Orthodox fasting: “the miracle of starvation”, diet or ascetic feat? Rescuer products, or what to eat so as not to starve during fasting Therapeutic fasting in fasting

Here are some great ways.

When planning a fast

  • Before fasting and after it, it is necessary to plan the preparatory and final periods of the same duration. For example, if you plan to fast for one day, then the entire cleansing cycle with preparation and exit will take three days.
  • It is believed that daily fasting is most effective on Ekadashi days. This is the eleventh and twenty-sixth lunar day, when the lunar attraction is maximum.

In preparation for fasting

  • Fasting will be easier if there are as many days ahead of it as you plan to starve later.
  • A very good result is given by freshly squeezed lemon juice just before the start of fasting. Squeeze one fresh lemon into half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach. The taste should be bitter and sour. This will help the stomach and intestines to get rid of mucus and waste, and the feeling of hunger will be significantly reduced.

During fasting

  • Don't forget the sun fresh air, walks in nature. This will help relieve all the unpleasant symptoms.
  • Moderate training (but not through force) will pacify the feeling of hunger and give strength.
  • During fasting, a lot of harmful substances are released into the sweat. So wash yourself daily. If you have the desire and opportunity - swim.
  • To improve the release of harmful substances through the pores of the skin, it is useful to apply massage and a contrast shower.
  • Don't neglect the enema. A cleansed body can remove waste itself during fasting. But a heavily slagged body simply needs to call the "Angel of Water" inside. With short (up to seven days) fasting, you can daily.

Cascading fasting

The cleansing effect of fasting depends very much on the nutrition at its completion.

When eating natural products, the body successfully removes the toxic substances that have come into motion.

When switching to non-natural food, toxic substances settle in the body, and the purification is completed.

If you were starving, then eating natural food, and then starving again, it turns out that the cleaning did not stop.

This is what it consists cascading fasting: fasting - natural nutrition - fasting - natural nutrition and so on as many times as you like. The healing effect in this case approaches continuous fasting, equal to the cascade in duration.

Of course, this is a much gentler way to cleanse the body than continuous fasting. Therefore, for prevention, it is best suited. But if you need to treat a chronic disease or cleanse yourself of serious pollution (heavy metals, chemistry, the effects of radiation), then you will have to resort to continuous fasting. But even in this case, cascade fasting can be carried out as a preparatory cleansing period before continuous.

Cascade fasting can be carried out in any combination: a day in a day, a day in three, three days in a week. Combine periods of fasting and recovery as you like, as your body tells you. The main thing is that restorative nutrition should be exclusively natural, and that periods of nutrition should be no less than periods of fasting.

Orthodox post

Orthodox fasts primarily serve to purify the spirit. For fasting without prayer is a diet. But fasting also helps the body a lot.

Fasting involves the principle of cascading fasting. So, periods of complete starvation alternate with periods of "dry eating" (eating natural food in raw fresh form).

The Charter of the Church teaches: “All who are piously fasting must strictly refrain from fasting from certain brashen [types of food], not as bad (let it not be), but as indecent for fasting and forbidden by the Church. Brasna, from which one must abstain during fasts, are: meat, cheese, butter, milk, eggs, and sometimes fish, depending on the difference in holy fasts.

As you can see, the most toxic products are prohibited in fasting. And, of course, alcohol and cigarettes.

There are five levels of fasting severity:

  1. complete abstinence from food (fasting);
  2. dry eating (eating natural raw food, the modern name for this is a raw food diet);
  3. hot food without oil (natural food that has undergone heat treatment);
  4. hot food with oil (vegetable);
  5. eating fish.

Many deeply religious people, as well as ministers of the Church, observe the first or second degree of fasting, that is, they are on fasting and natural nutrition. Of course, combining fasting with prayer and repentance.

Used materials from the site www.pravoslavie.ru

  • Key five. cleansing

    Modern ecology poisons the body. Every day, a lot of chemistry settles in us - urban smog, impurities in water, preservatives and nutritional supplements, excess unnatural food. Poisons accumulate in tissues, joints, internal organs. The body does not tolerate such bullying, sooner or later the accumulated poisons make themselves felt, and the person becomes ill. Toxic "deposits" increase the fat layer, make the joints creaky, and cause swelling.

