"The environment is not interesting." How much do artificial and natural flowers cost at the Komarovsky market. Ecology of plants The benefits of indoor plants and their care

Top - 5 indoor plants that should be in every home.

English ivy.

This plant is not only a champion among houseplants in absorbing carbon dioxide. Cunning ivy has another important and rare property in its arsenal: it is a natural sorbent and takes heavy metal salts, toxins and formaldehyde from the air. It is especially useful to acquire such a pet for those who live on the lower floors of houses along large highways and for those who work in basements.

Bamboo palm.

If English ivy is a rather capricious creature in terms of watering and feeding, then the bamboo palm (aka hamedorea) will be grateful to you just because you put it in a place where the sun will reach at least a few hours a day. And you don't need to water often. But it cleans the air perfectly. Feel free to place it near the computer - it will reduce the harm of electromagnetic radiation.


This aristocratically beautiful flower does not disdain the most menial work in your home. He will mercilessly fight industrial and household toxins. He is able to "absorb" vapors of acetone, benzene, various kinds alcohols, ammonia. The ideal option is to run a spathiphyllum into the house (like a cat) in new house or an apartment after renovation. No houseplant can compete with him in the war on chemicals.

Palm Lady.

But this graceful "lady", unlike many other plants, not only cleans the air from harmful impurities, but also generously saturates it with important minerals and salts, which have a beneficial effect on respiratory system person. So it will not be superfluous to start it in a house whose inhabitants suffer from chronic bronchopulmonary problems, bronchial asthma, and heart disease. And the Palm Lady perfectly calms the nerves. Experts advise putting it next to the chair where you used to retire with a book. In the US, employees of firms often chip in to buy this plant in the boss's office so that he is less annoyed.


The unpretentious "grandmother's" flower very effectively cleans the air and at the same time refreshes it. And practically does not cause allergic reactions. So it can be safely placed near the bed and in the nursery.

Indoor flowers - bright decoration apartments or houses. They produce oxygen, it will become easier to breathe in the room. They won't wither like a bouquet. It is interesting to watch the flowers, the process of the appearance of buds, their transformation into a flower, cheer up.

To have a blooming garden in an apartment, it is not necessary to be a florist and understand the intricacies of caring for plants. Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round make it possible to decorate your home in an interesting way and not spend a lot of time caring for them.

Unpretentious indoor flowers for an apartment

Flowers unpretentious in care are quite popular. There are several dozen types of them. They easily adapt to indoor growing conditions. Do not require special care technologies. You do not need to spend a lot of time caring for a mini garden. You choose the plants that you like the most.

If you choose plants that bloom all year round, in winter you will have your own garden on the windowsill. What are unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round and how to choose them?

Indoor maple abutilon

The plant blooms until autumn, and as soon as the day begins to shorten, its flowering gradually fades away. The plant enters the phase of winter sleep. But, if you provide regular watering and constant artificial lighting, Abutilon will bloom all year round.

Indoor maple resembles a tree with leaves, like a maple. Thanks to this feature, the plant got its name. Flower care consists in regular watering and monitoring its growth. From time to time, you need to pinch off shoots that do not grow as you planned.

Abutilon can be natural and hybrid. hybrid varieties plants differ in a variety of flower colors and their shape.

Anthurium male happiness

This plant is popularly known as "male happiness". It is often given to men; the flower is unpretentious in care. The plant perfectly adapts to room conditions. The rules for caring for a flower are simple: provide constant diffused light, water regularly and maintain humidity.

Anthurium has large fleshy dark green leaves and a pronounced cob flower. The flower itself is surrounded by a colored leaf of red, white or pink. Anthurium symbolizes strength, passion and masculinity, activates male energy in the house.

Pelargonium home care

These indoor plants blooming all year round have flowers of white, red, raspberry color. Pelargonium blooms almost continuously. She will decorate the apartment all year round. The flowers have a faint spicy fragrance.

Pelargonium care is simple. Water regularly, monitor the color and condition of the flower. The flower can grow high or low. The height of the bush depends on the lighting in the room. If you need the bush to be tall, then put the flower pot in the shade. Pelargonium will stretch in height, remaining just as beautiful.

Geranium is magnificent

Geranium magnificent can be called a classic. It is in almost every home. This plant blooms all year round if you remember to water it. Geranium has a specific smell. It can smell like lilac, mint, lemon or rose.

The plant perfectly repels flies, disinfects the air from bacteria, germs and dampness. Putting Geranium near your bed is not recommended. If you breathe in its aroma for a long time, your head will hurt.

Make sure the Geranium has plenty of light. It is placed in the southern part of the apartment or house. Watering the plant should not be plentiful and rare. When Geranium is watered every day, it can die.

Rose Chinese room care

Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round can be of incredible beauty. Chinese rose does not need special care. It is worth putting it in a bright place, and it will systematically delight you with small roses of red, raspberry or pink color. During the flowering period, the rose should be watered more. Lack of water can adversely affect its appearance. dry soil - main reason falling buds.

