Aphid chemicals. Means from aphids - how to fight effectively. What is a systemic insecticide and how does it differ from a fungicide?

The Aphid superfamily has about 4000 species, about 1000 species inhabit the European part of the continent. These are incredibly voracious pests that can breed in a wide range of temperatures, they are not afraid of cold or heat, rain or dry air.

Aphids get on indoor plants with flowers from the garden and with plants bought at a store or garden center. Most often it is a green aphid. Wingless adult aphids 1.4 - 2.5 mm long, light green, yellow or pink. Aphid colonies inhabit all parts of the plant, starting from the tops of the shoots, where the most tender leaves are. They damage flowers, buds, ovaries, buds, and plants with delicate leaves (balsam, campanula, tradescantia) are completely devoured.

Often aphids on indoor plants the aphid looks like there is dandruff on the plant, the flowers are badly deformed. Damaged parts become discolored, the leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. The plant is strongly oppressed and stops normal development. The buds do not open, the flowers become contaminated with sticky secretions.

Photo of aphids

How to deal with aphids

Aphids are widespread in nature, easily multiply in the garden, but are not as common on indoor plants as thrips, mites or whiteflies due to the fact that many firms do not fly (non-migratory). But they can be brought home with cut flowers, store-bought plants, and even leafy vegetables.

If you find aphids, immediately take measures to treat the plants. First, you should try non-chemical methods of struggle - wash the plant with soapy water under a hot shower. It is necessary to cut off all the affected leaves, cut off the tops of the shoots.

Then we move on to insecticides.

Aphid remedies

Means from aphids can be of contact action - they kill pests when the solution enters the body of an insect and intestinal action - they poison when eating leaves.

The insecticides of these groups include: karbofos, fufanon, actellik, fitoverm, Bi-58, Decis, Inta-vir, Karate, Talstar, Fas, etc., see. These insecticides have a big drawback in the fight against aphids: aphids cause twisting, deformation of the leaves. In order for the solution to penetrate into all the folds and crevices, it is necessary to spray it very carefully, be sure to cut out the affected areas, and it is even better to immerse the branches in the insecticide solution.

There is a group of drugs of systemic action (intestinal-contact), these insecticides differ from aphids in that, when sprayed or watered, they penetrate into plant tissues and are carried with plant sap to all twigs, shoots, and leaves. These are drugs:, Confidor. They are good because if you did not manage to thoroughly moisten the entire plant, the drug will still reach each leaflet.

If you spray plants affected by aphids with systemic preparations, the result can be expected within 30 minutes - the pests stop feeding, freeze, and die within a day. The period of protective action averages 2 - 4 weeks.

Actara consumption from aphids:

If the drug is in the form of dry water-dispersible granules (powder in a sachet, Aktara VDG is written on the package), take 8 g per 10 liters of water. You can 1 g per 1 liter of water for indoor flowers. For gardening, the consumption is the same 8 g per 10 l, except for currants - it is easy to burn, the concentration is less than 2 g per 10 l of water.

If actara is in the form of a liquid - a bottle labeled Aktara KS (suspension concentrate), dilute 2 ml of actara per 10 liters of water for spraying or 1 ml per 10 liters for watering under the root. Water the soil, as you usually water the flowers, 2-3 treatments are allowed.

How to destroy aphids - personal experience

Olesya: You can use infusions of onion peel, garlic, tomato leaves, insisting them for a day in the dark at a concentration of: 200 g of onion peel in 10 liters of warm water; 100 hours 150 g of dry leaves or husks of garlic bulbs per 10 liters of water; 40 g of dry tomato leaves are crushed, infused in a small amount of water for 2-3 hours, filtered and topped up with water to 1 liter. Processed 3 times with an interval of 5 days.

Crushed hot peppers (500-700 g fresh or 200 g dry) are boiled for an hour, then infused for a day, squeezed, filtered and stored in sealed glass bottles. Before spraying, 80-100 g of concentrate and 40 g of soap are taken per 10 liters of water. The decoction is effective against sucking and gnawing pests.

irina-bahus: Folk remedies for aphids help, of course, and they are harmless, but fuss with them! And the most unpleasant thing is that they help for a short time. The smell is gone - aphids are right there. I now have aphids all the time trying to devour nasturtiums on the balcony. At first I tried it with onion peel: after a week it appears again. Then she spat and sprayed with fitoverm. It helped, the aphids disappeared.

