Nutrition after training for fat burning. The basics of proper diet before, during and after fitness. Meal time

Asking the question of what to eat after a workout, you need to understand that each case is individual, and you need to take into account the needs of a particular organism, but still, there are general rules and trends in athlete nutrition.

Everyone knows that playing sports improves health and allows you to make the figure more toned and beautiful. However, to achieve a noticeable result, it is important not only to devote time to physical activity. An important condition for training for weight loss or gaining muscle mass is proper nutrition. You need to understand what you can eat for dinner or in the morning, as well as immediately before classes and after training.

The menu for men and women will be different, because they set different goals during classes in gym. A girl is interested in how to burn fat, a man needs classes for muscle growth. The principles of nutrition in each case will be different, and this must be taken into account.

What to eat for muscle growth

An hour before strength training, the athlete needs to eat to energize the body, start the metabolism and provide a basis for the production of glycogen. It is necessary that in the process of training it is glycogen that is consumed, and not muscles. It is best to include proteins in the diet and.

After or men it is better to eat in the next 20 minutes. During this period of time, the so-called "carbohydrate window" opens. Almost any food that enters the body is completely broken down and used to restore muscle fibers. This is the only period of time when an athlete can consume anything, even fast carbohydrates.

These substances are needed to replenish the energy reserves spent during exercise. It is best to consume them in an easily digestible form, but not more than 60-100 grams. If you are looking to lose fat and build muscle mass, after training, you can eat any product from the list presented:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat);
  • wholemeal bread;
  • durum pasta;
  • bananas;
  • fresh.

Recent research proves it's good to drink pomegranate juice and eat watermelon, because thanks to the unique composition, nutrients and antioxidants, they help reduce muscle pain after exercise and restore muscle tissue cells. After a cardio workout or serious physical activity, you can eat protein foods. It accelerates protein synthesis in cells.

The best option would be an omelette, lean meats or chicken, fish and cottage cheese, you can also drink a gainer. If the athlete is on the cut, proteins should be the basis of his diet.

How to eat if you are losing weight

Girls, in order to lose weight, need to adhere to other principles of food intake. Nutrition for burning fat on the abdomen and thighs should be balanced.

How long after a workout can a woman eat?

Immediately after the gym, the girls do not eat, because the process of fat burning continues in the body. Losing weight can be eaten 1.5-2 hours after intense exercise. These should be proteins:

  • egg white;
  • fish or seafood;
  • skim cheese;
  • chicken or turkey fillet.

With what it is better to combine these products, every woman thinks. The right solution would be a vegetable salad without mayonnaise. Cabbage, radish, tomato, cucumber, zucchini - all these vegetables go well with protein foods. If you study in the evening, it is better to refuse dinner altogether. After a late evening workout, you can drink herbal tea or snack on an apple. At night, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Dairy products with a low fat content are very useful. They give a feeling of fullness, but are not deposited in the form extra centimeters at the waist. Also, kefir and cottage cheese strengthen bones, improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's defenses and immunity. after a morning workout, afternoon or evening. The product should be abandoned for people with lactose intolerance and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important rules for healthy eating

For a beautiful pumped press, you need to do a lot, and not overeat. You can consult with a nutritionist, together with a specialist to develop a diet that is ideal for you. To eat right was not too difficult, you need to follow a series of simple rules and important tips:

  • It is better to eat more often, but a little bit, the optimal number of times is 5-6. Fractional nutrition allows you not to stretch the stomach.
  • You can not eat sweet, floury and fatty. From vegetable fats, preference should be given to olive oil.
  • If you drink juice, compote or green tea, you can not only restore the water-salt balance, but also restore strength and energy to the body. However, sugar should not be added to the drink.
  • Not all diets are the same. The best thing is not to diet at all, but to review your diet, change your lifestyle and stick to the principles of PP.
  • Use protein supplements and shakes. or a gainer is able to replace a full meal. Preparing such mixtures is easy, just mix all the ingredients and beat them with a blender. Milk, juice or water is used as a liquid base.
  • Do the charging. Morning exercise will help wake up the body, start the metabolism.
  • Walk more on fresh air, find an active hobby, go in for yoga, swimming.
  • Don't forget cardio. Running and jumping rope not only develop endurance, but also strengthen all muscle groups.
  • Always have breakfast. Most nutritionists and trainers agree that the morning meal is the most important. , you can prepare the body for the upcoming loads.

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To achieve a noticeable effect - you can build muscle or lose weight only by providing an integrated approach. Exercise with pleasure, eat healthy and tasty food before and after training, develop, look for like-minded people and share experience. Together, striving for new goals is much more interesting.

Weight loss - weight loss in order to increase the attractiveness of the body. Reset overweight physical exercises help - this is the most effective and reasonable, from a physiological point of view, method of losing weight. During the training period, great attention is paid to nutrition. Its proper organization allows you to speed up the process of losing weight, form a beautiful outline of the figure and improve the body.

Can I eat after a workout while losing weight?

After fitness, sports and any physical activity, a protein-carbohydrate (anabolic) window opens. The next 90 minutes the human body needs to replenish nutrients. What to eat after a workout to lose weight? Of course, foods high in protein and carbohydrates! Eating during this period of time causes the maximum anabolic response of the body and benefits, allowing you to form a beautiful outline of the figure, without deposition of fat mass. Later consumption of food may be useless, since the body has already used internal energy sources (fat, muscle protein) and does not need nutrients.

Interesting to know! There is a directly opposite point of view - you can’t eat immediately after a workout for weight loss. According to her, during this period, the human body continues to “burn” the accumulated fat, and eating disrupts this process, which makes it difficult to lose extra pounds. But do not forget that along with fat, the body intensively consumes its own protein, which slows down metabolic reactions. Thus, at first, weight loss really happens a little faster, but gradually leads to exhaustion of the body, causing inhibition of the functions of all organs and systems - the loss of extra pounds stops. After such training, the human body looks haggard and unattractive.

Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss

To be slim you need to eat. Losing weight is not a refusal to eat, but the proper organization of nutrition. The following principles must be adhered to.

  • The amount of calories consumed should be less than the amount consumed, by about half. For example, if 500 kcal was spent in the gym, then about 250 kcal can enter the body. The created deficit will lead to efficient burning of fat deposits.
  • You need to eat often and in small portions. Fitness nutrition involves eating 5-7 times a day. The volume of 1 serving should contain approximately 60 g of protein and 40 g of carbohydrates for strength exercises, and 60 g of carbohydrates and 40 g of protein for anaerobic exercises. The specified amount of nutrients is fully absorbed and consumed. Conversely, a rare or abundant diet forces the body to store nutrients in reserve.
  • Reduced fat intake. It must be remembered that 1 gram of fat is 9 kcal. The vital daily requirement of the body for fats is 0.5 - 0.7 g per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, with an average weight of 70 - 75 kg, a person needs about 50 g of fat per day. Exceeding this amount slows down the metabolism and leads to obesity.

Important! For a diet, it is better to choose baked or steamed dishes. After all, the process of frying, boiling or long-term stewing leads to the destruction of vitamins and useful substances food.

Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight

Faced with a problem excess weight, many people forget that unnecessary kilograms have accumulated for months, or even years. It is impossible to get rid of them within 1-2 weeks. It will be even more difficult to maintain the achieved weight and prevent annoying mistakes of losing weight. The most common of them are 8 misconceptions.

  1. Total starvation.
  2. Hope for a "miracle cure" for weight loss.
  3. Irregular meals.
  4. Compliance with mono-diets.
  5. Skip breakfast or dinner.
  6. Insufficient physical activity.
  7. Low fluid intake.
  8. Expecting a quick result.

Awareness of the processes occurring in the body, a personal fitness trainer and self-discipline will help to avoid the mistakes of losing weight.

What to eat after a workout for weight loss

Women and men lose weight differently. At the same time, the representatives of the stronger sex take off those extra pounds much easier and faster. The existence of differences is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female and male body. To lose weight, they must be taken into account.


  • During fitness training, about 1700 - 2000 calories per day are required.
  • There are no restrictions on meat consumption. The main thing is to eat lean meat with the necessary amount of protein.
  • Girls need to eat foods high in folic acid, vitamins A, B6, E.


