Breakfast with boiled eggs. How to eat eggs for breakfast for weight loss? Medicinal properties of quail eggs

Eggs should definitely be included in your diet.
This is a very useful product for human health. So, eggs contain 12 essential vitamins, including A, B, D, E, H, PP, K, as well as macro- and microelements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, potassium, magnesium.

Eating eggs regularly will help you provide the body with the necessary nutrients, strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of many organs.

And from eggs you can cook a large number of a wide variety of dishes.

How to choose the right eggs

First, brown and white eggs are no different: there is no winner in this game, despite the popular belief that the color of eggs affects their health benefits.

Of course, when buying eggs, you should pay attention to their appearance and expiration date. Try to choose the freshest eggs possible. They will delight you with their taste and make breakfast unforgettable.

Eggs do not require any special storage. Closer to the expiration date, the eggshell becomes thinner, but this does not affect the nutritional composition of this product.

Checking the freshness of eggs is quite simple: dip them in a saucepan or in a glass of cold water. Fresh eggs lie sideways on the bottom. If the eggs float to the surface, then it is better to refrain from eating them.

boiled eggs

The easiest way to cook eggs is to boil them. It takes a minimum of time.
It is believed that the longer you boil eggs, the worse they are absorbed by the body, and boiling eggs for more than 20 minutes and then eating them is generally unhealthy.
Eggs are boiled over medium heat without a lid, with a quiet bubbling of water.
It should also be remembered that too cold eggs that are placed in hot water are likely to burst.
Eggs can be boiled or hard boiled.

Place the eggs in the bottom of a pot of cold water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt.
Put the pot on a large fire and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat and boil:

  • 3 minutes if you want a semi-liquid egg,
  • 4 minutes for the protein to “grab” and the yolk to remain liquid,
  • 5 minutes so that both the yolk and protein are cooked, but in the very middle there is a bright yellow liquid spot,
  • 7 minutes if you want fully cooked eggs.

After cooking, hold the eggs under running cold water for 1 minute, then leave them in cold water until they are cool enough to handle by hand, about 2 minutes.

poached egg

This dish is especially popular in France and is a soft-boiled egg without a shell. It is obtained with a delicate protein and a creamy yolk.

scrambled eggs

Melt 2 tablespoons in a pan butter on medium-high heat. Then pour in a mixture of 6 eggs, 2 pinches of salt and 1 tablespoon of milk or cream. Cook, stirring constantly with a fork or whisk, until the egg is set.

Fried egg

Everyone prepares scrambled eggs differently. The only advice: use eggs for this dish. room temperature.
You can choose absolutely any side dish for this dish: vegetables, beans, bacon, fried toast, etc.


Omelet is a tender egg dish that is perfect for breakfast.


  • Chicken egg - 5 pcs.
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.


Release the eggs into a bowl.
Pour milk into eggs.
Add flour and salt. You can add a pinch of sugar if you like, but I prefer it without.
Thoroughly beat the mixture with a whisk or just a fork until smooth.
Pour the egg mixture into the heated vegetable oil frying pan.
Cover the pan with a lid.
Bake the omelette in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes over low heat until cooked.
The omelet should rise and bake.
You can turn the omelet over and fry the other side if you like.
You can also add bacon, ham, Bell pepper, corn, greens, tomatoes.

Useful properties of eggs for weight loss

1 Eggs are low in calories

most efficient and The right way weight loss - limiting the calorie content of food eaten during the day.

One large egg contains only 78 cal but very rich in beneficial nutrients. Especially the yolk 1.

A 3-egg meal with vegetable salad is an example of a great all-round meal with about 300 calories (add ~50 calories when frying).

One egg contains ~78 calories

2 Eggs are very satiating

The more saturation from food, the less you want to eat, the less calories you end up eating.

This property of eggs, useful for weight loss, is primarily due to the fact that they contain a lot of protein, which, as you know, gives a much greater feeling of satiety, eliminating hunger for more long time, in comparison with carbohydrates 2-4 .