Begonia royal care at home

A thermophilic plant that loves water, but does not like to be sprayed. Begonia will not bloom if it is cold. Optimum temperature for a flower - 20 degrees of heat. Begonia can suffer from fungal diseases, so dry leaves and flowers are removed immediately after they appear.

The flower will bloom brightly if it is placed closer to the light source. There are about 20 plant species. If you are just starting to grow flowers, it is easier to buy a blood red Begonia, care for it is effortless.

Spathiphyllum home care

A plant with a complex name and interesting white flowers. Spathiphyllum is perfect for those who are just learning how to care for flowers. The plant tolerates the absence of water and light. If left for a week, the flower will not die.

Spathiphyllum has long shoots and white flowers. They look like callas, which can be seen in wedding bouquets. The plant blooms all year round. The flowering boom occurs in the summer. At this time of the year, the plant pleases with a lush, intense color.

kalanchoe houseplant

These indoor plants are also very unpretentious, bloom all year round and can stand without watering for a whole month. The plant does not like strong moisture. It can grow both in the shade and in bright light. Blooming Kalanchoe small flowers, reddish or yellow.

Balsam room

Balsam blooms all year round. Leaves are almost invisible behind its flowers. Thanks to the assortment of varieties, it is easy to choose a flower that fits perfectly into the apartment. Balsam requires regular watering and spraying. It tolerates temperature fluctuations well.

indoor hibiscus

The plant blooms all year round from spring to autumn. It has interesting feature, his flower lives only a day. Then new buds appear again and so on in a circle. Hibiscus grows in the form of a tree. It constantly needs to be shaped so that the plant is neat. During the flowering period, it is better to put the flower in a bright place. There Hibiscus will show itself in full glory.

You can choose Hibiscus with interesting shapes and colors. Modern varieties are pleasantly pleasing to the eye with their diversity and juiciness.

Kaleria flower

The second name of this plant is "Colombian Beauty". The plant blooms until winter, with beautiful flowers. For the winter, Koleria should be placed in a dark place, previously under the root, cutting off the shoots. It sleeps during the cold season. If Koleria does not rest, next season you will not see flowers or they will be negligible.

Koleria loves moderate watering and subdued light. If you pay attention to the plant in time, it will delight you with its lush color.

phalaenopsis orchid

If you want bright, unpretentious indoor plants in your apartment, feel free to choose Phalaenopsis. This flower belongs to the Orchid family. Doesn't like straight lines. sun rays and grows best in the eastern part of the house or apartment.

Phalaenopsis has golden yellow flowers with brown spots. The plant looks incredibly beautiful. Water the plant early in the morning with a small amount of water. The frequency of watering is regulated by the appearance of the plant and its condition.

spurge mile

This cute flower belongs to the succulent plant family. It has small spines on the leaves and blooms in small colors. Like cacti, Euphorbia Mile has small spines on the leaves. If you put a flower in a bright place, it will bloom profusely and all year round. Indoor plants, such as Mile, can be without water for a long time and, like all the above species, bloom almost all year round. It is very unpretentious in care and if you forget to water it a couple of times appearance don't get spoiled.

Thanks to the bracts, the flowers of the Euphorbia Mil plant are very bright, juicy, and interesting. The plant is perfect for the hallway, living room, it can be put in the bedroom.

fuchsia flower

Fuchsia blooms from spring to autumn. If you provide her with the right care, she will delight with flowers all year round. In an apartment, Fuchsia will feel good in a cool place, away from bright light. It is ideal to place the plant in the eastern or western part of the apartment.

Fuchsia loves regular watering and systematic care. The range of plant varieties will allow you to choose the right type for the color and shape of the flowers. Fuchsia will perfectly fit into any interior design of an apartment or house.

Clerodendrum thompson

The plant came to our country from Asia. It has the shape of a bush, quite compact. Clerodendrum looks interesting, both in the office and in the apartment. Blooms from spring until autumn. With regular care, it can bloom all year round.

Clerodendrum flowers are corolla-shaped and look spectacular. During the flowering season, the plant needs regular care and feeding. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. But, pouring a flower is also not worth it. If the air in the room is dry, the plant is sprayed every day with water at room temperature.

IN winter time year the flower rests and recovers. It is transferred to a room with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, the number of waterings is reduced and left here until spring.

Saintpaulia uzambara violet

This type of plant is quite popular, because it does not require significant care and blooms all year round. Violet blooms in small flowers, has fluffy leaves with villi. The color of the flowers depends on the variety of the plant. You need to water Saintpaulia in a pan so that the leaves do not become moldy and do not rot.

During the flowering period, the plant is watered twice a month. The earth in a pot is covered with moss. It not only looks beautiful, but also useful for the flower. If the plant is regularly watered and fed, it will bloom almost all year round.

