Why do cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse. Why cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse and in the open field Cucumber leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse what to do

All gardeners face the annoying problem of prematurely yellowing leaves, fruits or ovaries on cucumbers - and when growing crops in open field, and when grown in a greenhouse. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and in order to prevent crop loss, it is necessary to study each of them. About why cucumbers turn yellow and dry, we will try to tell in this article.

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Why do cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in a greenhouse?

Very often, readers ask what to do if the cucumber leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse. First you need to find out why this is happening, since cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow leaves for at least five reasons:

  • violation of the rules of watering - lack or excess of moisture, watering plants with cold water, falling drops on the leaves during watering;
  • insufficient lighting - from this, as a rule, the lower leaves of plants turn yellow, but there is no particular reason to worry about this natural phenomenon;
  • lack of soil nutrients- nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, or, conversely, oversaturation of the soil with fertilizers;
  • damage to plants by diseases, for example, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, root rot or downy mildew;
  • the presence of pests on cucumbers - melon aphids, whiteflies or spider mites.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse

Why do cucumber buds turn yellow? If you find that the ovaries of cucumbers have begun to turn yellow, check if one of these phenomena has occurred in the greenhouse:

  • due to insufficient pollination, poor-quality ovaries formed on cucumbers - this is usually caused by growing artificially pollinated varieties in the absence of pollinating insects;
  • cucumbers are overloaded too big amount embryos and cannot provide them with normal development - the formation of a large number of ovaries is an integral property hybrid varieties, which are intended for growing in a greenhouse;
  • cucumbers are affected by pests or diseases - fusarium, peronosporosis, rot, melon aphids or spider mites;
  • plants fell under frost or there was a sharp temperature drop - plants are not immune from this even in a greenhouse;
  • the balance of nutrients is disturbed in the soil - they are lacking or, conversely, there are too many of them;
  • violated the rules for watering cucumbers.

Why do cucumber fruits turn yellow in a greenhouse?

Cucumber fruits for almost the same reasons as leaves and ovaries, namely:

  • due to insufficient watering and violation temperature regimecold water when watering, drafts or a sharp cold snap;
  • imbalance of nutrients in the soil;
  • cucumbers turn yellow and when fully ripe - this is a normal process. You can’t eat such a cucumber, but you can leave it for seeds.

Why cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

Why do the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

Those who grow cucumbers in the open field may also have problems associated with a change in the color of the leaves - yellowing.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in open ground? Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are of the same nature as those of cucumbers in a greenhouse. For example, insufficient or excessive watering of plants. If the plants do not have enough moisture, the leaves lose turgor and begin to turn yellow, and if you water the cucumbers too often and abundantly, their roots begin to rot, and the leaves turn yellow, respectively. In addition, if you water cucumbers during the sunniest time of the day, water drops that fall on the leaves work like lenses, and burns occur in their place.

It is possible that cucumbers simply burn out in too strong a sun, especially during the hot afternoon hours.

The leaves of cucumbers also turn yellow when they grow too densely, because the plants do not have enough food area. Another reason for the phenomenon may be the low concentration of minerals in the soil.

Sometimes cucumbers suffer from an invasion of sucking insects that feed on the juice of their leaves - punctures first appear from their bites, and then yellowness.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

The reasons for the yellowing of the embryos of cucumbers in the open field are almost the same as in the greenhouse:

  • violation of growing conditions - the rules of irrigation and lighting;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • difficulties with pollination;
  • too many ovaries;
  • a sharp temperature drop;
  • dense planting or improper formation of bushes;
  • diseases or pests.

Why do the fruits of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

The reasons for yellowing cucumbers in the open field can be as follows:

  • lack of water;
  • lack of oxygen - air stops flowing to the roots of plants;
  • infection - peronosporosis, fusarium wilt or another disease.

Cucumbers turn yellow - how to fight

Fighting yellowing cucumbers

How to deal with such phenomena as yellowing of cucumber leaves, embryos and fruits? Let's analyze each reason separately.

Irrigation violation. Cucumbers are very moisture-loving, and they react painfully to lack of water. However, excessive watering can lead to the same problem - yellowing.

When growing cucumbers, it must be taken into account that before fruiting, the soil moisture, open or protected, should be lower than during fruit growth, and during the mass ripening of greens, the soil should be as saturated with moisture as possible. Categorically it is impossible to water cucumbers with cold water - this leads to yellowing and falling of the ovaries. Water must be poured under the stem so that drops do not fall on the leaves and fruits, since burns can form in these places.

Best time to moisten the soil in the beds with cucumbers - early morning or evening. Ground cucumbers are usually watered three times a week, and during the dry season daily, in greenhouses, due to the higher temperature, the plants are watered 4-5 times a week.

Insufficient lighting. The lack of light has a detrimental effect on the growth and development of cucumbers, therefore, when installing a greenhouse or choosing a site in a garden, one should take into account the extreme dependence of the culture on this factor. In addition, when planting seedlings or sowing seeds of cucumbers, it is necessary to follow the recommended scheme so that each plant has enough nutritional area for growth and development and the maximum amount sunlight.

For example, parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are planted one per m², and bee-pollinated - 2-3 bushes per m². If you save space by planting seedlings too closely, grown plants will shade each other, and as a result, their leaves and ovaries will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

But be prepared and protect your cucumbers from too much light, especially when a lingering dry heat sets in, because the summer sun can not only warm, but also burn.

The ovaries of cucumbers also turn yellow from an irresponsible attitude to such a procedure as the formation of a bush. Cucumber bushes begin to form with "blinding" - the removal of rudimentary elements in the axils of the leaves. How many of them to remove on one plant depends on the variety of cucumbers: on bushes of a bee-pollinated variety, three sinuses blind, and on parthenocarpic cucumbers - at least eight.

Then you need to pinch the shoots as they grow. If this is not done in a timely manner, they will grow, and the bushes will begin to shade each other. To prevent this from happening, the upper part of the shoots is pinched after growing by 20 cm, because longer shoots weaken the plant and lead to yellowing of the ovaries.

Temperature violation. No gardener is immune from sudden changes in temperature or sudden frosts, even when it comes to growing cucumbers in protected ground. For example, film-covered greenhouses allow heat to pass through during the day, and the air inside can even heat up to 40 ºC, but at night the film releases heat, which causes the temperature in the greenhouse to drop sharply. Here is the reason for yellowing and even falling of the ovaries. To avoid temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to provide additional shelter for cucumbers at night with a film or non-woven covering material - agrotex, lutrasil or spunbond.

The optimal temperature for parthenocarpic cucumbers before fruiting is considered:

  • in clear weather - 22-24 ºC;
  • in cloudy weather 20-22 ºC;
  • at night 17-18 ºC.

During the fruiting period, the temperature is maintained within the following limits:

  • 23-26 ºC in clear weather;
  • 21-23 ºC on cloudy days;
  • 18-20 ºC at night.

For growing bee-pollinated varieties, temperature indicators should be 1-3 degrees higher than for parthenocarpic ones.

As for the soil temperature, the most comfortable range for cucumbers will be from 22 to 24 ºC, and the critical mark of the thermometer is 13-15 ºC - if the temperature drops below, the roots will stop absorbing nutrients, and the cucumber ovaries will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Violation of mineral nutrition. Soil composition. When choosing a site for cucumbers, it is also necessary to ensure soil quality suitable for the crop. The soil for cucumbers is preferably loose, moist, air and moisture permeable. As for nutrients, their amount in the soil must be balanced, otherwise the leaves and embryos of cucumbers will begin to turn yellow. And problems with an imbalance of minerals in the soil are very likely, since the abundant and frequent watering that cucumbers require, potassium, nitrogen and other elements important for the plant are washed out of the soil.

How to determine which mineral is lacking in plants? By external signs: for example, yellow spots on the leaves indicate a lack of potassium, discolored and yellowing leaves, thinned lashes are symptoms of a lack of nitrogen, yellow edging on the lower leaves of cucumbers indicates a magnesium deficiency, yellowing young leaves indicate that plants need copper, yellow spots and bright green veins on the leaves indicate a lack of iron, and from a lack of zinc, the edges of the cucumber leaves turn yellow, and the lower leaves die off.

Therefore, regular feeding of cucumbers with nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is necessary, especially during the fruiting period, as well as treatment of plants by leaves with solutions containing other important elements. A simple but effective dressing for cucumbers is herbal infusion.

Poor pollination of cucumbers in the greenhouse. When choosing varieties of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse, give preference to parthenocarpic and self-pollinating ones - those that do not need pollinating insects. If you are growing bee-pollinated varieties, then plant honey plants in the greenhouse to attract bees and arrange daytime ventilation so that insects can enter the greenhouse. For the formation of full-fledged ovaries, spraying cucumbers with a solution is effective. boric acid and drugs Bud or Ovary.

Sometimes cucumbers form too many ovaries. In this case, you need to carry out immediate pinching or simply remove the extra embryos - there should be no more than 30 of them on one bush, otherwise the ovaries will begin to turn yellow and crumble, and the plant will waste nutrients on them.

Cucumber diseases. When growing cucumbers, it is necessary to observe crop rotation - do not plant a crop in the area after pumpkins - and take preventive measures against infection of plants with diseases such as root rot, Fusarium wilt, pitiosis, peronosporosis, ascochitosis, tobacco mosaic and bacteriosis.

A preventive measure is the treatment of cucumbers with the biological preparation Trichodermin, which is harmless to humans and animals, but suppresses pathogenic fungi. But if you still find symptoms on cucumbers fungal disease, spray the plants with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Unfortunately, infections of viral origin - mosaic or bacteriosis, for example - are incurable, so you need to remove the affected specimens from the garden as soon as possible and treat the soil in which they grew with a five percent formalin solution.