This property is called satiety index - a measure of how well the food fills and reduces the desire to eat something else. The eggs have it very tall 8 .

Numerous scientific studies confirm that after eating eggs, cravings for snacks are significantly less compared to other types of food of the same calorie content 5-7 .

Interestingly, after protein foods and annoying thoughts about food visit much less often, about 60% 9 . No thoughts - no desire to explore the contents of the refrigerator at night.

Eggs are rich in protein and therefore have a high saturation index: after eating them, you want to eat less as well as think about food

3 Eggs stimulate internal metabolism

Egg protein is complete (like whey, casein or soy) - it contains all the essential amino acids in the right amount.

This means that eggs as a food product are able to provide building materials for internal processes in the body, which are called metabolism.

Food rich in protein has another effect useful for weight loss: it stimulates the internal metabolism. This is the so-called thermogenic effect 10, 11 .

The thermogenic effect is the energy that the body needs in order to digest what it has eaten. Its value for protein is much greater than for fats and carbohydrates (approximately 30% of the calorie content of protein goes to its digestion; for fats and carbohydrates ~10%) 10.11.

For all those who lose weight, this means that protein foods like eggs burn more calories. Not much, but.. nonetheless.

Foods rich in protein (including eggs) require more energy to digest and are therefore beneficial for weight loss.

How and when is it better to eat eggs for weight loss?

It seems that best time for eating eggs to lose weight is breakfast.

There are a lot of experiments proving this.

One of them showed that when overweight women ate eggs for breakfast instead of croissants (= buns) of the same calorie content, then they consumed significantly fewer calories over the next 36 hours 5 . A similar result was also obtained for men 12 .

How much can you lose weight “on eggs”?

Approximately 65% ​​more than when breakfast does not include protein.

This figure was obtained by researchers in an experiment in which some of the experimental women were fed eggs for breakfast for 8 weeks, the other croissants 7 . But there is one important caveat.

An important addition is that in the experiment, some of the women were on a calorie-restricted diet (~1000 calories), while the other ate in their usual manner. So here it is: only those who ate eggs and restricted calories lost weight!

We talked about the paramount importance of calorie restriction, not sports, in this large-scale scientific research weight loss issue.

Scientific experiment: "Eggs for breakfast are useful for weight loss, but only in combination with limiting the total calorie intake during the day"

On a hormonal level, eating eggs stabilizes blood glucose levels, as does the level of insulin that controls it. At the same time, the action of the hunger hormone ghrelin 12 is also suppressed.

And some more experiments.

Scientists compared the effectiveness of three types of breakfasts (1 - eggs on toast, 2 - cereal and toast, 3 - croissant with orange juice) for weight loss in 30 young people.

Result: Breakfast with eggs was reported by the participants to be more satiating, satisfy hunger better, and as a result, led to less food eaten after it (approximately for 300-500 calories!) 13 .

Moreover, as the researchers note, a significant reduction in the calorie content of food in subsequent meals did not require any effort from the participants on themselves, but it was involuntary. All it took was a breakfast of eggs.

Does this mean that if you eat eggs for dinner or lunch or before going to bed when losing weight, then there will be no effect?

Of course not. It's just that the issue of appetite control (for those for whom it is a problem) is much more relevant during the day than at night. The thermogenic effect will do its job at any time of the day.

Eating eggs for breakfast reduces appetite and total calories for 24 hours

Which eggs are better for weight loss: boiled, fried or raw?

Chicken eggs today are very affordable and very inexpensive. This makes them an almost ideal product for both bodybuilding (for building muscle mass), and weight loss (for the reasons described above).

What is the best way to eat them: raw? boiled or fried?

A common myth is that raw eggs for weight loss have certain undeniable benefits… They are also said to be healthier…

This is a MYTH, the non-recognition of which can lead to disastrous consequences. Let's see why.

Boiled, fried and raw eggs have almost the same nutritional composition: the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates does not change, only some nutrients are destroyed during heat treatment.

From the point of view of losing weight, only protein is important for us, or rather, its quantity: in both raw and fried eggs, protein remains protein.

However, there are a few BUTs.

