal;
  • cryptite;
  • mixed form of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

Laser coagulation

How to remove hemorrhoids with a laser? Such a procedure is simple. A directed laser beam burns out cavernous formations, as a result of which they first decrease in size, and then completely disappear, leaving connective tissue.

The most effective laser coagulation for 2 and 3 degrees of the pathological process. The procedure is prescribed for all forms of the disease, it is even indicated for thrombosed nodules, but they should first be treated.

Restrictions include:

  • the last stage of hemorrhoidal disease (low efficiency);
  • infection in the anorectal region.


This procedure is understood as a constriction of the arterial channels that feed the cavernous formations. Surgical intervention is carried out by specialists using a special apparatus under the control of ultrasonic sensors.

Such manipulation is indicated for all patients, regardless of the stage and form of the pathological process (it treats both external and internal hemorrhoids), which distinguishes it favorably from other minimally invasive techniques.

Main contraindications to the procedure:

  • bearing a child;
  • infections in the rectal canal;
  • pararectal abscess;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids.


This procedure is understood as the instantaneous freezing of cavernous formations with liquid nitrogen, which cools the tissues to almost a temperature of -200 degrees. The affected areas die off very quickly and are passed out in the feces.

The procedure is not used when:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • inflammation of the rectum;
  • pararectal abscess.

If you want to fast treatment, hemorrhoids are affected using the above minimally invasive techniques. They are distinguished by safety, sufficient efficiency and a short recovery period.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

In especially severe cases, proctologists decide on the appointment of a radical surgical intervention.

Hemorrhoidectomy - this is the name of the excision of cavernous formations - is used in the last stages of the disease, when a person cannot live normally.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. The nodule is cut, and in its opening, using a scalpel or a laser device, the damaged mucosa is excised or the vascular base of the cone is pulled.

After all the manipulations, the wound surfaces are either sutured (with closed type surgical operation), or left intact (in the case of an open form of intervention).

Hemorrhoids cured in this way do not return in almost 95% of cases, although with minimally invasive methods, the likelihood of relapse is much higher. But the full course of rehabilitation for hemorrhoidectomy is much longer - about 4-6 weeks.

Is hemorrhoids treated with folk remedies?

Despite not a huge number of pharmaceutical anti-hemorrhoidal drugs, many patients are still thinking about how to quickly cure hemorrhoids at home.

But still, it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease completely with the help of alternative medicine. Moreover, the refusal to use drugs can only aggravate the situation and lead to undesirable consequences.

Hemorrhoidal nodules can be treated the following types of folk remedies:

  • suppositories. They are made from the pulp of potatoes and beets, hardened honey, propolis. Soreness and bleeding can be treated with ice candles made from infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, wormwood, oak bark, etc.);
  • ointments. Homemade cream made from vegetable oil and beeswax is an excellent remedy for chronic hemorrhoids of various localization. Also, calendula tincture, pork fat, honey and cinnamon are used as ingredients;
  • compresses. Applying gauze bandages soaked in decoctions of medicinal plants and natural juices is considered an effective procedure for outdoor form varicose expansion of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • microclysters. With rectal localization of cavernous formations, a medicinal solution (decoctions of plants, vegetable oils) can be injected into the anus using an ordinary douche;
  • sitz baths. The procedure will require herbal decoctions - for example, chamomile or nettle. This liquid is poured into a container where the patient sits with the buttocks. It is only important to choose the right temperature.

Apart in folk medicine is such a method of treatment as the ingestion of herbal infusions. You can make them yourself, you just need to follow strict recipes and be aware of the contraindications that each herb has.

How can hemorrhoidal disease be cured? The main criterion for the successful treatment of this proctological disease is a timely visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to establish the stage of the pathology and prescribe the optimal treatment.

According to health statistics, more than 15% of adults suffer from hemorrhoids. This delicate problem ruins the lives of many over 40s. Recently, this disease has begun to spread to the younger generation.

Many are ashamed to go to a proctologist, considering this disease too personal and delicate. But you have to understand: early detection and treatment contributes to a full recovery. Many people ask how to treat hemorrhoids at home, and what is the fastest way?

Of course, it is better to treat hemorrhoids not at home, but in a clinic. The only way to really completely get rid of the disease. So far, this has been a classic surgical intervention under general anesthesia with severe pain in the first 7-10 days and the use of the strongest painkillers. The probability of recurrence reached 60-80%. Now there are new technologies based on the laser. They are used in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, the USA and some European countries. The treatment is carried out without anesthesia under local anesthesia - the procedure is unpleasant, but quite tolerable. Now it is possible to cure hemorrhoids with the help of the latest Biolitec laser in the Moscow center of phlebology and proctology of Dr. Letunovsky, leading proctologists with extensive practical experience conduct the appointment. After treatment, there is no pain syndrome, rehabilitation is not required. Accurate removal of hemorrhoidal tissue without a single incision using a high-precision laser.

How the disease manifests itself

Hemorrhoids are caused by poor circulation in the veins of the lower rectum. Hemorrhoidal bumps appear in people who sit a lot and lead a sedentary lifestyle. It affects office workers, drivers, pregnant women. Often the disease develops in athletes and people who lift weights.

Obese people often get sick. Improper nutrition can provoke constipation or, which contribute to the development of the disease.

The first signs of the disease are often invisible. She may not show up for years. Experts speak of four periods of its development:

  1. initial period of development. The appearance of hemorrhoids. When the stomach is empty, bloody discharge appears in the stool.
  2. next period. It has the same characteristics. Complicated by prolapsed nodules. Bleeding continues after defecation.
  3. Third stage. Nodules fall out even with a slight tension of the anus. Bleeding continues, edema is visible in the region of the posterior opening.
  4. Fourth (last) stage. Nodes fall out all the time. Due to swelling, they remain outside. The skin around the hole is swollen and very painful. Due to regular blood loss, anemia is possible.


In the practice of treatment, three types of disease are distinguished:

  • interior;
  • outer;
  • combined.

With the internal form, varicose veins occur inside the anus. Bumps form, they begin to fall out. They may be pinched. Internal bleeding often occurs.

With external development, bleeding does not occur. The bumps are located around the anus from the outside. It also requires treatment, as inflammation and thrombosis are possible. The course of the disease is accompanied by pain. They continue, which can become inflamed and lead to peraproctitis (purulent inflammation).

With a combined course of the disease, nodes appear inside the rectum and around the anus, which are accompanied by bleeding.

Consider how you can treat hemorrhoids at home, and which method is the fastest.