Cucumber pests. Most often, cucumbers suffer from melon aphids, whiteflies and spider mites, which feed on the cell sap of the leaves. As a preventive measure against pests, we recommend that you regularly destroy weeds during the growing season and plant debris after it. When mass destruction cucumbers, insects will have to treat the plants with insecticides Aktara, Aktellik or Fufanon, but it is better not to resort to such strong and unsafe drugs, but to apply against pests folk remedies.

Cucumbers turn yellow - folk remedies

In order not to endanger your health, you can use the following infusions and solutions to kill insects:

  • 30-40 g of chopped fresh hot peppers (or 10 g of dry), mixed with 200 g of tobacco dust, poured into a bucket hot water, insist for a day, filter, add 2 tablespoons liquid soap and wood ash, mix well and treat cucumbers with this composition from aphids or spider mites. Repeat the treatment in a week;
  • a full glass of wood ash with a slide is stirred in a bucket of hot water, insisted for a day, then filtered and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap are added;
  • 150-170 g of crushed garlic cloves are poured with a liter of water, tightly closed and infused for five days. 60 g of this concentrate is poured into a bucket of water, stirred and treated with a solution of cucumbers from whiteflies;
  • whiteflies can be washed off cucumbers with clean water, after which the soil under the bushes should be well loosened;
  • 4 kg of fresh or 2 kg of dried potato tops are poured into 10 liters of hot water, infused for 3-4 hours, filtered, 40 g of liquid soap are added and cucumbers are sprayed from ticks and aphids.

In order not to use fungicides toxic to humans, the following folk remedies can be used in the fight against fungal diseases of cucumbers:

  • 20 g grated laundry soap, a liter of skimmed milk and 30 drops of iodine are mixed with 10 liters of water and cucumbers are processed in the phase of formation of 3-4 leaves, and then every 10 days;
  • soak a gray bread loaf in 10 liters of water for 12 hours, knead it well in the morning, add a medicine bottle of iodine to a bucket of water and bread and mix thoroughly. Add a liter of the resulting bread-iodine solution to a bucket of clean water and treat the cucumbers from fungal infections. Re-treat in two weeks;
  • pathogenic fungi do not like alkali - in 10 liters of water you need to dilute one tablespoon of soda ash and treat cucumbers with a solution in June;
  • half a bucket of onion peel should be poured with a bucket of water, brought to a boil, insisted for half a day, strained, squeezing the peel, diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 8 and sprayed with cucumbers and the soil under them;
  • as soon as you notice the first signs of a fungal disease, treat the cucumbers with this composition: mix 2 liters of whey or low-fat kefir in 10 liters of water. If you add 150 g of sugar to the solution, this will help better education ovaries;
  • against downy mildew, or peronosporosis, such a solution is effective: pour 3 liters of whey and one teaspoon of copper sulfate into 7 liters of water, mix thoroughly and spray cucumbers.

At the end of the growing season, when you remove all the greens from the cucumbers, treat the plant residues and soil on the beds with a solution of 50 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters of water, and the next day remove the tops from the site and burn it.

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Many gardeners use the seedling method of growing cucumbers to get an early harvest. Reverent care for seedlings does not always give the desired result. One of the most common problems is that the leaves begin to turn yellow. Seedlings are also susceptible to this. Why this happens and what to do - about this article.

Why can yellow or white spots appear, diseases develop, fruits fall off, stems dry up? Yellow leaves can appear for a number of reasons. You should not immediately get rid of damaged shoots, first you need to figure it out. The general picture of the state of the soil, the root system will tell you the criticality of the situation and help determine how to sprinkle cucumbers and what other activities should be started immediately. Among the main causes of yellowing leaves, gardeners distinguish the following:

  • lack of light, it does not allow the plant to develop;
  • nutrient deficiency or excess in soil (especially nitrogen and manganese);
  • violation of the irrigation regime (overmoistening or drying out of the soil);
  • growth of the seedling (there is little room for the roots in the container used for germination);
  • unstable temperature conditions;
  • the influence of toxic substances (observed when using foam and other polymers for growing seedlings);
  • plant disease disease or pests.

From what the seedlings begin to turn yellow and dry, how to save it

If the cotyledon leaves turn yellow on the seedling material, begin to dry out, then the reason lies in the new shoots with which the seedling grows. To remedy the situation, it is enough to remove extra branches or ovaries. Violations in agricultural technology are also not excluded. Experts recommend that before the start of seasonal work, draw up a schedule of necessary activities, sow, plant and transplant, spray and fertilize on time.
The greens of the seedlings can also turn yellow from low temperatures.(especially with night frosts on the ground). That is why, when planting seeds on an open bed, you need to cover it at night with a film or agrotextile.
Seedlings are sensitive to the lack of useful trace elements, in particular potassium, and this must be fought. It is important to adhere to the timing of top dressing, so that developing plant enough strength and energy for normal growth.

When yellowness appears on seedlings only in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds, it is rather associated with an incorrectly chosen place. The problem is most likely in the composition of the soil or in the lack of light. When growing seedlings on a windowsill, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out and direct sun rays, they can burn, light shading is required.

Yellow leaves on seedlings in a greenhouse, what to deal with

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the moisture and temperature regime is often violated. Excessive humidity of air and soil leads to the development of fungal diseases. The plant reacts to a deviation in the external environment with yellowed leaves. At first, the tips turn yellow, then the entire leaf may become covered. This signal should not be ignored.

Normal conditions for the development of seedlings provide for a temperature in the range of 22-26 degrees. If the indicator falls below 14 ° or exceeds + 42 °, cucumber shoots stop developing, and only one degree of frost leads to death. Yellowing leaves and embryos may signal a violation of the temperature regime.

Other possible reasons include:

  • insufficient pollination, as a result of which ovaries are poorly formed on the plant;
  • congestion of the shoot with ovaries;
  • damage by a fungus or insects;
  • lack of nitrogen and other microelements in the soil.

Yellowness on outdoor plants, diseases

When growing cucumbers in open ground, the yellowness of the leaves often indicates a violation of irrigation: a lack or excess of moisture. In extreme heat, it is recommended to water the bushes daily (morning or evening). If the summer temperature is moderate, then it is enough to irrigate the beds 2-3 times a week. But before each procedure, it is worth assessing the condition of the soil in order to prevent stagnant water. You should also loosen the soil in a timely manner.

If we are talking about plant damage by diseases, then yellowness or white dots on the green indicates fungal infections: fusarium, pitiosis, etc. The leaf does not respond to watering, it remains sluggish. It is necessary to treat: it is necessary to treat with special preparations, you cannot do without it. The main thing is not to lose time so that the affected area does not spread to neighboring bushes. And don't rely on folk methods, it is better to act according to science.

One of the rules for caring for cucumbers is that damaged areas should be removed to localize the problem. In the case of yellowing of the leaf, there is no need to rush, treatment is necessary here. First you need to check the temperature environment, soil conditions. This will help identify violations and correct them.

Do top dressing - improve the soil in the greenhouse

Feeding in the form of a ready-made solution

In addition to moisture and friability, the soil must be nutritious.. Growing seedlings take out most of the trace elements necessary for development from the soil. Therefore, in agricultural technology, there is a schedule for the introduction of top dressing, which enriches the environment with useful substances, helps to strengthen the immune system of the plant. There are two ways to introduce a useful substance. One is to sprinkle with a ready-made solution, the second is to sprinkle dry factory-made granules according to the instructions and pour plenty of water.

If the leaves turn yellow and dry around the edges, then most likely there is a lack of potassium and magnesium. And if green veins are preserved on a yellow leaf, we can talk about a deficiency of manganese and iron. In case of yellowing of the upper part of the bush, a lack of copper is diagnosed.

Granular fertilizer potassium nitrate

To fix the situation it is necessary to carry out complex feeding in a timely manner. Alternate organic with mineral, as well as root with foliar. Scheme of the introduction of nutrients:

  • for the first time, cucumbers should be fed when one leaf appears on the seedlings (ammophoska; azofoska; manure; bird droppings; herbal infusions);
  • the second time falls at the beginning of the flowering period (a solution of water and wood ash 10 l / 1 cup; potassium and ammonium nitrate 20 and 30 gr., superphosphate 40 gr. per bucket of water);
  • the third dressing is carried out during the active period of fruiting (a solution of nitrophoska 10 l of water per tablespoon of the product; a solution of 10 l of water, 0.5 l of mullein and 1 tsp of potassium sulfate);
  • the fourth dressing is used for varieties with a long fruiting period (a solution of wood ash, manure or bird droppings).

Proper watering prevents the soil from drying out

You need to correct the error in irrigation, taking into account the following factors:

  • type of soil;
  • age of cucumbers;
  • features of agricultural technology varieties;
  • weather conditions.

When choosing an irrigation system, give preference to sprinkling and drip irrigation. Dosed moisture will also prevent damage to the crop by powdery mildew, root and olive rot.

Organizing automated hydroponics for a beginner gardener will not be possible.
In open ground, it is necessary to moisten the bed more often than when growing greens in a greenhouse. Beginners should as a basis use watering rates based on one bush:

  • with a shoot age of up to 1 month, 0.5-1 l of water will be required;
  • from 1 to 2 months, the water rate increases to 1.5 liters;
  • from 2 to 3 months - up to 2-2.5 liters;
  • over 3 months - up to 3-3.5 liters.

Light and temperature, do not let the plant turn yellow

A characteristic sign of a lack of light is the yellowing of the lower leaves on the bushes. It is impossible to change the landing site of developed bushes, so weeding should be carried out in a timely manner so that weeds do not form a shadow. Also, during the formation of the whip, care must be taken to ensure that neighboring plants do not spread on top of each other. This will not happen if the recommended scheme is taken into account when disembarking. Keeping intervals will help prevent overcrowding.
Changes in temperature also affect the color of the cucumber leaf. It is impossible to influence nature, but it will be possible to save the plant from low temperatures by building a frame and covering it with a film. If the climate is dry, then planting cucumbers should be done between corn or sunflowers. Neighboring crops will scatter sunlight, preventing greens from burning.

