Socio-pedagogical work with disabled children. Social and pedagogical activity with disabled children The purpose of social pedagogical activity with children with disabilities

The work of a social educator with people with disabilities often comes down to their education. Disabled people are trained according to special educational or general educational programs. These programs are designed for individuals who are duly recognized as disabled or with disabilities. For the successful implementation of these programs, it is necessary to improve the entire system of vocational training and career guidance for people with disabilities. In the early 90s. in Russia there were more than 50 educational institutions for the disabled, where they studied 21 professions, the main of which were a tailor (39.1%), an accountant (17.9%), a mechanic (13.4%), a shoemaker (4.7% ), watchmaker (3.7%). According to the psychological classification of E.A. Klimov, these professions belong to the types of "man - sign system" and "man - technology".

However, it has been established that many young disabled people prefer professions of the "man-to-man" type. A serious problem is the staffing of educational institutions for the disabled. Until the beginning of the 90s. this process was carried out spontaneously, as a result of which people of different age groups studied in the same class, as well as those suffering from various forms of pathology - cardiovascular, mental diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc. which most often need not training, but retraining.

The specificity of various disorders requires both appropriate programs and specialized educational institutions. Improvement of a differentiated system of training for disabled people can be carried out through the implementation of the following principles: taking into account the structure of disorders of mental and intellectual activity; reliance on preserved mental and physical functions; use of the past professional experience of disabled people. In 1991 on full-time departments There were 648 disabled students in 136 universities. The first special universities for disabled people were opened in Moscow: the Institute of Arts, the Moscow Boarding Institute for disabled people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Pedagogical rehabilitation is understood as educational activities in relation to a sick adult, aimed at ensuring that he masters the necessary skills and abilities for self-service, gets an education. It is very important to develop in an adult psychological confidence in their own usefulness and create the right professional orientation. In relation to adult disabled people, activities are carried out that provide for their preparation for various types of activities available to them, which also create confidence that the acquired knowledge in a particular area will be useful in subsequent employment.

Vocational rehabilitation provides for training or retraining in accessible forms of labor, providing the necessary individual technical devices to facilitate the use of a working tool, adapting the workplace to the functional capabilities of the body of a sick or disabled person at his former enterprise, organizing special workshops and enterprises for disabled people with facilitated working conditions and a reduced workforce. during the day, etc.

In rehabilitation centers, the method of labor therapy is widely used, which is based on the tonic and activating effect of labor on the psychophysiological sphere of a person. Prolonged inactivity relaxes a person, work raises vitality. As a result of a long-term illness, a person's energy capabilities are reduced not only due to the disease as such, but also due to inactivity. Long-term social isolation of a non-working person also gives an undesirable psychological effect.

Occupational therapy as a method of rehabilitation treatment is important for the gradual return of patients to the normal rhythm of life, especially in diseases and injuries of the osteoarticular apparatus. During the years of the Great Patriotic War occupational therapy was widely used in front and rear hospitals, which contributed to the rapid return to duty of a significant number of the wounded.

Occupational therapy has gained particular importance in the treatment mental illness, in which the sick person is often and for a long time isolated from society and loved ones. Such symptoms of a mental disorder as emotional disturbances, hallucinations, various forms of delusions, make it difficult for human relationships - maintaining old and establishing new contacts. Occupational therapy allows you to organize joint activities, while facilitating relationships between people, relieving the state of tension and anxiety, distracting from painful experiences.

The importance of labor activation for the mentally ill, the preservation of their social contacts through joint activities is so great that occupational therapy as a form of medical care was first used by psychiatrists. In addition, occupational therapy allows you to acquire sufficient qualifications.

As practice shows, one of the most important and at the same time problematic issues in people's lives is the choice of profession and employment. Professional self-determination should include two fundamentally important conditions: the activity of the subject of professional choice and the provision of qualified developmental assistance from the social worker in order to make a reasonable choice of profession. Often a person's difficulties in professional self-determination are caused by indecision and self-doubt. Here, assistance in understanding and correctly assessing one's abilities and their professional significance is of particular importance. Information about professions in which the qualities of a given person can ensure the success of an activity is important.


Difficult Teens- these are pedagogically neglected children, they are physically healthy, but not brought up and not trained. They lag behind their peers in studies, as their memory, thinking and imagination are not developed.

They do not like to work, they cannot force themselves to do something, they cannot do it systematically, they do only what is interesting. Difficult teenagers violate discipline and order at school, do not want to study, conflict with teachers, peers, parents, drop out of school, consider themselves losers. They roam, drink, take drugs, break the law. Alcoholism leads to theft and imprisonment. Sex propaganda - to teenage pregnancy, since they often have sexual intercourse very early. It is adolescents who resort to suicide as a result of physical or sexual abuse.

Deviations in the behavior of a teenager Deviations in the behavior of a teenager are the result of pedagogical neglect and an unfavorable environment. And as a result - reactions of protest, disobedience, rudeness, leaving home because of resentment. Difficult teenagers are excitable, aggressive, prone to theft, vagrancy, sexual excesses, alcohol consumption.