How to treat

Due to the sensitivity of the problem, many decide to start treatment without the participation of a doctor. Using folk recipes, they hope for a quick effect, not realizing that they can lose time and prolong the disease. Treatment is more effective in the early stages. In chronic cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

Therefore, if you have suspicions of hemorrhoids, you should make an appointment with a proctologist.

Treatment with drugs

In the first stages, funds are prescribed in various combinations:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antithrombotic;
  • painkillers;
  • hemostatic;
  • phlebotanical.

There are several types of therapy:

  1. pathogenetic. It is aimed at troubleshooting the digestive system to eliminate constipation. They resort to a special one, drugs with enzymes are prescribed to improve bowel function.
  2. tonic. It helps to increase the tone of the veins and improve blood circulation (troxevasin, tribenoside, etc.)
  3. Symptomatic. This treatment allows you to relieve severe pain of the patient. Pain medications are prescribed along with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Antithrombotic. Thrombosis of nodules is treated with anticoagulants, ointments are prescribed.

In the period of exacerbation and with a protracted illness, complex treatment is used, combining the above methods.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS! ", section" "!

In today's article, we will get to know you better with such a disease as hemorrhoids. So...

- a disease associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion and tortuosity of the hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes around the rectum. This is the most common coloproctological disease, which affects an average of 12 people out of 100, and its share among diseases of the rectum is about 40%.

Hemorrhoids are equally common in both men and women. However, more often it occurs in men, since most women, at the first sign of the disease, seek the help of a doctor.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Predisposing factors for the appearance of hemorrhoids:

  • , which increase pressure in the rectum, causing blood flow to the hemorrhoids, which contributes to their increase and subsequent loss;
  • hereditary factors;
  • pregnancy, childbirth. While in this position, women experience increased pressure in the abdominal cavity which can cause hemorrhoids;
  • prolonged sitting in a sitting position, when the muscles of the perineum are relaxed, which leads to a weakening of the natural support of hemorrhoids;
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • leads to a significant acceleration of blood flow in the anal area, which can cause hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • excessive physical activity and weight lifting, while there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • spicy and spicy foods cause irritation in the anal area;
  • violation of the outflow of blood in the rectum;
  • inflammatory and tumor processes in the intestine and liver;
  • getting an infection.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

- discharge of blood from the anus;
- prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus;
- pain (permanent or only at the time of defecation);
- anal itching;
- perianal edema;
- secretion of mucus;
- discomfort, feeling of incomplete emptying,.

In most cases, hemorrhoids develop gradually. First, there is a feeling of itching, burning, heaviness in the anus, pain and constipation. Then the pain intensifies, hemorrhoidal bleeding occurs, prolapse of hemorrhoids occurs.

In the initial stages of the disease, the nodes are easily reduced, but then they are constantly outside.

The danger of the disease is that thrombosis and even necrosis of the hemorrhoid can develop, which are characterized by a severe clinical picture.

Many people are too frivolous about this disease, as they consider hemorrhoids not a serious disease. However, it can also be the first symptom of colon cancer in the early stages of development. Therefore, there is a great danger of missing the most effective moment for the treatment of such a terrible disease.

Important! At the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of hemorrhoids

According to the mechanism of occurrence, hemorrhoids are divided into:

Acquired, in turn, is divided into:
primary- arisen as an independent disease;
secondary- which is a symptom or complication of another ailment (for example,).

According to the place of localization, hemorrhoids are divided into:

Hemorrhoids can occur as a long uncomplicated process or in acute attacks.

chronic hemorrhoids

The most common variant of the course of hemorrhoids is a chronic relapsing process. The disease begins with a period of precursors, the patient notes discomfort in the anus: a feeling of discomfort, sensation of a foreign body, slight itching, increased humidity. Then there are rectal bleeding (the release of drops or trickles of scarlet blood at the end of the act of defecation). This period, which lasts from several months to several years, is characterized by long phases of remission, when there are no complaints. Therefore, in the initial stage of chronic hemorrhoids, patients rarely go to the doctor.

Gradually, the disease progresses. During bowel movements, pain appears in the anus, which is aggravated by a violation of the diet. Bleeding from the anus during defecation becomes constant, their intensity can be different, from blood blots to massive blood loss, leading to. An increase in internal hemorrhoids leads to their loss from the anus.

Depending on the degree of enlargement of hemorrhoids and the development of the dystrophic process in the fibromuscular frame holding them, four stages of chronic hemorrhoids are distinguished.

The first stage is characterized by the release of blood from the anal canal without prolapse of hemorrhoids.

In the second stage, the hemorrhoids fall out during defecation, after which they are reduced on their own.

The third stage is characterized by the fact that the nodes that fall out during defecation have to be set by hand.

At the fourth stage of development of hemorrhoids, the nodes fall out with coughing, the slightest physical exertion. It is not possible to insert them into the anal canal.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Acute hemorrhoids

As a rule, it is an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids. Acute hemorrhoids is a thrombosis or infringement of the hemorrhoids and is manifested by pain in the anus and perineum, an increase and induration of the nodes, a pronounced sensation of a foreign body,.

There are three degrees of acute hemorrhoids:

Thrombosis (formation of blood clots) without inflammation. External hemorrhoidal nodes of small size, tight-elastic consistency, moderately painful when touched. Characterized by complaints of burning sensation and itching, aggravated by defecation. There may be slight swelling and redness of the area around the anus.

Thrombosis complicated by inflammation of the hemorrhoids. There is a pronounced swelling of most of the area around the anus, severe redness of the skin. Sharp pain in the anus, especially when walking and sitting. Palpation of this area and digital examination of the rectum are sharply painful.

Thrombosis complicated by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. The entire circumference of the anus is occupied by an "inflammatory tumor". Palpation of the nodes is extremely painful, so digital examination is impossible. On examination, purple or bluish-purple internal hemorrhoids are visible, which have fallen out of the lumen of the anal canal.

Acute hemorrhoids of the third degree is a condition that requires immediate medical attention.

In advanced cases, complications of acute hemorrhoids may develop:

- massive bleeding;

- swelling of the anus;

- purulent paraproctitis (purulent inflammation of the fiber);

- necrosis (necrosis) of the tissues of the hemorrhoidal node.

A sign of the onset of necrosis: the nodes turn black. At the same time, attempts to set the nodes back into the rectum on their own are especially dangerous, since there is a risk of blood poisoning. Removal of dead tissue is carried out in a hospital.

Conservative treatment

Important! Hemorrhoids is a chronic disease and conservative therapy in most cases does not allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

The main goals of conservative therapy are to reduce the frequency of annual exacerbations, their severity and duration. For radical treatment of hemorrhoids, outpatient methods or surgical treatment are used, depending on the stage and condition of the disease.

