Planting cactus seeds. Exotic flower "from scratch": growing cacti from seeds at home. Reproduction of cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse

Growing rare plants from seeds is a real pleasure for the grower. And to grow such exotic things as cacti from seeds is something incredible at all. And yet, growing them is not difficult, subject to certain conditions. And a lot of positive emotions from this process will be provided to you!

Experienced cactus growers have special greenhouses with lamps and reflectors designed for this sacrament. But for the successful cultivation of their own cacti, all these attributes are not necessary, although they are desirable. It is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds without these "bells and whistles", there would be a desire and good quality seeds:

Preparation of sowing equipment for growing cactus

It is better to sow each species separately, or two species together in small boxes (for example, children's cubes), which are then conveniently put into one common bowl.

You can also sow in one plastic or ceramic bowl with a depth of at least 3 cm, which is divided into cells using vertical partitions. The sowing place of each species is marked with a number or name. Before pouring, the dishes should be thoroughly washed and disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, bleach or formalin. Ceramic dishes preferably boil. All preparation is carried out on the eve of sowing.

Preparation of the seed substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing should be well air and water permeable, poor nutrients capable of retaining moisture, have a slightly acidic reaction (pH-6) and be sterile. These requirements are met by a mixture of equal parts of sifted leafy soil and coarse washed sand that does not contain lime, with a small addition of sifted peat and charcoal powder. More complex compositions have no noticeable advantages.

For sterilization, the finished mixture is poured into a saucepan, well moistened, tightly closed with a lid and placed in an oven, where the temperature is maintained at 200 - 250 ° C. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized for 1-1.5 hours. For a smaller amount of the mixture, the sterilization time is reduced.

Sterilization is also conveniently carried out over steam in a pressure cooker. After sterilization, the substrate must remain moist. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage use small pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Preparing cactus seeds at home

The process of preparing cactus seeds for planting is similar to many vegetable plants. Soaking them in a potassium permanganate solution will help speed up germination, and the rotting process will be minimized.

It is important to remember that the seeds can be planted a day after soaking. Longer exposure to water will result in long sprouts, which, unfortunately, break off easily.

Planting cactus seeds at home

In any planting bowl, three layers should be obtained: the first is drainage, then a layer of prepared soil, which should be compacted to remove the resulting voids, upper layer looser and finer, for this the soil must be sifted through a strainer.

Level the surface, plant seeds using a needle or a small brush, moisten additionally. From above, you need to create a shelter made of transparent plastic or glass, put the containers in a warm, bright place. To moisten, use a pipette or a spray bottle, do not allow overdrying. Monitor the temperature, which should be within +25°C.

After 2-3 months, it is already possible to pick seedlings, which contributes to better growth of thorny plants and a decrease in diseases.

A few words about picking cacti

Grown cacti, on which the first thorns and delicate hairs have already begun to break through, must be transplanted, and together with a lump of earth around the root. A thick drainage layer is arranged in a separate pot, and then the container is filled with a substrate for cacti. The surface of the earth is very carefully leveled, a small depression is made in it and placed there young plant. The roots are sprinkled with a thin layer fertile soil. A small sprout is placed in a warm, bright room, protected from direct sunlight, and moderately watered (as the soil dries up).

Conditions for growing cactus

If there are no signs of growth, you need to remember the rule: in doubtful cases, do not water! Too much water is always more dangerous than too little. This is especially important for winter, when most cacti are kept completely dry, of course, when kept cold. Low temperatures many cacti need them to bloom in the next growing season.

This cold but light content is sometimes the greatest difficulty in indoor cactus culture. A cold but dark room is not good here. Many cacti, especially those that bloom in spring, require maximum light during rest. Despite the cold wintering, sometimes it is not possible to achieve flowering of cacti. The reason is that in these species we are dealing with young plants that have not yet matured to the flowering stage. Certain cacti, such as melocactus, cephalocereus, espostoa, form flowers only in a certain flowering zone, this is called cephalium. This zone is covered with dense, mostly yellow or brown hairs or bristles, which sit like a cap on the top or sometimes on the side of columnar cacti (the so-called lateral cephalus).

How to water a cactus at home

Watering during growth and flowering is plentiful, but the water should not stagnate in a pot. Watered with warm settled water, but in no case on flowers. It is good if you spray with water every day.
During the period of flowering and budding, fertilizing (root and foliar) is carried out for two weeks; these are ready-made mixtures for forest cacti rich in potassium and moderate nitrogen content, which is harmful to the roots in large quantities.

What should be the lighting

Lighting. Cacti need light already at the very early stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many home crops, direct sunlight will be harmful to them. Therefore, it is advisable to put the tray on a sunny window, but be sure to shade it.