  • During the period of strength training or fitness, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 - 2300 kcal.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of offal and meat in favor of marine fish, nuts, legumes and dairy products.
  • It is recommended to eat foods rich in selenium, zinc, vitamin E.

After morning workout

After class in the morning, you can eat chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, rice, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

After evening workout

At night, it is better to eat light fish dishes, vegetables, fruits and dairy products, for example, cottage cheese.

Important! Even if the workout ends late, you can not refuse dinner. In this case, you can take a small “brake” with you directly to the gym and eat it immediately after class. During the journey home and getting ready for bed, the food will already begin to be digested and assimilated.

How much can you eat after a workout if you are losing weight?

The amount of food can be anything. The main thing is that it contains the required amount of protein, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat. For clarity, a small table of the content of essential nutrients in 100 g of product.

Thus, to replenish the calories spent, you can eat, for example, 200 g of chicken breast and 2 bananas. Or 300 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of raisins. Etc.

How much to eat after a workout to lose weight?

To achieve the maximum anabolic response from the body, food should be taken within the next 90 minutes after the end of the workout.

You need to eat slowly, carefully chewing (chopping) food. Small pieces of food are easier and faster to digest, do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Fat Burning Sports Supplements

To burn fat, you need to increase the amount of calories you burn and eat right. It will not be superfluous to use sports supplements that contribute to effective weight loss. The following complexes have proven themselves well.

  • fat burner(for example, Thermogenic) - suppresses appetite, increases training performance and accelerates the breakdown of adipose tissue.
  • L-carnitine- increases the rate of breakdown of fats and improves the transport of their decay products.
  • BCAA(for example, Intra Fuel from SAN) - suppresses appetite, protects muscles from stress during training and activates the breakdown of fats.
  • Liquid protein(for example, Syntha-6 from BSN) - an indispensable complex during regular training, containing the necessary amount of carbohydrates and healthy fats. Completely satisfies the body's need for nutrients.
  • Special vitamin and mineral complexes(for example, for men - Opti-men, and for girls - Opti-Women) - allow you to fully compensate for the deficiency of vital substances necessary for the reactions of the body's metabolism.

Sports supplements are complexes with proven effectiveness. Their formulation is scientifically substantiated, the formulas are patented. They cannot cost suspiciously cheap and are purchased exclusively in specialized stores. Before using supplements, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications - chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetes and other diseases.

What foods should not be consumed when losing weight?

After the decision has been made to train seriously and lose weight, the following foods should be excluded from your diet.

  • Caffeine - interferes with the full absorption of protein and complicates the process of restoring the body. Therefore, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and other caffeinated products are prohibited.
  • Foods high in fat - disrupt metabolism, slow down the rate of absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.

Important! These foods should be avoided within 2 hours after exercise. During the day, caffeine is allowed to maintain body tone.

10 Best Post Workout Foods for Weight Loss

Following a diet for weight loss is easy. After all, it can include truly tasty and healthy dishes.

  1. Veal- contains a large amount of protein (19.7 g / 100 g), B vitamins, mineral elements and amino acids necessary for the full functioning of the muscles. Promotes rapid recovery of the body
  2. Boiled chicken fillet- a source of easily digestible protein (30.4 g/100 g). The high content of amino acids contributes to the rapid recovery of muscle tissues, and B vitamins accelerate metabolic processes.
  3. Turkey- rich in protein (25.3 g/100 g), vitamins A, E and vital elements. Accelerates metabolism and the process of splitting fats. Increases the endurance of the body.
  4. Lean fish- a source of useful amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Does not contain carbohydrates and is rich in easily digestible protein.
  5. Seafood- an irreplaceable food product rich in natural easily digestible protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system. Accelerates the transport of fats from the body and metabolic processes.
  6. Skim cheese- Ideal for a late dinner after a workout. The high content of natural protein (17 g/100 g) contributes to effective muscle recovery.
  7. beans- a low-calorie food product with a high protein content (22 g/100 g). A source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates.
  8. Rice- rich in complex carbohydrates (24.9 g / 100 g), B vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. Quickly and permanently restores the energy potential of the body, reduces the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolic reactions.
  9. Fruits- a source of natural bioflavonoids that control metabolism. Increase endurance and body resistance to negative factors environment. Protect against the effects of free radicals.
  10. Fresh vegetables, herbs- contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Helps speed up metabolism and fat breakdown processes.

Important! Immediately after training, you should try to avoid spicy, salty, spicy foods. They excite the appetite and after their use there is a risk of "breaking loose" - eating more than expected.


If the main goal of sports is weight loss, then great attention should be paid to the choice of physical exercises and nutrition. If the diet is chosen incorrectly, then the titanic efforts spent in the hall will be wasted.

What to eat after a workout?

Nutrition after exercise has its own characteristics. Muscle contraction causes deformation of cells, resulting in fatigue, muscle work is difficult. During sports, glycogen is quickly consumed.

For fitness to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to restore muscle cells and replenish glycogen stores. No later than 40 minutes after exercise, you should eat carbohydrates containing high glycemic index and protein products. Milk or an egg will do.

The 45-minute post-workout gap is called the protein-carbohydrate window. If you do not have time to eat at this time, then the muscles will no longer take insulin, which will make the recovery process slower. The process of losing weight will also be slowed down.

Do not go to extremes and eat too much after a workout. The body needs energy to digest large amounts of food. It is better to choose foods that are easy to digest. They will help the muscles recover and stock up on energy. You can eat more in 30-60 minutes.

In the evening, you should eat protein foods. They will increase muscle growth. It is known that muscles build up in the first 2 hours of sleep. At this time, growth hormones are most active. So don't skimp on protein.

What to eat after fitness to lose weight?

Along with a set of muscle mass, fat is usually also gained. If nutrition is organized correctly, then 3 parts of muscle will account for 1 part of fat. If training is stopped, and nutrition is wrong, then muscle mass will decrease, not fat.

This situation very often occurs with low-calorie diets, when the body begins to destroy muscle mass. As a result, the weight is reduced, but the fat remains. If the goal is to lose weight, then it is worth organizing training in such a way that muscle volume is maintained. After all, muscles make metabolic processes in the body more active and cause energy expenditure even in a calm state.

If there is a lot of fat in the body, then on the contrary, it causes the accumulation of more more fat. To lose weight, you need to eat the same way you would when building muscle. Only the calorie content of the diet should be reduced.

Don't eat fried food. It is better to eat baked meat or steamed foods. It is also helpful to include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Weight loss is facilitated by eating small portions at short intervals. If you eat 3 times a day, then at one meal you have to eat a large amount of food. All of it cannot be used up for energy, so excess calories go to fat.

Very often, after an intense workout, there is a very strong hunger. This is normal. The body begins to demand to restore the spent energy, but this is not worth doing. You can deceive him. To do this, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir. After this drink, a strong feeling of hunger will go away.

You can also drink any other drink: fruit drink, tea. A green apple will also help. Here are the most preferred post-workout nutrition options:

  1. Whey protein cocktail. It will give the body all the necessary substances. However, they are easy to digest. You need to drink such a cocktail immediately after leaving the gym.
  2. glycemic food. It can be rice and chicken, fish.
  3. Protein shake or any carbohydrate source.

It is best to eat as early as possible. As for the number of calories. Then you need to use exactly half of the spent. Those. if you burned about 60 kcal, then you need to eat no more than 300 kcal.

Avoid post-workout foods containing fat or caffeine. Fat inhibits the transfer of carbohydrates into the blood. Caffeine interferes with the transfer of glycogen to the muscles and the restoration of muscle mass. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa All these products are best consumed the next day.

The fear of gaining weight in the case of post-workout nutrition is nothing more than a myth. If you do not exceed the number of calories burned, you will not be able to gain fat. On the contrary, proper nutrition only contributes to weight loss. It restores the energy expended and does not introduce the body into a state of stress. If the body knows that after exercise it will receive food, it is not afraid to burn calories. Your workouts will become more effective. And you won't feel tired.

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about pre and post workout nutrition to burn body fat and increase muscle mass. Use this information to create your weight loss training nutrition program!

