Male weakness causes and treatment. Simple treatment of impotence with folk remedies. Causes of sexual impotence

Sexual activity among the representatives of the stronger sex is of great importance, since it affects their physical and mental health. Violation of potency can occur at any age and is always accompanied by dissatisfaction with oneself and depression. The absence of a sexual life is depressing. However, experts say that it is quite possible to cope with such a problem, it is only necessary to establish the exact causes of sexual impotence in men.

Impotence- This is a disorder of normal erection, due to which a man cannot complete sexual intercourse. In this case, a member can long time be in an excited state, but ejaculation is impossible. If such a problem happened once, there is no reason for concern, but constant sexual dysfunction is a reason to think about your health and seek medical help.

The appearance of impotence can be influenced by a considerable number of factors. It is extremely important to be able to distinguish them and eliminate them in a timely manner. In addition, male impotence can be a sign of the development of a dangerous pathological process in the body. The main causes of sexual activity disorder:

  1. psychological factor. Causes violations intimate life in about 20% of cases. Causes that provoke the occurrence of sexual weakness in men can be relationship problems, a sense of self-doubt, overexcitation, fear of failure, as well as fatigue and depression.
  2. neurogenic disorders. Associated with pathologies nervous system. The excitation that occurs in the brain of a man and the blood circulation in the pelvic area are closely related. The development of various diseases or injuries violate it and cause impotence.
  3. Anatomical. Erection problems often appear due to congenital curvature of the penis, too short a frenulum, and other penis defects.
  4. Vascular diseases. Impotence, which occurs after reaching the age of 40, is most often associated with impaired functioning of cardio-vascular system. With insufficient blood flow to the sexual organ, its excitation occurs very slowly.
  5. endocrine disorders. Sexual weakness often occurs due to a deficiency of the hormone testosterone and occurs in the stronger sex after 50 years. Some diseases of the endocrine system can cause hormonal imbalance, which significantly reduces sexual function.
  6. Taking medicines. Psychotropic, hormonal and vasodilatory drugs not only cause erectile dysfunction, but also reduce sexual desire.

Other factors contributing to the appearance of impotence may be infection with infections transmitted during intimacy, prostatitis, diabetes.

More often than others, a violation of sexual activity occurs in people who have excessive body weight. Problems with potency increase alcoholic beverages, the use of which has a negative effect on prostate, as well as smoking, which depresses the sexual centers.

Characteristic features

More than 30% of young men in the 20 to 30 age group suffer from erectile dysfunction. Statistical data refute the assertion that sexual weakness occurs exclusively in adulthood. Men who take care of their health, lead an active lifestyle and regularly undergo medical examinations, even at the age of 65-70 can have full-fledged intimate relationships.

Symptoms of impotence depend on the nature of the pathology. Erectile dysfunction of a physiological and psychological nature is slightly different. There are several main signs that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • lack of erection during sexual intimacy with a woman with full arousal;
  • premature ejaculation that occurs at the very beginning of intimacy or before it;
  • the rare occurrence of arousal, which is characterized by a slight increase in the penis during sex (such a problem often indicates a disorder hormonal background, the presence of vascular diseases or the influence of a psychological factor);
  • loss of erection during sexual intercourse until it ends;
  • decreased or complete absence of sexual desire.

Even if such signs occur in rare cases, they are considered the first signals for the appearance of disorders in men. sexual in nature. Seek professional help as soon as possible, who, after identifying the underlying cause of the dysfunction, will prescribe effective treatment. If the pathological condition began to progress, a man may notice other signs.

One of the manifestations of impotence is the lack of nocturnal erection, which occurs during sleep.

As a rule, the excitation of the penis indicates normal blood circulation and the functioning of the prostate gland, as well as good production of the hormone testosterone. Night erection is necessary condition man's health. Its loss in most cases speaks of physiological reasons sexual impotence.

Therapy Methods

Restoration of the previous level of potency is always complex. A qualified doctor must first determine the exact cause of sexual dysfunction and consider both psychological and physiological factors that could affect potency. Since a man's attraction is able to recover after a change in his lifestyle, many therapies can be used on their own.