Indications for conservative treatment are the initial stages of chronic hemorrhoids and the acute course of the disease in its later stages.

With conservative treatment, it is important to remember about the preventive measures that are mandatory. integral part. We especially note that an indispensable condition for the successful treatment of hemorrhoids is the normalization of the activity of the digestive tract, the regulation of the consistency of intestinal contents and its transit through the colon.

Conservative therapy consists of:

General treatment. The basis of general treatment, in addition to preventive measures, is the use of phlebotropic drugs (such as venoruton and detralex), which affect the increase in vein tone, improve microcirculation in the cavernous bodies and normalize blood flow in them.

local treatment. Local treatment is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, thrombosis or inflammation of the hemorrhoids, accompanied by burning and itching, as well as their bleeding.

Pain in hemorrhoids is more often associated with the infringement of a thrombosed hemorrhoid or the occurrence of an acute anal fissure. Therefore, to eliminate the pain syndrome, the use of non-narcotic analgesics and local combined painkillers is indicated. For local treatment of hemorrhoids, drugs such as "Gepatrombin G", "Posterisan", "Procto-glivenol", "Aurobin", "Ultraprokt", "Nefluan" and etc.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is an indication for the use of local anticoagulants. This group of drugs includes "Hepatrombin G", "heparin" and "troxevasin" ointments.

As a drug for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, it has proven itself especially well. "Hepatrombin G". The drug consists of three components and contains the direct anticoagulant heparin, the glucocorticoid hormone prednisolone and the anesthetic polidocanol. Each component of the drug has its own beneficial effect in thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Heparin, disrupting the transition of prothrombin to thrombin, when applied topically prevents the formation of blood clots, in addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Prednisolone has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically, reducing swelling, itching and burning sensation. Polidocanol has a local anesthetic effect, equal in strength to lidocaine, but unlike the latter, polidocanol rarely causes allergic reactions.

In 70-80% of cases, thrombosis of hemorrhoids is complicated by their inflammation with the transition to the subcutaneous tissue and the perianal region. In this case, these drugs are used in combination with water-soluble ointments that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. These include "Levasin", "Levomekol", "Mafinid".

Bleeding is one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. Continuous bleeding for 1 hour is a sign of an acute process. To eliminate it, you can use suppositories containing adrenaline. In addition, local hemostatic materials are used, such as "Adrokson", "Beriplast", "Tahikomb", "Spongostan" composed of fibrinogen and thrombin. When introduced into the anal canal, they dissolve, forming a fibrin film.

Minimally invasive therapy

When conservative therapy does not bring the desired result, a more aggressive method of eliminating hemorrhoids is required. In the past, this meant a painful operation, with all the hardships of hospital treatment and the postoperative period. Currently, there are new comfortable, outpatient ways to deal with this ailment, which forever drove away a person’s fear of this disease. We will try to help you understand how these methods work, with which you can eliminate most hemorrhoids without surgery.

In developed countries, a typical hemorrhoidectomy (surgical operation) is currently performed in only 17-21% of patients, while the rest use minimally invasive methods of treatment. At the same time, in Russia, the most common method of treatment is still hemorrhoidectomy, performed in 75% of patients, and minimally invasive methods are used only in 3%.

A contraindication for minimally invasive methods of treatment is thrombosis of hemorrhoids, acute and chronic paraproctitis, and other inflammatory diseases of the anal canal and perineum.

A distinctive feature of the use of minimally invasive techniques in the treatment of hemorrhoids is that they are performed on an outpatient basis and do not require anesthesia, as well as the patient being in a hospital.

Doping with latex rings- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists in applying a latex ring to the leg of the hemorrhoid in order to stop its blood supply. This leads to necrosis (death) and rejection of the node during stool. The indication for use is chronic hemorrhoids of the 1st and 2nd stage. Perhaps limited use for hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree, when there are contraindications to more radical methods of treatment. It is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require anesthesia. The duration of manipulation is 1-2 minutes. The number of necessary procedures is from three to six with an interval of 7 days each. It has been used for the treatment of hemorrhoids of the 1st and 2nd degree in the EU countries for more than 15 years and is the "gold standard" in proctology. In Ukraine, it began to be applied in recent years. The efficiency of the method is 85%.

Sclerosis- a method for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which consists in injecting a sclerosing substance (toxicsclerol) into the cavernous tissue of the node with the aim of its further obliteration. The indication for use is chronic hemorrhoids of the 1st and 2nd stage. Performed on an outpatient basis. Currently, it is used more often as an additional method in combination with other minimally invasive techniques. As an independent method of treating hemorrhoids, it is used to a limited extent.

Cryodestruction- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists in the destruction (destruction) of the cavernous tissue of the hemorrhoid as a result of exposure to ultra-low temperatures (-180 degrees Celsius). The method is used for chronic hemorrhoids of 1, 2 and 3 degrees. Performed on an outpatient basis. It was widely introduced into proctology in the late 80s and early 90s. With the advent of more advanced technologies, as well as due to possible complications currently in limited use.

infrared photocoagulation- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists in the use of infrared radiation to coagulate the vessels and cavernous tissue of the hemorrhoid. The technique is used on an outpatient basis. It is used as an additional method for bleeding hemorrhoids of 1 and 2 degrees to stop bleeding, when other methods for some reason cannot be used.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

In cases where minimally invasive techniques are ineffective and cannot be applied, surgical treatment is indicated.

Operations to remove hemorrhoids, anal fissures, genital warts, polyps, fistulas of the rectum, epithelial coccygeal passage are performed under general anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is widely used in anesthetic management of operations.

To remove hemorrhoids, in addition to the classical operation, it is also used Longo's operation And THD technique.

Operation Longo- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which consists in removing hemorrhoids with the help of a circular endostapler. The knife of the stapling apparatus circularly excised the entire cavernous tissue of the anal canal with simultaneous stitching of the mucosa around the entire circumference with titanium brackets.
Indication - chronic hemorrhoids 1 and 2 stages. Perhaps the use of stage 3 hemorrhoids in combination with anoplasty.
The duration of the operation is about 1 hour.
Requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.

TGD (transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization)- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which is based on the stitching of hemorrhoidal arteries under the control of an endorectal ultrasound sensor. The goal is the desolation of the cavernous tissue of hemorrhoids. It is used for chronic hemorrhoids of the 1st and 2nd stages, as well as for the 3rd stage of hemorrhoids in combination with anoplasty.
The operation requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. The duration of the operation is about 1 hour.
Stay in the hospital for 1-2 days.
Disability in the postoperative period 1-2 weeks.

