Lining. Thrown objects and their negative impact. Lining - damage in the pillow Damage in the pillow

Who knows if those times have passed when rivals or just evil people caused damage by putting charmed objects in a pillow. This happened when bedding was given for a wedding, to increase the family's wealth, or for some other reason.

In the old days, housewives made pillows themselves, stuffing them with chicken or goose down and feathers. And an unkind hand could well have used it to put a small object in it, causing damage.

How damage works in a pillow

Down and feathers used to stuff pillows are removed from a dead bird. They become excellent conductors of a negative charge directed at a sleeping or resting person. A person at this time is relaxed, his forces are not active, therefore, he is open and subject to negativity. And if a person is asleep, that is, is in an intermediate state, then this is generally a good time to do him harm.

A spoiled pillow given for a wedding means that an evil person wants to break the marriage, make it unhappy. Children may not be born in the family, there may not be prosperity, frequent quarrels may arise, the husband may become impotent or a drunkard, and the wife may be quarrelsome and grumpy.

If the charmed objects appeared in underwear at another time, it can mean all the same problems, as well as:

  • disease;
  • failures;
  • losses;
  • death.

How damage is done

Of course, if you buy a bed in a store, you can hardly find a charmed item there. However, if you got the pillow from your parents as a gift, you need to be careful. When you let a neighbor, a friend or a relative who suddenly visits you into the house, look after her carefully and do not allow her to come close to your bed. She can imperceptibly slip a needle or a small object with damage into the bedclothes, and this is fraught with disastrous consequences.

When housewives dry their linen and bed in the sun in the summer, you also need to keep your eyes on him and keep strangers close to the bed.

What can be found in a pillow with corruption

In the bedclothes with damage, you can find needles without an eye, which means a very deep penetration of the negative into the body. There are also grains and seeds, which can lead to constant petty quarrels, lack of money, and other troubles in the family.

Specially made or woven crosses, rings in general can lead to serious illness and even death. Ropes with knots mean that someone wishes their victim infertility or impotence. Also, unpleasant consequences can occur if animal hair is found in the pillow.

How to avoid damage

As already mentioned, new pillows bought in a store do not have damage. Buy new pillows regularly, especially since this is a hygiene requirement. If you use old bedding, then they need to be shaken from time to time, this is also a hygiene requirement, in addition, you once again make sure that the pillow is clean from spoilage.

Lining is called unusual finds found in unexpected places of the house or at the threshold of the house. This means that someone wants to destroy the harmony in the life of an individual or an entire family and resorted to black magic for this purpose.

A lining is any thing that has been slandered by a destructive negative program in order to cause a loss to a person, take away his health, etc.

An ill-wisher or a magician, to whom a person addressed with evil intentions, with the help of rituals and conspiracies endows certain objects with power, special properties. Thus, the lining begins to carry the energy charge that was invested in it, and changes the reality around itself according to the goal indicated by the magician. A thrown object is charged with certain information, and this information, like a virus, enters the aura of a person, in his dwelling.

How to find out what exactly the lining is aimed at

As a rule, thrown things themselves indicate what their destructive action is aimed at. Tossed comb or cosmetics indicate that they want to deprive you of beauty and youth. Cutting objects are programmed to break relationships, and grains or cereals are programmed to deprive them of wealth.

One of the most common linings is a needle. This is a thin metal and sharp object, spoken in a certain way, easily destroys the energy shell of a person, provoking illness and accidents.

Another type of lining that affects health is a rope with knots. It is she who appears in one of the most ancient references to the lining. In Arabic commentaries on the Koran, in the holy book of Muslims, it is indicated how the prophet Muhammad himself fell victim to this type of corruption. A Jewish magician influenced him by placing a rope with knots near the well. Muhammad was seriously ill until he found the lining and unraveled the knots with the help of prayer.

Cushion lining

The lining works faster when the victim touches it and steps over. However, a charmed thing, hidden where no one will notice it, does no less harm. In fact, information is enclosed that creates an entity in an apartment or house. This entity is usually of the astral plane. The entity has a certain task and, being in the house, it performs it. For this purpose, very often the lining is hidden in pillows - and it is difficult to notice, and contact with them is extremely close. Just during sleep, the spoken thing has the maximum effect on the subtle bodies of a person.

Atelier workers who specialize in cleaning pillows will not be surprised by strange finds. What just does not have to be raked out of feathers. Nails, crosses, twine, scissors and needles are the most common pillow pads. Many of the atelier's clients take such finds in order to burn them later and do it right.

