The structure of the hand and wrist. Anatomical structure of the hand. Pay attention to the distance between the fingers

Ecology of life. Cognitively: Since ancient times, poets have sung beautiful female hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but the followers ...

Since ancient times, poets have sung about beautiful female hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but the followers of a later science, chirognomy, determine the character of a person by the shape of the hand.

- If the dimensions of the hand are proportional to others body parts, then its owner is a balanced, reliable person, disproportion indicates the instability of the psyche, the possible unpredictability of behavior.

- Big hand speaks of endurance, diligence, good nature, complaisance of a person.

- Large and full hand - a sign of kindness and weak will.

If a woman's hand is large, dry, knotty, then she has many typical features of a male character; in men, a hand of this type indicates insight, a sharp mind.

- Owners of a small hand - people are sensitive, touchy, proud and irritable.

- Small and fat hand indicates a desire for sensual pleasures.

- Medium-sized hand with a thin brush indicates intellectual ability.

- People with hard strong hands distinguished by willpower, energy, enterprise.

- Thin and delicate hands speak of a rich imagination, but insufficient willpower.

The shape of the hand is divided into seven main types.

1. Elementary hand. The palm is wide, hard; fingers are thick, inactive, as if blunted. People with such hands have physical strength and are prone to physical labor. Intense mental activity is not for them.

2. Spade hand. The shape of the fingers is spatulate; medium sized thumb. People with such hands feel the need for vigorous activity, physical labor, although they also have a craving for art and poetry. The owners of this type of hand are practical, conscientious, hardworking and quite emotional. They seek to assert themselves in life, are not without vanity, and are sometimes capable of taking risks.

3. Practical hand. The palm is wide, slightly concave; fingers more often with knots, rectangular shape; thumb of considerable size with a well-developed lower joint. People with such a hand are prone to organizational activities, in work they strive for accuracy and accuracy. They are characterized by endurance, patience, perseverance.

4. Artistic hand. It is graceful, flexible, beautiful hand. It is distinguished by pointed fingers with oblong, almond-shaped nails, and the thumb is poorly developed. People with such a hand are impressionable, love art, poetry, they have a developed sense of beauty. They are independent, very fond of personal freedom, strive for creativity.

5. Intelligent (spiritual) hand. The hand is long, narrow, graceful and delicate. The fingers are smooth, thin; the thumb is well developed. The owners of this hand have a penchant for spiritual life, indifferent to material values. They strive for moral perfection.

6. Philosophical hand. The hand is large or medium in size, the palm is cupped, the fingers are long, with knots; the thumb is well developed. People who have a philosophical hand value truth above all else. They are able to analyze events in detail, show a special interest in the study of social sciences, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry.

7. Hand of mixed type. This type of hand occurs when a combination of signs of at least two of some types. People with such hands are better adapted to life, as they have a variety of important qualities.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant in communication and charismatic. They are more determined than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with the interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and masters of solving crossword puzzles.

The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and really dislike being disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will make the first move, whether it's a new business or a relationship. However, they appreciate attention and favorably perceive praise.

The index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peaceful, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company in which they work. However, be careful, because a small fire burns in them, which is better not to bring to a fire. Be on their side. published

The connection between appearance and character of a person is obvious, psychologists say.

So, one way to recognize a person you just met is to look at their hands.

"Manual Behavior"

If a person during a conversation keeps his hands behind his back all the time or folds them, as if hiding from you, this indicates his insecurity. Hands on your knees indicate that the person is thinking hard or tired. Palms folded with a pinch are a sign of subconscious protection: your interlocutor is uncomfortable talking, or he does not want to let you into his inner world. If your new acquaintance does not know what to do with his hands - he rubs them all the time, “breaks” his fingers - he is nervous and experiences mental discomfort.

The Science of Forms

The easiest way to get information about a person is by looking at the shape of their hands. The spade-shaped hand speaks of determination, fidelity, energy, practicality. An artistic hand (with long, thin fingers) betrays a talented nature, prone to aesthetics, art, and sophisticated entertainment.

If the hand is firm, tough - the person is energetic, active, materialistic, persistent. A flexible and elastic hand speaks of the mind, impressionability. Soft, gentle - about the inability to work seriously, laziness, lethargy, love of order, success in business.
The shape of the fingers also speaks volumes. Pointed fingers have natures that are carried away, prone to idealism, impressionable, religious. Quadrangular fingers indicate material inclinations, accuracy, decency. Spatulate indicate an active, self-confident nature.

Pay attention to the shape of the nails. Oval nails speak of complaisance, flat ones - of nervousness, narrow - of hypocrisy, wide and flat - of shyness. Very narrow nails of a refined, aristocratic form testify to sophistication, squeezed (as if flattened) - to sensitivity. Wrinkled (with roughness on the nail plates) - about weakness. Bitten - about weakness, nervousness, hidden vices. Grooved nails - about aggressiveness, heartlessness, greed, deceit.

Length matters

Canadian psychologists advise at the first meeting to pay attention to ... the length of the fingers of men. The fact is that this parameter affects the attitude of the stronger sex towards women.

If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, such a man is charming, charismatic, and, as a rule, it is pleasant to communicate with him. In addition, these representatives of the stronger sex are quite decisive, inclined to take risks and are able to take responsibility in solving problems. They have the capacity for mutual understanding, compassion and empathy. There are many scientists and engineers among them, and they are also good at solving crossword puzzles. As you can see, not a bad option at all.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then the person has such qualities as self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Such men love loneliness and get annoyed when they are disturbed for trifling reasons. They do not mind starting a relationship, but they prefer the other party to take the initiative. Appreciate attention to themselves and love to be praised.

If the index and ring fingers are the same length, then such a man is peaceful, good-natured and tries to avoid conflict situations. At the same time, such individuals are usually organized, disciplined and easily find mutual language with those around you. In a relationship, they tend to be faithful to their partner. It takes a very serious reason to piss them off.

It is curious that the more the sizes of the index and ring fingers differ, the more aggressively the representatives of the stronger sex behave. Such conclusions were obtained based on the results of a 20-day study in which 155 people took part. Men and women communicated with each other for five minutes, after which they were asked to fill out questionnaires where they assessed the interlocutor.

It's probably all about testosterone levels - the higher it is, the smaller the difference in the length of the index and ring fingers. It is the lack of testosterone that makes men grouchy and aggressive towards the opposite sex, psychologists say. They also add that, according to statistics, men with the same fingers are more adapted for family life and they have more children.

Palmistry for dummies

As for the notorious patterns on the palms, it is not at all necessary to be a professional palmist to say something about a person.

For example, in people suffering from various pathologies of the psyche and nervous system, skin patterns, including those on the palms, have certain features - as a rule, on both hands they are almost symmetrical, which is usually not observed in healthy ones. If an experienced palmist looks at the hand of such a person, without even seeing his face, he will immediately say who is in front of him - for example, a stutterer, a left-hander, a neurotic or a psychopath. And this is true even for newborn children whose ailments have not yet manifested themselves.

However, your business is not to make a diagnosis, but to get an idea about your counterpart. Try, under some pretext, to see both of his palms - and you will understand whether it is worth dealing with him. Don't forget to also pay attention to the shape of his hands and the length of his fingers.

Hands are divided into two groups according to their shape: square and oblong. Looking at the hand, mentally remove all fingers, including the thumb, and then you can accurately determine whether the hand is square or oblong. This is the first step towards revealing a person's character. Examine both hands. If your client is right-handed, then the right hand is associated with his daily life, while left hand reflects innate abilities, talents and how strongly his imagination is developed. In the event that your client is left-handed, his left hand displays everyday, real life, and the right one reflects the imaginary world.


If the hand is square in shape, the following conclusion can be drawn:

The person is easy to communicate, practical, skillful and capable. He is overflowing with energy, he is hardy and strong and needs to constantly feel himself busy with something. He stands firmly on his feet, tends to be realistic about the situation and does not draw speculative conclusions, preferring to base his conclusions on obvious and real evidence. He is a good worker and, when the need arises, is able to work hard and for a long time.