Classical hemorrhoidectomy and its various modifications- a method of treating hemorrhoids, which is based on the removal of hemorrhoids with simultaneous stitching of the vascular legs and restoration of the integrity of the anal canal mucosa. It is rightfully considered the most radical and effective method of removing hemorrhoids. It can be used at any stage of the development of the disease. However, most often the indication is chronic hemorrhoids of 3 and 4 degrees, as well as complications of hemorrhoids in the form of thrombosis of hemorrhoids or bleeding.
Requires anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.
The duration of the operation is 30-40 minutes.
Stay in the hospital for 3-4 days.
Disability in the postoperative period 3-4 weeks.
The efficiency of the operation is 95-98%.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

If a future mother has this delicate disease, quite natural questions immediately arise: how to cure this ailment, when to start treatment, what means to use?

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be started as soon as the diagnosis is established. Usually conservative methods are used. Surgical removal of nodes is resorted to in extreme cases, only with the development of severe complications that threaten the health of the mother or child.

Before doing something, you need to carefully consider how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, because it is necessary to help the woman and not harm the fetus. Mother and baby share blood flow, and many hemorrhoid medications during pregnancy are contraindicated due to possible adverse effects on the fetus. Therefore, preference is given to local funds.

The easiest way to treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The nodes in this form of the disease are located in plain sight, and it is convenient to apply antihemorrhoidal creams and ointments to them. This may be "Gepatrombin G" - an ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, which has proven itself very well. It prevents thrombosis of the node, eliminates its swelling, itching, relieves pain.

The Relief ointment containing shark liver oil perfectly treats the disease.

In addition to ointments and creams, both with external and internal arrangement of nodes, you can use candles for hemorrhoids - this is also acceptable during pregnancy. They are usually injected into the rectum once a day, preferably at night.

Candles containing several components at once are effectively removed from hemorrhoids: anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, blood thinning and strengthening the vessel wall. These are all the same "Gepatrombin G" and "Relief".

Tablets for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are usually not prescribed due to the possible impact on the child.

As an alternative to traditional methods, the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women with folk remedies is allowed. Viburnum decoction, rowan juice, stone fruit infusion can be taken orally, but only if there is no allergy to these berries. And to strengthen the vascular wall, a decoction of carrots is well suited.

It is also permissible to combine the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy with folk remedies with conventional ointments or suppositories.

It is better not to use baths with anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herbs as a remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, since infection from the rectum into the genital tract is possible.

Sometimes you have to choose - how to treat this ailment during pregnancy - use folk remedies or medications. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor, because in some cases, the treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy is simply unacceptable, for example, in the acute form of the disease.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor, because if the proctologist starts treating hemorrhoids as early as possible, and the treatment is carried out in full, it will be possible to avoid further development of the disease in the postpartum period.

Alternative methods of treatment of hemorrhoids

Important! Before using folk remedies for hemorrhoids, be sure to consult your doctor!

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches. Leeches are widely used for hemorrhoids. They are able to activate the immune system of the whole organism, their biologically active substances suppress pathogenic microorganisms. Leeches cleanse the body of toxins, harmful toxic substances. Leeches, sucking blood, cause an outflow of blood from distant organs, which makes it possible to treat many diseases: hemorrhoids, diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease and Bladder and many other diseases, including postoperative complications.

Since the active substances secreted by leeches have anti-inflammatory processes, leeches with hemorrhoids have a positive effect. Circulatory disorder in the portal vein leads to stagnant processes in the abdomen. With hemorrhoids, leeches are placed directly on the coccyx or sacrum, in no case are they placed on the mucous membranes! The place where the leech is placed is wiped with alcohol and then with water so that the skin is clean. The leeches are placed in turn, taken with fingers near the head and put on the cleansed skin, as soon as the leech sticks, the next one is placed in the same way. It is recommended to put 3-4 leeches on the coccyx to get rid of pain in hemorrhoids and stop bleeding. The session usually lasts 15-20 minutes, the leech should fall off by itself, but if this does not happen, then it cannot be torn off, it is necessary to sprinkle the leech, and it will fall off. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a bandage to the bite site for 2-3 days. Leeches for hemorrhoids should not be used by people with poor blood clotting, pregnancy. The course of treatment with leeches depends on the complexity of the disease and the patient's well-being.

There are cases when only 2 leeches save people from hemorrhoids, but, and if they do not cure completely, then at least the hemorrhoids do not progress for a long time.

Leeches for hemorrhoids prevent the recurrence of the disease, relieve venous congestion, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract due to the resorption of the resulting venous nodes.

- it is desirable to establish regular meals at the same time;

- People who are prone to constipation should eat more foods containing fiber and drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In addition, with frequent constipation, it is useful to eat black and bran bread, raw vegetables and fruits, prunes, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge. Dietary fiber is an indigestible cellulose that is not digested by the intestines, but acts as a water adsorbent and is involved in the binding of bile acids that have carcinogenic activity, which leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol. Most of all it is found in bran, vegetables and rye bread. Dietary fiber affects the quality of feces. By absorbing water, it increases the volume of feces, which leads to the stimulation of the intestines to promote its contents. Thus, in order to obtain the desired effect (that is, the prevention of constipation), along with the intake of foods containing dietary fiber, it is necessary to drink plenty of water;

- you should not eat too much flour and dairy, especially products made from white flour and whole milk. At the same time, fermented milk products are useful, especially those containing bifidus and lactobacilli;

- It is recommended to limit the consumption of food rich in animal proteins. These include meat, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. They can lead to constipation. However, a complete rejection of them will lead to a negative result - intestinal function may be impaired;

- undesirable foods for hemorrhoids are also cabbage, black bread, legumes, mustard, peppers and unripe fruits;

- useful are potatoes, meat, rice, honey, fish, as well as grated carrots, fresh apples, grapes, onions or its juice, which is taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;

- It is also useful to drink mineral waters, which stimulate the motor activity of the intestines. Especially recommended are highly and medium mineralized waters enriched with ions and sulfates, for example Essentuki mineral water. Every day you should drink 1 glass of water at room temperature 3 times a day. The water must be without gas.

Lubricate the anus. To make the contractions of the intestines become softer, you need to lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly. This is done with a cotton swab or just with your finger. Vaseline lubricates the rectum to a depth of about 1.5 cm.