In addition to all these factors, cactus sprouts really need Fresh air. How to ensure its access to the greenhouse? It is enough to make a few small holes in the lid or just move it from time to time to ventilate. The first time this can be done a week after sowing. The lid only needs to be removed for a couple of minutes to remove the condensate, but not to overcool the little “cacti”. At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

cactus bloom

Flowers can form either at the top or at the base of the cactus stem, this is an important feature in determining. They do not last long on the plant, sometimes only a few hours. Some cacti have a peculiar feature - to bloom at night, because in the conditions of their homeland they are pollinated by night butterflies or bats. Flowers evaporate a lot of moisture, so for a long time the plant cannot allow itself such a luxury.

Thanks to the thorns, many cacti are very attractive and not in a flowering state. They are not overly demanding. It is enough to remember the conditions under which cacti live, for example, in the mountains, and it will become clear why they need to be brought up quite tough. Many species benefit from significant differences in night and day temperatures, they give stronger spines and more abundant flowering. When buying plants, it is recommended to choose species with especially beautiful spines.

Usually, growing cacti from seeds is practiced in breeding work, since these plants reproduce well in a vegetative way. But it is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds at home, there is nothing complicated in this agrotechnical procedure. You can learn how to grow a cactus from seeds from the proposed material. It tells about essential tool and equipment, preparation of planting material and organization of care for seedlings. A description of the entire process of propagation by seedlings will allow each grower to repeat this work.

Before growing cacti from seeds at home, you need to prepare everything you need and be patient, since the initial growth and development of these crops will be very slow. Cacti grown from seeds at home can be given for the first time only after 5-6 years. Otherwise, propagating cacti with seeds is not very difficult.

How to germinate and sow cactus seeds

Before planting a cactus from seeds, you should make sure that this variety or genus does not give genetic mutations. If it retains all varietal characteristics, then the process will be exciting. The only thing is that before sowing cacti with seeds, you must follow a few basic rules. So the seeds of cacti germinate, in accordance with the nature of the growth of these plants in general, slowly; seedlings also develop slowly. In addition, although seeds need moisture and warmth, on the other hand, cactus seedlings are very susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, when sowing seeds, it is necessary to maintain the required humidity and at the same time strive to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. How to germinate cactus seeds is described in detail in this article further on the page.

Sowing cactus seeds on a larger scale or propagating particularly difficult, slow-growing cacti, which often have very small seeds, should only be done by experienced amateur cacti growers. The necessary information for this can be found in the specialized literature. However, even novice cacti can try to propagate by seeds suitable types of cacti - for example, fast-growing columnar cacti - with simple means. The seed is an interesting spectacle to observe, besides, a plant grown with one's own hands from seeds always has a special attitude. Therefore, some recommendations for sowing cactus seeds are given below.

What cactus seeds look like (with photo)

Specialty stores offer a wide variety of cactus seeds. Usually, for their first attempt, beginners choose either a mixture of seeds different varieties, or seeds of fast-growing columnar cacti or seeds of species that bloom a few years after planting, such as rebutia. You need to know how the seeds of cacti of the species and variety you are interested in look like, otherwise you will not avoid disappointment in the future.

Of course, you can also sow seeds received from another cactus lover. For sowing, use seeds that have been stored for no more than one to two years. To prevent possible damage to seedlings by fungal infections, seeds must be cleaned of possible remnants of fruit pulp before sowing.

To do this, larger seeds are poured into a tea strainer, and smaller ones into a linen bag and washed thoroughly in warm water, then scattered on paper and dried.

See what cactus seeds look like - the photo shows planting material different groups of these plants:

Before planting cactus seeds, prepare the soil and dishes

First, prepare the soil and dishes. Cactus seeds can be sown in low wide or bowls, for example, from styrofoam. Before planting cactus seeds, the dishes are washed hot water. A convex clay shard is placed on the drainage hole, which, if necessary, can be made in the bottom of the bowl with a pencil. Then the container is filled to 2/3, which should be especially loose and, if possible, contain more coarse sand or perlite.

A steamed, and therefore well-disinfected soil mixture provides the best protection against fungal diseases, but this is not necessary. A layer of broken brick, crushed basalt (lava) or coarse-grained sand with a layer of 0.5 cm is poured over the soil. This material is first sifted to a grain size of 1-2 mm, then washed to remove all small dust particles, dried and then scattered over the soil surface in a bowl. As a result, this layer will not be a breeding ground for accidentally germinating pathogens.

Reproduction of cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse

Propagation of cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse has many advantages, since favorable conditions are created for the germination of planting material. The seeds of most cacti germinate especially well at temperatures between 20 and 25°C. An overnight drop in temperature to 15°C is often helpful, but cooler conditions or temperatures above 35°C slow or stop seed germination.