Raw Egg Facts:

  • raw egg protein is much less digestible(only 50%, compared to 90% boiled) 14
  • when eating raw eggs for weight loss is very high risk of catching an unpleasant disease salmonellosis 15 - acute infectious intestinal disease, which is characterized by general intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • in raw eggs, a certain substance - avidin (found in the egg white) - interferes with the absorption of certain B vitamins(in particular, B7 or biotin), which is found in large quantities in the yolk. During heat treatment, avidin is destroyed.

Raw eggs for weight loss are significantly less effective; in addition, their use is associated with the risk of serious infectious disease


Chicken eggs are one of the best natural foods for weight loss. In addition, they are very beneficial for health, since egg yolk contains quite a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals, the deficiency of which is very common in our society, due to their poor content in the typical diet.

The benefits of eggs for weight loss are explained by the fact that they saturate well, reducing appetite and the total number of calories eaten during the day, and also, like any protein food, have a thermogenic effect.

The best time to eat eggs for weight loss is probably breakfast. But the effect will be if they are eaten at lunch, dinner or before bedtime.

The benefits of raw eggs for both weight loss and health are a myth.

Eggs for breakfast - a useful discovery

Recently, scientists have found that eating chicken is good for you. Doctors and nutritionists used to say that eggs are harmful and you need to eat less of them so that cholesterol does not accumulate in the body. This continued until it was found out that cholesterol is different: “harmful”, which causes deposits on the walls of blood vessels, and “useful”, which does not. And it was found that eggs contain a lot of healthy cholesterol, which is contained in the yolks, as a result of which, with moderate use, eggs are completely safe for humans.

Eggs contain a significant amount of healthy nutrients freely absorbed by the body.
Fresh eggs include twelve essential vitamins and almost all trace elements. The lecithin present in the composition strengthens memory, nourishes the brain, and prolongs creative longevity. And vitamin E delays the aging of the body, protects female beauty. Chicken eggs strengthen eyesight, heart, protect against oncological diseases strengthen bones and teeth. Eggs contain a large amount of protein required by the body.

For health, scrambled eggs are useful, do not affect cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular ailments. Scientists have found that eaten boiled or scrambled eggs contribute to mental and physiological activity throughout the day. The basis of this they find contained in eggs proteins, antioxidants, vitamins D and B, amino acids.

In any form (fried or boiled), they accelerate the process of losing weight by sixty percent and at the same time allow you to maintain energy throughout the day at an optimal level. help fight hunger and reduce calorie intake at other meals. So we can say that one of folk remedies for weight loss, while a very tasty and affordable way to get a slim figure.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

In fact, the use of eggs does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, since cholesterol is balanced by phosphatides, which interfere with the formation of vascular atherosclerotic plaques. At the same time, the use of boiled eggs without additional fat in the form of oils will not bring any harm to the liver.

Strength and slenderness

Egg white is excellent building material for cells, because it is almost completely absorbed by the body. Eggs are also beneficial for athletes concerned with building or maintaining muscle mass.

And, by the way, for girls who watch their figure, such a product helps to quickly get enough, reduce appetite for a long time, increase metabolism and, accordingly, lose weight. After all, eating just one egg for breakfast helps the body control the production of the hunger hormone - ghrelin, which leads to overeating.

Vitamin complex

Perhaps for someone it will be a discovery that eggs are a whole set of vitamins. One egg contains 5% of the daily norm of vitamin A, 10% of the norm of vitamin D, as well as trace elements phosphorus, iodine and retinol.

People whose daily diet includes at least one egg may not worry about visual acuity, because the antioxidant lutein saves the eye muscles from aging, and vitamin A fights against " night blindness”, which bothers many people in the evening.

Protection against osteoporosis

IN modern world even young people who have barely crossed the threshold of forty years of age are beginning to face the problem of osteoporosis. A soft-boiled egg for breakfast will provide strength to the bones.

