What fruits for pregnant women to eat in the first trimester. What fruits are most useful during pregnancy. If you are drawn to the exotic or The Complete Guide to Overseas Sweets

During the bearing of a child, you need to know that fruits during pregnancy play a big role in the health of the mother and fetus. You need to pay attention to your menu, because during this period of life the body needs a large number of trace elements, useful substances and vitamins. This is the only way to support the work of a woman's body and ensure the development of her child.

During pregnancy bowel Grapefruit
hard diet
vegetables products apple

Yes, many expectant mothers drink multivitamin complexes. However, even the most good vitamins will not replace natural fruits. Especially since they are on store shelves. all year round. When pregnant, you need to know which fruits are most beneficial to include in their diet. These products can have a beneficial effect on the bearing of the fetus, because:

  • contain dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines (expectant mothers often experience interruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • some of them have a diuretic effect, and in the last months this is especially useful.

Properties of healthy treats

Let's figure out which fruits are best to eat regularly during pregnancy. There must be apples on the table, and their variety is not important. Apples contain pectin, malic and citric acid, tannins, trace elements sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins (groups C, B, beta-carotene). Doctors often recommend eating apples to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness and increase appetite. Baked apples are excellent diet food. They improve intestinal motility.

Healthy treat

Plums are on the list of the healthiest fruits to eat during pregnancy. They help with circulatory disorders, high blood pressure, kidney failure, therapy and prevention of constipation. Plums have a diuretic and laxative effect, they improve intestinal motility. The delicacy contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins of groups B, C, E, iron, sodium and calcium.

If you find out which fruits you can and should eat during pregnancy, pay attention to the pear. It contains a small amount of vitamins, but a huge content of trace elements: fiber, pectin compounds, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Pears can improve the functioning of the kidneys, circulatory system, and intestines.

Grapefruits, oranges, tangerines and lemons are known to contain large amounts of vitamins C, B, beta-carotene. In addition, tangerines saturate the body with vitamin P. Regular consumption of citrus fruits will protect you from infectious and colds. They strengthen the walls of small blood vessels, improve the quality of redox processes. Do not forget that citrus fruits are very allergenic, so you need to eat them with caution. If you were allergic to them before pregnancy, it is best not to consume this product at all.

Pomegranate is famous for its useful properties, so this fruit is often prescribed during pregnancy if expectant mothers suffer from iron deficiency anemia, since pomegranate contains a lot of iron, vitamins C, B12, B6. The use of this product stimulates appetite, normalizes the work of the stomach. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, choleretic effects. However, teach that during pregnancy, diuretic vegetables and fruits should be used only after consulting a doctor. Won't hurt pomegranate juice, especially if you mix it with carrot and beetroot.

No less useful are exotic bananas, which can now be bought in almost any supermarket. They contain a large amount of starch, so they perfectly cope with digestive problems. You just need to buy only ripe bananas with a strong aroma. The product is rich in , B, C.

What foods are dangerous

When pregnant, you need to know exactly which fruits you can’t eat. This list includes grapes, which contribute to excessive fruit weight gain. In the last trimester, he is able to stimulate the growth of the baby especially strongly. In addition, it increases body temperature, provokes increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestines.

Improve bowel function

During pregnancy, you need to be careful with exotic fruits, like pomelo. Do not use them without the advice of a doctor. It is not known how the female body can respond to the properties of a particular fetus. For example, mango is not so easy to digest. In addition, "exotic" can cause allergies.

There is a very high risk of developing allergies after eating strawberries. It can also provoke the development of diathesis in the fetus. A tasty product can cause a miscarriage, as it increases the tone of the uterus, and oxalic acid draws calcium from the body. If you are a big fan of strawberries, then you can eat it only in season and from a proven garden bed, where the berries are guaranteed not to be fertilized with chemistry. Don't overdo the treat. 5-6 berries is enough. It is best to combine them with milk.