The results of N.Vaizman's research 1 about the behavior of difficult undergrowth are interesting. TO first group he refers to "mentally unstable adolescents who lagged behind their peers in physical and sexual development." They are suggestible, irresponsible, their interests are unstable, their emotions are superficial. "At school, such students were clowning around, demonstratively disobeying, skipping classes."

Co. second group Wiseman refers to adolescents "with accelerated sexual development and with increased efficiency, excitability, aggressiveness." They react violently to any prohibition of their parents or caregiver.

IN third group adolescents "disinhibition of drives prevailed: sexuality, vagrancy, drug use." Most often they are from families where parents lead an asocial lifestyle, where conflicts are constant. They are vicious, cruel, aggressive, irritable.

This is a characteristic of deviations in behavior that arise as a result of pedagogical neglect. But there are teenagers, violations, more precisely, deviations in the behavior of which is the result of an anomaly in the development of the body.

Studies of groups of adolescent students covered by crime have shown that disciplinary violations predominate among pupils of a general education school, and antisocial acts are more often observed.

PTU students have unlawful acts, fights, petty theft, alcohol consumption, unwillingness to work and study, speculation, vagrancy.

Pupils of orphanages and shelters have aggressiveness, fights, the same violations as students of vocational schools 2 .

We will try to summarize what deviations in the behavior of a teenager lead to. Life-threatening deviations spill over into suicide attempts, teenagers drop out of school without thinking about their future. Their lifestyle leads to dangerous health consequences; dangerous for boys and girls are early sexual intercourse, sexual deviations in behavior.

In recent years, scientists have recorded a peak in teenage suicides. Features of teenage suicide are psychological features puberty; the collapse of love, disappointment, lack of reciprocal feelings, resentment. Adolescents are characterized by reflections on the meaning of life and death, and often, abstracting the concept of death from their personality, they seek to know its essence by attempted murder. Adolescents, with their egocentrism, create a reaction of rejection by others. They become the object of condemnation, threats, which also leads to a suicide attempt.

Among the fugitives recorded most of all teenagers. The main reason is poor treatment in the family, more often by the mother (60-70%) than by the father. Scientists explain how psychological reasons, and social: the difficult economic situation of the family, unemployment, incomplete family composition, too young or, on the contrary, advanced age of parents, etc. In addition, the behavior of the child himself, which encourages mistreatment, also plays an important role.

Teen Runaways most often they are robbed, beaten, become drug addicts, involved in criminal groups, never return to their families.

Some runaway teenagers leave their families under the influence of the desire for freedom and independence.

Psychologists have developed types of children with various disabilities that require a very different approach on the part of a social teacher. Thus, one child needs the intervention of a social educator to help him gain independence and resilience; the other must be engaged in social work to become a leader, or included in such activities where he can show courage and self-confidence.

Some teenagers do not like praise, some need to be carried away by creativity or work. Children who are closed, emotionally cold need to develop a culture of communication.

In the work of a social pedagogue, there are adolescents with rapid fatigue, irritable, prone to depression, with a predominance of bad mood, constantly focused on the gloomy aspects of life.

All these features of difficult children and adolescents must be taken into account by the social teacher in his work.

Psychologist L.S. Vygotsky.

L.S. Vygotsky identified periods of instability in a child's life. These are 7 years old, 8 years old, 12, 13, 14-17 years old.

Working with difficult children or adolescents necessarily involves the pedagogical process of re-education. What is re-education? This is the process of preventing or overcoming various deviations in the behavior of a child or adolescent.

Re-education is a difficult process for both the pupil and the educator. The pupil should be interested in the prospect of a new path. The educator must believe in a person, analyze the past, present and imagine the future of the pupil, without reproaching him with the past.

The social pedagogue has to deal with correction in his work when it is necessary to help the child radically change his behavior, change all his consciousness and aspirations, feelings and will, his activity. The social educator is faced with the question: how to change the child's attitude to work and sports? What can stimulate him to positive activity, how to turn him away from morally shameful acts? How to bring a teenager to the process of self-education and self-education?

All these questions arise before the social pedagogue in the work with each pupil. The teacher is preparing for this process. Having studied the pupil, one should focus his attention on the psychological readiness to change his behavior. This is the second stage of re-education. The third stage is the process of accumulation of moral positive qualities, the actions of the pupil. It is important that the educator controls this process and, with small shifts, encourages the child, directing him further to change his behavior.

The goal of a social educator in working with difficult children (teenagers) is to help them "step over" the crisis that has arisen and change their lives on their own.

It is important that in this process, more precisely, at this stage, the pupil himself learns to evaluate his actions, their positive and negative sides, their causes and independently find the path of further behavior.

This is an approach to the fourth stage of re-education - the process of self-education, when the pupil must get out of the crisis. At all these stages, the educator acts as a consultant.