Anyuta: I watered with fitoverm. Agravertin also helps, but be sure to spray twice, with an interval of a week.

Elena: Such drugs as Agravertin and Fufanon help against aphids, Fitoverm and Actellik are effective.

Natali: Aphids are dangerous not only because they eat leaves and flowers, but also because they are a carrier of viral and bacterial diseases, and this is much more dangerous. IN room conditions aphids are not such a frequent pest, but the likelihood of their appearance increases in the summer, especially if the flowers are standing near open window or on the balcony. Many insecticides are effective against aphids: fury, decis, intavir, actellik, as well as actara, confidor, etc.

You can use a fresh onion decoction (200 g of husks per 5 liters of boiling water, close tightly and leave for 2 days) or a solution of green soap, but if the aphid population is large, it’s better not to risk it and use insecticides.

The question of the fight against aphids with the help of beneficial insects. However, we come to the conclusion that this method also does not justify itself. You need not one useful insect, but a small herd, for example, ladybugs (aphidophages - feed on aphids).

Decoctions and infusions of herbs against aphids

Decoctions of plants such as wormwood, tansy, yarrow, hot pepper, dandelion root, garlic bulbs, onion scales, a steep infusion of tomato or potato tops, mustard, repel or destroy aphids. Dusting with tobacco dust helps.

Most acceptable at home folk remedies from aphids in the form of an infusion of garlic: crush or grate 1 clove (large) into a glass of water. You can let it stand for about 10 minutes. Then spray all the leaves of the affected plant in the most thorough way. If the leaves are curly or deformed, prepare the solution in a small bucket and immerse the branches and leaves in the solution. On a 5 liter bucket you need to chop the head of garlic.

After the solution on the leaves of indoor flowers dries. Rinse them with clean water. Repeat the treatment after a day.

Every spring, gardeners wait with horror for the appearance of the most malicious pest - aphids. She, without pity and delay, destroys the young shoots of fruit and berry and vegetable crops, trees and shrubs, favorite flowers suffer.

Every year, the grower has to come up with new ways to deal with, since the old ones no longer work. There is no escape from the aphid, it appears again and again. It remains to roll up our sleeves and start exterminating the infection using new methods, otherwise there is a risk of being left without a crop. In this useful manual, the gardener will find out the whole ins and outs of the pest, respectively, he will understand how to deal with it competently and what strategy to choose - everything is like in war!

To pierce the leaf, the aphid has a proboscis. They cannot bite through the rough and dense leaves of the plant. Therefore, they prefer to drink juices from young plants, shoots, buds - the apical part of the crops. In spring, the young foliage of trees is always in great danger, as the leaves are still soft and tender.

Aphids have an unprotected cover, they are easy to crush. They are often attacked by both feathered predators and insects. Therefore, aphids twist the leaves into a tube - so it is not easy to get them. Keep this in mind when dealing with pests. Methods for the destruction of aphids on trees and other crops are the same for all species.

In all the proposed options for the struggle, soap appears, preferably household soap.

Why is it needed? The fact is that the addition of soap shavings binds the solution. The composition "sticks" to the foliage much better. Therefore, this ingredient is added to all solutions. Moreover, aphids do not tolerate soap, the foliage becomes unsuitable for collecting juice.

  • Ash solution and soap. This is another very popular aphid control method. Wood ash has many useful properties, including insect repellent. For the solution you will need 300 g of ash and 50 g of soap. First, the ash is diluted with water, 10 liters. The liquid must be boiled for 30 minutes and cooled. Soap is dissolved in a warm solution. If a lot of water has boiled away, it is necessary to add liquids up to 10 liters. Spray crops should be according to the already known scheme. Ash in tandem with soap is a well-known remedy that is effective and safe for crops and humans.
  • Burdock and soap. Burdock is another weed that gardeners are trying to get rid of. Weeding the area from burdock, do not throw away the greens. It will come in handy in the fight against aphids. 300 g of burdock leaves must be infused in 10 liters of warm water for 2 days. Then add 40 g of soap chips to the solution. Spray before leafing, before flowering and after. In addition to fresh raw materials, dry leaves of plants can also be used. The difference will be only in proportions. Dry raw materials are added two times less than fresh ones. That is, divide all proportions in half.

If the aphid colony is too large, large areas of the garden are affected, most likely folk methods not enough. We will have to resort to "heavy artillery" - chemical preparations.

