Do flowers grow in the people they say. You can not give the plant from home. Indoor flowers: good and bad signs

1. Overwatering.
Overwatering is the most common mistake, because of which the flowers in the house die. With the exception of marsh species such as Egyptian papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), flowers should not stand in water. In too wet ground, the roots cannot breathe, and the plant gradually rots without healthy roots doomed to death.
Often the soil itself can deceive you. The surface may be dry, but the inside may still contain enough moisture. This is easy to check with a wooden stick: stick it into the ground the way you stick it into a pie to check. did he bake? Like dough, wet soil will stick to the stick. If the removed stick is dry, it is time for watering. There should be enough water so that it remains in the bowl for no more than 15 minutes. The larger and lighter the leaves of the plant, the more water evaporates, so it will drink more.

So that home flowers do not die, theywatered with a slander:
"My garden of paradise before God is small, so that with God's help it will not be lost. Amen."

2. Drying.
No plants can live without water. The exception is almost immortal succulents with thick leaves, which retain a supply of water for difficult times. If the plant is withered but not completely dry, try saving it. Lower the flower pot for a few minutes entirely in a bucket of warm water. Because a dry substrate, especially containing peat, absorbs moisture worse. The quality of the water is also important. Plants need soft and settled, in no case icy.

3. Insufficient lighting.
If the plant loses its beauty and saturated color, then she does not have enough light and needs to be placed as close to the window as possible. Shade-loving plants, such as monstera, which is used to using the smallest portion of light that it will receive in its native rainforest, will be well away from the window. On the contrary, light-loving plants have a place only on the windowsill or close to it. The intensity of the light will be enhanced by white walls, and a mirror will help. The most expensive option is a fluorescent lamp.

4. Sunburn.
Surprisingly, some plants are harmed by excess sun. For example, straight Sun rays harm almost all orchids - they need diffused light. They will not withstand hot morning or evening rays, but the midday sun, enhanced by glass, will simply burn the leaves and the plant will die. Therefore, orchids should be placed at the east window or far from the south or west.

5. Inappropriate temperature.
Flowers in your home differ in temperature requirements, so you need to know these requirements before buying a particular plant. Subtropical and Mediterranean species require warmth, but in winter, as a rule, rest at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees, so that they are beautiful and healthy next year. For wintering, it is better to put them on verandas or winter gardens, if the house has a bright cold corridor, too. a good place. And for example, the legendary camellia simply needs cold. Subtropical plants are not harmed by fluctuations in day and night temperatures from spring to autumn.

6. Dry air.
The lack of moisture in the air will not kill the plant, but it will affect its appearance. Therefore, all flowers in the house (with the exception of succulents, which do not care) need to be irrigated. Spray for flowers should be irrigated once or twice a day. If you do not have time for this, bowls of water placed near the pots will help.

7. Pests.
Flowers in the house will enliven the interior, but unfortunately, not only they like the house, but also the insects that feed on them. Most often, flowers are attacked by mites (spider, cyclamen), aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, thrips, etc. In order to detect them in time, plants need to be inspected regularly. You will see the aphids immediately, but the red spider is not so easy to find. You will see only small cobwebs on the underside of the leaves. First, try to remove intruders mechanically, for example, by placing the plant under a shower or by wiping the leaves with a cotton swab wrapped around a stick. Then, instead of insecticides, try a human-friendly spray based on Biool oil and lecithin, which will glue the insects and thereby kill them. These funds do not work on the testicles, so after a week or two, you need to repeat the spray.

8. Diseases.
Even worse than insects, diseases caused by microscopic fungi and bacteria are determined. Most often, plants are affected by fungi that form brown weeping spots on the leaves. Damaged parts must be removed, the plant isolated from the rest, and if the disease persists, try treating the plant with fungicides according to the attached instructions, which you can buy in gardening needs.

9. Lack of nutrients.
Plant roots will quickly scoop out nutrients from soil to small pot. Therefore, you need to add them regularly, otherwise the plants will not grow and become prettier. There are many fertilizers, it is easiest to use liquid ones. They dissolve in water according to the instructions and are added during irrigation. You can use one universal remedy or special ones for plants with beautiful leaves, flowering plants, palm trees, etc. Plants that do not tolerate calcium, such as citrus fruits and orchids, need to be fed with special means. From spring to autumn, plants are fertilized once a week, in winter - once a month, and those plants that winter in the cold do not fertilize at all. You can also use concentrated fertilizers in the form of tablets or sticks, which will last for a month or more. However, not all of the nutrients from them will reach all roots.

10. Too small dishes.
If the roots of a plant completely fill the pot, they cannot grow further. If you regularly fertilize a plant, it will not die, but it cannot grow and develop. So buy your plant a new pot and repot it! The best time to transplant is spring. The pot needs one or two sizes larger. If the plant is already large and heavy and the pot is difficult to change, then replace at least upper layer soil and feed it well.