It is easiest to maintain the desired temperature in mini-greenhouses for growing seedlings, along the bottom of which a special low-power heating electric cable is laid.

The most convenient are mini-greenhouses with a thermostat that allows you to regulate the temperature, but the need for this arises only when there are strong temperature drops in the room.

Of course, additional heating is not necessary when the mini-greenhouse is in a heated living room, for example, on a windowsill under a central heating battery, where the required temperature is constantly maintained. Thanks to the closed lid inside the greenhouse, a higher air humidity is also achieved and maintained. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, the mini-greenhouse should be placed in a bright place, for example, on the windowsill of a window facing north or east.

However, it should not be in the sun, that is, on a sunny southern or western window, since intense solar radiation very quickly heats the air inside a small enclosed space to critical values. Although cactus seeds need light to germinate, it should be soft, not bright sunshine.

Sowing cactus seeds

When sowing, cactus seeds must be evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate.

To do this, a piece of paper is folded in half, the seeds are poured into the groove formed, after which, with a light tap on the paper slightly inclined to the bowl, the seeds are evenly poured one at a time onto the surface of the soil.

Since cacti develop slowly and grow best in community, the seeds are sown relatively densely. As a guide, you can indicate that about 20 cactus seeds are sown on the surface of the soil in a bowl measuring 2 x 2 cm.

After sowing cacti with seeds, they are lightly pressed into the soil using any object with a smooth surface, such as a matchbox. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, they are not covered with soil on top.

After that, the seeds and substrate must be moistened. Of course, this cannot be done from a watering can, since in this case the seeds will be washed away from the surface of the soil by a stream of water. Therefore, bowls with sown seeds are placed in a container filled with settled water and kept there until the substrate is well saturated with moisture to the very top layer. For the prevention of fungal diseases, you can use a 0.05% solution of chinosol (1 tablet per 2 liters of water). Chinosol is mild disinfectant. In conclusion, the sowing bowls or pots are placed in a mini-greenhouse, where, thanks to the transparent plastic cover the required moisture content of the substrate will be maintained.

Germination of cactus seeds after planting

During germination after the substrate should not dry out. The temperature is best controlled with a minimum-maximum thermometer.

The seeds of many cacti germinate within two weeks. It is interesting to observe how small green balls begin to appear on the surface of the soil and two well-marked cotyledons develop, between which a cactus stem later forms.

When most of the seeds germinate, the lid of the mini-greenhouse is slightly lifted from time to time to reduce air humidity, and with it the risk of fungal infection. After three to four months, the bowls with seedlings can be removed from the greenhouse. Now they need to be placed in a bright and slightly sunny - however, not in the bright sun - a place; since under natural conditions cactus seedlings grow in the light shade of adult cacti or under the protection of higher surrounding vegetation.

Seedlings are best pressed for several months to develop in the bowl where they sprouted. Now, between successive waterings, the soil in the bowl should dry out slightly, however, despite this, the seedlings must be watered more often than adult cacti, since a relatively looser soil mixture is used for sowing seeds, and the roots of the seedlings are not yet very well developed. Watering should continue to be done from below. In order for the seedlings to grow healthy and the substrate not to become alkaline, potassium phosphate (1 g per 2 liters of water) can be added to the irrigation water.


When the seedlings begin to form a dense cushion (curtain) in the bowl, they must be pricked into fresh soil.

At the same time, the substrate in the planting bowl or pot must be dry, then it easily disintegrates and allows the seedlings to be removed without damage. Young plants, which by this time have a diameter of about 0.5 cm, are not planted in separate small pots, but are planted in large quantities in larger pots or bowls.

A container for planting young plants is filled with a relatively dry, ordinary cactus potting mix. Then a recess is made with a pencil or a pointed stick, a seedling is placed in it and the soil is carefully poured from all sides.

Seedlings are planted from each other at a distance equal to approximately three times the diameter of young plants.

After the seedlings are kept in a warm, shaded place; they are carefully watered not immediately after transplantation, but only after a few days, when, possibly, damage to the roots has taken place. When the seedlings take root in fresh soil - after about a week - they are again transferred to light, slightly shaded from straight lines. sun rays place. Now the plants grow and develop relatively quickly and without any problems.

How to plant cacti with seeds in a closed plastic bag (with video)

Some cacti growers achieve good results using the simple method of sowing cactus seeds. Before planting cacti with seeds, pots or bowls are filled, as described above, with a well-steamed soil mixture, and covered with a layer of sterile material on top, such as sand, perlite, crushed basalt or pumice. Then, cactus seeds are sown on the surface of the substrate and the crops are thoroughly watered from below, adding any fungicidal preparation, such as chinosol, to the water.

