Topic insects middle group. Abstract of the lesson in the middle group “Insects. Dynamic pause "Caterpillar"


1 Project "Insects and us" for children of the middle group kindergarten educator: Plotnikova Irina Evgenievna, Description of work: a project for children of middle preschool age 4-5 years old, the implementation of which allows children to understand the uniqueness of each insect, its uniqueness. Problem: Do people and nature need insects? Purpose: development in children of ideas about the life of insects, a humane attitude towards environment and the desire to take care of the conservation of nature. Tasks: - to expand and systematize children's knowledge about insects: butterflies, ants, bees, beetles, their habitats, characteristic features;

2 - to develop the ability to draw conclusions, establishing causal relationships between wildlife objects; - educate respect for nature. Project participants: educators, children of middle preschool age 4-5 years old. Implementation period: within a month. Place of implementation: MBDOU DSKV 86 "Bylinushka", Nizhnevartovsk Type of project: educational, short-term. Project support resources: - Personnel: educators. - Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the project, Internet resource. - Material technical: maps, visual and didactic aids, stationery, music center, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, digital camera. Types of children's activities: - directly - educational; - experimental - research; - game; - artistic creativity. Forms and methods of work: - conversations; - art workshop; - walks, observations in nature; - experiments, research; - outdoor games - watching cartoons, presentations; - design of the wall newspaper. Expected Result:

3 Children: - have ideas about the world of insects; - show interest in certain types of insects; - know what benefit or harm insects can bring; - know how to reason, observe insects, treat them carefully. Stages of the project implementation: - Research survey of children, identification of the problem. - Preparatory processing of the information received, the selection of visual and game material, the study of methodological literature, the development of a plan for joint activities. - Practical implementation of the joint action plan through integration different types children's activities. - Final assessment of the effectiveness of the project. Implementation plan Directly educational activities: - "We are going to the meadow" - cognitive development; - "Summer is coming", "Grey star" - speech development; - "Butterflies fly", "Gardens bloom" - artistic and aesthetic development. Experimental research activities, observations in nature: - "Meeting with Maya the bee"; - "Meeting with the Butterfly Lily"; - "Meeting with the ant Kuzey"; - "Meeting with the Piskun mosquito." Game activity: Outdoor games: “bear and bees”, “day and night”, “catch a mosquito”, “Find your house”, etc. Didactic games: “pick up a rhyme”, “say a word”, “what first, what then”, “What has changed”, “Insects”, “Pick a flower”, “Where do you live?”.

4 Dramatization Games: - “The Cluttering Fly” by K. Chukovsky; - “Like an ant hurried home” by V. Bianki; - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, A.S. Pushkin. Artistic creativity: - drawing of honeycomb cells according to the template; - "Butterflies in the meadow" - drawing; - drawing by dots "Connect the dots and find out who the caterpillar will turn into"; - "Komar Piskun" - handmade from natural material. Outcome: plot role-playing game“Journey to the meadow” (on a walk), wall newspaper “This flying, crawling, buzzing world” Working with parents: - informing parents about the content and objectives of the project “Summer Journey to the World of Insects”; - home cinema: watching cartoons "Luntik", "Maya the Bee", etc.; - learning poems, riddles, proverbs about insects; - assistance in the design of the wall newspaper "This flying, crawling, buzzing world." “We are going to the meadow” game integrated lesson together with a physical education instructor Purpose: Development of cognitive interest in natural objects. Tasks: - consolidate children's knowledge about insects: appearance, body parts, etc.; - enrich the active and passive vocabulary with terms on the topic "Insects"; - improve the motor skills of children, the ability to imitate; - foster respect for nature and its inhabitants. Materials and equipment: visual material on the topic "Insects",

5 pictures of birds and animals, pictures of the outline of insects, fabric with the image of flowers, colored hoops, headbands for masks, art materials, musical accompaniment. Move: Children enter the group to calm music and stand in a circle. Educator: - Guys, tell me, please, when people meet, what do they do? How can you greet each other? Ritual "Greeting" Hello, golden sun! Hello blue sky! Hello sweet grass! Hello mother earth! A physical education instructor enters the group: - Hello, guys! I was in a hurry to your lesson and met a small bug on the road, guess who it is? I know how to fly deftly, Wings are red in points, As if in little black circles. In a bright festive shirt I save the harvest. Don't hate me! Children: - Ladybug! Educator: - Let's say hello to her! It seems to me that the ladybug wants to tell us something (listens) She invites us to visit the green meadow and wants to introduce her to her friends. Physical education instructor: - And let's hit the road right now! To the music of "The Train from Romashkovo", the children set off on their journey. “Exercises in walking and running” - “along the path” - walking with a gymnastic step;