Errors when landing in open ground

It is often difficult to correct errors when yellowness is detected on sheets, because the reasons may lie in improper planting of seedlings or seeds. Therefore, it is important to observe the basic requirements at the beginning of the formation of beds:

  • every season change the place for cucumbers (you can return to the previous one after 3-4 years);
  • observe the distance between the holes, do not save on row spacing;
  • do not use more fertilizer than indicated on the package, excess nitrogen, for example, burns out a young plant;
  • before planting seedlings, it is hardened for at least a week;
  • when choosing neighbors, the coexistence of cultures is taken into account.

Pest control, treatments

If the bed is still attacked by pests, it is treated with insecticides and acaricides. Among the popular drugs are the following:

Prevention of yellowing, spray with nutrient mixture

  • annually change the place under the cucumber bed;
  • seedlings with 2-3 leaves should be sprayed with a nutrient mixture of water (10 l), milk (1 l), iodine (30 drops) and laundry soap (20 g);
  • for irrigation, use the nutrient liquid obtained after infusion of bread with water;
  • powdering the soil surface with wood ash will not only neutralize acidic soil, but will also become a protection against pests.

You may not encounter the problem of yellowing at all if you follow all the rules of care and prevention in a timely manner. This is much easier than wasting strength and nerves to restore the affected plant.

It is the most popular vegetable grown in the gardens of our compatriots. Unpretentiousness in care and high productivity make it such. However, it often happens that the leaves of the plant turn yellow and become stained.

What kind of phenomenon is this: a disease or a violation of the rules of care, should it be treated and with what? Let's try to figure it out.

Yellowing leaves of cucumber seedlings

Growing cucumbers on your own is not very troublesome, but it requires certain skills and knowledge. Often, novice gardeners are faced with the problem of yellowing of the first leaves that have just appeared. You should not panic - often such problems are not the result of a plant disease and are solved quite simply if you notice the first signs in time.

Why does it happen

So, why does it happen that at a certain moment the edges of the leaves begin to dry in cucumber seedlings? Most often, this phenomenon makes itself felt when a second leaflet appears on the shoot, the first one in this case begins to dry out and become covered with yellowness, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Violation of the irrigation regime, an overabundance, but more often a lack of moisture.

Did you know? It turns out that the prickly tubercles on young fruits act as a kind of sweat glands for the vegetable and are designed to remove excess moisture.

  • Insufficient seedling lighting.
  • A sharp temperature drop - the soil should not be allowed to cool to a temperature below 17 ° C, since in this case the root system of the plant cannot receive nutrients from the soil.
  • Lack of nitrogen and potassium or violation of their balance in the soil.
  • Close containers for seedlings.

What to do

If you notice that the leaves of cucumber seedlings have begun to turn yellow, you need to find out the reason in order to know what to do next:

Important! Very often, in order for the seedlings to be in a comfortable temperature regime, gardeners use polystyrene foam, which, during manufacture, is treated with special impregnations that release toxic substances into the atmosphere. The plant can be poisoned by these toxins, which causes yellowing of the foliage.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow on the windowsill (balcony)

Growing cucumbers on a balcony or window sill in an apartment is practiced by lovers of eating fresh vegetables even out of season or by those who do not have a summer cottage. Very often in such cases there is a problem with the leaves of the plant, they begin to turn yellow and dry, there are few reasons why this happens.

The solution to the problem lies in the elimination of errors in care.

  • It is important to observe the watering regimen. Cucumbers grown at home are watered as moisture-loving houseplants: once a week, but plentifully, making sure that there is no stagnant water. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot, and the leaves will continue to turn yellow and dry.
  • Establishing an adequate humidity regime in the room. To do this, you need to regularly spray the leaves of the plant, and it would also be nice to build some kind of greenhouse by pulling the film over the window.
  • Be sure to regularly fertilize the crop with mineral fertilizers.
  • Buy quality ready ground, or, if the soil is taken from the garden, shed it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Yellowing leaves of cucumbers in the greenhouse

Many gardeners are engaged in growing cucumbers indoors, and many of them must have encountered at least once the fact that the foliage suddenly turns yellow. However, not everyone knows what this phenomenon is connected with and what needs to be done to prevent it in the greenhouse.

Did you know? It turns out that the first greenhouse cucumbers appeared in Ancient Rome because the Roman ruler Tiberius expressed a desire to see a fresh, crispy vegetable on his table every day.

Why does it happen

The causes of yellowness and drying of leaves in cucumbers in a greenhouse are similar to the previous cases, although they have their own specifics:

What to do

  • It is necessary to provide additional insulation of the greenhouse in case of a return of frost.
  • Maintain an adequate microclimate in the room: moderate temperature all the time, high humidity, ventilation.
  • Periodically feed the plants with microelements, you can use any universal mineral fertilizer of industrial production.
  • It is important to remember that the reason for the deterioration of the foliage of a plant may be associated with the manifestation of diseases characteristic of this crop: powdery mildew, root rot, bacteriosis, and a number of other diseases of a fungal nature. To combat these ailments, industrial fungicides are used in parallel with the normalization of humidity and the removal of affected plants.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow outdoors

Garden cucumbers are the most resistant, but also more susceptible to external factors., so the appearance of yellowness on the leaves for them is quite common.

Very often, vegetable growers are faced with the fact that the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow and dry. What becomes a prerequisite for the occurrence of this problem: natural causes, violation of the rules for caring for vegetable crop or pests?

What ways will help to avoid this problem, and how should cucumbers be cared for? Before answering these questions, it is necessary to understand the causes of these phenomena.

natural causes

It is not possible to influence natural causes by completely preventing the yellowing process, but in some situations it is possible to create more optimal conditions for crop growth, thereby extending the life of greenery.

Natural reasons why they turn yellow and dry:

  • natural color change during the growth and development of the plant;
  • adverse weather conditions: prolonged rains, cold;
  • completion of the growing process.

How to influence natural causes:

Yellowing of sheet platinum during plant growth is due to the fact that the lower shoots need a sufficiently large amount of nutrients.

When the plant is in the active growth stage, the number of leaf blades increases, so the lower leaves do not have enough nutrients, as a result of which they begin to turn yellow.

To stop the color change process, the lower leaves, which are as close as possible to the ground, must be removed. An important point: you can start removing leaves only when there are at least six leaf plates on the plant.

The removal procedure can be carried out every one and a half to two weeks. It is also necessary to ensure that the plant develops normally. If the growth of cucumbers slows down, the removal of the leaves must be stopped immediately.

The generally accepted rule applies here, which says that if two or three young leaves have appeared, then it is permissible to remove it, otherwise it is strictly forbidden to do so.

Cucumber lashes should have a sufficient amount of greenery, as this is necessary for the photosynthesis process and normal crop growth. This factor should be especially taken into account if cucumbers grow in a greenhouse.

Yellowing of leaves caused by weather conditions is a process that is especially relevant for outdoor crops. You can save the plants by installing a temporary greenhouse or by resorting to top dressing. Only in such conditions of detention will they be able to recover and continue the growing season.

During the period when the plant completes its growing season, the leaf plates turn yellowish and then begin to dry. It is possible to help cucumbers if changes were detected at the initial stage. Immediately it is necessary to carry out top dressing with organic matter, apply a double dose of nitrogen and fertilizer "Kalimagnesia".

Such measures will help to increase the duration of the growing season and even get a new crop.

In the event that urgent measures were not taken on time, the process becomes irreversible, and the culture will dry out anyway.

Yellowing of cucumber leaves as a result of incorrect care

Improper care of plants can also be a prerequisite for the fact that the leaf plates of the culture will begin to turn yellow and dry.

What reasons can provoke this phenomenon:

  1. Mechanical injury to the root system during transplantation.
  2. Irrigation violation.
  3. Poor intake of nutrients caused by unbalanced top dressing or their complete absence.
  4. Violation of the light regime.

Let's consider each of these points in more detail.

Mechanical damage

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that has a very delicate root system, which is very easy to damage, for example, at the time of transplanting cucumber seedlings into the ground.

That is why this culture is not loosened, because there is a threat to ruin all the plants. Even with the slightest damage, the roots die off, and the growth of new ones is very long in time.

In the event that the soil has a high density, then it must be mulched. Some vegetable growers pierce the soil with a pitchfork at a distance of 25 cm (± 5 cm) from the plants.

If the damage that the plant received was minor, then only the lower roots will turn yellow, if serious, the plant will die soon.

To save the plant, it is watered with Kornevin. To prepare a solution, five grams of the drug is diluted in five liters of water. The first watering is carried out when signs of yellowing are found, the second - after two days.

Irrigation violations include: abundant watering, lack of moisture, watering with cold water, receiving sunburn due to the ingress of water on the leaf plates.

Violation of the rules of watering

lack of moisture

If for a long time the culture did not receive enough water, the process of turning the leaves yellowish starts from the lower leaf plates and spreads quite actively throughout the plant. The change in color in these circumstances occurs gradually.

The main signs of a lack of moisture: the plant droops, the leaf plates become very soft, to the touch like fabric. The situation can be corrected by abundant watering. If signs of severe wilting of plants are found, watering can be carried out in several stages.

Excess moisture

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that does not tolerate excess moisture. This is especially true for those plants that are grown in a greenhouse. This can cause many diseases, including the appearance of rot.

When growing cucumbers in open ground conditions, most of the moisture is able to evaporate, so cucumbers do not experience discomfort from an excess of moisture.

At moderate watering the soil should be moderately moist at a depth of 10 cm. Optimal mode watering - once every 2-3 days, in hot weather - daily, and in cloudy and cold - once every 3-4 days.

Irrigation with cold water

If cucumbers are regularly watered with cold water, this can lead to the death of the sucking roots of the plant. In addition, unheated water is an obstacle to the absorption of moisture from the soil. This becomes the reason that the culture begins to suffer from a lack of moisture, and its leaf plates begin to turn yellow.