We all love houseplants- beautiful flowers but we know so little about them: what they carry and how they act on people. Get to know some of the features of a particular flower.

This is interesting!

Step by step solution

Let's start with color.

Plants that have a red color in their color (it doesn’t matter whether they are fiery red flowers or burgundy veins on the leaves) energize a person, stimulate his activity, activate brain activity, increase endurance. For example, amaryllis, placed on the desktop, will help make the final decision, and Gusmania will cheer up and shake those prone to thoughtfulness. Bright red flowers are best placed in the living room, but for a child's room or bedroom, choose a calmer shade of pink.

  • Blue flowers set in a peaceful mood. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. Deep Blue colour can cause anxiety attacks. But saturated blue inflorescences will be very useful for creative people. In any case, it is better to dilute plants of this color with other shades - yellow or orange, white is also suitable.
  • Orange and yellow invariably cheer up. Looking at a flower in orange tones, most people feel better and feel like smiling - smiling just like that, for no good reason.
  • White color is a symbol of purity, freshness, light. It is difficult to come up with a more suitable plant than blooming with white flowers for decorating a child's room, since such plants neutralize negative energy and contribute to the development of a healthy child's psyche.
  • If a person often changes plants in the house, gives something away, gains something, and all the plants are not alike, then this indicates that the person is perfectly adapted in society, has a broad outlook on life and a balanced character.
  • People who do not tolerate surprises, easily excitable and overly emotional prefer plants with flowers, but without a bright smell.
  • But strong-willed passionate natures will choose a sharp, strong aroma.
  • Wildlife lovers, starting from a neighbor's dog, ending with a cornflower in the field, must have at least one flower on a long stem at home (cyperus, strelecia, orchid).
  • Cheerful and inveterate optimists who love noisy companies and know how to have fun from the heart, will be happy to receive plants blooming with lush flowers (chrysanthemum, hydrangea, azalea) as a gift.
  • The presence of roses or hibiscus in the house characterizes the owner as a jealous person. At the same time, these plants are almost never grown by pessimists who feel like losers.
  • Bulbous plants in an apartment are often bred by people in whose lives there is a lack of strong and joyful feelings.
  • Aggressive, assertive, fighting persons prefer cacti and other plants with thorns and thorns (acanthus, aphelandra, pandanus).
  • And now - about certain types of flowers (the most common in our apartments). Aloe growing at home will not only help you with its leaves in the treatment of a runny nose, herpes and other sores, but will also protect you from the bad energy of unkind people who come to your house.
  • Begonia, which is in sight, stimulates the speed of thinking and ingenuity. If disputes often arise in your family, as they say, from scratch, start a continuously blooming begonia. It will smooth out contradictions and conflicts.
  • Geranium highlights essential oils, which are able to relieve stress, eliminate insomnia, treat neuroses, improve metabolism and prevent diseases of the respiratory organs. This plant is recommended for those who want to temper their character and achieve personal success. Geranium is an excellent assistant in the pacification of aggressive inclinations and the development of a sense of humor.
  • Laurel helps to cure insomnia and mild depression. To do this, you just need to lean towards the flower more often and inhale the outgoing aroma with full breasts.
  • Golden mustache (or, as it is called, "homemade ginseng") not only disinfects and heals wounds. This plant is a powerful energy donor. Look at it for 30 seconds and your business will definitely go uphill.
  • Cacti are able to absorb bad energy. It is said that the longer the needles of a cactus, the faster it absorbs negative emotions.
  • They say that myrtle tree helps people quit smoking. As soon as there is an irresistible desire to smoke another cigarette, you need to pick up a pot of myrtle and carefully peer into its small leaves.
  • The fat woman, popularly called the "money tree", attracts material well-being to the house. In the morning, leaving for work, hold on to her leaf, and your karma will not be empty.
  • Ficus is a source of family harmony and mutual understanding. To always have harmony in the house, put it in the kitchen. If you need to improve relations with your spouse - place a ficus in the bedroom. And if you have been dreaming about children for a long time, you need to often transplant this flower from a pot into an even larger pot.
  • But ivy is not in vain popularly called "husband". It is believed that by settling in your house, he survives men. True, the experience of my familiar married ladies refutes this belief. But still - if you are looking for a mate, wait a little to acquire ivy. But if your dream is to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor with whom you still can’t part, or from annoying neighbors on the site, then it’s better not to find money for ivy.
  • Delightful orchids also have a bad reputation. They are often referred to as "energy thieves". It is not recommended to grow them at home, especially in the bedroom or room where children live. On the other hand, people are energetically vampires, as well as lovers of squabbles and gossip, get along well with these colors.
  • White violets will calm too emotional people, violets with blue flowers help reveal talents, and purple ones allow you to look at problems from a philosophical point of view. It is believed that violet protects against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes. If you place several pots of white flowers in the nursery, then the children will be more docile.
  • Ferns and palm trees contribute to the establishment of friendly relations. If you want to come to a consensus with a person with whom you have not been able to agree for a long time, plant him so that there is a yucca or nephrolepis in his field of vision.
  • Croton is simply necessary in a house where there are teenagers, especially "difficult" ones. It will give self-confidence, protect from bad influences and street companies.
  • Calla helps to find mutual language spouses, serves as a talisman of family happiness.
  • Kalanchoe protects against apathy, resists mental discord and does not allow despondency to take over a person. This flower is recommended to give to people who find themselves in difficult life situations.
  • Cyclamens give the owners independence and reduce the influence of others.