Pineapple also belongs to the fruits that are undesirable during pregnancy. Its use is strictly contraindicated if the period is less than 13 weeks, there is a tone of the uterus or the threat of miscarriage. Exotic papaya provokes uterine contractions, so it should be discarded, even if the pregnancy is proceeding safely.

When choosing your treat, remember that products from abroad are usually loaded with pesticides. They cause the appearance of hormonal disorders, various diseases. Don't risk your child's health. During pregnancy, it is best to check with your doctor which fruits you can eat without fear.

Delicious dry foods

During pregnancy, dry fruits are also very useful. They retain the properties of fresh, and contain iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins, organic acids, potassium. The product is best soaked before use, and then chew thoroughly. The delicacy can be scrolled through a meat grinder, mixed with oatmeal or nuts and form balls from the resulting mass. These balls should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed before bed to improve bowel function.

Dried fruits can be added to rice pilaf, cook compote from them. Kaisa, apricots, dried apricots are rich in potassium, iron, calcium, vitamins and organic acids. Figs will be useful with a tendency to thrombosis, bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Figs are diuretic and are famous for their anti-inflammatory properties. During a cold, it can be eaten with cream or milk. Dates treat pain in the lower back, colds of the lungs, and relieve fatigue.

Raisins contain a lot of potassium. Include it in the menu if you suffer from cough, bronchitis, problems with the nervous system and heart. Raisins are dried grapes, so be careful. When you ask about what fresh and dry fruits to eat during pregnancy, ask about raisins. Although its properties are very different from those of a fresh product.

Grapefruit contains vitamins C, B, beta-carotene

How to eat fruits

The treat can be consumed the way you are used to. There are several ways.

  1. Cut into slices.
  2. Make fruit salad.
  3. Eat with milk.
  4. Add to porridge.

During the first trimester, there are practically no restrictions on food, so a woman can safely consume apples, tangerines and oranges. It's just a matter of how much you eat. If during pregnancy in the very early stages of any fruit does not cause you allergies, eat it as much as you want. If there are reactions, you should stop using.

During pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, you need to eat a small amount of fruit. From 12-14 weeks, the fetus greatly increases in size, so the work of the intestines and stomach slows down, and the pressure on the kidneys increases. If you really want to eat an apple or a banana, do not deny yourself, but use a little. In case of the slightest ailment or stomach problems, exclude the product from the diet. In the second trimester, pears, plums, and pomegranates are especially useful.

During the 3rd trimester, you need to be selective in food. The fetus is already quite large, so it puts a lot of pressure on all organs. If an ordinary person digests a small apple in 15 minutes, then for a woman at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy, this process will take at least half an hour. During pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, you should not eat exotic fruits. Yes, and lean on an ordinary pear or orange is not worth it. female body is experiencing a second wave of hormonal activity, so a large amount of goodies can cause an allergic reaction in the mother and her unborn baby.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Every woman, having learned about pregnancy, begins to take care to ensure the necessary conditions for the full development of the baby. Several factors influence the development of the fetus, in particular the foods that the mother consumes. future mom. The laying of organs begins already at the first stage. Therefore, when the first week of pregnancy comes, nutrition should be reviewed. During this period, the fetus is very sensitive to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the main attention should be directed to the replenishment of the body with these substances. Consider in more detail the tips for organizing the diet during this period of pregnancy.

Nutrition during pregnancy can be organized as follows:

  • the first meal, in which the calorie content should be 30% of the total daily amount - from 8:00 to 9:00;
  • the second dose, which should contain 20% of the daily norm - between 11:00 and 12:00;
  • third meal (40% of calories) - 14:00-15:00;
  • fourth meal (10% of calories) - 18:00-19:00;
  • 21:00 - kefir.

Consider what is the reason for the need to organize proper nutrition during pregnancy.