No matter how the gardener would like to use chemistry on the site, sometimes you can’t do without it. To combat aphids, the entire arsenal of chemicals belonging to the following groups is used:

  • Contact
  • Intestinal
  • Systemic

Attention should be paid to chemical preparations that contain a minimum amount of chemical poisons. The ratio is considered safe - enough to defeat aphids and insufficient to harm the plant and humans. These include:

  • "Fitoverm"
  • "Arrow"
  • "Biotlin"
  • "Entobakterin"

These drugs are widely used by gardeners, do not cause significant harm to crops. Solutions with the use of drugs are prepared in accordance with the instructions on the packages.

These are the most popular products that can be found in any garden store. However, you need to be extremely careful with them. Use special clothing for chemical treatments and strictly follow the dosage indicated on the package. It is necessary to spray plants with chemicals 30-40 days before harvesting. Try to do the treatment before the flowering phase.

  • Dalmatian chamomile is a natural insecticide.
  • Garlic is planted in close proximity to fruit trees.
  • try to place around the perimeter of the entire site, especially next to trees and shrubs.

Aphids are also fought with the help of birds. Birds are attracted to the site with the help of feeders and drinkers, they will be happy to clean the garden of all evil spirits. Feathered helpers include: sparrows, titmouse, wrens, linnets and warblers.

These are: lacewings, hoverflies (flies), wasps (several species), earwigs, predatory bugs and ground beetles. To attract these beneficial insects, it is enough to plant spices -, and. They also love, respect the shade and prefer to huddle in tree bark mulch. Plan your crops so that everyone useful plants, and with them helper insects, were located near fruit trees and vegetable crops.

Our ancestors struggled with aphids long before they appeared on trees and bushes. To do this, they treated the trunks with lime and fumigated the plants with tobacco smoke. In early spring, when the snow melts, gardeners begin to process fruit with tobacco. To do this, dry tobacco leaves (shag) are placed in a tin can and set on fire. The jar is covered with a lid and left to smoke under the trees. The greenhouse is processed in the same way.

Tobacco smoke is not the only activity that takes place in the garden before planting. Greenhouse farms should also be carefully prepared. Land and inventory are disinfected. And in the fall, all vegetation must be removed and burned if it was affected by aphids. That is, you need to destroy all possible places for storing aphid eggs.

Otherwise, in the spring, aphids attack crops again. Any breathable material impregnated with a chemical preparation from ants is attached to tree trunks in the spring. You can not let aphid friends into trees. In the process of growing crops, strive to achieve good foliage turgor. This is achieved with the help of phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, timely sprinkling. Dense aphid leaves cannot bite through. Loosen the soil in a timely manner, remove exfoliating bark from trees. Whitening trunks in spring is an easy way to kill aphid eggs.

More information can be found in the video:

We use aphids, but after a week, another aphid reappears. Why? The answer lies in the amazing life cycle of an insect. Let's figure out how to get rid of aphids forever.

3 main remedies for aphids

Means from aphids are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Intestinal
  2. Contact
  3. Fumigants

Each group of funds kills aphids in its own way:

  1. In the first case, aphids eat poison and dies.
  2. In the second - we pour insects with a remedy, paralyzing their nervous system and they die.
  3. And the third, this includes, by the way, folk remedies for aphids - blocks breathing and the insects suffocate and die.
  • But we are talking about an adult insect, which we already see and, literally, "hear the crunch of its jaws." Will this struggle benefit our garden?

Why do you need to know how aphids live?

Aphids on fruit trees, on currant bushes, on indoor flowers or on balcony plants live and reproduce in the same way. To deal with aphids effectively, you need to know the way it lives and reproduces. This knowledge will help you understand what to do for prevention and which remedy and in which case it is better to choose.

Fantastic vitality of aphids, as a species

It is curious that many horror films are inhabited by alien creatures with an extraordinary ability to survive. As a rule, these on-screen "bogeymen" are very similar to our ordinary terrestrial insects.

Filmmakers often do not even have to invent appearance or the process of breeding their monsters.

The ability to reproduce and reincarnate, the respiratory and digestive systems of ordinary aphids look so incredible that it causes horror in an unprepared person.

4000 species of aphids - is it worth it to figure out which one you have

Amateur gardeners, having met aphids for the first time, are trying to determine the type of aphid. They look at photos of insects on the Internet or in books and try to find similar ones to those that have occupied their plants.

I don't even know if that makes any sense. After all, there are more than 4,000 species of aphids. Its color ranges from white to black, including green, red, beige, and brown.