    Do you know that nature has provided animals and humans with a protective mechanism that allows you to remove poisons from the body? This fact was confirmed by official medicine.

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Don't go to extremes

I will say here and I will constantly repeat "extremes are often fatal." Don't believe? Then what would you prefer - freeze to death or burn? That's right - it's better to stick to the "golden mean".

Do not change habits headlong, because nature itself does not tolerate sudden jumps: either a smooth evolution, or a non-viable mutant. Act gradually and carefully.

The result of the keys of life is so pleasing that you want to increase the impact more and more. But keep yourself in control, you are working with very powerful energies, the dosage of which should be increased carefully. Be reasonable.

And keep in mind: I am not a doctor, and even more so I do not know the characteristics of your body. Therefore, carefully study the considered materials, take into account the individual characteristics of your body, possible contraindications be sure to consult with a specialist. Responsibility for the application of any methods and advice is yours alone. As Hippocrates said: "Do no harm!"

The methods are presented in a brief introductory version. Detailed materials should be obtained from the authors of the methods or their representatives.

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The post itself is a unique phenomenon. The essence of this ritual is to abstain from certain types of products, and not at all to throw off a couple of extra pounds, as many people think today. Fasting is a sacred sacrament, and the refusal of food here has a sacred meaning. Believers are starving in order to cleanse themselves spiritually. Fasting is an exercise and test for the spirit. After all, if you remember the Bible, Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to spend them in fasting and prayer. It is the analysis of all one's actions that is the meaning of Great Orthodox Lent, and fasting simply contributes to this.

At the time of fasting, a person moves away from evil, tries to curb his sins and lusts. Without the spiritual component, fasting becomes a normal diet. Two concepts should not be confused - religious fasting and therapeutic fasting, these are two different things.. Therapeutic fasting, or unloading and dietary therapy, aims to improve the health, improve the physical and mental functions of the body, while fasting, as mentioned above, is on the way to the purification of the spirit.

In medicine, the concept of "therapeutic starvation" has long been used. History knows such experiments, which were decided by Pythagoras, Socrates, Hippocrates and Avicenna.

In our country, the method was developed in the middle of the 17th century. The beginning of the 20th century was the time of labor professors B, B, Pashutin, the founder of this very method.

Distinguish several types of curative fasting: full or "wet", partial and absolute. Absolute or " dry fasting"should be less frequent and be strictly limited in time, because it passes without the use of water. With complete fasting, you can drink only mineral non-carbonated water or herbal tea. But during partial fasting, fruit or green juices (herbal), vegetable juices are allowed.

Basic rules and principles of fasting

Medical fasting, like any diet, must have strict lines and boundaries. You need to get used to hunger gradually, you need to start one day a week. Accordingly, you also need to carefully exit from it.

The loss of body weight during the procedure should not be more than 25%, the period of therapeutic fasting is similar to the period of Great Lent - 40 days, no more. But they can be divided into short-term fasting (up to 7 days) and long-term. The age of the hungry is also limited - 17 - 60 years.

If you are prone to chronic respiratory diseases, gargle with rosehip decoction to avoid exacerbations.

Before going to bed, ventilate the room well, wrap up warmly and fall asleep.

There are contraindications to the procedure, so it is unacceptable to thoughtlessly refuse food. Remember, you don't joke with such things, it is very important here individual approach. Before proceeding, it is necessary to thoroughly study the method and consult with a dietitian.

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Contraindications and restrictions

People who have:

It is used for both prevention and treatment of diseases.

As it should be, if you refuse the usual fatty and carcinogenic food, a person gets rid of toxins during fasting, efficiency increases, and the body gradually rejuvenates. The secret of this method is that during starvation, the body turns on the “reserve” and completely directs them both to restore metabolism and to remove all toxins. Salt deposits and cellulite are the first to go away. When the body leaves harmful substances, it switches to internal nutrition due to the destruction of its own fats, carbohydrates and proteins. There is a renewal at the cellular level, the body becomes cleaner, more efficient, and younger.

Most importantly, the reasons for your photographs of fashion models and fashion for fragility should not become a medical refusal to write. In the first and only place, a reasonable and creative love for yourself should prompt you to fasting.