  1. Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies can lead to negative consequences. Deficiency of selenium, copper, zinc and folic acid leads to congenital anomalies, such as incorrect formation of the spine and spinal cord.
  2. Magnesium, vitamins B6 and E can reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  3. Vitamin C in sufficient quantities helps to strengthen the heart of the fetus and reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.
  4. Vitamin of the PP group is responsible for the cellular respiration of a child and a woman.
  5. Lack of vitamin B leads to abnormalities in the development of the fetus and severe manifestations of early toxicosis.
  6. Lack of iodine threatens the development of mental and neuropsychic pathologies, and also increases the likelihood of miscarriage.

When a fetus is deficient in nutrients, a certain gene is activated to maximize the absorption of elements from a limited diet. When such a child is born and receives enough food, he may become obese. Since the gene, activated in the process of intrauterine development, will continue to work.

Often, the organization of a proper nutrition system is hindered by toxicosis. The woman experiences nausea and an aversion to food, which makes her refuse to eat. The expectant mother may not eat for several days, which harms herself first of all. Nutrients come to the child from the tissues of a woman through the placenta. This process is not disturbed even if a woman is unable to eat due to toxicosis. She may face problems such as tooth decay, hair loss, pigmentation. Based on this, it can be argued that a proper nutrition system is necessary not only for the child, but also for the mother.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the key to the formation of healthy organs and systems of the baby. Organs begin to develop already in the first weeks after fertilization:

  • by the end of 3 weeks, the baby's heart is already beating;
  • on the 5th - the laying of the brain occurs;
  • on the 6th - the work of the vestibular apparatus begins;
  • on the 9th - the child begins to swallow amniotic fluid, taste buds appear on the tongue;
  • at 10-11 weeks, the baby already knows how to bend his fingers;
  • at 12 weeks, he acquires the skill of sucking his thumb.

The exclusivity of the first trimester is that during this period all the organs of the baby are formed. During the rest of the gestation period, they grow. For this reason, you need to choose food during pregnancy with special care. At the same time, one should focus not only on nutritional value but also for the presence of allergens. Along with the need to provide the baby with all the required elements for development, it is also necessary to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Contrary to popular belief, a woman with the onset of pregnancy should not consume a double norm of food. She needs to ensure that her body receives all the elements and vitamins required for the development of the child, but not to increase the number of calories. Their excessive consumption will lead to the appearance of excess body weight of the mother and the birth of a large (over 4 kg) child. The appearance of such a baby is a joy. But if future parents become familiar with the consequences of such weight, their opinion will change. In large children, a violation of the metabolic process can be traced. They are at risk of developing diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, abnormal work endocrine system.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy: fish, meat and cereals

The daily norm of fish for a pregnant woman is 150-180 g. It is recommended to use it in a baked form. Halibut and cod deserve special attention, since they contain a significant amount of vitamin D. With its deficiency, the baby develops rickets.

You can also enrich the body with this vitamin by eating eggs. But here it is necessary to observe the measure. The composition of the egg white contains sulfur, the excess of which adversely affects the activity of the kidneys. And also the excessive content of this element causes the withdrawal of calcium from the body, which is involved in the formation bone tissue fetus and stabilization of blood pressure. The recommended rate is 1 or 2 eggs per week.

The inclusion of cereals, seeds and nuts in the diet will bring tangible benefits. These foods are rich in easily digestible protein. The meat is best steamed or stewed. As a side dish, light vegetable salads are suitable. It is not recommended to eat meat dishes in combination with pasta or potatoes, as this is a rather high-calorie food. During the day, a pregnant woman should not eat more than 150 g of meat products.

Nutrition during pregnancy 1 trimester: the norm of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and salt

A woman needs to consume 2500-2700 kcal per day, of which fats should be 75 g, proteins - 110 g, carbohydrates - 350 g. Experts recommend changing the usual system of three meals a day and eating fractionally, dividing it into 4-5 meals. Carbohydrates and fats have a major impact on the metabolism of the woman and the fetus, as well as on body weight.

According to the recommendations of experts, preference should be given to fats of vegetable origin. They can be used as salad dressings or added to cereals. Animal fats are recommended to be excluded from the diet if a woman regularly consumes cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, milk. But at the same time, you should listen to your body. If the expectant mother wants butter, she can afford this product, but in a very moderate amount.