Hoya carnosa

In the people, this plant is called "Wax ivy". The flower does not need regular watering. Due to the fact that water accumulates in the leaves of the flower, the plant can live without watering for up to 2 months. Carnosa can live without regular feeding. Feels best in the south side of the apartment, but the northern part of the room will not die.

If suddenly the flower dries up, this is not a reason to panic. Tear off a couple of shoots and put them in a glass of water for 1.5 weeks. Shoots sprout roots and the plant can be potted again. Replanting an adult plant is rarely worth it. This is done only when the old pot is already small for him.

With regular care and feeding, Karnoza will delight you with its beauty all year round.

christmas flower

Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round are always in demand. Not everyone has time to devote it to flowers, but they want to be closer to nature. Decembrist - interesting plant that will delight you with flowers throughout the year. They say that if the Decembrist blooms at Christmas, a happy year awaits you.

The Decembrist has leaves that look like a long chain and small flowers of an almost fiery color. The plant is not afraid of temperature changes, can live without frequent watering. It can be kept indoors with dim lighting.

When the Decembrist blooms, it cannot be moved from place to place. This plant is "cowardly" from movement will drop all the flowers. In the winter season, the Decembrist will delight your eyes with juicy and bright colors. The plant does well in vertical flower stands.

Indoor clivia flower

Homeland Clivia - South Africa, with its humid climate. The plant can grow in almost any environment. It is placed where other plants could not live. You can water the flower as you like. Clivia does not tolerate only frank busting of water.

The plant tolerates the absence of strong lighting perfectly and can live in a darkened living room or in the hallway. Clivia begins to bloom in February. This is wonderful, because during this period there is not enough summer and heat.

The flower has long shoots, orange, red flowers look like a bell. Perfectly manages without top dressing and spraying. Clivia is an ideal plant for busy people who forget to take care of flowers.

rose room

Indoor rose plant is not very whimsical, but requires self-care. Thanks to the beautiful bright colors, she is taken care of and kept in the apartment. A room rose in the warm season can be taken out to the veranda or put on the balcony.

At proper care The plant blooms profusely all year round. The interval between the formation of new flowers and the death of old ones is about 7 weeks. The rose loves sunlight, but you should not allow the plant to overheat.

Best of all, the rose grows in the eastern part of the room, you can place the plant in the western part of the room. The optimum temperature in the room is up to 25 degrees Celsius.

The plant needs to be sprayed (once every few days) and watered well. Do not let the soil dry out, this will negatively affect the appearance of the rose. In the cold season, the rose is transferred to a room with a temperature of only 11-15 degrees Celsius and the frequency of watering is reduced. If the plant is regularly looked after, it will delight you with its lush color and beauty.

Primula indoor flower

The plant resembles a small bush, has small flowers of red-orange color. Primula perfectly tolerates dry air, so it does not need spraying. The plant is kept on the southern windows of the room, but protected from a direct hit sunlight.

Watering should be moderate. Do not flood the flower, it may die from this. In the winter season, the frequency of watering is reduced. Primrose blooms all year round and looks spectacular, as in private apartment as well as in the office.

indoor jasmine

Jasmine is a houseplant with evergreen leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. Depending on the type of plant, the flowers may or may not smell. Jasmine is placed on the east or west window of the apartment so that it has enough light.

Watering the plant should be plentiful, but do not flood the flower. Water the flower only when the soil is dry. Water for irrigation can be slightly warmed up or taken distilled. When the flower is actively growing (April-August), it is fertilized with potash fertilizers once a week.

Jasmine blooms almost all year round. If you get used to it, then caring for the plant will not take much time, and the flower will decorate your house for many years.


A plant with evergreen leaves and quivering flowers. Despite the fact that the plant blooms all year round, the flowers live only a day and die off. The plant can be in the form of a bush or liana. The leaves of Ruellia are dark green with white veins.

At the same time, several buds appear on the plant, several flowers bloom. Ruellia grows well on the western and eastern windows in the apartment. If you put it on the north window, then in winter it may not have enough light. Water the plant as the soil in the pot dries out. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. Autumn and winter is the period when the plant is restored. He doesn't need a lot of water. The optimum temperature for keeping a flower is 19-24 degrees Celsius.

pachistachis flower

A plant that blooms at any time of the year. With fleshy leaves and beautiful flowers reminiscent of candles, Pachistachis is the leader among flowers. If you need unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round, it is chosen more often than other flowers.

The plant loves diffused light and relatively cool temperatures. You can not put a flower near the central heating battery. Warm air adversely affects the plant. Drafts should be avoided and air flow should be ensured fresh air to the flower.

It is ideal to keep Pachistachis indoors, which is often ventilated. But, pay attention, there should be no drafts. The dryness of the air in the room can be compensated by spraying the plant. It will appreciate your efforts and will bloom bright and lush.

Ethiopian calla

Ethiopian calla is an unpretentious plant that can grow in a darkened room. It has fragile stems and pale white flowers. Fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light do not affect plant growth.

The plant begins to bloom in November and until May. June and July are periods of rest for Calla. At this time, reduce the frequency of watering and try not to move the pot with the plant.