If the hand has an oblong shape, we can draw the following conclusion: A person often dreams, from time to time plunging into a fantasy world. He approaches everything he does creatively, and therefore it is very important for him that the work be varied and give ground for initiative and imagination. Otherwise, he loses interest and plunges into the illusory world of his dreams. He often comes up with brilliant ideas, but also often has difficulty putting them into practice.

Naturally, in your practice there will be palms, looking at which, you will not be able to say with certainty what shape they have, square or oblong. It is impossible to divide all of humanity into two groups with clear boundaries, if only because many people have hands of a shape that does not fall into either the first or second category.

A person with a square palm may address you, but at the same time its outer edge will be convex and almost rounded. Such a hand should still be considered square, and we will discuss the meaning of the convex edge of the palm in one of the following chapters.

You may have read about other hand classification systems in the past. classical system divides hands into simple (primitive), practical, philosophical, conical and mental. This system was developed by the famous French palmist named D'Arpentigny at the end of the 18th century and the best way corresponded to that historical period when it was much easier to classify people than it is now.

The form of the peasant's hand, for example, was primitive, while the aristocrat most likely boasted an exquisitely conical hand. Today, few people work in the field, and our hands, reflecting this fact, have changed accordingly, making D'Arpentigny's classification system almost completely obsolete.

I first heard about this system as a child and still sometimes classify hands as, say, philosophical or conical, if they exactly fit these definitions.

But in most cases, I am content with determining whether a person’s palm is square or oblong. I have found it useful to include in this book short description D'Arpentigny's classification system, because from time to time you will come across people whose hands perfectly correspond to one or another group of this system.


A simple, or primitive, hand looks somewhat rough. She is easily recognizable by her square palm and short, thick, relatively shapeless fingers. The skin is rough and rough to the touch. There are very few lines on the palm, sometimes no more than three.

People with primitive hands can be very stubborn and have little interest in anything. It is difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so from time to time, falling into despair, they become aggressive. As long as their basic needs are met, they calmly perceive everything that life presents them, without thinking about tomorrow.


The next step after the primitive hand is the practical hand. Her palm is also square in shape, but her fingers are longer and more graceful than the primitive hand. The skin is less rough, there are a large number of lines on the palm. Owners practical hands, as a rule, have many interests and can get carried away with anything - hence the name "practical".


The tapered hand is characterized by a soft, graceful shape and smooth lines. The palm is rather oblong than square; fingers, as a rule, are long, with rounded tips. The palm is soft, fleshy. People with conical hands are very aesthetic, creatively gifted and prone to daydreaming. They imagine a beautiful, magical world where everything is perfect and harmonious. They do not accept vulgar language and any manifestations of rudeness and bad manners.

psychic hand

This is the same hand shape that has always attracted the attention of artists. The palm and fingers of the psychic hand are long, thin and graceful. People with psychic hands are by nature idealistic, highly intuitive, and highly impractical. They spend a significant part of their time in an imaginary world invented by themselves, preferring it to the realities of life. The mental form of the hand is widespread in India and the Far East, while in the West it is quite rare.


the philosophical hand, as a rule, has a square shape. Fingers - long, with clearly marked joints. People with such hands like to analyze everything without exception. To better understand the reason for this meticulousness, you can use the following analogy: imagine that thoughts originate at the fingertips.

Reaching the first knotty, convex joint, they must first climb it and go around it several times before they can continue down. On the second joint, the process is repeated. As a result, by the time a thought reaches the palm of the hand, it has been repeatedly scrolled through, subjected to careful analysis.


In practice, you will find that most people's hands fit perfectly into one group or another of D'Arpentigny's system. The same hands that do not fall under the classification developed by him, D'Arpentigny ranked as hands of a mixed form.

Fortunately, with the help of his simple and convenient system, the story of which we began with square and oblong hands, you can quite successfully classify almost everyone. However, the hand shapes represent only half of the system. In order to complete the acquaintance with the D'Arpentigny classification system, it is necessary to move on to the fingers.


After you have determined the shape of the palm as square or oblong, you need to move on to the fingers of the hand, which can be long or short. For someone who has just begun to study palmistry, it will not be easy to quickly and accurately determine the length of the fingers, but you should not be upset. With a little practice, you will learn how to determine the length of the fingers by eye.

The fingers are considered long if, after you have bent them, the pads reach a point equal to seven-eighths of the total length of the palm. Unfortunately, there are quite a few exceptions to this rule, due to the fact that some people have plastic hands, while others are rather inflexible.

Moreover, a person with an elongated palm may have long fingers, although in this case they will only reach the middle of the palm. Having gained experience, you can, at one glance at a person’s palm, determine whether his fingers are long or short. Problems only arise when, as a beginner in palmistry, you come across a hand whose fingers seem neither long nor short.

There are several ways to resolve this situation, which we will discuss below.


Long fingers. Angle greater than 45°

If a person has long fingers, he tends to pay attention to small things, and we, in turn, can draw the following conclusions:

He likes laborious, painstaking work. He is patient and really enjoys the "thin" moments because he loves to deal with small details. Whatever he does, his work should be exciting and absorbing. If she is too simple and primitive, he will quickly lose interest in her.


If a person has short fingers, then in his case the conclusions are opposite. He is more interested in "broad strokes" than all sorts of details and little things, because he does not have patience. We can draw the following conclusion: such a person is always busy. Often he starts a new business before he completes the previous one.

At times it also happens that he is absorbed in several cases or projects at the same time. He wants to get everything immediately, so patience is not his strongest trait. Impulsivity can become a source of problems and trouble for him. In a sense, he is a jack of all trades.


Obviously, a person whose fingers are neither long nor short falls into the middle category. The conclusion is this: at times this person is very patient. However, it also happens that he first takes a step, and only then begins to think about the consequences of his act.
If something really interested him, he tries to get to the very essence and master everything to the subtleties. If the interest is of a transitory nature, he is content with superficial information and does not seek to get acquainted with the details.

As a result, we get four possible combinations: square palms with short fingers, square palms with long fingers, oblong palms with short fingers, and oblong palms with long fingers. This classification system is most commonly used by Chinese palmists.

I first read about it in Fred Getting's monumental book The Book of the Hand. The four groups are named after the four elements or natural elements of the ancients: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The groups correspond to the descriptions of fire, earth, air and water astrological signs, although it does not follow from this that, for example, Sagittarius (a fire sign) necessarily has a fiery hand. In each sign of the Zodiac there are people with hands of all four groups.


Fire is hot, energetic and in constant motion. It can spread pleasant warmth around itself, but it can also burn. It follows that fire must be handled with care. fiery hand

characterized by an oblong palm and short fingers. A person with a fiery hand, as a rule, is emotional, strong, enthusiastic and tries to be creative in everything. Short fingers cause a lack of interest in details, and an oblong palm - a strong intuition. About a person with such a hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He has a sharp and lively mind, constantly coming up with wonderful ideas that cause bursts of enthusiasm and inspiration. This enthusiasm is often short-lived, but until it fades, it gives an additional impetus to all the actions of a person. At times, it is difficult for such a person to cope with emotions, but it is thanks to his emotionality that he lives brightly and fully, enjoying life and all its positive manifestations as much as possible.

He treats details without much attention, and he is more interested in the picture as a whole than in its individual fragments. He feels happy only when he is busy, loaded with work and in demand. Probably, one of the areas of his activity is somehow connected with creativity.


The earth, or soil, is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on the planet is subject to the natural cycle "birth - growth - death - decomposition". The earth has no age and therefore symbolizes stability and constancy. However, under its surface there is constant movement, constant change. At times, this leads to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

The earthly hand is very similar to the practical hand. It is characterized by a square palm and short fingers. People with an earth-type hand are reliable, constant, practical, unpretentious and easy to communicate with. They like monotonous work, as well as all kinds of activities in which the hands are actively involved.

Such people are conservative, restrained, but jealous, they have a highly developed sense of ownership. They can be prone to temper tantrums and be very aggressive when forced to.

We can say the following about a person with an earthly type of hand: he can confidently be called a good, conscientious worker. He is not afraid of hard physical work, his skillful hands "think for themselves." Sometimes he is stubborn, it is impossible to lead him astray if he has made a final decision.

He likes to move, he feels the rhythm well. He does not know how and does not like to work with details, unless, of course, he makes something with his own hands. Probably prefers to work for fresh air. He is interested in practical areas of activity. He is reliable, honest, and a little reserved.


Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and rarely pay attention to it, except perhaps on windy days. Air creatures, such as birds and flying insects, are active and fast. air hand characterized by a square palm and long fingers.

People of this type prefer to trust logic rather than intuition. They are quick-witted, savvy, witty and clearly express their thoughts. They love to communicate and often make brilliant careers in professions that require sociability. Due to the fact that they tend to rely on logic, people of this type do not trust emotions - both their own and those of other people. About a person with an air type hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He is intelligent, choosy, insightful and tends to think soberly and clearly. Relationships with other people are of great importance to him, but sometimes he allows logic to guide his feelings. Reliable, you can rely on him. He likes to do everything right, “as it should be”. He has a quick analytical mind, and when necessary, he can express his thoughts exceptionally clearly and competently. He is a wonderful companion, and next to him life is never boring or monotonous.


And finally, water, the natural state of which, like the elements, is complete stillness and tranquility. In order for this state to change and the water to move, it must be affected by external forces. Water itself is formless, it only fills the form into which it can penetrate.

The moon has a strong effect on water, causing ocean tides to ebb and flow. The expression "devils live in a still pool" is the best way to describe a water hand. The water hand is characterized by an oblong palm and long fingers.

This type of hand is sometimes called the intuitive hand, because people with such hands are incredibly sensitive, perceptive and receptive. They are also prone to rapid mood swings, emotional and impressionable. They are idealistic and have a developed and lively imagination. About a person whose hands belong to the water type, we can say something like this: His spiritual life is incredibly rich and diverse.

Due to the fact that he has a very vivid imagination, he indulges in fantasies and dreams. He is influenced by others, so he often changes his views. He has strong intuition. He is emotional.

If a person has attracted his attention, he tends to spend more time in his company, but he also needs time to think alone about what is happening in life. He feels happy next to a loved and understanding person whom he can rely on.


Most people believe that palmistry is the art of interpreting the lines on a person's hand. But you already know that this is only part of palmistry. Before jumping straight into line analysis, let's take a quick look at the hand as a whole.

Now we can already determine what type - fiery, water, air or earth - the hands of a person belong to, which, in turn, allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding his character and temperament. Just a cursory glance at the hand can significantly replenish our knowledge about this person.


To begin with, pay attention to whether the person’s hand is soft or hard. In some cases, the hand may feel springy to the touch, that is, neither soft nor hard. If the hand is fleshy, soft, this means that its owner loves luxury and pleasure and readily indulges his passions and desires.

If the hand has the opposite qualities, that is, it is hard to the touch, you have a strong person who endures all the vicissitudes of fate and is not afraid of trouble. Such a person is able to resist any temptation in the name of what seems to him more important and significant at this stage of life.


Now pay attention to how the hand looks and feels: rough or smooth. Don't be fooled by blisters that result from hard physical labor. Believe me, a person who earns a living by physical labor can have smooth hands. The rough hand is primarily characterized by large skin pores. As a rule, it is more noticeable on the back of the hand.

People with very rough hands tend to have strong primitive instincts and a similar appetite. Their needs are very limited, and if they are realized, people of this type feel happy and contented. If they are given the opportunity, they are prone to abuse. People of this type are called "thick-skinned".

People with smooth hands are much more cultured and aesthetic in everything they do. As a rule, they are keenly interested in all forms and types of creativity and strive to ensure that their homes and workplaces are as attractive and beautiful as possible.


Looking at the back of the hand, pay attention to the amount of hair growing on it. A small amount of hair indicates masculinity and is an auspicious sign for male hand. The abundance of hair indicates a person with great physical needs, who can only be happy when they are completely satisfied.


When the person holds out their hand to you, pay attention to whether the fingers are closed or slightly apart. People who keep their fingers close together tend to be cautious, cautious, introspective, and suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

People who hold out their hands with spread fingers are much more confident and open. They are less likely to doubt their own strengths and abilities than people who keep their fingers closed. Sometimes people extend their hand to the palmist with spread fingers and a completely unclenched palm, but in the process of divination they begin to gradually close their fingers and squeeze their palm. This process of slow clenching of the hand means that they are afraid of revealing their secrets.


The palm is divided into four parts by two imaginary lines. A vertical line running along the middle finger (finger of Saturn) across the entire palm to the wrist divides it into two parts, external and internal. The outer half includes the thumb and is associated with the actions we take in the world around us.

The inner half is connected with inner thoughts and decisions only known to us. An imaginary horizontal line passes under the base of the fingers and also divides the palm into two parts, upper and lower. The half that includes the fingers is associated with activity, while the bottom half is more passive and less receptive. As a result, the palm is divided into four quadrants: external active, internal active, external passive, internal passive.

As you examine your hand, pay attention to which of the quadrants is most pronounced, most obvious. Of course, this is very relative. One of the quadrants may seem more prominent and larger because of the hills (small bumps) present on it, or simply because one part of the arm seemed more important to you than others. I will share a secret: in the process of divination, a palmist should always listen to his intuition. It will never hurt anyone.

If none of the parts of the hand looks dominant in relation to its other parts, this means that the person has managed to achieve balance in different areas of life.


The active outer quadrant includes the thumb, index finger, and half of the middle finger. This section of the hand symbolizes the ambitions and goals of a person. If the active outer quadrant is dominant, this indicates that the person will spare no intellectual and physical efforts to achieve success.


Directly below the active outer quadrant is the passive outer quadrant, which includes the lower phalanx of the thumb and the mount (mount of Venus) lower in the palm of the hand. This quadrant is associated with physical endurance and sexual activity.

A well-developed passive outer quadrant indicates that the individual has great physical strength and endurance and no less sexual potency. If this part of the hand looks the weakest of the four, this indicates that the person is physically passive and rarely experiences spiritual uplift.


The active inner quadrant includes the ring finger, little finger, and half of the middle finger. If this quadrant is dominant, a person is more interested in science and art than in ways to achieve success and recognition.


Finally, we come to the passive inner quadrant. It includes a portion of the hand known as the Hill of the Moon, which we will discuss in detail a little later. The hill of the Moon is associated with creativity and the subconscious, therefore, being dominant, the passive inner quadrant indicates that a person understands his feelings well, feels their slightest nuances and fluctuations, and has a strong intuition.

This quadrant is also associated with imagination and tends to be especially well developed in creative people such as artists, poets, and musicians.

The program "About the most important thing" led me to this idea. Unfortunately, I turned on the TV late, and the show was about bags under my eyes. So I decided to search on the Internet on my own, and how, in general, by external signs, you can make a diagnosis for yourself (putting, of course, it sounds loud, but it will help to think about how you feel). And here's what I found. I’ll make a reservation right away that something seemed to me not devoid of logic, but something made me laugh! SO:

Some internal diseases have very clear external signs. If, after a careful examination of your body, you see any of the signs described below, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor for a more complete examination.


Let's start with human growth

Tall people have developed mental abilities, but they are prone to colds and nervous disorders. Physically and socially active short people often show disorders of the digestive and circulatory systems. People with long and thick arms and legs are strong mentally, they are very flexible in the social and intellectual sphere.

Attention should also be paid to the shoulders: if a person has unbalanced shoulders (that is, one is higher than the other), then the organs located on the side where the shoulder is higher are weaker than those located on the side of the lower shoulder.

Sloping shoulders correspond to the feminine principle, a balanced nervous system, active physical and mental activity. People with square shoulders have a masculine character and a lot of physical health.

The activity of a person depends on the length of the legs. People with short legs cannot sit for a long time - they like to walk and stand; They also absorb information better while standing. A long-legged person, on the contrary, cannot stand or walk for a long time, he has a constant desire to sit down.

Special attention should be paid to the fingers and toes:

* long fingers speak of a very emotional, receptive and aesthetic nature;

* short fingers - about high resistance to environmental negative factors;

* the index finger is longer than the ring finger - perhaps there is a congenital pathology of the large intestine;

* the index finger is equal in height to the middle one and lower than the ring finger - diseases of the heart or stomach are likely;

* fingers equal in length say that their owner can perform complex manual work;

* fingers, different in length, are typical mainly for creative people - these people work not with their hands, but with their heads;

* lost the flexibility of the fingers - it means that the muscles, arteries and veins have hardened not only on the hands, but throughout the body.