Indoor plants can transform your home almost beyond recognition. With their help, you can visually increase or narrow the size of the room. For example, if there are large creepers in the room (ivy or monstera), it visually seems more compact and comfortable. And here tall plants growing vertically upwards will visually increase the height of the ceilings. Therefore, people who experience discomfort from the low height of the room Subconsciously choose tall plants.

Choose for yourself the plant that will benefit you.

Almost in every modern home green "neighbors" live permanently or temporarily. But you need to choose flowers for your home very carefully, because superstitions and signs can be associated with each of them. The energy of flowers can provide both positive and bad influence on the health and mood of the inhabitants of the house. Which representatives of the green kingdom are best avoided, and which ones can become true allies?

Folk signs associated with flowers

Flowering plants have long been used to decorate houses, temples, places of solemn ceremonies, hairstyles. Superstitions and signs associated with flowers are very diverse: some relate to indoor plants, others -, and others - the use of dried flowers and bunches medicinal herbs. Some observations have received scientific confirmation, while others have remained in the category of superstition, so everyone decides for himself whether to pay attention to folk signs about flowers in the house.

Signs associated with flowers do not recommend keeping wilting or dead plants in the house. In this case, folk wisdom is reinforced by the requirements of hygiene: dying stems and leaves are an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms, and many of them can be harmful to health. And the unpleasant smell of decay will cause the household to have a bad mood and irritability. For the same reasons, it is recommended to renew the water in vessels with brought or donated compositions daily.

When it comes to bouquets, folk wisdom does not recommend putting plants with a strong smell in the bedroom - jasmine, roses. A headache can be a punishment for neglecting a sign. It is also not recommended to give an even number of buds. should be avoided and yellow flowers. However, they can be used in multi-color flower arrangements.

You should not buy or accept artificial flowers as a gift, no matter how attractive they may seem. Of course, they are more durable than real ones, but over time they will lose their attractiveness and will only attract dust.

Indoor flowers: good and bad signs

Folk superstitions have not ignored flowers in pots: the signs associated with them usually portend good or bad events for those living in the house. Very often, flowering is associated with prosperity, a holiday, pleasant changes, and the withering of a flower is considered a bad omen. But there are exceptions, for example, if the Decembrist (Christmas) bloomed prematurely or late, this is considered not the best omen.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give flowers in pots. If such a gift is made from the heart, it can become a kind of amulet for the owners of the house. In addition, a bond is formed between the donor and the donated plant. And if the flower begins to fade or is broken by an accidental fall from the windowsill, you should call a friend and ask if you need help.

Those wishing to plant potted green plants in the house are advised to carefully read the list of donors and vampires, as well as male and female flowers.

Energy of flowering plants: vampires and donors

Like all living things, flowers have their own energy, which affects the atmosphere in the house in different ways. The energy of flowers can be positive or negative, so many esotericists divide plants into donors and vampires. It is important to take into account that people consider everything incomprehensible and inexplicable to be magic, so you can often find a rational grain in signs.

If you look at which flowers fall into the "energy vampire" category, you will notice that they have one of several properties. Some grow very luxuriantly, covering a window or wall with a dense carpet. At night, when photosynthesis stops, green "neighbors" absorb oxygen from the air. And if such a decoration is in the bedroom, the tenants are guaranteed lack of sleep and weakness caused by a lack of oxygen. Other plants can release substances that affect the state of the nervous system. Still others simply have a too strong aroma that causes a headache.

The category of donor flowers that purify or give energy includes plants that produce phytoncides useful for humans. A bush of room mint or lavender will calm you down. Geranium is useful to plant for those who have problems with cardiovascular system. And rosemary will help to cope with insomnia. So it is worth listening to the signs regarding the energy of flowers.