When yellowish spots with clear outlines were found on the sheets, and the weather was hot the day before, and watering was organized in the daytime, we can confidently say that the plant received a sunburn.

Nutrient deficiency

Cucumbers in the process of their growth require a fairly large amount of nutrients: nitrogen, potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. The lack of these substances can harm not only green leaves, but also the cucumbers themselves.

You can determine which nutrient is missing by looking at characteristics that testify to this.

Lack of nitrogen

Nitrogen is an important element necessary for the normal growth and development of crops.

It is possible to determine that a plant is suffering from a lack of this particular microelement not only by finding yellowed leaves, but also by paying attention to the following signs:

  • the plant slows down its growth;
  • ovaries fall;
  • new green shoots are absent for some time.

In order for the plant to receive the missing element, it must be fed with organic or mineral fertilizer. Chicken manure can act as an organic one, on the basis of which a solution must be prepared. For 10 liters of water, 1 cup of litter is enough.

The prepared ingredients are thoroughly mixed and left to ferment for a couple of days. The resulting solution is additionally diluted in water: 250 ml of slurry per 1 bucket of clean water. When feeding, make sure that the solution does not get on the leaves.

For foliar processing, cucumbers can be treated with a carbamide-based solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 10 grams of this substance in 10 liters of water. Such top dressing is carried out twice with a break of 1.5 weeks.

An insufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil is clearly indicated by twisted, dried, drooping leaves. In this case, nitrogen fertilizers are used: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea.

Potassium deficiency

With a lack of this element, a yellow edging begins to form on the edges of the leaves, and after a while the leaf plates become brown. At the same time, one can observe the absence of ovaries, the stretching of cucumber lashes.

Potassium is the most important element that must be present. This is due to the fact that it is with its help that other useful substances are absorbed. Potassium deficiency leads to deficiency of many useful substances, which, even if they are present in the soil, will not be absorbed by the plant.

To replenish potassium, you can use ash, which has a sufficient amount of this substance in its composition, as well as the Kalimagnesia fertilizer. In a bucket of water, 20 granules of this substance must be dissolved. The resulting culture solution can be both watered and sprayed.

Ash can be treated dry or in solution. In dry form, it is applied in the amount of a couple of teaspoons under a bush, after which the plant is watered. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 1 glass of this substance in a bucket of water. Watering is carried out at the rate of ½ liter of solution per 1 plant.

lack of calcium

With a deficiency of this microelement, the leaves become whitish in color, begin to curl, fall off. This is especially true in plants grown on acidic soils. Best Solution in this case - a decrease in soil acidity.

The most budgetary way to replenish calcium is to use eggshell powder. The shell must be cleaned, dried and thoroughly crushed, after which the bushes should be sprinkled with the resulting powder.

The second option is the use of calcium sulfate.

iron deficiency

The lack of this element also leads to a change in the color plate. But, noteworthy is the fact that, despite the fact that the castings turn yellow and dry, the veins remain green.

To eliminate iron deficiency, you can treat it with the following means:

  • Micro Fe;
  • 5% solution of copper sulfate;
  • top dressing ash exhaust in a soapy solution;
  • iron chelate;
  • Antichlorosis and others.

For self cooking Iron chelate will require 20 grams of ascorbic acid, 10 grams of iron sulfate and 1 liter of water.

magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency also causes leaf discoloration. The best solution in this case is the treatment of cucumbers with a solution of magnesium sulfate.

Such processing is carried out after the culture has begun to bloom. For spraying, 20 grams of magnesium sulfide is diluted in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to carry out from two to three treatments with a break of 1.5 weeks.

Violation of the light regime

Most often, seedlings grown at home suffer from a lack of light. This plant tolerates darkening well, but if they are not in the sun for at least 3-4 hours a day, this will cause the leaf plates to turn yellow.

Lack of lighting + dry air will cause the leaves to curl. This, of course, may not lead to the death of the plant, but it will slow down its growth or stop growing altogether.

Seedlings must be highlighted. This should be done for about 3 hours (±1 hour) if the seedlings are located on the northwest or northeast window, and about 7 hours (±1 hour) if on the north window, or in case of prolonged cloudy weather.

Cucumbers growing in a greenhouse experience a lack of light only when the plantings are too dense. The lower leaves are especially affected. They turn yellow, dry and fall off.

In order for the cucumbers in the greenhouse to be comfortable, the plantings are thinned out, dead leaves and unnecessary lashes are removed.

Cucumbers in the open field do not experience discomfort from a lack of solar energy. In some cases, on the contrary, they are recommended to be shaded or even grown under trees.

Diseases of cucumbers, leading to yellowing of leaf plates

Fungal or viral diseases can also cause the leaves of the culture to turn yellow.

The yellow color of the leaves can signal fusarium, downy mildew, cucumber mosaic or anthracnose.

Fusarium is a disease caused by a fungus. It enters the plant from the soil and causes clogging of blood vessels. As a result, nutrients and water stop flowing, which leads to yellowing of the leaves, their drying and death of the crop.

When the first signs of the disease are found, it is necessary to remove the affected plant, and treat the rest with Fundazol or Trichodermin.

When plantings are affected by downy mildew or parosporosis, yellowish spots appear on the outer side of the leaf, which do not have clear outlines, and on the reverse side there is a whitish bloom.

If it has been accurately established that the culture has become ill with parosporosis, all ongoing activities will only help prevent the spread of the disease.

After the entire crop is harvested, all plant remains must be destroyed by burning, and cucumbers can be planted in this area no earlier than after seven years. This is necessary in order to be able to prevent relapse.

Anthracnose is a fungal disease, a sign of which is a change in the color of the leaf plate and its coloring in yellow. With this disease, yellowish spots appear on the sheets, which, after some time, turn brown. Fungicides are used for treatment: Poliram, Previkur, Kvardis and others.

You can resort to using a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur, which is used to process cucumbers.

After treatment with this drug, after one to two weeks, the plants need to be treated with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. The areas affected by the fungus are additionally treated with a solution of copper sulfate - 0.5%, then carefully sprinkled with crushed coal.

The first signs of infection with the virus are the appearance of pale yellow spots or strokes on the leaf plates. After some time, the veins become yellowish, the leaves become corrugated and gradually die off.

This disease spreads very quickly, so other crops are also at risk. For treatment, plants should be treated with Pharmaiod. If it was not possible to prevent the spread of the disease, the plantings are destroyed.


Insects, worms, spider mites that have settled on the culture also lead to its thinning and drying.

In the event that the treatment against pests is carried out in a timely manner, they will not be able to cause much harm.

So, to destroy the spider mite and mealy worm, it is better to treat with acaricides: Apollo, Oberon, Akarin, Fitoverm and others.

Broad-spectrum insecticides will help to cope with whitefly and aphids, it should be treated with preparations: Spark, Inta-Vir, Konfidor, Aktara, Sunmite, etc.

Turn yellow and dry in the greenhouse

What measures to take:

  1. Compliance with the irrigation regime. During the periods of flowering and fruiting, the crop is recommended to be watered every two or three days. There should be 10 liters of water per 1 m2. But, when watering, weather conditions should also be taken into account: in hot weather, watering is required more often, in rainy and cold weather - less often.
  2. Compliance with the temperature regime in the greenhouse. The temperature in the greenhouse should be set in such a way that the plants do not experience a lack of moisture, and also do not suffer from hypothermia.
  3. Regular ventilation. Greenhouses should be ventilated as often as possible in order to prevent the threat of rot, reduce the risk of viral and fungal infections.
  4. Plant nutrition. From the yellowness of the leaves, in the event that the problem is not serious, you can get rid of it by carrying out complex feeding.
  5. Treatments for pests and diseases must be timely.
  6. Landings should not be very dense. Crowded plantings are the first reason why the lower tiers of leaves do not receive enough light. Secondly, dense thickets - the best place for the emergence and spread of fungal infections.

Turn yellow and dry out in open ground

What measures to take:

  1. Landings must be protected from cold and prolonged rains. During a sharp cold snap, or rainy weather, it is recommended to cover the cucumbers with a film or install a temporary greenhouse.
  2. Compliance with watering rules. If the yellow sheets are the reason that the plantings have been poured, watering should be stopped for a while, and the soil under the bushes should be sprinkled with sand or wood ash.
  3. Timely application of fertilizers. Plants throughout the entire growth and vegetative period must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  4. Treatment for pests and diseases should be carried out in a timely manner.
  5. Watering cucumbers should be carried out in the morning or evening. Do not water cucumbers during the day, as the plant can get a sunburn.

All gardeners face the annoying problem of prematurely yellowing leaves, fruits or ovaries on cucumbers - both when growing crops in open ground and when growing in a greenhouse. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and in order to prevent crop loss, it is necessary to study each of them. About why cucumbers turn yellow and dry, we will try to tell in this article.

Very often, readers ask what to do if the cucumber leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse. First you need to find out why this is happening, since cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow leaves for at least five reasons:

  • - violation of the rules of watering - lack or excess of moisture, watering plants with cold water, falling drops on the leaves during watering;
  • - insufficient lighting - from this, as a rule, the lower leaves of plants turn yellow, but there is no particular reason to worry about this natural phenomenon;
  • - lack of nutrients in the soil - nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, or, conversely, oversaturation of the soil with fertilizers;
  • - damage to plants by diseases, for example, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, root rot or downy mildew;
  • - the presence of pests on cucumbers - melon aphids, whiteflies or spider mites.
Why cucumbers dry in the open field and greenhouse

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse.