In spring and autumn, the leaves of the flower may die off, which will eventually be replaced by new shoots. Dead leaves are removed to prevent mold and fungal diseases from developing. With constant care, Calla blooms intensively almost all year round.

Whatever kind of flowers you buy, it is worth remembering that every plant needs a recovery period. Flowers cannot bloom all year round without respite. If you provide the plant with constant care and give it time to recover, it will delight you with its beauty for a long time.


Source: vrutmilife.com

Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilov, Yaroslavl region
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-08 Ecology project on the theme “Flowers of magical beauty” Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilov, Yaroslavl region This project is recommended for children of the middle group of kindergarten and is aimed at a deep study of diversity flora.

Ecology project on the theme “Flowers of magical beauty”

Prepared by:Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna - teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilova, Yaroslavl region.

Project idea:Creation of a flower bed on the territory of the site for a walk.
Project type: Cognitive - research, creative, long-term.
Project participants: children of the senior group, educators, parents.
Project implementation timeline: February - August 2017

environmental education - one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas.
Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants.
Flowers are not only beauty, but a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, but also multiplied.

Target: To generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about what flowers are and how to care for them.
1) Educational:
To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world, with its significance for all life on the planet.
Learn about the structure and function of plants.
Give the concept of garden, meadow flowers.
Get to know the world around you.
Build research skills.
2) Developing:
Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.
Enrich children's vocabulary.
Develop a creative and exploratory interest in flowers.
Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.
3) Educational:
Instilling labor skills, mutual assistance.
Organization of joint creativity of parents and children.
Respect for nature.

Project methods:
1. Conversation
2. Educational games
3. Observations
4. Experiments, research activities
5. Labor

6. Tour

7. Presentation

Resource support:
Information resources (scientific-methodical, journalistic and fiction literature on this issue);
Material resources (experimental site, planting material(garden flower seeds, flower seedlings, care products (packaged soil, water, containers for seedlings, buckets, scoops, shovel, rakes, watering cans), decoration material creative works.

Stages of work:
Organizational and preparatory stage.
The goal is set, the main tasks are defined. Selected literature, illustrations. Developed necessary materials: notes educational activities, an algorithm for compiling a descriptive story, a work plan on the topic of the Project. As part of the interaction, work was carried out with parents.
main stage - research. Direct implementation of the project. Introduction to garden flowers. Landing in room conditions, growing seedlings, caring for seedlings. Work on the garden plot: planting in the ground, caring for plants, monitoring growth, collecting seeds.
Final final. Exhibition of creative works on the topic, drawing up a herbarium, presentation of the results of the Project.

Expected results.
1. Children independently observe and notice the beauty of the plant world.
2. Children have a cognitive interest in nature, they are able to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
3. Formed labor skills and habits for caring for plants, respect for the work of people, the desire to communicate with nature.
4. In direct educational activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué) they try to depict objects of nature - flowers.

Project implementation:
Stage 1 - preparatory

– selected and studied methodological, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the Project;
- selected didactic games of natural history content, aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the formation of the principles of ecological culture;
– adapted and systematized outdoor games aimed at developing motor activity, attention and observation in nature;
– targeted walks around the territory of the kindergarten, an excursion to the “Summer Garden” of the city of Danilov was developed;
- conversations about flowers, compiling descriptive stories;
- looking at photographs and pictures of flowers;
- preparation of containers with earth, seeds.

Stage 2 - exploratory
In the kindergarten group, they examined and sowed seeds of garden flowers, signed containers with the names of plants. Sketched in a notebook of observations. Plant care and watering.
Reading fiction: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles about flowers.
Children watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments, experiments. Sketched in a notebook of observations. They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - man. Conducted classes, didactic games, conversations.
- "What are the flowers?"

“How are flowers born?”

- "Primroses"

- “What should be a flower bed”

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

Experimental activities:

– Experience “Can a plant breathe?”

Target: Find out if the plant absorbs oxygen.

– Experience “How does a plant look for light?”

Target: Find out how light and shadow affect the plant.

- Experience "Influence of Sunlight on Plant Growth"

Target:determine the role of the sun in plant life.

2 containers with earth and sprouts (children water one container, loosen the earth, choose a sunny place, do not water the other, do not loosen the earth, put in a dark place)

Experience “Plants “drink” water”

Target:prove that plants absorb water.

Put two bouquets of flowers in tinted water. After a while, the stems of the flowers will also be colored. Conclusion: plants "drink" water.

- "Plants of our site."
Inspection of the site, finding plants, determining their names.

“What kind of plants are they? » Inspection of plants in order to determine their structure (find the stem, leaves, flowers, roots). Comparison different plants by height, shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems, by smell.

“Who helps the plants grow?” Children discuss why the plants have grown. The purpose of all parts of the plant is determined: the root absorbs moisture from the ground, nutrients; the stem carries them to the leaves, flowers, seeds; leaves absorb light; flowers will then become seeds. Plants have grown because our site is a good “home” for them, in which there is nutritious soil, water, heat, and light. Flowers grow "help": the sun, rain, earth and people.