Even by the movements, gestures of a person, you can understand why he has health problems:

If at walking a person bends his shoulders forward, as if protecting his chest, and throws his head back, and often clasps his hands in a lock on his stomach, this indicates diseases gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastritis.

In a person who constantly fidgets and often changes posture, most likely back problems: intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis.

A clear picture of the disease in people suffering from joint diseases: arthritis or arthrosis. When walking, they almost do not bend their legs, take very small steps, make efforts to sit down, and even more so to stand up.

If a person tries not to move almost head, and even when you need to look to the side, the whole body turns, combined with pallor - this is talking about severe headaches and migraines. But if the head is slightly tilted to one side, this may be a symptom of inflammation of the neck muscles (myositis).

A person tries to keep the body straight, and even when bending, does not bend back, but the whole body moves forward. This may be a picture of Bechterew's disease.

An uncertain gait and a constant search for support are a sign of pressure problems, vegetative vascular distancing and dizziness.

A shuffling gait with a low head and shoulders indicates deep depression.

If, when walking, it seems that a person is stepping on hot coals, he most likely has gout or polyarthritis.

A cautious gait with hands pressed to the body, as if the walker is afraid of hurting something, speaks of some kind of chronic pain syndrome.

Trembling hands indicate vascular disease.

But even a barely noticeable trembling heads may be a sign of cerebral atherosclerosis or neurological problems.

Too active gestures and nervous gait, even when a person is absolutely calm, speaks of possible neurosis and psychopathy.

Inhibition of movements, low mobility, stiffness of the hands are the first symptom of a mental disorder.

Hands my hands:

Each finger and toe corresponds to certain organs and functions. Often the appearance of the fingers reflects the work of these organs.


* thumb - lungs,

* index finger - large intestine,

* middle finger - life energy, heart and reproductive function,

* ring finger - the activity of metabolism and the release of excess energy from the heart, stomach, intestines,

* little finger - heart and small intestine.


* first finger (thumb) - spleen, pancreas,

* second finger - stomach,

* third finger - stomach and duodenum,

* fourth finger - gallbladder,

* the fifth finger is the bladder.

You can identify malfunctions in the digestive system using palms: open your palm and firmly press your fingers together - if there are gaps between the fingers, then something is wrong. The presence of warts on the hands also indicates the same ailment. And if you open your palm and feel pain in its center, then you can assume a general mental and physical fatigue.

1. A completely flat hill of Venus and a large arch on the first bracelet, speak of a difficult birth. Unfortunately, this sign was confirmed by 99%.

2. As cancer progresses, the skin of the palm often acquires a greenish tint.

3. With colon cancer, the shade may appear on the outside of each of the palms in the gaps between the thumb and forefinger.

4. For cancer of the small intestine - from the outside of the palm, down from the little finger.

5. With lung cancer - on one or both arms.

6. With cancer of the stomach - on the outside of each of the legs, especially below the knee.

7. Vertical strokes between the index and middle fingers are a sign of a predisposition to rheumatism.

8. With hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, which can be caused, for example, by a tumor, they develop abnormally big hands with huge, thick fingers.

9. And, on the contrary, in case of dysfunction or underdevelopment of the pituitary gland, small hands with too thin fingers are visible.

10. Very cold tips of the fingers and toes - violation of blood vessels, atherosclerosis.

11. In hypothyroidism, we find, especially in women, a small, fat hand white color and soft consistency. The fingertips are usually short and conical in shape, the little finger is exceptionally sharp.

12. In contrast, a person with an overactive thyroid gland has a long, bony hand, with thin, bony fingers.

13. Insufficient function of the gonads is noticeable by the infantile shortness of the hands and fingers, and especially the little finger.

14. In patients with gout and rheumatism, changes can be easily established - swollen and deformed fingers.

15. White or blue emaciated hand in Rhine's disease.

16. In those suffering from depression, we see, as a rule, a thin, pale and sluggish hand.

17. Schizophrenics have a thin and bluish hand.

18. Discontinuous and dark coloring of the line of health indicates irascibility and diseases resulting from spillage of bile.

19. If the line of health is interrupted several times and angular, then this is taken as a sign of gastric and gastrointestinal ailments.

20. Loop on the line of health - speaks of liver disease.

21. A loop on the line of the mind speaks of a brain disease.

22. Excessive mobility of the arm leads to the conclusion about low blood pressure, which is expressed in fatigue and loss of energy.

23. Perfect - long arm shows a predisposition to hyperthyroidism and related diseases. Owners of this type of hand are often neurotic and gravitate toward psychosis.

24. If the thumb of a person is more like a finger of an anthropoid ape (i.e., very large), then this most likely indicates dementia and degenerative tendencies.

25. People who suffer from harmless or insidious spasms, as well as convulsive conditions, such as epileptics, hide their thumb in a fist at the time of the attack, which is an expression of their depressive state. In people with this position of the thumb, there is a general decrease in vitality, these people are depressed and pessimistic, which can cause psychosomatic health problems.

26. Schizophrenics usually have an abnormally long little finger.

27. A too short little finger indicates not only infantilism, but also "paranoid" schizophrenics, who are very often underdeveloped also in a sexual sense.

28. In disorders of the endocrine system, the little finger is usually not only too short, but often sharp.

29. If the hands are continuously cold as ice and white, or of blue color, then in this case, the fingertips may be wrinkled, and their skin rough. All this says (if a person does not suffer from a heart vascular diseases), about melancholia, depression, or psychosis. In such cases, the palm is also wet.

30. If the hill of Venus (near the thumb) is of medium size and smooth, this indicates a short life.

31. A red dot in the hollow between the ring and middle fingers indicates caries.

32. A very short little finger is a serious (and almost always justified) sign of mental imbalance and poor health.

33. If the little finger is noticeably curved towards the ring finger, then in women this is a sign of an incorrect position of the uterus.

34. In men, the curvature of the little finger towards the ring finger is a violation of sexual function.

35. The absence of a hole on the nail of the little finger - dysfunction of the urinary tract.

36. An ugly, randomly indented hill of the Moon (hill of the palm, opposite the hill of Venus, adjacent to the base of the thumb), speaks of the danger of epilepsy, kidney disease and dropsy.

37. A square on the hill of the Moon, speaks of a violent death from loved ones.

38. A network of lines on the hill of the Moon and on the little finger - speaks of a disease with consumption.

39. Star on the hill of the Moon - utopian death.

40. The connection at the very beginning of the lines of the mind and the lines of the heart with a perpendicular straight line is a sign of suicide.

41. A parchment-like hand with a yellowish skin tone testifies to a disease of the liver and gallbladder.

42. Anemia is indicated by exfoliating nails.

43. A weakly expressed line of love (heart) can be associated with increased sensitivity and great vulnerability of a person. It can also be an indicator of stomach diseases (excessive sensitivity contributes to stomach diseases).

44. An unfavorable sign in a woman in labor is considered to be a combination of a narrow palm (foreshadows a protracted birth) with an upper bracelet line in the middle, rarely curved upward towards the fingers.

45. A dark dot on the hill of Venus - indicates a predisposition to hearing impairment (on the right hand - the right ear), on the left hand - the left ear, respectively.

46. ​​Wet hands - indicate some kind of internal ailment, most often an unhealthy heart.

47. If the color of the hand is "yellow" - this means that the person is sickly and nervous.

48. If the "crescent" on the nails is large or not at all, then a person may have an unhealthy heart. It is also necessary to look at the line of the Heart - if it is intermittent, dots or small dashes are visible on it, then this is another confirmation of the disease.

49. There are people whose nails "bloom" - they have white, flower-like dashes on their nails - this means a violation of blood circulation.

50. And striped nails indicate a stomach ailment.

51. If the nails on the fingers are strong, this is evidence of a healthy body.

52. A branch to the hill of Jupiter from the line of Health, provides for internal diseases.

53. If the line of Health is crippled, tortuous, branched, then this indicates a sick person.

54. A very wide line of health indicates poor health.

55. An unhealthy heart is indicated by a broken line of the heart, on which dots or small dashes are visible. This is also evidenced by the line in the form of a chain.