As for carbohydrates, doctors advise replenishing the body with them by consuming natural honey and fruits. Nutrition during pregnancy should be based on the introduction of natural products into the diet. The number of confectionery products should be reduced. Much has been said about the dangers of these products. But what to do if the expectant mother before pregnancy was very fond of, for example, chocolate and it is rather problematic for her to give it up for as many as 9 months? Here again, you can recommend taking into account the needs of your body and allowing yourself sweets, but observing reasonable limits. This recommendation does not apply to women with diabetes or obesity. In this case, nutrition requires an exceptionally qualified approach, and certain foods should be introduced into the diet only after consulting a doctor.

Reduce the concentration of carbohydrates will allow the rejection bakery products. You can feel full without bread. Its consumption is more of a habit than a need of the body. If you can’t completely abandon this product, you need to reduce its amount in the diet, as a result of which you can also feel a positive effect. If the expectant mother consumes potatoes, oatmeal and buckwheat, legumes, honey, fruits, she will not experience hunger by giving up bread.

Now let's touch on the rules for the use of salt. Lively discussions have been going on around this seasoning for more than a year. Her opponents are of the opinion that salt only harms the body and it is quite possible to do without it, while maintaining health. Supporters argue that this seasoning must be present in the diet, as it is necessary for the body. We will focus on the advice of qualified professionals. Doctors recommend consuming the physiological norm of salt, which ranges from 5 to 7 g per day. An excessive amount of this product causes the kidneys to function with great stress. A decrease in the norm will normalize the activity of this body. It should be borne in mind that salt also exists in a hidden form, which is found in vegetables, fish, sausages.

Nutrition in early pregnancy: vegetables

Vegetable crops today are perceived as a secondary food. But during the period of bearing a baby, you need to reconsider your attitude to these products. From vegetables, you can cook a wide variety of dishes that will saturate the body, provide it with the necessary vitamins and substances, and at the same time will not affect body weight. These ingredients are low energy value so that they can be consumed in large quantities. Daily in the diet of the expectant mother should be a salad of fresh vegetables.

Another source of vitamins are freshly made juices. They can be made using a home juicer. To extract from juices maximum benefit they must be used correctly. That is, between meals. This approach allows you to fully assimilate all the components of vegetable juices. It is not recommended to drink food with them, as in this case the digestive process is disturbed. Juice can be regarded as a full-fledged afternoon snack or second breakfast. Nutrition in the first month of pregnancy should not be complete without such a supplement. The minimum daily drink intake is 0.5 liters.

For the preparation of juices, carrots, beets, turnips, cabbage, Bell pepper, cucumbers. Carrot drink is recognized as the most useful. If you mix it with turnip juice, you get a product that contains enough phosphorus, calcium and vitamins. Regular consumption of such a drink will prevent tooth decay, which is quite topical issue during childbearing. IN winter period sauerkraut should be preferred. It contains vitamins B and C, citric and malic acid, dietary fiber.

Pregnancy and nutrition of a woman: what foods should be excluded

During the period of bearing a child, the load on the kidneys and liver increases. To facilitate the work of these organs, dishes seasoned with vinegar, pepper, mustard should be excluded from consumption. It is recommended to abandon fried and fatty foods, replace them with boiled and stewed ones. Dairy products with a high percentage of fat should not be consumed. You can eat low-fat cottage cheese.

You need to completely give up coffee. When a pregnant woman consumes this drink, the likelihood of having a small child increases. It is necessary to limit the consumption of canned food, confectionery, sweet carbonated drinks, pies, sausages.


During the first trimester, a woman should adhere to the basic principles healthy eating. During this time, all the organs of the child are formed, and he needs vitamins and nutrients. But proper nutrition necessary for the woman herself. The child will receive the required substances from her body. But if the expectant mother is not eating well enough, she may feel health problems. In the presence of certain diseases, experts recommend excluding certain products from consumption. If a woman feels well, she should simply listen to the needs of her body, but at the same time not exceed the allowable rate of food intake.