Is it necessary to collect seeds wild plants Children find seeds of ripening grasses on the site (plantain, loach, etc., they establish that they themselves fall off, are carried by the wind, cling to clothes, animal hair, that seeds can be collected for winter feeding of birds.

- "We will collect the seeds of garden flowers" Inspection of flowers, identification of mature seeds, collecting them in boxes or bags. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that there is only one flower, but there are many seeds. So, next year you can grow a lot of flowering plants.

Ecology games:
"Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said "land", the one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; the player answers the word “water” with the name of fish, the word air with the name of birds. At the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the games, “settle” at home, showing the card to the teacher.
What plant is missing? »
Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

Stage 3 - final
– Presentation “How we grew flowers”
– Exhibition of creative works “Flowers of magical beauty”
– Collection of flower seeds

- Drawing up a herbarium

– Lapbook on ecology “Flowers”
– Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of research activities of children

Calendar-thematic plan



Goals and objectives

Forms of work

with kids

with parents


What are the flowers?

To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world, with its significance for all life on the planet.

- Conversation "What are the flowers?";

- GCD Drawing from life "Indoor plant in a pot";

- Experience "Can a plant breathe?";

- Quiz game "My green friends".

Advice for parents "Unpretentious indoor plants"


The birth of a flower is a real miracle!

Learn about the structure and function of plants.

Give the concept - garden, meadow flowers.

– Conversation “How are flowers born?”;

– Landing flower seeds at room conditions, growing seedlings, watering and loosening;

– NOD Application “Bouquet for Mom”

– Experience “How does a plant look for light?”;

- D / game "Flower meadow".

- Conversation "What garden flowers do you grow in your flower bed?"


First flowers

Formation of cognitive interest in nature, develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

- Conversation "Primroses";

- NOD Sculpting "Snowdrops"

– Experience “Influence of sunlight on plant growth”;

- watering and loosening flower seedlings, monitoring growth;
- P / game "Earth, water, fire and air."

Consultation for parents "Secrets of floristry"

Magic flower bed

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.

- Conversation "What should be a flower bed?"

- Observation "Plants of our site";

– Creation of a flower bed on the territory of the site for a walk

(planting seedlings in the ground, caring for plants, monitoring growth);

- GCD Drawing "Wildflowers";

– Experience “Plants “drink” water”;

- D / game "What plant is gone."


flower helpers

Develop a creative and exploratory interest in flowers.

– Observation “What kind of plants are they?”, “Who helps plants grow?”;

– Care of flowers, observation of growth and flowering;

- GCD Application "Tray with flowers";

- Riddles about flowers.

Conversation "Do children help you in the garden"


Plants in our area

Instilling labor skills, mutual assistance.

Inculcating respect for nature.

– Observation “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?” ;

- Making a LEPBOOK on the topic;

– Excursion to the Summer Garden;

- GCD Drawing "Favorite flowers";

- Quiz "What do we know about flowers";

- Caring for flowers, monitoring growth and flowering.

Questionnaire "What kind of flower grower am I"


Garden flowers of magical beauty

To form labor skills and skills for caring for flowers.

- Conversation "Why do flowers fade in autumn?";

- Observation "Let's collect the seeds of garden flowers";

– Collection of seeds and plants for the herbarium;

- Drawing up a herbarium of flowers;

- D / game "The fourth extra";, , . .

Modern man most of his time, and this is about 80%, spends indoors. To think that indoors we are to some extent protected from the adverse effects of the environment is a mistake. On the contrary, studies show that indoor air is 4-6 times dirtier than outdoor air and 8-10 times more toxic. The concentration of substances harmful to the body in indoor air is sometimes 100 times higher than their concentration in outdoor air. Indoors, we are surrounded by objects and materials that emit harmful to health chemical substances and elements. These are varnishes and paints that cover furniture, books, synthetic carpets, linoleum and parquet, of poor quality. Construction Materials, as well as all Appliances.

Substances emitted by all of the above items and materials are dangerous in themselves, and when mixed with each other, they pose an even greater danger to humans.

Not many people know that electromagnetic and radiation emissions are also present in the atmosphere of our home. Sources of electromagnetic fields are electrical wiring, refrigerators, computers, televisions, vacuum cleaners, fans, electric furnaces. At the same time, if the listed devices are close to each other, then their radiations are amplified, layering on each other. That is why it is necessary to properly position electrical appliances. It must be remembered that a weak but prolonged exposure to EMF over time can lead to the development of malignant cancerous tumors, memory loss, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, not to mention chronic fatigue.

Another danger of the premises is radiation. Researchers say that household appliances are not a source of radiation, except perhaps the TV, from which you need to sit as far as possible. Another source of radiation can be low-quality building structures, the materials for which may contain radionuclides many times higher than the permissible radiation safety standards.