Why do cucumber buds turn yellow? If you find that the ovaries of cucumbers have begun to turn yellow, check if one of these phenomena has occurred in the greenhouse:

  • - due to insufficient pollination, poor-quality ovaries formed on cucumbers - this is usually caused by growing artificially pollinated varieties in the absence of pollinating insects;
  • - cucumbers are overloaded with too many embryos and cannot provide them with normal development - the formation of a large number of ovaries is an integral property of hybrid varieties that are intended for growing in a greenhouse;
  • - cucumbers are affected by pests or diseases - fusarium, peronosporosis, rot, gourd aphids or spider mites;
  • - the plants fell under frost or there was a sharp temperature drop - plants are not immune from this even in a greenhouse;
  • - the balance of nutrients is disturbed in the soil - they are lacking or, conversely, there are too many of them;
  • - violated the rules for watering cucumbers.
Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse - planting and care

Why do cucumber fruits turn yellow in a greenhouse.

Cucumber fruits for almost the same reasons as leaves and ovaries, namely:

  • - due to insufficient watering and violation of the temperature regime - cold water during irrigation, drafts or a sharp cold snap;
  • – imbalance of nutrients in the soil;
  • - cucumbers turn yellow and when fully ripe - this is a normal process. You can’t eat such a cucumber, but you can leave it for seeds.

Why cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

Why do the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field.

Those who grow cucumbers in the open field may also have problems associated with a change in the color of the leaves - yellowing. Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in open ground? Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are of the same nature as those of cucumbers in a greenhouse. For example, insufficient or excessive watering of plants. If the plants do not have enough moisture, the leaves lose turgor and begin to turn yellow, and if you water the cucumbers too often and abundantly, their roots begin to rot, and the leaves turn yellow, respectively. In addition, if you water cucumbers during the sunniest time of the day, water drops that fall on the leaves work like lenses, and burns occur in their place.

It is possible that cucumbers simply burn out in too strong a sun, especially during the hot afternoon hours.

The leaves of cucumbers also turn yellow when they grow too densely, because the plants do not have enough food area. Another reason for the phenomenon may be the low concentration of minerals in the soil.

Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground - planting and care

Sometimes cucumbers suffer from an invasion of sucking insects that feed on the juice of their leaves - punctures first appear from their bites, and then yellowness.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field.

The reasons for the yellowing of the embryos of cucumbers in the open field are almost the same as in the greenhouse:

  • - Violation of growing conditions - rules of watering and lighting;
  • - lack of nutrients;
  • – difficulties with pollination;
  • - too many ovaries;
  • - a sharp temperature drop;
  • - dense planting or improper formation of bushes;
  • - diseases or pests.

Why do the fruits of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field.

The reasons for yellowing cucumbers in the open field can be as follows:

  • - lack of water;
  • - lack of oxygen - air stops flowing to the roots of plants;
  • - infection - peronosporosis, fusarium wilt or other disease.

Cucumbers turn yellow - how to fight

Fight against yellowing of cucumbers.

How to deal with such phenomena as yellowing of cucumber leaves, embryos and fruits? Let's analyze each reason separately.

Irrigation violation. Cucumbers are very moisture-loving, and they react painfully to lack of water. However, excessive watering can lead to the same problem - yellowing. When growing cucumbers, it must be taken into account that before fruiting, the soil moisture, open or protected, should be lower than during fruit growth, and during the mass ripening of greens, the soil should be as saturated with moisture as possible. Categorically it is impossible to water cucumbers with cold water - this leads to yellowing and falling of the ovaries. Water must be poured under the stem so that drops do not fall on the leaves and fruits, since burns can form in these places. The best time to moisten the soil in cucumber beds is early morning or evening. Ground cucumbers are usually watered three times a week, and during the dry season daily, in greenhouses, due to the higher temperature, the plants are watered 4-5 times a week.

Insufficient lighting. The lack of light has a detrimental effect on the growth and development of cucumbers, therefore, when installing a greenhouse or choosing a site in a garden, one should take into account the extreme dependence of the culture on this factor. In addition, when planting seedlings or sowing seeds of cucumbers, it is necessary to follow the recommended scheme so that each plant has enough nutritional area for growth and development and the maximum amount of sunlight. For example, parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are planted one per m², and bee-pollinated - 2-3 bushes per m². If you save space by planting seedlings too closely, grown plants will shade each other, and as a result, their leaves and ovaries will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

But be prepared and protect your cucumbers from too much light, especially when a lingering dry heat sets in, because the summer sun can not only warm, but also burn.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers at home

The ovaries of cucumbers also turn yellow from an irresponsible attitude to such a procedure as the formation of a bush. Cucumber bushes begin to form with "blinding" - the removal of rudimentary elements in the axils of the leaves. How many of them to remove on one plant depends on the variety of cucumbers: on bushes of a bee-pollinated variety, three sinuses blind, and on parthenocarpic cucumbers - at least eight. Then you need to pinch the shoots as they grow. If this is not done in a timely manner, they will grow, and the bushes will begin to shade each other. To prevent this from happening, the upper part of the shoots is pinched after growing by 20 cm, because longer shoots weaken the plant and lead to yellowing of the ovaries.

Temperature violation. No gardener is immune from sudden changes in temperature or sudden frosts, even when it comes to growing cucumbers in protected ground. For example, film-covered greenhouses allow heat to pass through during the day, and the air inside can even heat up to 40 ºC, but at night the film releases heat, which causes the temperature in the greenhouse to drop sharply. Here is the reason for yellowing and even falling of the ovaries. To avoid temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to provide additional shelter for cucumbers at night with a film or non-woven covering material - agrotex, lutrasil or spunbond.

The optimal temperature for parthenocarpic cucumbers before fruiting is considered:

  • - in clear weather - 22-24 ºC;
  • - in cloudy weather 20-22 ºC;
  • – at night 17-18 ºC.

During the fruiting period, the temperature is maintained within the following limits:

  • – 23-26 ºC in clear weather;
  • - 21-23 ºC on a cloudy day;
  • – 18-20 ºC at night.

For growing bee-pollinated varieties, temperature indicators should be 1-3 degrees higher than for parthenocarpic ones.

As for the soil temperature, the most comfortable range for cucumbers will be from 22 to 24 ºC, and the critical mark of the thermometer is 13-15 ºC - if the temperature drops below, the roots will stop absorbing nutrients, and the cucumber ovaries will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Violation of mineral nutrition. Soil composition. When choosing a site for cucumbers, it is also necessary to ensure soil quality suitable for the crop. The soil for cucumbers is preferably loose, moist, air and moisture permeable. As for nutrients, their amount in the soil must be balanced, otherwise the leaves and embryos of cucumbers will begin to turn yellow. And problems with an imbalance of minerals in the soil are very likely, since the abundant and frequent watering that cucumbers require, potassium, nitrogen and other elements important for the plant are washed out of the soil.

How to determine which mineral is lacking in plants? By external signs: for example, yellow spots on the leaves indicate a lack of potassium, discolored and yellowing leaves, thinned lashes are symptoms of a lack of nitrogen, yellow edging on the lower leaves of cucumbers indicates a magnesium deficiency, yellowing young leaves indicate that plants need copper, yellow spots and bright green veins on the leaves indicate a lack of iron, and from a lack of zinc, the edges of the cucumber leaves turn yellow, and the lower leaves die off. Therefore, regular feeding of cucumbers with nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is necessary, especially during the fruiting period, as well as treatment of plants by leaves with solutions containing other important elements. A simple but effective dressing for cucumbers is herbal infusion.

Poor pollination of cucumbers in the greenhouse. When choosing varieties of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse, give preference to parthenocarpic and self-pollinating ones - those that do not need pollinating insects. If you are growing bee-pollinated varieties, then plant honey plants in the greenhouse to attract bees and arrange daytime ventilation so that insects can enter the greenhouse. For the formation of full-fledged ovaries, spraying cucumbers with a solution of boric acid and Bud or Ovary preparations is effective.

Sometimes cucumbers form too many ovaries. In this case, you need to carry out immediate pinching or simply remove the extra embryos - there should be no more than 30 of them on one bush, otherwise the ovaries will begin to turn yellow and crumble, and the plant will waste nutrients on them.

Cucumber diseases. When growing cucumbers, it is necessary to observe crop rotation - do not plant a crop in the area after pumpkins - and take preventive measures against infection of plants with diseases such as root rot, Fusarium wilt, pitiosis, peronosporosis, ascochitosis, tobacco mosaic and bacteriosis.

A preventive measure is the treatment of cucumbers with the biological preparation Trichodermin, which is harmless to humans and animals, but suppresses pathogenic fungi. But if you still find symptoms of a fungal disease on cucumbers, spray the plants with one percent Bordeaux liquid. Unfortunately, infections of viral origin - mosaic or bacteriosis, for example - are incurable, so you need to remove the affected specimens from the garden as soon as possible and treat the soil in which they grew with a five percent formalin solution.

Cucumber pests. Most often, cucumbers suffer from melon aphids, whiteflies and spider mites, which feed on the cell sap of the leaves. As a preventive measure against pests, we recommend that you regularly destroy weeds during the growing season and plant debris after it. In the event of a massive infestation of cucumbers by insects, the plants will have to be treated with insecticides Aktara, Aktellik or Fufanon, but it is better not to resort to such strong and unsafe drugs, but to use folk remedies against pests.

Cucumbers turn yellow - folk remedies.

In order not to endanger your health, you can use the following infusions and solutions to kill insects:

  • - 30-40 g of chopped fresh hot peppers (or 10 g of dry), mixed with 200 g of tobacco dust, poured with a bucket of hot water, insisted for a day, filtered, add 2 tablespoons of liquid soap and wood ash, mix well and process cucumbers this composition from aphids or spider mites. Repeat the treatment in a week;
  • - a full glass of wood ash with a slide is stirred in a bucket of hot water, insisted for a day, then filtered and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap are added;
  • - 150-170 g of crushed garlic cloves are poured with a liter of water, tightly closed and infused for five days. 60 g of this concentrate is poured into a bucket of water, stirred and treated with a solution of cucumbers from whiteflies;
  • - whiteflies can be washed off cucumbers with clean water, after which the soil under the bushes should be well loosened;
  • - 4 kg of fresh or 2 kg of dried potato tops are poured into 10 liters of hot water, insisted for 3-4 hours, filtered, 40 g of liquid soap are added and cucumbers are sprayed from ticks and aphids.