Nutrition advice during pregnancy:

The development of the baby in her womb depends on how a woman eats during pregnancy. After all, the fetus gets all the useful substances and elements through the blood. And they get into the blood with food. Fruits are considered obligatory products for a woman who is expecting a baby. They contain literally all the vitamins, minerals, trace elements that are really necessary for both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, you should know which fruits are useful for pregnant women.

Every woman wonders what are the most useful fruits when she is pregnant. Experts say that all fruits will be useful if they are grown in natural conditions, not processed with nitrates, they are washed before use and not eaten in large quantities. They contain not only vitamins, but also dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, its functions are improved. Therefore, it is the prevention of constipation.

Doctors say that a woman in an interesting position should eat about two cups of fruit. But after eating, it is not recommended to eat them immediately. The stomach does not have to be full. The fact is that the fruits are not in the stomach for long, they are absorbed in the intestines. When the stomach is full, the fruit has to stay there longer.

As a result, they lose useful functions, they wander. Indigestion begins, the person feels sick. Nutritionists advise eating ripe fruits half an hour before meals or two hours after eating.

What fruits are good to eat during pregnancy:

  1. the most useful fruits for pregnant women in domestic latitudes are apples;
  2. plums.

There is no difference in apple varieties. Their apples include a large amount of vitamins, microelements, acids, pectins. Experts advise eating apples to increase appetite and reduce toxicosis. In cases where it is necessary to improve intestinal motility, baked fruits are prescribed.

It is advised to fight constipation, pressure surges, impaired blood circulation with the help of drains. They contain phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins. It is a laxative and diuretic that improves digestion and bowel function.

Permissible species and varieties

Citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins. These are useful fruits for pregnant women in winter, they are an excellent prevention of colds and infections. In addition, they strengthen blood vessels, oxidative processes and reduction processes are better. But it is worth remembering that an allergic reaction can occur from citrus fruits.

Thus, during pregnancy, they must be eaten in small quantities, moreover, if the expectant mother did not have an allergy to them before. Allocate a huge amount of fruits that are useful for a woman expecting a baby. They are really useful and help to restore the body in this serious period.

  • pear;
  • citrus;
  • bananas;
  • pomegranate;
  • pear.

Bananas are considered exotic among fruits, but they have seriously entered the diet of people. They contain a lot of starch. Therefore, it is an excellent food when digestive problems are present. It is not recommended to eat unripe bananas. They must be ripe, have a strong smell.

Pomegranate has medicinal property. He is advised to eat when a woman has low hemoglobin in the blood. Pomegranate is also a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and analgesic effect. When eating the fetus, the stomach works normally, appetite increases. It is advisable to drink pomegranate juice.

The pear contains few vitamins, but it contains a lot of trace elements. And this is quite useful for a pregnant woman. It contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fiber. The intestines, kidneys, circulation and digestive system work better. Thanks to the pear, you can lower the temperature, because it has refreshing properties.


Doctors advise pregnant women to use peach when a woman suffers from toxicosis. Heartburn and stomach acid are reduced. Puffiness goes away, toxins are removed.

Peaches and plums are fruits that are useful for pregnant women in the early stages, as bowel function is normalized.

But, in addition, this is a fruit from which an allergy appears, respectively, it is worth limiting its amount. In the presence of diseases of the endocrine system and liver, peach is not recommended to eat.

Can pregnant women eat canned peaches? They are not as useful as they contain chemical additives. In the last stages, doctors recommend giving up exotic fruits.

If even a slight allergic reaction occurs, then such a fruit should be immediately removed from the diet. In addition, pineapple should be removed from your diet, as it contributes to the occurrence of miscarriage. It is advisable to use domestic or homemade fruits. If they are used correctly, then the missing substances will be replenished in the body. There is no need to use synthetic drugs.

The nutrition of a woman during pregnancy should provide both her and the child's body with all the necessary nutrients. The main and most powerful source of vitamins are fruits.