Especially for LadySpecial - Anna

In the fundamental work “The Bible Encyclopedia" (Moscow, 1891), Archimandrite Nikifor describes the concept of "Fasting" as follows: "During the danger or social disasters, it was customary for the Jews and it was considered a religious obligation to impose a fast on themselves, that is, to refrain from food, pray and offer sacrifices... Fasting was observed by the Jews with particular strictness... and was distinguished not only by abstinence from food, but even from all other sensual needs." Thus, the word "fast" means "prohibition". In our sense, it means the refusal to take any food for a certain period of time. There is not even a question of any "lean food" during this period of time. The use of "lenten food" during the period of fasting is a gross violation and perversion of this concept. The concept of "starvation" implies several options: 1. Starvation in the form of forced malnutrition. 2. The state of hibernation in animals and Sopor in people. 3. Conscious abstinence from food for a certain period of time for medical or religious purposes. 1. Starvation in the form of forced malnutrition can be divided into two types: a) eating poor quality food, defective in the composition of essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and so on; b) when the food does not meet the required minimum of calories.
In the first case not good nutrition imperceptibly but surely leads to a wide variety of health disorders and the emergence of certain diseases. For example, lack of protein - to dystrophy, lack of vitamin C - to scurvy, and so on.
In the second case, due to constant malnutrition, fat and reserve reserves of the body are quickly and irrationally consumed, which also leads to the development of various diseases and death.
A similar variant of starvation was observed in concentration camps during the blockade of Leningrad. This option also includes a variety of "hungry" diets: "English", "French", "spectacle" and so on. Such forms of fasting and weight loss methods do not provide a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, but, on the contrary, create conditions for a variety of pathologies. 2. The state of hibernation in animals and lethargic sleep in humans leads to the body switching to a full-fledged internal diet. Their body during this period economically consumes fat reserves. Moreover, modern scientific research has shown that during hibernation, animals tolerate increased doses of poison, radioactive exposure without harm to health, do not die and do not get sick from artificial infection of them with microbes. This reflects a higher level of body functioning as one of the options for protecting against adverse living conditions (drought, winter). 3. Conscious abstinence from food for a certain period of time in a waking state with a certain water and motor regime is inherent only in man. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the process of starvation itself, which has clearly defined three stages. The first stage is food arousal; the second stage is true hunger, and the third stage is the exhaustion of the organism. Let's consider them in order. FIRST STAGE. The person refuses to eat. His stomach is empty, and all the nutrients have long been dissolved in the intestines. There was also a decrease in the blood nutrients. "Hungry" blood signals to the center of hunger, located in the brain, about a change in its chemistry. It gets excited and affects the frontal cortex, which is responsible for nutrition. This excitation gradually covers other parts of the brain, dominating other requests. A person really wants to eat, and all his thoughts are directed to finding food. By volitional effort or certain procedures, a person overcomes this stage, which, depending on the individual constitution, lasts 1-4 days. SECOND STAGE. We know from physiology that after a period of excitation in the central nervous system, a period of inhibition sets in. Exactly the same happens in the case of hunger - having overcome the onslaught of hungry emotions, the cerebral cortex goes from an excited state to a inhibited one. The feeling of hunger COMPLETELY DISAPPEARS, special physiological mechanisms are activated to "eat" one's own tissues. First of all, fat reserves and painfully altered tissue are utilized.
Vital tissues and organs: nervous system, the heart does not lose its weight. During this period of time, the body loses up to 25% of its own weight. It takes 40-50 days for a person, which is considered a physiologically useful fasting period. At the end of this stage, when the body has used all the reserve tissue, the excitation of the brain occurs again, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of wild hunger. This is well described in the Bible, when Jesus Christ, having gone hungry for 40 days and nights, "finally got hungry" - in other words, he wanted to eat unbearably. Strong hunger and cleansing of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue indicate the end of the second stage, the complete cleansing of the body, and are a sign that you need to eat. THIRD STAGE. If a person ignores these natural indications for the end of hunger, continues it, then vital organs and tissues are utilized, which leads to irreversible pathological changes in the body and death from exhaustion. In this case, the weight loss of the body reaches 40 - 45%. Fasting for 25 - 30 days leads to a loss of only 12 - 18% of its own weight, that is, far from the dangerous line. It is these terms that are most often used for therapeutic purposes. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that for the purposes of therapeutic starvation, only stages 1 and 2 can be used, which is used in practice. The term RDT - unloading dietary therapy - was first proposed by the patriarch of the Soviet school of fasting, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev, when it was found out that in fact there is no fasting, but there is a complete nutrition of the body due to its own reserves and improved biosynthesis, when cells absorb nutrients, as well as carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air, much better!