After three to four months, the bags are opened, the substrate is slightly dried in bowls and the seedlings dive, as described above. This simple method of sowing cacti is definitely worth trying, first of all, in the case when you have received - for example, from a friend of an amateur cactus grower - a lot of seeds of some particularly hardy species.

See how to properly propagate a cactus with seeds - the video shows all the complex technical coins of sowing, picking and organizing the care of seedlings:

Experienced growers prefer not to buy ready cacti in stores, and grow them yourself from seeds.

Thanks to this method of reproduction, you can get flowers of a particular variety or acquire a truly large collection, and for little money.

You will learn how to grow cacti from seeds at home from this material.

When to plant flowers

Seed germination remains equally high throughout the year. Nevertheless, it is better to sow cacti in late autumn. Then the seedlings have time to take root well by the next cold period and calmly endure wintering. But keep in mind that during autumn sowing, it is important to ensure maximum illumination for planting. And to do this without special greenhouses equipped with photo lamps will not work.

Is it possible to grow cacti from seeds without accessories? Of course you can. But in this case, it is better to transfer the sowing to the beginning of spring. Then the plants will have enough sunlight.

Preparation of seed equipment

Before planting cactus seeds, it is important to choose the right container for them. If you grow several types of flowers, then sow them in a separate container. For cactus seeds, a plastic or ceramic bowl at least 3 cm deep is suitable. If you wish, you can grow plants even in a cake box. Most importantly, do not forget to make a few drainage holes at the bottom.

Before sowing, be sure to wash the container with soap and treat the walls with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. If you grow flowers in ceramics, then it is advisable to boil it.

The soil

For growing cacti from seeds, breathable soils with a slightly acidic reaction and good drainage are suitable. To create such a substrate, mix equal parts sifted leafy soil and coarse sand that does not contain lime. Add some charcoal and sifted peat to these components.

Before sowing, be sure to disinfect the soil. To do this, pour 3 liters of the substrate into the pan and moisten it well. Place the container in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and calcine the soil for 1-1.5 hours.

Pebbles, sand or broken bricks that you will use as drainage and the top layer of planting must be boiled for 5-10 minutes. You also need to sterilize the spoon and the tip of the pencil used for sowing.

Seed preparation

Before planting cacti, the seeds of these flowers need careful preparation. Indeed, without it, future plants will suffer from microbes and may not even take root. To begin with, carefully inspect the grains and remove damaged and moldy ones. Wash the seeds in boiled water.

To pickle the seed, hold it for 2 hours in a solution of chinosol (1 g per 1 liter of water). If this drug is not available, then use potassium permanganate. True, it is necessary to withstand the grains in this solution for 12–20 hours. If you are in a hurry, then dilute 40 g of hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water. Hold the seeds in this liquid for 10 minutes, then immediately rinse in boiled water.

How to plant cacti from seeds

Sowing flowers is carried out as follows:

  1. Lay a layer of drainage on the bottom of the planting containers. As this material, use small pebbles or expanded clay.
  2. Pour the prepared substrate onto the drainage so that it is slightly below the edges of the containers.
  3. Compact the soil. To do this, tap on the walls of the dishes, and then carefully level the surface of the soil.
  4. Cover the substrate with a thin layer of broken brick or quartz sand and sprinkle the soil with boiled water from a spray bottle.
  5. Lightly moisten the tip of a pencil or knitting needle, hook the grain with it and gently deepen it into the substrate. If the seed is small, then just lay it on the surface.
  6. Cover the crops with polyethylene and put in a suitable place.

If you grow astrophytums, then lay them out “rib” up. Plant the rest of the seeds so that this side looks down. Then the roots of sprouted seedlings will grow exactly into the ground.


The basic rule of how to grow cacti from seeds is regular irrigation of the planting. Please note that it is advisable to water these flowers from a pallet. That is, for irrigation, lower the greenhouse into a container of water and wait until the soil is saturated with moisture through the drainage holes. If in a hurry, then moisturize with a spray bottle. But make sure that the grains do not move from their place under the pressure of water.

Moisten the plants regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. For irrigation, use distilled, rain or melt water. In extreme cases, boiled is suitable. But it needs to be softened with 2-3 drops of boric or oxalic acid. Use such water only after settling the turbidity. Don't forget to sterilize your watering and water storage utensils.

Lighting and temperature

In order for the seedlings to sprout, provide them with 12-14 hours of daylight. If you grow cacti in autumn or winter, then highlight the planting with a phytolamp with a power of 5 thousand lux. Have you planted flowers in the spring? Then place the greenhouse on the windowsill near the east or south window. But do not forget to shade the planting from direct sunlight. To do this, use tulle or a piece of gauze.

