Causes and signs of infertility in men. Male infertility: which doctor to contact and is it treated? Where is male infertility treated?

Male infertility is a pathological condition in which the sex cells of a man cannot fertilize an egg, and for this reason a woman cannot become pregnant. Today, the problem under consideration is very relevant. In the world, up to 15-20% of married couples cannot have children, and in more than half of the cases, the reason is male infertility.

Causes of pathology

The most common factors of male infertility:

  • mental and sexual disorders;
  • developmental anomalies, infectious diseases, injuries of the genital organs;
  • medicinal, toxic, radiation effects on the genitals;
  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele);
  • immune and metabolic disorders.

In the brain, the sexual center located in the hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of sperm production. mental trauma, constant stress, hard work affect the sexual center, leading to a decrease in the number of cells in the ejaculate (oligozoospermia, azoospermia).

The causes of infertility in men can be a variety of congenital anomalies, including chromosomal:

  • cryptorchidism (descent of the testicles), monorchism (presence of one testicle), anorchism (absence of testicles);
  • gonadal dysgenesis;
  • primary hypogonadism (Prader-Wiley syndrome, Lawrence-Moon-Biedl and others);
  • pituitary failure.

One of the most common causes of male infertility is inflammatory diseases genital organs of infectious origin. These include mumps (“mumps”), tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, sepsis, sexually transmitted diseases, and others. Microbes directly damage spermatozoa, change the properties of the ejaculate, and cause the formation of antisperm antibodies. Inflammatory processes lead to impaired patency of the vas deferens.

It should be noted the importance of mumps in the development of infertility. This disease often occurs in childhood, is complicated by orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) and affects the entire tissue of these organs.

The main types of intoxication affecting the tissue of the testicles:

  • professional (lead, manganese, mercury, phosphorus, benzene, ammonia and others);
  • medicinal (sulfonamides, nitrofurans, many antibiotics, cimetidine, calcium antagonists);
  • household (alcoholism, smoking).

Ionizing radiation destroys sperm cells, leading to infertility.

Varicocele (varicose vein of the spermatic cord) disrupts the function of the testicle to produce sperm. Bilateral lesion is rare, but in most cases causes male infertility.

Surgical operations on the organs of the small pelvis and retroperitoneal space, in particular, on the bladder and prostate gland, can lead to this condition. Intervention about inguinal hernia leads to impaired fertility in one patient out of a hundred.

In addition, frequent hot baths and saunas inhibit the formation of spermatozoa. Disposable diapers are safe in this respect, since spermatozoa are not normally formed in young children.


Types of male infertility:

  • secretory;
  • excretory;
  • autoimmune;
  • combined;
  • relative.

Secretory infertility

It is associated with a decrease in the production (secretion) of sperm in the testicles. The cause of this condition is primarily hypogonadism. With hypogonadism in the testicles, the production of spermatozoa and / or male sex hormones is disrupted.

There are primary and secondary hypogonadism. Primary occurs with diseases, injuries, anomalies of the testicles themselves. Secondary hypogonadism is associated with dysregulation of spermatogenesis by the central nervous system. This regulation is carried out by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It changes under the influence of infectious diseases nervous system, tumors or brain injury. As a result, the production of gonadotropic hormones that activate the function of the genital organs decreases.

excretory infertility

It is associated with difficulty in the release of sperm from the genital tract. The causes may be damage to the vas deferens or urethra as a result of inflammatory diseases, injuries, congenital anomalies.

One type of excretory infertility is aspermatism. True aspermatism is due to the absence of orgasm and ejaculation. It is caused by diseases of the brain or spinal cord, peripheral nerves. After operations on the prostate, in particular, transurethral resection, sperm may not be thrown out, but retrograde into bladder. This condition is called "false aspermatism".

Immunological infertility

In some systemic diseases, the permeability of the hemato-testicular barrier, which separates blood from the epithelium of the testicles at a microscopic level, increases. This leads to the formation of the body's own antibodies that destroy spermatozoa at the earliest stages of their development. This is how male immunological infertility, or more precisely, autoimmune infertility, occurs.

Combined and relative form

In the combined form, hormonal disorders of a different nature are combined with excretory disorders caused by inflammation of the genital organs.