How to get rid of lining

If you find a lining, collect all the items without touching them with your hands, and take them out to a deserted place. There, burn them along with the things you collected. It is necessary to burn everything, including metal objects, needles. Fire is a purifying factor of negative information. The main thing is that the smoke goes in the opposite direction from you. Having correctly lost the lining, you will already neutralize 50% of his negative program and return it to the one who placed it. This person will receive almost 100% of the negative consequences of the lining, and will receive a multiplied multiple.

You should also regularly clean and wash the floor with saline. As a result, the effect of negative energy will weaken. The energy capacity of this negative information will be reduced. In an untidy house, the negative program works many times faster and stronger.

You can also buy cacti. Their thorns do not tolerate entities that are supposed to implement a program of corruption, and the program does not work. In the four corners on the floor, cacti of the same type are installed, and then they "control" the entire perimeter of the room and the entire space.

Whether a person has become a victim of a lining can be detected using electropuncture diagnostics, which is based on the knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine. To strangers Negative influence react first acupuncture points on the head. As a rule, these points are strictly symmetrical. But in the case of the evil eye of a person or inducing damage through the lining, their symmetry is broken. They become strongly energetically unbalanced, which causes illness and turmoil.

Our distant ancestors, knowing nothing about acupuncture points, cleansed a person from spoilage through the lining with the help of an egg rolling ritual. Modern research has proven that this ritual is in a simple way to resume the coordinated work of important energy systems of the body, and therefore get rid of damage and the evil eye. If an egg is rolled over the head, its energy field crosses the human field and, as it were, cleans it.

For everyday protection against negative influences, an ordinary pin is useful. The pin is the principle of the needle, but in a closed state. It reflects the integrity of human energy. Wear it on your clothes with the fastener to the top, and at night break it off and keep it unbuttoned to clear the accumulated energies. If you notice that the tip of the pin has changed color, then obviously you have been energy attack, and the pin took the hit. This pin must be replaced immediately with a new one.

The main thing is not to suspect everyone and everyone of dark plans. It is better to figure out who and how they could offend and renew justice. Then no pads will threaten you.

Rubbish in pillows - is it damage? What do the strange objects found in your pillow mean? And what to do if you find a lining in your pillows?

I quote lines from a letter from my reader: "Following your recommendations, I decided to review my pillows, ripped open two and found a lot of all kinds of garbage: wood chips, colored threads, pieces of paper, etc. I didn’t have enough strength for the third pillow ..." It's a pity, that this woman "didn't have enough strength" for the third pillow! After all, the reader has already had the opportunity to make sure that she is a victim of damage, and a wide range of slandered garbage is definitely in her bedding. And in this case, it would be necessary to immediately carefully examine everything on which the members of her family sleep. But, apparently, the naive idea that the rubbish in the pillow could be "accidentally", plus laziness and sluggishness, prevented. This means that now someone will sleep on a pillow, in which even animals can easily be located, moreover, "purely by chance."

It was these pillows with a lining that I once found in a hotel room during a vacation in the Crimea. It was in the already distant 1997, but I remember the story well. The abominations there were excellent, with a specific program for damage. Someone was not too lazy to leave behind a "good memory", but such pillows can be in many rooms of hotels and boarding houses: well, who would come up with the idea to check the bedding there for the presence of said garbage? I strongly recommend that vacationers at least feel the pillows in their rooms with their hands. If you find something, it is better to remove such a pillow from the bed, do not try to sleep on it! After all, you didn’t come to rest in order to take some kind of witchcraft curse with you?

So, damage through the lining in the pillow is a very common phenomenon. Much more common than you might imagine. And if you have some suspicions about the presence of witchcraft negativity in you or your family members, do not be too lazy to revise your pillows.

Next, I will tell my readers about how to revise pillows. You should put on rubber gloves and rip the pillows, then carefully sort out the feathers and down. If you find a lot of small debris (earth, grain, etc.), the pillow will have to be destroyed (burned). Take out single items (bones, ropes, papers, threads, pills, handmade feather figurines, etc.) and put them in a pre-prepared bag. Lastly spray your pillows Epiphany water, and inside place a gauze bag with dried wormwood and hops. Take the garbage bag away from home, douse it with acetone or gasoline, and then burn it with gloves. While the garbage is burning, you can hear very interesting sounds: groans, grunts, hisses, etc. Don't get caught in the smoke from this fire!

In the coming days after burning the spoken garbage, expect uninvited visitors: perhaps one of your friends, neighbors or relatives will come and ask you for something. Don't give anything! If your visitor has reddish spots of unknown origin on his face, be sure that the garbage in your pillow or at the threshold is his work. With such a person, any relationship should be permanently terminated.