Continuing the topic of how to grow cacti from seeds at home, it is worth mentioning the temperature in the greenhouse. In order for the flowers to germinate, maintain for planting from +20 to +25 ° C during the day and about + 16 ... + 18 ° C at night. At lower temperatures, crop growth slows down. But the heat is also unacceptable for them, because already at +26 ° C, seed germination is significantly reduced.

2-3 weeks after planting, when germination is coming to an end, raise the temperature in the greenhouse to +40 ... +50 ° C for 1-2 hours. Repeat this procedure the next day. Thanks to this “heat shock”, sprouts that have not hatched before often wake up.

Seedling Care

Only seedlings of flowers that have appeared need special attention and care. First of all, help the sprouts that have not shed their shells to get rid of the remnants of the grains. Otherwise they will die. But remove the shell carefully, because the plants are still very weak, and you can damage them. If the roots of the plants that have just appeared are exposed to the air, then make a depression in the substrate with a clean stick and gently push the seedlings into the hole.

Basic rules on how to grow a cactus from seeds and care for sprouts:

  • Young plants need frequent watering no less than seeds. But when they reach the age of 1 month, reduce irrigation and accustom the flowers to regular watering and short-term drought. To begin with, moisten the planting every other day, then after two, and so on.
  • Maintain the temperature within +28…+30 °C. At the same time, try not to have sudden changes. To prevent seedlings from stretching, keep them close to light sources.
  • Ventilate the landing regularly and remove condensation from glass or polyethylene. Remove the cover when the plants are strong enough. As a rule, this occurs at the age of four months. At the same time, accustom the seedlings to "clean air" gradually. That is, shoot the film first for an hour a day, then for two, etc.
  • Occasionally feed crops with organic fertilizers. But do not force things and do not use growth stimulants. This weakens the immunity of cacti, and they begin to get sick with fungal diseases.

Often, when growing cacti from seeds, alkalization of the soil occurs. This phenomenon can be recognized by the slow growth of seedlings and the formation of limescale on the walls of the greenhouse. To correct this problem, spray the substrate 2-3 times with water containing citric acid(1-2 drops per liter of water).

Seedling picking

You should not rush with this procedure, because most seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well. But if the planting is infected with mold or algae, or the substrate is sour, then start picking immediately. And also this event is necessary for normally developing sprouts, which have become crowded with each other. How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Prepare and sterilize the substrate. Lay a layer of drainage on the bottom of the new container and cover it with soil.
  2. With a small spatula, carefully remove the plants along with a clod of earth. Using a soft brush, wash the roots in a solution of chinosol or potassium permanganate.
  3. Make holes in the substrate. Between plants, keep a distance equal to their diameter.
  4. Carefully place the cacti in the recesses.

Water the planting 2-3 days after picking. When the plants become crowded again, hold the event again.

Wintering crops

In order for young plants to calmly survive the cold season, install them on the windowsills of the eastern and southern windows. At the same time, try to ensure that hot air from the batteries does not go to the flowers and they do not suffer from drafts.

It is desirable that young plants be warm, and the temperature ranges from +18 ... +20 ° C. Lowering to +12…+15 °C is allowed. But at such ranges, the growth and development of crops will slow down.

Water the seedlings once every two weeks, but before irrigating, be sure to heat the water to room temperature. If you notice that the condition of the sprouts has worsened, then return them to the greenhouse under the lamps.

Landing in a separate container

Let's finish analyzing the topic of how to grow a cactus from seeds, the rules for transplanting plants into separate pots. Plant grown and strengthened sprouts on permanent place preferably in the second spring of their life. Prepare suitable pots for plants. Remember that cacti do not like a lot of free space, so pick up containers with a slightly larger diameter than the "spiky balls" themselves. Buy soil from a flower shop or mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 part coarse river sand;
  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 1 piece of leafy turf;
  • ½ part peat.

Be sure to disinfect the substrate in the oven or keep it under steam. Put a layer of expanded clay or small pebbles on the bottom of the container. Cover the drain with substrate and lightly tamp it down. Make a hole in the soil and plant the seedling in the hole. In order not to get hurt on the cactus needles, put on mittens before planting or wrap the flower with thick paper.

After planting, move the pot with the prickly "pet" to a shaded place. Do not water the crop until it is established. When the sprout takes root, move it to a sunny place. In the future, water the plant every 2-3 days with settled water and, as you grow older, reduce watering to once a week.

Growing cacti from seeds at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to provide comfortable conditions for planting, and the grains will quickly take root and grow. And after a while you will get a lot of beautiful exotic flowers.

The cactus is unusual and interesting plant and has big number fans. Due to its wide distribution and high popularity, the issue of its seed propagation is quite relevant. Many novice growers mistakenly believe that breeding cacti with seeds is a complicated and tedious process. However, subject to certain rules and strict adherence to the recommendations of experts, everyone can grow a thorny plant.