Relative infertility is a term applied to those couples in whom, after a thorough examination, the cause of this condition could not be found.

With primary infertility, the man was never capable of fertilization. Secondary infertility is acquired. From such a man, pregnancy had previously occurred, but as a result of illness or injury, he lost the ability to fertilize.


Which doctor should I contact if a couple has no children for a year with regular sexual intercourse and no contraception? Issues of fertility disorders are solved by two specialists - a urologist and a gynecologist. The man is examined first. If he is found to be infertile, his partner will be examined for further use of assisted reproductive technologies. If the man is healthy, the reasons for the lack of pregnancy will be sought from the woman.

Diagnosis of male infertility begins with the collection of complaints and anamnesis. The doctor clarifies past illnesses, injuries, occupational hazards and many other issues. Symptoms of infertility are nonspecific and are due to the cause that caused it.

During an external examination, men determine the development of secondary sexual characteristics. An examination of the genital organs is important, in which developmental anomalies, varicocele, testicular tumors and other diseases can be determined.

The characteristic signs of male infertility can be detected using additional methods.

Tests for male infertility:

  • study of ejaculate;
  • determination of the level of testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones;
  • cytological examination of prostate secretion;
  • tests for infections;
  • bacteriological examination of sperm;
  • determination of the level of antisperm antibodies in the blood using an immunological study;
  • testicular biopsy.

Instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • ultrasonography pelvic organs and prostate;
  • transrectal ultrasound to clarify the patency of the vas deferens;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • genitography;
  • radionuclide research methods;
  • radiography of the skull and the region of the Turkish saddle with suspected damage to the pituitary gland.


The first and most important research method for male infertility is the analysis of the ejaculate. Examine the sample taken 48-72 hours after intercourse. You can collect sperm during masturbation or during normal sexual contact in a condom without spermicidal treatment. The sample container should be clean, but not necessarily sterile. After receiving the sperm, it must be delivered to the laboratory within an hour. Transportation is carried out with room temperature. If no pathology is found in the presented sample, the man is considered healthy. If deviations from the norm are detected, the analysis is carried out twice, after sexual abstinence for 3-7 days, in the range from 7 to 21 days after taking the first analysis.

Criteria for a normal ejaculate:

  • the number of sperm is 50-200 million in 1 ml;
  • 70-80% motile sperm;
  • 70-80% outwardly normal cells.

Deviations from these indicators are diagnosed different kinds spermatogenesis disorders:

  • oligozoospermia (decrease in all indicators);
  • asthenozoospermia (decrease in the number of motile sperm while maintaining other indicators within the normal range);
  • necrospermia (no live sperm);
  • teratozoospermia (more than 30% of degenerative cells);
  • azoospermia (there are only spermatogenesis cells - immature precursors of spermatozoa);
  • aspermia (no sperm or spermatogenesis cells).

If there is an orgasm, but no ejaculation, urine excreted after intercourse is examined to confirm false aspermatism.

Many patients are advised to consult a medical geneticist.

Treatment of male infertility

Infertile couples, of course, are interested in whether male infertility is treated? In this condition, conservative, surgical methods and assisted reproductive technologies are used. The effect of treatment is determined by the cause of infertility.

First of all, the patient should stop smoking and drinking alcohol, try to normalize his mental state, get enough sleep and avoid stress. The diet must necessarily contain animal proteins and vitamins A, E, C and others. It is necessary to eliminate occupational hazards, cancel unnecessary medications. A man must undergo a course of treatment for identified infectious and inflammatory diseases.

To stimulate the production of spermatozoa, a man is prescribed multivitamins, zinc preparations, and herbal remedies for 3 months.

Many patients are shown hormones:

  • gonadotropin or estrogen antagonists - with hypogonadotropic gonadism;
  • glucocorticoids - with congenital adrenal hyperplasia or autoimmune infertility;
  • testosterone - with a decrease in its secretion in the testicles;
  • dopamine antagonists - with hyperprolactinemia.

When and how to treat a patient with hormones, the endocrinologist decides. Such therapy should take place under strict medical supervision.

Surgical interventions for infertility are performed to eliminate varicocele, restore patency of the vas deferens, and treat false aspermatism.