Proper defecation hygiene. Defecation hygiene must be maintained. Do not use toilet paper that is hard or contains chemicals that irritate the skin. It is recommended to purchase non-flavored and non-colored toilet paper. Before use, you can slightly moisten it with tap water (the paper will become softer). It is good to use special oiled paper. Instead, wipes for the face soaked in a moisturizer are also suitable.

Cool water. Useful for hemorrhoids is the use of cold water. In old medical prescriptions, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of cold water before meals 3 times a day, if possible, take a cold shower and always wash after defecation. cold water anus area.

Get over the itch. If itching is felt during hemorrhoids, then it is recommended to refrain from scratching the anus, since you can injure the walls of the hemorrhoids and cause even more bleeding.

Don't lift heavy things. It is worth refraining from lifting weights, which is tantamount to straining in the toilet. This is especially not recommended for people with a predisposition to hemorrhoids. When moving or buying new furniture, it is better to hire movers or ask someone to help you move the weight.

Sit in the bath. Useful procedure sitting bath with warm water. In this case, you should raise your knees by 10-15 cm. This will not only reduce pain, but also improve blood circulation in the body, including in the rectum. This method of prevention is considered one of the best.

Restriction of alcoholic drinks and spicy food. A mandatory feature of the antihemorrhoid diet is the exclusion from the diet of spicy, spicy, fried, smoked and similar foods, as well as strong alcoholic beverages: all this contributes to the expansion of the venous network and disruption of local blood flow. It is acceptable to use light wines, cocktails, punches, cider. You can expand the flavor range of food with the help of mild sauces, a moderate amount of fresh flavoring herbs: parsley, marjoram, basil, cumin, cilantro and others. This rule underlies the antihemorrhoid diet.

Control your salt intake. The use of a large amount of salt also negatively affects the circulatory system. The result is swelling of the veins, including the veins of the rectum. To avoid trouble, do not over-salt food.

Avoid hypothermia. With hemorrhoids, one should be wary, which leads to circulatory disorders. The disease in this case may worsen.

Watch your weight. To aggravate the situation of the patient with hemorrhoids can be his great weight. The heavier a person, the more pressure his lower limbs experience, so obese people often have problems with both varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy. Pregnant women, in order to avoid stagnation of blood in the veins, must definitely do gymnastics, walk more often and follow a diet that includes laxative foods. They also shouldn't wear tight belts.

Normalize physical activity. You must try to move as much as possible. With sedentary work, it is worth taking small breaks every hour, during which you can do light gymnastics or walk around. It is better to replace a soft seat in the workplace with a hard or semi-hard one.

Such gymnastics can be performed anywhere, no equipment or special environment is required. However, it is best to try to keep yourself in good physical shape by doing gymnastics, swimming, aerobics, etc., for which you can use the time after work. On weekends, it is useful to go out into nature for outdoor activities.

Don't overstress. However, you should not overstrain the muscles while exercising. In this regard, cycling, horseback riding and strength exercises are contraindicated.

Sedentary work. Those who work as drivers should not be behind the wheel for more than 3 hours in a row. During long trips, you should make small stops along the way in order to actively move.

When hemorrhoids occur, people engaged in heavy physical labor should change jobs to lighter ones.

Take good care of your health. It is necessary to constantly monitor your health, since any other disease can adversely affect the course of hemorrhoids. For example, diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. can lead to its complications. In this regard, it is necessary to be regularly examined in order to identify and begin treatment of diseases in time.

Consult your doctor promptly. Do not try to diagnose yourself, as a mistake can lead to a tragic result. Diagnosis should be done by a specialist in order for the treatment to be adequate and effective. Due to an incorrect diagnosis, the patient may discover a serious illness too late and start treating it.

With hemorrhoids, therapeutic exercises are very helpful. It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, buttocks and perineum, which helps to normalize blood flow in the rectal area.

A few exercises:

№1: to improve blood circulation, you need to walk with your knees high and crossing your legs, that is, putting one foot in front of the other.

№2: performed sitting on a hard chair. The back should be straightened, the body should be slightly tilted forward, the muscles of the anus should be strained. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.

№3: lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Counting slowly to 5, squeeze the buttocks, while simultaneously drawing in the rectum, then relax at the same count; repeat this exercise up to 15 times. Then take a few deep breaths in and out.

№4: perform lying on your back. The legs need to be straightened and raised by 45 °, after which they are spread apart and brought together again, crossing (imitation of the movement of shearing scissors). Repeat 10 times.

№5: starting position - lying face down. With an emphasis on the knees, palms and elbows, turn the pelvis alternately in both directions so that the buttocks touch the floor. Repeat 10 times.

№6: cross your legs, rhythmically strain the muscles of the buttocks and anus. Repeat 10 times.

№7: lying on your back with straight legs raised, perform an exercise that imitates the torsion of bicycle pedals. Repeat 10 times.

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?


  • Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth
    • How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?
  • Causes of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and after childbirth (doctor's review) - video

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Haemorrhoids- a disease in which there is an expansion of the veins in the anus and rectum.

    Hemorrhoids in numbers and facts:

    • Although hemorrhoids cause a lot of discomfort, most often they are easy to treat and prevent.
    • In men, the disease occurs 3-4 times more often than in women.
    • It is estimated that approximately 10% of the adult population worldwide suffers from hemorrhoids. It accounts for 40% of all diseases of the rectum.
    • According to the Mayo Clinic, about half of people by the age of 50 begin to experience itching, discomfort, and bleeding in the rectal area. In most cases, these symptoms point to hemorrhoids.
    • Most often, the disease affects people aged 45-65 years.
    • Scientists believe that 75% of Europeans and Americans will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.
    • According to statistics, only 4% of people experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids seek medical help.

    Features of the anatomy of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins

    The rectum is the final section of the intestine. In humans, it begins at the level of the upper edge of the third sacral vertebra and ends at the anus. The main function of the rectum is the evacuation of feces.

    The outflow of blood from the rectum is carried out through the system of the inferior vena cava. The venous vessels around the intestine form hemorrhoidal plexus. There are three venous plexuses:

    • Subcutaneous. Located under the skin in the anus.
    • Submucosal. It is located under the mucous membrane of the rectum, it contains the lower, middle and upper sections.
    • Subfascial. It is located between the muscular layer of the intestinal wall and the fascia.

    What is the difference between external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids?