6 - "in the swamp" - walking on toes, hands on the belt; - “over bumps” - walking on heels; - "easy running"; - "breathe the forest air" - breathing exercises. Children stand in a circle near a forest clearing. Educator: - And here is the forest clearing. On her beautiful flowers. And what a smell! Who is meeting us here? (pictures depicting insects are laid out in the clearing) The teacher makes riddles, the children find the corresponding picture. Riddles 1. All four petals moved at the flower, I wanted to pluck it, It fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly.) 2. I took the name from the blacksmith, The color from the cucumber, The wings from the cloudberry, The legs from the flea. (Grasshopper.) 3. What a girl: In the belt is thin, Huge eyes, A chirp flies. (Dragonfly.) 4. Black peanut Pulls a load not in height. (Ant.) 5. I don’t buzz when I sit,

7 I don't buzz when I walk, If I'm circling in the air, I'll buzz to my heart's content. (Beetle) 6. Who lowers his proboscis into every flower he meets? And then, a bullet rushes into the hive, And hides something in a corner. (Bee) 7. Although it has many legs, it still cannot run. It crawls along the leaf, The poor leaf will gnaw the whole thing. (Caterpillar) Educator: - Look carefully at the pictures. How can you call in one word those who are depicted on them? Children: - Insects! Educator: - What do insects have? What can they do? Physical education instructor: - Let's imagine ourselves as insects, it will be a lot of fun! Game - improvisation "Insects". The physical education instructor or educator asks the child to depict any insect with gestures, facial expressions, movements, the children must guess who it is? The guesser continues the game. At the end of the game, the children return to the forest clearing. Educator: - Guys, look what has changed in the forest clearing? (instead of color pictures, the contours of insects appeared). Probably, while we were playing, someone bewitched them and took their smart clothes. Maybe we can somehow help them, because without their color they are completely defenseless? Children: - We can color them!

8 Educator: - To do this, you need to choose an insect and explain why you chose it or tell about it. Word game "I chose because" Reference materials: This is a ladybug. She was named so because she has orange milk on her legs. This is a bee. Hardworking insect. It collects a sweet juice called nectar from flowers. The bee makes honey from nectar. Lives in hives and hollows. This is a butterfly. It feeds on the nectar of flowers. Butterflies have different, beautiful colors. Butterflies live on flowers. This is a dragonfly. She looks like a helicopter. It can fly and hang in the air, feeds on insects, catches them on the fly. Lives near water. This is an ant. Ants live in an anthill. They are very strong: they lift blades of grass, caterpillars, which are heavier than them. They do not see well, but with the help of antennae, they feel everything that meets on the way. They live in an anthill. They eat grasses. This is a beetle. He can fly. It feeds on plants and lives in trees. This is a grasshopper. Able to jump high. Lives in meadows. Feeds on plants and small insects. Can chirp a lot. This is a cricket. He loves heat very much, so on cold nights he sneaks into people's houses, closer to the heat. The cricket sleeps during the day and chirps at night. This is a caterpillar. She has many legs. She can (slowly) crawl. Feeds on leaves. Caterpillars are green and multi-colored. Artistic creativity. Children paint insects and make masks together with the teacher. Educator: - Look at what beautiful masks we got, now our ladybug will not be bored, because she has even more friends. Let's stand in a circle and look at each other.

9 Children stand in a circle. Educator: - What little creatures did we talk about today? Do you think insects have enemies? Who could it be? Physical education instructor: - Let's teach insects to hide, then the enemies will not find them. Mobile game "Find your house". Rules: children in insect masks move freely around the playground while the music is playing, at the signal the insects “should hide in the house” of the corresponding color. For example, a ladybug is red, a grasshopper is green, a butterfly is multi-colored, etc. Educator: - Now our little friends are not afraid of anything, because we will take care of them, protect and remember: - Everything, everything, everything in the world, the world is needed! And midges are no less needed than elephants. You can't do without absurd monsters. And even without evil and ferocious predators. We need everything in the world, we need everything, Who makes honey and who makes poison, Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone - We still really need each other! And if someone seems superfluous to us, Then this, of course, will turn out to be a mistake. Literature used: 1. "Unexplored nearby", entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers. O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanov, V.V. Shchetinina, M., Sfera shopping center, 2005. 2. Educational activities with children 5-6 years old. Manual of the fifth (initial) link of the general developing pedagogical system for the implementation of the basic content of preschool education. (The system of integrated classes with

10 older children) / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. M .: OLMA Media Group, Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years, thematic planning, recommendations, class notes. E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 4. Comprehensive planning of walks with children 2.5-7 years old, walking cards. O.R. Meremyanina, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. 5. "Theme days in kindergarten", planning and notes. E.A. Alyabyeva, M., Sfera shopping center, 2006

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Synopsis of GCD in the middle group "Insects".

cognitive development

  • To expand and consolidate children's knowledge of insects, to introduce the general concept of "insects" into the active dictionary of children.
  • Develop general motor skills, coordination.
  • Continue to learn to group objects according to their main features.

Speech development

  • Develop visual and auditory memory.
  • Develop figurative speech.
  • Continue to learn to guess riddles and justify your answer.
  • Cultivate a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet.
  • To form a desire to actively work in the classroom.
  • Instill respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

reading literature on the topic, looking at illustrations, drawing insects.