The benefits of fruits

Fruits are a pantry of vitamins and minerals. By using them in moderation, after carefully processing them, the expectant mother can get the maximum benefit. What kind of fruits can be eaten, which ones should be limited in consumption, and which ones should be avoided altogether during pregnancy?


A pineapple - exotic fruit with a lot of nutrients. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine. Pineapple stimulates digestion, helps in cleansing the body, removes excess fluid.

dangerous Due to the high content of calcium in it, it is contraindicated in pregnant women who are at risk for.


Banana is a fruit firmly established on our tables along with apples and pears. Substances contained in bananas affect the production of serotonin in the brain. The normal level of serotonin in the body provides us with good mood, removes anxiety, normalizes.

You can read more about the use of bananas during pregnancy.


Peaches improve the functioning of the digestive tract, having a beneficial effect on the liver, stomach, and gallbladder. In pregnancy, it relieves the symptoms of early (nausea) well, in the later stages - it helps in the fight against.

important And at the same time, it should be remembered that peaches are highly allergenic products, the abuse of which can lead to the development of an allergic reaction.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of the use of peaches by expectant mothers.


Apricots contain high level iron, which determines its medicinal value in iron deficiency anemia frequently encountered during pregnancy. Fresh apricots are a powerful source of beta-carotene (provitamin A), which is an antioxidant that prevents development.

More information about apricots during pregnancy can be obtained.


Natural source of vitamins, pectin, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. An apple can perfectly replace a snack, while bringing maximum benefits. For daily use, apples grown in your climate zone are suitable.

You can learn more about the benefits of apples during pregnancy.


Melon is a seasonal fruit, but if you are lucky enough to be pregnant at this time, then do not miss your chance to enrich yourself with a full complex of vitamins. Melon contains a huge amount necessary for normal development nervous system baby. It contains a lot of iron, which helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Due to the high fiber content, it stimulates intestinal motility and helps to eliminate constipation.

information However, when buying a melon in the market, be careful. A fruit that has come from afar can be dangerous due to its high nitrate content. Check the purchased fruit with a nitrometer.

WITH detailed description useful properties melons can be consulted.

Citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon)

These fruits are considered a pantry of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). In combination with citrine (vitamin P, also included in their composition), they strengthen blood vessels, reducing their bleeding, which reduces the risk of bleeding and, as a result, the threat.

When deciding whether to use them during pregnancy, it is necessary to focus only on individual intolerance.

Precautionary measures

  1. First of all, you should choose fruits grown in the territory of the permanent residence of the expectant mother. Such a fruit will be the most useful and easier to digest for the body.
  2. “Homemade” fruits are less chemically processed by special means used by manufacturers for better transportation.
  3. Before eating any fruit, it is necessary to wash them thoroughly with soda, in order to avoid infection with an intestinal infection.
  4. It is better to refuse any exotic that your body has not encountered before during pregnancy, because. it is not known what the reaction of the body will be.
  5. Fruits with a high content of natural sugar (grapes, banana, melon) should be limited to women suffering from overweight.
  6. The time of fruit intake should occur 20-30 minutes before a full meal. This is necessary in order not to start fermentation processes in the stomach, leading to increased gas formation and indigestion.
  7. You can eat everything, but in moderation.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it makes no sense to increase the calorie content of the menu: the usual nutrition is still enough for a tiny embryo. After 12 weeks, the needs increase and will already need about 2400 kcal per day (but not more than 2600). In the second half of pregnancy, these figures increase to 2800 kcal. Women carrying twins should increase their diet by another 150 kcal per day. Also, increased calorie content of food is required for mothers who have a very short interval between pregnancies or pregnancy occurred while breastfeeding.