How to eat and exercise to lose weight - the complete guide

In this guide, you will learn:

  • how to determine your body type, and how it affects the choice proper nutrition for burning fat and the necessary training;
  • what are macronutrients, and what role do they play in the process of reducing the percentage of fat in the body;
  • how to determine the required amount of macronutrients, and how this will affect the choice of proper nutrition;
  • how to choose the right sources of protein and carbohydrates to reduce body fat;
  • how to plan meal times and choose a complete diet in accordance with your training process;
  • how to choose the right cardio workouts for burning fat, and what is the difference between high-intensity interval training and low-intensity aerobic exercise;
  • what an important role weight training plays in burning fat.
  • what nutritional supplements will help accelerate the burning of excess fat and how to use them correctly for greater efficiency.

Many view body fat burning as a closed VIP party where you have to do something supernatural to get into it. On the one hand, it is. Pre- and post-workout nutrition for fat burning is not just a set of foods that you need to eat at a certain time. In fact, this is a diet that is compiled based on the characteristics and capabilities of the body of each person.

But those people who have already achieved results know that this is really not an easy process, where you can’t get by with tricks and quick decisions. But we will tell you how to eat right when training in the gym in order to lose weight by burning body fat.

Fat burning is a biological process, and the mechanism of its action, fortunately, is not hidden from us by a veil of mystery. It is not easy, but understanding the essence of this process will allow you to take right decisions leading to a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue.

The guide contains all the necessary information that you may need to achieve a real result. The guide is for those who are willing to work hard towards their goal, rather than waiting for magic quick fat loss solutions that will help you instantly get rid of excess body fat. Read all the information, it can be the key to success.

Goal setting

Before embarking on fat loss activities, set clear goals for yourself. Maybe you want to lose 13 kg, or maybe you want your abs to show. Whatever the goal is: to lose a certain weight or look good - you need to determine a reasonable time frame. Their absence will lead to a decrease in the feeling of extreme necessity, without which it is difficult to move towards the goal.

Speed ​​of progress: how fast you can burn fat and lose weight

When it comes to the speed of weight loss and the achievement of certain progress, it must be understood that the process of burning fat is a completely different approach than the growth of muscle strength. While building muscle is a rather slow process, fat loss can be achieved fairly quickly. There are a lot of commercials in which you are promised a weight loss of 5-10 kg in a few weeks. It is possible to lose significant weight in a relatively short period of time, but this is not at all the goal that you should set for yourself.

Rapid weight loss will lead to a decrease in muscle mass. The result is a slower metabolism, a less attractive body shape, and, ultimately, a high chance that the pounds shed will come back.

With any method of losing weight, weight loss per week should be no more than 0.5 - 1 kg. This speed will ensure the reduction of fat mass, and not muscle mass. It will also help you avoid slowing down your metabolism.

Individual approach

Reading this manual, one simple conclusion can be drawn: for maximum efficiency essential for burning fat individual approach to every person. To achieve the best results, it will not be enough just some general recommendations. When drawing up an individual nutrition and training program for weight loss by reducing body fat, many nuances should be taken into account. The guide describes how to do this depending on your body type.

Definitions and general terms

calories- units of measurement designed to determine the energy value of food. Excess calories that are not used as energy are stored in the human body in the form of fatty tissues.

trace elements These are nutrients that the body needs in small amounts. Trace elements are most vitamins and minerals.

Amino acids These are the main elements that are responsible for protein synthesis. They are building material for the production of proteins in the body. Protein types differ from each other in the types and number of amino acids they contain.

Glycogens are carbohydrates found in the human body. When carbohydrates are absorbed by the body, they are deposited in muscle tissue and liver in the form of glycogen. Glycogens are the main source of energy for the body.

metabolic rate The rate at which the human body uses energy. High speed means that the energy is used up very quickly, resulting in a lean physique.

protein synthesis The process by which amino acids are converted into proteins. Protein synthesis is the process of muscle growth.

Anabolic state (anabolism) is a state of muscle growth. If you are pumping muscles, then you are in an anabolic state.

Catabolic state (catabolism)- the predominance of decay processes in the human body. If you lose muscle mass, then you are in a catabolic state.

Aerobic training- exercises that require a large amount of oxygen.

Anaerobic training- exercises that do not require oxygen.

substrate Any substance or substance that is used by enzymes to produce final products.

Determination of body type

The role of body type in fat burning

When burning fat, a person's body type plays a very important role in choosing a diet and proper training process. For various types physiques require different amounts of calories and macronutrients, different approaches to training. Before you determine how much to eat and how to train, you need to find out your body type.

Ectomorph. Ectomorph can be defined in one word - thin. He has thin bones and a narrow skeletal structure. This means that the ectomorph has a small chest, narrow shoulders and long thin limbs. For such a person, gaining muscle or fat becomes a real challenge, weight gain is usually a very slow process for him.

Even despite all this, reducing excess weight in ectomorphs, on the contrary, is very easy due to the rapid metabolism in the body. The problem is that with weight loss, muscle mass will also be lost.

Mesomorph. Mesomorphs in terms of genetics were lucky the most. Most often, they have an athletic physique, without even putting any effort into it. They have broad shoulders and a thinner waist. One of the main characteristics of this body type is that mesomorphs can very easily build muscle and burn excess fat.

Although they have certain genetic advantages, this does not mean that such people will have an ideal physique just like that. All the same, proper nutrition and a suitable training program are required.

Endomorph. Endomorphs are the exact opposite of ectomorphs. They have a wide bone structure. This means that they usually have broad shoulders, rib cage and waist. Endomorphs easily gain both muscle mass and fat. Therefore, they have to work hard on a good figure.

Although losing weight is not easy for people with such a physique, it is not impossible. Also, the ability of the body to gain muscle mass well gives them certain advantages in burning body fat.

Calories and macronutrients

The three main macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Let's take a look at them in more detail. Knowledge about macronutrients is extremely important when reducing fat. Each of them performs a specific function in the body, it is very important that a person receives the right amount of macronutrients.

Body type also plays an important role in how the body reacts to them. Each type has its own recommendations for the required amount of nutrients and calories.


Most people have heard a lot about calories, but do not fully understand what it is. Calories are units of measurement that characterize energy value all food products. The human body consumes a certain amount of energy every day, which can be determined by the number of calories. If you take in more calories than you expend, the remainder will be converted into adipose tissue. If consumption is less, then the body will use the calories stored in the body as fat to make up for the lack of energy.

There are calories in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. 1 g of protein contains 4 calories, 1 g of fat - 9 calories, 1 g of carbohydrate - 4 calories. The following are recommendations for calorie intake based on body type.

  • Ectomorph- body weight x 16-18 = daily requirement.
  • Mesomorph- body weight x 14-17 = daily requirement.
  • Endomorph- body weight x 12-15 = daily requirement.

That's not all. Calories derived from proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be absorbed by the body in different ways. Read on to find out how.


Proteins are incredibly important elements for the human body. Each type of protein has different functions. Some are called contractile proteins, they allow muscles to contract and are used when working with sports equipment. Others are enzymes responsible for chemical reactions in organism. Some proteins are used in obtaining energy for the body.

In any fat loss program, proteins are indispensable for the formation of muscle tissue. When the protein is digested, the body breaks it down into amino acids, which enter the bloodstream and then into the cells of the body.

Most often, proteins in the body are stored in the form of muscle tissue, less often they are broken down and used as energy. This process by which glucose is synthesized is called gluconeogenesis. The breakdown of proteins during gluconeogenesis is not very good for the formation of muscle tissue.

In addition, proteins during decomposition provide less energy than fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it will be better if proteins are used by the body as a substrate or building material than for energy.

How much protein does the body need to burn fat?

When you plan to get rid of excess fat, then your protein intake should be as follows:

  • Ectomorph- body weight x 1.0-1.2 g.
  • Mesomorph- body weight x 1.1-1.3 g.
  • Endomorph- body weight x 1.1-1.4 g.


Fats, included in the diet of every person, are indispensable elements that cannot be ignored when drawing up any plan for burning fat. They play an important role in many processes in the body. Fats contain the most calories. So 1 g contains 9 calories, while 1 g of carbohydrates or proteins only has 4. The downside is that fats are easily converted into adipose tissue.