With the ineffectiveness of the listed methods of treatment, assisted reproductive technologies are used:

  1. The introduction of pre-treated sperm into the uterine cavity.
  2. With the failure of several such attempts with male infertility, they are carried out.
  3. If the spermogram parameters are extremely unfavorable (the number of spermatozoa is less than 2 million per milliliter, the number of morphologically normal cells is less than 4%), an intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedure is performed. To do this, one high-quality spermatozoon is placed into the egg using a micropipette. This technique is very expensive, its efficiency reaches 10%.
  4. If all of the above methods fail, artificial insemination donor sperm.

Thus, the treatment of male infertility is difficult task. Therefore, prevention of this condition is of great importance. It includes measures aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease:

  • healthy lifestyle, mental hygiene, physical activity;
  • care and foresight to avoid injury;
  • prevention of colds;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • use of personal protective equipment when working in hazardous production;
  • timely treatment of varicocele;
  • effective medical examination of the population, aimed at early detection and treatment of other diseases that can affect the development of infertility.

The effectiveness of male infertility treatment depends on:

  • the general condition of the man;
  • his age;
  • reasons for the violation;
  • timeliness of contacting a specialist.

The attitude of the patient to the problem is important. In the treatment of infertility, it is necessary to abandon the usual lifestyle in order to eliminate any risks for the process of restoring the work of the male reproductive system. Infertility is curable when the pathology has not caused irreversible consequences.

According to the international classification ICD 10, male infertility is not the ability to male body produce or deliver female body a sufficient number of healthy spermatozoa, with further fertilization of the egg. The N46 disease code includes sections on the causes of infertility, and two main pathological conditions:

  • - pathology associated with a decrease in the number of active spermatozoa in the ejaculate;
  • - absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.

Treatment of infertility in men should always begin with a search for the source. Causes and treatment, interdependent factors, are established based on the results of the study and the collection of tests.

If the cause that caused the male dysfunction is known reproductive system the treatment becomes more effective. The origin of infertility can be of several types:

  • impaired secretion of seminal fluid;
  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • obturation of the seminal canal;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • temporary factors.

Who to contact?

If a fertility problem is identified, a man needs to register with a doctor. An andrologist treats male infertility - it is this specialist who prescribes the necessary types of examinations and tests, studies the overall picture of the results obtained and determines the course of treatment.

The therapy is complex, so other narrow specialists are also involved:

  • urologists;
  • genetics;
  • infectious disease specialists;
  • venereologists, etc.

A team of doctors selects an individual method of treatment, based mainly on the cause of male infertility.

How is the therapy going?

Analysis for male infertility and other types of examinations is the first stage in the treatment of infertility. Andrologist first conducts a conversation about the patient's lifestyle, past infectious diseases. Then he examines the external genitalia for injuries and other external changes.

After that, the patient is sent to collect tests and other examinations necessary for the attending physician to establish the exact cause of infertility, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Possible tests and examinations:

  • hormonal profile test;
  • blood test for venereal and infectious diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • MAR test;
  • Shuvarsky test;
  • testicular biopsy;
  • tumor markers, etc.

Varicocele and its treatment

Varicocele and infertility in men are closely related. This pathology refers to secretory disorders and is associated with circulatory disorders, dilatation of the scrotal veins. With testicular varicose veins, blood stagnation occurs, which subsequently leads to problems with sexual arousal or ejaculation.

This disease can be cured with the use of traditional therapy, and in a severe case of the disease, surgery is necessary.

Treatment of male infertility with varicocele is to interrupt the retrograde blood flow through the testicular vein. This eliminates hemodynamic disturbances in the testicle.

Mumps and infertility

Infertility in men after mumps is possible due to incorrect or delayed infection therapy. Mumps (better known as mumps) affects not only the salivary glands, but also the sex glands in boys and men.

Infertility after mumps is almost impossible to diagnose before puberty. The consequences of the transferred infectious disease do not affect the sexual life, there are no symptoms. As a rule, patients seek diagnostics after long attempts to conceive a child.

Diagnosis includes spermogram and ultrasound of the scrotum. The first analysis shows whether there are healthy, active spermatozoa, and ultrasound - atrophied areas of the testicles.