In order not to use fungicides toxic to humans, the following folk remedies can be used in the fight against fungal diseases of cucumbers:

  • - 20 g of grated laundry soap, a liter of skimmed milk and 30 drops of iodine are mixed with 10 liters of water and cucumbers are treated in the formation phase of 3-4 leaves, and then every 10 days;
  • - soak a gray bread loaf in 10 liters of water for 12 hours, knead it well in the morning, add a medicine bottle of iodine to a bucket of water and bread and mix thoroughly. Add a liter of the resulting bread-iodine solution to a bucket of clean water and treat the cucumbers from fungal infections. Re-treat in two weeks;
  • - pathogenic fungi do not like alkali - in 10 liters of water you need to dilute one tablespoon of soda ash and treat cucumbers with a solution in June;
  • - half a bucket of onion peel should be poured with a bucket of water, brought to a boil, insisted for half a day, strained, squeezing the peel, diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 8 and sprayed with cucumbers and the soil under them;
  • - as soon as you notice the first signs of a fungal disease, treat the cucumbers with this composition: mix 2 liters of whey or low-fat kefir in 10 liters of water. If you add 150 g of sugar to the solution, this will contribute to a better formation of ovaries;
  • - against downy mildew, or peronosporosis, such a solution is effective: pour 3 liters of whey and one teaspoon of copper sulfate into 7 liters of water, mix thoroughly and spray the cucumbers.

At the end of the growing season, when you remove all the greens from the cucumbers, treat the plant residues and soil on the beds with a solution of 50 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters of water, and the next day remove the tops from the site and burn it.


Why do cucumber seedlings turn yellow and dry, in a greenhouse and in open ground: the most common reasons. What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow?

Causes of yellowing cucumber leaves and how to treat them.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a rather painstaking process. With the right approach and following all the rules, you will be able to get an excellent harvest. But in most cases, you have to fight to get a decent amount of fruit.

It is difficult to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, as the plant is very capricious. The slightest errors in watering or a change in temperature immediately affect the condition of the seedlings.

Causes of yellowing and drying of leaves in seedlings of cucumbers:

  • Excessive, insufficient or incorrect watering. The most interesting thing is that the state of the plant is affected not only by the amount of moisture, but also by the frequency of watering.
  • Lack of light. In greenhouse conditions, seedlings should be illuminated using fluorescent lamps.
  • Lots of sun. Under direct sunlight, the plant quickly turns yellow. Therefore, on the south side, the plant needs to be shaded.
  • Lack of minerals. With a lack of nutrients, the plant dries and turns yellow.
  • Insects. Usually these are slugs or large insects that damage the root system.
  • Not enough space. When planting seeds, it is worth considering the amount of soil around the roots. Cucumbers love space and wither in pots with a small diameter.

Why do the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow and dry?

Both in the greenhouse and in the open field, the leaves of cucumbers may turn yellow. The reason for this is the lack of moisture, insects and errors in care.

Causes of yellowing leaves in the greenhouse:

  • Insects. In the greenhouse, the plant can be affected by whiteflies, melon aphids and spider mites.
  • Wrong climatic conditions. It can be frequent and very plentiful watering. A decrease in temperature below 14 ° C negatively affects the state of the plant. The optimum temperature can be considered as 26 °C.
  • Powdery mildew. At the same time, the stems and leaves immediately become covered with a whitish bloom. Over time, the leaves dry and turn yellow.
  • Fusarium. This is a fungal disease that blocks the supply of nutrients to the roots of the cucumber. It turns out that due to a lack of minerals, the leaves dry and wither.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry in a greenhouse?

After transplanting seedlings of cucumbers into open ground, gardeners do not have less problems. The fact is that the plant is capricious and on the open ground it is even more difficult to ensure normal climatic conditions.

Causes of yellowing and drying of leaves in open ground:

  • Bad place. If you planted a plant in the place where melons, pumpkins or squash grew last year, then cucumbers will not grow well here. This is due to the depletion of the soil.
  • Abundant watering during the day. The plant should be watered in the evening. This is due to the fact that droplets of moisture that fall on the leaves heat them very much. This provokes the appearance of burns.
  • Densely planted plants. Cucumbers, like any other vegetable crop, need to be dived. If this is not done, then the leaves will not have enough light and they will turn yellow.
  • Diseases or insects. Both in greenhouse conditions and on the ground, plants can dry and turn yellow due to powdery mildew, slugs, aphids and spider mites.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry in the ground?

What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow?

There are many ways to deal with yellowing leaves. But in any case, it is better to resort to preventive measures.

There is a mass folk recipes, which help with yellowing of the leaves.

Folk recipes:

  • Bread. Soak a loaf of bread in water and grind the crumbs in a blender. You should get a sticky porridge. Enter it into half a bucket of water and pour in a bottle of iodine alcohol solution. Spray the plant with the mixture.
  • Onion peel. Pour a handful of onion peel with a liter of water and boil for 2-4 minutes. Let stand 12 hours and squeeze out the cake. Dilute with water to 5 liters and spray the leaves. Pour the rest of the product under the roots.
  • Serum. To prepare a solution for the purpose of spraying, 150 g of sugar are dissolved in 2 liters of whey. The resulting liquid is watered on the roots and sprayed on the leaves.
  • Potassium permanganate. At the first appearance of yellow spots, it is necessary to prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and spray the leaves.
  • Soda. To prevent diseases caused by fungi, plants are watered with a weak solution of soda. For 1000 ml of water you need 20 g baking soda. Do not spray on the leaves.

Cucumber leaves turned yellow - what to do: folk remedies

As you can see, cucumbers are a capricious plant that requires careful care. The slightest error in care can lead to yellowing and wilting of the leaves.

VIDEO: Cucumber leaves turn yellow


It is difficult to imagine a garden without cucumbers. The culture has been cultivated by man for so long that breeders have achieved some success, making it hardy and resistant to a number of diseases. But even when growing such cultivars, gardeners face a number of problems. An exotic vegetable that came to us from India is rather capricious in terms of growing conditions and requires special attention. The problem that summer residents face most often is that cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow leaves, what should I do? You will find the answer to this question in the article. The material will tell you about the possible causes of discoloration, the dangers that lie in this and how to fix problems.

What is the danger of changing the color of cucumber foliage

The appearance of several yellow leaves in the cucumber crown often does not cause alarm for the gardener. Such a careless attitude can lead to the death of a culture.

Plants feed by absorbing solar energy and carbon dioxide. Chlorophyll is a special pigment that colors leaf blades in green color, helps to convert components into organic substances. This process is called photosynthesis. The reaction mechanism is possible only in the presence of light and chlorophyll. If the leaf blade of the plant changes color, then the amount of chlorophyll decreases, which leads to a lack of nutrition. The plant organism experiences "hunger", gradually depletes its reserves and dies.

Remember! Modern hybrids, with high endurance, are able to turn yellow in the same way as ordinary "grandmother's" varieties.

Causes of yellowing cucumber leaves in the greenhouse

Having found several yellow leaves in the crown of a cucumber, the gardener should think about what could cause such a behavior of a green pet. The main factors causing a change in leaf color:

  • diseases caused by the growth of mycelium of pathogenic fungi;
  • plant viral diseases;
  • pest attack;
  • lack of certain trace elements;
  • violation of the temperature regime when growing a crop;
  • violation of the balance of moisture in the soil;
  • lack of light;
  • root damage;
  • biological aging of the individual.

The described factors cause various changes in the color of the foliage. A careful examination will allow us to conclude what caused the cucumber bush to change color.

Spores of pathogenic fungi remain viable in the soil for a long time, and greenhouse conditions are ideal for the development of mycelium. To avoid infection, it is necessary to replace part of the substrate annually and disinfect it. If the bush is sick, it is treated with fungicidal solutions or folk remedies. You will learn more about ways to deal with fungal diseases in the corresponding section of the article.

Important! At the stage of formation of zelentsov, treatment with chemicals is unacceptable. Harmful substances accumulate in fruits, making them unfit for human consumption.

Among plant viruses for exotics, cucumber mosaic poses the greatest danger. The disease got its name because of the formation of a characteristic pattern on the foliage. Angular yellow spots indicate the course of the disease. If such a change in color is detected, urgently remove the sick individual from the garden and enter quarantine. Keep an eye on nearby bushes as the disease spreads quickly. Cucumber mosaic cannot be cured, but its appearance can be prevented by disinfecting seeds, soil, and greenhouses. Plant residues and infected specimens must be destroyed. It is better to burn the tops in a secluded corner of the garden.

Greenhouse conditions are suitable for pests. Insects rush to build a colony, endangering the entire crop. The danger to the vegetable is aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, slugs, and bears. The activity of aphids, whiteflies and spider mites is manifested by small yellow specks on the foliage, appearing in the places of suction of individuals. Pests feed on tissues and plant sap, depriving the leaf blade of chlorophyll.

Know! Although the bears prefer to eat root crops, when settling the site, these large insects dig holes, damaging the roots of other plants.

Detected insects are exterminated with insecticides, but folk remedies are preferable, because a vegetable stuffed with chemistry is not good for food. For prevention, carry out weeding, remove plant debris.

Possible reasons for the appearance of yellowness include a lack of fertilizer. Deficiency of each trace element manifests itself in different ways. Cucumbers are characterized by rapid development, so the need for seedlings in nitrogen is great. Already at the seedling stage, the first signs of nitrogen starvation appear - the loss of a typical green color, lightening of the plate, folding the edge down. Gradually, the leaf will begin to die off due to a lack of chlorophyll. With a lack of magnesium, yellow spots appear, to which brown spots are added. The foliage dries up, crumbles.