Nutrition for the brain

Eggs contain choline, a vitamin responsible for improving memory, developing cognitive abilities and increasing the speed of reaction to various stimuli. Therefore, knowledge workers are simply obliged to include eggs in their daily menu.
To form the correct hormonal background it is recommended to include eggs in the diet of a child who has reached the age of three and has no contraindications.
When choosing eggs, first of all, you should pay attention to the shell. Too thin and brittle shells are evidence of the low vitamin value of the product. In this case, the color of the shell can be any.

Fried eggs

This is a dish of European cuisine, which is cooked in a pan from broken eggs. But even such a simple dish as scrambled eggs, there are varieties. A feature of fried eggs is the preservation of the yolk. It must remain as intact as possible. Scrambled eggs are prepared in the following way: eggs beaten into a frying pan are constantly mixed. As a result, it becomes more like an omelette. By the way, scrambled eggs can be an integral part of a sandwich or other dish. For example, a fried egg is often placed on top of bread or a patty. This combination allows you to get full much faster.

poached eggs

This is an egg boiled in a bag without a shell. The main task: to keep the shape of the egg. There are several ways to prepare this traditional French breakfast. You can break an egg into a ladle and lower it into boiling water so that it does not spread. You can line the cup with cling film, pre-lubricated with oil, break an egg into it, tie the film in a bag and cook in it. More venerable cooks simply break eggs right above the water. You can choose any cooking method, but you need to follow a number of rules in order to get real poached eggs. First, the eggs must be fresh. Secondly, the water should never boil too much. Third - you need to boil eggs from 1-4 minutes.


Dish french cuisine, made from lightly beaten eggs, which are fried in a pan. IN classic recipe omelet eggs are shaken together with milk, then this mixture is poured into a well-heated frying pan and fried for several minutes. Modern cooks use kefir, curdled milk, sour cream, broths and even plain water. You can make an omelette more satisfying if you add sausage or ham, seafood, cheeses, vegetables.

cocot eggs

This is a traditional French dish. Eggs are cooked in a water bath. They are carefully broken into cups, do not mix the protein with the yolk. Cups are covered with lids or saucers and placed in a saucepan. Hot water in a saucepan should not reach the edges of the cups. Then the pan is put on fire and the eggs are boiled in a water bath until the protein is completely thickened. You can cook eggs in this way in the oven, and even in the microwave. Other products can be added to the cocote egg recipe, as in other egg dishes. To do this, put sausage, vegetables or mushrooms in advance in a cup, and then eggs are broken on top.

boiled eggs

The easiest and most familiar way to cook eggs is to boil them. To do this, eggs are placed in a pot of cold salted water and wait until the water boils. Eggs are boiled for 3-10 minutes from the moment of boiling, depending on how you want to boil them: soft-boiled, bagged or hard-boiled. To get soft-boiled eggs, they are boiled for 5 minutes, in a bag - 5-6 minutes. For hard-boiled eggs, boil eggs for 10 minutes. Immediately after the completion of the cooking process, the container with eggs is placed under cold running water. It is believed that this has a good effect on the process of cleaning the shell from eggs.

There are many options for cooking eggs, but, according to nutritionist Olga Dekker, it is better to lean on boiled ones.

- Boiled eggs are best absorbed by the body, the most valuable in them is protein. This building material for the cell is used by the body at 100%, helping in weight loss. I often advise those who are losing weight to make a high-protein omelet for breakfast. To prepare such an omelet, you will need to take 4 eggs, remove two yolks, and add vegetables,– said Olga Dekker.

Many people refuse to eat eggs. And in vain! After all, adding eggs to the daily menu will only benefit.

In fact, the use of eggs does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, since cholesterol is balanced by phosphatides, which interfere with the formation of vascular atherosclerotic plaques. At the same time, the use of boiled eggs without additional fat in the form of oils will not bring any harm to the liver.

Egg white is an excellent building material for cells, because it is almost completely absorbed by the body. Also, eggs are useful for athletesconcerned with the growth or maintenance of muscle mass.

And, by the way, for girls who watch their figure, such a product helps to quickly get enough, reduce appetite for a long time, increase metabolism and, accordingly, lose weight. After all, eating just one egg for breakfast helps the body control the production of the hunger hormone - ghrelin, which leads to overeating.