Treatment of male infertility caused by the consequences of mumps occurs with the use of hormonal, immune therapy, and in severe cases, testicular surgery.

Traditional treatment includes the appointment of:

  • hormonal medicines;
  • immunostimulants:
  • radiola pink;
  • ginseng;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the vessels of the testicles (pentoxifylline);
  • vitamins (A, B, E, C).

The disease can be prevented by getting vaccinated. Immunity after the vaccine lasts for 12 years. If a boy or a man is already sick, you need to carefully monitor the body temperature. Since with its increase there is a risk of inflammation of the scrotum. To cure pathology without complications, you need to take antiviral drugs, full course, according to the scheme proposed by the doctor.

Methods of treatment

The ability to recover depends, first of all, on the type of disease, but also on the timeliness of contacting a doctor. So some types of pathologies are treated with medication.


If infertility is a consequence infectious disease antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The etiological solution of the problem is carried out on the basis of the results of seeding of seminal fluid.

Complex phased therapy can be based on drugs such as:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Fluoroquinolone;
  • Cephalosporin;
  • Macrolide.

Auxiliary medicines:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Nystatin;
  • Metronidazole (antiprotozoal).

For problems with hormones, use, respectively, hormonal preparations, For:

  • elimination of endogenous deficiency;
  • blocking hormone synthesis endocrine system, which can affect spermatogenesis;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body.

Infertility caused by:

  • the initial stage of varicocele;
  • tuberculosis and syphilis;
  • stress
  • beriberi;
  • venereal and endocrine diseases;
  • disorders of spermatogenesis;
  • problems with erection and ejaculation.

During treatment, the following drugs are used:

  • androgens;
  • gonadotropins (menotropin);
  • bromocriptine;
  • immunostimulants;
  • biogenic preparations.

New method

Recently patented new way therapy for infertility in men. Drug therapy that uses a combination of Riboxin and Lipoic acid is indicated in cases of a small amount of spermatozoa in the ejaculate or their immobility.

The dosage is selected by the doctor, individually in each case, the duration of the course is from one week to a month. The quality of sperm is improved due to their properties.

  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • stimulation of protein synthesis and intracellular metabolism.

  • inactivation of toxic substances;
  • improved metabolism.


If drug therapy is not effective, then surgical interventions are prescribed, for example, with:

  • advanced form of varicocele;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • cryptorchidism.

In addition, obstructive infertility, i.e. canal obstruction is treated only by surgery.

Often, doctors prescribe artificial insemination (the introduction of sperm mechanically into the vagina), with:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • immobility of spermatozoa;
  • problems with the release of seminal fluid from the canal (trauma, the consequences of surgical interventions).

Autoimmune infertility in men is an incurable form of dysfunction of the reproductive system. It is characterized by an immune response to one's own sperm, due to the formation of antibodies in the blood.

The reason is considered:

  • scrotum injury;
  • surgical interventions;
  • inflammation.

Antibodies attach to the wall of the spermatozoon, reducing its mobility. Such a sperm cell is not able to fertilize the egg.


Treatment of male infertility folk remedies can only be an addition to the general therapy prescribed by the attending physician (it is imperative to inform the doctor about the use of folk remedies).

Patients leave positive reviews about the following recipes:

  • Infusion of herb highlander bird (knotweed). A tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, held for 20 minutes in a water bath, and then insisted for an hour. Ready infusion should be drunk during the day.

  • The mixture of mummy and carrot juice increases the activity of spermatozoa. It is necessary to add 0.5 grams of mummy per 250 ml carrot juice. It is better to drink no more than once a day.
  • Basil is also used to treat reproductive dysfunction in men. Perhaps simple eating with meat and fish dishes. You can also make an infusion of 20 grams of basil per 200 ml of boiling water. You need to use 50 ml before meals.

  • Another recipe. Raw materials are crushed and mixed, all ingredients are taken in equal quantities. Two teaspoons of the collection are mixed with a teaspoon of ground flaxseed, poured with a glass of water and set to languish on fire for ten minutes. Then the broth is filtered and consumed instead of tea. Herbal collection contains:
    • moss Icelandic;
    • white mulberries;
    • walnut leaf;
    • pine tops.
  • Caucasian collection 72, consisting of 15 plant components, improves potency, relieves inflammation of the seminal canals and the prostate gland. Collection 72 for male infertility normalizes spermatogenic function. Must be used according to instructions. With caution to persons prone to allergic reactions.