Materials and equipment:

Insect posters, soundtrack.

Lesson progress:

(Children sit in a semicircle on chairs)
Sun: Let's hold hands together
And smile at each other
Warmth will run in a circle
Let's be together very friendly
fantasize play
We want to know everything.
Suddenly they hear a knock!
Vos - l: Children! Butterfly Lily came to visit us. Look at Lily's letter.
“Dear guys, we are in trouble! An evil spider has bewitched us, we are now in danger! Help us please! Signed "Insects".
Sun: Children, what do we need to do?
Children's answers (save insects, help out of trouble).
Sun: Well guys, are we going to save insects from trouble?
(Answers of children).
Sun: Then we need to solve riddles. As soon as you solve the riddle, name the correct answer, the magic spell of the evil spider will disappear and the insects will be released.

1. Jumping spring, green back
From grass to blade of grass, from branch to path(grasshopper)
2. Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers, gives us both honey and wax
She is sweet to all people, but her name is
3. She has four wings, her body is thin like an arrow
There are enough insects in the mouth, there are huge eyes
They call her (Dragonfly)
4. He is a real worker, very, very hardworking
Under a pine tree in a dense forest, building a house from needles
For the life of me without a job, I can't live
5. She is light, beautiful, graceful, light-winged
She looks like a flower herself, and loves to drink flower juice
6. I don’t buzz when I sit, I don’t buzz when I walk
If I'm spinning in the air, I'm already buzzing enough
7. She is sweeter than all the bugs, the back is scarlet on her
And on it are circles, little black dots
8. She flies all day, everyone gets bored
The night comes, then it stops
9. Those with whom I buzzed next to me remember I have a sting
And on the abdomen is a stripe, because I
Sun: What good fellows you are! That's how many inhabitants of the clearing were disenchanted. Guys, so who did we rescue from trouble?
Children: Insects
Sun: The evil spider ran away, and the butterfly is glad that you are so kind, saved the insects, and the butterfly Lily and I will continue our journey to the land of knowledge.

Sun: Children, let's tell you how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
This strange house without windows
(turn around)
People call it "cocoon"
Twisting on a branch this house
(turn hands)
A caterpillar slumbers in it
(palms under cheek)
Sleeps without waking up all winter
(change hands)
But the winter is passing by
(wave hands up)
March, April, drops, spring
(clapping for every word)
Wake up sleepyhead
Under the bright spring sun
(draw the sun)
The caterpillar is not up to sleep
(threaten finger)
She became a butterfly
(flapping their wings).
Vos - l: Guys, do you like miracles?
(children's answers)
Listen, about the miracle that happens with insects. The miracle is that bugs, flies, butterflies, dragonflies are never babies. They are born immediately as adults. Each insect, before becoming an adult, is first an egg, then a larva, a caterpillar, hatches. She needs to eat a lot and grow, when she grows up she turns into a chrysalis. Time passes, a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. Dragonflies lay their eggs in the water, mosquitoes lay their larvae in the water, the beetle lays their larvae in the ground, guys, where do insects live?
(children's answers)
Vos - l:
They live everywhere: in grass, on trees, in flowers, in water. And how do they move?
(Children's answers: Run, jump, fly)
Sun: What do insects eat?
(Children's answers: flower nectar, plant leaves)
Vos - l: These are insects, so they are somewhat similar? How are they different from other forest dwellers? What do they have in common? By what signs can they be identified?
(Children's answers: They have 6 paws, head, wings, abdomen)
Vos - l: Children have a lot of insects, is that good? What benefit do they provide?
(Children's answers: Lots of food for birds, pollinate plants, bees give honey)
Vos - l:
But a lot of insects, this is bad, why do you think?
(Children's answers: they carry various diseases, interfere with sleep, bite)
Vos - l: So, what groups can we divide them into
(Children's answers: Useful, harmful, predatory)
Vos - l: Name beneficial insects?
(Children's answers: Butterfly, bee, ant)
What benefit do they provide?
(Children's answers: bees pollinate flowers, give honey, a butterfly pollinates flowers, ants carry seeds through the forest, forest attendants)
Name harmful insects?
(Children's answers: Fly, mosquito, caterpillar)
What is the harm from them?
(Children's answers: A fly carries germs on its paws, a caterpillar eats plant leaves, a mosquito bites people and animals)

Now let's show how insects talk?
zhu - zhu - zhu buzzing bee
my business is good
Zu - Zu - Zu mosquito squeaks
Bite soon in a hurry
uh-uh-uh like a locomotive a bumblebee puffs, carried pollen
beetle buzzing
I will wake anyone
Name the insects that are carnivorous?
(Children's answers: Dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug)
Why are they called carnivores?
(Children's answers: they hunt other insects)