Vitamin complex

Perhaps for someone it will be a discovery that eggs are a whole set of vitamins. One egg contains 5% of the daily norm of vitamin A, 10% of the norm of vitamin D, as well as trace elements phosphorus, iodine and retinol.

People whose daily diet includes at least one egg may not worry about visual acuity, because the antioxidant lutein saves the eye muscles from aging, and vitamin A fights "night blindness" that bothers many people in the evening.

Protection against osteoporosis

In the modern world, even young people who have barely crossed the threshold of forty years of age are beginning to face the problem of osteoporosis. A soft-boiled egg for breakfast will provide strength to the bones.

Nutrition for the brain

Eggs contain choline, a vitamin responsible for improving memory, developing cognitive abilities and increasing the speed of reaction to various stimuli. Therefore, knowledge workers are simply obliged to include eggs in their daily menu.
To form the correct hormonal background, it is recommended to include eggs in the diet of a child who has reached three years of age and has no contraindications.
When choosing eggs, first of all, you should pay attention to the shell. Too thin and brittle shells are evidence of the low vitamin value of the product. In this case, the color of the shell can be any.

Today we will continue to improve your morning and share interesting recipes egg breakfast.


Eggs are not only tasty, but also useful product which is perfect for breakfast. Even British scientists have confirmed this! They will energize you and help control your appetite and keep fit, which is important not only for those who are losing weight, but also for all other people on the planet. proper nutrition. Below are the most delicious healthy recipes egg breakfast.

poached egg on bread

In fact, poached eggs are very easy to make. In addition, you can quickly prepare it even on the busiest day. All you need is a little attention and concentration.

Ingredients per serving:

  • Egg (1 pc.)
  • Water (1 l)
  • Vinegar (1 tsp)
  • Tomatoes (to taste)
  • Whole grain bread (1 slice)
  • Lettuce leaves (to taste)

Cooking method:

  • Bring the vinegar and water to a boil, then add the vinegar again and stir.
  • Take an egg, pierce it in the wide part, put it on a tablespoon and dip it in water for 10 seconds.
  • Take out the egg and crack it gently and pour the yolk and white into the bowl. Take a spatula and use it to create a "whirlpool" in the pan. Pour the egg into this funnel and cook it for 4 minutes.
  • To remove the taste of vinegar, place the egg in a bowl of cool water. Fry the toast, put a lettuce leaf and a cooked poached egg on it.

Vitamin Omelette

If you can’t imagine your morning without an omelet, then we suggest you diversify your usual dish a little by adding healthy ingredients that are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Egg (2 pcs.)
  • Butter (20 g)
  • Tomatoes (2 pcs.)
  • Grated cheese (0.5 cup)
  • Spinach (0.5 cup)
  • Cream (2/3 cup)
  • Salt, pepper (to taste)

Cooking method:

  • Whisk the eggs and cream in a bowl, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Melt the butter in a skillet, turn to medium heat and pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Cook for 2-3 minutes until it thickens.
  • Finely chop the tomatoes and toss into the skillet, then sprinkle the grated cheese over the omelet.
  • Cover with a lid for a couple of minutes. When the omelet is golden, add the spinach and fold the omelette in half. Ready!

Eggs are also wonderful because you can easily make a hearty salad out of them. And in the fall, during the mushroom season, we could not help but add this ingredient to one of the egg breakfast recipes! Champignons made it doubly useful: they contain a large amount of vitamins B, E, D and minerals (iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus).


  • Eggs (2 pcs.)
  • Champignons (150 g)
  • Bulb (1 pc.)
  • Olive oil (1 tbsp)
  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon)
  • Arugula (to taste)
  • Crackers (to taste)
  • Ham (to taste)
  • Salt, pepper (to taste)

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the mushrooms and onion, sauté the onion in butter.
  • Add mushrooms and fry them until they are fried.
  • Boil the eggs and cut them into cubes (or in half if they are small).
  • Put arugula leaves on a plate, then hot mushrooms, sprinkle with eggs. Add crackers and ham to taste.
  • To make the dressing, combine olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. Ready!