  • Daily use of royal jelly is effective. It must be stored in candied honey to preserve its properties. For 120 grams of honey - 20 grams of royal jelly. Taken every day after meals, one teaspoon.

Procreation is one of the most important, interesting and complex functions of the human body. The inability of a biologically adult to produce offspring is called infertility. Doctors make such a diagnosis if pregnancy does not occur during the first year of normal sexual activity without the use of contraceptive methods.

Cases of infertility are on average observed in 10-20% of couples. One of the most common misconceptions is that this problem is predominantly female. Statistics refute this statement, showing that the causes of infertility are distributed between the sexes almost equally: one third of infertility cases are associated with men, one third with women, and the last third is divided between joint problems (20%) and unexplained cases (10%).

Female infertility is easier to determine. Having learned about such a problem, the woman begins to be treated. It is much more difficult to persuade a man to undergo an examination. Refusal to be examined is explained by the man's fear of admitting his inferiority. Very often, infertility among the stronger sex is associated with impotence, although in fact it is by no means a sexual weakness. A man's ability to reproduce is completely dependent on the quality and quantity of his sperm.

Causes of male infertility

It is important to understand that infertility is not considered as an independent disease. It is a consequence of a complex of different pathologies of the entire male body. Such a condition in a man can occur due to damage to the genital organs, pathology of the reproductive system, intoxication and somatic diseases of the body, infections, endocrinological diseases, neurological and mental disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, genetic, immune and chromosomal changes. Affect the male reproductive system as well environmental factors, stress, drugs, bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Prevention of male infertility

To prevent male infertility, you should regularly consult a doctor and undergo preventive examinations. Eliminate all damaging factors such as alcohol, smoking, the use of various drugs. Chronic and acute stressful situations should be avoided. A healthy way of life will only enhance the reproductive functions of your body. Therefore, it is so important to eat right, maintain a normal weight, and maintain a sufficiently high physical activity.

If you still have such a problem, then you need to immediately begin treatment. Remember that male infertility treatment is a long and complicated process, so you will need faith and patience first of all.

The success of infertility treatment lies in the elimination of its causes. It is very important that the andrologist draw up a treatment plan that will determine the nature of the disease that caused infertility.

The physician must also make realistic predictions about the potential success of the treatment. Diagnosis starts with a minimum and expands as necessary, based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of the male reproductive system.

There are two approaches to the treatment of male infertility: pathogenetic and empirical.

The pathogenetic approach is that the cause is first diagnosed, and then the treatment is selected. Infertility, the causes of which are the inflammatory process, infections, certain endocrine disorders, is treated with conservative therapy methods. When the causes of infertility are more serious (for example, varicose veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele) or uneven descent of the testicles into the scrotum (cryptorchism)), then surgical intervention is indicated. The operation will also be needed in the case of obstructive azoospermia, when any obstacle occurs in the vas deferens, which causes the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. Excluding the influence of harmful factors can solve the problem of infertility, which lies in bad habits, environmental and other factors.

The empirical approach is based on the use of methods. If infertility is not amenable to any of the above methods of treatment, then the IVF / ICSI method is used - intracytoplasmic sperm injection. At the same time, the causes that led to infertility are not investigated. For the IVF method, a sufficient number of spermatozoa, together with the egg, are placed in a special container for fertilization. For the ICSI method, a single spermatozoon with the best performance lodges inside the egg. Such a sperm cell is placed in a viscous substance that protects it from possible damage. The sperm cannot move, after which it is placed in a microscopic needle. The needle is inserted into the cytoplasm of the egg.

Patients with infertility are advised to give up smoking and alcohol, have sex regularly at least once every 3-4 days, avoid stress, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget about the means, but it is advisable to consult a specialist before that. Your inner attitude is also very important. Remember that complex treatment, your optimism and positive thinking can work wonders!