The game "Name-affectionately"
mosquito mosquito
bug beetle
bee bee
Ant Ant
dragonfly dragonfly
fly fly
Vos - l: All insects are so small that they can be overlooked. Why are they easy to hide? Why is the grasshopper green?(hiding in the grass).
May beetle hides on tree branches. Butterfly on a flower?(bright, like a flower). Because they have a protective coloration, like their habitats.
Why are they so colored?
(defend, hide from enemies).
Vos - l: Children, look, the ladybug is so bright. It can be seen in the grass, and on the tree. Any bird will notice it. Where can she hide?
Children's answers (she herself defends herself from enemies, in a moment of danger she secretes milk that smells bad and therefore no one eats it.)
Vos - l: Why can't you touch and offend insects?(they are alive)
Vos - l: Yes, insects are alive. they cannot be offended. What will happen to nature if insects disappear? Plants will also disappear, birds will die. Insects are part of nature, you can admire them. Watch how they fly, run, jump, buzz.

Game: “Finish the sentence” - choose the right words, I will start and you will continue.
The beetle is big, but the mosquito ...... ..
The butterfly flies and the caterpillar...
Bees live in hives, and ants…….
in an anthill
Birds have two legs, but insects...
The ladybug is small, and the snail ...
Bees make nectar...
The beetle has short wings, and the dragonfly ... long
Sun: Guys, and now I ask you to come to the table so that our clearing comes to life, I propose to decorate it with insects. Take insects and settle them in a forest clearing. Look how beautiful the meadow has become. Let ants and beetles crawl, let grasshoppers jump, butterflies and dragonflies fly!
Sun: Children, Butterfly Lily wants to say something: Thank you guys for helping to disenchant my insect friends. You are kind and caring guys, just don't forget, you can't offend insects, you can admire them, watch how they work! Protecting them, we protect nature!

Physical education minute
We are ladybugs, fast and agile
On the juicy grass we crawl
And then we'll go for a walk in the forest
Blueberries and mushrooms in the forest
tired legs from walking
And we want to eat
Let's fly home soon.
Guys, what are we talking about today?
What new did you learn?
Did you like the land of knowledge?
And I liked it, you were active, listened carefully, diligently completed the task.


Educator of preschool educational institution No. 36 Konnova A.A.

Integration of educational areas

Cognitive development:

Continue to learn the rules of safe behavior in nature

Introduce children to the new safety rules.

To consolidate children's knowledge about spring changes in wildlife and inanimate nature

Speech development

Continue to develop coherent speech of children.

Activate and expand vocabulary.

Continue learning to answer questions.

Social and communicative development

Clarify ideas about environmental prohibitions; help not only to understand, but also to feel the rules of behavior in nature, to convince of the need to comply with them.

To form the ability to behave in nature, treat it with care, see its beauty and originality.

Raise a joyful, caring attitude of children to nature.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, viewing reproductions of paintings by famous artists; observations, work on walks, memorizing poems about spring.

Material for the lesson

Notebook, didactic games "Name the animal", "collect the flower" illustrations, prohibition signs

Lesson progress:

Vos-l. Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them. Get your palms ready. Repeat with me.

Finger gymnastics.

Hello red sun - hands up,

Hello, breeze - shaking hands,

Sunny bunnies - waving your hands in front of you

Quick trickle - hands down shaking hands

Hello ripe grass - shaking hands

Hello, noisy foliage - rub your hands

Hello mice - cotton behind your back

Hello bunnies - jumping in place

Hello everyone now - fingers locked in a lock

We are very glad to see you - hands to the chest and forward - to the sides.

Vos-l: Today the Teddy Bear came to visit us. Say hello to him. Teddy bear asks you for help to figure out what time it is the year is coming speech in this poem:

Over the mountains, over the seas

Flocks of cranes rush

The streams in the forest sing

And the snowdrops are in bloom.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (Spring).

How many months does spring last? (Three) .

Name Them (March, April, May)

Well done!

Vos-l: The little bear wants to invite you for a walk in the forest. Do you want to go with him?

Children: We want!

Vos-l: But there is one important rule, safety rule, listen carefully:

We must seriously understand everything:

You can't go into the forest without adults!

It's easy to get lost there:

Get far away from home

And find no way back...

And no more to my mother ...

Do you remember the rule? You can't go to the forest without adults!!!

How can you get to the forest?

Children: By car, by bus, on foot ...

Vos-l: We will go on foot, admire the beauty of nature.

(Imitation track) .

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

Who lurks in your wilderness -

What kind of animal? What bird?

All open do not hide: You see - we are our own!

Vos-l: We are approaching a forest clearing. Let's imagine that the sun is shining brightly, the blue clear sky is overhead, the earth is covered with young green grass, the first flowers are appearing.

Which flowers appear first?

Children: Snowdrops.

Task D \ I: "collect a flower"

Vos-l: In the spring, buds swell on the trees and the first leaves bloom.

Oh, the branches of the tree are broken. Who did it. Can you break tree branches? Why?