It should also be taken into account that in this process of re-education, in addition to the educator, the group of pupils, into which the teenager falls, is included. Here the educator acts as a coordinator, directing the team to re-educate his comrade. A social educator working with teenagers in a rehabilitation center resorts to one of the methods, setting the goal for the pupil to be like an idol, an ideal. This moral ideal helps in shaping the positive behavior of a teenager.

Here it is important to know the abilities of the pupil, having determined which, the teacher inspires him with confidence in his abilities, in the reality of changing his life.

Considering that in the rehabilitation center the social educator works with the group, it is important to study it immediately. It is necessary to know all the nuances of the relations of all pupils in the group, the degree of influence of the group on each teenager. What activities are of most interest to the group? How does she build her relationship with the environment?

It should be remembered that in difficult teenagers it can be hostility, aggressiveness, isolation. Hence, starting with a small group, it is necessary to improve the situation by creating a club, a sports section, technical circles,

And one more way to re-educate difficult teenagers is to include well-mannered teenagers in a group, which is much more difficult than other methods.

In the re-education of difficult adolescents, one can refer to the experience of A.S. Makarenko, his "explosion method", when, finding himself in a critical situation, a teenager realizes his hopelessness, feels disgust for his life. He has a need to be better. But the pupil will succeed if he can change his habits and actions.

A difficult teenager requires a special approach. In the full sense, this should be a step-by-step approach, at the first stage of which good relations with the teenager and his environment should be established, more precisely, contact should be established, which in the practice of the work of a social pedagogue is not achieved immediately and not simply.

Here it is important for the social pedagogue to get acquainted with the personal affairs of the teenager both at school and in the commission on minors' affairs even before the meeting. It is important to find out the cause of pedagogical neglect, and in the future to try to combine the pedagogical process of education and the process of self-education. It is important for a social educator to master the technique of directing a teenager to self-improvement activities.

Working with difficult teenagers, a social educator draws up a psychological map for each pupil. This is the peculiarity of the work of a social pedagogue - work with a personality.

Considering that difficult teenagers are most often especially excitable, it is important for a social pedagogue to choose for the child the kind of activity that will help him to be restrained and patient during a conflict. The task of the teacher is to educate the teenager's tolerance, attention, restraint.

To cultivate these qualities, it should be remembered that a teenager can be cruel, so he should not be entrusted with the leadership of the little ones.

When working in a rehabilitation center with adolescents, a social educator must keep in mind a number of conditions that will help him achieve success.

The first is to establish contact with a teenager so that communication makes it possible to get to know him. Cognition of the child is the second thing the teacher should remember. Know his thoughts, aspirations, reactions, plans for the future. The third is to establish good relations, which will help in his rehabilitation 1 .

Detailed Technology to achieve contact of a social teacher with a teenager was developed by psychologist LB Filonov. He distinguishes several stages in the conversation of a social pedagogue with a teenager. This is the accumulation of agreement in views, the challenge of consent on the part of a teenager, the search for his hobbies, the concept of the features of his hobbies and behavior, the definition of the negative qualities of his personality, his reaction to outside influence, the development general norms behavior and interaction.

Given that the so-called "difficult teenagers" make up the majority in various informal associations, a social pedagogue, working with them, should have an idea at least partially about this youth movement.

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior (deviating from generally accepted norms) is individual actions or a system of actions that are contrary to legal or moral norms generally accepted in society. A deviant is a person with deviations in moral development and behavior.

Pedagogically neglected is a child who has not formed the most important social qualities of the personality. A stable deviation in the consciousness and behavior of children, due to the negative influence of the environment and the shortcomings of education.

Delinquent (offender) - a subject whose deviant behavior in its extreme manifestations is a criminally punishable action.

Rehabilitation - recovery, a system of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at the inclusion of a deviant child in the social environment, the educational process.

The most significant signs of deviant behavior: indiscipline, negative attitude to moral standards, dishonest attitude to socially valuable assignments, cruelty, selfishness, vagrancy, aggressiveness, the presence bad habits and etc.

Reasons for deviant behavior:

1) family troubles (negative atmosphere, deformation of intra-family relations, antisocial behavior of parents, low level of material security, etc.); 2) shortcomings in the work of the school: (insufficient preparedness of the teacher, fragmentation of educational influences, etc.); personal components (underdevelopment of spiritual interests, lag in psycho-physiological development, nervousness, hyperactivity, etc.); 4) violations in communication (unaccommodating, rudeness, aggressiveness, etc.).

Work with children with deviant behavior should begin with a diagnosis. Its object will be the student and his environment, its educational opportunities.

The task of diagnostics includes: 1) determining the general level of upbringing of the individual; 2) identification of deformed, deviant qualities and character traits; 3) definition of positive traits and qualities; 4) study of the microclimate of the family; 5) study of the influence of informal associations.

When reconstructing character, the main thing is to find a foothold, something positive that will become the basis of rehabilitation.