56. If the middle part of the line of the mind approaches the line of the heart, this may indicate a lung disease.

57. If at the end of the line of the mind you can see a cross, a star, or another line crosses it, then a person may be threatened with a mental illness.

58. A cross or a star on the line of the mind indicates that there is a threat to health.

59. If points can be seen on the line of the mind, then they indicate a violation of the nervous system.

60. Sometimes deep pits are noticeable on the line of the mind, which, as it were, increase this line. And this indicates a violation of the nervous system that a person had or will have. In what year of life this can happen, certain years indicate this.

61. If the line of the mind is crossed by a line or a line, and it breaks off like a cut with a knife, this means that human life can end unexpectedly.

62. In rare cases, the line of the mind has branches back. When the line of the mind is broken, this indicates a mental illness.

63. It is bad if the line of the mind ends with two branches, and both of them turn towards the hill of the Moon. Such formations on the lines of the hand indicate that a person's life may end in a violation of the mind.

64. If the line of the mind is interrupted, then this implies a head injury or a violation of the nervous system.

76. Narrow nails are a sign of irritability and ambition.

77. Nails dull, brittle and with colored marks or highlights, characterized by irregular growth and uncharacteristic skin color - this always indicates poor health, and in some cases these signs portend very bad changes. Only a specialist can determine the essence of which.

78. A healthy nail at its base is bordered by a white hole. The absence or presence of too large a hole indicates a predisposition to nervous diseases (heart neurosis).

79. White spots on the thumbnail - speak of nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation and other diseases.

80. White spots on the index finger (nail) portend heart disease, heart hobbies.

81. On the middle finger - a difficult state of mind, and some have a tendency to commit suicide.

82. If the nail is of normal shape, then the person is practically healthy.

83. A short and flat nail is an organic disease of the heart.

84. Large size of the crescent - tachycardia.

85. Absence of the crescent - neurosis of the heart.

86. Very cold tips of the fingers and toes - violation of blood vessels, atherosclerosis.

In general, people who have warts, there is a predisposition to the development of tumors, cysts, oncological diseases, diseases of the urinary system.


Iridology (from the Latin "iris" - iris) is an informative examination that complements traditional tests. By the iris, you can determine diseases of the spine, stomach, heart, ovaries or prostate, diabetes, asthma, rheumatism, a tendency to schizophrenia, hereditary diseases, assess the strength of immunity, and predict life expectancy. And let it be impossible to talk about the diagnosis exactly, but it is possible to detect diseases on such early stages when it is still impossible to diagnose the disease by conventional methods.

From the course of anatomy, it is known that the eyes are part of the brain. Everything in the body is interconnected, so the state of the internal organs is displayed by the brain in a kind of sign language. The iris is just that part of the eyes on which the entire chronicle of our health is "written", starting from birth.

If your eyes are bright, this means that you have been given strong immunity from birth. In particular, it is easy for blue-eyed people to drink vodka. The roots of this phenomenon go back to hoary antiquity, when the blue-eyed Slavs drank this traditional drink like water, which was genetically transmitted to their heirs. Black-eyed and brown-eyed people cannot do this - their liver is weaker. So, by the way, one can recognize Tatar origin in owners of mixed eye color: if from 200 g it becomes bad, then the ancestors are from the East.

If the color of the eyes changes, for example, from blue to green, this indicates illness and slagging of the body.

From birth, a different eye color, for example, one eye is brown, the other is green, says that their owner is an unbalanced type.

In order to examine your iris, sit in front of the light and take a magnifying glass in one hand and a mirror in the other. Pay attention to:

1. Density of the iris

The dense iris resembles the eye of a baby doll: even, smooth, evenly pigmented, without spots. If the iris is dense before the eyes, this is a sign of excellent heredity, endurance, and strong immunity. After illnesses and surgeries, your health is likely to recover quickly and completely. There is a high probability that you will live to be 80-85 years old, and maybe even up to 90.

A loose iris speaks of "average" heredity. With great mental and physical stress, such people may have nervous breakdowns, excessive irritability, headaches and heart pains, spasms of various organs, and depression. But if the rhythm of your life is moderate, if you do not “leave your health to the mercy of fate”, then without any problems you will live to at least 75-80 years.

A very loose iris, in which the fibers are split and there are many "holes", is a sign of weak immunity, a low degree of endurance. Even with minor loads or stresses, nervous breakdowns and the occurrence of diseases are possible. But nevertheless, you have a chance to live up to 70-75 years.

2. Color drawings

Around the pupil, a yellowish color is a sign of slagging of the intestines, liver, and gallbladder.

A white arc along the edge of the iris is a sure sign that you are suffering from atherosclerosis. If in its upper part - atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, in the lower - the vessels of the legs.

Half rings or rings passing through the entire surface of the iris, around the pupil, indicate that you are a sensitive person, but holding negative emotions, resentment, tension. The nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer from this mental stress.

Spots speak of violations in specific organs. In order to determine where the disease "sits", look at the diagram of the projections of the internal organs and try to determine in which organ these spots are located.


If you break the iris into sectors and imagine it as a clock face, you can see your entire body. For example, on the right iris

From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., the work of the brain is reflected; in the center of the dial, near the pupil, - the stomach and intestines;

From 13 to 15 hours - nasopharynx and trachea;

From 16:00 to 17:00 - spine;

From 17:00 to 18:00 - genitourinary system: ureter Bladder and kidneys;

From 18 to 19 hours - appendages;

Around 20:00 - liver and gallbladder;

In the middle between 20 and 21 hours - the mammary gland;

From 21:00 to 22:00 - lungs;

About 22 - thyroid gland;

From 22:00 to 22:30 - ear.

The left shell mirrors the right one.

Tearing of the eyes indicates a deficiency of potassium in the body, dilated pupils indicate nervousness and anxiety. Redness of the eyes indicates a violation of blood pressure, often intracerebral.

Redness gla h, which appeared with fever, indicates a long-term lesion of the abdomen.

Bags under the eyes are often a symptom of certain diseases. For example, they may indicate violations of the kidneys, thyroid gland. Moreover, if the bags under the eyes are the result of any disease, then even after recovery they will not go anywhere.

Other signs of disease in appearance person:

Double chin indicates poor digestion.

chubby cheeks usually with indigestion.

If ruddiness forms a sharply limited intense red spot on the cheekbones - it means that the lungs begin to collapse.

By complexion:

A bluish-green complexion is a sign of liver disease.

Earthy complexion - in persons suffering from diseases of the stomach, spleen, pancreas.

Paleness of the skin indicates a disease of the large intestine.

Red complexion often indicates heart disease, white - lung disease.

A reddish hue of the skin of the face and trunk is characteristic of diseases of the heart, pericardium and systems paired with it.

A blackish hue of the face - with diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Blue complexion indicates diseases of the stomach and spleen.

Yellow complexion indicates diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

A bloodless complexion with yellowness suggests that the patient has cancer.

brown red neck indicates inflammation of the organs of the lower abdomen (if the place over which to draw a finger immediately takes on the same color).

Thickened back of the head indicates tinnitus, headaches, diseases of the spinal cord, mental disorders.

Redness on the bump chest indicates inflammation of the head or chest.

. Smell acetone from the mouth indicates liver problems

. Face glitters, forehead darkish - signs of a violation in the hormonal system.

Strong pain in a stomach, hair loss from the head and from the beard indicate that the spleen is sick.

Pigmentation on the face

  • in a woman after childbirth, it indicates that the woman has a uterine disease.

In men whose testicles are affected, there is a dry cough, and the voice is hoarse, not loud.

jitter language indicates mental disorder.

Consider the language:

Language always bears the imprint of one or another internal organ. And it can tell a lot about the state of health. No wonder they say: the tongue is the mirror of the body.

So bright pink, moist with a thin white coating of mucus and saliva, the tongue indicates that you are absolutely healthy.

A red tongue without plaque is the first sign of dehydration.

A pale tongue indicates a slow metabolism.

Grayish-purple - indicates a deterioration in blood circulation.

If the tongue is covered with a yellow coating, this is a sign of indigestion or other digestive disorders.

After all, it is not in vain that in oriental medicine the tongue is considered the most sensitive "window of the body", so to speak, a mirror of the body's health. And through it you can influence the internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs).