An important function of fats is their role in testosterone production. Speaking about the right diet for weight loss, you need to understand one simple thing: with a lack of calories, testosterone decreases. This is a natural reaction. The body reacts to an insufficient amount of energy by allocating less of it for muscle growth.

Fatty acids are a substrate for cholesterol. This means that fatty acids are able to create cholesterol. This is important as it will eventually be converted to testosterone. If fat intake is low, then the body will not have enough fatty acids to produce the optimal amount of testosterone. There will be a decrease in testosterone levels.

When dieting, fats perform much less functions than proteins and carbohydrates. Due to the higher calorie content, fat intake should be limited in the first place when burning fat in the body.

It is important to note that when limiting fat intake, it is necessary to control that their daily intake in the body is sufficient to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

How much fat should you consume when burning body fat?

Ectomorph. Body weight and fat intake:

  • 45-68 kg = 45-50 g per day.
  • 68-91 kg = 50-55 g per day.
  • 91 and above = 55-60 grams per day.

Mesomorph. Body weight and fat intake:

  • 45-68 kg = 40-45 g per day.
  • 68-91 kg = 45-50 g per day.
  • 91 and above = 50-55 grams per day.

Endomorph. Body weight and fat intake:

  • 45-68 kg = 50-55 g per day.
  • 68-91 kg = 55-60 g per day.
  • 91 and above = 60-65 grams per day.


In the body, carbohydrates are broken down into various groups of sugars, one of which is glucose. It is the main source of energy that feeds the brain, muscle tissue and internal organs. Glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in muscle tissue until needed by the body, such as during exercise.

Carbohydrates are of great importance for physical training, as they are the main source of energy for muscle work. During resistance training, the body receives energy from ATP, which is formed from glucose as a result of glycolysis. Glucose enters the muscles through the circulatory system or is released from glycogen stores in muscle tissues.

In the absence of sufficient carbohydrates, the body will be forced to convert amino acids into glucose for further energy. Normally, amino acids are stored as proteins, so a sufficient amount of carbohydrates will spare the proteins the body needs.

Carbohydrates are essential for maintaining a fast metabolism. Lectin and other hormones that have a positive effect on fat reduction are directly dependent on the amount of carbohydrates entering the body. The hormone lectin performs many different functions, one of the most significant is the control of energy expenditure. With sufficient intake of all major carbohydrates during meals, leptin levels will be high. In this case, the body receives signals that allow the metabolism to remain fast.

If there are not enough carbohydrates during meals, then the level of leptin will be low. The body will receive signals that the energy supply is insufficient and it is necessary to slow down the metabolism in order to compensate for this. When dieting, a sufficient intake of carbohydrates will keep leptin levels high, even if the total calorie intake is low.

Carbohydrates also regulate the volume of muscle tissue cells. You may notice that when carbohydrate intake is low, the muscles appear smaller than usual. This is because the volume of cells decreases. Carbohydrates are stored in muscle tissues in the form of glycogen with water, so 1 g of glycogen accounts for 2.7 g of water, which, with a lack of carbohydrates, radically affects cell volume.

If muscle cells shrink, then the body receives signals that nutrition is insufficient and a decrease in hormones that regulate fat burning is required. On the other hand, when the body receives a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, the muscle tissue cells increase in volume, a signal is received that the nutrition is sufficient and the metabolism increases.

Cell volume becomes a determining factor in protein synthesis for many reasons. When muscle cells are enlarged, protein synthesis will be faster than when they are reduced. As you can see, carbohydrates must be present in the diet, both for muscle preservation and for optimal process reduction of adipose tissue.

The effect of carbohydrates on the training process

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of nutrition during exercise. Glucose and glycogen stored in muscle tissues are optimally matched to achieve maximum efficiency. If there is not enough glycogen due to a lack of carbohydrates, then the body has to look for alternative food sources, such as amino acids. This leads to loss of muscle tissue. Also, amino acids are not as efficiently converted into energy as carbohydrates, so the effectiveness of training will be small.

This results in fewer reps per workout and fewer weights to use. If you continue to train hard even with a lack of energy, then this can lead to loss of muscle tissue. That is, with a lack of carbohydrates, a double whammy effect will occur. First, muscle tissue will be sacrificed to make up for the missing energy. Secondly, muscles will be lost as a result of excessive loads. Physical training is hard work, don't let it go to waste.


Another equally important reason for the need for sufficient intake of carbohydrates is insulin. Eating carbohydrates releases the hormone insulin. True, it has a bad reputation for delaying fat loss, preventing the body from using it as an energy source. You are probably wondering why you need a high level of insulin if it interferes with the burning of fatty tissues. However, the benefits of the hormone outweigh its disadvantages.

First, insulin is one of the most anabolic/anti-catabolic hormones in the human body. It binds to cell membrane receptors, which activates the use of glucose. As an anti-catabolic, the hormone counteracts the catabolic hormone cortisol. One of the functions of cortisol is to break down proteins for energy. But its level will be low when insulin levels are high. This is the main anti-catabolic effect of insulin.

In order to achieve results when burning fat, it is necessary to control the level of insulin.

The ketogenic diet (a diet high in fat but limited in carbohydrates)

The ketogenic diet has gained popularity in last years. With such a diet, the daily intake of carbohydrates is reduced to almost zero, and the missing calories are obtained by increasing the amount of fat and protein.

If the body does not have the ability to produce energy from carbohydrates, then it begins to produce ketone bodies. They are by-products of fat oxidation and can be used to replenish missing energy. With less carbohydrate intake, insulin levels will be low, which will lead to faster fat burning. It follows from this that lowering insulin levels is not always a justified solution.

At first glance, the ketogenic diet is credible, which is why it is so popular. The problem is that with an insufficient supply of carbohydrates, the body begins to use amino acids from incoming food and muscle tissue to be converted into glucose for energy.

This leads to loss of muscle mass. Of course, the ketogenic diet allows you to quickly lose weight. But if you stubbornly and for a long time pump each muscle, then you are unlikely to be happy with the loss of muscle tissue.

How many carbs should you eat to burn fat?

It was noted what should be the daily intake of fats and proteins. It remains to find out how many carbohydrates you need. Make it simple. Calculate how many calories you need for your daily intake after subtracting calories from fat and protein. Divide this number by 4. This is how many carbohydrates the body needs to receive every day.

Fat Burning Foods

Now you know what elements, and in what quantity, should be ingested daily, it remains to find out what foods should be eaten. Contrary to popular belief, the type of food to eat is much less important than the timing and number of meals. Of course, this does not mean that the choice of food for the diet is not important at all. Certain foods are still better suited for specific purposes.

The right choice of food will not only help in achieving muscle growth and reduction of adipose tissue, but will have an optimizing effect on overall health. Many people train hard and diet to look good, be strong, and stay healthy. Don't disregard the rules healthy eating, then the body will better perceive physical activity.

Sources of Lean Proteins

When gaining muscle mass, you should select foods containing certain proteins. The best choice will be proteins from animal products. Proteins of non-animal origin are considered incomplete. This means that they lack certain amino acids needed for muscle growth. Here are the foods that contain the right proteins:

  • chicken breasts;
  • turkey breasts;
  • fish (salmon also contains healthy fats);
  • milk (especially low-fat or non-fat);
  • cheese (low-fat or low-fat);
  • homemade cheese;
  • Greek yogurt;
  • lean pork;
  • lean beef;
  • whole eggs and egg whites;
  • whey protein;
  • casein proteins.

Healthy fats

Fats have various functions in the human body. Some fatty acids cannot be produced in the body and must be obtained from food only. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods containing the required amount of healthy fats in the diet. Here are some of them:

  • fish fat;
  • linseed oil;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • peanut butter (not containing hydrogenated oils);
  • almond oil;
  • borage oil;
  • primrose oil;
  • salmon (also many different proteins);
  • egg yolks (various proteins are also present).

Another important point in choosing sources of fats. Fats that are high in saturated fatty acids have gotten a bad rap, but the body still needs them to perform certain functions, so they must be included in the diet. Problems can arise only with excessive consumption of saturated fats.