In biology textbooks they write that the color matches the color of the host plant. Although my black aphid sucks the green juice from the fleshy leaves of stonecrop for a sweet soul and does not think to turn green.

Aphid life cycle

Aphids emerge from eggs

Eggs sit on parts of hibernating perennials. We don't see them. As we do not see them here, in the photograph of my wintering stonecrop.

Stonecrop wintering on the balcony is visible in a pot on the balcony. Aphid eggs are not visible on wintering plants.

The hatched aphid gives birth to same-sex wingless larvae

In the spring, the aphid hatches and begins to feed on young shoots that have just begun to grow. But we still don't see anything. It multiplies intensively during this period, giving birth to same-sex wingless insects.

It does not lay eggs, but it gives birth to larvae of individuals. These wingless aphids will reproduce by live birth colonies of new wingless aphids.

  • It is believed that it is in June that the peak of aphid activity occurs.

Wingless aphids begin to give birth to winged individuals

By June, the aphid begins to lack young tender shoots and winged individuals are already beginning to appear in its offspring, which fly to other plants and multiply already there.

By the way, there are aphids that choose only one type of plant, and there are aphids that destroy different types.

The appearance of bisexual individuals in autumn

By autumn, so-called normal females and males miraculously appear in the offspring of aphids. Males fertilize females and females lay eggs on leaves and trunks. There they remain until spring.

Isn't this the plot of a horror movie?

How aphids attack plants

The waste product of aphids is honeydew. It is this substance that we see on the affected leaves in the form of a shiny sticky coating. With this sticky substance, aphids attract their relatives to the occupied plant.

apple aphids

There are aphids in which the life cycle begins on one plant, then the winged ones fly to another. There they turn into normal males and females. And those return to the generic plant to lay eggs. (for example, such as: green apple aphid, bird cherry aphid)

grape aphid

There are also aphids that migrate through parts of the plant (for example, grape aphids).

gall aphid

There are gall aphids. If a common aphid pierces the surface of a leaf, sucks out the juice and crawls to the next place. That gall aphid piercing the surface, as it were, “cements” the hole, strengthening it with its enzyme. As a result, swellings are formed on a red sheet - galls. These galls are well known to those who grow currants and apples.

No matter how diverse the world of aphids is, they cause the same harm:

  • Depletion of green mass, falling leaves, death of flowers
  • Spread and infect plants with viral diseases
  • Allocate honeydew, sweet excrement, attracting not only aphids, but also other pests.

How do ants take care of aphids?

Aphids have a particularly touching relationship with ants. Some mistakenly believe that ants are aphids. But the ants lick the sweet honeydew and take care of their breadwinners in return. They carry wingless aphids onto fresh young shoots and even keep female aphids in winter in their anthills.

  • Knowing the features life cycle aphids and its ability to turn from a wingless creature into a winged one, you can fight the pest meaningfully. After all, we now know that after processing, aphids can reappear simply by flying from a neighboring site.

What is a systemic insecticide and how does it differ from a fungicide?

Sometimes, unknowingly, people apply systemic fungicides. It's completely useless. Since fungicides treat diseases caused by fungi, and aphids are not a disease. This is an insect attack.

Aphid remedies are often bought and used when aphids have already formed entire colonies. When the leaves are shiny and sticky, or bumpy and reddish, or curled up. That is, when the gardener is already saw waste products aphid colonies.

Aktara is a popular remedy

Aktara is a systemic insecticide. Do not apply only when aphid colonies are visible. Try to apply and in early spring when the plants begin to grow to kill the hatching aphid larvae. Read the instructions and act according to it.

  • It is important that if you use actara, do not use folk remedies at the same time, which usually have an alkaline environment.

The validity period of actara is 14 days on leaves and up to 60 days with root watering.

After 14 days, the foliage will no longer be dangerous to aphids and there is a chance that winged individuals will again settle on plants.

Decis - systemic drug

The drug has a very good feedback. I applied it myself when hordes of aphids settled on my stonecrop.

Take 2 ml of Decis with a syringe from a bottle, dilute in a liter of water, and spray with a spray bottle

After spraying each leaf, I covered it with a plastic bag, this is not necessary. After 15 minutes, I removed the package.

Lack of use of systemic drugs

On my balcony, I can perform this operation by isolating the plant. The fact is that I have 2 cats and I am worried about the health of my pets. Especially since I saw something like this:

half an hour after processing the stonecrop, a bumblebee flew in, flew a little on the balcony and fell to the floor. The poor man circled in one place for a long time, desperately buzzing - he could not get up. The poison also affected him. Luckily, he was able to get up after a few minutes and fly away.