Eggs on toast with beans

We invite you to enjoy a mini-English breakfast in the morning. It, unlike the present, is a little simplified, but no less tasty and healthy. For its preparation, you can use canned beans (if you have extra time in the morning, you can boil them). About we wrote earlier.


  • Eggs (4 pcs.)
  • Canned beans (1 can)
  • Whole grain bread (4 slices)
  • Olive oil (to taste)

Cooking method:

Fry the egg in your usual way.

Toast the bread in a dry frying pan until lightly golden brown, then brush with olive oil.

Sprinkle the beans on top of the bread, and then lay the eggs. Ready!

The most popular breakfast in the United States, which is prepared in the best restaurants in Paris. We recommend trying it.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Egg (2 pcs)
  • bread (2 slices)
  • ham or bacon (2 slices)
  • vinegar (1 tablespoon)
  • salt (to taste)

For the hollandaise sauce

  • Egg yolk (1 pc.)
  • Butter (50 g)
  • Lemon juice (1 tsp)
  • Dry white wine (1.5-2 tablespoons)

Cooking method:

  • To make the hollandaise sauce, cut the butter into cubes, place the egg yolk in a small saucepan, add the wine and a pinch of salt.
  • Stir and put the pan in a water bath (the bottom should just touch the water, and the water should not boil much).
  • Add chopped butter and stir until the butter is completely melted. Heat the sauce until it thickens. When the sauce has cooled, add the lemon juice. The sauce is ready!
  • Take the bread and cut round bread toasts with a culinary ring or mug. Fry them lightly in a pan without oil.
  • Fry the bacon slices. Prepare a poached egg.
  • Place the fried toast, bacon and egg on a plate. Drizzle all over with hollandaise sauce. Ready!

We have shared with you the most interesting egg breakfast recipes. Try it, it is very tasty, and besides, it is useful!

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For many, egg dishes are associated with breakfast. However, they can also be great for lunch and dinner. Dishes with eggs are easy to prepare, they are beautiful and satisfying. Therefore, if guests have come to you or you don’t want to mess around at the stove for a long time, this is a great way out of the situation.

website collected recipes for dishes based on this product, among which everyone will certainly find something to their liking.

Baked egg in avocado

You will need:

  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper, favorite spices

How to cook:

  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  • Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Remove 2 tsp. pulp so that there is enough room for a runny egg.
  • Crack an egg and carefully pour into the avocado. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, seasonings.
  • Place in the oven and cook for about 15 minutes until desired doneness.

Sandwich "Croc Madame"

Croque-monsieur (from the French croquer - "crunch" and monsieur - "master") is a famous French sandwich with cheese and ham. "Croc-monsieur", which is served on top with a fried egg, is called "Croc-madame" - in memory of women's hats of that time.

You will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 4 slices of bread or loaf
  • 50 g butter
  • 4 large slices of cheese
  • 2 large slices of ham
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • salt, pepper, favorite spices

How to cook:

  1. Lightly brush the slices of bread with butter and fry in a dry frying pan on one side until golden brown. Flip. Remove 2 slices from the pan, you will need them a little later. Place a slice of cheese on the remaining 2 slices of bread and cover with a lid to melt the cheese slightly.
  2. Put the ham on top of the cheese, cover with a lettuce leaf, put another slice of cheese and cover with the leftover slices of bread. Cover and cook for approximately 30 seconds. Remove sandwiches from skillet.
  3. After heat treatment, the lettuce leaf does not take on a very aesthetic appearance, so you can do without it, but simply serve a sandwich with a fresh salad.
  4. To make the egg the size of a sandwich, use a special shape or a foil ring. Cook the fried eggs until desired doneness, add the spices and place on top of the sandwich.

Eggs baked in jacket potatoes

A hearty dish for a family dinner can turn into a great appetizer for the festive table.