The right time to sow

Before you start growing cactus from seeds, you need to consider that most favorable time for sowing is early spring. The choice of this time of the year for the start of planting work is not accidental: it is at this time that a gradual increase in daylight hours occurs and the intensity of sunlight increases.

So, March crops by the beginning of winter become quite large and viable. The past 6 months is quite enough for them in order to not only gain in mass, but also accumulate a sufficient amount useful substances required for wintering. If the seeds are planted at another time of the year - for example, in summer, then they simply do not have enough time to gain strength before the onset of cold weather and shortening of daylight hours.

Planting seeds in winter gives good results, however, young sprouts will need additional lighting- such that the total duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours. In addition, the plants will need to be provided with greenhouse conditions of temperature and humidity, which is quite problematic during the winter months. Autumn plantings basically excluded. During this period, nature falls asleep, the rhythm of plant development slows down and the germination of seeds will not give the desired result.

Seed selection

Choice seed- a responsible task, and it is better for beginner flower growers to purchase it in a specialized store.

Such plants include cactus variety "Fidget", which belongs to the genus Echinocereus Engelmannii and is characterized by unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering. Stable germination is demonstrated by seeds of cacti of the genus Lobivia (lat. Lobivia), numbering about 100 various kinds.

one more important point, which you should pay attention to when buying seed, is its freshness, since Seeds have a shelf life of only 6 months. You should purchase products only from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves only with positive side. One of them is company "Gavrish", which produces excellent seed material and has been present on the domestic market for a long time.

More experienced cactus lovers can get the seeds themselves. To do this, they need to wait for the flowering of two unrelated individuals belonging to the same variety, and use a brush to cross-pollinate. Then you just need to wait for the appearance and ripening of the fruits, and start collecting seeds. The disadvantage of this method is to obtain the same offspring and the duration of the process.

Pot and soil

After the planting material has been selected, it is necessary to start preparing the nutrient substrate. The best option will be the purchase of special soil in the store, but if this is not possible, then the earth mixture can be prepared independently. To do this, take washed river sand, leaf humus, crushed charcoal and mix them in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The prepared composition is placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven.

Disinfection is carried out for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The procedure is mandatory and is due to the lack of a mechanism for resistance to infectious diseases in cactus seeds. Then a drainage is prepared, which is used as fine expanded clay or perlite. It is also necessarily disinfected by pouring boiling water over it.

Planting seeds is best done in a shallow plastic container, the height of which does not exceed 8 cm. The bottom of the cup must have a perforation that ensures the free outflow of excess fluid. As for the color of the pots, then the best option there will be white matte containers that are not prone to absorbing sunlight and protecting young shoots from overheating.

Besides, cups should have transparent lids that will cover the planted seeds. Before sowing, the dishes are subjected to mandatory boiling or treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. As such containers, disposable containers for salads are quite suitable. Of course, they should not be boiled, but it is quite possible to process them with potassium permanganate.


Before planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This event will help not only prevent the development of fungal infections, but also awaken the seeds. Their residence time in the solution should not exceed 12 hours. While the seeds are soaking, a drainage layer 1-2 cm thick is placed in the prepared container and 3-4 cm of the prepared substrate is poured on top. At the same time, 1/3 of the pot should remain empty.

Then the soil is shed with warm boiled water, and shallow holes are made in it with a toothpick or match at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

Seeds should be planted one at a time in each hole, without sprinkling with earth, since the germination of cacti is carried out strictly on the surface of the substrate.

After all the seeds have been distributed over the wells, the soil is gently sprayed with water from above, the container is closed with a transparent lid and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The optimum temperature inside the greenhouse will be +25 degrees. If the room is too cold, then it will be much more difficult to germinate the seeds, and already at +15 degrees the process may stop altogether.

A couple of weeks after sowing, seed germination will become clearly visible, and with the appearance of the first spines, the plants will need to be aired daily, removing the cover for a few minutes. Young shoots are watered either with a spray bottle or by immersing the pot in a basin of water. As soon as the top layer of the substrate gets wet, the container is removed from the basin and placed on a tray to drain excess liquid. To avoid the appearance of the fungus, many breeders recommend using at this stage 0.5% solution of "Quinozol", diluting one tablet of the drug in two liters of water.

Further care

Growing young shoots at home is not difficult at all. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of care, which consist in regular watering, fertilizing, as well as in creating comfortable conditions for temperature, light and humidity.


In order to grow a cactus healthy and strong, it is necessary to carefully observe the water balance. In this regard, the plant is quite demanding, and with insufficient watering or excessive moisture, it may die.

A growing cactus should be watered as soon as the substrate has dried to a depth of 1 cm.

The procedure is best performed with a pipette or spray, and in no case do not use a watering can. Water for irrigation at first should be boiled and used only when warm.