At the same time, tension in the immune system is eliminated, the genetic apparatus is restored, biosynthesis improves, and the body is completely cleansed. All this leads the human body to rebirth. Thus, fasting, starvation, RDT mean the same thing - a complete exclusion for a certain period of time of any food products and in any, even meager amounts. There are several options for fasting: fasting without food and water is dry; fasting with the use of water inside and in the form of enemas is common; fasting using only enemas is a variation of the usual; fasting without taking water inside (in the form of enemas and drinking, but with dousing the body, taking baths or wet wraps - semi-dry; fasting with the use of one's own urine - urine). Dietary therapies include the incorrectly termed "fasting" treatment with juices and decoctions. In these cases, a person does not eat anything, but drinks only certain types of juices or decoctions for several days. Schroth's dietary method of treatment also belongs to this category. The use of the anti-stress drug S. A. Arakelyan during fasting is also not considered hunger in the strict sense, although it perfectly cleanses the body. Remember the main thing - taking the minimum amount of food calories, flavorings, and in some cases being close to food, does not allow the body to fully switch to internal nutrition and does not activate those deep mechanisms that allow you to absorb carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air, and therefore strengthen biosynthesis. Fasting differs in the way it is carried out. Passive holding - a person observes bed rest, moves a little to serve himself; active mode - when daily work is done, walks are taken and so on, as if you are not starving; fasting with high physical activity- when a person during the days of hunger, on the contrary, increases physical activity in order to quickly turn on the mechanisms of full-fledged internal nutrition and quickly obtain the effect. The last type of fasting can be used by experienced people in this matter.
According to the cycle of fasting, they are divided into weekly, monthly, quarterly, at the change of the season of the year, once a year, factional and fasts.
Weekly, as a rule, have a duration of 24 to 42 hours; monthly up to 3 days; quarterly and when the seasons change from 3 to 10 or more days; annual from 7 to 20 or more days; fractional are used to obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect and are usually carried out in three doses with the use of special restorative nutrition between them to continue the effect obtained during hunger.
The author of the fractional fasting method is Voytovich_G. A. explains the essence of this method in this way. The physiological period of human hunger is 40-50 days. At the first stage, half of the period of physiological hunger is taken - 20 days. This hunger is followed by restorative nutrition, which lasts one and a half times longer - 30 days. If a person eats only plant foods, the effect of hunger continues during meals (biosynthesis is not extinguished). Next comes the repetition of hunger, but longer in terms of time - 22 - 25 days. Break 1.5 - 2 months. These terms are taken due to the fact that there is a prolonged effect of hunger. Biosynthesis after starvation is high and gradually fades again. The process of attenuation lasts one and a half times longer than the hunger itself. Therefore, there is no need to fast before this period. A longer period of eating will naturally reduce this effect, and the next hunger will have to start from scratch.
During the second course of fasting, switching to an internal diet occurs quickly, in 2 to 3 days. And finally, after restorative nutrition, a third course of hunger is prescribed, which is carried out until the tongue is completely cleansed, which is evidence of a complete cleansing of the body and getting rid of all chronic diseases. Usually this hunger lasts from 10 to 20 days.
For people with low initial body weight, the first fasting is shorter in terms - 15-17 days, but after they gain weight during restorative nutrition, the second lasts, like everyone else - 22-25 days.
Additionally, Voitovich combines fasting with magnetotherapy. So, with the help of a magnetic-pulse installation, lesions, tumors are additionally irradiated, which significantly stimulates the regeneration process, which flows sluggishly or does not exist at all during simple hunger.
The body on hunger perfectly assimilates this additional energy and uses it for its own benefit. The fractional method is good because it prevents obese people from gaining weight. The weight is progressively reduced. As a result, obese people not only normalize their weight, but also drop it below the norm by 2-3 kilograms. This unusually strongly activates their body, and subsequently the weight is not gained, but kept at the same level. At the same time, extra fat cells organism DIE - that is, they become smaller. Therefore, on regenerative nutrition, let the fat cells gain their contents, but there are fewer of them, and therefore the person does not get fat. Fat cells begin to be destroyed only after an acidotic crisis. After a full course of the fractional method, the number of fat cells in the body normalizes. There are as many of them as there were in youth, and the person looks slim and youthful. The destruction of fat cells is possible only by hunger, all kinds of diets only deplete fat cells, and as soon as a person begins to eat, they quickly recover, and the person gets fat again.
According to the timing of fasting, they are divided into small ones - 24-48 hours; average from 3 to 7 days and long-term from 7 to 40 or more days. The record of voluntary abstinence from food - 111 days - was set in 1969 by the Brazilian fakir Adelino da Silva. In total, for 57 years of his life, he spent more than 3 years without food. In general, the timing, cyclicity, and much more during the famine depend on