Teachers are faced with the task of preventing deviant behavior (prevention).

The Republic of Belarus has developed a concept and program for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. For this, the following are being created: 1) rehabilitation centers (law enforcement agencies, teachers, psychologists, medical workers, social services); 2) at school, psychological and pedagogical councils, commissions for working with children at risk; 3) social educators, psychologists.

Prevention and overcoming deviations involves working with the family of a teenager, with himself. Includes educational work, out-of-class and out-of-school, control over activities, work with institutions of additional education.

For prevention, it is necessary to create psycho-pedagogical, legal, narcological services, social assistance and protection services for adolescents, helplines, organization of young family clubs, individual work with difficult children, psychological and pedagogical consultations.

Allocate general prevention - these are measures aimed at creating favorable socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical conditions aimed at assisting the family in fulfilling its functions of raising children; on the implementation of educational functions by general educational institutions of all types.

Special prevention includes corrective and rehabilitation measures aimed at children of the “risk group” and “deviant children”. This work is carried out in close cooperation of the school, family, informal groups.

First of all, it is important to overcome Negative influence social environment, limit the negative impact of social factors (family, asocial group). Radical measures (deprivation parental rights, disbanding an asocial group, sending a teenager to boarding schools or special educational institutions do not always bring the expected result (orphanages, foster care).

In the prevention of deviations in the behavior of adolescents, an important role is given to work with the family. You can use a corrective impact on family communication if there is mutual understanding between teachers and parents. Implementation of pedagogical general education. Influence through the parent committee and school council. An important direction is the reorientation of the orientation of adolescents' group communication.

Yurichka Yu.I., Yurichka A.Yu. Deviantology: conflicts, aggression, drug addiction, gambling addiction, offenses. M., 2005.

Raising a difficult child: Children with deviant behavior: / M.I. Rozhkov, M.A. Kovalchuk, I.V. Kuznetsova and others; Under the editorship of M.I. Rozhkov.- M.: VLADOS, 2003.-239p.

A social worker can carry out his activities in various spheres of society, including in the educational sphere. In domestic science, it is generally accepted that a social teacher should work in the field of education. But he has to perform many functions that are characteristic of a social worker, especially in specialized institutions. To prove this statement, the functions that are indicated in a number of textbooks were analyzed.

A boarding school is "a school in which students live and are partially supported by the state."

Education at a boarding school is multi-level and differentiated according to state programs, auxiliary special programs, including training according to an individual program in the classroom. In addition to those indicated in the boarding school, a system of additional education has been built.

The main functions of a social worker are as follows:

  • 1. Diagnostic (setting up a social diagnosis of the "disease" of a child, family or group).
  • 2. Therapeutic (definition of possible means of "treatment": correction of situations, conditions, direct assistance, counseling, psychotherapy, correction).
  • 3. Control room I(in a case requiring the intervention of other specialists: a psychologist, psychotherapist, sexologist, economist, lawyer, and so on).
  • 4. Informational (gathering information about the child, family or group of families, problems and conditions of society to ensure the effectiveness of social "intervention").
  • 5. Rehab (assistance in restoring the client's vitality).
  • 6. Preventive (prevention of social and individual risks).
  • 7. Adaptive (facilitating the entry of an individual into a relatively unfamiliar society or cultural system).
  • 8. Corrective (change in social status, economic, cultural level, values, orientations of the client).
  • 9. Communicative (activities are carried out through communication, professional interest and creative search are aimed at solving the problem of a particular client).

The main functions of a social educator are as follows:

  • 1. Educational - it provides a targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior of children and adults, the use in the educational process of the means and capabilities of social institutions, the capabilities of the individual himself, as an active subject of the educational process.
  • 2. Diagnostic - with its help, medical, psychological and age characteristics, human abilities, the world of his interests, social circle, living conditions are studied, reveals positive and negative influences and problems.
  • 3. Organizational - it helps to organize the socio-pedagogical activities of children and adults, their initiative, creativity, influences the content of leisure, assists in the issue of employment, vocational guidance and adaptation, helps the interaction of medical, educational, cultural, sports, legal, institutions among themselves in the socio-pedagogical work.
  • 4. Prognostic participates in programming, forecasting and designing the process of social development of a particular microsociety, the activities of various institutions involved in social work.
  • 5. Preventive-prophylactic and socio-therapeutic - takes into account and puts into action socio-legal, legal and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative influences, organizes the provision of sociotherapeutic assistance to those in need, ensures the protection of their rights.
  • 6. Organizational and communicative - promotes the inclusion of voluntary assistants in socio-pedagogical work, business and personal contacts, concentrates information and establishes interaction in their work with children and families.

The legislative base of the Russian Federation obliges society to engage in the upbringing and education of disabled children. The activities of a social worker in boarding schools with children with disabilities are carried out in several areas:

  • a) social - diagnostics;
  • b) medical and social work;
  • c) educational work;
  • d) social - correction;
  • e) social - adaptation;
  • f) sociocultural;
  • g) social and legal;
  • h) prophylactic.