Depending on the cause of the disease, a specialist may prescribe medications that contribute to the appearance of a temporary erection. They are used about an hour before sexual intercourse. At the same time, the use of herbal preparations is recommended, and in the absence of libido, the introduction of special injections into the genital area is indicated. They contain a vasodilator that helps induce sexual intimacy even when arousal is lost.

Good result in the treatment of impotence gives conducting acupressure . As a rule, it is done on the feet, where there are many active points. The procedure should not cause pain or discomfort.

Non-drug methods of therapy include the use of a special complex of physiotherapy exercises. The necessary exercises can be performed at home. They quickly increase muscle tone and improve the general well-being of a man. Often used psychological techniques that provide moral support. They help to cope with manifestations of depression, stressful situations and the expectation of failure during sex.

Drugs for the treatment of impotence, as a rule, differ in two main ways - in effect and method of use. Medications are produced in the form of powders, infusions, and also in tablet form. Therapy hormonal drugs indicated for detecting an insufficient content of hormones in the male body. The most popular drugs that improve potency:

  1. Viagra. It is considered a fairly effective drug that increases sexual desire. The group of medicines that have a similar effect can also include Levitra, Cialis. They operate for a longer time. For example, the effect of Levitra lasts more than a day. A contraindication to taking Viagra and analogues is the presence of cardiovascular disease, severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys.
  2. Impaza. The use of tablets normalizes the state of the vessels of the penis, increases sexual desire, and also improves the mental state of a man. The effect obtained, as a rule, does not depend on the time of taking the medicine, treatment is stopped only if adverse reactions occur.
  3. Yohimbe forte. Effervescent tablets increase potency, increase endurance during intimacy. The active substance has a vasodilating and tonic effect. Reception is not recommended for men under 18 and over 60 years of age.
  4. Hammer of Thor. Drops consist exclusively of natural ingredients that affect metabolism and stimulate the production of testosterone, which leads to sexual desire. There are no contraindications to the use, the drug is compatible with the use of alcohol.
  5. M-16. Medicine in the form of a spray increases the duration of intimacy, increases erection. It is sprayed directly on the penis 15 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse. Since the drug consists of natural substances, there are no side effects.

Therapy of sexual weakness should be based not only on the use medicines but also to improve the quality of life. With disorders of men's health, one should adhere to balanced nutrition, give up bad habits spend more time on sports.

Folk ways

Treatment of problems with potency by means of alternative medicine for the majority of the stronger sex is the best option. As a rule, this is due to the fact that many men rarely turn to specialists for help with a similar problem, because they feel embarrassed. Folk remedies practically do not cause adverse reactions and have healing action on the state of the whole organism. The most effective recipes that eliminate erectile dysfunction:

  1. Parsley root (50 g), chamomile flowers (50 g) are poured with boiling water (500 ml) and boiled in a water bath for about 10 minutes. The resulting solution is filtered and consumed 3 times a day for ½ cup.
  2. The crushed ginseng root (20 g) is combined with vodka (300 ml) and infused for three weeks. The drug is shaken daily. After that, the liquid is filtered and taken at least four times a day, 25 drops before eating.
  3. Golden root (30 g), lungwort (30 g) and alcohol (150 ml) are thoroughly mixed. The healing liquid is insisted for 2 weeks, and then taken 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Oak bark (20 g) is stirred in water (1 l) and steamed in a water bath for 30 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and taken 100 ml at least twice a day. Such a healing decoction can cure impotence in a month.
  5. Garlic (1 kg) is crushed with a blender and poured with water (3 l). The medicine is insisted in a dark place for at least 30 days. Shake the container periodically. The resulting tincture is consumed daily for 1 tsp. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology and often reaches six months.
  6. A crushed handful of walnuts is combined with goat's milk (1 tbsp.). This drink is drunk three times a day, 100 ml. The duration of treatment is usually at least one month.

Treatment of problems folk ways usually does not require special knowledge. For the preparation of effective medicines, you can use simple ingredients that are in any home. Important to choose effective recipe and strictly adhere to it. Treatment with alternative medicine can take quite a long time.