There is a classification according to the compatibility of plants with men and women. Spathiphyllum, hibiscus, gardenia, orchid are considered excellent companions for women and girls, and juniper, anthurium or polissias - for men.

Welcome guests in any home

Collecting home garden, it is important to purchase indoor flowers with good energy and not to put pots and flowerpots with plants that have a bad "reputation" in the sleeping rooms. Add to list best colors for a house with good energy, includes:

  • geranium;
  • dracaena;
  • hyacinth;
  • Decembrist;
  • cyclamen.

When choosing flowers for the home, it is important to consider their location. In the kitchen, it is worth installing flowerpots with herbs - thyme, basil, mint, rosemary, sage. An excellent choice would be citrus fruits, decorative peppers. And gardeners can try to grow yellow or bright red strawberries or cherry tomatoes. The pleasant smell of the home "bed" will delight all year round.

Lianas are recommended to be planted outside the home. If you dream of enjoying beautifully flowering climbing plants in the summer, plant annuals on the balcony: morning glory, dolichos, tunbergia. They will be able to delight you until late autumn.

However, each person has their own list. flowering plants that evoke positive emotions. When creating a green garden, touch the specimens you like, smell them, evaluate your feelings. Intuition will help you choose exactly what suits you personally.

For example, before the war, met in every home, was considered a symbol of well-being family life, and after the war - turned into a "widow's flower". There are many such examples. It is worth listening to folk wisdom, especially when it comes to well-known plants.

Flowers to grow according to signs

There are many signs about indoor plants, some of them are puzzling. For example, it is believed that flowers will grow and bloom better if they are not bought in a store, but stolen, pinched off a branch from a beautiful, healthy bush.

To "soften" the sin, mother plant leave some coins.

If indoor flowers stably die at good care- it speaks of bad energy premises or problems in the life of the owner. If a plant stood in the house for a long time and died before reaching the allotted time for life, this is a bad omen, a warning about a possible serious illness of one of the household members.

Some flowers absorb a lot of negativity and die, taking energy dirt with them.

For the office, the death of a flower in a pot is a harbinger of change in the company.

There are many beliefs about flowers that cannot be kept at home. According to folk signs, creepers, curly indoor flowers fall into the list of prohibited plants - they are considered "husbands".

It is undesirable to accept as a gift indoor flowers in pots. Together with the plant, the donor, perhaps, gets rid of his problems, betrays them. For each flower pot, give a nominal fee, then the “plant will decide” that it was bought, and the new owner does not need the hardships of the previous owner.

After listening to signs and superstitions about what flowers should not be kept in the house, do not rush to throw away pets. If, before receiving negative information, you did not experience discomfort from being close to a “green friend”, you were happy about its flowering, you can ignore the frightening warnings.

What flowers can be kept at home

The question of whether it is possible to keep a rose at home refers more to a Chinese beauty. About hibiscus or Chinese rose, there are frightening signs. It is believed that the appearance of flowers on a plant is a signal of the imminent death of one of the household members or their loved ones. But with good care and positive energy, hibiscus can bloom all year round, in this case there will be no tragic consequences.

It is recommended to keep in the house if the relationship between the spouses has “calmed down”. The flower will help bring back the faded passion. Positively minded people can safely acquire hibiscus. Positive interpretation of flowering plants:

  • For a young couple - an addition to the family;
  • For a girl of marriageable age - a quick wedding;
  • For an aged lady - rejuvenation.

As for thorny plants (cacti, roses, wild roses), they can block positive energy and do nothing to create a pleasant atmosphere.

But signs about flowers in the house, on the contrary, recommend keeping a rose in the room of a young girl. The rose helps to keep the chastity of the young lady, and attracts the groom to the young lady of marriageable age. In the couple's room, the queen of flowers harmonizes the relationship.

Home flowers not only delight with their appearance, but also attract monetary luck. Among these plants:

  • crassula ( Money Tree);
  • zamiakulkas, geranium;
  • dracaena sander (lucky bamboo);
  • lemon;
  • pachira;
  • scindapsus;
  • aucuba;
  • bougainvillea;

For amplification magical power the selected plant should be placed in the southeastern part of the house, and well looked after.

When choosing a green "money magnet", pay attention to other properties of plants. For example, the creeper scindapsus falls into the list of flowers that cannot be kept in the house, it is considered a "husband".

fat woman

Do you want to bring prosperity to your home? Plant a Crassula! This succulent with fleshy leaves is called the money tree. Its oval leaves, falling off, dry out, acquire a silver tint, and become like coins. There are signs on how to properly plant a fat woman so that it accompanies monetary luck:

  1. You need to pinch off a shoot from a bush from rich people, and not buy a finished plant.
  2. Crassula must be planted in a red pot, in extreme cases, in a green or black pot.
  3. At the bottom of the pot with the plant during planting, put a few large coins.