Today we will talk about damage done through fluff and feather. You will learn in detail how this damage is caused and how it can be removed. In fairness, it should be said that damage made through a pillow is the most common of all damage, and all because of the easy access to your bedding.

It's no secret that on hot summer days, every housewife tries to take pillows, feather beds and blankets out into the yard in order to fresh air and dry them in the sun. This is exactly what the secret and open enemies of the pillow hostesses use. Having found some reason, for example, to ask for a loan of bread, salt, sugar, or to find out what time your favorite series will be on, an uninvited guest enters the gate of that one. whom she hates. As if by the way, this neighbor touches your pillows or feather beds, saying inflated, for example, the following phrase: “What good pillows you have, you’re done, but I haven’t dried mine yet, you also need to take it outside while the weather is standing!” - and in the meantime he says to himself, that is, he thinks: “As these pillows dry, so let everyone in this house die, etc.”

Feeling the pillow or just touching it, you can do any, even deadly damage. It is enough just to think to yourself the formula of destruction. In the evening, when the sun sets, people will bring into their home not only pillows and feather beds, but also trouble, and if the enemy needs it, then a quick death. This can be done not only through pillows, featherbeds and blankets, but also, for example, through a down jacket, since it is also stuffed with feathers and down, and feathers and down have been used for centuries to cause damage and harm.

A strong, mature sorcerer can send doom, and without touching your bed linen, he just needs to look through the fence at your pillows and bed. He will look, whisper, and already that evening, without suspecting anything, the person will lie down in a spoiled bed, in fact, in the grave prepared for him. From now on, day after day, he will again and again fit on the feather bed, hugging a soft pillow, which is already “working” against him like a dangerous reactor. Falling asleep, such a person does not gain strength, but loses them and dies. And also, for example, if a neighbor has her eye on her neighbor, she can easily bewitch him to herself. To do this, she again needs, under some pretext, to enter the yard or house and touch the pillow, feather bed, blanket, and mentally think to herself: “Dry the feather and down. dry up. And you. slave (such and such), suffer for me day and night, etc.” In general, laying out your bed for everyone to see, you risk a lot.

It has always been practiced, and even now it is practiced to slip various magical linings into pillows and beds, for example, knots with gelding hair, cat and dog hair, braids woven from the hair of a dead sheep, nails, pins and needles without ears.

Housewives usually found the lining in their pillows and feather beds when they began to wash and clean the feathers of pillows, feather beds and blankets. Finding a lining in them, knots with earth and so on, they wondered where this could come from in their bed. The conclusion suggested itself: they could slip the lining into the pillow when the hostess was absent from home for some reason, for example, she went to the hospital, went to the children in a pioneer camp, visited her parents, etc. Such damage is most often brought by a rival, and after her "affairs" in the family begins a real nightmare. People get sick, swear, get divorced and at the same time do not even suspect that the cause of their grief lies in the pillow.

What should you do if you find lining in your pillows? Firstly, you need to burn the pillow without hesitation and without regret, but this should be done not in the fence of your house, but in the field, at such a distance from the house that the smoke from the burning pillow does not go towards your home. And so that everything burns well and without residue, pour gasoline or kerosene over the pillow. When the fire rises and throws smoke in a shaft, you need to say:

"Who brought you, corruption, to me. The wind would take this corruption away."

When leaving the place of ashes, in no case do not look back.

And now I will teach you a good conspiracy from spoilage made through feathers and down. A spoiled person is put on a stool like this. so that he sits facing east. The sorceress gets up from her back, crosses herself and first reads the Our Father prayer, and then a special conspiracy.

"There is a funnel on the sea.
Water is taken from that place,
Runs in many circles.
And everything that the water takes, it collects at the bottom.
Take it, water
From the servant of God (such and such) damage,
All superficial evil, all sorrows, pains and writhings.
Mowing day, night, water,
Down, feather, fire,
Wind, whisper, funeral,
Podlivny and funeral,
twisted, tied,
Tied to the cross on the grave.
I, corruption, I drive you out of the servant of God (name)
And I curse you for nine times.
Where did you, corruption, stick,
Where did you come from
There you would be, damage, and gone forever,
Like fluff in the violent wind easily flies away,
So let the downy damage fly off and melt.
And be you, my words, quick,
And be you, my words, strong.


They also read such a conspiracy from corruption three times nine times.