You will need:

  • 4 baked potatoes
  • 4 tbsp. l. butter
  • 4 medium eggs
  • green onion, sausage, cheese
  • salt pepper

How to cook:

  1. Cut off the top of each baked potato and make a small indentation with a spoon or fork. Lay out 1 tbsp. l. butter for each potato. Salt, pepper.
  2. Then break 1 egg into each "bowl". Put the desired filling on top: sausage, onion, herbs, cheese... Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings on top.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for about 10 minutes or until the eggs are cooked to desired doneness.

Baked eggs with sausages and cherry tomatoes

A warm and tasty dish for a leisurely morning breakfast with family or loved ones.

You will need:

  • 100 g smoked sausages
  • 4-6 slices of bacon
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • olive oil
  • salt pepper

How to cook:

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay out the sausages and bacon. Cook until light brown. Approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the baking sheet from the oven, move the bacon and sausages so that there is an empty space around them for 4 eggs.
  4. Carefully break the eggs, without damaging the yolk, into empty spaces.
  5. Add cherry halves and season with oregano, salt and pepper.
  6. Cook in oven until desired doneness.

Salad with avocado, bacon and egg

You will need:

  • 4 large hard boiled eggs, diced
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 2 pcs. green onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 slices bacon, cut into small pieces and fried until desired doneness
  • 100 ml fat-free yogurt
  • 1 st. l. sour cream
  • 1 lime
  • 1 st. l. fresh chopped dill
  • salt pepper

How to cook:

  1. Place eggs, avocado, green onion, bacon in a salad bowl and set aside.
  2. In a bowl, beat yogurt, sour cream, lime juice, dill, salt and pepper. Whisk well again.
  3. Pour the yogurt dressing into the salad mixture and mix well. Garnish with dill and bacon slices.

Fried eggs in onion rings

You will need:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 large onion
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper, favorite spices

How to cook:

  1. Cut the onion into rings. Take the widest, 2 layers are possible.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the rings until golden brown. Then turn over and fry the second side.
  3. Pour one egg into each ring so that the yolk remains intact and does not spread. Add salt, pepper, seasonings.
  4. Cook like regular fried eggs until the white is firm and white, the yolk should remain runny.
  5. Before serving, the dish can be garnished with lettuce or any vegetables.

Light green bean salad

If you prepare this salad, then spring itself will come to you in a salad bowl. It is so easy to prepare that it can be prepared in a hurry.

You will need:

For salad:

  • 200 g salad mix
  • 200 g green beans with stems cut off
  • 6 hard boiled eggs, cut into halves
  • 6 slices bacon, fried until crispy and cut into pieces
  • 1 PC. red onion, thinly sliced ​​into half rings
  • 1 cup toast

For refueling:

  • 70 g grated parmesan cheese
  • 3 art. l. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. white vinegar
  • 1 st. l. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • salt and freshly ground pepper

How to cook:

  1. Place the salad in a large salad bowl and set aside.
  2. Boil green beans in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Rinse beans in cold water to cool. Add green beans to salad.
  3. Put chopped eggs, bacon, onions and croutons in a salad bowl.
  4. In a bowl, combine parmesan cheese, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper. Beat until smooth. If you want a thinner consistency, add 1-2 tbsp. l. water and continue beating.
  5. Pour the dressing into the egg and vegetable mixture, mix thoroughly and serve.

Fried eggs with Brussels sprouts

You will need:

  • 8 slices smoked chicken or turkey
  • 1 PC. shallots, cut into thin half rings
  • 300 g peeled and chopped Brussels sprouts
  • 1 st. l. apple cider vinegar
  • 4 large eggs
  • olive oil
  • salt pepper

All nutritionists consider breakfast the main meal of the day. This point of view is explained by the fact that during sleep, the blood sugar level drops several times, so it must be brought back to normal. Having breakfast, a person restores his energy balance, which allows him to lead a more active life. Some nutritionists recommend eating several chicken eggs at the first meal. Why should such a product be included in the diet and what changes will happen to the body in this case?