There is no need to say that the state of our health directly depends on the ecology of our home and workplace. The environmentally unfavorable environment of the premises in which we are located can cause both slight indisposition and complete serious illness. The first effects of polluted room air are manifested in dizziness, headaches, insomnia, resulting in fatigue and irritability.

The question is quite natural: is it possible to improve the situation, and if so, how? The answer, like everything ingenious, is quite simple - a person needs to restore the interrupted connection with nature by surrounding himself with plants. Plants are real helpers in the fight against polluted indoor air. Except what they eat harmful substances, they also produce oxygen, the deficiency of which is obvious today. In addition to all of the above, the energy of plants also has a very beneficial effect on the human condition.

Many indoor plants have phytoncidal (bactericidal) properties. In a room where there are, for example, citrus fruits, rosemary, myrtle, chlorophytum in the air, the content of harmful microorganisms decreases many times. Asparagus are very useful in that they absorb heavy metal particles, which, along with everything else, are present in our homes.

Air humidity is one of the important indicators for the normal functioning of the body, and in modern block houses it is much lower than the norm - almost like in a desert. But even here there is a way out - a unique plant that can turn a desert area into a real oasis - cyperus. This is a moisture-loving plant, so the flowerpot with it is placed in a pan with water. It is also useful to have such pallets with moisture-loving plants in all rooms, since they have a very good effect on the state of the air. Improve water-gas exchange in the premises of arrowroot, monstera and anthurium.

As a result of research, NASA employees concluded that aloe, chrysanthemum, chlorophytum and ivy have highly effective air-purifying properties.

It is obvious that in a stuffy room a person does not feel well. As it turned out, the reason here is not just a lack of oxygen, but rather, its negative ions. The number of these ions is also rapidly reduced when the TV or computer is on. But in this situation, plants come to the rescue, which emit these very negative ions, thereby refreshing the air and making it easy to breathe. These plants include conifers, such as thuja, cypress, cryptomeria. These magnificent plants, which, moreover, also disinfect the air, can be grown at home from seeds.

Since ancient times, geraniums have been known to people as a plant that drives away evil spirits. Science, as well as the personal experience of many people, shows that geranium drives away flies, relieves headaches, and also deodorizes and disinfects the air.

Rose - not without reason nicknamed the Queen of Flowers, of course, has a wonderful effect on a person's energy, supporting and correcting it. A room rose helps to get rid of excessive fatigue and irritability, and if there are also such most useful plants like basil, mint-melissa and tarragon (tarragon), then the air in the room becomes not only not harmful, but even healing.

Autumn is recommended to grow garlic and onions in pots in unlimited quantities. These plants not only disinfect the air, but also help with insomnia. It is especially useful to keep them in the bedroom for those who often have nightmares.

It is very useful to grow a dwarf pomegranate in the room, which improves immunity. All summer greens: parsley, celery, dill and cilantro have a very positive effect on air quality and human health.

Here is a more detailed list of plants that improve the ecological situation in the house:

Vacuum plants
absorb formaldehyde and phenol from the air, released from new furniture, destroy microbes - aloe tree, chlorophytum, climbing philodendron

Conditioner Plants
have maximum air-purifying abilities - crested chlorophytum, pinnate epipremnum, asparagus, monstera, spurge, tree-like krasula

filter plants
successfully cope with benzene - common ivy, chlorophytum, pinnate epipremnum, dracaena purify the air of carbon oxides

They saturate the air with negative oxygen ions, they are very useful for all rooms, including the kitchen - pelargonium, monstera, saintpaulia, ferns.

plant healers
destroy staphylococcal infection - dieffenbachia, myrtle, ruellia, sanchetia, psidium
destroy streptococcal microorganisms - aglaonema, begonias, anthurium Andre and Scherzer, Japanese euonymus
fight with Escherichia coli - poncirus, cherry laurel, noble laurel
able to defeat Klebsiella, which causes pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, etc. - mint, lavender, monarda, hyssop, sage
reduce the total content of microbial cells in indoor air - rosemary, anthurium, begonias, myrtle, pelargonium, sansiviera, dieffenbachia, tree krasula, tradescantia, aglaonema, epipremnum.

All of the above recommendations are not strict rules, because any healthy plant that pleases you and brings positive emotions will surely bring benefits and harmony to your life, and your house will fill with beauty, comfort and, most importantly, health

Environmental project

Flowers around us.

Project author:

music director of BDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of the city of Tara",

project participants:

educators of BDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of the city of Tara":


Tara - 2013.

The relevance of the project.

Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the knowledge gained is not presented in isolation, without reference to the whole complex of phenomena surrounding the subject of study. Children should always see the connection of a particular species with environment, its impact on this environment, they must understand that plants and animals depend on each other and on the environment.
Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, as they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases.
Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.
Everyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked.

Educational area – optimization of mental activity of children through the cooperation of teachers and parents.

Members. Educators, children 4-6 years old, parents.

Interaction of teachers: music director, educators, parents.