Upon detection side effects you should seek qualified help as soon as possible.

Infuse for 2 weeks in 1 liter of vodka in a dark place. Take 38 g as needed.

With sexual impotence, drink a decoction of the root of the broad-leaved orchis (cuckoo's tears) white color- the black root has the opposite effect.

In case of sexual impotence, a piece 2-2.5 cm long should be cut off from the "hand" of the ginseng root. If the root is not very High Quality, you can cut off more - 3-4 cm from any part. Insist on 3 liters of well-purified vodka. Drink tincture 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. When the tincture is less than 1/20 of the bottle, it can be topped up with vodka and mixed: this is done not only once, but also two, and even three. But after 3 times, the tincture should be done again, with a fresh piece of ginseng.

Mix 50 g of aralia tincture, 50 g of ginseng tincture, 50 g of zamanihi tincture, 30 g of pink radiola, 30 g of eleutherococcus extract. For impotence, take 30 drops of the mixture 3 times a day after meals.

Mix herbs:

Yarrow - 100 g
Calamus, root - 50 g
Hay harvest - 50 g

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Take chilled 1 glass of infusion 3 times a day.

20 g of nettle seeds insist in 0.5 l of red grape wine within 7 days. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

To increase sexual desire and potency, eat a glass of walnut kernels every day, washing them down with goat's milk - only 2 glasses. Per day - 2-3 doses. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Pass 500 g of peeled aloe leaves (do not water the plant for 5 days) through a meat grinder, add 500 g of honey and 50 g of Cahors type red wine. Keep in a warm, cool place for 5 days, strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. After a week, increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is 1 month, repeat after a week break.

Mix 200 g of honey with the juice of 2 lemons, 3 fresh egg yolks and 200 g of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Mix honey, lemon juice and celery juice in equal amounts and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

To stimulate sexual function, take 0.5-1 teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

One must have rest and sleep from 9 to 10 hours a day. Steam baths are a must. Very shown and sunbathing, and the more the better.

2 small (from 3 to 6 days) and 1 long (from 25 to 30 days) fasting are also needed. You should stop drinking alcohol, tea and coffee. 2 times a day you need to eat salads from raw vegetables and be sure to add root vegetables to them: carrots, turnips and beets.

Fill a plastic bag with ice (700 g), wrap it in gauze folded in 8 layers. Hold this ice first at the base of the brain for a minute, then apply to the ribs in the region of the heart and hold for a minute, and finally apply ice to the scrotum for 1 minute.

If you do this procedure several times a day for 9 to 15 minutes each time (that is, apply ice to the indicated three places 3-5 times), then, according to traditional healers, this restores sexual ability better than any medicine.

This tool can be called an elixir of youth: it enhances sexual activity, restores the ability to bear children, improves complexion. It is also recommended for use by women in order to delay menopause.

Take 200 g of good white fortified wine (you can use port wine), put a peeled head of garlic in it, heat it all over low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 seconds. Then cool and pour the resulting liquid into a bottle along with garlic. Store in a dark place at normal temperature.

Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon for three days from the beginning of the new moon.

To enhance the effect this remedy can be taken for three days at the beginning of each decade of the month - on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 13th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd day.

To strengthen sexual potency, as well as for diarrhea and heavy menstruation in women, healers of antiquity recommended drinking water in which red-hot iron was extinguished.

For people with weak potency, traditional medicine considers it useful to sleep or often visit a room where there are strong and healthy horses.

The proposed tool tones the body and increases potency. Need to take:

Hawthorn - 1 tbsp. spoon
Kefir - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Bee honey - 1 tbsp. spoon

Mix everything in a mixer or just stir well. Drink in one go.

Traditional healers believe that amber has the ability to enhance male potency. A man who carries this stone with him is a lover of the highest class.

Sweet dill - fennel - has been used since ancient times as a means of increasing male potency. This also applies to ordinary dill, which is recommended to be included in your menu every day.

It has a positive effect on the preservation of male potency leisure, sports on fresh air, three-day fasting, the use of honey, persimmons, bananas, walnuts.

Tincture of leuzea safflower (maral root) take 20-30 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a tonic for sexual weakness and overwork.