Children: No

Vos: Of course not! Plants and trees are living beings. Grow, breathe, eat. Leaves trap dust. Plants give us oxygen and purify the air. Therefore, you can not break off branches on trees

Educator: Let's leave a sign here. Whoever sees him will know that it is impossible to break tree branches. Let's go further.

Oh, look what a bunny jumped!

Do you know what happens to animals in spring?

Children: Change color, wake up from hibernation, some have cubs.

Vos-l: The little bear offers to take a break and play the game: “Name the animals and their cubs” (Sit on the chairs).

Game: "Find the cub"

Vos-l: You did a good job and now move on?

Children tell the Bear cub what else can not be done in the forest if you are his friends? Friends of the forest

Listen Mishka poems:

We walk, we walk on the meadow,

We collect by flower:

Red, white, blue...

Wonderful bouquet. (M. Bychkova)

What do you think Little Bear does not like about this poem? (pick flowers)

Vos-l: After the snow melts, grass appears and spring flowers. They are so beautiful and tender and you want to take them home with you. Is it possible to pick flowers?

Listen to a verse about what will happen if we pick a flower.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower

If you and I are together, together we will pick flowers,

All clearings will be empty, and there will be no beauty.

Vos-l: Let's remember this rule. If you pick flowers. That won't be insects. They will have nothing to eat. Let's leave a sign here.

I will go to the green forest

I'll find a gray bunny

I'll bring it home

This bunny will be mine.


(You can't take anyone home from the forest).

Vos-l: Animals will feel bad without the habitat in which they are used to living.

Let's leave a sign here.


Little birds, little birds

They fly through the forest, sing songs,

A violent wind swooped in, I wanted to carry away the birds,

The birds hid in the hollow, it is cozy and warm there.

Vos-l: You must have heard that recently there have been very frequent fires in the forest. They can be from the heat, or when the leaves are burned, or tourists forget to put out the fire.

Remember one more rule:

Spring! The boys are on the march!

But young tourists need to know:

So that animals, birds do not suffer,

It is not good to spoil nature!

Pick up trash from the field

And burn it at the stake!

Do not leave a fire in the forest

Sand, cover with earth,

So that it does not smoke, does not spark,

Didn't make trouble in the forest.

What rule can we extract from this poem?

Children: Do not leave garbage in the forest. You can’t leave an unextinguished fire. (We put a sign)

Vos-l: Here are how many rules for friends of the forest we learned. Let's repeat all the signs that are forbidden to be made in the forest.

Well, we helped the bear cub figure out what not to do in the forest, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Did you enjoy our spring trip? What did you like the most?

Children's answers.

Vos-l: Let's guys be friends of the forest, we will protect nature: do not trample on green grass, do not pick flowers, but admire them. May the gentle sun always please us with you.

Goodbye little bear.

Project type:

short-term, group, research.


for children 4-5 years old.

Project duration:

Project participants:

children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators.

Educational area:

environmental education.

Relevance of the problem:

Children , during the walk often see insects. The reaction of the guys is unpredictable, some are watching, others immediately take it with their hands, and someone stamps their foot. When talking with children, the problem itself appears: “Do insects bring benefits or harm?” , "Are insects necessary?"

The participation of children in the project will allow to form ideas about insects, their benefits or harm;

develop creative abilities and search activity.

Objective of the project:

formation of ideas about the life of insects.

Project objectives:

  • to form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, methods of movement;
  • learn about their benefits or harms;
  • cultivate respect for the living;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • develop research skills.
  • Expected result:

  • children will know and name insects (butterfly, ant, ladybug, beetle, bee, grasshopper);
  • have the simplest ideas about some features of appearance (body shape, number of legs, presence of wings), methods of movement (jumps, flies, runs), sounds made (buzzes, chirps), where and how insects hibernate;
  • be aware of the benefits or harms brought to people and plants;
  • find similarities and differences;
  • own the generalizing concept of "insects";
  • write a descriptive story about an insect using a reference diagram.
  • Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Insects";
  • acquaintance with literary works: G. Kh. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”, “Spider-pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, S. Mikhalkov “Academy of Sciences”, G. Skrebitsky “Lucky Bug”, V. Zotov from the book “Forest Mosaic” (“Ladybug”, “Grasshopper”, “May Beetle”), K. Ushinsky “Bees on Intelligence”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”;
  • learning poems about insects “Centipede”, “Song of a beetle”, “About a butterfly”, finger gymnastics “Beetle, dragonfly, wasps”, “Ladybugs”, guessing riddles, word creation (writing by children);
  • listening to the audio recording of N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee";
  • Family collaboration:

  • Consultations "How to instill love for nature", "First aid for insect bites".
  • Parents write down a story about an insect invented by a child, help to arrange it with drawings.
  • watching cartoons:
  • "Luntik", "Maya the Bee", "Winnie the Pooh", "Under the Mushroom".
  • Project activity product:

    a story about an insect

    didactic games,


    collective application "In the meadow",

    crafts made from natural materials,

    exhibition of drawings "Insects-cockroaches".