A big disadvantage of systemic drugs is just the effect on a wide range of insects, including beneficial ones, such as bees and bumblebees.

Although, summer residents told me that not all systemic drugs are harmful to beneficial insects. On the packaging of drugs often write a list of insects on which the drug acts.

  • Early application of systemic insecticides before flowering is likely to help save bees and bumblebees

Folk remedies for aphids - what is common

There are a lot of recipes that are positioned as folk remedies. Here and pepper, and garlic, and all kinds of decoctions of herbs.

Friends, the idea of ​​​​these recipes is the same - pour insects with a solution that blocks their breathing.

  • Aphids breathe with their whole body, on their little bodies there are the smallest respiratory openings.

The task of all solutions is simply to clog these holes. But all exhausted gardeners certainly want to use something meaner, more unpleasant, for example, pepper, shag or garlic.

It's not about the smell, it's about the consistency. The solution must be made very soapy, such a solution forms a film on the body of the insect, which will block the air.

Normal will do. laundry soap like in this video of mine

Or any dishwashing detergent, or a solution of alkalis such as soda ash or even shumanite. All aphids die from the shumanit solution, but the leaves also suffer a little, they wither a little, then recover. Such caustic media at the same time destroy the entire body of the insect.

Means of prevention

  1. Attracting entomophages
  2. Plant rejuvenation
  3. Selection of healthy seedlings

1. Attracting entomophages

Entomophages are insect predators. Such predators include cute ladybugs, praying mantises, riders, lacewings. You can attract them by planting honey plants on the site or on the balcony. Although, I don’t think about the degree of honey production, I just plant fragrant flowers. Gaillardia, alyssum, petunia.

On the plots, some gardeners plant ordinary carrots to attract beneficial insects. The carrots themselves are planted in cups in January, and in the spring they are transplanted into near-stem circles of fruit trees. Carrots bloom with fruit and attract pollinators and protectors.

It is clear that ladybugs cannot be a decisive force in the fight against hordes of aphids. These are rather preventive measures, and measures for a wider variety of garden life.

2. Plant rejuvenation (aphids on currants)

Especially this method works to combat aphids on currants.

Regular rejuvenation of currant bushes gives an excellent result in the fight against aphids. Under the root, remove the old shoots, leaving a couple of three branches for divorce. In the spring, thin out the young shoots, and after a year or two, remove the old shoots left earlier for divorce. Keep an eye on young plants.

And change the location of the currant bushes, moving them around the site. For example, in one place for 4-5 years, then in another. While the old ones bear fruit, plant new ones in another place, then for 3 years from the young already good harvest, and we remove the old ones and so on in a circle. Experienced summer residents, using this method, do not know the problems with aphids and are advised not to keep the bushes for many years in one place.

3. Selecting healthy seedlings as an aphid control

And another preventive measure is to choose seedlings for planting strong and healthy. Don't save on planting material, seedlings should look healthy and strong. As a result, you will get strong plants. Pests and fungi are more likely to attack weakened specimens.

In conclusion, I want to wish: take care of your gardens and gardens, fight aphids on indoor and garden flowers correctly, with an understanding of the matter, and you will succeed.

- one of the most malicious pests of the garden and vegetable garden, causing irreparable harm to crops. The insect feeds on plant sap, causing deformation of the leaf plate, resulting in the drying of young shoots and inflorescences. But it is very difficult to evict an uninvited guest from a favorite site, since this small insect quickly spreads throughout the garden, harming absolutely all plantings in its path. Therefore, every gardener and amateur gardener should know the most effective means from aphids, which will help exterminate the pest.

On a note!

Exist various methods aphid control. This article offers only store-bought products designed to kill pests.

Features of biological products

According to reviews experienced gardeners, a biological product is the most effective remedy for aphids, as it contains exclusively organic substances. In this connection, it will not harm the health of humans, animals or bees. Besides the best means from aphids it is allowed to apply in almost any period of plant development. The crop can be harvested and is fit for consumption, usually after 2-5 days from the time of processing.

However, like other formulations, biological preparations have certain disadvantages:

  • Slow impact speed. Pests die as dangerous substances accumulate in their body, which takes from 1 to 1.5 weeks.
  • The protective properties of the product are lost when precipitation occurs, as a result of which it becomes necessary to re-treat the plants.
  • High price- Another negative point of biological products, which is why they are not available to a wide range of people.