As stated above, sow the seeds better in spring: then the period of active growth will fall on the natural increase in daytime temperatures and the amount of solar heat increasing every day. So, optimum temperature+23.25 degrees Celsius is considered for growing cacti. At night, the temperature can drop to +13.18 degrees, provided that all the seeds have already sprouted and small cacti have formed. The maximum allowable temperature for growing a flower is +30 degrees.


Young cacti need a long daylight and a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light. However flower lighting should be diffused. It is unacceptable to allow direct sunlight on young immature plants. Optimal location the location of the pots will be a table standing near the window. Older and stronger plants can be put on the windowsill, placing them in the shade of large flowers.

top dressing

Top dressing of young shoots should be done in small quantities. once every 2 weeks until October. As additives, special mineral preparations for cacti are used, containing a sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus and potassium with a minimum presence of nitrogen.

After the plant has grown stronger and forms a strong root system, it is periodically fertilized with a potassium phosphate solution added to the irrigation water.

Transplanting sprouts

3-4 months after planting, young plants should be planted. To do this, take separate pots or plastic glasses with a volume of 0.5 liters and make several holes at the bottom. Then, expanded clay, crushed stone or crushed brick are laid at the bottom of each of them and the same soil is poured that was used for planting. The pots should be filled in such a way that so that there is a margin of 1-2 cm to the top of the walls of the glass. In the center of the substrate, a small depression is made with a finger, a small cactus is taken out of the greenhouse and, together with a clod of earth, is transferred to a new place.

The earth around the plant is carefully compacted and sprayed with a spray bottle. After the young cactus takes root, watering is carried out from an ordinary watering can with a divider. You can transplant cacti to a permanent place in capital pots not earlier than when they reach one year of age. In the future, the plants are transplanted as they grow.

Among the exotic succulent plants grown at home, cacti are considered the most popular and common. They feel good in the apartment, many willingly give children, sprout and bloom. In addition, they can be propagated not only by the vegetation method, but also by seeds. This is not the easiest way, however, it is of interest to cactus growers - after all, growing an adult specimen from a tiny seed, going through all the steps and watching the process is quite entertaining.

Where can you get high-quality cactus seeds, how to properly prepare, sow and care for them so that the result does not disappoint?

You can propagate succulents from the Cactus family with seeds all year round, but only if you can provide them suitable conditions. And since they need abundant lighting and warmth, it is better to sow them from late February to mid-April. During this period, there is an increase in daylight hours and an increase in air temperature.

With earlier sowing, the hassle will increase, since the seedlings will need additional artificial lighting. With a lack of lighting, young sprouts will begin to stretch unnecessarily in search of a light source.

Where to get seeds?

Most often, seed material is purchased in flower shops, it is natural that you should buy it from trusted sellers offering a fresh product. In addition, on sale you can find mixtures consisting of seeds of cacti of various species and varieties. In most cases, they contain seed material of the most unpretentious and unpretentious varieties that have similar needs - mammillaria, parodies, rebutia, echinocactus.

But, there is another option - to grow cacti from seeds collected from domestic specimens that also grew in room conditions from seeds or cuttings.

It is important! Many species require pollination, however, plants that are blood relatives cannot be used for this purpose. That is, they do not have to be grown from seeds of the same flower.
Most cacti are pollinated by allogamy, that is, cross-pollination, when pollen from the flower of one plant is transferred to the flower of another.

The owner should take a brush or cotton ball, and if the pollen easily separates and settles, then transfer it to a flower of another specimen. After that, you can expect when a berry is formed instead of an inflorescence.

This event can be dispensed with when pollinating cereus, mammillaria, some Ailostera echinocactus and most rebutia. These succulents do not need a “pair”, it is enough to draw a brush over the flower so that the pollen gets on the stigma of its own pistil.

It is worth remembering that seeds of only fully ripened fruits have germination. When the berry dries up, it must be broken, the seeds removed and placed in a paper envelope.

Advice! If you have to collect seed material of cacti of various species and varieties, it is recommended to sign the bags, since the seeds of these plants are tiny and very similar to each other.

About seed germination

Sowing seeds of various cacti at the same time, providing the same conditions and waiting for seedlings, we must not forget that their germination time may be different. Most often, the first seedlings of cacti hatch within the first week.

The germination rate of seeds depends on their quality and on the conditions under which they were stored. Among the "hurried" there are real champions. So, pre-soaked seeds of a large-flowered cactus from the genus Acanthocalycium sprouted already 12 hours after they got into the substrate.

Unfortunately, often failure awaits cactus growers, as the seeds turn out to be completely dissimilar. However, according to statistics, from 70% to 100% of seeds germinate, even taking into account the difficult-to-grow ariocurpus and roseocactus.