Project type: creative, information-research, medium-term, collective, individual (together with parents).

Problem question: "What are the flowers and why are they on Earth?"

Target: Activation of cognitive and creative activity of children,

development of the creative potential of pupils and teachers, active involvement of parents in the educational process.


· Define what a flower is.

· To teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house).

· Introduce children to the professions of people associated with floriculture.

· Teach children how to plant and grow flowers.

· Note the importance, the role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, insects.

· To develop the constructive, visual abilities of children in the manufacture of flowers, using different materials and technical means.

· Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

· Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.

· Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts. Replenishment and enrich the vocabulary of children and their knowledge of the colors of forest, meadow, garden, indoor.

· To cultivate a caring attitude towards flowers, the ability to take care of them.

· To cultivate communication skills, independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things.

Project methods:

· research: experiments, problematic issues, observations;

· self-observation;

· collective observation;

· verbal: conversations, reading literature, consultations for parents, explanations, instructions, verbal instructions;

· simulation technology;

· relaxation;

· aromatherapy;

· listening to music.

Project organization forms:

· Cognitive directly organized activity (application, drawing, modeling, music, speech development, natural and social world);

· Excursions;

· Didactic games;

· Labor activity of children;

· Ecological quiz.

Resource support for the project.

· A corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the site of the kindergarten.

· Methodological tools.

· Material and technical (computer, camera, stationery, music library, glassware for experiments, pots, jars, magnifying glass, plastic knives for experiments, individual saucers for experiments, napkins, gardening equipment, nurseries, sports equipment)

· visual material:

A) live flowers, in illustrations, made from different materials;
b) board games;
c) didactic games on ecology;
d) the library of a young florist, the album "Legends of Flowers".

· Equipped with natural and waste material.

Project implementation timeline: 1 month.

Expected Result: development of children's cognitive interest, expansion of ideas about meadow, forest, garden and indoor flowers. Positive-emotional and conscious attitude to nature, to the colors that surround the child. Flowers are not only a decoration of the Earth, but also healers. Willingness to participate in practical activities to improve the natural environment (planting, caring for flowers). The skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and take care of it were formed.

Project stages.

Stage 1. Goal setting (problem identification).

Stage 2. Project development.

Stage 3. Implementation of the project (organization of joint work of children and teachers on the project).

Stage 4. Summarizing.

1. Indoor plants (middle group).

2. Garden flowers (senior group).

3. Meadow and forest flowers (middle group).

6. Ball of flowers.

7. Exhibition of drawings, photo exhibition and flower collage.

Stages of project implementation




I. Preparatory stage

1 Week

· Collection and analysis of literature on the topic;

· Development of a project implementation plan;

· Selection of musical repertoire and musical games, relaxation exercises;

· Development of didactic games, manuals;

· A selection of illustrative material;

· A selection of poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales, myths, legends on the topic;

· A selection of mobile, finger, didactic games, fun questions and exercises on the topic;

· Prepare material for visual activity, fiction and educational literature for reading to children;

· Preparation of flower seeds, nurseries.

· Tasks for parents on the design of an ecological book about flowers.

· Diagnostics-determination of the level of skills and knowledge of children on the topic.

Musical director: ;

Educators: ,

II. main stage

1 Week

2 weeks

· Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten, (senior group);

· Excursion to the meadow, near the river Arkarka, to the birch grove (middle group);

· Excursion to the flower shop (middle group)

Purpose: acquaintance with the colors of our region and kindergarten.

· Riddles, puzzles.

· Learning and reading poetry.

· Reading fiction, educational literature,

· Conversations: “Flowers in legends, poems, riddles, songs”, “Professions of people involved in floriculture”

· Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of flowers.

· Didactic game "Flower Shop" (to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others; teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets).

· Didactic game "Fold a flower" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower - stem, flower leaves).

· Didactic game "Find a plant by description" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower, fixing the names of indoor plants).

· GCD "Secrets of indoor plants" (consolidate children's knowledge of indoor plants; continue to teach how to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external features; consolidate knowledge about the growth conditions of indoor plants; develop a desire to care for plants).

· Conversation “The conditions necessary for the life of indoor plants” (in an accessible form to explain to children how to properly care for a corner of nature). Annex 1.

· NOD "Golden Meadow" (Introduce children to the writer M. Prishvin; develop the ability to emotionally respond to the beauty of nature and the content of a literary work).

· Conversation about dandelion (expand and clarify children's knowledge about dandelion); Appendix 2

· NOD "Tagetes - a garden flower"

    Conversation “What flowers need for life” (in an accessible form to explain to children how to properly care for garden flowers) Appendix 3

· Outdoor games.

· Listening to music:

goal: Formation of the foundations of musical culture for children.
Y. Antonov “Do not pick flowers”
“Cycle of the Seasons”, “Waltz of the Flowers”
Y. Chichkov “ magic flower"It's called nature"
“Where are the dandelions?”