No less well-known biological product against aphids of a similar composition. Has a liquid release form. The solution is prepared before use at the rate of 8 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Due to the fact that the biological components do not affect the eggs, after 2 weeks it is necessary to re-treat.

The mass death of garden and garden pests is observed after 8 days from the moment of spraying. The residual effect of the drug persists for 14 days. The high cost is the only drawback of this biological product (the price of the product is within 340 rubles).


Dosed in sachets and canisters, the Jaguar biological product is also used to kill green aphids and weeds. The active ingredients in it are the antidote cloquintoset-mexil and fenoxaprop-P-ethyl.

To prepare a working solution, the contents of the sachet are poured into a bucket of water, mixed thoroughly and used to spray infected plants. The action of the drug begins after 1-3 hours from the moment of treatment. Biological components penetrate the plant tissue, after which they have a detrimental effect on attacking insects.

The advantage of the drug Jaguar is a long-term residual effect, which lasts for 20-30 days. Weakening protective properties contribute to precipitation.

The price of 1 sachet (2.3 g) is about 50 rubles.


Another drug for aphids, which is based on live bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. The toxins produced by these microorganisms are dangerous for harmful insects.

For the treatment of affected plant aphids, a solution is used, which is prepared in a certain proportion for each specific culture (instructions for use are available on the package). In summer, spraying is carried out at least twice with a break of 7 days, in the spring-autumn period - every 10 days.

To the benefits this tool selectivity in relation to pests can be attributed: the composition affects aphids, moths, Colorado beetles, ticks and mosquitoes. In addition, the active components do not accumulate in fruits, so Bitoxibacillin can be used in any phase of plant growth.

It has such a medicine and some disadvantages:

  • short period of activity of the composition (disappears after 2-3 hours);
  • the presence of a specific odor.

The cost of a sachet of Bitoxibacillin (20 g) is about 20 rubles.

Types of chemicals

However, with a high degree of infection of plants, biological preparations from aphids are not able to give a 100% result and completely rid garden plants from aphids. Help in such a situation will come chemicals, which have high efficiency and speed of action.

Chemical preparations against aphids can be divided into the following groups:

  • Systemic preparations penetrate directly into the plant tissues of a green plantation. As a result, they have a negative effect on insects that have eaten the juice of such a plant.
  • Insecticides against aphids of intestinal action produce a toxic effect. They enter the body of the insect through the digestive organs, causing paralysis and death.
  • Preparations against aphids of contact action act on insects through contact with their chitinous cover.

Chemistry from aphids is used exclusively until the buds open. Processing at a later period negatively affects insects that pollinate flowers, which leads to a decrease in the number of ovaries and loss of yield. No less harmful is the treatment of the plant with pesticides during the fruiting period, since the toxic composition will remain in fruits, vegetables or berries.

Below is a list of the most popular tools.


Iskra Golden

A systemic drug based on the insecticidal component imidacloprid. It penetrates the organic structure of the culture and is distributed by the juice of the plant throughout its vegetative mass. The penetration of the toxic component into the digestive tract of the insect has a negative effect on its nervous system, causing paralysis and death of the pest. In a similar way, the active ingredient also acts upon physical contact with an insect, penetrating through its cover. Iskra Zolotaya is produced in the form of a concentrate, packaged in ampoules (10 ml), the cost of each is within 75 rubles.

On a note!

To obtain the maximum effect, the plants are sprayed with a freshly prepared solution, the result of which is noticeable after a few hours. If necessary, after 10-20 days, re-treatment is carried out.

Iskra M

A new effective poison against aphids and other horticultural pests has a fast action and is used as an "ambulance" to protect affected plants thanks to its malathion. It is a concentrated liquid composition placed in 5 ml ampoules. The cost of one ampoule is about 20 rubles.

The solution is prepared immediately before treatment in the proportion of 5 ml of the product per 5 liters of water. Processing is carried out in the morning or in the evening in the absence of rain and wind.

Spark Bio

The drug, which is based on avermectins - natural toxins that act in a paralytic way on harmful insects. In this connection, it is allowed to use it until the harvest itself. In addition, the composition is not addictive in pests and destroys insects that are immune to other drugs.

On a note!

Another advantage of the tool is the possibility of its use in hot weather. With an increase in air temperature of more than +28 degrees, the effective properties of the product improve.