"I'm not talking, I'm not treating the disease.
God heals and helps
And the Mother of God blesses.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Tikhon the Monk, Antip Vodopol,
Soothe, pacify
Take away all damage, all diseases.
Blow away, drive away and pacify
Of all bones, all joints and brains,
From the violent head, from the father-in-law's liver,
From scarlet blood, from white teeth, from brains,
From a zealous heart, from elbows,
From eyebrows, from clear eyes.
And who planted this damage and who dressed her up,
To that on the crown of salt and ash
And don't take that head off.
Keys to my words, locks to my deeds.
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

A list of some items (even products) that you have found in your home that are not yours. And you are absolutely sure of it. You will find out what damage has been sent to you. In any case, the item or food product found should not be taken. with bare hands and in gloves and burn with the words:

"Where you came from - go there!"

Apricot - to the fire. Alabaster items - love spells, prisushki. Alcoholic drinks - to an unbearable life, to death and torment. Aluminum (products from this metal) - to tooth loss. Pineapple - to baldness. Orange - to the disease. Watermelon - to difficult childbirth. Butterfly dried - to loneliness. Banana - to the loss of a man. Bank - to trouble. Bow - to difficulties in life. Lamb wool - to the noise, abuse. Birch branches or leaves - to oncological diseases. Pancakes - to failure. A dry bun - to an empty table. Paper cut, shredded - to failure, trouble. Paper money - to poverty. Beads - to sadness. Bottles - to drunkenness. Felt boots - to a disease of the legs. Vata - to infertility. Broom - to headaches. Wreath - to death. Willow - to sadness, loss. Things of the military - to the prison. Grapes - to tears. Dried cherries - to eye diseases. Hair - to divorce. Crow killed or dried - to illness, sadness. Veil - to sadness. The newspaper is crumpled - to the noise, abuse and scandals in the family. Nut - to the betrayal of his wife. Tie - to separation. Rusty nails - to the husband's impotence. Clay - to death loved one. Bird's nest - to the breakup of the family. Beef - to a serious illness. Mustard - to bitter sadness. A broken stove pot - to the loss of a family. Mushrooms - to the disease of the genitourinary system. Pears - to disability. Sponge - to the renunciation of the family. Copper money - to tears. Dried melon - to an unsuccessful pregnancy. Hedgehog killed - to theft and loss. Colorado beetle - to skin diseases. Castle - to the prison. Land from the cemetery - to death. Animal teeth - to nervous diseases. Needle - to a heart attack. Toy - to material waste. Stone - to obstacles in personal life. Potatoes - to poverty. Bird cage - to treason. The key is to change the apartment. Skin - to burns. Ears - to pipe dreams. Envelope - to the chores. Bones - to intrigue. Red ribbon - to the loss of love. Cross - to death. Groats - to quarrels. Bast shoes - to collapse family relations. Ice - to coldness in a relationship. Cakes - to lose everything. Bat (dead) - to death. Lemon - to longing. Bow - to tears. Frogs - for weight loss, for drying. Copper - to unrequited love. Chalk - to failure in business. Fur - to the noise. Flour - to losses. Garbage - to scandals. Dried flies - to death. Soap - to the loss. Meat - to the disease. Thimble - to deceived hopes. Nails - to the loss, loss of a friend. Knife - to quarrels. Scissors - to divorce. Cucumber - to longing, loneliness. Blanket - to illness. Necklace - to tears. Nuts - to tears and squabbles. Points - to loneliness. The package is in trouble. Gloves - to the disease. Feathers - to divorce. Sand - to a painful disease. Loop - to death. Scarf - to temporary separation. Towel - to death. Button - to dirty poverty. River cancer - to an incurable disease. Radish - to tears. Chamomile - to loneliness. Fish - to the disease. Soot - to the disease. Salo - to a long illness. Herring - to failure. Hay - to quarrels in the family. Straw - to scandals. Matches - to the fire. Glass - to divorce. Cheese - to poverty. Plate - to loneliness. Grass - to headaches. Already - to impotence. Iron - to the prison. Dry bread - to back pain. Flowers - to death. Chain - to arrest. Tea (scattered at the threshold) - to quarrels in the family. Broken watch - to unexpected death. A cup is bad news. Worms - to the disease. Black ribbon - to mourning. Hat - to infertility. Tongs - to divorce. Dried apple - to the disease. Berries - to tears. Egg - to impotence.

These are the "things" people sometimes throw up. Look, analyze, do not accept unexpected gifts. "Fear the Danes who bring gifts!" And everything is on fire. Greed has no place here.

Where to look for lining?