Only a few varieties have low germination, such as Aztekium ritterii and Brasilicactus haselbergii. The last species is sown for several years in a row, but, at best, it was possible to get only one sprout from the entire sowing.

Preparation and sowing

Succulent plants, and cacti are no exception, differ from ordinary indoor flowers - appearance, climatic and other preferences. The same applies to their planting and caring for crops. What should you pay special attention to when growing cacti from seeds at home?

Suitable substrate

Fertile, organic-rich land is not suitable for succulents; they are accustomed to poorer, stony soils. However, even if cacti grow well in the substrate, it should not be used for seed germination. A suitable potting mix can be purchased at a gardening store or you can make your own using the following ingredients:

  • 1 part of leafy earth and fine washed sand;
  • 0.5 parts of crushed charcoal.

The last component is extremely important, as it absorbs excess moisture, does not transmit light, prevents the formation of mold, rotting of seeds and sprouts. But most often the seedlings die precisely because of the excessive moisture of the substrate.

Seeds are sown in such soil, where the seedlings remain until the first pick. With the next dives, the composition of the soil is gradually changed, bringing it closer to the composition of the soil mixture for adult succulents.

How and why to register seedlings?

If the grower is closely engaged in growing cacti from seeds, then planting material of various types becomes frequent. Experienced cactus growers enter data - the name of the variety or variety, the date of planting, into a notebook, assigning them numbers or a letter, which are transferred to containers and planting. In the future, there will be no difficulty in identifying instances.

Seeding tank

In order for the seeds to germinate and the seedlings to feel good, you should take care of a suitable reservoir. You can sow a mixture of seeds consisting of different types cacti, but caring for such a planting is much more difficult than for individual varieties. In addition, they can rise with a significant break.

The exception is ready-made mixtures, as a rule, they include seeds of cacti of similar, even closely related species. Often they are able not only to germinate in one container, but also to exist in the future in the form of a mix composition.

It is most convenient to allocate for each of the species a separate small, shallow container, the volume of which does not exceed 50 cm3. This volume is enough for seedlings until the first dive.

The tank should be prepared by sending it to a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection for a day.

Planting process

To grow cacti from seeds and get a good result, it is recommended to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. A layer of drainage material is placed at the bottom of the pots, which is pre-sterilized.
  2. A 5-6 cm layer of substrate is poured on top, which is lightly compacted and leveled.
  3. The soil should be shed to keep it moist, but avoid overflow.
  4. Small holes are made on the surface, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  5. Seeds are laid out in them, they do not require even more deepening and it is not necessary to sprinkle them with soil.

It is important to take care of the cleanliness of hands and tools, this will significantly reduce the risk of penetration of pathogenic fungi into the soil.

At the end of the event, containers with landings should be placed in a prepared common tank. It is covered with a film and sent to the windowsill.

The most "active" seeds hatch in 1-2 days, but some require 1.5-2 weeks. Many growers give seeds that don't germinate a second chance by keeping them warm or cold. But such measures are rarely successful. In addition, it is most often impossible to obtain strong, developed flowers from poor-quality seed material - they grow and develop worse than others, often die when the slightest change conditions of detention.

Possible sprouting problems

During seed germination, a situation may arise that the root does not go deep into the soil, but appears on its surface. In this case, you need to make a small indentation with a needle or match, into which you carefully place the spine and sprinkle with the substrate.

Sometimes the top of the seedlings is pinched by the skin of the seed, disrupting their growth. You can help the juveniles by carefully removing the peel with a needle and planting the sprout in its original place.

Seed shells that end up on the soil should be collected and discarded so that it does not become moldy in the future.

Care for cactus seedlings

As practice shows, in order to grow a cactus from seeds, it is not enough to make them sprout. Unfortunately, weak sprouts often die completely due to improper care, inappropriate conditions of detention and other factors. Landing should be taken care of as follows:

  • It is not recommended to water the soil, it is enough to irrigate it with a fine spray 1-2 times a day.
  • Landing requires regular airing - twice a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • The condensate that has settled on the container and covering material must be removed.
  • If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid high humidity and mold appeared on the soil, then, in addition to airing, carefully loosen the soil between the rows of crops every few days. With abundant algae, seedlings are better to dive into a container with a new substrate.

This is interesting! Often, novice flower growers are perplexed why, when planting seeds of a cactus of one species, seedlings of various colors hatch in a container - gray, brownish, green, purple and even pink. You should not be afraid, over time they acquire the same, uniform color characteristic of this variety.

It is very important that future cacti have enough light, without it they will stretch. It is also recommended to install additional lighting devices. The distance from the lamp to the soil should be no more than 12 cm. Seedlings should be under lighting for at least 8-9 hours a day. This mode is observed during the first two years, because we must not forget that cacti grow rather slowly.