If the succulent "deigns" to bloom, the owner can expect an improvement in his financial situation. But if the leaves of the crassula fall off or the plant gets sick, this is a harbinger of waste of money in the family, ruin. The flower pot should be disposed of, or close attention should be paid to the ratio of income and expenses.


It is worth keeping this "exotic" in the house not only because of the rituals of money magic, but also to decorate the interior. Forever shiny leaves noticeably decorate the room and improve the mood of the inhabitants.


Ironically, cacti are also considered money plants. The prickly inhabitants of the window sills have aggressive energy, which increases the business acumen of the owner of the plant, improves mental abilities and prevents the "squandering" of money. And according to popular belief, they scare away thieves.

Dracaena sander

Lucky bamboo is a symbol of financial well-being. To activate the magical influence in the monetary sphere, you need to plant 5 stems of Sandera in one pot.

If you need to attract happiness - 3 stems will be enough, to attract good health - 7 stems. Well, if you need everything at once - and this is possible, plant 21 stems in one container.

Plants for well-being in the family

If you are looking for a loved one, and are already losing hope for good luck, urgently start growing indoor flowers, plant at least one plant that can attract prosperity to your personal life. And there are many such indoor flowers.


Tops the list of plants that bring success in love, indoor flower « woman's happiness". It is recommended to grow single people, especially unmarried females.

Connoisseurs of folk signs are convinced that after placing the spathiphyllum in housing after the flower:

  • a beloved and loving person will appear in the house;
  • mutual understanding and peace will reign in the family;
  • a child will be born to a married couple who could not have children in any way.


The “paired plant” for spathiphyllum has similar properties only in relation to men. It is not in vain that it is called "male happiness." If your loved one is depressed and passive, put an anthurium in the matrimonial bedroom. The plant will fill the house with positive energy, the man will perk up and remember that she is the head of the family, she will begin to protect and protect the woman.


Another plant that will help a childless family to have a baby. To do this, you need to make a garland of 32 room rose petals (preferably bright red or pink), and hang it over the marital bed. It is necessary to use flowers planted in the house at least a year ago. From its petals, you can also make tea to strengthen marriage bonds, and drink a drink of love together with your wife and husband.


Quatrefoils of sour - a symbol of good luck. It is useful for single women to fulfill the dream of meeting a loved one. Spouses next to oxalis will find mutual understanding and be able to save the family.


Keeper hearth protects spouses from adversity, is a symbol of a happy family life.


"Tree of Happiness" will protect your home, repel unworthy people, bestow luck and success.


This miniature evergreen tree is often given to newlyweds on their wedding day as a symbol of eternal love and strong marriage. Myrtle is able to bring quick love to an unmarried young lady.


"Green Air Conditioner" will not only freshen the air in the room, but also help to find stability in the relationship of a married couple. It helps lonely people to find harmony by sorting out their own thoughts.


A symbol of inexhaustible love, affection and mutual understanding. In a house where scandals do not subside between husband and wife, reproaches are constantly heard, it is necessary to grow saintpaulias. Delicate flowers will help to establish family life.

No one doubts the health benefits of indoor plants. After all, they decorate the interior with their appearance, cheer up, enrich the air with oxygen. But according to ancient beliefs, some flowers should be grown at home because they attract health.

Famous healers aloe and kalanchoe. For the treatment of many ailments, the juice of the fleshy leaves is used. And if you are lucky to observe the flowering of aloe, this is a sign of healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Flower pots with pelargonium (geranium) can be placed in the bedroom, nursery, living room, office - they will bring good luck, peace and prosperity. Geranium falls into the category of flowers that attract:

  • material wealth;
  • happiness in personal life;
  • career growth;
  • health.

Pelargonium leaves are loved by folk healers, they are used internally and externally for various ailments.

It is not necessary to grow indoor plants according to the sign of the zodiac. Often people need to enhance the qualities that are well developed in other signs. But planting "your" flowers, subject to the influence of "your" planet, is the right thing to do.

But what flower pots advises to keep astromedicine in the house:

  1. Hibiscus (one of the indoor flowers of the Leo sign) stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Virgo plants. Japanese aucuba, birch, monstera, asparagus, aster, philodendron, bent dracaena - are needed to maintain health, they stabilize the digestive tract. Dracaena bent makes it easier for stuttering people to speak.
  3. Plants of Libra (white azalea, Mexican pepper, small-flowered chrysanthemum, hydrangea, croton) have a beneficial effect on nervous system and kidneys. Hydrangea helps to keep a diet while losing weight, to form a beautiful body. Schlumberga makes movements easy, joints flexible, prevents diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  4. Capricorn plants (ivory yucca, rubbery ficus, fragrant dracaena, fat woman) help those who want to lose weight and maintain a good figure. And dracaena also contributes to the health of the teeth and the musculoskeletal system, reduces the manifestation of symptoms in skin diseases.
  5. Plants of Aquarius (maranth tricolor, indoor maple, poinsettia) help maintain health (emotional and physical).
    Plants of the Pisces sign (magnolia, lily, orchid, geranium, papyrus cyperus) have a good effect on the state of the nervous, lymphatic and endocrine systems, give a healthy sleep, create a cozy and soothing atmosphere.