We all strive for health and this is not surprising, because good health is a guarantee of attractiveness, performance and, as a result, good quality life.
Today let's try to understand the nuances of such popular methods of unloading and restarting the body as fasting, detox and starvation.


The wisdom of the ancestors has come down to us in the form of such a religious rite as fasting. Abstinence from certain types of food is characteristic of different religions world and, as it turned out over the years, this is a very important aspect of the guarantee of the spiritual and bodily health of believers.

Most a prime example in Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church, this is Great Lent before Easter. Strict fasting, uraza, when you can eat only at night, in the holy month of Ramadan among Muslims. Yom Kippur, Judgment Day, the day of repentance in Judaism. Hindus have the most complex system of fasting in different periods and on different occasions, and what Hindus consider lean foods, such as milk, is not considered lenten by the Orthodox, and in turn, rice, millet and onions are excluded as non-lenten foods.
Of course, fasting in various religions is intended primarily through self-restraint to strengthen the human spirit, to make one think about the frailty of life and turn to prayers.
Fasting is mentioned 74 times in the Bible, 4 suras are dedicated to it in the Quran, where it is said not only about the selective intake of food, but also about the complete rejection of it on certain days and hours.


A description of the benefits of fasting can be found in the writings of ancient physicians, who treated mostly the rich to know, because the poor simply could not afford them. Not having the opportunity and technology to look inside a person, they were content with external observations and noted that in certain diseases, abstinence from food or very light food gave an invariable therapeutic effect and improved the patient's condition.

And it is not surprising that the elite of the ancient Romans were treated with starvation, because the famous Lucullus feasts, when guests were fed for hours and almost by force, were a sign of the host's hospitality and wealth. To survive such a feast, guests were given special goose feathers so that they could tickle the larynx, causing vomiting, empty the stomach and continue the feast with renewed vigor.

Centuries later, morals changed, high technologies came to the service of people, and only quite recently, in 2016, a strictly scientific justification for the benefits of hunger appeared, for which Nobel Prize in the field of biology to the Japanese Yoshinori Osami, who discovered the mechanism of autophagy - the process of utilizing and processing damaged areas of the cell.

It turns out that nature prudently endowed cells with such an amazing and useful ability - to digest what “looks” superfluous or harmful. They pack "garbage" into special bags - autophagosomes, then move them to containers - lysosomes, where everything is destroyed and digested, turning into fuel to feed the cell. They are also used to make new building blocks used to update the cell.


The very word "detoxification" came from medicine and meant the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body with the help of medications. Over time, this word came to dietetics in its lightweight form “detox”. Detox itself as a phenomenon has become a kind of middle option between fasting and starvation, when a person consciously restricts himself for a while in taking certain foods, alternating it with “hungry” periods in order to start the very mechanism of autophagy. And that's why…

It must be said that our body, as already mentioned, was made by a very prudent inventor who embodied in it wonderful self-cleaning and self-healing systems, but he did not create this body for exhausting life in big cities with their polluted air, in conditions of limited mobility, as it happens with office workers, and nutrition, which consists of elements alien to the body, such as hydrogenated fats.