Caviar Bio is available in ampoules (10 ml). You can buy it in the store or order it online. The cost of the drug is within 70 rubles.


Powdered drug for systemic action is created on the basis of thiamethoxam. In this connection, the effect of its contact-intestinal insecticide can be observed after a few hours. The prolonged effect of the drug persists for 15-30 days. Due to the fact that the product belongs to the 3rd hazard class, the composition is especially toxic to bees, less toxic to birds and inhabitants of the reservoir.

The price of Aktara varies depending on the type of packaging: a 4 g package costs around 100 rubles, a 250 g bottle costs about 4,500 rubles.

Any gardener, sooner or later, meets with such an insect as aphids. This is a real scourge of all plants, which, without being detected, quickly fills the entire garden, leading to the mass death of plants. But, over the years, people have learned to deal with this pest in a variety of ways. And if it appeared - aphid what to do and how to be - everyone has long known. In this article, we will look at how to get rid of aphids using chemicals.

Before dealing with protection methods, you should learn as much as possible about the pest. Aphids are a large family of insects with several thousand species distributed throughout the world. And, almost half a thousand of these species are common in Europe and Asia.

These insects feed on plant sap, piercing young leaves and shoots with their proboscis. It is because of this type of nutrition that plants die. Through punctures, various infections enter the sprouts, but this is not the worst thing. the main problem with aphids - its fertility.

Each female lays up to a hundred eggs, so that unnoticed pests soon fill the entire garden, literally drinking the plants dry.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that aphids have three main periods when their colonies are most vulnerable to chemical treatment. This is the time when insects are preparing for winter, the period of settling in other areas and the moment of hatching of males. For example - there is almost no point in treating eggs with chemicals, as they are protected from harmful effects.

You can read more about the types of aphids and its features!

INTERESTING! You can also get rid of aphids by mechanical means - collect insects, their larvae and eggs by hand, and then send them to a fire or water. However, this is a rather time-consuming process that takes a lot of time and does not always guarantee the result. But this is the simplest remedy, in the event that an aphid attacked what to do and what to do!

Aphid chemicals

Of course, this is true only in cases where the instructions are strictly followed - otherwise the plants can get serious chemical burns. Of course, you will get rid of aphids, but the flowers will not survive this either.

Chemistry from aphids has one serious disadvantage - chemicals can harm animals that eat the plant and people. This effect will pass in three to four weeks, and until then it will not be out of place to wash your hands more often, especially after contact with flowers.

IMPORTANT! If you have eaten a processed plant, it is better to take a pill. activated carbon and see a doctor as soon as possible. Some of the chemicals are extremely toxic and require immediate gastric lavage.

If we were talking about an ordinary garden, then several types of plants with a sharp, pungent smell could be advised. But, since such plants should not be planted in the middle of flower beds, you can use insecticides as a preventive measure.

For example, so-called systemic preparations work well, which are absorbed by the plants themselves and linger in their leaves and stems. However, some also use chemicals that act directly on aphids - penetrating through their soft shells.

Not superfluous, in prevention, there will also be getting rid of ants, which can contribute to the development of a colony of pests. The same applies to the struggle itself - when destroying aphids, it is necessary to fight ants as well.

IMPORTANT! Not all chemicals can be used at the same time - some of them can annihilate each other's properties, and in rare cases the mixture will harm the plant itself. It is worth reading the instructions carefully. However, some of them indicate that if mixed incorrectly, a precipitate forms.

Types of chemicals

Spark. This type of insecticide has several variations, differing in toxicity and specific application. Most species of this drug are not toxic to humans and other warm-blooded animals. A spark dissolved in water is sprayed on plants, both preventing infection and fighting insects that have already bred.

Dichlorvos. This chemical has been known to everyone for a long time - three generations of people have successfully used it for pest control, both in cities and in summer cottages. Naturally, dichlorvos has come a long way in development, from a completely poisonous aerosol with a pungent odor to almost harmless to humans and animals. However, you should not use it to control pests that have stuck to flowers - the leaves and the inflorescences themselves are very difficult to survive the effects of this chemical.

Trichopolum. By itself, this drug is a medicine that is prescribed in the treatment of severe infectious diseases. However, some gardeners use it to control aphids in greenhouses. To do this, a wide variety of options are offered, ranging from dissolving the tablet and spraying flowers and ending with laying the tablet in the hole where the bulb will be planted. The effect of this drug is, but not great - after all, this is a medicine that is designed for people, and not an insecticide.