Take 30-40 drops of high temptation tincture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon 30 minutes before meals.

Take 15-20 drops of pantocrine tincture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, 30 minutes before meals.

Eleutherococcus tincture take 15-20 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals.

All of these drugs should be taken for 2-3 weeks, and then take a break for 1 month, then repeat the course. Long-term use is undesirable. Do not accept people with high blood pressure, also do not take the spring and summer.

Boil 20 g of herb with periwinkle flowers over low heat in 250 ml of vodka and consume 8 drops 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, for 4 days. After that, a two-day break is made and the treatment is repeated.

3naharis also advise such a method of treatment: before going to bed, pour water into two basins - one hot, the other cold. In these basins, one must sit alternately for exactly one minute. It is necessary to transplant from pelvis to pelvis 15 times per evening.

beautiful healing properties with sexual weakness is also royal jelly. It should be consumed in microdoses of 1 g 2-3 times a day for a month.

4 tablespoons of yellow water lily rhizomes are boiled for 5 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 50 ml 2 times a day.

Norway maple traditional medicine used as a means of enhancing sexual activity. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

Prepare composition:

Pumpkin, seeds (peel and grind) - 100 g
Rice (fried until beige and chopped) - 100 g
Vetch seed, seeds (roast like coffee and grind) - 50 g
unsalted butter- 150 g
Honey - 150 g

Mix everything well. Take 1-2 teaspoons every hour.

River gravel - 30 g
Wormwood - 20 g
Natural red wine - 1 l

Infuse for 7 days in a warm place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

Dry dope leaves, grind into powder. Take on the tip of a knife once a day for a week.

100 g of shandra herb (during flowering) insist 14 days in 1 liter of white wine, shaking occasionally. Strain, store in a cool place. Drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.

Sexual weakness is one type of sexual disorder.
Our clinic successfully solves this problem.

Sexual weakness is the physical inability to carry out sexual intimacy due to a very weak erection or its absence. Depending on the possibility or impossibility of restoring sexual function, sexual weakness can be absolute, temporary and relative.

  • Absolute is complete impotence. It is caused by complex diseases affecting the central nervous system, diabetes, obesity, spinal injuries, radiation exposure, prolonged and excessive use of alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives and other medicines.
  • Temporary sexual weakness is limited by some framework, that is, it is a symptom of another disease or occurs after major operations. In such cases, sexual function is most often restored if the treatment of the underlying disease is successful.
  • Relative sexual weakness occurs periodically, in certain circumstances - for example, with a specific partner who does not cause positive emotions, or in an uncomfortable place where they can be disturbed.

What causes and how sexual weakness is expressed

Sexual weakness is expressed in the absence of sexual desire, arousal, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation. Violation of sexual tension is associated with underdevelopment of the gonads, the absence of sex hormones. Such cases occur with eunuchoidism, malnutrition, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypotension, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. A common cause of sexual weakness is the abuse of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Often this leads to the complete extinction of sexual function.

Age-related causes of sexual weakness also occur, although they are not very frequent. In older people, the blood flow rate, testosterone levels, the sensitivity of the nervous system and the elasticity of the vascular walls decrease, which accordingly affects the erection. However, with a healthy lifestyle, the absence of chronic and acute diseases, a man is able to live sexually until old age. Qualified psychotherapeutic assistance and partner support are capable of activating fading sexual activity with age-related sexual weakness.

Manifestations of sexual weakness:

  1. Violations of sexual arousal. Disorder of sexual arousal and lack of sexual desire is caused by nervous and mental illness, frequent practice of interruption of sexual intercourse in order to avoid pregnancy, chronic gonorrhea and prostatitis, inflammation of the testes. Violation of sexual arousal often occurs with nervous and physical overwork, fear of contracting venereal diseases, due to any complexes that cause a feeling of inferiority in a man.
  1. Erection disorders. The absence or violation of erection can be caused both by organic causes - diseases, hormonal disorders, injuries, consequences after operations, taking medications - and psychological - stress, psychological trauma, bad relationship with a partner, depression, overwork, disturbed sleep and wakefulness, fear of sexual contact. Often, a complex of reasons, both organic and psychological, leads to the inability to have sexual intercourse.
  1. Changes in seminal fluid. Sexual weakness can manifest itself in a decrease in the number of spermatozoa in seminal fluid or the appearance of poorly motile or dead spermatozoa. This, in turn, is often the cause male infertility. This change occurs after acute or chronic inflammatory diseases male genital organs, poisoning, radiation exposure, general weakness, exhausted sexual activity due to frequent onanism, as well as sexual excesses and perversions, sexually transmitted diseases.
  1. Ejaculation disorders. Sexual weakness can manifest itself in early and premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation occurs before the onset of sexual intercourse, so intercourse in this case is impossible. With premature ejaculation, an erection can be both weakened and normal. However, sexual intercourse is still incomplete, since ejaculation occurs shortly after it begins, and the seminal fluid is not ejected under pressure, but flows out. Ejaculation disorders can be the result of past inflammatory diseases, injuries, chronic neurotic conditions. But most often these disorders have a neuropsychogenic basis. With general increased excitability, early ejaculation can occur at the sight or touch of a woman, any memories, excitement, mental attitude or fear of a possible early ejaculation. Ejaculation disorders are caused by a long break in regular sexual activity and constant nervous tension during monotonous activities (for example, monotonous mental work).

Treatment of sexual weakness should be comprehensive, including an accurate diagnosis of the causes, a complete examination of the whole body and the elimination of concomitant diseases. Therefore, in case of a sexual dysfunction that lasts more than 3 months, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor and in no case self-medicate.

Contrary to the widespread female opinion that men are not able to feel unwell in their sexual life, about the constant need to have sexual intercourse, experts in men's health issues identify 8 sources of men's weakness.

1. Age

With age, as well as due to individual characteristics, male potency undergoes changes. The standard in sexual relations for men is considered to be three acts a day and at least one act a month. For example, for men under the age of 30, the standard is from three sexual acts per week, over 30 years old - from two to three times a week, from 60 years old - once a month. Experts in the field of men's health consider the norm of one sexual intercourse per week for men from 30 to 45 years old.

2. Consistency

One of the sources of male weakness is everyday monotony. In cases where a man occupies one position for 5 years without the possibility of increasing, labor productivity falls, problems with potency arise, psychological overwork occurs, and feelings become dull. In this case, in order to escape from the routine of days, experts recommend updating the situation, making a tourist trip for any period. If it is impossible to move to engage in creative activities, find a hobby. The psychological component of this problem is easily resolved, the main thing is not to delay its solution.

3. Presence of diseases

Health problems are important. How does a man's sex life affect general state health and physical fitness. With insufficient physical employment or with obvious or hidden diseases, a man's sexual function decreases. More time should be devoted to mobile sports, the treatment of chronic diseases is also important, as well as timely examination by specialists.

4. Wrong diet

Eating an excess of fatty foods contributes to the development of obesity, which, in turn, develops laziness in a man, slowing down reflexes, and also contributes to a change in the vessels that directly deliver blood to the genitals. Particular attention should be paid to the diet of men over 40 years of age, since the consumption of fatty foods causes diabetes in them, leading to a constant decrease in potency. All men, without exception, should follow a diet, you need to eat more boiled and stewed food, less fried meat, exclude fast food and sugary carbonated drinks from the diet.

5. Psychological barriers

Contradictions in family life. With a long break in sexual activity, men often experience failures during intercourse. Contrary to the opinion of women about adultery, with long separations and abstinence in men, potency does not improve, but, on the contrary, decreases, which leads to failures and weakness in sexual life. With the right approach of both spouses, this problem is solved very quickly. The position of the woman is also important in this situation, reproaches and suspicions will only strengthen the negative aspects of the problem.

6. Excessive alcohol consumption

Contrary to the opinion of men that alcohol-containing drinks have a positive effect on potency, it should be noted that frequent intake of alcohol-containing liquids in any amount leads to changes in the work of the pituitary gland responsible for the production of testosterone, and subsequently to the production of estrogen. This leads to hormonal changes. male body, to reduce potency. Alcoholic drinks, like any other natural anabolics, should be consumed in small quantities, given that it takes from two weeks to one month to cleanse the body of the negative effects of the product.