    Project Implementation Plan:

    1 Week: « Getting to know the butterfly

    1) Artistic word, butterfly riddles.
    Purpose: to introduce children to literary works about a butterfly.

    2) Consideration of encyclopedias, magazines.
    Purpose: to introduce children to the appearance of insects.

    3) Conversation with children about a butterfly.
    Purpose: to acquaint with the varieties of butterflies, with the development cycle of a butterfly, about the benefits or harms.

    4) A) Visual activity "Butterfly".
    Purpose: To form the prerequisites for the ability to color a butterfly drawing, using previously acquired drawing skills. (lemongrass, cabbage, Napoleon).

    B) Decorating a group room with butterflies.
    Purpose: to create a desire to decorate the group for everyone.

    5) The game "Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into."
    Purpose: to develop the accuracy of hand movement, fine motor skills, imagination.
    6) The mobile game "Day and Night" (day and night butterflies).
    Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to follow the rules of the game.

    Week 2: "Introduction to the ant."

    1) Artistic word, riddles about the ant, reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "How the ant hurried home."
    Purpose: to introduce children to literary works about the ant.

    2) Logorhythmic exercises: "Friends helped."

    Goal: develop a sense of rhythm.

    The ant lagged behind his friends.

    He broke his thin leg.
    Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah.
    Grass quickly wrapped her,
    He quickly ran into the anthill.
    Well, the sun has already set behind the forest.
    It immediately became so scary, dark.
    Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah!
    It's good that friends helped
    They brought the ant home.

    (Children press their palms to their cheeks and shake their heads rhythmically.
    Rhythmically bend and unbend the legs.
    They run in place.
    Make a rhythmic spring.
    Rhythmically close your eyes with your palms.
    Rhythmically clap your hands.)

    Logarithmic exercise "Insects over the meadow".
    - Zhu-zhu-zhu, - the bee buzzes:
    - I'm flying from afar.
    - Zu-zu-zu, - the mosquito squeaks.
    - Uf-uh-uh, - like a locomotive
    The bumblebee is puffing, carrying pollen.
    The beetle is buzzing: “Gu-zhu, gu-zhu.
    I'll wake anyone up."
    (Children raise their arms to the sides and rhythmically wave them like wings.
    Rhythmically “throw out” index fingers forward. Rhythmically stamp their feet, clap their hands.

    Search for an anthill.
    Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the dwelling of the ant, the method of protecting anthills.
    3) GCD "From the life of ants."
    Purpose: to consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the lifestyle of ants, habits, benefits, to activate the vocabulary of children.


    4) Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten (or into the forest). Ant observation.
    Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge about the behavior of ants, habitat.
    5) Experience "Isolation of formic acid".
    Purpose: development of cognitive activity.

    6) Creative activity: “Who helped the ant get home”
    Purpose: to consolidate the visual skills of children, depict different insects.

    Week 3: "Introduction to the ladybug."


    1) Artistic word, riddles and poems about a ladybug.
    Purpose: to introduce children to literary works about a ladybug.

    2) Reviewing encyclopedias and magazines "What are the different ladybugs?"
    Purpose: to introduce children to the types of ladybugs, about their appearance, habitats, benefits ladybug, develop active speech.

    3) Application "Ladybug".
    Purpose: To consolidate the ability to cut out round and oval shapes, the ability to carefully stick them.

    4) The game "Connect the dots and see what happens."
    Purpose: development of fine motor skills.

    5) Listening to songs about a ladybug.
    Purpose: development of musical ear.

    6) Coloring pages "Insects".

    Purpose: To develop creative abilities.

    Final event:

    1) Quiz "What do we know about insects."
    Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of insects.

    2) Presentation.

    Smirnova Olga Vladimirovna

    Egorova Tatyana Anatolyevna
    Abstract open class in the middle group "Insects"

    Abstract of an open lesson in the middle group

    Subject: Insects

    Target: to form in children ideas about insects.


    Educational: clarify and expand children's knowledge about insects, their appearance, lifestyle; about the benefits and harm they bring to nature.

    Educational: develop mental activity, mental operations of comparison and generalization, curiosity, attention, memory, speech. To arouse interest in the world around us, to form realistic ideas about nature. Expanding horizons and ecological ideas.

    Educational: to cultivate the need for communication with nature, love and respect for nature.

    Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction, motor, play, productive.

    Equipment: illustrations insects.

    Lesson progress


    Let me tell you guys an interesting story.

    Once I was walking in the forest, passing by a clearing. And I met interesting living creatures. They are all different, someone flies, someone crawls. But they all have exactly six legs. But what these creatures are called, I forgot. Maybe you can help me remember what kind of living beings they are. Now I will give you riddles, and you must guess them.

    Listen to riddles:

    Tell me, what kind of bug?

    She has a shirt with black dots,

    Able to climb dexterously

    By the leaves of God. (cow).

    She is not a bee, but she stings.

    Honey, jam loves.