The main forms of work with disabled children are:

  • 1. Individual.
  • 2. Group.
  • 3. Collective.

The individual form is used in the work of individual counseling of the student. Counseling is carried out on a variety of issues related to: protecting the rights of the child, providing psychological help, assistance in filling out the documentation.

One of the main forms of work of a social pedagogue is interaction with the family, individual work with each parent. Studying the specifics of the family, talking with parents, observing the communication of parents with children outlines specific ways of joint influence on the child. A social educator studies the family microenvironment of a disabled child. In a conversation between a child and his parents, you can learn a lot of necessary information about his passions and interests, health, habits, skills and abilities in various forms of activity. The visit allows the social worker to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house. In addition, this form of work makes it possible to communicate not only with the mother, father, the child himself, but also with other family members who take part in his upbringing. Consultations are one of the forms of individual differentiated work with parents and children. They help, on the one hand, to get to know the life of the family more closely and provide assistance where it is most needed, on the other hand, they encourage parents to seriously look at their children, identify their character traits, and think about how best to educate them. Giving consultations, the social pedagogue answers the questions of parents and children, seeks to give them qualified advice.

The work of the teacher is aimed at helping the child acquire the skills and abilities to communicate in his environment. To overcome the difficulties of communication between disabled children and healthy children, the social pedagogue draws up a program according to which the child is prepared for such communication. This can be participation in competitions, holding birthdays, discussing books and films. The inclusion of disabled children in labor activities, for example, tailoring and repairing clothes, woodworking, is also a subject of special concern for the social pedagogue. Here it is necessary not only to prepare and conclude contracts, but also to teach the guys a profession, to give them the necessary skills and abilities. It is important that they participate in all production processes, understand the issues of economy, labor planning, be able to keep tools in proper condition, and so on. Exhibitions of children's works, their participation in holidays, concerts and performances help to establish each of them as a person. creative work accompanied by reading books, creating a library, which develops the child, broadens his horizons.

If we talk about the work of a social pedagogue with children with disabilities, then we should pay attention to the curative pedagogy of A.A. Dubrovsky. In his opinion, it is very important to build work with children with disabilities so that he can overcome loneliness and depression.

Socio-pedagogical work of a social teacher with children with disabilities should be carried out in the form of confidential conversations, from which the specialist should find out the desires and hobbies of the child. The primary task of the teacher is to distract the child from the disease, to teach him to live among people. Understanding, generosity, mercy, tolerance and faith in the child are the main medicines. Only in this way, a sick child can feel like a full-blooded person. Work must be given great importance. Therapeutic pedagogy A.A. Dubrovsky is aimed at helping the child cope with the disease, get out of it persistent, able to live among people.

Also, Dubrovsky formulates the main areas of work of a social pedagogue with sick children:

  • 1. Conducting ethical conversations.
  • 2. Organization of children's self-government.
  • 3. Mandatory participation of children in labor.
  • 4. Cooperation between children and educators.
  • 5. Help the child in creative activities.
  • 6. Organization active rest(at the stadium, art gallery, park, library, and so on), etc.

Thus, we can conclude that the main goal and task of the work of a social pedagogue is to help the child adapt to life in society. various methods and methods, such as working with the family, directly with the child himself, holding various kinds of conversations, events, helping families where there is a child with disabilities.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the activities of a social teacher in working with families raising a disabled child.

1.1. Characteristics of families with disabled children ………………………5

1.2. The system of social assistance and protection of families with disabled children………………………………………………………………………...13

1.3. Forms and methods of work of a social pedagogue with the family of a disabled child ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Conclusions on Chapter I ………………………………………………………………….24

Chapter II. Features of the practical work of a social pedagogue with families raising a disabled child.

2.1. Diagnosis of families with a disabled child ………………………26

2.2. The program of psychological and pedagogical work with families with a disabled child …………………………………………………………………….29

2.3. Analysis of the socio-pedagogical work carried out with families raising a disabled child ……………………………………………...33

Conclusions on Chapter II ……………………………………………………………...36

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………37

List of used literature …………………………………………..39

Appendix ……………………………………………………………………...41

A family with a disabled child is a family with a special status, the features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and the nature of the relationship between them, but also by greater employment in solving the problems of the child, the closeness of the family to the outside world, lack of communication, frequent lack of work mother, but most importantly - the specific situation in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness.

The family for a child is known to be the least restrictive, most gentle type of social environment. However, a situation where there is a child with a disability in the family can have an impact on the creation of a more rigid environment that family members need to perform their functions. Moreover, it is likely that the presence of a child with developmental disabilities, coupled with other factors, can change the family's self-determination, reduce opportunities for earnings, recreation, and social activity.