Great Habit

There is an opinion that you should not eat eggs often because of the serious health risks. In fact, such a judgment is a common misconception. Eggs are high in protein, vitamins D, A, E and B12. This product is also rich in various minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, iodine and selenium. However, there is a small amount of cholesterol in the yolk. Therefore, this product is not suitable for those who have an excess of low-density lipids in their blood. What positive changes will happen to those who eat two chicken eggs for breakfast?

Memory improvement

The biochemical composition of this food product includes choline. The specified amino acid can improve the speed of transmission of impulses between neurons. Its deficiency can reduce a person's memory, slow down his reaction. Therefore, regular consumption of eggs for breakfast will positively affect some cognitive functions.

vision improvement

Eggs are rich in lutein. The compound provides fiber protection from ultraviolet radiation and helps prevent the appearance of cataracts. The habit of eating eggs for breakfast will help maintain sharpness and clarity of vision.

The positive effect of chicken eggs on vision is also determined by the presence of vitamin A in their biochemical composition.

Strengthening bones

As mentioned above, chicken eggs contain calcium. This mineral is considered the main building element bone tissue. The product is also rich in vitamin D. This compound helps absorb calcium and strengthen bones and teeth.

Improving the appearance of hair and skin

Folic acid, found in eggs, improves the appearance of skin and hair. Curls become more silky and shiny. Skin cells receive the necessary nutrition, which has a positive effect on the rate of their regeneration.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer

The causes of oncology are different. Doctors still cannot name the true "provocateur" of this dangerous disease. It is believed that oncology occurs due to several factors: human habits, poor ecology, heredity. Now the most popular opinion has gained that the disease manifests itself due to the abundance of free oxygen radicals. Eggs contain a lot of tryptophan and tyrosine.

These compounds are excellent antioxidants and minimize the effect of atomic oxygen on body cells. Note that these substances also improve the functioning of the vascular tissue. This will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Weight control

Chicken eggs are rich in protein. Eating them will give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which will significantly reduce appetite and eat fewer calories. At the same time, there are practically no carbohydrates in the presented product. For example, 100 grams of eggs contain just over 1 gram of carbohydrates. The risk of lipid formation is completely eliminated.

It is necessary to take into account another point. It is impossible to completely exclude carbohydrates from your menu. With their deficiency, acidoketosis will begin. The body will excrete ketones through the urine, which will have a negative effect on the kidneys.

Preservation of youth

With age, the natural processes of cell regeneration slow down. As a result, this provokes the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Chicken eggs contain various essential amino acids that help maintain the rate of cell regeneration and slow down the aging process. The restoration of natural regeneration is impossible without vitamin D, which is also part of the biochemical composition of eggs.

Protection against viruses and bacteria

Regular consumption of eggs allows you to increase the level of immune defense of the body. Often, vulnerability to various viruses and bacteria increases due to selenium deficiency. Just two eggs for breakfast provide approximately 44% of the total daily requirement of this trace element. The constant use of such a food product will significantly reduce the likelihood of colds.

Increasing the chances of conception

Selenium deficiency leads to a decrease in the reproductive capacity of men. Spermatozoa become less active and the chance of conception decreases very, very much. Therefore, regular use of the presented product will positively affect men's health.

Normal thyroid function

Selenium improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it helps to increase the rate of thyroxine conversion into a biologically active form. As a result, it is possible to regulate metabolism, increase the level of physical and mental activity of a person.

Perfect breakfast

The benefits of eggs are enormous. However, it is best to eat them boiled. Fried in oil chicken eggs will bring no benefit. This breakfast option is rich in cholesterol, which can lead to serious irreversible consequences. Low-density lipids settle on the inner walls of blood vessels, significantly reducing their lumen. As a result, the heart is forced to pump blood with great effort.

This can lead to hypertension and other comorbidities. Often, excess cholesterol in the body is one of the main causes of stroke. There is no need to add and talk about its danger. A stroke can lead to patient death, paralysis, memory loss, and many other serious problems.

Summing up

In this case, you should remember only one thing. The fact is that you can not lean exclusively on this product. It is necessary to comply with the measure. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect. The more varied the diet, the better.