Trans fats, on the one hand, do not perform any function in the body, on the other hand, they are incredibly unhealthy. Trans fats (also known as hydrogenated oils) should be avoided at all costs due to their negative effects on the human body.

Choice of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are easier to find in everyday food than proteins and fats. There are two main types: complex and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates raise blood sugar more slowly than simple ones.

Many believe that sugar is the main culprit for excess weight, but this is not entirely true. Simple carbs raise insulin levels more than complex carbs. This property can be very useful during physical exertion. Increasing insulin levels during exercise reduces the loss of muscle tissue. But complex carbohydrates should not enter the body during the hours of the training process. Some products for replenishing the body with carbohydrates:

  • unpolished (brown) rice;
  • sweet potato;
  • red varieties of potatoes;
  • oatmeal;
  • cereal products from whole grains;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • dextrose (good to take after workouts);
  • maltodextrin (complex carbs that raise sugar levels like simple ones, great for post-workout intake)

Importance of fruits and vegetables

Many people often forget to include fruits and vegetables in their diet. Even people who care about their health. Some simply do not like them, some believe that neither fruits nor vegetables do any good for the body. It is not true. They are high in fiber and beneficial phytochemicals.

Fiber helps keep the digestive system healthy. One might wonder what does fat burning and muscle growth have to do with it. But do not forget that it is extremely important that all consumed fats, carbohydrates and proteins are well digested and absorbed by the body.

Phytochemicals are biologically active compounds found in both fruits and vegetables. These substances are able to endow them with properties that allow them to cope with many diseases, which is confirmed by numerous clinical research. Again, ask what the extra weight has to do with it. And despite the fact that the sick body will not be able to get rid of excess fat deposits.

The sugar found in fruits is called fructose. Many believe that fructose is unhealthy and causes weight gain. Again, this is incorrect. It is digested differently than other types of sugar. Fructose quickly restores the glycogen contained in the liver, while muscle glycogen is replenished for a long time. Also, fructose does not cause a spike in blood sugar like many other sugars do. All this makes fruit an excellent product for daily consumption.

You will never hear anyone complain about extra fat from fruits. This is because they contain natural sugar, which does not interfere with weight loss.

Meal time

Meal timing plays a critical role in preserving muscle tissue and creating the conditions for maximum growth. The body needs certain nutrients at every time of the day to meet the need for amino acids and get enough energy during exercise. Three meals a day is not suitable for those who are working to reduce fat. To achieve maximum results, you need to reconsider the time of eating.

The value of breakfast

A lot of people skip breakfast more than meals at other times. People do not have enough time in the morning, they want to sleep an extra minute. This is a big mistake. After the night, the body especially needs amino acids, so after waking up, protein is indispensable.

Although the body does not need carbohydrates at this time, studies have shown that people who eat a large breakfast in the morning feel less hungry during the day. If you have a tendency to change your diet, then include a large amount of carbohydrates in breakfasts. It’s also a good idea to add some of your daily fat intake to your diet in the morning.

Don't let laziness take over. If you are serious about burning fat and gaining muscle mass, then set your alarm a few minutes earlier so that you never miss breakfast.

How to eat before a workout to lose weight

The pre-workout meal is probably the most important. After all, it is from it that the body will receive the necessary energy for physical activity. Pre-workout nutrition for fat burning should contain carbohydrates and proteins that will enter the circulatory system. Glucose obtained from carbohydrates will be used for energy production. And amino acids derived from proteins will help to save the already stored reserves of amino acids from catabolism during training.

Not everyone understands that exercise causes a catabolic state in the body. Pre-workout nutrition will help reduce the surge in catabolic hormones that are characteristic of the training process. Eating should be 1.5-3 hours before physical activity.

Post workout fat burner

Eating before training will not completely stop the surge in catabolic hormones. Cortisol levels will remain elevated long after physical activity if nothing is done. Cortisol leads to the destruction of muscle tissue, to stop this process, the body requires proteins with glycemic carbohydrates.

After physical activity, the intake of proteins is vital, only they can return the body from a catabolic state to an anabolic one. The period of time immediately following the end of a workout is called the anabolic window because the body is extremely receptive to nutrients for up to 2 hours. This best time for muscle growth.

Some studies have shown that a protein shake taken immediately after a workout increases protein synthesis by up to 25 times more than taken 3 hours later. This proves the great importance of the timing of the cocktail intake, but you should also not forget about the need to choose proteins that are quickly absorbed by the body.

Studies have shown that a sudden increase in the number of amino acids in the circulatory system immediately after training increases protein synthesis much more than a constant influx of them in small amounts. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that fast-digesting proteins are much more effective for muscle growth. For these purposes, whey proteins are best suited. They are most quickly absorbed by orgasm and are ideal for restorative cocktails.

The presence of carbohydrates in the cocktail is also necessary. They release insulin, and nothing better than insulin can lower cortisol levels. These are two antagonist hormones, which means that cortisol levels decrease when insulin levels rise. Insulin also promotes the direct entry of amino acids from whey into muscle tissue.

The hormone has an antilipotic effect. It is necessary to provide high insulin levels after training to maintain muscle growth. The best way is to consume high glycemic carbohydrates such as dextrose, glucose and maltodextrin. They cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which causes an increase in the action of insulin.

Post workout nutrition to burn fat

A post-workout recovery shake will lower cortisol levels and optimize muscle growth. But no cocktail can keep protein synthesis high. long time. To achieve this, you need to eat after 1-2 hours have passed. It should be a complete meal, rich in carbohydrates and proteins, with a minimum amount of fat. This will enhance muscle growth by maintaining a high level of protein synthesis and reducing catabolism.

Before bedtime

The time before bed is also key. During sleep, the body releases anabolic hormones such as growth hormones and testosterone. Therefore, steps must be taken to preserve muscle mass, since at night the body does not receive food for several hours. Before going to bed, it is best to provide it with slowly digestible proteins. This will give a slow but constant supply of amino acids that will nourish muscle tissue for several hours.

Ideal bedtime foods are casein proteins and homemade cheese. Also good for beef. The most important thing is the intake of proteins before bedtime. Fats can also slow down the absorption of proteins, so you can add a small amount of healthy fats.

Another misconception about eating before bed relates to carbohydrates. Many believe that carbohydrates will be stored in the body in the form of body fat, since there is nowhere to use them. It is not true. Of course, there is no need to receive carbohydrates before bedtime, but their conversion into adipose tissue will not occur either.

The human body will continue to use carbohydrates for its intended purpose immediately after waking up. Therefore, eating carbohydrates before bed is not prohibited. It will not interfere with the burning of excess fat. Recent studies have shown that carbohydrate intake in the evening leads to a slight increase in metabolism. But this still needs to be confirmed.


Squirrels. Determining how much protein you need for each meal is simple. We divide the daily norm of proteins evenly by the number of main meals. For example, your daily protein intake is 200 g. If you eat 5 times, then divide 200 by 5. It turns out that each meal should contain 40 g of protein.

Carbohydrates. As you know, carbohydrates release insulin, the action of which has both positive and negative effects. Of great importance is the time the body receives carbohydrates, when they are most useful and will not interfere with fat burning. This is a pre-workout meal, a recovery cocktail and nutrition after them. The distribution of carbohydrates should be as follows:

  • pre-workout meal - 35% of the daily requirement (complex carbohydrates);
  • recovery shake after training - 20% of the daily value (simple or high glycemic carbohydrates);
  • post-workout meal - 25% of the daily requirement (complex carbohydrates).

There is still 20% of the daily carbohydrate intake, which can be freely consumed at any time. If you prefer to eat well in the morning, then add the remaining amount of carbohydrates to breakfast. If you sleep better with a full stomach, then eat them in the evening. Can be divided into several meals. Make your choice.

Fats. There are fewer restrictions on the timing of fat intake. However, they should be excluded from recovery cocktails and nutrition after training. The reason for this is that fats do not slow down the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and the rate of absorption of the resulting substances is a fundamental factor for these meals.

The rest is up to you. You can spread your fat intake over time as you see fit. You can eat them evenly, you can at one meal. It is recommended to eat 10-15 grams of fat before bed. They will not interfere with the preservation of muscle mass and the reduction of adipose tissue at night.