"Cactus - hedgehog", "Daisies" Vikhareva

NOD NGO "Music" in middle group on the topic: “He looks like a hedgehog” (expand children's ideas about cacti);

NOD NGO "Music" in the middle group on the topic: "Flowers of our land" (expand children's ideas about the meadow and forest flowers of our land, know and name them);

NOD NGO "Music" in senior group on the topic: "Flowers around us" (expand children's ideas about garden flowers, know and name them, cultivate respect for nature) Appendix 4

Experiences and research and search activities:

· if you do not water the flowers for a long time, the leaves wither, and the flower falls.

· where the seeds will quickly sprout (in the sun, in a dark place or far from sunlight);

· germination of shoots of flowers, examination of roots.

Labor activity on the site, in the group - planting flowers, watering flower beds, loosening the soil, caring for indoor flowers.

· Collect collection: flowers made from different material, flowers on fabric, postcards "Bouquets of flowers".

· Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they take care of flowers with their parents. On what occasions are flowers given at home?

Working with parents:

· Preparation of material for environmental books.

Artistic and creative activity:
a) active participation in events related to the theme "Flowers";
b) making paper flowers;
c) drawing flowers with paints, pencils, crayons, using different techniques:
d) take part in exhibitions in kindergarten:
- "Golden Dandelion" (consolidating knowledge about the structure of a flower, medicinal plants nearest environment)
- Collective drawing in non-traditional technique "We draw a fat girl" (consolidation of knowledge about the structure of a flower, development of an emotional and value attitude to artistic images).
- Portrait “The plant is smiling”

· Card file of didactic games:

"The flower is your talisman";
"Guess the flower from the description";
"Guess the flower from the riddle, from the illustration";
"Assemble a flower from geometric shapes";
"Decorate the carpet with flowers."
"Plant meadow and garden flowers"
"Name an extra flower"

· Observations (eg: dandelions bloom with the appearance of the sun, if the weather is cloudy, they do not bloom), for flowers on discounts.

· Poetry Day Beautiful flower"(development of emotional and value attitude to artistic images).

· Evening of riddles "Mysteries of the Forest Fairy".

· Work in a corner of nature (caring for indoor plants - watering, dusting leaves

Working with parents:

o Advice for parents "How to grow gardens and kitchen gardens on the windowsill."

o Consultation "Chamomile" from the series "Together with children".

o Consultation "How to make a flower collage with a child."

Musical director


3 week

· Registration of a photo exhibition on the topic: "Indoor plants in the garden and at home";

§ Registration of an exhibition of drawings on the theme: "Flowers of our region";

§ The design of the exhibition is a collage: “Flower Kaleidoscope”.

Parents and caregivers

III.The final stage

4 week

· Musical celebration "Ball of Flowers" Appendix 5

· Collage "Flower Kaleidoscope"

· Exhibition of drawings "Flowers of my land"

· Photo exhibition "Interior Assistants" Presentation.

During the project:

we summarized and enriched the experience of children in the field of environmental education through the use of scientific methods and techniques. We collected invaluable material about flowers, systematized it and summarized it as experience in this project. The children have: an interest in recognizing nature, the characteristics of life and the development of plants; the desire to independently carry out instructions for caring for plants; skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.
During the period of work on the project, the children enriched the vocabulary and replenished their vocabulary, if at the beginning of the work on the project the children knew 3-4 flower names, then by the end - more than 10. During the experimental activity, we developed the children's imagination, thinking, formed the skills of elementary research activities .
We got acquainted with plants and learned to convey our feelings in drawings and crafts made from natural materials.
Adults have become more actively involved in creating conditions for the realization of creative and cognitive abilities in children, in organizing and holding environmental events and competitions.

List of used literature:

· The world of nature and the child (Methodology of ecological education of preschoolers): Textbook for pedagogical schools in the specialty "Preschool education" / Edited by. - St. Petersburg: AKCIDENT, 1998.

· “Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten”, “Final days on lexical topics”, 2006.

· "From autumn to autumn" 2004.

· “Living Ecology”, “Ecological Observations and Experiments in D/S 2005.

· "We" - the program of ecological education of children in 2005.

· “Scenario of classes on environmental education of preschoolers” 2005.

· "Young ecologist" 2002.

· Ecological education in kindergarten: lectures 1 - 8. - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2006.

· Ecological project "Tree". Magazine "Hoop". - N 2. - 1997.

Annex 1.

Synopsis of directly organized activities in the middle group. Educational area "Cognitive development".

Topic: "Secrets of indoor plants."

Completed by a teacher of the 1st qualification category


Continue to form in children an interest in the plant world.

Bring to the understanding that indoor plants are a living organism,

Requiring some care;

To give children an idea about the features of indoor plants;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the plant.

Cultivate love for plants, the desire to care for them, enjoy the results of their work.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Materials and equipment : Doll Dunno, illustrations of indoor plants, attributes for didactic game“Pick it right”, phonogram Paul Maria James Last is a lonely shepherd.

Preliminary work:
