Alpine violet vkontakte. Cyclamen is a delicate "alpine violet. Home Care

I love flowers in the house - indoor in pots and in a bouquet on the table. One of my favorites is alpine violet. This is a little tender happiness on the windowsill. When the purchased flower after flowering began to grow bald and fade, I fell into despair.

But it turned out that it was completely in vain, in this way the plant rests. After a dormant period, this beautiful specimen blooms again. And the best thing is that this beauty can bloom all winter.

Alpine violet belongs to the genus of perennial herbs that have no relationship with violets. This is a tuberous flower from the Primrose genus, and the flower got its name for its predilection for the mountain climate. And the correct name of this plant is Cyclamen. Of the existing 22 species of this plant, many are endangered.

Cyclamen comes from the mountainous and coastal regions of the Mediterranean, you can also find it in nature in the Caspian regions and in the mountains in the northeast of the African continent.

Notable is life cycle alpine violet, divided into a vegetative stage and a dormant stage. But the dormant stage of the plant falls on the summer period. During the exhausting summer heat in the places of its growth, the flower sleeps, dropping foliage, and stores water for life in tubers.

Because of these tubers, the alpine violet was called bread for pigs in an 18th century book. This is because wild pigs fed on cyclamen tubers, digging juicy tubers out of the ground during their dormant period.

Among the people this beautiful houseplant for some reason they gave the name Dryavka. All cyclamens are descended from Cyclamen Persian, which is native to Turkey and the Middle East. All hybrids need similar growing conditions.

The growing season for alpine violets begins in the fall, and this violet will bloom from October to March - it depends on the species. There are varieties of cyclamen that bloom for several months. This quality allows you to get a blooming flower bed all year round.

Due to the habit of shedding leaves, mountain violet often scares off gardeners. Having bought a beautiful flower as a bouquet, it is thrown away with the beginning of the leaf fall period. But if you know the intricacies of caring for this beautiful plant, then you can admire its wonderful fragrant flowers more than once - after all, it is a perennial.

Many cyclamens have a delicious aroma, even used in perfume compositions. The petals of cyclamen flowers are similar to the wings of amazingly beautiful butterflies that flutter over the foliage.

And the leaves of cyclamen are very decorative: smooth, decorated with silver stripes, they are a very beautiful addition to the bright bouquet of flowering cyclamen.

In addition, mountain violet has a number of healing properties which have been known for centuries. Today, the plant is used by herbalists and healers. An extract from the tubers of this plant is used as part of various medicines.

Cyclamen - poisonous plant, use it as medicinal product it is necessary with great care, it is safer to purchase ready-made pharmaceutical preparations based on it.


Alpine violet began to be grown in Europe as an ornamental plant in the 19th century, with the advent of spectacularly flowering species. Later, a fascination with other, more modest varieties began.

Of the entire genus of cyclamen in home culture, purple and Persian are known.

Persian cyclamen

The roots of this herbaceous plant are in the form of tubers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter, from which the roots themselves grow from below. The leaves are heart-shaped, their diameter reaches 14 centimeters.

The leaf plate has a green color below, and is covered with a silvery pattern on top. The petals on the flowers have an oblong-lanceolate shape up to 5 centimeters long.

The species is represented by pink, white or lavender coloration with spots of a darker shade at the base.

This cyclamen has a dormant period at the beginning of summer. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, leaving only the tuber.

European cyclamen

Refers to evergreen tuberous herbaceous plants. The roots are located on the tuber from all sides. The ball-shaped tuber itself has a diameter of about 10 centimeters.

Leaf plates are heart-shaped, dark green in color, with a silvery ornament on top. The underside of the leaf is dark red.

The flowers are small, up to two centimeters in length, pale pink, with a pleasant aroma.

This species begins to bloom in spring and blooms all summer. This type of alpine violet does not have a pronounced dormant period. In addition to such popular ones, there are rarer types of cyclamen.

Cyclamen intarium

This flower is of Turkish origin, it is the smallest of all varieties, its flowers are small, white in color.

Cyclamen ivy

The habitat of this species is the European territory. Roast summer time the flower becomes bald. With the advent of autumn, lovely flowers first appear on it, and only then leaves appear.

Cyclamen ivy is a centenarian, it can live up to 130 years, and the tuber grows up to 25 centimeters in diameter.

Lebanese cyclamen

As the name implies, its homeland is Lebanon. This species has the longest flowering period. It blooms with pale pink flowers with thin veins of red. The flowers are quite large size for the species, up to 3 centimeters in length.


Alpine violet is as beautiful as it is capricious. And in order to admire the flowering of the Alpine princess, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of care.

Temperature and illumination

Alpine violet prefers rather cool weather. The flower will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 10-19 degrees. If the temperature rises to +25 degrees, then cyclamen will regard this as a message that the hot summer time has come, and therefore it is time to rest.

How important it is not to make a mistake with the choice of residence for the capricious alpine violet!

As long as the temperature has not dropped below +8 degrees, the flower will feel great in the shade on the loggia or on the terrace in the garden. It is the cool night temperatures that will contribute to the laying of flower buds.

And for blooming cyclamen be sure to find the most lit and coolest place in the house. Like other plants that bloom in winter, cyclamen requires stable lighting.

It is imperative to organize additional lighting for the plant on short winter days.

The ideal would be to find a balance between light and temperature. After all, at a fairly cool temperature, but in a gloomy room, the flowers of the alpine violet will become thinner. And if the brightness is too high lighting fixtures there will be a rapid wilting of flowers.

Moisturizing and watering

Watering for a blooming delicate beauty should be regular, otherwise the leaves and flowers begin to fade quickly. When flowering is over, the plant should be watered less and less frequently, and by the rest period, the soil should only be slightly moistened to protect the plant from drying out.

This flower can be watered by pouring water into the pan. Tender leaves do not like water on them. And if water gets on the growing point, then this can destroy a delicate flower.

Alpine violet does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, which leads to the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, watering should be plentiful enough to saturate the entire earthen ball, but be sure to give it time to dry.

When caring for alpine violet, it is imperative to monitor the humidity of the air. Since the leaves do not like moisture, you can use a fine spray to spray the air around the plant.

Very good moisture will be the neighborhood with large deciduous specimens that are able to evaporate a large amount of moisture. You can put an aquarium nearby or just a jar of water.

top dressing

  • Top dressing is necessary for alpine violet only during the growing season - from October to March.
  • The frequency of top dressing is once every two weeks.
  • During dormancy, fertilizing is not performed.
  • Fertilizers are universal mixtures that contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen, which promotes foliage growth, can be detrimental to flowering. Types of dressings can be alternated.

Transplant and reproduction

In autumn, with the beginning of the growing season, the tuber begins to grow leaves. For a transplant, this is the best period.

  • The pot is chosen 3-4 centimeters more than the volume of the roots. A large pot will prevent abundant flowering.
  • Soil composition: peat, garden soil, sand and humus, in equal parts. The soil needs loose and moisture-permeable.

When planting Persian cyclamen, the bulb is left a third above the ground. All other species must be planted, completely immersing the bulb in the ground, but not deepening very much.

At the beginning of spring, you can propagate the flower with seeds, and at the end of summer with daughter tubers.

Seeds must be soaked in Epin before planting. Sowing is carried out in a moistened peat-sand mixture, 2-3 cm apart, covered with glass and germinated at 20 degrees in a shady place.

A month later, the seedlings are determined to grow in bright but diffused light. With the advent of a pair of leaves dive into pots

According to an old legend, it was in the form of a cyclamen flower that King Solomon decided to make his crown. Cyclamen liked the king with his discreet beauty and became a reminder for him that modesty is a true quality. wise ruler. The cyclamen flower really resembles a crown - delicate petals grow on a long graceful peduncle. It is no wonder that this charming touching plant has won the sympathy of professional gardeners and amateur gardeners.

Often different types cyclamen (and there are about twenty of them in total) is also called "alpine violet". This is not entirely correct, since alpine violet is only European cyclamen or blushing (purple) cyclamen. In the wild, as the name suggests, it is found in the Alps. But in room culture, this type of cyclamen is a rarity. Only the most experienced flower growers will tell you where you can buy European cyclamen tubers and seeds.

European cyclamen is often confused with the so-called Persian cyclamen, a larger plant with a relatively early flowering period. Meanwhile, the "European" has characteristic features inherent only to him. Firstly, it is the only non-deciduous species of cyclamen. When the dormant period comes, it stops growing, but does not shed its leaves. Secondly, the European cyclamen has more small leaves and flowers. The leaves are rounded, slightly elongated towards the tip. The edges of the leaves are smooth. Thirdly, European cyclamen flowers are usually bright pink in color. There are also very rare, so-called "alba-forms" - just white flowers or white with a raspberry eye.

And finally, the flowers of the European cyclamen smell very pleasant; as the owners of the “Europeans” themselves write, the aroma varies from “simply pleasant” to “the aroma of expensive perfumes” and even “divine”. The intensity of the aroma depends on the intensity of the color of the flower itself: the lighter the flower, the finer the aroma. Interestingly, on the day of opening, the flowers may not smell at all, and their petals are very thin and pale at first. Over time, the aroma intensifies, and the petals gain color, straighten and thicken.

It has already been mentioned above that indoor flower"European" is now quite rare. So you are lucky if you have a real alpine violet living on your windowsill!

Cyclamen Care

It is believed that cyclamen is a very demanding and capricious flower. Indeed, it cannot be attributed to an unpretentious plant. It requires attention and care, but if you follow all the rules for caring for it, it will delight you with wonderful flowers for a long time. It is important to remember that this flower does not tolerate direct Sun rays, heat and drafts. It is best to grow cyclamens in a shaded, cool place. According to experienced flower growers, you can achieve abundant flowering if you keep pots of cyclamen between double window frames in winter, and on the balcony in the hot season.

But European cyclamens are indifferent to the shape of the pot, as well as to the material from which it is made. Whether you plant it in a round or square, plastic or ceramic pot, cyclamen will take root in any. It is important to consider the following: if the tuber has "children", it is necessary to choose a pot of such a size that, when growing, the "children" do not bump into the wall of the pot, otherwise this may slow down their development. On average, the distance from the tuber to the wall of the pot should be two to three centimeters.

Although in nature European cyclamens grow in the mountains, and under coniferous trees, and in open areas - that is, on various types soil, - as indoor flowers, they "agree" on the standard substrate for cyclamens (humus, sand, leafy soil and peat). Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot with a thin layer (fine expanded clay or small ceramic shards). The substrate in which you plant the cyclamen tuber should be practically dry - too wet substrate can lead to loss of leaves. You can fall asleep upper layer soil with pebbles, although not necessarily, because the European cyclamen tuber is buried entirely in the substrate. So, we bury the tuber, cover the pot with cling film and place it in a cool, shaded place. Watering is minimal.

In the future, when watering, follow one simple rule: before each subsequent watering, the top layer of the substrate must dry out. If you do not follow this rule, the stems of the buds can soften and rot.

It may seem surprising, but experts do not recommend feeding European cyclamen with fertilizers. It is believed that if it is fertilized, it may die, as it becomes too susceptible to disease. It is enough to simply change the substrate every year or two.

Reproduction of European cyclamen

European cyclamen reproduces in two ways: either by dividing the tuber or by seeds.

Tuber division

The tubers of European cyclamen produce elongated shoots, the so-called "fingers". They are the same color as the tuber. If the processes are thin, do not worry, over time they will definitely become thicker. Thin processes give very small leaves that open directly on the surface of the substrate. "Fingers" are cut off and planted in a separate pot. This can only be done during the rest period.

Reproduction by seeds

Propagation of European cyclamen by seeds is a more laborious process. If cyclamen tubers can be purchased at the store, then the seeds are obtained by pollinating the flowers artificially. If pollination was successful, fruit-"boxes" with small seeds appear. Experts believe that cyclamen should be kept in a room with a temperature of five degrees throughout the winter, only then the seeds will ripen. In no case should you touch, let alone try to open the box with seeds on your own. If you are worried that, when ripe, the seeds may spill out into the pot, just place a piece of cloth under the boxes.

Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in water for twenty-four hours. Then they are sown in a pot at a distance of about two centimeters from each other and sprinkled with sand (they will not sprout in the light, so you can even cover the seed pots with a dark film). The earth should be regularly moistened, but not flooded. If the seeds are dried or flooded with water, they will die, and with jumps in humidity, they can “fall asleep”, go into a dormant state. The most favorable temperature for seed germination is 16-18 degrees.

Seeds should germinate four weeks after sowing, but in order to wait for flowering, you will have to be patient - the flowers of such a cyclamen will please you no earlier than in three to four years. But, as if in gratitude for your care and patience, the first flowering of European cyclamen will be the most magnificent.

Diseases of European cyclamen

Tuber rot

A possible cause of this problem is too much watering or water getting on the tuber itself.

If you find places of decay on the tuber, you can clean them and sprinkle (or even rub gently) with crushed activated charcoal.

Leaf distortion and discoloration

The cause of deformation and discoloration of the leaves can be pests (for example, cyclamen mites). An infected plant must be isolated from other flowers and treated to destroy pests.

Gray bloom on leaves

A gray coating on the leaves of European cyclamen means that your pet is affected by gray rot, a fungal disease caused by waterlogging of the soil, poor ventilation and moisture on the leaves during watering. Affected leaves must be removed, treated with fungicides, and then follow the rules for caring for cyclamen.

Yellowing leaves

European cyclamen leaves turn yellow if kept indoors at too high a temperature, in full sun, and not given sufficient water.

leaf fall

The leaves of the European cyclamen may begin to fall off with a sharp change in lighting.


The main pests of European cyclamen are cyclamen mites, aphids, thrips, weevils and slugs.

  • Cyclamen mites are very difficult to deal with: they are almost invisible and are found when the plant has already suffered greatly from their appetite. spraying chemicals does not always help, as these pests are protected by already deformed (twisted) leaves or buds. You can treat the leaves with a mixture of agravertin (0.2%) and a solution liquid soap(0.1%). The mixture is best done on acidified (for example, using phosphoric acid) water. Soap is needed so that the mixture “sticks” to the leaves better. Sometimes this mixture can cause burns, so start with a trial treatment of one or two leaves. Do not forget to process the pot as well to destroy the eggs of the cyclamen mite. Processing must be carried out three times, with a break of a week, at a temperature of 18 degrees.
  • It is good to fight against aphids with the help of the Aktara preparation. It is poured onto the substrate (it is not necessary to breed), the plant is transferred to the top watering (not through the pan), and after a few days the aphid disappears.
  • Thrips - small insects(1mm), they infect the leaves, sucking the juices out of them. At the same time, the leaves lose their color, and along the edges they are covered with many dots - traces of punctures by the proboscis of thrips. Three times of insecticide treatment is necessary to kill thrips. Experts advise using "Apache" or "Confidor".
  • Weevils are also fought with the help of Aktara, Apache or Confidor. As a rule, in cyclamen affected by weevils, the stem is easily separated from the tuber. If the problem is started, the plant will die.
  • Slugs, fortunately, are more often a problem for those cyclamen that grow in open field. They rarely get into apartments. But if this did happen, they will have to be lured to the bait, and then collected by hand. If you use drugs from slugs, cyclamens may die.

Remember that when any type of pest is affected, infected plants must be sent to "quarantine" - isolated from healthy ones.

Using the medicinal properties of European cyclamen

European cyclamen has been used medicinally for a long time. Its juice is excellent for rhinitis, sinusitis, colds, diseases of the female reproductive system, neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, liver diseases, intestinal colic.

Treatment of sinusitis

Squeeze the juice of one small tuber of cyclamen, mix with boiled water (1:10) and instill this solution into the nose two to three times daily. Cyclamen juice must be diluted, otherwise you can get a burn of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment of sciatica

Grind the cyclamen tuber, pour vodka (1:10), let it brew for a week and strain. Stretch your lower back.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pour the crushed tuber of cyclamen with hot boiled water (1 tablespoon of cyclamen per 500 ml of water), insist for about two hours, strain. Take one tablespoon three times a day after meals.

When self-treating with cyclamen, remember that it is quite poisonous and the use of its juice inside requires prior consultation with a doctor.

The magical properties of European cyclamen

Even the ancient Romans believed that cyclamens protect against evil and unkind forces. It is believed that cyclamen is able to ward off bad dreams, relieve anxiety and unreasonable fears, self-doubt and creative stagnation, protect against the evil eye and envy. So that cyclamen does not lose its magical power, it should be watered by adding water to the pan.

It is best to keep cyclamen in the bedroom, not far from the bed, since it is in a dream that a person is more susceptible to the beneficial effects of this flower. If you believe the signs, cyclamen flowers help to forget unrequited or lost love, drowning out the feeling of sadness and longing. Cyclamen flowers can also help with infertility.

Of course, cyclamen is a plant that requires careful care. But these gentle, touching flowers will decorate your apartment. A real alpine spring on the windowsill - isn't it wonderful?

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Cyclamen European(alpine violet) requires difficult conditions of detention. It survives, let alone reproduces, far from all flower growers, so it’s worth dwelling on this separately. This is a rather rare home plant, for which flower growers have a real hunt, it is not easy to buy. Outwardly, it resembles cyclamens, which are sold in bulk in stores - Persian cyclamens. Only the flowers of European cyclamen are smaller, very fragrant and they bloom not in winter, but in summer. The value of European cyclamen, or, as it is sometimes called, alpine violet, is precisely in the smell of flowers.

Watering conditions for alpine violets

European cyclamen is watered only and only in a saucer under a pot. In exceptional cases, you can pour into a pot, but make sure that moisture does not touch the sockets. The second method I sometimes use only when the plant has not yet grown - only after transplantation. A lump of earth should not dry out inside, but it should not be constantly wet either. When water is critically lacking, cyclamen shows you - the leaves are drooping, which means you need to urgently water. You don't need to bring it up to that point. As for overwatering - this is also not too good. I can sometimes leave the pot in the water tray for two weeks while I'm away, but once I got bugs from it that spoiled the flowers. They were easily removed by the first insecticide that came across, but not pleasant enough.

Light conditions for European cyclamen

Our cyclamens are very photophilous, but they do not like direct light. How to solve this problem? The obvious solution is a northern or shaded window. My grandmother did just that. However, flowering under such conditions will begin only in June, and will also end early. I solve the problem in a different way. Best of all, Alpine cyclamen grew on my south window, with a single, but very important condition. WITH early spring until the end of summer, the lower part of the window was covered with thick sheets of white landscape paper so that direct rays did not fall on the leaves. One sheet is enough in thickness, but they may need 2-3 to block all directions of the rays of the incident light. Under such conditions, flowering will be from April to December inclusive, with almost no hibernation.

Transplant and soil

European cyclamen needs an annual transplant, which is carried out in February. The pot can be used the same or slightly larger than the previous one - medium-sized low wide pots are suitable. In transplanting, the main thing is not to increase the size of the plant itself (the violet will remain small in any case), but to remove extra rosettes and replace the soil itself, which is depleted in a year.

When choosing a pot size, it is important to be aware of the purpose for which you are transplanting the plant. If you want to get babies, then take the pot a little wider so that new sockets go, and for good flowering, take a pot in which there will be nowhere for new sockets to branch.

The material of the pot does not really matter - the first years live perfectly even in half-liter plastic glasses. However, in ceramic pots there will be less chance of drying out the soil, and more beautiful.

This pot was chosen with babies in mind, so it's a bit wider than I would for an actively flowering plant. It is now February, so some (winter) leaves have elongated petioles - by the beginning of flowering they will die off and the bush will take on a more compact look.

You carefully remove the extra outlets (you can get new plants from them) and replace some of the soil. Do this very carefully, leaving a clod of earth around the rhizome or tuber that forms in old plants. If the tuber is already large, it can be cut into several parts according to the presence of rosettes - this operation is for advanced flower growers. Slices are sprinkled charcoal to avoid fungal infection or rot. The European cyclamen tuber, unlike the Persian counterparts, in which the tuber is only partially buried, must be completely buried, leaving only the outlet growth point open!

The soil can be taken any universal, be sure to put the drainage on the bottom. Lime stones, which I specially brought from the south, showed themselves very well as drainage - apparently, this is closest to the natural conditions in the Alps.

It is necessary to be in time with the transplant before the first buds appear, the end or even the middle of February is the best time.

After transplanting, it is important not to flood the plant - the soil should be moist, but not wet.

Fertilizer cyclamen

With an annual transplant, alpine cyclamen does not need fertilizer. However, if for some reason you could not transplant a flower in February, then feed it with ordinary fertilizers for flowering plants at a dose half the recommended one. Feed only when watering, foliar feeding is not needed.


Alpine violet does not need spraying, but it can be done occasionally, especially on hot days after the sun has gone. You can spray with growth stimulants and succinic acid. At the moment, I don’t use anything like that - I don’t see a particular need.


According to my observations, hibernation in European cyclamen occurs only because of the very modest light regime of our latitudes - in winter it is too dark for normal growth and vegetation. However, growth in autumn and winter slows down, but does not stop - with a clear lack of light, winter leaves with long petioles appear. In winter, I keep pots of cyclamen closer to the light, I don’t shade the rare Moscow sun, but I water it almost the same as in summer, especially since the air in the apartment is still dry. By February, the plant is already starting to wake up, so do not delay the transplant.

Cyclamen is also called dry or alpine violet. This is widespread herbaceous plant, belonging to the Mirsinov family, can be found in natural conditions in Central Europe, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Cultivated plants have a unique decorative appearance.

They have dark green basal leaves, with silver or gray patterns. Flowers are located on high peduncles, bloom mainly in winter, and some species in spring.

If you want to buy cyclamen for yourself or as a gift in a store, then it is important to pay attention to the following points when choosing a plant in a store:

  • The plant should have a dense bush,
  • The tuber should be visible on the surface of the soil,
  • Foliage should be elastic and bright, have a clear pattern on the surface.

The cyclamen genus includes about 50 plant species. Some of them are grown at home, some in the garden. The most popular are the following varieties:

Persian cyclamen. In height reaches 30 centimeters. It blooms from autumn to spring with white, pink, red or purple single or double flowers 5 cm petals are folded back.

The leaves are heart-shaped and can reach a diameter of up to 15 centimeters. The edges of the leaves have a white or silver border. During dormancy from May to June, the plant completely sheds foliage. The tubers are ball-shaped, dense with roots at the bottom.

Cyclamen European or purple. Adapted to grow both in open ground and at home. It is an evergreen plant up to 15 centimeters high.

The foliage is rounded, teeth can be observed along the edge in some plant species. Leaves up to 5 centimeters in diameter are dark green in color, they are distinguished by a silvery pattern on top, and brown below.

Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, fragrant. The petals expand towards the top. The variety blooms from summer to autumn. Fragrant flowers can be white, pink or red. tubers irregular shape, the roots have over the entire surface.

Kossky cyclamen, named after the island where it was first found. Its feature can be considered the expansion of the petals from the base and a dark spot on the upper petal.

Caucasian cyclamen. The leaves of the Caucasian cyclamen begin to form in the fall and winter well under the snow. The shape of the foliage can be heart-shaped, rounded, elongated or narrow.

The color can also vary from dark green to brown. Petals are painted in different shades of pink - from pale to bright color, at the base have a lilac speck. The size of the flower is about two centimeters. Roots on brown tubers are located at the bottom.

This is the most frost-resistant type. Distinctive feature species are notched-toothed leaves resembling plush with a silvery marbled pattern.

Blooms from September to October. In this type of cyclamen, flowers appear before the foliage appears. The roots are at the top of the tubers, therefore, unlike varieties, they are buried at least 10 centimeters when planted.

Home Care

There are a few key features plant care that will allow you to admire the beautifully flowering cyclamen in the house:

  • Organization of a suitable climate
  • Selection of the optimal composition of the soil.
  • Choosing the best location.

About everything in order.

Do I need to repot the plant after purchase?

Transplantation should be carried out when instead of soil in the pot of the plant there is transport peat.

Before moving to new soil, the tuber itself should be washed well with water and completely washed off the peat from the roots. Then they should be treated with root.

In general, the plant should be repotted as needed, when it becomes crowded in a pot, or it's time to change the soil. Feeding a new plant in your home should be started no earlier than 2-3 months after purchase.

When transplanting, it is important to remember the following points:

Plant care after transplant

After transplantation, the plant must be moved to a bright and cool room, the first days of watering should be moderate, then watering can be increased gradually.

The soil. Soil for planting cyclamen can be bought in specialized stores or prepared independently. For self cooking you can use one of the recipes below:

The soil before planting must be calcined in a fire or treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to provide a layer of drainage from small stone, pebbles, gravel or granite in the pot.

Fertilizers. Cyclamens need to be fed from the beginning of foliage formation to the first flowers. mineral fertilizers once every two weeks. It perceives the plant and organic fertilizers well, it can be moderately fed with nitrogen.

Lighting and watering

Cyclamen is a light-loving flower, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Feels good in diffused light or in partial shade.

The best place for it is on the east or west side of the house. If you place the pot on the south side, then you additionally need to take care of shading, and if you are located on the server side, additional light.

Watering. The key subtlety in the organization of watering the plant is to avoid getting water on the tubers of the plant. Therefore, you can water through the pan or make water along the edges of the pot.

The water temperature should be several degrees lower than room temperature. Excess water from the pan should be drained within an hour after watering is completed to avoid root rot.

After flowering is completed, watering is reduced. Waterlogging is more difficult for a flower than dry soil. If an earthen clod becomes dry, the flower can be placed in a bucket or basin of water for an hour, while the water level in the container should be a couple of centimeters lower than the edge of the pot.

Temperature. Summer optimum temperature should be in the range of 18 - 22 degrees. For abundant winter bloom it is important to maintain the temperature no higher than 12-14 degrees.

When the humidity in the room is low, it is recommended to spray the plant, avoiding water getting on the roots of the plants. You can not spray the flower when the period of bud formation or flowering has begun.

You can additionally moisten the plant using a pallet with wet expanded clay or moss. Cyclamen is very difficult to carry air from central heating radiators during the heating season, so such a neighborhood should be avoided.

Reproduction of cyclamen at home

The flower propagates in two ways - seed and vegetative.

Vegetatively, the plant can be propagated only during the dormant period. The tuber must be removed from the soil, divided into parts so that each of them contains a root and a bud with foliage.

Slices on the tuber should be treated with crushed charcoal and allowed to dry well. planting material Ready for planting in new pots in a couple of days.

Growing from seed. Most varieties of cyclamen are propagated by seeds. This method is longer, and the flowering of a new plant has to wait longer than with plants grown from a tuber. But the process of growing from seeds is quite simple.

If you already have cyclamen, then you do not need to buy seeds. You have the opportunity to collect them yourself from your plant. To achieve seed production, you need to carry out the procedure of cross-pollination.

You need to pollinate the plant in the morning on sunny days, for this it is best to use a soft brush, which you need to transfer pollen from one plant to another. This procedure must be repeated several times.

For the speedy formation of the ovary, you can additionally feed the flower with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. Seeds should be sown immediately after harvest, usually in December.

Seeds that have lain for some time and dried up lose their germination capacity. In order to test seeds for germination and to reject poor quality seeds, the following procedure can be carried out. Pour the seeds with a 5% solution of sugar and water.

Seeds that have surfaced are of poor quality and should not be planted in the soil. Those seeds that remained at the bottom, before planting in the ground, must be additionally soaked in a solution of zircon. The soil for planting seeds can be prepared from peat and leafy soil in the same proportion.

Seeds should be spread on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with earth. For successful germination, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions for the seeds - cover with film or glass, water moderately and periodically ventilate, optimally maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees.

At a lower temperature, the seeds can rot, and at a higher temperature, they can fall into a dormant state. Seed germination period is 30-50 days. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film can be removed from the greenhouse and the container can be moved to a well-lit place at a temperature of 15-17 degrees.

As soon as small tubers with leaves are noticeable, they need to be transplanted into containers with the following soil mixture: for 2 parts of leafy soil, you need to take 1 part of peat and 0.5 parts of sand. In this case, the tuber must be completely immersed in the prepared substrate.

The first time you need to feed the plant 7 days after transplantation. This can be done with an all-purpose flower fertilizer or an aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate (2%).

Ten days later, you need to feed with potassium nitrate (1%). Plants can be transplanted into separate pots in April - May. Young plants will bloom 14 months after planting the seeds.

Features of winter care

Winter is a time of active growth and flowering for cyclamens, so there are some subtleties and plant care here:

Plant care during dormancy

During the dormant period of cyclamens, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the tubers appear almost completely from the ground. Most varieties have a dormant period during the summer months.

Before transferring to storage, you need to remove wilted and dried flowers and leaves, reduce watering. For this period, the pot must be removed in a dark and cool room, the best option- basement.

Watering at this time is greatly reduced, but it is important not to bring the earth to dryness. The dormant period lasts 2-3 months, then the plant can be returned to its original place and gradually increase watering as foliage appears.

Diseases and pests

Most often, diseases and pests on plants appear due to improper care. Let's see what mistakes in care can lead to, and how to deal with it.

It is easy to detect the activity of insects on a plant by changing its appearance - twisted leaves, dots and tubercles, sticky coating on stems and leaves:


  • Is it possible to grow cyclamen outdoors?

In summer, flowers can be planted in the garden, for this you need to choose a place in the shade of trees or shrubs, or any area with diffused light throughout the day. For the winter, you need to transfer the plant to room conditions.

  • Can cyclamen flowers be cut?

Yes, you can. One plant bush is able to form about 50 buds. They are stored for a long time as bouquets. To prolong the durability of the bouquet, you need to cut the sections of peduncles lengthwise into a couple of parts, and change the water in the storage container after 2-3 days.

  • Why does the foliage turn yellow and dry?

The main reason is sudden changes in temperature, the leaves may also turn yellow from a lack of minerals in the soil and excessive moisture, or vice versa, drying out of the soil. If this happens during the dormant period, then there is nothing critical in the situation, this is a natural process for the plant.

  • How to get cyclamen to bloom?

You will not see flowers if the flower is kept in a hot room. To correct the situation, you need to lower the temperature by spraying a couple of times a day and airing the room and feed the plant with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. Sometimes it happens that the flower adapts to more high temperature air and can bloom under all other conditions of care.

  • Why did the flowers grow below the leaves?

The reason for the blooming of flowers under the foliage is improper watering, or waterlogged or overdried soil, combined with low temperatures.

Folk omens and superstitions

In ancient Rome, it was believed that cyclamen protects against damage and the evil eye. To this day, it is believed that it absorbs negative energy.

It gives hope to people who are already desperate, helps to eliminate shyness to a closed person.

Many consider the presence of this flower in the house a good sign, as it reduces conflicts, calms children's whims. According to the legends, its presence in the bedroom of the spouses has a positive effect on male potency.

So what are the reasons to have this in your apartment interesting plant enough, especially since it is not so capricious in its care, subject to certain rules, it will delight you with its flowering for several months.

In late winter, when most flowers are already resting, cyclamen blooms with beautiful, very delicate flowers. At good care flowering lasts a very long time - from September to March. The plant is capricious, reacts sharply to the slightest change conditions of detention. If you decide to purchase an alpine violet, carefully study how to care for cyclamen at home.

Tuberous perennial. The leaves are wide, ideal proportions, with patterns. The flowers are bright, unusual - they rise above the foliage on long peduncles, resembling fluttering butterflies. The size and color of the flowers depend on the variety.

In nature, an ephemeroid plant - the aerial part lives for several months, dies off, only a dormant tuber remains in the ground. The dormant period of cyclamen grown in an apartment is not so pronounced. withdrawn hybrid varieties, which grow and bloom almost all year round. Types and varieties of cyclamen differ in appearance, shade, flower size, bush height. They are short (up to 15 cm), medium-high (up to 20 cm) and standard (up to 30 cm) in size.

Advice! When buying a tuber, check with the seller for the flower variety and age. Carefully inspect the nodule from all sides. A healthy tuber is resilient, hard, heavy, with buds in the upper part. When buying a plant, pay attention to the elasticity of the leaves, the smoothness of the surface of the tuber. It is better to acquire a plant at the very beginning of flowering - in the fall. Choose an instance with unopened buds.

Home and garden varieties of cyclamen

In nature, there are more than 50 varieties. In culture, mainly hybrid varieties are used.

Garden cyclamen is a group of varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation. As a garden crop, it is recommended to use Kuznetsov's cyclamen, Kossky, small-flowered, ivy-leaved.

Important! Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? The lack of flowering indicates a high temperature in the room, a lack of nutrition and light. To stimulate flowering, the plant is moved to a cooler place, sprayed daily, ventilate the room. Application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is recommended. Products containing nitrogen are temporarily excluded.

Features of care and conditions of detention

The flower is capricious. It requires increased attention, compliance with all the rules of care. The slightest violations in the mode of maintenance lead to diseases and death of the plant.

LightingLikes bright light, but painfully reacts to the sun. At midday hours, they are sure to shade. In winter, the need for lighting is not reduced.
Location selectionIt is recommended to grow on the eastern and western windows. Shading is provided on the south side. The north side is not suitable for cyclamen.
TemperatureIn summer, there are no special requirements for temperature. Contain at normal room temperature. The room is regularly ventilated, drafts are avoided. In winter, the upper temperature limit is 12°C.
WateringRecommended moderate watering. During flowering, water carefully - do not allow overflow and complete drying of the soil. The need for watering is determined by the degree of soil moisture.
HumidityPrefers moderately high humidity. Regularly sprayed in the phase of active growth, with the onset of flowering, spraying is suspended. To increase humidity, place bowls of water around the pot, spray the air, avoiding moisture on the plant. In winter, do not keep near radiators and other heat sources.
top dressingAlternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. The optimal frequency of fertilization is once every two weeks. The fertilizing period is from the moment the leaves appear until the beginning of flowering.
The soilThe soil for cyclamen is light, breathable, nutritious. Lack of aeration quickly leads to rotting of the tuber. Use breathable substrates of coarse-fiber peat. It is allowed to use ready-made soil mixtures for violets. The optimal composition is leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.
TransferAround the end of June with the advent of new leaves. European cyclamen is transplanted in March. They try not to disturb the ivy cyclamen - they leave it in the same pot. A cyclamen transplant has its own subtleties. In Persian, the tuber is deepened by half, in purple, it is completely covered with earth. For a while, watering is limited - moisten moderately until signs of growth appear.

Breeding technique

Reproduction of cyclamen is carried out in several ways. The technique varies depending on the type of plant.

  • Rosettes. Experts call them "horns". They are a shoot coming from a tuber. It is separated along with part of the tuber and planted in light, moist soil. Until rooting, cover with a jar or plastic cup. Keep at room temperature, water, air. Roots appear in two to three weeks. All "horns" do not break off!
  • daughter tubers. Used for European cyclamen. Additional nodules form around the tuber. They are separated, planted in loose soil. Keep under cover of glass or polyethylene. Care consists in watering, maintaining heat, airing.
  • By division. Divide adult dense specimens. The tuber is cut into two parts. On each of them leave shoots and roots. Slices are thickly sprinkled with coal powder, left to dry for a day. Placed in light soil. Moisten the soil moderately - even a slight waterlogging leads to decay. Difficult and risky breeding method. Even experienced flower growers use it in extreme cases.
  • Seeds. It is easier to grow cyclamen from seeds at home. Seeds are sown in December. No pre-treatment is required. The temperature is maintained at 20-22°C. The appearance of the first shoots - in one and a half to two months. Pick in the stage of two real leaves. The resulting nodule during a pick is completely covered with earth. The first flowering is 13-15 months after sowing.

Important! Reproduction by leaf is the most inefficient way. Inexperienced flower growers make attempts to root the leaf by analogy with the propagation of gloxinia or saintpaulia. Leaf cuttings usually do not take root - they turn yellow, rot and die.

Diseases of cyclamen

Violation of the conditions of detention weakens the flower, provokes the development of diseases. Many of them end with the death of the flower.

Fusarium wiltFungus. Cyclamen leaves turn yellow at the top, sometimes only on one side. Characterized by gradual withering and death.Watering the soil with a solution of "Fundazol". Spraying with Topsin-M.
wet rotBacterial disease. Characterized by rapid wilting, the appearance of a putrefactive odor. The roots are rotting. Infected from other plants or through water.The plant is destroyed. It is impossible to revive him.
Gray rotThe causative agent is a fungus. Weakened specimens are affected. Provoking factors - improper watering, high humidity, cold. It is manifested by the appearance of gray mold, yellowing of the leaves, their darkening and dying off.The affected parts are removed. The flower is treated with systemic fungicides. Watering limit, regularly ventilate the room.
AnthracnoseFungus. Progresses during the flowering period. Peduncles are deformed, stop growing. Flowers don't bloom. The fungus spreads to the leaves, causing them to twist and gradually dry.The affected parts are removed. Keep in a dry place. Treat with fungicides three times with weekly breaks.
sooty fungusIt is found after the defeat of the flower by aphids or scale insects. The plant weakens, stops growing, the leaves dry.The leaves are cleaned of plaque with a 2% solution of green soap. Additionally, spraying with a fungicide is carried out.

If you are not afraid of the small difficulties associated with growing cyclamen, then it will become an adornment of your home flower collection. Various colors, long flowering, unusual appearance- for this, cyclamen is highly valued by flower growers.