The main goal of social and pedagogical activity in working with the family of a child with disabilities is to help the family cope with the difficult task of raising a child with a disability, to promote its optimal functioning, despite the existing objective risk factor; influence the family in order to mobilize its capabilities to solve the problems of the rehabilitation process. In other words, the goal of a social educator is to promote social adaptation and rehabilitation of the family in the situation of the birth of a disabled child.

The relevance of our course work lies in the fact that the number of children with various physical or mental problems is constantly increasing. The family, the immediate environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of his upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, training, career guidance.

That is why assistance to a family raising a disabled child is very necessary. This problem is not only a socio-pedagogical one, but also a psychological one.

Purpose This course work is to consider the theoretical and practical features of the work of a social teacher with a family raising a disabled child.

object studies are families with disabled children.

Subject- problems faced by families raising a child with a disability.

Hypothesis: we assumed that by creating additional forms of work (socio-pedagogical trainings), the family will have significant pedagogical, rehabilitation, integration resources for the development of a disabled child.

Many authors have studied this problem, such as Aisherwood M.M., Aksenova L.I., Mamaychuk I.I., Mallaev D.M. and many other scientists. Isherwood in her works focused on how to make the life of a disabled person complete. Mamaichuk I.I. studied the provision of psychological assistance to children with developmental problems. Aksenova L.I. studied the features of the work of a social pedagogue with children with disabilities. Mallaev D.M. in his works showed the role of the family in the upbringing of a child with disabilities.

Research base: MBOU secondary school No. 9 in Birsk.

1. Theoretical foundations of the activity of a social pedagogue in working with families raising a disabled child.

1.1 Characteristics of families with children with developmental disabilities.

Families with children with disabilities of physical or mental development represent one of the most vulnerable groups of the population.

Social support for such families is a solution to a whole range of problems related to helping a child: with his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society. Parents in such families are exposed to a variety of negative factors that can be described as family stress. Family stress may be unexpected and/or chronic, but always creates tension within the family group, which breaks its stability. The social ill health of such a family requires additional types of social and educational activities aimed at helping parents. This is the social rehabilitation and social integration of the family, that is, the restoration of its social status.

The success of solving these problems is directly related to targeted social and pedagogical work, which includes a wide range of long-term measures to help the family of a complex nature - medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, economic. The content of these measures is aimed at:

  • expanding family contacts, overcoming isolation, including it in public life;
  • providing adequate information about the specific needs and prospects for the development of the child, assistance in organizing a comprehensive diagnosis and early start of the educational process;
  • providing full information about social institutions of assistance, assistance to specialists in compiling an educational and habilitation route based on an individual child development program;
  • establishing a family microclimate;
  • organization of psychological support for parents;
  • organization of legal support for the family: information, protection of legal rights and interests.

The system of socio-pedagogical assistance should not be aimed at replacing the family, but at developing its own resources and initiatives, since only the transformation of the family into an active subject of socio-pedagogical activity is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of the processes of rehabilitation and integration of the child. This largely depends on the type of intra-family relationships and the style of family education. On these grounds, families with children with significant developmental disabilities (with disabilities) can be differentiated into four groups.

First group- parents with a pronounced expansion of the sphere of parental feelings. Their characteristic style of upbringing is hyper-custody, when the child is the center of the entire life of the family, in connection with which the communicative ties with the environment are deformed. Parents have inadequate ideas about the potential of their child, the mother has an exaggerated sense of anxiety and neuropsychic tension. As main reason violations of the family microclimate in these families can be called systematic marital conflicts. The style of behavior of adult family members (mother, grandmother) is characterized by an overly caring attitude towards the child, petty regulation of the family's lifestyle depending on the child's well-being, and limited social contacts. Depending on the age of the child, the level of indulgent hyperprotection (phobia of losing a child) also increases. This style of family education is typical for most families of single mothers.

This style of family education has a negative impact on the formation of the child's personality, which is manifested in egocentrism, increased dependence, lack of activity, and a decrease in the child's self-esteem.

Second group families are characterized by a style of cold communication - hypoprotection, a decrease in emotional contacts between parents and a child, a projection onto the child by both parents or one of them of their own undesirable qualities. Parents fix excessive attention on the treatment of the child, making excessive demands on the medical staff, trying to compensate for their own mental discomfort due to the emotional rejection of the child. The attitude to a stressful situation leaves a strong imprint on the way out of it, which the family chooses. It is in these families that cases of latent alcoholism of parents are most common.

Such a style of communication in the family leads to the formation of emotional instability in the child's personality, high anxiety, neuropsychic tension, gives rise to an inferiority complex, emotional defenselessness, self-doubt.

third group Families are characterized by the style of cooperation - a constructive and flexible form of mutually responsible relations between parents and the child in joint activities. As a way of life, this style arises when parents believe in the success of their child and the strengths of his nature, with a consistent understanding of the necessary amount of assistance, the development of the child's independence in the process of becoming special ways of his interaction with the outside world.