7. Promiscuous sex

Contrary to the opinion of men, frequent partner changes do not lead to an increase in potency, but, quite the opposite, weaken it. In addition to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, there is a disorder of sexual function caused by psychological disorders.

8. Professional sports

And finally, it remains to resolve one more myth - professional sports have a positive effect on potency. It looks strange, but frequent sports negatively affect overall health, developing various sexual problems. These sports include weightlifting, as well as activities related to extreme sports. physical activity. However, there are sports that have a positive effect on potency. This Athletics, swimming, running, tennis, aerobics. Do not forget the simplest, but no less important sport for potency - morning exercises. When choosing a sports discipline, you should not overdo it, classes should be with the interval necessary to restore the body, but no more than 4 times a week. In cases of everyday training, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly, be sure to include cardio training in them (running, swimming, jumping rope).

Which doctor to contact: to the urologist-andrologist.

Often men call failure in sex impotence, but this is an erroneous opinion. Impotence is a condition when a man under no circumstances can have sexual intercourse. The problem with an erection is more correct to call - erectile dysfunction.

There are several reasons that cause erectile dysfunction:
- endocrine;
- medical;
- local;
- neurological;
- vascular.

All these causes affect male sexual weakness by changes or disturbances in the functioning of the body. Much more often, such failures are caused by a psychological form, where it is psycho-neurological factors that prevent a man from living a full sexual life. It can even be said that often alongside the problem of erection for certain organic reasons, there is always a psychological component. If the root cause of erectile dysfunction is eliminated, then the psycho-neurological factor comes to the fore.

Male sexual weakness, which is caused by psychological factors, is one of the most severe forms of treatment. Prolonged stress, depression, dissatisfaction with a partner, oneself, a mismatch in sexual preferences, fear of sexually transmitted diseases, fear of pregnancy or banal fatigue - all this is the main root cause of weak erection in men, poor quality or no erection at all.

Let's get back to organic reasons. Insufficient function of the gonads and low testosterone production is an endocrine cause. This is due to hormonal disorders in the body. In such cases, the help of an endocrinologist is needed. The second endocrinological cause of erection problems is a pituitary tumor. In this case, in addition to studying the hormonal status of a person, it is necessary to conduct computed tomography.

Medical causes include a number of drugs that have adverse effect on the body of men who are able to restrain the action of sex hormones, as well as alcohol, narcotic substances and other products that can affect the cerebral cortex and cause depletion of the body. If in the first case the body quickly recovers after discontinuation of the drug, then in the second case a long course of recovery is required.

Local causes include all kinds of injuries of the penis, priapism, frequent injections into the body of the penis. How to treat male weakness with such injuries? Restoring the functions of the penis with local erectile dysfunction is possible only with surgical intervention.

Erectile dysfunction caused by neurological factors is accompanied by a number of diseases, such as the consequences of injuries of the perineum and small pelvis, as well as the brain and spinal cord, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's syndrome. This list can be replenished with all kinds of operations in these areas. Alas, with such diagnoses, the patient can only be helped by implanting a prosthesis in the penis.

One of the most common causes affecting erectile dysfunction are vascular disorders: excessive ejection of blood through the veins of the penis and defective arterial inflow. Such disorders appear with atherosclerosis or aortic aneurysm, endarteritis, varicose veins, and some pelvic injuries.

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic prostatitis, and hypertension deserve special attention. In these cases, you need to completely cure the disease or achieve a stable remission. With a positive outcome, do not neglect the advice of a sexologist.

The ideal option would be not to hush up the problems that arise, but to contact the centers specializing in the problems of male potency, where highly qualified specialists work, ready to listen and provide the necessary medical assistance. Professional advice from a urologist, treatment of erectile dysfunction and many other diseases can be obtained at the Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning. The Center provides high-quality and affordable specialized medical care to the population in the field of human reproduction on the basis of gynecology, urology, endocrinology and plastic surgery.