Someone might think that plants are created solely for beauty, but this statement is not entirely true. Indoor flowers, like all living plants, have a certain energy. It can be both positive and negative. Some types of flowers require a special location to avoid negative impact. Below we will talk about what flowers you can keep at home. What flowers cannot be kept at home - we will also learn from our article.

Folk omens and superstitions

Do not be afraid - not all flowers make the atmosphere in the room unfavorable. There is some list of plants, information about which should be taken into account.


The cactus does not have negative energy if it is located in the kitchen or hallway. You can’t keep him in the bedroom, otherwise he can make the spouses “prickly” and embroil them. There is a version that it is useful to put a cactus next to the monitor during operation - this is how it absorbs electromagnetic radiation and reduces its effect on a person. The cactus is also called male plant- people believe that it strengthens the vitality.

cacti decorate the interior


Ivy is appropriate in a men's apartment, but in a women's apartment it can harm the personal happiness of the hostess. It is believed that ivy is "owner" and will not tolerate someone else's man in the house.

fat woman

The fat woman, or money tree, can and should be kept in the house when it blooms with leaves. If they fall off or the plant gets sick, this will lead to financial expenses in the family or ruin.

flower upstart

This flower is best grown in non-residential premises, good for office or supermarket as well as other public places. Being in the house, the upstart flower will bring poverty to its owner.


Calla is a flower of well-being and family happiness. It is believed that if you keep callas in the house, love and mutual understanding will reign in it. Calla helps to cure heart disease and get rid of sadness. There is a belief that in order to get pregnant, plant a calla in the house.

Dracaena sander

Dracaena sander brings its owner prosperity in a career and monetary growth. It can be kept both at work and at home.


Croton is best grown at home. People believe that it protects the house from enemies and negative energy, as well as from envy. Croton has a wonderful calm aura - it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps to cope with depression, and can contribute to the development of creative abilities. It is believed that this flower brings happiness to its owner.


Spitaphyllum is called " female flower"It's all about his energy. It is believed that spithaphyllum should be kept at home in order to get married. Spouses, he gives peace and harmony in personal relationships.


Dry and artificial flowers

It is believed that these flowers do not have energy. No wonder artificial flowers are carried to the cemetery, they have no life. For this reason, you should not keep them in the house.

curly flowers

Curly flowers are best left for work; upright flowers are more appropriate at home. It is believed that the presence of curly flowers in the house testifies to the infidelity of the husband, "wraps around behind every skirt."

climbing plants are good for the office

palm trees

Palm trees are good in the house when you have grown it yourself. Bringing it into the house from other people's owners means dooming yourself to misfortune.


Pansies, or viola, are good where there is no living energy. It is in cemeteries that they are planted most often. Consider whether you want to associate your home with dead energy.


Geranium is controversial. On the one hand, this flower has no negative superstitions. On the other hand, it is believed that it brings loneliness to the house. Perhaps this is due to the fact that geraniums are most often grown by retired grandmothers, hence the belief. In defense of geraniums, we can say that this flower is considered medicinal - they can treat colds and apply leaves to the site of the bruise.


According to popular belief, creepers and other ampelous plants drive men out of the house. For the same reasons, you should not keep zebrina, rafidophora, reo and capmelia in the house.

What flowers can be kept at home?

Flowers greatly decorate the interior, please the eye and improve the psychological atmosphere. Below we will talk about what flowers you can and should keep at home for well-being.

Uzumbar violet

Another name for the Uzumbar violet is "flower of love". It's best if he white color- then there will be peace, happiness, love and harmony in the family. Pink and blue violets are best placed in the kitchen.


Aloe is a healing flower, rumors about its harm are nothing more than a fairy tale. Since ancient times, this plant has brought only good energy to the house, the juice of this plant is added to many cosmetic products, as well as to medicines.

aloe is a medicinal home plant


Myrtle is considered a very positive plant, it is strongly recommended to keep it in the house. For unmarried girls, myrtle brings quick love, and for married girls, a long and strong marriage. Myrtle is often given to newlyweds on their wedding day as a symbol of love.