Please note that fresh breath is 70% dependent on the condition of the tongue. And some do not even think about it and look for problems where there are none.

By the way, if the tongue often bleeds, it means that the body urgently needs vitamin C, if it is rough, dry and has acquired a purple-red color, there is not enough vitamin B2, blood-cyanotic - vitamin B3.

At healthy person pink nails. If, when pressing on the patient's nail, the pink color quickly returns, the disease should be treatable. Otherwise, the disease is in a dangerous stage.

Black-gray spots on the nail are signs of mercury intoxication.

White spots on the nail - a violation of the nervous system.

A dirty gray color of the nails indicates congenital syphilis.

Bluish or blue color of the nails indicates birth defects hearts.

Yellowish nails indicate some brain disorder.

Pale nail color is usually due to anemia.

Pale red nails indicate certain diseases blood.

The dark brown color of the nails indicates a protracted severe fever.

With yellow coloration of the nails, liver disease occurs.

Greenish-purulent coloration of the nails, usually with purulent processes.

So we got to the feet:

Various foot problems can have very unpleasant consequences for any part of the human body. Even a little pain in the foot that makes you walk more slowly can lead to an increase in body weight, not to mention incoordination, which, in turn, can lead to a fall and a fracture. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can gain much more knowledge if you study the following information about our feet:

Slightly embedded toenails that leave a spoon-shaped notch in the toes

What can it say? The spoon-like, almost concave dorsal surface of the ends of the toes, with the nails deeply recessed into it, very often speaks of anemia (that is, anemia, or iron deficiency). These signs are especially pronounced in severe cases of anemia. The reason for this is usually a lack of hemoglobin and an iron-rich protein in the blood cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen. Internal bleeding and severe bleeding menstrual period can also cause anemia in women.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: unhealthy pallor may appear on the nails and on the terminal phalanges of the fingers themselves (it doesn’t matter - hands or feet). Nails can be too brittle and often break. Sometimes a person's feet freeze even in a warm period of time. These are all signs of anemia, as are fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness (even when you're just standing) and headaches.
What should be done? It is necessary to undergo a complete blood test, because it is he who will most accurately diagnose anemia. An examination by a physiotherapist will help to identify the causes of the disease. The first measures aimed at curing this disease include the introduction of iron-fortified preparations and a special diet that will allow the body to make up for the lack of iron and vitamin C (which contributes to the faster dissolution of iron in the body).

Lack of hair on legs and toes

What can it say? Poor circulation, which is often caused by vascular disease, can cause hair loss on the legs. For example, when the heart loses the ability to pump enough blood to the outermost parts of the body due to arteriosclerosis (also called hardening of the arteries), the body is forced to prioritize itself. And the hair on the legs obviously has a weak priority, which is why they begin to fall out in the first place.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: Reduced blood circulation is also characterized by the fact that it becomes difficult to find a pulse in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet (if everything is in order, you can always check your pulse by placing your hand on inner part ankles, just above the foot). When a person with poor circulation stands, their feet darken slightly (or take on a slight reddish color). If he raises his foot, the foot will immediately turn pale. The skin of such people looks like polished. As a rule, people with poor circulation are already aware of the presence of certain problems with their cardiovascular system. They may suffer from various kinds of heart disease and carotid disease, but still be unaware of poor circulation.

What should be done? The situation will help to correct the treatment of vessels of the lower extremities. Despite the fact that the hair on the legs and toes rarely grows back, the treatment does not become less effective.

Frequent leg cramps

What can it say? Sharp, knife-like pain in the foot - and, in fact, a pinched muscle - can signal dehydration, or that you have subjected your feet to a lot of physical exertion. If cramps happen too often, it may indicate that your diet lacks foods rich in calcium, potassium, or magnesium. This kind of spasms are often found in pregnant women in the last three months of pregnancy. This happens due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood in the body and at the same time a deterioration in blood flow to the feet.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: spasm (cramps) of the muscles of the feet and legs happens very suddenly; as a rule, a person can generally lie in a relaxed state. It can be either single contractions or undulating spasms that pass gradually. Often the pain from them can persist for a long time.

What should be done? Try to bend your leg and massage the area where the pain is felt. You can also try to relieve tension by applying an ice pack to your leg, or by rubbing your leg with a strong alcohol solution. To prevent cramps, you need to stretch your legs a little before going to bed. Do not interfere with a walk in the fresh air. Also drink a glass of warm milk before bed - this will add calcium to your body.

Sores on the bottom of the foot that heal slowly

What can it say? This is the main symptom of diabetes. Enhanced level blood glucose leads to damage to the nerve endings in the feet. Usually, slight peeling of the skin of the feet, small cuts, or irritation caused by uncomfortable or tight shoes are not paid attention to. If a person does not know that he has diabetes, he also does not pay due attention to these damages. Meanwhile, in his case, this can lead to catastrophic consequences (even to amputation), since in diabetic patients such wounds become inflamed very quickly, spreading the infection throughout the body.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: Festering, foul-smelling cuts should alert anyone, since such signs are possible only if these cuts do not heal already long time. Other signs that may indicate the presence of a disease such as diabetes are constant thirst, frequent urination, increased fatigue, blurred vision, too much hunger and weight loss.

What should be done? Any sores and cuts on the legs should be treated immediately and an appointment should be made with the doctor to undergo a medical examination for diabetes. Diabetics should generally examine their feet daily. It is often very difficult for older people, or very obese people, to do this, and therefore there must be someone who will help them with this. In addition, diabetics should be regularly monitored by their doctor.

cold feet

What can it say? Very often (more often than men) the weaker sex complains about their cold feet (however, perhaps it is men who complain about the cold feet of their women!). This may mean nothing at all, or it may indicate the presence of certain problems with the thyroid gland. Temperature in the center female body slightly lower than in the male body, which in principle makes them more susceptible to the slightest cold snap (even if they are quite healthy). On the other hand, women over forty who complain of cold feet very often suffer from problems with the thyroid gland, which regulates body temperature and is responsible for metabolic processes in the body (for metabolism). In addition, cold feet (in both sexes) can indicate poor circulation.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: the symptoms of hypothyroidism (diseases associated with the thyroid gland) are very difficult to diagnose. Sometimes they are very difficult to identify, since their manifestation is not characterized by any periodicity, or other signs by which they could be easily identified. But you need to know that they can include fatigue, depression, weight loss, dry skin.

What should be done? Clothing made from natural materials that retain heat well is perfect in this case. For example, woolen socks and insulated shoes. If you still feel discomfort from cold feet, you should consult a doctor. However, unfortunately, the doctor is unlikely to be able to identify any other cause of cold feet, except for problems with the thyroid gland. In all other cases, the explanation will be only the specific temperature balance of your body.

Unpleasant looking, thick, yellow, too even toenails

What can it say? This may indicate that a fungal infection has spread with might and main under the nails. Onychomiko can develop in this mode for years. Moreover, this can happen absolutely painlessly. By the time it becomes visible, giving an unpleasant appearance to your toenails, you may even have infection on your fingernails.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: nails can often have an unpleasant odor and become dark color. Under the category of the most vulnerable people who are most susceptible to the occurrence of such an infection, diabetics fall; people with poor blood circulation, or people whose body is in a state of immunodeficiency (for example, patients with rheumatoid arthritis). Sometimes, when an elderly person has difficulty moving, this can be explained by the fact that his infected nails have become thicker and wider, have grown into the skin, and it has become impossible to cut them without causing severe pain.

What should be done? In this case, it is necessary to constantly be observed by the appropriate specialist. In the most serious cases, when conventional antifungal agents do not help, patients are prescribed additional oral medications. In addition, it is possible to professionally remove neglected areas of the skin affected by the fungus. However, due to the fact that medicine last years has made great progress in this direction, modern antifungal drugs for internal use are very effective and do not provoke the occurrence of serious side effects(unlike drugs of previous years).