    Depending on which veins are dilated and where the hemorrhoid is located, there are four types of hemorrhoids:
    • Internal hemorrhoids. The veins that are inside the rectum under the mucous membrane are involved. Internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause pain, but painful bleeding can occur.
    • Prolapsed hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoid stretches so much that it falls out of the rectum and is outside. Usually, if you press it a little, it is set back.
    • External hemorrhoids. The node is located outside the anus, on the skin. Patients often experience pain and itching. The knots may crack and bleed.
    • Combined hemorrhoids. It is a combination of internal and external hemorrhoids. Occurs in approximately 40% of patients.

    Why does hemorrhoids occur?

    The disease occurs when the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus are stretched. The following factors may contribute to this:
    • Great straining during stool in chronic constipation.
    • Chronic diarrhea. It also leads to tension during bowel movements.
    • Obesity. The more fatty tissue accumulates in the body, the more difficult it is for the heart to push blood through it. As a result, stagnation of blood begins in the veins of the lower body.
    • Pregnancy. In pregnant women, the outflow of venous blood from the pelvic cavity is disturbed due to the enlarged uterus.
    • Anal sex. Frequent anal intercourse can lead to irritation of the rectal mucosa and inflammation, which contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.
    • hereditary predisposition. If the parents and close relatives of a person suffer from hemorrhoids, his risks also increase slightly.
    • Improper diet: low protein in the diet, frequent use of alcohol, coffee, spicy food.
    • Sedentary lifestyle. The development of hemorrhoids is facilitated by a long stay in a standing or sitting position, so the risks of the disease are increased in people of certain professions (office workers, surgeons who have to stand for a long time during operations).
    • Intense physical activity, which increases pressure in the abdominal cavity, veins.
    • Age. As we age, the walls of the veins weaken and stretch more easily.
    • Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
    • Frequent stress.


    Possible symptoms of hemorrhoids:
    • Painless bleeding. The patient may notice blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Sometimes the bleeding is quite heavy. In this case, the blood is not mixed with feces, but covers it.
    • Irritation, itching in the anus. They arise as a result of exposure to the skin of mucus, which is secreted in large quantities by the mucous membrane of the rectum.
    • Knots protruding in the anal region.
    • Discomfort, pain in the anus.
    • Swelling in the anus.
    Symptoms depend on where the hemorrhoid is located. Internal hemorrhoids usually have no symptoms, cause no pain or discomfort, and cannot be seen or felt. When passing feces, the surface of the hemorrhoid can be damaged, bleeding occurs.

    Over time, the internal node begins to fall out of the anus. The prolapse is often accompanied by pain, discomfort, irritation.

    External hemorrhoids most often look like a bump in the anus. Often, patients are concerned about symptoms such as itching, pain, bleeding.


    There are four stages of hemorrhoids (stages of prolapse of hemorrhoids):
    Stage Description
    IThe nodes protrude into the lumen of the rectum, but their prolapse does not occur.
    IIDuring a bowel movement, hemorrhoids prolapse, then their self-reposition occurs.
    IIIKnots fall out not only during bowel movements, but also with minor physical exertion. No self-repositioning of the nodes occurs: you have to set them back by hand.
    IVDropped knots cannot be set even by hand.

    Complications of hemorrhoids

    • Bleeding with hemorrhoids. Sometimes bleeding with hemorrhoids is so strong that it leads to anemia. There are symptoms such as pallor, weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness.
    • Thrombus formation. Blood clots (thrombi) can form inside the hemorrhoid, causing it to swell, become painful, and become inflamed.
    • Infringement of the hemorrhoid. A common complication in III-IV stages of the disease. The muscle pulp of the rectum pinches the knot, as a result, blood circulation is disturbed in it. Arises strong pain in the anus, sensation of a foreign body, swelling. The color of the dropped node changes: from pink or red, it becomes cyanotic-burgundy, black. Ultimately, necrosis of the node may occur due to impaired blood circulation. Sometimes a blood clot in the hemorrhoid leads to such consequences.
    • Eczema. Sometimes this skin disease occurs as a result of constant irritation of the skin by mucus from the rectum.
    • Inflammation of hemorrhoids. A fairly common complication. An infection can penetrate through damaged hemorrhoids.

    What does a hemorrhoid look like?

    Which doctor deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids?

    Diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids are engaged in:
    • proctologists– specialists in diseases of the rectum;
    • coloproctologists– specialists in diseases of the colon and rectum.

    In what cases should you see a doctor?

    Often the first symptom of hemorrhoids that the patient notices is bleeding from the rectum. Many people do not go to the doctor, they believe that nothing serious is happening, they are treated with folk methods or on the advice of relatives and friends.

    When symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, you should always see a doctor. In most cases, bleeding during a bowel movement is actually due to hemorrhoids. But the reasons can be much more serious, up to rectal cancer. In this case, early diagnosis may help save a person's life.

    If your stool has become very dark, like tar, if clots and blood impurities have appeared in it, you need to go to the hospital to figure out which part of the intestine is bleeding.

    If you have been treating hemorrhoids for some time with folk remedies, and the disease does not go away, consult a doctor.

    An ambulance should be called if you have severe bleeding, weakness, dizziness, or general well-being.

    What questions should you ask your doctor?

    It is better to make a list of questions in advance so that you do not forget anything during a conversation with a doctor. You may want to know the answers to the following questions:
    • Why do I have these symptoms? What could possibly be the cause?
    • Is there a risk of complications?
    • What treatment will you give me? For what purpose? What effect is most likely to be expected?
    • If the treatment turns out to be ineffective, what are you going to prescribe to me in this case?
    • Is surgical treatment indicated in my case? Why is it shown/not shown?
    • What else can I do on my own to cope with the disease?
    • I have other health problems - will this affect the treatment of hemorrhoids?

    Questions your doctor may ask you

    The proctologist may ask you some questions:
    • When did you have symptoms?
    • How much inconvenience do they cause you?
    • How do you eat? What products do you use more often? How much fiber is in your diet?
    • How often do you drink coffee and alcohol?
    • What usually makes your symptoms worse?
    • What usually relieves your symptoms?
    • Has anyone in your family had hemorrhoids or rectal cancer?
    • Have you noticed other changes in your bowel function?
    • Have you noticed blood on toilet paper, in the toilet bowl?

    Patient examination

    If you suspect hemorrhoids, the doctor conducts a digital examination of the rectum. The procedure is as follows:
    1. The patient is asked to take off his clothes and take a knee-elbow position on the couch (standing on all fours, leaning on his knees and elbows).
    2. The doctor puts on latex gloves and wets his index finger with Vaseline.
    3. The doctor inserts his index finger into the rectum and feels it from the inside. At the same time, he can detect hemorrhoids and other pathological formations.

    Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

    Study title Description How is it carried out
    Anoscopy During the procedure, the doctor examines the patient's rectum with a special tool, - anoscope, - which is introduced to a depth of 12 cm.
    Indications for anoscopy:
    • stool disorders;
    • discharge from the anus of pus, mucus, blood;
    • hemorrhoids that cannot be felt during a digital examination of the rectum;
    • suspected rectal cancer;
    • warts, polyps and other formations;
    • inflammation of the rectum.
    An anoscope is a small rod or cone with a handle, hollow inside, with a plug. Anoscopes are reusable metal and disposable plastic. The doctor lubricates the anoscope with petroleum jelly and inserts it into the patient's rectum, examining its inner surface. The study makes it possible to detect not only hemorrhoids, but also other pathological processes in the intestine.
    Sigmoidoscopy A procedure during which a doctor, using a special instrument, sigmoidoscope, - examines the mucous membrane of the rectum and partially sigmoid colon. Inspection is possible to a depth of approximately 25-30 cm.
    A sigmoidoscope is a metal tube containing a light source and a device for pumping air.
    • The patient is asked to lie on the couch on his left side and pull his legs up to his stomach.
    • The procedure is practically painless, so in adults it can be performed without anesthesia. In children, general anesthesia is most often used.
    • The doctor lubricates the sigmoidoscope and inserts it into the patient's rectum.
    • During insertion of the instrument, the patient is asked to take a deep breath.
    • The doctor gradually advances the sigmoidoscope deeper, pumping air into the rectum with a pear. This helps to stretch the intestines and better examine it.
    • If pain occurs or the instrument begins to move with great difficulty, the study is stopped.
    Colonoscopy A type of endoscopic examination, during which they are injected into the rectum and large intestine colonoscope- a tool that is a flexible hose with a light source and a miniature video camera. During a colonoscopy, the doctor may examine the patient's entire large intestine (approximately 150 cm).
    Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids can be prescribed in the following cases:
    • suspicion of diseases of the large intestine;
    • the patient has risk factors for colon cancer;
    • the patient's age is more than 50 years, if he has not undergone this study for a long time.
    During the procedure, the doctor inserts the colonoscope into the patient's intestines through the anus. The procedure is painless, but may be accompanied by discomfort.
    Some clinics offer to undergo a study in a state of medical sleep. A person is given a drug that induces deep sleep. Its action lasts for about an hour. This time is enough to conduct a colonoscopy. The patient can usually leave the hospital and go home the same day.
    Biopsy A biopsy is a study during which the doctor receives a fragment of the intestinal mucosa and sends it to the laboratory for examination. This is necessary when cancer is suspected.A piece of mucous membrane for biopsy can be taken during an endoscopic examination.


    If the hemorrhoids are small and cause only minor discomfort to the patient, the doctor usually prescribes conservative treatment in the form of ointments, creams, and suppositories.

    Candles for hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoid suppositories may contain medicinal substances that have a vasoconstrictive effect, help to cope with inflammation, swelling, pain and itching, improve mucosal healing and prevent infection.

    The doctor may prescribe you suppositories Relief, Anuzol, Proctosedil, etc. Rectal suppositories with methyluracil are used to improve tissue regeneration. Usually candles are recommended to be used in the morning, in the evening and after each bowel movement. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Before using rectal suppositories, a thorough hygiene of the anus area should be carried out.


    Many ointments for hemorrhoids have the same healing effects as candles. The doctor may prescribe ointments, the main active ingredient of which is heparin (Heparin ointment, Hepatrombin G) - a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots.

    Ointments are applied to the skin in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. Sometimes ointments are produced in special tubes with screw caps - such a cap must be inserted into the rectum and squeezed out a small amount of ointment, like an enema. The kit may include a special applicator for easy application of the drug. The frequency of use and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.


    Tablets and capsules for hemorrhoids, such as Venoruton, Vasoket, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600, strengthen and tone the walls of the veins, improve microcirculation. Your doctor may also recommend that you use dietary supplements to improve bowel function and normalize stools, such as Proctonis.

    Laxatives for hemorrhoids

    Laxatives are available in the form of tablets, granules for dissolution in water, drops for oral administration, microclysters. They help to cope with constipation, which aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    Do not use laxatives often and for a long time, especially without medical supervision. A "rebound effect" may occur - over time, constipation intensifies, and a person can no longer go to the toilet on his own, without medication. In addition, frequent unreasonable use of laxatives leads to electrolyte imbalance.

    Operations for hemorrhoids

    Minimally invasive interventions

    Minimally invasive procedures are often resorted to when hemorrhoids are accompanied by pain and constant bleeding. They can be performed on an outpatient basis. They resort to the following methods of treatment:

    Surgical interventions

    The doctor may prescribe surgery if the hemorrhoids are large or other treatments have not helped. Sometimes surgical treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis, in other cases hospitalization is required.

    Types of operations for hemorrhoids:

    Hemorrhoids: risk groups, how the disease develops, symptoms, treatment methods - video

    Hemorrhoids: symptoms and complications, causes and mechanism of development, what diseases can lead to hemorrhoids, methods of diagnosis and treatment, the opinion of a coloproctologist - video

    Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids according to the Longo method - operation video

    How to deal with hemorrhoids at home?

    There are some things you can do on your own to help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, it is worth remembering that they will not help get rid of the disease:
    • Warm baths help with hemorrhoids. You can take a bath or just sit in a bowl of water. It is necessary to place the anus area in warm water for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
    • Careful hygiene of the anal area. You need to take a bath or shower daily, wash the anus area thoroughly.
    • Do not use soap or other products on the anus that may cause irritation. Avoid using scented wet wipes that contain alcohol.
    • Don't use regular toilet paper. It is better to use wet wipes, but without alcohol.
    • Use cold. To relieve swelling in the anus, you can use cold heating pads, ice packs, a cloth soaked in cold water.

    Diet for hemorrhoids

    Diet for hemorrhoids has two goals: to prevent constipation and irritation in the rectal area. Key recommendations:
    • Drink enough fluids. This will help make the stool softer, making it easier to pass through the intestines.
    • Your diet should include more vegetables, fruits, grains. They contain plant fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
    • Alcohol, coffee, strong tea should be avoided.
    • Limit spicy foods, spices.
    • It is better to take food in small portions, 4-5 times a day.
    • Eat around the same time every day.
    • Physical activity also helps to normalize bowel function.

    Do I need to do enemas for hemorrhoids?