Potash hunger can jeopardize the crop. Without this trace element, normal formation of ovaries is impossible, flowering is weak. The foliage is torn with a yellowish edging, extending to the entire plate. The edges of the sheet appear burnt. Calcium deficiency is manifested by deformation of the plates, followed by yellowing and the formation of necrotic spots. If the soil for planting was fertilized in advance, and top dressing was made according to the schedule, your green ward will not “starve”. Otherwise, apply appropriate fertilizer.

Important! Violation of agrotechnical rules for the cultivation of crops leads to unpleasant consequences. Timely application of fertilizers will save cucumbers from "starvation".

Temperature and humidity play a huge role in growing an exotic vegetable. The native environment assumes a temperature background of 23-27⁰C and regular abundant watering. When it's hot outside, the temperature rises in the greenhouse. Overheating leads to a slowdown in the development of seedlings, and in combination with a lack of moisture in the soil, it threatens the death of the bushes.

At low temperatures outdoor air increases indoor humidity. This will lead to the activation of fungi, the appearance of root rot. Regular airing during the day will eliminate the greenhouse effect. A decrease in temperature below 14⁰C leads to a stop in the development of the culture, and the contact of foliage with cold surfaces causes the foliage to die due to hypothermia.

Proper watering is also important. The culture is watered so that the substrate is moistened to a depth of 10 cm. Mulch helps prevent rapid evaporation of the liquid. In addition to the regularity of irrigation, moisture should not be allowed to enter the foliage mass. Water droplets exposed to sunlight become very hot, causing burns.

Know! Another possible factor in the appearance of burns on the foliage is the ingress of liquid dressings, herbicides.

Lack of light adversely affects the development of seedlings. Adults tend to take care of main function living organisms - reproduction. To protect the ovaries and direct nutrition to their development, the bush sheds "ballast", getting rid of the lower leaves. Good illumination and rarefaction of plantings will help to avoid yellowing and loss of the lower tier of the crown. Too dense thickets also interfere with the normal ventilation of the root zone, provoking an increase in humidity and the development of root rot.

The exotic root system is sensitive to damage. Mechanical damage appears as a result of inaccurate transplanting of seedlings, deep loosening, and the activity of a bear. With root rot, it is almost impossible to save a bush, so it is very important to follow the rules of watering and not to thicken the plantings.

Cucumbers are seasonal annuals, so you should not be surprised at the yellowing of the foliage by the end of the season. This happens due to the aging of individuals.

Folk remedies to combat yellowing leaves

When yellow leaves appear, do not rush to grab chemicals. You can save the bush and folk remedies. This option is preferable, because chemicals cannot be used during the growth of greens. If the foliage turns yellow in spots, there is a picture of a fungal infection. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective means for emergency resuscitation of cucumber bushes.

Watering with soda solution

An alkaline environment prevents the development of mycelium, so timely watering with a solution of baking soda (in June) will destroy spores in the soil. Dissolve a tablespoon of the component in 10 liters of water.

Advice! Refine the composition by adding 40 ml of vegetable oil and a tablet acetylsalicylic acid. Use the spray mixture only early in the morning or late in the evening, otherwise sunburn cannot be avoided.

Spraying with dairy products

To prepare the composition, take:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 25-30 ml alcohol tincture iodine;
  • a tablespoon of grated or liquid laundry soap;
  • a package of kefir or milk.

Stir the ingredients in water until the soap is completely dissolved. Soap is necessary for better adhesion of the mixture to the leaves. Preventive spraying should be carried out after transplanting seedlings or the development of the fourth leaf every 10 days.

Serum from the fungus

The causative agents of late blight and powdery mildew die from exposure to a serum solution. Two liters fermented milk product 10 liters of water will be enough to prepare the solution. Such a composition can be used at least every day, but in order not to provoke strong humidity in greenhouse conditions, it is better to limit it to 1-2 times a week.

Spraying with potassium permanganate

The disinfecting properties of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate are useful not only for humans. After spraying, the bush will not only get rid of the fungal infection, but also make up for the deficiency of trace elements.

Remember! In the manufacture of the drug, it is necessary to ensure that all the crystals of the substance dissolve, otherwise the sheet plate will receive a chemical burn.

Garlic-soap composition

Antibiotics for the health of cucumbers

Metronidazole is a drug for the treatment of a wide range of diseases caused by microbes and protozoa. An effective remedy for the development of fungi. Experienced gardeners recommend burying 1 tablet of metronidazole in the ground before planting or spraying by taking 2 tablets per liter jar of water. To disinfect the substrate, 5 tablets of the drug are dissolved in a bucket of water, watering is carried out.

Brilliant green against downy mildew

A composition based on urea, whey and brilliant green will help overcome the transference. Dissolve 10 ml of brilliant green in a bucket of water, add two liter packets of whey and 50 g of urea. Spray the mixture every 10 days.

On a note! The folk recipes described above will help not only make up for nutritional deficiencies, but also protect against fungal infections.

Why the ovaries of cucumbers (embryos) turn yellow in the greenhouse what to do

Sometimes, in greenhouse conditions, it is not the exotic crown that begins to turn yellow, but the ovaries. This phenomenon is observed for the following reasons:

  • violation of agricultural technology - a combination of illumination, moisture and temperature;
  • nutritional deficiency;
  • too high concentration of ovaries;
  • inadequate pollination.

Having found falling ovaries, pay attention to agricultural technology. Eliminate the lack of light, minerals, water correctly, maintain optimum temperature and humidity, inspect for pests, diseases. Bring the indicators back to normal, and a healthy look will return to the green ward.

If the bushes are grown in accordance with agricultural standards, and top dressing is applied regularly, the cause of yellowing and shedding of the ovaries lies in the excess of embryos. The more ovaries on the whip, the more the plant spends resources on their development. It can be said that such a discharge of ballast is a natural process, but it is better not to allow unnecessary load by plucking out excess embryos. The correct formation of the whip also contributes to the normal development and prevention of yellowing of the ovary.

Advice! Leave no more than 25 greens on one lash, otherwise the cucumber will independently manage the resources.

One more thing should be mentioned important factor concerning the irrigation regime. During the fruiting period, it is necessary to moisten the soil more often, but watering with cold water will provoke the death of the embryos. In order for more female flowers to appear, experienced gardeners recommend drying the ground without irrigating for several days, after which water the bushes abundantly.

Unpollinated ovaries die because they become unviable. In the greenhouse, this phenomenon is observed more often than in the open field. The closed space does not allow insects to get inside and carry out pollination, and the heat inside does not attract bees to collect nectar. Cloudy weather also contributes to the death of the embryos, because insects do not fly in the rain. Too high ambient temperature (over 35⁰C) destroys the pollen, making it sterile. Even if the material falls on female flower, the ovary will die.

How to fix the problem? You can attract bees by making a whey-based top dressing. 100 g of honey or a glass of sugar are added to the solution, the foliage is processed. A solution of boric acid (0.05%) stimulates the production of nectar. Honey plants planted between rows will attract more pollinators. It is good to plant hyssop or phacelia. Phacelia belongs to green manure, so after flowering it can be cut and used for mulching. Plant residues will saturate the soil with nitrogen, protect it from drying out.

You can independently perform pollination by transferring pollen from male buds to female buds with a cotton swab or brush. Perform the procedure early in the morning. To prevent the pollen from dying, keep the temperature below 30⁰C. Another way out is to plant self-pollinated varieties, for example, Zozulya, Matilda, Friendly family.

Know! Male flowers differ from female flowers in the absence of embryos, arranged in bunches.

Why cucumber fruits turn yellow in the greenhouse, causes and their elimination

The harvest is on the way, but suddenly yellow fruits appeared - what to do? Find out the reasons for the possible yellowing of the fruit:

  • lack of copper, phosphorus and potassium;
  • mosaic virus;
  • overripe.

The process of fruit formation takes a lot of strength from the exotic. To make vegetables healthy and beautiful, potassium, phosphorus, and copper are needed. A yellow border along the edge of the sheet will tell about potassium starvation. The lack of phosphorus is manifested by a slowdown in growth, drying out of the lower foliage. With a lack of copper, the leaves turn pale, the lashes become flabby, wither away.

Make up for the deficiency of trace elements by introducing a potassium-phosphorus complex and spraying with Bordeaux mixture. Cucumber mosaic affects not only the foliage, its manifestations are also visible on the fruits - deformation, reduction in size, mosaic pattern. The surface of the greens becomes yellow, covered with uneven green spots. Experienced gardeners destroy the bush when the disease has just appeared on the foliage.

Attention! It is difficult to confuse cucumber mosaic with other diseases, but an inexperienced gardener can make a mistake. Then his eyes will see the vegetables mutilated by the virus.

With dense plantings, harvesting is complicated, it is quite easy to miss the fruits. The vegetable is eaten green until the seeds have ripened inside. If an accidentally forgotten fruit reaches the stage of biological maturity, its surface will turn yellow or brown. Such fruits are suitable for livestock feed or for collecting seed material. Remember that the F1 hybrid series does not inherit maternal qualities. If you bought seeds with such markings, it is pointless to collect seed from them.

Top dressing for yellowing

To eliminate the lack of nutrients in the soil, you can use a complete mineral complex, but it is better to apply each component separately.

Emerging seedlings need nitrogen to grow. Before planting, the substrate is enriched with organic matter - humus or compost, rotted manure. Fertilizers are applied at the rate of 1-3 buckets per square meter. Watering with mullein infusion, as well as spraying, will protect against powdery mildew and support the health of the exotic.

It is useful to pour a little ash into the planting hole. It does not contain nitrogen, but is rich in potassium and other trace elements. Outside, root dressing with urea contributes to the preservation of greenery and protects against pests. Urea is diluted at the rate of 50 grams per bucket of water. During the period of budding and fruit growth, potassium and phosphorus are needed. Provide the crop with fertilizers based on potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Remember! Natural fertilizers are preferable for vegetable and fruit crops.