Especially for Love is simple

Treatment of male infertility is one of the specialized areas of medical care provided in the network of clinics "Mother and Child". Male infertility is the inability of a man to fertilize a woman, the absence of a desired pregnancy in a couple with regular attempts to conceive for 1 year. If age future mother exceeds 35 years, the absence of pregnancy for 6 months with regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptive methods can be diagnosed as infertility.

According to statistics, every fifth couple in the world is faced with infertility. Female and male factors of infertility as causes of infertility in the family have same ratio. However, medical examination possible causes infertility in a couple, it is worth starting with a man - basic andrological studies are absolutely painless, and their results allow as soon as possible eliminate the factor of male infertility.

Causes of male infertility

In modern reproduction, primary and secondary male infertility are distinguished. Primary - if a pregnancy has not occurred from a man during his entire sexual life. Secondary - if a man already has children, but conception does not occur during this period.

The reproductive abilities of a man depend, first of all, on the quality and quantity of male germ cells - spermatozoa. The process of sperm formation - spermatogenesis - normally occurs from the onset of puberty until the end of life. At the same time, male germ cells are vulnerable to negative influences, which are inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, disruption of the endocrine system, and immunological pathological processes in the body.

Sedentary lifestyle including smoking, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, use of anabolic steroids, frequent exposure high temperatures(regular trips to the bath or sauna) - all these factors negatively affect spermatogenesis and sperm quality. It is worth noting that irregular sexual intercourse can also lead to stagnation in the auxiliary male sex glands, which is a predisposing factor in the development of inflammation with its negative influence on spermogram parameters and the possibility of fertilization.

The reproductive abilities of a man also depend on the structure of the organs of his reproductive system. Congenital anomalies of their development, acquired pathologies of the genital tract, leading to impaired transport and ejection of sperm are common causes of infertility in men.

So, if pregnancy does not occur in your couple, you should contact a specialist - an andrologist and undergo a set of studies.

Diagnosis of male infertility

  • initial examination by an andrologist;
  • semen analysis: spermogram, MAR test, electron microscopic examination of spermatozoa (EMIS), DNA fragmentation study in spermatozoa;
  • hormonal examination: a blood test for the level of thyroid hormones, sex hormones and the “stress” hormone - prolactin;
  • genetic examination: karyotyping, the study of mutations in the CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis gene), the study of the AZF locus in the Y chromosome;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound): scrotum, prostate gland, dopplerometry (performed as prescribed by the andrologist).

Based on the results of the diagnostics, an individual treatment program is created. Each program for the treatment of infertility in men in "Mother and Child" is created by the interaction of doctors of various specializations under the guidance of an andrologist and a reproductologist. A collegial approach allows us to achieve the best results in choosing treatment tactics and achieving pregnancy in a couple.

Treatment of male infertility

Conservative treatment of male infertility: hormonal therapy is prescribed for diagnosed endocrine disorders, antibiotic therapy - when chronic or acute infections sexually transmitted.

Surgical treatment of male infertility: surgical operations are performed for varicocele or some congenital anomalies of the male reproductive system, when spermatozoa are absent in the ejaculate, but are present in the testicle itself or its epididymis. In our center, aspiration of spermatozoa is performed from the epididymis (PESA), or from the tissue of the testicle itself (TESA). These methods are less traumatic and are performed under general intravenous anesthesia.

IVF/ICSI: one of the signs of male infertility is unsatisfactory spermogram indicators, which indicate a significant decrease in the number and motility of spermatozoa. In this case, the best way to achieve pregnancy is in vitro fertilization (IVF). If there are few spermatozoa, their mobility is reduced, their fertilizing ability has suffered, the procedure of intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg (ICSI) is recommended. ICSI gives a chance of success even to those men in whom only single viable spermatozoa are found in the semen.

We successfully overcome male infertility in the vast majority of cases. Specialists of "Mother and Child" - andrologists, reproductologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, geneticists, embryologists - doctors of the highest qualification category, candidates and doctors of medical sciences. The equipment of our infertility treatment centers allows us to apply the most effective and safe methods of diagnosing and treating infertility in men, used in international reproductive practice today. We do not apply ready-made solutions, we create a fertility treatment program that helps you become a happy father of healthy children.

According to the WHO definition, a couple is considered infertile when pregnancy cannot occur within 12 months of regular intercourse without contraception. In 40% of cases, a man is infertile, in 45% - a woman, and the remaining percentage refers to the immunological incompatibility of the couple.