Thumb unexpectedly swollen to an alarmingly large size

What can it say? Gout is quite possible (a disease caused by a metabolic disorder, with a predominant lesion of the joints). Yes, no matter how old-fashioned the name of this disease sounds, people still get gout. And not necessarily people of very advanced age - most of them are not even 65. In essence, gout is a form of arthritis (it is also called gouty arthritis), which occurs due to an excess of uric acid in the body. Uric acid, which is a natural substance, forms needle-like crystals, especially at low temperatures. And the most low temperature V human body, of course, in the part farthest from the heart - in the big toes. “If in most cases when you wake up you find that the big toe is very swollen and has a bright red color, then this can be regarded as the first signs of gout,” explains Jane Andersen, already mentioned above, MD.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: swelling; glossy (shiny) or purplish skin, along with a sensation of heat and pain in the instep, in the Achilles tendon, in the knees and elbows. Few can get gout, although men over 40-50 years old are more prone to this disease. In women, exacerbation of gout is observed, often after menopause.

What should be done? See your doctor, who will likely prescribe a special diet for you to help control your gout attacks. And a good orthopedic specialist will help the patient relieve pain attacks and restore the functionality of the fingers, if it has been lost.

Loss of sensation in both feet

What can it say? Lack of sensation in the feet, or, conversely, a tingling sensation in the heels can signal the presence of a disease such as peripheral neuropathy. Damage to the peripheral nervous system is not excluded. This is how the body transmits information about disorders from the brain and spinal cord to the appropriate part of the body. Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by many things, but the two most likely are diabetes and alcohol addiction (now or in the past). In addition, it may be the result of chemotherapy.

Additional signs that indicate the presence of this disease: tingling or burning may also be felt in the hands and may gradually spread to the palms and down the body (legs). Because of the decreased sensitivity that often accompanies this condition, these tingling sensations can be similar to those felt when warm woolen socks are worn over bare feet or woolen gloves are worn over hands.

What should be done? It is imperative to consult a doctor so that he can accurately determine the cause of this disease (especially in cases where alcohol is clearly not the cause). In general, peripheral neuropathy is not treated at present, but there are a large number of painkillers and antidepressants that can relieve pain and relieve symptoms.

Damaged skin between toes

What can it say? About rheumatoid arthritis inflammatory disease connective tissue with a predominant vascular lesion) or osteoarthritis (arthritis affecting the articular ends of the bones). These diseases are felt primarily in small joints, such as, for example, the knuckles.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: pain, accompanied by swelling of the fingers and their stiffness (loss of mobility). As a rule, in the case of the presence of this disease, the pain is symmetrical, that is, it occurs simultaneously in both big toes (or in both index fingers). Rheumatoid arthritis often develops unexpectedly (unlike degenerative arthritis); attacks of pain can appear and also suddenly disappear. Women are about four times more likely than men to be affected by this condition.

What should be done? In order to nominate proper treatment, in the case of this disease, a detailed examination is always required (however, as in the case of any other joint disease). There are many therapeutic methods and medicines to relieve pain and restore joint functionality in rheumatoid arthritis; although the most good option, this is when, thanks to an early diagnosis, it is possible to avoid deformation of the limbs (with this disease, the big toes often begin to grow incorrectly).

Dimpled toenails

What can it say? In almost half of the cases of psoriasis, people's nails signal the presence of this disease. As a rule, we are talking about a large number of small holes - deep and not very deep. More than three-quarters of people with psoriatic arthritis (a disease similar to psoriasis but that affects the joints in addition to the skin) also have pockmarked, pockmarked nails.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: the nails of a sick person also become thicker (moreover, both on the legs and on the hands). They may have a brownish-yellowish hue, and may be characterized by orange-pink foci. The joints of the fingers closer to the nails are usually covered with dry red inflamed skin.

What should be done? Specialist intervention and serious treatment is necessary. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, there are now many medicines and techniques that can successfully treat both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. In many cases (especially if the treatment was started in the early stages of the disease), the nails, the skin under the nails and near them are restored.

Can't get up on heels

What can it say? A foot drop (or, as it is also called, a foot drop) is a phenomenon that occurs when the peroneal nerve is affected. It is characterized by the inability to raise the foot, which seriously complicates walking. It can also signal certain spinal cord injuries - then the problem may be far from the foot: in the back, forearm, or even in the cervical vertebrae. Often, the reason that a person cannot lift his toes while walking, or stand on the back of the foot, may be chemotherapy with certain drugs.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: possible pain in the feet, and their numbness, but not necessarily. Sometimes the pain radiates upward, affecting the upper thighs, or the lower spine, where the pinched nerve is located, for example, hernia. Sometimes a sick person drags his feet when walking, although it has rarely been observed that the disease affects two lower limbs at once.

What should be done? It is necessary to inform the doctor about all unpleasant and disturbing symptoms. Dropped foot can be permanent or completely reversible, depending on the cause of the disease and treatment options.

Dry, flaky skin on the feet

What can it say? Dry, flaky skin on the feet should be much more of a concern for anyone than dry, flaky skin on the hands or even the face. The fact is that this may indicate the presence of epidermophytosis of the feet - fungal disease, in which the skin of the feet, initially dry and flaky, subsequently becomes inflamed and blistered. When these blisters burst, the infection spreads further throughout the body. This disease is often referred to as "athlete's foot", referring to the fact that it is more likely to catch this infection in places such as the floor of a locker room in a gym, or in a swimming pool.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: "athlete's foot" usually begins to appear between the toes. The fungus can then spread to the soles and even to other parts of the body (such as the armpits or groin). The affected areas itch, and due to scratching, the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

What should be done? Mild cases of infection can be cured on their own - for this you just need to wash your feet more often and wipe them dry. And in the future, we must try to avoid moisture, for which it is necessary to pour a special powder from sweat and smell into shoes and even into socks. If there is no improvement within two weeks, or, on the contrary, the infection begins to spread further, then you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe other ointments or medicines for internal use.

Toe color changes

What can it say? In cold weather, the so-called Raynaud's phenomenon, or vibration disease (a disease in which the tone of the blood vessels) leads to the fact that the toes turn white, then acquire a bluish tint; then gradually turn red and only then acquire a natural color. For a reason that is not yet fully understood, periodic spasms of blood vessels occur, which, in fact, cause such a riot of colors.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: in the presence of this disease (Raynaud's phenomenon), a similar "play of colors" can also be observed in other parts of the body. Colors can change the nose, fingers, lips, earlobes. They feel cold to the touch and feel tingly. Women are more at risk of developing this condition than men, especially those who live in colder climates. Raynaud's phenomenon usually occurs in people under 25 or over 40. Stressful situations can also trigger the onset of this disease.

What should be done? It is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to choose the right drug for vasodilation. Proper treatment will help to completely eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of the disease.

Severe foot pain when walking

What can it say? A stress fracture (that is, a fracture of the bones of the foot or, as it is also called, a marching foot), if you do not see a doctor in time and do not get the correct diagnosis, can be the cause of such pain. Discomfort can be felt locally, on the sides of the feet, above the soles; Or the whole foot may hurt. These fractures - they occur quite often and unexpectedly - can cause another serious problem. We are talking about osteopenia (impaired osteogenesis), when the density decreases bone tissue, and, accordingly, its strength. It is most commonly seen in women over 50 years of age. Sometimes the cause of this can be malnutrition, vitamin D deficiency, problems with calcium absorption, anorexia.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: very often a person can move for a long time on such feet; the pain is simply unbearable. However, some people with a high pain threshold may not be aware of these fractures for years because they rarely see a doctor.

What should be done? Any pain in your feet should cause you to immediately go to the doctor. Of course, if you made a multi-kilometer march for three days over rough terrain and in bad shoes, then the cause of the pain is clear even without a doctor. However, if such pain occurs, for example, in a woman of 55 years old, who is mainly engaged in sedentary work, then, of course, an examination of the bones of the feet is required. Plain x-rays can reveal the cause of such pain, and enable the doctor to prescribe the right treatment, which, of course, should help.

Thickening of the terminal phalanges of the toes

What can it say? When the terminal phalanges of the toes thicken significantly, the fingers lose their natural flexibility, acquiring an unnatural one, we can talk about the presence of the so-called symptom of drumsticks (it is also called the fingers of Hippocrates, since it was the great ancient Greek doctor who first described this phenomenon 2000 years ago). These symptoms may indicate the presence of various chronic lung diseases, including pulmonary fibrosis, or even lung cancer. Also, the causes of the symptom of drum sticks can be heart disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the so-called Crohn's disease) and others.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: the fingers undergo the same changes as the toes. All fingers may be affected, or only some.