Our body honestly does its job, cleansing itself and requiring movement and rest, but if you don’t help it, then it simply wears out ahead of time, because even a large supply of resources ends with unreasonable spending, and diseases appear.

How can we help our body?

Of course, observe environmental friendliness: clean water, a sufficient amount of sleep and physical activity, and periodic body cleansing courses that can be carried out once or twice a year at a time convenient for you, but taking into account that such courses are most effective in spring and autumn.

Increased immunity as a result of cleansing from toxins and excess mucus, improving performance gastrointestinal tract, replenishment of energy reserves - these are nice bonuses that await you.

Especially for the effective support of your cleansing course, experts have developed the Detox Diet Perfetta course in the form of heart-shaped chewable lozenges with a fruit and berry flavor.

Well-known working components with the help of innovative technologies are assembled in the power of a small tasty heart.

Vitamin C- a key vitamin in the detox program. It maintains the youthfulness of the skin, reduces toxins in the body, supports physical and mental health. In addition, vitamin C provides several more advantages at the stage of cleansing: it reduces the amount of dangerous LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, neutralizes the action of free radicals, providing comfort and pleasant sensations during detox.

Echinacea- a well-known means of supporting immunity, and all because its extract eliminates putrefactive processes in the body, promotes the healing of erosions and microtraumas, reduces appetite, cravings for sweets and alcohol, and also stimulates the intestines, helping to remove toxins.

Vitamin A- Another one indispensable component in the cleansing program. Stimulates the production of immune cells, promotes natural renewal of the epithelial layer of the lungs and bronchi, putting a barrier to harmful external factors - viruses, bacteria, tobacco smoke, toxic and chemical substances, thereby increasing the barrier functions of the body, which becomes very vulnerable during detox.

Fruit and vegetable mix- a unique combination of useful substances, providing a comfortable cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. Does not contain laxatives and diuretics! The cleansing of the body occurs due to the unique properties of berries, fruits and vegetables, filling the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements, thereby ensuring the healing and energy balance of all biochemical processes in the body.

Vitamin E- the strongest antioxidant, stabilizer hormonal background. Vitamin E normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, accelerates metabolic processes in the dermis, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. Protects cells from damage by slowing down lipid oxidation and free radical formation. Works great in tandem with vitamins C and A, enhances the effect of the fruit and vegetable mixture and ensures the correct distribution of nutrients, providing the body with energy and lightness.

Zinc- one of the most necessary trace elements for the sweet tooth. Zinc is part of insulin, which means it helps regulate blood sugar. In addition, zinc serves as a kind of catalyst for many chemical reactions flowing in the body. Prevents the influence of harmful factors on the liver, providing high quality the process of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

Take care of your body right now, because it is an ideal time machine in which we strive through time and space to our dreams, you just need to help it a little sometimes.

With love in the heart, your developers of the Dieta Perfetta System.

Dietary supplement is not a drug.

Today, many have understood and recognized the meaning and value of fasting. People begin to starve as soon as they feel that something is wrong with their health, and thus save money that would otherwise be spent on doctors. Fasting is the best doctor prepared by nature itself. Fasting enables nature to cleanse the human body and remove from it those substances that block the vessels or organs of the body. This is very effective remedy therapy. Fasting destroys many toxic substances and toxins. It is difficult to enumerate all those cases when it helped to restore health, when all other means were powerless. If you start fasting as soon as you feel the symptoms of any disease, it will soon disappear and you will avoid many serious complications. If you have a fever or indigestion, fast for a day and you will be healed immediately. Nature is your reliable guide, doctor, friend and nurse. Always ask her for help.

Some people are worried about the word "fasting". However, fasting does not reduce vitality, energy, does not lead to weakness or weight loss. On the contrary, strength and energy increase after fasting, consciousness becomes bright, and lightness appears in the body.