From folk remedies for feeding, they use: infusion of mullein, wood ash or herbs, bread dressing, infusion of rotten hay, serum solution with iodine.

To make an infusion of cow dung, mix 1 kg of fertilizer in three liters of water. Keep warm for 3-4 days and dilute in a ratio of 1:4. Weeds will serve as fertilizer if they are crushed and insisted for 10 days in a bucket of water 1 kg of vegetation.

Dilute the prepared composition 1:9 before watering or foliar feeding. Add a tablespoon of alcohol tincture of iodine to the serum solution, mix and spray on the foliage every 2 weeks. Ash infusion is prepared by pouring 3 tablespoons of the component with a liter of boiling water, incubated for 2 days and sprayed weekly. Soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water, you can take crackers, but without mold. After 10-12 hours, strain the composition and pour in a vial of iodine. Water once every 10-14 days, diluting the mixture 1:10. Soak hay in equal proportions with water for 3-4 days. Strain and spray on the crown weekly.

What to do if the foliage of cucumbers fades and dries out in the greenhouse

Subject to agricultural technology, wilting of cucumber tops, coupled with drying, is a sign of a fungal infection. Whatever fungus strikes the bushes, the cucumber is not able to suppress its development on its own. You will have to help the exotic using one of the folk recipes described above or treat the whips with a fungicide - Fitosporin, Topaz, Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture.

Spores remain viable for several years, so the greenhouse must be kept clean. Spring processing will save the gardener from many problems. Moreover, it is necessary to disinfect not only the soil, but also the structure itself.

Know! To conduct a comprehensive disinfection of a glass greenhouse, use a sulfur checker. This method is not suitable for structures consisting of metal, because sulfur dioxide corrodes metal products.

The use of sulfur checkers or lumpy sulfur is carried out by igniting it on a sheet of metal. Before the procedure, seal all the cracks, work with respiratory protection. Remember that sulfur dioxide is dangerous to the body. Leave the lit checker indoors, close the doors and windows. After 3-4 days, depreserve the room, ventilate thoroughly.

Metal constructions disinfected with a solution of bleach, and wooden ones with Bordeaux liquid. Wash all surfaces thoroughly after disinfection.

Planting a crop in the same place is unacceptable, because diseases are transmitted through the soil. If crop rotation is observed, the risk of damage is significantly reduced. Tomatoes, beets, cabbage, greens are good predecessors for melons.

Spider mite causes and pest control with home remedies

The development of a colony of spider mites provokes too dry air. In a greenhouse, this phenomenon is common, especially if the gardener does not follow the irrigation regime.

Attention! The danger of the appearance of a colony lies in the spread of the tick through the air. He does not know how to fly, but is carried by air currents over a long distance.

Having noticed a colony of pests, destroy them mechanically. Quite often, sprays with soapy water or wipe the lower part of the leaves with soapy water. We offer you several folk recipes for the destruction of the pest.

Infusion of onion peel

Bring to a boil a tablespoon of ground onion peel in 5 liters of water. Refrigerate until completely cool and spray with a spray bottle.

Dandelion infusion

Heat water to 40-50⁰C. For 5 liters of liquid, take a glass of chopped roots or foliage. Soak the composition for 2-3 hours and spray the whips.

Tobacco dust - effective remedy for pest control. It can be used as an independent remedy or mixed with ash, mustard. But from a spider mite, a decoction made from 200 g of dust mixed with 5 liters of water is effective. First, the mixture is infused for a day, then boiled for 2 hours. After cooling, filter and add a bucket of water.

Plants in the fight against spider mites

In addition to spraying, for the prevention of ticks use joint landings with other garden dwellers. The best helper is dill. Grass attracts ladybugs who will take care of the destruction of the pest. Most pests are afraid of fragrant herbs and flowers - marigolds, coriander, onions. Sow them between the rows, and the spider mite will forget the way to the greenhouse.

If it was not possible to save cucumbers from yellowing, find the cause and eliminate it. After that, follow the agrotechnical rules:

  1. Optimize irrigation regime.
  2. Keep an eye on the temperature, not allowing it to drop below 15⁰C and exceed 30⁰C.
  3. Remove excess bushes so that the landing does not look like a jungle.
  4. Ventilate the greenhouse more often.
  5. Systematically make foliar and root top dressing.
  6. Make sure that the destroyed fungus or pests do not return, if necessary, re-treat.

Remember that you need to support the immunity of cucumbers; foliar feeding with urea is ideal for these purposes.


Video tips: why cucumber leaves turn yellow, how to solve the problem


The most common causes of yellowing cucumbers in the greenhouse

Cucumber is a vegetable crop that loves warm and humid growing conditions. Sometimes the fruits and leaves of a vegetable growing in a greenhouse turn yellow and completely stop their growth and development. Such a change is associated with a specific cause that needs to be identified and eliminated. Otherwise get good harvest will not work. Therefore, let's try to answer the question of why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse.

Yellowing of the leaves provokes a decrease in the yield of cucumbers

Growing temperature

Cucumbers do not tolerate sudden temperature changes, so failure to follow the growing technology can cause the ovary to rot, and the fruits and leaves to turn yellow.

To protect plants from negative effects and provide additional insulation, you need to cover them with a film or other synthetic material. Sometimes bottles with hot water. Needs to be removed quickly bad flowers and treat the cut with a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, copper chloride is used for spraying.

It is impossible to allow the temperature to drop by more than 14 degrees, since from this nutrients stop flowing into the roots of plants. It is better if the thermometer shows plus 26 degrees. You will also need to feed the leaves.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse do not tolerate temperature changes

Diseases and pests

Yellowing cucumber plants can be caused by a number of diseases:

  • Powdery mildew is expressed in the presence of plaque white color on the leaves. It increases with time, and the plant turns yellow and dries. To avoid this fungal disease, it is necessary to use certain varieties of vegetables that are resistant to fungi and viruses for growing. Special chemicals to fight such diseases.
  • The death of cucumbers in the greenhouse can cause Fusarium wilt. Its fungus completely blocks the supply of nutrients to the fruits and leaves. It is necessary to completely replace the soil in the greenhouse and next time change the variety of vegetables.
  • Improper growing seedlings, cold watering or a sharp drop in temperature can lead to the formation of root rot. From this, the roots begin to turn yellow and crack, the leaves fade. It is necessary to introduce ash or crushed coal into the soil, spray blue vitriol. Withered plants are removed along with the soil to avoid infecting the rest of the cucumbers.

Insect pests are carriers of various diseases:

Fusarium wilt is caused by a fungus

A large number of ties

A certain number of ovaries should remain on one cucumber stalk. If there are too many of them, the fruits may grow small and ugly, may begin to turn yellow and rot, and the embryos will stop growing. Some ovaries interfere with the growth of others due to the high consumption of nutrients. It is desirable that their number on the stem does not exceed 25-30 pieces.

New shoots must be pinched regularly, and excess ones removed so as not to delay the development of the rest. If done in a timely manner, stunting of the plant can be prevented.

It is recommended that you carefully familiarize yourself with the technology of pinching cucumbers, which is the removal of branches from the main bush. The sooner such a procedure is carried out, the less nutrients will be wasted. This will help to significantly increase the yield.

Extra ties must be removed.

Irrigation technology

Often, yellowing of cucumbers in a greenhouse is due to improper watering. This vegetable loves abundant moisture in the soil and air. If this rule is neglected, the ovary turns yellow and the leaves dry up. The irregularity and insufficiency of watering strongly affects the fruits of the plant and threatens with a complete loss of the crop.

It is necessary to water only with warm water in the evening or in the morning. During the period when the fruits are actively developing, it is worth increasing the amount of liquid. The soil is moistened deep enough so that watering contributes to the development of the root system.

Watering cucumbers should be done in the morning or in the evening.

soil care

If yellow spots appear on the leaves, and the fruits curl, this may indicate a lack of nutrients in the composition of the soil: nitrogen, potassium or magnesium. Therefore, it is worth regularly feeding the earth.

The soil is enriched with fertilizers with potassium, wood ash and other minerals.

Urea is also used as a nitrogen fertilizer. Seedlings are sprayed in advance with a special solution. After that, cow dung is introduced into the soil. Liquid chicken manure is also suitable for this. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of fertilizer. Their abundance in the soil can cause yellowing of the fruit.

yellow spots on the leaves may appear from a lack of minerals

Insufficient pollination

If the greenhouse is poorly ventilated, and the plants are pollinated only artificially, yellow cucumber ovaries may appear. It is necessary to provide access to the greenhouse for insects that should pollinate them. To do this, you need to keep the greenhouse open during the day, subject to warm weather. A large number of varieties and hybrids are pollinated by bees. To attract them, it is recommended to plant honey plants next to cucumbers or spray seedlings with the following solutions:

  • half a tablespoon of honey or sugar per liter of water;
  • half a gram of boric acid per liter of water;
  • boron-magnesium fertilizers, which increase the release of nectar by flowers.

Boron-magnesium fertilizers stimulate nectar secretion


Very high soil moisture and a high planting density of cucumbers can lead to the development of bacteriosis, in which yellowing of the ovaries occurs. Spots in the form of sores appear on cucumbers, they dry out, new embryos do not develop.

In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to spray the plants with a solution of one percent Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to carefully select fruits for seedlings to reduce the risk of infection of cucumbers. It is advised to do the treatment of the plant even after the detection of bacteriosis, taking into account the degree of development of the disease. In each individual case, the appropriate agent and its concentration are selected.

In the greenhouse, it is necessary to reduce the humidity with the help of ventilation and raise the temperature to the desired norm. Infected plants are removed, and healthy ones are treated with special solutions.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse can turn yellow for various reasons, which must be addressed in a timely manner. Some use folk remedies for this, others resort to modern store preparations. But an important condition is the observance of the technology of growing and caring for vegetables. Then you can count on a rich and high-quality harvest.