High Carb Days

Anyone who has tried to get rid of excess fat knows how the diet usually goes. In the first few weeks there is a rapid weight loss, then the rate of weight loss slows down. After a couple of weeks, fat burning becomes even less or stops altogether. The reason for this is that the body feels a decrease in the percentage of fatty tissues and decides that it does not have enough incoming food.

To cope with starvation, the body lowers leptin levels and reduces energy intake to stop the loss of fatty tissue. As mentioned earlier, leptin is a hormone responsible for burning fat mass, so its low level leads to the collapse of all weight loss plans. There is a way to keep your leptin levels high. These are days of controlled high carb intake. They will keep the amount of the hormone at a high level and allow you to maintain an efficient metabolism.

So how much carbs should you be eating?

How high should your carbohydrate intake be? It all depends on the metabolism of each person. The increase should be 55-115% of the daily requirement. Of course, this is too broad a framework, but they can be narrowed down, starting from the type of physique. If you have a fast metabolism (ectomorph), then the required amount of carbohydrates should be in the region of the upper limit. If you have a low metabolism (endomorph), then you need to stay closer to the lower limit. Finally, for mesomorphs on days of high carbohydrate intake, the required number of substances should be in the middle of the proposed framework.

Consider all of the above with the example of an endomorph with a low metabolism, which eats 200 g of carbohydrates daily. On days of high consumption, this number will increase by 55% and amount to 310 g. Their distribution according to food norms should occur as on a normal day.

Regulation of total calories

An increased intake of carbohydrates will lead to an increase in the number of calories received. There is nothing wrong with a slight excess, but if it is significant, then this can have an impact on the process of fat reduction. To avoid this, you can slightly reduce your protein intake.

On days of high carbohydrate consumption, the protein intake should be reduced to 2.09 g per 1 kg of body weight, that is, you must multiply your weight by 2.09. With a body weight of 80 kg, you will have to eat 167 g per day. Do not be afraid of losing muscle mass due to a decrease in protein intake. High level insulin thanks to additional carbohydrates will help preserve muscle tissue.

Frequency of High Carb Days

High carb days should be included in your diet on a regular basis, but not too often. It all depends on the metabolic rate and the percentage of fat in the body. Determine the repetition rate using the following data:

  • Ectomorph- once every 7-8 days.
  • Mesomorph- once every 8-9 days.
  • Endomorph- once every 9-10 days.
  • Ectomorph- once every 4-6 days.
  • Mesomorph- once every 5-7 days.
  • Endomorph- once every 6-7 days.


Many people genuinely love cardio, others just as genuinely hate it. It doesn't matter if you belong to the first or second. The main thing is that without the use of aerobic training, you can not think about burning excess fat. Speaking of cardio training, it is worth noting that it makes no sense to choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Low intensity workouts will not give any tangible results. We need a serious approach.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

As the name suggests, HIIT is a high-intensity training session followed by periods of rest or less intense exercise. Sprint is a great example. When running short distances, the athlete makes maximum effort in a short period of time, followed by rest. Then the whole process is repeated again.

Some argue that high-intensity interval training is less effective than low-intensity long-term cardio. They justify this by saying that most of the calories burned during HIIT are taken from glycogen (carbohydrates) stored in the muscles, and not from adipose tissue. It's true, but it's not that bad. Research results have shown that there is no difference what is used as an energy source, fats or carbohydrates. The main thing that matters is how many calories were burned during HIIT compared to low-intensity cardio training.

Another reason why high-intensity interval training is so effective is that fat burning after such a workout is much greater than after any other type of cardio training. Essentially, this means that even after the end of physical activity, the metabolism continues to work, as in a blast furnace. An amazing trait inherent in HIIT.

Another misconception concerns the loss of muscle mass with this type of training. Again, this is far from the truth. It all comes from the fact that most of the calories burned during HIIT come from amino acids (muscle tissue) than from low-intensity training. But since high interval training consists of short training sets, muscle loss is not a problem. In fact, muscle growth increases due to the effect that HIIT has on anabolic hormones. One training set of 10-15 minutes increases testosterone levels and growth hormones for a long time, even when physical activity is stopped.

Since growth hormones significantly reduce body fat, they will continue to burn fat after the workout is complete. Short sets preserve muscle tissue better than long cardio workouts. Just look at the physique of sprinters and marathon runners. Both of them are runners, but their figures have a completely opposite appearance.

The only downside to HIIT is that you can only do it a limited number of times a week, otherwise you'll overtake the effect of overtraining. Like resistance training, high-intensity interval training can lead to central nervous system fatigue. For this reason, the optimal number of workouts per week is 2 times for 10-20 minutes. They should not fall on days on which weight training is performed. Both those and others are equivalent in terms of approaches to nutrition.

Moderate intensity cardio

Only two high-intensity workouts per week are allowed, but for most people this is not enough. To make up for the need for more physical activity, moderate-intensity cardio is well suited. The mechanisms of fat burning are somewhat different from HIIT, but the meaning remains the same - a large number of calories are spent with very little loss of muscle tissue.

Moderate-intensity cardio is performed at an average pace for a short duration of time. The type of exercise doesn't matter. The only thing that is important is to maintain an average pace of their implementation. If you can’t stick to the set pace throughout the entire approach, then next time you should reduce the intensity of the exercises. 65-70% of maximum intensity is the best value for optimal combustion calories, while reducing the risk that exercise becomes too intense and turns from aerobic to anaerobic.

Cardio workouts cause high catabolism in the body, so their duration should not be long. So, if one set of high-intensity interval training takes 10-20 minutes, then the duration of one moderate-intensity workout should be 20-35 minutes. With a longer execution of one approach, there will be a loss of muscle tissue, which will acquire a cumulative effect.

How many workouts should be per week?

It has already been noted earlier that the number of training approaches of high-intensity training is 2 times a week. At first, the duration should be 10 minutes, gradually it can be increased to 20 minutes.

Incorporate moderate-intensity workouts into your workout as needed. If there is no progress in fat loss with two high-interval training sessions per week, then 1-2 more moderate-intensity workouts should be added. Then you can increase their number to 4. But do not allow one hike to last more than 35 minutes.

Cardio on an empty stomach

Fasted workouts have been popular for years for burning fat. They represent the performance of physical exercises immediately after waking up in the morning before eating. The reason for the popularity lies in the fact that such morning physical activity increases the percentage of calories obtained from adipose tissue, and the amount of glycogen for energy production, on the contrary, will be minimal. As mentioned earlier, it does not matter where the energy comes from - from carbohydrates or fats. Burning fat will go the same way.

Cardio training on an empty stomach does not bring any benefit, and even harm. The result of such exercises will be not only a decrease in fat in the body, but also a decrease in amino acids, which will lead to the loss of muscle tissue. If that's not enough, here's a fact for you: scientists have found that exercising on an empty stomach burns far fewer calories than exercising when fed. So be sure to have a little refreshment before physical activity.

Weight training

Many people underestimate the effectiveness of weight training in burning fat. This is a big mistake, because when doing strength exercises, just a huge amount of calories is spent, and the metabolism remains high for a long time. Many, wanting to lose excess fat, mistakenly stop weight training and focus solely on cardio training. This leads to weight loss, but not at the expense of a decrease in fat mass. Any person who wants to get rid of excess fat should understand that losing weight does not mean reducing the percentage of body fat.

Stopping all strength training will lead to reduced calorie expenditure, low metabolism and loss of muscle tissue. In general, this will not be the best solution.

The Importance of Muscle Mass in Fat Burning

When burning fat, muscle building is of great importance. Many people think that after exercising with weights they will look “healthy”. For a real athlete, this is not important, because often fat is hidden behind this, not muscle.

Muscles are biologically active tissues, which means that they constantly need calories. The results of some studies have shown that 1 kg of muscle tissue spends about 110 calories just for its existence, as such. It follows from this that if you have built up 5 kg of muscle mass, then you can safely eat another 550 calories, this will not affect fat burning in any way.

Weight training and fat burning

As mentioned above, weight training is essential for optimal fat burning. Now we need to figure out how to perform them correctly. There is an opinion that a high number of repetitions with small weights is best suited. This is another myth that needs to be dispelled.