Anthurium is considered a male plant, it literally attracts male energy into the house and gives happiness to all single girls. Thanks to Anthurium, they are getting better family relationships, quarrels and squabbles leave the house, a pleasant aura appears.

Decembrist Schlumberger

Schlumberger's Decembrist got its name because it blooms in winter, in December. This flower literally spreads “vibes of happiness and goodness” around itself. Even selfish people get better with it. It is believed that if this plant begins to bloom at the wrong time, only because a favorable atmosphere reigns in the house.


Ficus is definitely not a place in the bedroom, it is best to place it in another room. Ficus has a powerful energy that can drive away negativity and aggression from home. Some believe that ficus can bring peace and tranquility to the home, as well as cope with anxiety and depression.

ficus will be useful for people's energy, but it's better not to put it in the bedroom

First of all, climbing plants should not be in the house, as they take away love from the family. These include:

  1. Golden mustache;
  2. Tradescantia;
  3. Epipremnum.

Other lovebird flowers, and which ones should not be kept by an unmarried girl in the house, are described below.


The Birch flower is popularly considered a muzhegon. It will not be easy for an unmarried girl to arrange her personal life, since a birch tree does not tolerate male energy next to her. For this reason, a birch flower cannot be kept in your home, however, like married couples.

Chinese rose

The rose is everyone's favorite and most popular flower, it is called the "queen of flowers". Undoubtedly Chinese rose- a very beautiful plant, but it is fraught with danger for young girls and married ladies. People say that the rose is able to draw the energy of love from the house, being in some way an “energy vampire”. There is no return from a rose.


The orchid is quite demanding in care, it has very beautiful and eye-catching flowers. But behind the external beauty is the ability to absorb the energy of the household. It is said that the orchid blooms due to the shortcomings of its owners. In addition, its presence in the house can disturb your sleep, for this reason, do not put it in the bedroom.


Begonia is a very popular flower, but it is better not to keep more than one pot in the house. It cannot be said that begonia carries exclusively negative energy, but for unmarried ladies it can do a disservice by taking away love for itself. True, she still gives some of the positive energy in return.


Tulips are the most spring flowers, this plant has a lot of fans. Tulips in the house can disturb peace and "give" insomnia, you can keep them only in the kitchen. Also, tulips can lead to hair loss and deterioration. appearance girls.


It is good to grow a fern in a garden or a greenhouse, it is not at all suitable for an apartment. The abundance of fern in the house can cause severe headaches, because its flowers emit a large amount of carbon dioxide. In addition, the fern can discourage fans from you.


The aroma of tuberose is very attractive, it is often used in the preparation of perfume compositions. But if you are in a relationship, then tuberose will affect them in the most negative way.

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to keep flowers at home is rhetorical. Of course, it is possible and even necessary. However, not all flowers are "equally useful."

What flowers can not be kept at home?

It is undesirable to place plants that are poisonous in those apartments where there are children or pets, since they have a number of negative properties.


Opens the list of aglaonema - this is the most poisonous houseplant that can release poison. Even touching its flowers, you will feel some irritation. Aglaonema is very dangerous when ingested internally - it affects the central nervous system and provokes nausea, headache and even fainting. You should be very careful with this flower.


Euphorbia - the flower is definitely not for happiness, since the juice of the milkweed can burn the skin and cause severe swelling of the mucous membranes, up to loss of vision.

Rhododendron Sims

Rhododendron Sims is a very poisonous flower, in no case should it be allowed to enter the body. If this happens, then immediately call a doctor, otherwise you can fall from convulsions and lose consciousness.


Dieffenbachia is dangerous for its juice. Children or animals should not be allowed near the flower, otherwise there is a high risk that they will try the dieffenbachia stem. As a result of ingestion, the juice of the plant will provoke a strong gag reflex due to poisoning.


Monstera is an energy vampire. By popular belief, this flower sucks energy out of a person. Without noticing it, he begins to feel tired, apathetic, health problems begin.


Sansevieria, or " mother-in-law's tongue"(as well as" pike tail ") sucks love out of the house, takes away female attractiveness. Unmarried girls can go wrong in their personal lives. For this reason, "mother-in-law's tongue" cannot be kept in the house.


Primula is a beautiful name for no less beautiful flower. Primrose is very toxic, it releases into the atmosphere in large quantities. harmful substances, which affect general condition organism. Primrose leaves can cause skin irritation.

christmas star

The Christmas star, or poinsettia, got its name from the unusual shape of its leaves. This is a very beautiful plant, requiring proper care. In case of non-compliance temperature regime and moderate air humidity, poinsettia absorbs oxygen, while releasing carbon dioxide. It is good to place a Christmas star in the office.