All the figures given are indicative, except for them, one must also take into account the body mass index (BMI) at the time of pregnancy. Underweight (BMI< 18,5) калорийность рациона может превышать указанные выше значения, а при ожирении (ИМТ >30) may, on the contrary, be less in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician observing the pregnancy. However, proper nutrition for a pregnant woman is not so much a quantity as a qualitative composition of products.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

As already mentioned, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, very little is needed to ensure the growth of a little man. Therefore, the feeling of hunger that a woman may experience during this period cannot be “suppressed” by double lunches and dinners. It is necessary that nutrition in the first trimester be varied and contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Be sure to ensure that the food for the nutrition of the pregnant woman is fresh, and it is also recommended to drink more. In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the liquid cannot be limited, it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters per day. Water is needed to improve metabolism, good bowel function, full absorption of drugs, and maintaining normal blood pressure.

Pure water is the best source of liquid for a person: it quenches thirst best, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, stays less in the body compared to any solution, it has no contraindications and side effects. It is recommended to drink only bottled (non-carbonated low-mineralized - the degree of mineralization is 1-2 g / l) water in order to avoid all kinds of bacteria and viruses entering the body.

It is important to keep in mind that not all drinks are healthy. For example, coffee, cocoa, tea contain caffeine, which increases blood pressure and removes fluid from the body, and a cup of strong freshly brewed tea contains no less caffeine than the same cup of coffee. This also applies to green tea, which has a deceptively light color, which is often associated with a lower strength, but it also has a lot of caffeine. Although caffeine is dangerous only in large quantities, it should be treated with caution. An expectant mother suffering from low blood pressure can easily afford 1-2 small cups of coffee or strong tea per day, but remember that for every cup of such beverages you drink, you should have several additional cups of water.

The amount of table salt should not exceed 8-10 g per day. It is necessary to maintain a certain salt composition of the blood and osmotic pressure. In other words, one molecule of salt is always followed by two molecules of water. It is salt that causes fluid retention in the body, swelling and a feeling of thirst. Excess consumption of early dates pregnancy can provoke the manifestation of early toxicosis of pregnant women (nausea and vomiting).

For the correct laying of the organs and systems of the fetus, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary. To get them, you need to eat vegetables, berries and fruits (raw and thermally processed).

The most common complication of the first trimester of pregnancy is early toxicosis. If you are concerned about nausea and vomiting, it is advisable to reduce the amount of servings by increasing the frequency of meals. After eating, you should lie down a bit. Drinking plenty of water (up to 2 liters per day) facilitates the course of toxicosis. If nausea bothers you in the morning, you need to eat something without getting out of bed, so put crackers, crackers, nuts, dried apricots, etc. next to your bed in advance.

In pregnant women suffering from toxicosis, there is often a decrease in appetite, sometimes an aversion to certain types of food, such as meat or fish. The reason for the change in taste is progesterone, a hormone produced by the ovaries and placenta to maintain pregnancy. It is this hormone that launches the mechanism for searching for one or another deficiency in the mother's body and builds a program to eliminate this deficiency. So, with a lack of calcium, there is a desire to gnaw chalk or plaster, with a deficiency of folic acid - chew green leaves, with a lack of B vitamins - drink beer. If your addictions relate to those foods that will not harm the child, then please feel free to indulge in them. If you are drawn to the “harmful”, then try to replace it with something: sweets - cereal bars, soda - sour juices, pickles and marinades - crackers. In addition, this mechanism breaks down with a strong deficiency of any substance. So, with a lack of iron (anemia), a woman may experience an aversion to the most iron-rich product - meat. In this case, you will have to come up with a cooking method that will allow you to eat meat at least in minimal quantities. Also, if there is no appetite at all, try to eat small portions, but often. Pregnant women should not starve.

Nutrition during pregnancy: second trimester

By the second trimester, the main laying of organs and systems is already over and the active growth and development of the baby begins. Since the main building material"is a protein, it is necessary that 50% of the total amount of proteins entering the body of the expectant mother be of animal origin. The remaining half can be obtained from plant products (beans, peas). The daily diet of a pregnant woman should contain at least 100 g of meat and fish, milk and dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs.