Working with large weights will be useful both for maintaining muscle mass and for gaining it. Building muscle is the best way not to lose it. Lightening weights will reduce metabolism and have a bad effect on muscle strength.

The best approach to the training process would be to focus on heavy compound exercises, working each part of the body 1-2 times a week. The neglect of any part means a lost opportunity to burn extra calories, both during the exercise and after it.

Well balanced weight training should include both sets of heavy weights and low reps, as well as sets of light weights and high reps. The mechanisms of muscle growth will be different, so both must be present in the training process.

Abs Workouts

In any gym, you will find quite a few people doing countless reps of various ab exercises. If you look closely, then not one of them will not have the notorious press cubes. Exercise alone will not help you achieve perfect abs.

All these exercises do not affect adipose tissue. Only the abdominal muscles are worked out, and they are hidden under a layer of fat. The only way to see the six pack abs is to get rid of the fat mass covering them with the help of correct mode nutrition, cardio and weight training.

As soon as you get rid of fat, then with exercises on the press you can achieve a gorgeous figure. The abdominal muscles should be treated like other muscle groups and worked out 1-2 times a week. All this, along with proper nutrition and cardio training, will lead to the desired result.

Fat Burning Supplements

Whey Protein

Whey proteins are well known for their ability to accelerate muscle growth. All thanks to their rapid absorption by the body and the high content of amino acids - leucines. It should be remembered that everything that is used to build muscle keeps them well during the diet.

If the benefits of whey for building muscle are well known, then few people know about its effect on the process of burning fat. Studies have shown that people lose more fat and retain more muscle tissue with the presence of whey in the diet than without it, but with the same amount of calories entering the body. Whey proteins improve the body's metabolic function, increase insulin sensitivity.

Whey must be present when burning fat. It should be eaten immediately after the end of the workout, because it is digested very quickly. It can also be eaten at any time of the day when the body needs protein intake.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are vital for the functioning of the human body, as they are indeed indispensable for many biological processes. EFAs differ from other fats in that they cannot be synthesized in the body. This means that they can only get inside with food. If they are not enough, then the body will react as if it lacks nutrients. As a result, adipose tissue will be preserved. This is why EFAs are so important.

Essential fatty acids have the following properties:

  • reduction in fat mass;
  • increased absorption of amino acids;
  • lowering cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • weakening of inflammatory processes;
  • accurate functioning of the brain;
  • restoration of damaged cell membranes;
  • strengthening the ability of cell membranes to transport nutrients in and out;
  • use as a substrate for eicosanoids.

These are not all of their properties. It may seem that many of them have nothing to do with fat burning. But it is worth recalling that only in a well-functioning organism will there be an optimal metabolism.

Food supplements containing fish oil and flaxseed oil can serve as a source of EFAs. The body will be enough 5-10 g of these products per day.


Creatine phosphate is stored in muscle tissues and serves as a source of energy used in short bursts of high intensity training. Also, creatine phosphate, called adenosite triphosphate (ATP), is used as energy during the first seconds during any physical exercise. The body uses ATP for energy during exercise, such as lifting sports equipment for the first 5 seconds, then creatine phosphate is oxidized to produce 5-8 seconds of energy. The whole process takes about 15 seconds. Sports supplements with creatine increase the amount of creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissues. This allows you to lift heavier weights and do more reps.

Creatine is the most scientifically proven supplement on the market. Its amazing effect in building muscle has been proven. Creatine does not lead to a decrease in fat mass directly, but increases metabolism. The supplement increases muscle growth and recovery time. All this has a positive effect on fat burning.

On training days, 5-10g of creatine will suffice.


Eating caffeine and foods that contain it is a good way to reduce body fat. All thanks to their stimulating effect. It increases thermogenesis, that is, the formation of heat in the body. This leads to a faster metabolism and more calorie consumption throughout the day.

Caffeine and other stimulants have and reverse side. Since they affect the central nervous system, then with frequent and prolonged use, you may experience a feeling of fatigue, as if you had been training hard for a long time. This will lead to fatigue, muscle loss, and then a decrease in metabolism, as the body will try to conserve energy.

Caffeine also has a strong effect on the adrenal glands. They regulate the level of hormones in the body. The most significant hormones are epinephrine and norepinephrine. Caffeine releases them, which gives the body a burst of energy. But here a problem arises. Constant stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which negatively affects metabolism, digestion and energy production.

When using caffeine, restraint and moderation should be exercised. The suggested intake is 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks, then 1-2 weeks without any caffeinated products. A great way to consume caffeine is to take caffeine supplements before your workout. The stimulants contained in them speed up the metabolism and increase energy production. Such supplements are often used in combination with other sports supplements to promote muscle growth. In this case, you should not consume caffeine in any other form.

Green tea

Green tea is excellent for reducing body fat, and also contains strong polyphenolic antioxidants. Useful properties tea owes it to polyphenols. The most powerful metabolic enhancer is epigallocatechin gallate. This polyphenol has the ability to increase thermogenesis similar to caffeine, without exerting additional stress on the central nervous system and preventing the feeling of fatigue.

When burning fat, it is best to drink green tea extract. From the green tea itself, the effect will be minimal, since the content of tepigallocatechin gallate in it is 6-10%, while in the extract the percentage is 30-50. It makes sense to look for a green tea extract with the highest content of this polyphenol.

BCAAs are more than just a muscle growth stimulator

BCAAs are a complex of three branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are an indispensable building material for muscles. Supplementation with BCAAs increases the use of fatty acids for energy while decreasing the intake of proteins for this purpose.

BCAAs have a dual effect on the fat burning process. Firstly, it accelerates the growth of muscle tissue, resulting in an increase in metabolism. Secondly, it increases the consumption of adipose tissue. This makes BCAA supplements one of the most effective on the sports nutrition market. The best way to take supplements is as follows. During training - 8-12 g, another 10-20 g during the day between meals. Then muscle recovery and fat burning will be optimal.

How to train and eat further to burn fat

If you achieve the first results in the process of burning fat, then the question may arise, but what to do next. To begin with, it is worth reviewing the diet for a new body weight. If you got rid of extra pounds, then you need to recalculate the necessary intake of nutrients.

Each person perceives fat burning in their own way. Someone wants to lose a couple of extra pounds, someone wants to achieve a relief belly, and someone wants to get rid of all body fat. The goals may be different, but the basic principles for achieving them are the same. Follow this guide and you'll be able to use smaller belts, get 6-pack abs, and have more reasons to take off your tank top and show off your body at the beach or pool.

Nutrition while exercising in the gym

Food is work. Everyone who came to the gym to lose weight or, conversely, gain muscle mass has to get used to this thought. Changing your diet, rather than doing heavy exercise, is what is most difficult in the battle for the perfect body. It is from pre and post workout nutrition often depends on the speed of progress. How to make a diet to lose weight quickly and stably, and what to eat before and after training to gain mass? Read the answers to these questions in my article. The most interesting thing about training and sports nutrition, on my telegram channel

Pre and post workout nutrition are certainly important questions, but if I tried to answer them briefly, they would be taken out of the context of the basics of proper nutrition when exercising in the gym. Therefore, I will start the story about the diet of a person involved in strength training from afar, in the morning. And since a diet for weight loss is different from nutrition for gaining mass, I will share the story according to these directions.

Pre-workout nutrition for mass gain

Some people prefer to train in the morning, while others go on a barbell date in the evening. But, in any case, the answer to the question of what to eat before training to gain mass lies in the ability to provide yourself with energy to effectively perform heavy basic exercises. In order to be vigorous and active in the gym, you need to fill the body with carbohydrates. If the last meal was 5-6 hours ago, the body is considered hungry and unfit for exercise.

Note: some sports have their own peculiarities in nutrition before training. Yoga, gymnastics, martial arts, acrobatic dances are best done 2.5-3 hours after eating. Before the upcoming meal is also not particularly worth it. Otherwise, nausea, dizziness and discomfort in the stomach can disrupt the training process.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for any athlete gaining mass or burning fat. Metabolism at this time of day is the fastest, the last meal was 7-8 hours ago, which means that the nutrients received during breakfast will be absorbed quickly and most fully. The charge of energy received in the morning will allow you to stay alert and energetic until the afternoon.