For more detailed information on aphid control in greenhouses, it is better to study the detailed one!

Phytosporin. This substance, in itself, does not fight aphids, but it helps plants that are faced with this pest. The fact is that phytosporin is an antifungal and antibacterial agent that protects flowers from diseases carried by aphids. This substance is available in several forms: paste, powder and suspension.

Of the minuses that apply to most insecticides, we can mention that when spraying from the aphids of the inflorescences themselves, you can create a situation where pollination will not occur - the bees will die. So, use this substance with caution.

Commander. Ampoules of this chemical should be dissolved in water and sprayed on plants. It shows quite good results, destroying both the insects themselves and their larvae, not limited to aphids. And given that this substance is very resistant to washing off and sunbeams, then it can be successfully used in the garden and field. However, if we touch on the topic of a garden or melon, then there are some little tricks that you should know. More on this one!

Copper vitriol. Like the phytosporin mentioned above, this blue powder, dissolved in water, allows you to fight the effects of the aphid invasion. Not having a complex composition, it is considered by many not even a chemical, but it works extremely effectively.

Aktara. This substance, supplied in the form of small white granules, should be dissolved in water and watered. By itself, it is used quite rarely and gives the best performance in combination with other insecticides. After watering the flowers, "Aktara" is absorbed into the tissues of the plant, making it unsuitable for food, and the part that remains in the ground will destroy the larvae hatching from the eggs.

Tanrek. This preparation is suitable both for use in the garden and for the protection of flowers planted indoors. Like most of the insecticides already mentioned, it penetrates the plant tissues, and also lingers in the soil, preventing aphids from surviving. At the same time, it is worth noting that, unlike, for example, dichlorvos, Tanrek does not destroy arthropods, affecting only beetles, such as aphids.

Biotlin. Allows you to get rid of aphids, starting to act within a few hours. By itself, it has both a contact and intestinal effect, that is, it poisons insects that have consumed it inside and infects them upon contact. It is worth noting that it is forbidden to use it near water bodies, as it can poison the fish found there.

Fae. Yes, ordinary dishwashing detergent, when mixed with ash, helps fight aphids. This method has been known for a very long time, only a soap solution was used earlier. The bottom line is that the resulting liquid clogs the respiratory tract of insects and forms a film that protects the leaves from bites. However, it should be used with caution and not make the solution too steep.

Fitoverm. This insecticide is mainly a waste product of specific microorganisms living in the soil. But, do not think that this makes it safe - it is not. It is worth spraying the plants in such a way that in the near future (about seven hours) it will not be washed away by rain. The effect is on the rise, fully manifesting itself in a week.

Ammonia. Also known as ammonia, this substance is used not only in medicine, but also in many other areas of human activity. It also found use in horticulture. Ammonia paralyzes the breathing of insects, and once inside it causes swelling of the insides. At the same time, it is safe for plants - they will process it very quickly, like other fertilizers. It is recommended to stir in proportion - two tablespoons per ten liters of water.

Karbofos. A chemical that breaks down very quickly in the soil, within one to two weeks. At the same time, it is not very effective against the background of the substances described above, since it only affects adults - masonry and some of the larvae are beyond its control.

Alatar. Favorably differs from those means that are listed above, since it contains a substance that holds it on the surface where it was sprayed. So, even if the wind has risen after processing the flowers, it will not be blown away, which means there will be no need to process the plants again.

IMPORTANT! When using any insecticide, it is worth using protective equipment. It is worth wearing a mask and glasses that will not allow chemicals to get on the mucous membranes. Also, it is better to work in closed clothes to protect the skin - many substances, if not diluted, can cause inflammation or even burns. And, finally, no matter how low-toxic the drug is, it is strictly forbidden to use it inside.

Folk remedies

Over the years, many of the most different ways fight against aphids with improvised means. There are far more of them than currently available chemicals. This is the already mentioned soapy water with ash and just water under pressure. Some even use cola, which harms aphids due to the phosphoric acid contained in the composition. There are a lot of options for "home" insecticides and it is better to consider them in more detail in a separate one!

Useful video

In that small video the experience of getting rid of aphids is described:


Even now, people are developing new ways to kill aphids. Research and testing are underway, but it is unlikely that we will be able to cope with this problem completely, and this is not necessary - birds and other insects feed on aphids. But, you can save your garden - the main thing is to act carefully, without going too far.

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