Parents from this group of families note that the birth of such a child did not become a factor that worsened relations between spouses, “trouble rallied”, united in an extreme situation, strengthened mutual assistance, “reliance on each other”. In these families, there is a steady cognitive interest of parents in organizing the socio-pedagogical process, daily community and dialogue in choosing goals and programs for joint activities with the child, encouraging children's independence, constant support and sympathy in case of failures. Parents of this group have the highest educational level in comparison with representatives of other groups, they have experience of experiencing stressful situations. This style of family education contributes to the development of a child's sense of security, self-confidence, the need to actively establish interpersonal relationships both in the family and outside the home.

Children with special needs as an object of social and pedagogical work

Ticket 32

The basis for the organization of socio-pedagogical work can be the accumulated experience of working with specific categories of minors. Individual problems can be identified initially at a general level, and then the pattern of their individual manifestation can be diagnosed. The difficulty lies in the constant change in both quantitative and quality characteristics risk situations to which children and young people are exposed.

Groups of minors in need of social and pedagogical support are children with disabilities and gifted children who require special treatment and a special approach.

Disabled children. According to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for recognizing a person as disabled" (1996), a child is recognized as disabled as a result of a medical and social examination (ITU), based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of health and the degree of disability in accordance with the classifications and criteria approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development . After reaching the age of 18, the VTEK establishes any of the three disability groups for children with disabilities.

In the event that a person is recognized as disabled, the ITU in month develops an individual rehabilitation program (IPR). According to the Model Regulations (1996), the ITU determines a set of optimal rehabilitation measures that are mandatory for the implementation of the relevant authorities, and for a disabled person they are advisory in nature (he may refuse any specific measures or, in general, an individual rehabilitation program). IPR cannot be less than the Federal Basic Program (Article 10 of the Law Russian Federation"On the Social Protection of the Disabled" (1995)). By the nature of financing, it can be paid-free. If the disabled person himself paid for the necessary (specified in the IPR) service, then its cost will be compensated to him in the future within the limits of state tariffs.

The purpose of social and pedagogical work with this category of children is to provide children with disabilities with the opportunity to lead a lifestyle appropriate for their age; maximum adaptation of the child to the environment and society by teaching self-service skills, acquiring knowledge of professional experience, participation in socially useful work; assistance to parents of children with disabilities.

The life of a disabled child takes place in conditions of deprivation. The social situation of his development differs from the lifestyle and upbringing of a healthy child. Such a child should be included in the sphere of communication, games with peers, but others often shy away from communicating with people with disabilities. There is a situation of mismatch between the objective need to carry out the normal life of the child and the impossibility of its full implementation. Social deprivation deepens due to the long stay of a sick child in special hospitals, sanatoriums, boarding schools, where social experience is limited and the social circle includes only the same children. In such an environment, the development of social and communication skills is delayed in children with disabilities, and an insufficiently adequate idea of ​​the world around them is formed.

The formation of the personality of a disabled child is greatly influenced by his immediate environment - the family. The further fate of such children largely depends on the position of the family. Depending on the knowledge, culture, personal characteristics of parents and a number of other factors, various types of reactions arise, and, accordingly, their behavior in connection with the appearance of a disabled child in the family. This event, as a rule, is accompanied by a shock, leads parents into a stressful state, causes a feeling of confusion and helplessness, and often causes family breakup. In such a situation, especially at first, the support of a social pedagogue is important. Its task is to study the psychological climate of the family, its interpersonal relationships, to identify the moral and psychological resources of parents and other relatives. It is known that in some cases in the family there is a misunderstanding of the current situation and, in connection with this, the passive position of the parents. In other cases, the rational attitude of parents to the appearance of a disabled child (following the advice of a rehabilitation doctor, etc.). In the third cases - the hyperactivity of parents, the search for professionals, clinics, rehabilitation centers. The social pedagogue will have to direct the efforts of the family along a more rational path, carry out psychological and organizational work, try to reconcile the parents in the event of a disagreement between them, and bring them to a correct understanding of their heavy duties. The situation in the family with the appearance of a disabled child is also aggravated due to the economic factor: there is a need to provide paid care, medical consultations, purchase of medicines, additional food, rehabilitation funds, etc. In a family with a disabled child, the problem of his education also arises (at home, in a boarding school, in specialized schools, etc.).

The ability to correctly assess the characterological inclinations of a disabled child, the peculiarities of his response to the limitations of his abilities, to the attitude of those around him lies at the basis of his social adaptation. The development of a neurotic state, egocentrism, social and mental infantilism of a disabled child largely depends on the pedagogical, psychological and medical knowledge of parents and the ability to use them. The role of a social educator is to help parents in this area as well. Therefore, the educational, informational activities of a social worker, the ability to correctly apply their knowledge in this area are extremely important.

Disabled children are served by institutions of three departments. Children under the age of 4 suffering from severe lesions of the musculoskeletal system and with mental retardation receive treatment and care in specialized orphanages of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Children with not pronounced anomalies in physical and mental development study in specialized schools (boarding schools) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Children aged 4 to 18 with deeper psychosomatic disorders live in boarding schools of the social protection system.