Pandanus should not be kept in the house, as it is an energy vampire. Impressive people with such a plant will be uncomfortable, they will have a feeling of depression up to a nervous breakdown. In other cases, the pandanus can be placed both at home and at work.

wax ivy

Wax, or hoya, brings misfortune and misfortune to the house. Where this belief came from is hard to say. However, according to signs, hoya does not promise a successful marriage for girls, sons leave home, and the husband begins to cheat, which brings discord into the family.

We found out which plants can not be kept at home and why. The list is quite extensive, although incomplete. The question of whether it is possible to keep certain flowers at home always causes a lot of controversy. Yes, you can blindly trust signs and superstitions, but do not forget that they were also invented by people. How easy it is to push your problems onto these green plants without understanding why discord and quarrels reign in the house. Undoubtedly, some flowers are considered poisonous and you should protect your children and animals from them. But we recommend that you take a closer look at the rest - the flower will not be able to improve your personal life or solve health problems, the cause of the problems may lie much deeper.

It would be interesting to calculate how many kilograms of lilacs people have eaten in search of happiness? Found a flower with five petals - make a wish and eat quickly! The sign says that the wish will come true. What to do, it is human nature to look for symbols and signs in everything with which you can control your destiny. There were no flowers here. There are many curious, sometimes absurd flower signs. Believe it or not.


If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is undesirable to put in the bedroom ficus. This is because larger houseplants release more carbon dioxide, making it harder for people with heart problems to breathe. Let's get the ficus out! However, there is another opinion. If you put this flower in the bedroom, it will provide you with protection. We bring the ficus back! Put a ficus in the kitchen, and it will save you from hunger and poverty. Some argue that the positive energy of this flower will bring good luck and prosperity, no matter where it is in your vast apartment. But do not forget that the ficus itself would prefer a bright place with protection from direct sunlight.

Make a ficus company is ready Money Tree, or fat girl. It seems like money should be attracted. If your money tree bloomed in a red pot, then, according to the sign, you already have a house in the Bahamas, a couple of yachts and a private jet at your disposal. And from robbers and burglars, the best protection is. The action is enhanced if you put flowers on both sides of the door - so evil cannot get into your house. If I were in the place of evil, I wouldn't go in either. What can be on the mind of a person who puts a cactus at the door? They also say that the cactus absorbs radiation from monitors. There is even an anecdote: a cactus that has been standing by the monitor for 7 years can reinstall Windows. Very convenient, you can save on a programmer.

In the company of a cactus you can take aloe. It will protect the owners from accidents and uninvited guests. Double protection did not save? Saves from gossip and envy tradescantia. There is an opposite point of view - this indoor flower pushes to idle talk and gossip.

And there are conflicting opinions about violets. Some say that violet will give understanding in the family. In a house where this fragile flower grows, conflicts happen less often. And harmony in relationships will help improve health and drive away difficult thoughts. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the violet will sow discord and quarrels in your cozy nest.

By the way, geranium will help relieve stress. Geranium in the studio! It will also relieve you of insomnia. This also has logical explanation, because geranium perfectly deodorizes the air. There is another belief - geranium attracts diseases. But my grandmother believes that geranium relieves headaches. You can believe. If only it helped.

Another fighter against stress and depression is a beautiful azalea. If you are a creative person, feel free to put this flower on the windows that face east, west, northeast and northwest and inspiration will come to you. And if you're lucky, you'll bring your muse with you. In addition, azalea helps to overcome fear of the unknown. I begin to suspect that the creator of the Vip-Punk-Decadence musical direction has all the windows lined with pots of azaleas. Wanted to sing? Save the nerves of others - sing to the Decembrist. So there are fewer victims, and flower growers are sure that this winter flower loves to listen. In return, he will give you happiness and save you from selfishness. The Decembrist bloomed at the wrong time - expect pleasant changes in life (why did the Decembrist bloom on Easter?).

If from pleasant changes you have “a smile to your ears, at least sew on the strings,” and you still need ears, put next to the Decembrist callas. And she will come - melancholy. So that's where the sadness comes from...

Tired of being sad? Your salvation is citrus fruits and yellow flowers. They will bring prosperity and good luck to the house. Flowers with a yellow corolla protect against witchcraft or the evil eye. Here is the paradox. After all, it is believed that the presented yellow flowers portend a quick separation from a loved one. Think, maybe the donor wants to protect you from the evil eye, and you are already on your guard.

There are houseplants with an extremely negative reputation. They include sansevieria. It is believed that it increases aggression, causes insomnia and depression. But sansevieria perfectly cleans the air. We put next to the geranium, and order! Causes minor annoyances and yucca. But at the same time, the energy of these colors helps to gain self-confidence and get rid of doubts.

To believe or not to believe in flower signs is up to you. But remember that you are the master of your destiny, not your green pet in a flower pot.