During fasting, the internal organs of digestion, such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, etc., get a respite. Epicureans, indefatigable gluttons, do not allow their digestive organs to rest even for a minute. Therefore, these organs soon fall ill. In the end, a person needs very little in this life. Ninety percent of the people on our planet eat more food than the body needs. Overeating has become a habit. Many diseases come from overeating. Thus, fasting is what is lacking for all those who would like to have good health and ensure the normal functioning of internal organs. It overhauls the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary systems. It destroys all foreign, abnormal formations, removes urea deposits and burns fat. Diseases that allopaths and homeopaths consider incurable are cured by fasting.

Give rest to internal organs, starve. You can live long healthy life. Get smart today and start a healthy life, stop overeating and eat only natural simple foods.

Fasting builds willpower. It increases stamina. Mahatma Gandhi owes much of his willpower to starvation. He was a big believer in fasting. If something happened in the Ashram, someone committed a wrong, Gandhi went hungry for several days. He took upon himself the burden of other people's sins. He starved to establish the unity of Hindus and Muslims. He starved for 45 days in the name of the political and economic welfare of the country.

Hunger comes from the heart. By starving, you can make even the most cruel heart tremble. By starving, you can influence anyone.

Religious fasting (fasting) is a form of asceticism designed to destroy bad tendencies and quickly cleanse a person; for Hindus, fasting is a sacred ritual. They fast on Shivaratri and Gokulashtami. These days they don't even drink water. Some religious people fast on Ekadashi (the eleventh day of the two-week cycle lunar calendar Hindus). Christians observe Great Lent: for forty days, until Easter itself, they fast in memory of the famine that their Savior endured in the Desert. Mohammedans fast during Ramadan. Fasting helps to control the mind and make the mindset sattvic. Starvation subdues the flesh.

If your mind commits a bad deed, thereby offending the feelings of other people, severely punish it with starvation. Gradually you will learn to control it. Just as more and more precious metal is smelted from low-grade gold in a crucible, the impure consciousness is also purified more and more with each fast.

For some, fasting will seem boring and difficult at first, but then they will feel real joy from it. On the first and second day you will be disturbed by the feeling of hunger, but on the third day you will lose your appetite. If you find it difficult to fast even for one day, observe at least a partial fast. Do not eat anything during the day, and in the evening eat fruit with milk. Continue like this for two or three days.

After two - three days of fasting, you can not immediately take food, you need to start with fruit juices, orange or pomegranate. During fasting, you can give yourself enemas. During four to five days of fasting, you need to drink a lot of water to cleanse, rinse the body. What do the municipal authorities do when the sewer is clogged? They wash her big amount water, right? You should do the same when your body becomes clogged. The water you drink can be slightly diluted with orange, lemon or grape juice. Give a soapy water enema early in the morning to cleanse the bowel well. Just like a car that passed overhaul, looks brand new and works great, your body, damaged by overeating, overeating, will be perfectly repaired by fasting and will be as good as new.

Avoid excessive fasting. It will weaken the body. enjoy common sense. Start with one day of fasting and gradually increase its duration up to a week. Slowly increase the number of days according to your strength and ability. The first day can be very tiring. But on the second or third day you will feel blissful. An extraordinary lightness will be felt in the body.

By fasting, you can do more mental work. Those who have made fasting a habit will experience the joy of life. On the first day, consciousness will tempt you, push you to this or that food. Be persistent. Be bold. Do more japa during fasting. Do not allow the mind to concentrate on different dishes. The main goal of fasting is meditation, long and deep, because during fasting the mind and feelings are at rest. You will need to hide all feelings away and focus your consciousness on the image of God. Pray that God will guide you and light your path. You will gain purity and light, power and knowledge.

From a health standpoint, fasting is more spiritually cleansing than physical. You must use the days of fasting for a high spiritual search, for the knowledge of God. Always think of God. Dive deep into great mysteries such as Place and Cause, the purpose of the universe. Ask yourself: "Who am I?", "What is the meaning of life?", "Who are Brahman and Atman?", "How can one comprehend and know God?", "How to approach Him?" Then feel the bliss of your own existence and rest in it forever and ever.

Starve, subduing your emotions and passions. Starve and be healthy. Starve and subdue your tongue - appetite - and other senses. Starve and get rid of sins. Starve and remove poisons from the body. Fast and manage your sleep. Starve and pray. Starve, cleanse and meditate, understand your Higher Self and gain freedom. Starve and share the radiance of the glory of the Lord.