The institutions of these three departments work in close cooperation, and there is continuity in their work. The selection of children in these institutions is entrusted to medical and pedagogical commissions, which include psychiatrists, psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, and representatives of social welfare institutions. The selection procedure includes examination of the child, diagnosis of the degree of the disease, and paperwork. A modern orphanage for disabled children provides its pupils with various types of medical care (pediatric, neurological, psychiatric), pedagogical influence and training. Children with disabilities living in boarding schools are taught and brought up according to specially designed programs, including the formation of self-service skills, household orientation, teaching reading, writing and counting at preschool and school age. From the age of 12, training in labor skills is carried out, which are fixed in training and production workshops. It has been established that children with mental retardation to adolescence can master not only labor, but also some professional skills: a seamstress, a carpenter, a plasterer-painter, a cleaning nurse, a janitor, a loader, etc. This allows them to adapt in society in the future, given certain social and living conditions. Children with less pronounced mental retardation live in families and study in special schools, where they receive school knowledge and labor (professional) skills for 8 years.

Children with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, who cannot serve themselves and need care, live in special boarding schools of the social protection system.

Children with physical disabilities need medical rehabilitation, psycho-correctional assistance, and it is not enough in boarding schools. Education of this category of children in boarding schools is carried out according to the program of a general education school, so they can also live in families and attend a regular school or a boarding institution. Children with disabilities who are unable to attend school should be educated at home. However, this does not happen everywhere, which negatively affects their development.

In accordance with the Federal Target Program "Disabled Children", which is part of the Presidential Program "Children of Russia", institutions of a fundamentally new type are being created - territorial rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities and territorial centers for social assistance to families and children. These institutions provide medical and psychological rehabilitation of children and social support for families with disabled children.

Parents of a disabled child experience serious difficulties due to their own legal illiteracy. A social pedagogue is obliged to inform them about their rights and benefits, to help in their provision and protection. We list the benefits provided to children with disabilities by the legislation of the Russian Federation: preferential provision of living space. Families with disabled children and in need of better living conditions are registered and provided with living quarters, taking into account the benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 50% discount on the use of the telephone and radio broadcasting point; a discount of at least 50% from the rent (in the houses of the state, municipal and public housing stock) and payment utilities, and in residential buildings that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population; security medicines carried out free of charge or on preferential terms. The procedure and conditions for the provision of qualified medical care to various categories of disabled people are determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994; service out of turn at trade enterprises, public catering, household services, communications, health care facilities; free sanatorium treatment in accordance with medical indications and priority among the disabled. Disabled children in need of sanatorium-and-spa treatment have the right to receive a second voucher for the person accompanying them; manufacturing and repair of prosthetic products at the expense of the federal budget in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation; free travel on all types of public transport of urban and suburban communications, except for taxis; 50% discount on the cost of travel on intercity lines of air, rail, river and road transport from October 1 to May 15 and once (round trip) at other times of the year; free travel once a year to the place of treatment and back; exemption from rent for land and premises for the storage of vehicles available for personal use; priority receipt land plots for individual housing construction, maintenance and dacha farming.

Summing up the experience of social educators in working with disabled children, we can single out the following areas of their work: registering a disabled child; organization, in the presence of a hereditary pathology (or suspicion of it), medical genetic counseling for parents; together with medical workers, drawing up (clarification of the plan developed by the ITU) for the social and medical rehabilitation (individual rehabilitation program) of a disabled child and organizational assistance during its implementation in a polyclinic, at home, in a specialized hospital, summer health camp, sanatorium; search for sponsors when sending a disabled child for treatment abroad; assistance in purchasing the necessary corrective devices, exercise equipment, wheelchairs, medicines; assistance in organizing the medical examination of parents and other children if they have deviations in their state of health; assistance in organizing the rehabilitation of parents together with children in sanatoriums, family boarding houses, rest homes; organization of information and educational services for parents with the involvement of specialists of the required profile; organization of contacts with educational institutions, assistance in the provision of educational services; elimination of conflict situations between parents and children, family members; educating the right attitude of parents and other children towards a disabled child as an equal member of the family; formation in the microdistrict and educational institution of a healthy public opinion in relation to the disabled and their families; organization of societies of families with disabled children, active participation in their activities; assistance in vocational guidance, vocational training, employment and vocational adaptation of children with disabilities; identification of children in need of special conditions for upbringing and education, as well as their placement in specialized institutions; assistance in providing material and household assistance to a family with a disabled child (from the full receipt of all state benefits and benefits to attracting the services of sponsors, etc.); assigning children with disabilities to shops with a guaranteed set of basic foodstuffs, sets of children's clothing and footwear, household appliances, and furniture; assistance in providing different kind humanitarian aid; assistance in the allocation of sums of money and vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes; assistance in the opening of rehabilitation, leisure, specialized training centers and boarding houses for disabled children and members of their families.