Unfortunately, infertile marriages are an international medical and social problem that is only gaining momentum. In the United States, the birth rate has fallen last years from 33.3% to 12.3%, and these figures brought the problem to the state level.

Previously, the cause of infertile marriages was most often considered a woman, but today the percentage of male and female infertility has become equal. International studies show a clear decline in male fertility over the past decades.

The level of medical literacy in our country is regrettably low, therefore, at the first suspicion of a fruitless marriage, it is mostly women who turn to a specialist. Often, their partners do not even allow the thought that they can be the cause of infertility, and the sooner you see a doctor, the more successful the treatment will be.

The answer to the question: "How to cure male infertility" is to find the cause. Initially, the treatment of male infertility is aimed at restoring spermatogenesis, and for this it is necessary to identify factors that inhibit it.

The most common cause of inhibition of spermatogenesis is genital infection that both partners have to treat. The next most common factor can be called prostatitis, which is getting younger and occurs even in men at the age of 30 years. In some cases, surgical treatment of male infertility is required, for example, with a varicocele, the testicular vein is removed to restore blood flow.

After spermatogenesis has been restored, it is necessary to normalize the activity of spermatozoa. For this, a course of stimulating medications is prescribed, among which are selected:

  • a certain set of vitamins;
  • phytopreparations;
  • gonadotropin preparations;
  • testosterone preparations;
  • antiestrogen.

Drawing up a scheme for the treatment of male infertility is always exclusively individual, and is based on taking into account many factors.

Treatment of male infertility in Moscow

Given the urgency of the problem, many Moscow clinics claim to know how to treat male infertility. Unfortunately, in many cases such confidence is unfounded. It must be clearly understood that the success of treatment depends on many factors:

  • the severity of the pathology of spermatogenesis;
  • duration of infertility;
  • type of male infertility;
  • the age of both partners;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology;
  • partner fertility.

Specialists of the Open Clinic approach the treatment of male infertility from a different angle. We do not promise to perform a miracle, but we promise to do our best to deal with this problem. There are many modern methods used by our experts. In our clinic, the treatment of male infertility in Moscow is carried out using the latest advances in medicine:

In this case, spermatozoa can be obtained in several ways:

  • By percutaneous aspiration of active spermatozoa from the epididymis;
  • Or using a special sperm biopsy device;
  • In rare cases, open access is used.

Thanks to modern techniques, male infertility can be successfully treated. Despite the seriousness of the problem, our specialists manage to achieve good results. However, the role of the patients themselves in the treatment of this delicate problem cannot be underestimated either. The sooner you recognize the problem and seek help, the more effective the result will be.

To treat or not to treat: that is the question.

Modern andrologists do not even face the question of whether it is necessary to treat male infertility. Unfortunately, this problem is acute in international practice, and many couples dream of a child. The possibilities of medicine have become so wide that in most cases it is possible to successfully cope with the problem that has arisen.

Infertile couples can be treated for years, and mostly women are examined. The fact is that it is much harder for men to decide to admit that they have some kind of health problem. However right decision is the simultaneous examination and treatment of an infertile couple.

Therefore, as soon as the question arose: "Male infertility: what to do?" It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who will identify the form of male infertility, prescribe treatment, and in some cases, surgery may be required. Andrologists, reproductologists can do a lot, but you can help only when you want it in the first place.

Specialists of the Open Clinic remind that only professionals should be trusted with the solution of this delicate problem. Unfortunately, even with ideal physical indicators, pregnancy may not occur. And our clinic practices an integrated approach with the participation of specialists from various specialties: andrologists, gynecologists, reproductive specialists, psychologists, embryologists, and even geneticists. All the resources of our clinic are aimed at achieving results and maintaining the psychological comfort of our patients.

The reasons that can cause male infertility are numerous. The most common cause in the practice of an andrologist is sexual infections caused by chlamydia, ureaplasmas.

The next most common cause is varicocele, which in 10-15% of cases causes a violation of male reproductive function. When interviewing, it is important to take into account genetic characteristics, occupational hazards, as well as the presence bad habits. It is very important to find out what childhood infectious diseases are present in the anamnesis.