MORNING WORKOUT | If the workout is scheduled for the morning, 1-1.5 hours before class, you can eat 1-2 boiled eggs and a bowl of oatmeal (or any other) wholemeal porridge, boiled in milk, with the addition of dried fruits and nuts.

The first main meal (a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach to thin the blood does not count) should contain easily digestible proteins, complex carbohydrates, a minimum of fat and simple carbohydrates. It is not necessary to eat before going to the gym, because after eating the blood rushes to the stomach, instead of filling the muscles during training.

A good and even mandatory addition to breakfast will be 5-6 dates. In addition to being a great source of energy, dates can greatly improve your workout because:

  • Increase immunity. Consequently, the risk of getting sick during the winter-autumn mass-gaining period is significantly reduced.
  • Improve digestion. And this means that proteins and carbohydrates obtained from food will not go down the toilet, but for muscle growth.
  • Rich in magnesium and potassium. These trace elements improve the functioning of the heart muscle, which, in turn, increases endurance and performance.
  • Contain substances similar in effect to aspirin. They thin the blood and improve its flow to the muscles.

From freshly squeezed fruit juices drunk on an empty stomach, pastries from yeast dough and instant cereals (muesli, cereal) as a pre-workout meal should be discarded. The acids found in fruits irritate the stomach lining, and yeast-based baking leads to an increase in gas and makes digestion difficult.

Quick porridge contains a lot of sugar, which quickly increases energy levels and also quickly reduces it. After such a breakfast, you will want to eat even on the way to the gym.

EVENING WORKOUT | The above breakfast algorithm is optimal for any time of the workout. If the lesson is scheduled for the evening or in the middle of the day, a small snack should be taken 2-3 hours after breakfast. Its task is to moderate the appetite that has arisen and recharge the body. nutrients. Best snack options:

  • Low-fat yogurt (kefir) and banana
  • Cheese sandwich with a piece of whole grain bread
  • handful of nuts
  • Vegetable salad and boiled egg
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots

Nutrition before training, scheduled for the evening, should be built according to the same principle as for the morning session. You just need to eat a little earlier, 2-2.5 hours before physical activity.

There are no strict dietary requirements, but fatty and salty foods should be avoided. The protein to carbohydrate content should be 1:2. This proportion will allow you to effectively train and nourish the muscles with the necessary amino acids. I suggest watching a sensible story on this topic

As a pre-workout meal for mass gain, you can use the following dishes:

  • Poultry meat with buckwheat or wholemeal bread
  • Low-fat steak with baked potatoes
  • Baked fish with brown rice
  • Durum pasta with lean meat

Note: A large portion of vegetable salad should be a mandatory addition to the meal before training. This applies to any strength sport. A diet rich in protein overloads the digestive system, and vegetables minimize this load and increase the level of protein absorption by the body.

Approximately 30-45 minutes before the start of the workout (this applies to both morning and evening classes), you can (but not with cream) or strong black / green tea. Such drinks stimulate the synthesis of norepinephrine and epinephrine.

These hormones speed up the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue cells, so the body can use them as an additional source of energy. Tea and coffee perfectly stimulate the nervous system and increase efficiency.

Bottom line: Pre-workout meals for mass gain should contain complex carbohydrates for energy, protein to protect muscles from breakdown, and vegetables to increase its bioavailability.

Pre-workout nutrition for weight loss

Training for weight loss, carried out on an empty stomach, will really help to part with 2-3 kg per day. initial stage. But this will happen not due to fat, but due to a decrease in the amount of fluid under the skin. Getting rid of fat by exercising on an empty stomach will not work. In addition, pre-workout nutrition for weight loss, consisting of only a cup of coffee -. In order for physical activity to help get rid of extra pounds, you need to make your diet according to the scheme laid down in mass-gaining training.

Nutrition before training for weight loss should be based on the following principles:

  1. You need to eat 1-1.5 before training, so that the stomach is half empty by the beginning of the lesson
  2. The basis of the meal should be complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread, durum pasta, brown rice, baked potatoes, buckwheat)
  3. The source of protein can be boiled, stewed or baked chicken / turkey / rabbit meat, boiled eggs, oven-baked omelette, tuna salad
  4. Vegetable salads should complement every meal.

Nutrition for mass gain is aimed at creating a calorie surplus. In this case, scrupulous accounting of consumed nutrients is more a whim than a necessity. But in the process of losing weight, monitoring each calorie consumed is already a prerequisite. Therefore, when compiling the menu for the day, it will not be superfluous to first study.

Note: when exercising for weight loss, special attention should be paid to omega 3/6/9 fatty acids. They are also needed when gaining mass, and for weight loss, they are simply necessary. These fatty acids speed up the metabolism, increase efficiency and the rate of lipolysis. A diet for weight loss should include sea fish (especially red species), seafood, nuts, avocados, olive, linseed and some other types of oils.

A cup of black coffee without cream, strong black or green tea, drunk half an hour before the start of a workout, will help bring the nervous system into a fighting mood and cope with the upcoming load.

Conclusion: you need to eat before training for weight loss according to the same principles as during the period of mass gain, taking into account the control of the caloric content of the diet, of course. To lose weight you need to exercise, and to train you need to eat.

Post workout nutrition for mass gain

STAGE 3 | Before going to bed, it is necessary to refresh yourself with “long-playing” protein to protect muscles from destruction during sleep. Its source can be a "night" casein protein or a serving with fruit.

Conclusion: pre-workout nutrition is important, BUT post-workout nutrition is even more important for mass gain. Muscle growth occurs at night, muscle protection from catabolism during this period - necessary condition for mass gain.

Post workout nutrition for weight loss

Some fitness maniacs advise exercising on an empty stomach, while others say that you don’t need to eat after a workout for weight loss at all. Say, the body will use fat during this period as energy. It would be nice, of course, but the body will not take energy from fat reserves as long as it has another, more convenient source of energy - our muscles.

Firstly, he regards muscle mass as an energy parasite, and the folds on the sides as reserves for a rainy day. And secondly, it is easier for him to break down a protein molecule than a fat molecule. If you build a diet for weight loss according to the method of "hungry fainting", it will be impossible to get rid of excess weight. To force the body to use fats as fuel, you must:

  • Create a sustainable calorie deficit in your diet
  • Increase the body's energy expenditure
  • Stimulate fat burning with
  • Protect muscles from catabolism (destruction)
  • Maintain the main fat-burning hormone at a high level

You can add to this list if you wish. But really working weight loss products carry health risks, and safe type supplements are ineffective. Therefore, you need to concentrate on nutrition when exercising in the gym and on the training itself. And again a small story on this topic

post-workout nutrition for weight loss:

You need to eat after a fat-burning workout, but wisely. A minimum of carbohydrates and fats, a maximum of protein, both fast and slow. As with nutrition for mass gain, this can be done with sports supplements or natural products.

STAGE 1 | 1.5-2 hours after training, you can eat 6-7 egg whites with vegetable salad, boiled fish (cod, carp, pollock, hake), boiled, stewed or baked poultry / rabbit meat.

STAGE 2 | Fat burning, as well as muscle growth, occurs at night. The task of losing weight is to protect the muscles at night and start the process of lipolysis (fat burning). A serving of low-fat cottage cheese eaten before bed will provide the muscles with nutrients and will not allow the metabolism to slow down.

Note 1: fatty foods slow down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrates in the stomach. Therefore, the products consumed after exercising in the gym should be as fat-free as possible.

Note 2: The main problem of any weight loss diet is the feeling of hunger that occurs when switching to it from a regular diet. All the same salads from vegetables rich in fiber will help to cope with hunger. The coarse dietary fibers contained in them fill the stomach and reduce appetite. Vegetables rich in fiber: beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, cabbage.

Bottom line: post-workout nutrition for weight loss should do two things: provide the body with protein to protect muscles and suppress hunger.


There are no trifles in the battle for the perfect figure. Nutrition before and after training is not a set of random snacks, but a clear meal plan based on scientific research. Of course, physical activity comes first, but a well-organized diet when exercising in the gym accelerates the achievement of the goal many times over. Do not be lazy to count calories and think over the daily menu in advance. Eat right, build muscle, burn fat. May the force be with you. And mass!