    There is a stripe on the abdomen.

    Who is she, tell me? (Wasp).

    Adults and children know

    Thin nets he weaves,

    Muham is an enemy, not a friend.

    What is his name? (Spider).

    Here is a bug - a hard worker.

    Happy to work all day.

    I wear it on my back

    Pulls fast. (ant).

    What a guest with a hungry belly

    Is everything ringing in our ears?

    Doesn't drink nectar from flowers

    Bites us. (mosquito).

    Who flies into every house

    Along with the summer draft?

    Who buzzes deafly behind the frame?

    Annoying. (fly).

    What a miracle helicopter

    Moshkara won't let you sleep?

    The dew just dries up

    Takes off. (dragonfly)

    In a meadow in cornflowers

    He practiced jumping.

    It's a pity the chick had breakfast for them.

    Who was it? (Grasshopper).

    Where are the dirty dishes

    The barbel does not live badly there.

    Both in pots and in a glass

    Red comes in. (cockroach).


    Guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly. How can we in one word name: fly, mosquito, bee?

    Children's answers - Insects.


    insects in spring

    Curl and flutter -

    In a clearing in the forest -

    Everything is fragrant!

    Legs at insects six,

    There is a head, wings.

    And don't mind eating pollen

    (But not to be confused with dust)

    Bee, butterfly, bumblebee

    I need flower juice.

    Ladybug eats aphids

    From greenery, from leaves.

    The bumblebee is buzzing, the wasp is ringing,

    Dragonfly flies...

    There's honey in the hives on days like these

    Honeycomb fills.


    Guys, how are they moving? insects?

    Children's answers

    caregiver: They can crawl, walk, fly, swim, jump and run.


    And what do they eat insects?

    Children's answers

    caregiver: Most of insects gladly eats green leaves, stems and young shoots of plants. Some insects feed on ripe fruits, fallen leaves and needles.

    exists in nature and insects are predators who prey on others insects. (This is a dragonfly - it feeds on small midges, catches mosquitoes and beetles; ants - they exterminate many insects; grasshoppers - they can eat a careless butterfly, a fly with appetite).

    Is there insects who love to feast on honey nectar and delicious flower pollen .

    Guys, what do you think insects?

    Children's answers - (bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies).

    Fizminutka "Centipede"

    1. There was a centipede

    (children walk in a rhythmic step, slightly springy)

    On a dry track.

    2. Suddenly it started to rain: Drip-drip-drip!

    (Children stop and sit down.)

    Oh, forty paws get wet!

    3. I don't need a runny nose

    (children walk, raising their knees high, as if walking through puddles,

    I'll go around the puddles!

    4. I won’t bring dirt into the house

    (children stop, shake one leg,

    Shake every paw!

    (shake other leg).

    5. And then I will stomp

    (children stomp their feet)

    Oh, what a thunder from the paws!


    And now I want to tell you guys, small, but interesting stories about some insects.

    Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth? (children's answers).

    The strongest on earth is an ant, because it carries loads that are 10 times its own weight.

    Guys, what are the names of the ants' houses?

    Children's answers - (anthill).

    Ants live in an anthill as a large and friendly family. The ant princess rules in the anthill.

    Guys, who doesn’t let us sleep at night in the summer, and everything rings above our ears?

    Children's answers - (mosquito).

    Do you think mosquitoes have ears?

    Children's answers

    It turns out there is. And they hide at the male (boy) mosquito in the mouth. Of course, the ears are not the same as those of a person, but with the help of this organ of hearing, the male mosquito finds his girlfriend by ringing.

    Ladybug, fly away to heaven, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt ...

    Remember this saying?

    What color is this insect?

    Children's answer (red with black spots).

    Ladybug still exists orange color. The red or orange coloration of a ladybug is called warning. The birds know that insects with this coloration are inedible, and do not peck at them.

    Looking at pictures from insects.


    What do you think will happen if everyone is destroyed? insects? (no one will pollinate plants, if this is not done, then there will be no plants themselves). Guys, do not offend insects, do not touch them, they are part of nature.

    When in a fragrant draft

    You sit down in the summer in a pine forest,

    Take a close look around

    You will notice a lot, friend.

    The ant is dragging the larva,

    Hastens somewhere between the roots

    Big pine. On a fat bitch

    The golden beetle perched.

    A light moth flutters,

    Drinks fragrant juice with a proboscis

    And the bee collects honey.

    All busy, everyone has things to do.

    My friend, take a good look

    You will see the magic of life!


    Guys, how did you help me remember the name insects. I want to make small gifts for you, these are coloring pages with insects.

    Outcome classes.


    1. Agranovich Z. E. Seasons. -SPb., Detstvo-Press, 2002

    2. Live nature in the animal world. -SPb., Detstvo-Press, 2005

    3. All year round. A series of demonstration paintings with guidelines. - SPb., Detstvo-Press, 2005

    Related publications:

    Objectives: 1. To expand and consolidate children's knowledge of insects, to introduce the general concept of "insects" into the active dictionary of children. 2. Educate.

    Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the senior group "In search of a surprise" Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the senior group. Topic: "In search of a surprise" Program content: Call benevolent.

    Synopsis of the open lesson "Insects" (first junior group) SUMMARY OF THE OPEN LESSON topic: "Insects" (first junior group) Educational objective: To form ideas about diversity.

    Synopsis of an open lesson in the preparatory group. The theme is “Visiting the Rabbit” (Sound Automation [P]). Abstract of an open speech therapy lesson in preparation for literacy in preparatory group Theme "Visiting the Rabbit" (Automation.

    Theme "Insects"

    Program tasks:

    1. Expand children's understanding of the life of insects;
    2. Develop naming skills characteristics appearance;
    3. To intensify the use in speech of the names of body parts of insects (head, abdomen, legs, antennae);
    4. Develop cognitive interest in the living environment;
    5. Continue to cultivate love for nature and respect for it;

    Materials: green fabric, flowers, insect models, riddle letter, butterfly development chart, insect building module, gifts.

    Lesson progress


    Hello guys!

    Let's start our meeting with the game "Locomotive with a name" and on this train we will go on a journey.

    Now everyone will turn into a "locomotive" and will move in a circle, and at the same time clap their hands, saying their name.

    I will begin. Nadezhda Leonidovna. I drove a whole circle, and now I will choose one of you and he will become a train instead of me. Here I am choosing ... Katya. Now she will call her name and clap her hands, and I will become her trailer, put my hands on her shoulders and repeat her name with her. Go!

    So we drove a whole circle, now Katya will choose the one who will become the “train” and the three of us will repeat his name.

    (and so on until all the children have taken part in the game)

    Guys, look where we arrived on our train? We are in a forest clearing.(the teacher with the children comes to the table, covered with a green cloth and decorated with flowers)

    Look how many flowers there are on it, how beautiful they are, but for some reason there is no one else in the clearing.

    Oh, what is this lying in the clearing?

    This is an envelope with a letter.

    Someone left us a letter, let's read it.


    Help! Help!

    We have been bewitched by an evil fairy and we are now in danger.

    To save us, we must solve riddles.

    (signature) Insects.

    Well, guys, are we going to save insects from trouble? (Yes)

    1. We have four wings.

    The body is thin, like an arrow,

    And big, big eyes

    They call her ...... (Dragonfly)

    (the teacher puts models of guessed insects on the table)

    2. Look at the fellows

    Cheerful and boisterous.

    Drag from all sides

    building material,

    Here one stumbled suddenly

    Under a heavy burden

    And a friend hurries to help

    The people here are good!

    No job for the life of me

    Can’t live .... (ant)

    3. This little violinist,

    Emerald wears a cape.

    He is also a sports champion

    He can jump well. (grasshopper)

    4. She is sweeter than all the bugs,

    Her back is scarlet,

    circles on the back,

    Black dots. (ladybug)

    5. She is bright, beautiful,

    Graceful, light-winged,

    She looks like a flower

    Drinks fragrant juice with a claw. (butterfly)

    That's how many little inhabitants of the clearing you have disenchanted.

    What good fellows you are!

    How can you name them all in one word? (insects)

    Guys, what are insects for? (serve as food for birds, pollinate plants)

    Let's sit on the chairs.

    But you know that miracles happen with some insects. And miracles are manifested in the fact that flies, butterflies, beetles are never babies. They are born immediately as adults.

    Here is an example of a butterfly.

    (showing a diagram of the development of a butterfly)

    She laid eggs, some of the eggs will be pecked by birds or carried away by ants, but some will remain. The remaining eggs hatch into caterpillars. Time will pass and the caterpillars will turn into pupae.

    And a butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis. The chrysalis will move, the skin on its back will burst, wings will appear, and then the whole butterfly.

    So, guys, a butterfly appears!

    And now let's rest a little.


    In the morning the butterfly woke up

    Stretched, smiled

    Once - she washed herself with dew,

    Two - gracefully circled.

    Three - bent down and sat down,

    At four, she flew away.

    (the teacher shows the first time, and performs the rest twice with the children)

    Well done!

    Guys, look what a beautiful butterfly flew to visit us. Let's get closer to her, only quietly, so as not to frighten her and take a closer look at her.

    Look at the butterfly's beautiful multi-colored wings. Butterflies also have antennae, a head, an abdomen, and paws.

    Look at the picture, it's common features insects.

    All insects have a head, abdomen, antennae, 6 legs.

    (one of the children takes a model of an insect and tells, showing parts of the body of an insect)

    Well done!

    Now we will play the game "Who is gone?"

    Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I removed, who is gone?

    Guys, who will tell me what kind of inhabitants of this small clearing live here? (list)

    How can you call them in one word? (insects)

    But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you can not kill insects, but only protect, love and protect them.

    Here our journey has come to an end.

    But I also prepared a surprise for you, these are such beautiful butterflies.