Starting from the 5th month of pregnancy, you need to reduce the amount of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, juices, buns), giving preference to useful hard-to-digest (cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, wholemeal bread). In the second half of pregnancy, a woman should receive 400-500 g of carbohydrates per day. With a lack of hard-to-digest carbohydrates in the body, proteins are consumed as an energy "fuel", the body's resistance decreases, and the development of the fetus worsens. Cereals are the best source of hard-to-digest carbohydrates. Buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal are very useful: they contain iron, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber, which, although it does not provide the body with energy, must be contained in food, as it creates a feeling of satiety and promotes normal bowel function.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, many women are worried. The blame for everything is the same progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles and thereby makes the intestines “lazy”. The first rule to combat constipation is to drink enough fluids. In addition, regular stools require fiber, the source of which is fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, you need to eat more fermented milk products enriched with live bacteria.

Fats are also necessary for the development of the fetus, so you should not exclude them from your menu. In addition, it is the main source of energy in the body. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can affect the activity of the cardiovascular system, smooth muscles of the intestines, female organs, and also improve labor activity during contractions. Besides, in vegetable oils contains tocopherol (vitamin E), which is involved in the synthesis of hormones that maintain pregnancy. An excellent source of fat is butter, sour cream and cottage cheese.

The need for water remains unchanged until the middle of the second trimester, then decreases slightly, by the beginning of the third trimester, amounting to 1.5 liters per day.

Pregnancy nutrition: third trimester

In the third trimester, nutrition must be rebuilt. This is due to the fact that the fetus grows rapidly, gastrointestinal tract women are squeezed, the load on organs and systems increases. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, the last time no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Meat and fish dishes should be consumed in the first half of the day, dairy - in the second, this is due to the fact that meat and fish are digested more slowly. You should abandon meat and fish broths, replacing them with vegetable and dairy, they contain too many fats and extractives, which can provoke heartburn and other digestive problems (bloating, abdominal pain).

It is strictly forbidden to overeat: this will not only negatively affect the well-being of the woman herself, but can also significantly complicate the course of childbirth. Increased formation of adipose tissue can weaken labor activity. Often, with excessive weight gain, a child is born large (more than 4 kg), which complicates the normal course of childbirth, besides, the large mass of the baby does not speak of his health. It is noticed that large children after childbirth adapt worse to a new environment for them.

It is impossible to live 9 months without violating diet recommendations once. The expectant mother just needs to pamper herself with what she really wants. For example, if you really want chocolate, be sure that there will be no harm from a piece of the treasured treat once a week. The positive emotions you get from your favorite food will reflect well on you and your child. Indulge your desires, but try to do it infrequently and within reason.

less salt

Particular attention in the third trimester should be given to water-salt metabolism. Salt intake in the last two months should be reduced to 5–6 g. It is salt that retains fluid in the body, which provokes the appearance of edema and thirst. Fluid retention can cause kidney failure and, as a result, eclampsia (a severe form of late pregnancy toxicosis, accompanied by convulsions, high blood pressure and edema). Moreover, it is required not only to limit salt, but also to exclude from the diet products that contain a lot of it: pickles, marinades, sausage (especially smoked), all canned food, etc. Do not be afraid to leave your body completely without salt - it is included in composition of bread, vegetables, meat in natural form. If you think that food without salt is completely tasteless, try resorting to a little trick. You can make the taste of salads, meat and fish dishes very expressive and attractive by adding green onion, parsley and celery, leek, dill, fresh tomatoes, cumin, garlic, lemon juice, marjoram.

As for pure water, its special limitation is usually not required. If the expectant mother strictly observes the salt restriction, then she wants to drink much less, it will be enough just to shift the balance towards the bound liquid, that is, eat juicy foods, fruits, vegetables. The fact is that the bound liquid in the composition of whole fruits does not go into edema, but remains in the blood, the peel of the fruit will help with the stool, and the vitamin benefits are obvious. To quench your thirst, it is better to use not very sweet fruits (apples, plums), as well as wild berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries), because sweets, like salt, also increase thirst. If, following the recommendations to limit salt, swelling increases, then you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of this condition.