What should be done? Treatment depends on the causes that underlie the disease. This means that only a doctor can prescribe treatment. In addition, in the process of treatment, it is necessary to regularly observe a specialist so that he can correct his entire course.

Shooting pain in heels

What can it say? Plantar fasciitis (heel spur) is the name of an inflammatory process of connective tissue (fascia) that spreads along the plantar part of the foot. In this case, abnormal tissue tension is observed at the site of attachment to the heel tubercle.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease: Pain begins in the morning when you take your first steps, and often worsens during the day. As a rule, it is concentrated in the heels (one or two), but can also be felt in the upper part of the foot, or in the back. This may be due to the strong physical activity- running or jumping, but not only. Sometimes it is observed in those people who walk a lot barefoot; wears old shoes or light slippers; people who are rapidly gaining weight can suffer from this; or those who have to walk a lot on small stones.

What should be done? If the pain persists for several weeks, or even intensifies, it is necessary to visit an orthopedic doctor. Switch to shoes with low but firm (supportive) soles for the duration of the treatment. The treatment itself may involve wearing special shoes and taking medications to help relieve inflammation.


Loss of speech with hiccough in severe illness.

Appearance of parotid tumors in paralyzed patients.

Blue spots appearing in fever.

Pain in the groin with fever indicates a long and severe illness.

Hemorrhage on the opposite side of the body, such as bleeding from the right nostril, usually occurs with a diseased spleen.

Beating and pain in the jugular vein with fever ends in dysentery.


Sudden loss of vision in severe illness.

Bleeding from mouth, nose, ears, eyes, genitals, rectum during long illness.

If a seriously ill person has changed skin color, the luster of the eyes is lost, the auricles are wrinkled, the nostrils are flattened, and breathing is disturbed.

The appearance of black spots on the tongue in acute fever.

When patients are already weakened, do not see, do not hear, lips, eyes or nose are twisted.

Cold, transparent and tight ears.

Bluish, cracked tongue.

Black or yellow tongue.

Blue lips, eyelids or nose.

If in tuberculosis patients the sputum thrown into the fire spreads an unpleasant smell of burnt meat.

If tuberculosis patients lose their hair.

Various tips (Smile - especially the last tip!!!).

The patient will have an unfavorable course of the disease if he falls ill during the spring or autumn equinox, as well as during the summer or winter solstice, that is, June 22 or December 22.

Most auspicious time for surgical operations - for a young month.

An unfavorable time for surgical interventions is the full moon, and especially unfavorable is the first quarter after the full moon.

In order to determine if you have protein in your urine, you need to urinate into an enamel mug, put it on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and see if white flakes appear in the urine, then your kidneys are sick (the protein coagulates when heated).

To determine the presence of sugar in the urine, our ancestors did the following. They peed near the anthill. If there was sugar in the urine, then ants crawled to it.

Here are some more signs of specific diseases:

1. Signs of diabetes mellitus:
- brown or black pigmentation in the armpits or the back of the neck is a signal that you have pretty high risk development of diabetes;

Small red dots on the lower leg are a sign of diabetes;

Dark or bluish spots on the toes are a sign of advanced diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus occurs as a result of a lack of the hormone insulin, resulting in an increase in blood glucose. Diabetes mellitus can lead to vision loss, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, and even limb amputation. Usually, diabetes occurs in overweight people, so try to get rid of extra pounds.

2. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
If you have very dry, flaky skin, cracked heels, and active hair loss, these may be signs of decreased thyroid function - hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism results in hormonal background. A blood test for thyroid hormones will help clarify the situation.

Sometimes, the signs of a thyroid disease do not look at all like the symptoms of a dangerous disease, but, on the contrary, as signs of a healthy person. We are talking about the peculiar behavior and appearance of a sick person: he becomes active, more cheerful, his eyes shine, and his face has a perky blush, besides, he loses weight and looks slimmer.

Upon closer observation of such a person, it is noted that the sparkle of his eyes is by no means healthy, and weight loss occurs rapidly and uncontrollably. This occurs as a result of increased thyroid function. Due to an imbalance of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, thyroid diseases develop.

Common signs of thyroid disease may include:

With an increase in hormone levels: sharp and sudden weight loss, palpitations (cause of tachycardia), tearfulness, hand tremors, increased sweating, irritability.

With a decrease in hormone levels: general weakness, fatigue, lowering blood pressure, hair loss, slow heartbeat, swelling and weight gain, dry skin.

The normal functioning of the thyroid gland affects the body's metabolism. When the function of the thyroid gland changes, the metabolism increases or slows down. Thyroid disease is a common occurrence. In many cases, it goes unnoticed by the patient.

A sign of thyroid disease can be a complete change in the character and behavior of a person. For reasons unknown to him, he becomes restless, conflict, aggressive. A person is easily offended, becomes whiny, uncompromising. A person with a thyroid disease becomes fussy, it is difficult for him to sit in one place, he is constantly worried about something.

His appetite does not change, sometimes even on the contrary increases. At the same time, his body weight becomes inversely proportional to his appetite - he eats enough, but the weight is rapidly decreasing. It is difficult for a person to explain his excessive emotionality. He cannot cope with his absent-mindedness and loss of concentration.

In conversations, he often goes astray, constantly changing topics of conversation. A person with a thyroid disease often suffers from dizziness, it often seems to him that there is not enough air, he is in a fainting state. A very characteristic sign of thyroid disease is swelling of the lower part of the neck and the appearance of an unnatural luster of the eyes.

If the gland itself begins to increase in size, then such a phenomenon cannot pass unnoticed by a person. In this case, they appear characteristics thyroid disease: there is girdle pain in the neck, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, the voice becomes hoarse. A dangerous sign is the development of cervical lymphadenitis, which can cause malignant formation in the body of the thyroid gland. In such cases, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist.

3. Celiac disease.
Pustular rashes on the buttocks and flexor surfaces are very often a sign of celiac disease. Celiac disease is gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in all grains except buckwheat, rice, corn, and millet. With celiac disease, almost all internal organs can be affected. A blood test for certain antibodies can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

4. Disease of the circulatory system.
If bruises appear on your body that are not associated with injuries, then this may be a sign of a disease of the circulatory system. The diagnosis is also checked by taking a blood test.

But do not forget that an accurate diagnosis and, moreover, treatment can only be established by an experienced doctor!!!

Honestly, I checked the entire nibbler and did not find this post. Hands are given to a person to work, hug loved ones, stretch them out to friends in difficult times, babysit their children, write letters, draw pictures, play music. They are given to some in order to do great deeds, and someone does evil with them.

And just imagine how much a person manages to do with his own hands in his life. Esquire magazine devoted a project to this topic with photographs of the palms of workers of various professions and stories about these outstanding people, each in their own way.

The hands that drew 40,000 cartoons
Boris Efimovich Efimov. Cartoonist, 105 years oldHands that parted the mouth of a predator 4116 times
Askold Zapashny. Predator trainer, Honored Artist of Russia, 28 years old

Hands that have had 7,500 plastic surgeries
Alexei Mikhailovich Borovikov. Head of the Institute of Plastic Surgery, 55 years old

Hands that have played about 5,000 violin concertos
Tatyana Tikhonovna Grindenko. People's Artist of Russia, head of the ensembles "Academy of Early Music" and "Opus posth", 60 years old

Hands that built 33 houses
Nikolai Andreevich Krasko. Builder, 51 years old

Hands holding 260 dolls
Vladimir Karpovich Mikhitarov. Puppeteer, 59 years old

Hands that performed 15,000 healing sessions (
Allan Vladimirovich Chumak. President of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Research on Social and Anomalous Phenomena, 70 years old

The hands that tied over 3,000 pioneer ties
Lyudmila Ilyinichna Sosnovik. Pioneer leader, 82 years old

Hands that dug up 150 tons of potatoes
Lydia Petrovna Morozova. Peasant woman, 78 years old

Hands that have done about 20,000 heart surgeries
Leo Antonovich Bokeria. Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, laureate of the Lenin and State Prize, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 66 years old