    With hemorrhoids, 4 types of enemas are used:
    • Cleansing. Used for constipation. Water at room temperature is injected into the rectum, which helps to get rid of feces. Also, cleansing enemas are used in preparation for diagnostic procedures, such as colonoscopy.
    • Oil. Helps ease the passage of stool. 100 ml of sunflower, olive or vaseline oil at a temperature of 37 o C is injected into the rectum.
    • Therapeutic. A solution of a medicinal substance is injected into the rectum, which helps to eliminate inflammation, bleeding. Often, folk remedies are used as therapeutic enemas: infusion of chestnut, wormwood, chamomile, oak bark.
    • Hypertensive. A concentrated salt solution is injected into the rectum, for example, 10% sodium chloride or 30% magnesia. Due to this, fluid enters the intestinal lumen, which dilutes the stool and facilitates their discharge.
    Before using any type of enemas, be sure to consult a doctor.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Herbal remedies for hemorrhoids and other traditional medicines can help relieve symptoms and improve the condition, but they will not address the cause. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. All information below is provided for informational purposes only.

    Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids:

    • Strengthening the vascular wall due to vitamin C.
    • Reduction of the inflammatory process and the fight against infection due to organic acids, tannins.
    • Reduce swelling.
    • Acceleration of healing of the mucous membrane.
    For hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil and suppositories are used. They can be bought at pharmacies. Soak a piece of gauze with oil and make a bandage on the area of ​​​​external hemorrhoids at night.

    Propolis for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of propolis for hemorrhoids:

    • Prevention of infection due to the content of natural natural antibiotics.
    • Blood thinning, preventing its stagnation in hemorrhoids and the formation of clots.
    • Reduction of edema in the anus.
    • Improving the healing of the skin, mucous membranes, preventing bleeding.
    • Fight against itching and pain due to drying and cauterizing action.

    Folk recipe for ointment with propolis:

    • Take 100 grams butter(not salted) or animal fat. Place in a saucepan.
    • Put on fire, bring to a boil.
    • Add 10 grams of purified propolis.
    • To stir thoroughly. Infuse for 30 minutes, until completely cooled.
    Mode of application: apply to hemorrhoids in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement, 2-3 times a day.

    Potato for hemorrhoids

    Folk recipes for the use of potatoes for hemorrhoids were common among Russian peasants of past centuries. Medicinal effects of raw potatoes in hemorrhoids:

    • Reducing pain, itching, irritation.
    • Improved mucosal healing.
    • Reduced swelling and inflammation.
    • Strengthening the vascular wall due to vitamin C.
    Ways to use raw potatoes for hemorrhoids:
    • Thoroughly wash the potato so that there is no dirt left on it, grate it on a fine grater. Squeeze juice from the resulting slurry, do microclysters of 30 ml at night for 10 days.
    • Make bandages with grated raw potatoes at night.
    Chamomile for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of chamomile for hemorrhoids:

    • Reducing inflammation.
    • Pain reduction.
    • Antiseptic action - prevention of infection.
    With hemorrhoids, a decoction of chamomile is used. Cooking:
    • Pour two tablespoons of dried flowers with one glass of boiling water.
    • Put in a water bath for 20 minutes.
    • Cool, strain.
    The use of chamomile decoction for hemorrhoids:
    • For hygiene of the anus.
    • In the form of lotions for the night.
    • In the form of sitz baths - in this case, you will have to prepare more broth. It should be warm, but not hot. Baths are done within 10-15 minutes, the total duration of the course is 8-10 days.
    • Microclysters at night for 8-10 days, 40-50 ml of decoction.
    Chinese patches for hemorrhoids

    Currently, on the Internet you can often see Chinese patches and musky ointment for hemorrhoids for sale. Do they help to cope with the disease?

    Chinese patches most often contain medicinal plants. Thus, they are a means of traditional medicine. They may alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages, but there is no reliable data on their effectiveness.

    Musk is widely used in oriental folk medicine. Its effectiveness has not been proven. In Western countries, this substance is mainly used in perfumery.

    Folk method for the treatment of hemorrhoids - video

    Exercise for hemorrhoids

    Physical activity can lead to increased symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially if they are associated with heavy lifting. Most of the time, the deterioration is temporary. If exercise does not make you feel worse or worsen your symptoms, there is no point in giving up.

    Disease prevention

    In most cases, the prevention of hemorrhoids is reduced to the prevention of constipation:
    • Eat more fiber-rich foods: vegetables, fruits, whole grains. This will help make the stool softer and increase its volume, improve discharge.
    • Use dietary fiber supplements. Consult your doctor first.
    • Drink more. 6-8 glasses of fluid daily will help soften the stool and improve its passage. But it is better to refuse alcoholic beverages altogether.
    • Don't be patient if you feel like going to the toilet. The longer you wait, the harder the stool becomes.
    • Be physically active. Regular exercise helps improve bowel function.
    • Don't sit too long. If you have a sedentary job, take breaks periodically, get up, walk around.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth

    Among women haemorrhoids most often occurs during pregnancy, after childbirth . Causes:
    • An enlarged uterus compresses the veins, disrupting the outflow of blood from the rectum.
    • During pregnancy, women often experience constipation. This makes you push harder and longer in the toilet, increases blood pressure in the hemorrhoidal plexus.

    How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, not all drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be used. You need to see a doctor to prescribe treatment. In addition, you must follow the recommendations described in the paragraph "How to deal with hemorrhoids at home?".

    Causes of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and after childbirth (doctor's review) - video

    Can you have sex with hemorrhoids?

    Having sex with hemorrhoids is not contraindicated. But you need to remember some rules:
    • Anal sex is not worth it. It can lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa, increasing the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
    • In bed, you need to choose positions in which you do not experience increased stress.
    • Do not have sex for too long, remember about moderation.

    What is the code for hemorrhoids in the ICD?

    The general code for all types of hemorrhoids in the ICD-10 is I84. Codes for individual forms of the disease:
    • I84.0 Internal hemorrhoids with thrombosis;
    • I84.1 - strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing internal hemorrhoids;
    • I84.2 - uncomplicated internal hemorrhoids;
    • I84.3 - external hemorrhoids with thrombosis;
    • I84.4 - strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing external hemorrhoids;
    • I84.5 - uncomplicated external hemorrhoids;
    • I84.6 - residual hemorrhoidal marks on the skin;
    • I84.7 - unspecified hemorrhoids on the skin;
    • I84.8 Strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing hemorrhoids, unspecified;
    • I84.9 Uncomplicated hemorrhoids, unspecified.

    Do hemorrhoids increase the risk of cancer?

    No, hemorrhoids do not lead to cancer. But the symptoms of these diseases are often very similar. Therefore, in any case, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination.
    There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.