Places where linings, masonry, throws, throws are most often found, with careful general cleaning. Recommendations on where to look for lining in an apartment, in a house:

  • entrance door, mat: under the mat front door, on the front door mat, near the front door mat;
  • threshold: in the threshold, at the threshold, on the threshold, near the threshold;
  • door: in the door, in the jamb of the door, in the hole of the door, in doorway, under the threshold, bedroom door, kitchen door, room door, bathroom door, living room door, nursery door, under the door, above the door, behind the door, at the door, near the door;
  • wall, wall: in the wall, on the wall, in the wallpaper of the wall, behind the wall, in the plinth near the wall, in the corner of the wall, on the wall;
  • window: cornice, curtain, window sill, in the window, on the window, under the window, outside the window, in the curtain, in the curtains, on the curtain, stuck in the curtain, stuck in the curtains, on the ledge, under the ledge, behind the ledge, in the windowsill, on window sill, under the window sill, near the window sill;
  • work, study office: shelf, workplace, desktop drawer, desktop, flowerpot, flower pot, shelf, bookshelf, in the shelf, behind the shelf, on the shelf, on the desktop, at the workplace, in the desktop drawer, under the desktop, near the desktop, near the desktop (in the table, on the table, under the table, near the table, at the table, in the inner desk drawer, in the bookshelf, behind the bookshelf, on the bookshelf, in the flower pot, under flower pot, near the flower pot);
  • chair, stool: on a chair, under a chair, in a chair, in a chair upholstery, in a stool, under a stool, on a stool;
  • in the bedroom, in the nursery: bedroom, nursery, toy, closet, ironing board, pillow, blanket, mattress, pillowcase, duvet cover, bed, bed, battery, in bed, in toys, in toy box, among children's toys, in linen cabinet, behind the cabinet, under the cabinet, near the cabinet, in the wall of the linen closet, in linen, between linen, among linen, in the battery, near the battery, near the battery, in the ironing board, behind the ironing board, under the ironing board, in bed, on bed, under the bed, near the bed, on the bed, by the bed, in the pillow, under the pillow, in the pillowcase, in the blanket, under the blanket, in the sheet, under the sheet, on the sheet, in the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress;
  • in the room, in the living room: room, living room, armchair, carpet, carpet, sofa, in the chair, behind the chair, under the chair, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the sofa, behind the sofa , under the sofa, near the sofa, floor, on the floor, in the floor crack, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, near the plinth, parquet, in the parquet, on the parquet, under the parquet;
  • in the hallway, in the corridor, in clothes: hallway, corridor, mezzanine, clothes, jacket, trousers, dress, coat, jacket, skirt, pants, in the mezzanine, behind the wardrobe, in outerwear, in a pocket, in pockets, in a coat, in a jacket, in a raincoat, in a jacket, in a collar, behind a collar, in a bag lining, behind a lining, lining, in a handbag lining, in a clothes lining, in a lining, in trousers, trousers pockets, in a dress, in a sleeve of clothes, in a trouser leg , on a trouser leg, behind a lining, in a skirt, sleeve, pocket, trouser leg, skirt, trousers, trousers, clothes;
  • in the bathroom: bath, sink, under the bath, in the bathroom, behind the bath, on the sink, under the sink, behind the sink, near the sink, washstand, behind the washstand;
  • in the toilet: behind the toilet, under the toilet, in the toilet cistern, in the closet above the toilet cistern;
  • in the kitchen: kitchen, stove, refrigerator, cabinet for dishes, dishes, in the dishes, at the stove, behind the stove, under the stove, at the stove, near the stove, in the stove, in the refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the refrigerator, near the refrigerator, bedside table for dishes, in the bedside table, behind the bedside table, in the wall of the bedside table for dishes, behind the back wall;
  • in a private house: yard, garden, barn, garage, summer kitchen, cellar, in the yard, in the garden, at the entrance gate, near the barn, near the barn, behind the barn, gate, near the cellar, near the cellar, behind the cellar, summer kitchen - temporary, for summer kitchen th, near the temporary house, near the temporary building, in the summer kitchen, at the garage, in the garage, behind the garage, near the garage;
  • in the car, in the car: car, car, interior, hood, trunk, seat, in the trunk, in the cabin, in the seat, under the seats, in the upholstery of the seat, in covers, under the cover, stuffing, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under hood, wheel nuts, wheel bolts, glove compartments, pockets, under the dashboard, behind the back of the seat, in the back of the seat, under the car mats in the car.

Signs of damage in humans

If incomprehensible, strange events happen to you or your loved ones and you do not find the reasons for what happened, it is quite possible that this is damage, how to identify a spoiled person:

The child grinds his teeth at night and he doesn’t have worms the person’s pupils run counterclockwise the person has one eye pupil larger than the other the woman has age spots on her face, and all tests are normal on the right side the person has the so-called 13th (or damn) rib (cartilage) in the apartment something lifts you into the air or lifts you off the ground on the street a young woman does not have menstruation or monthly discharge is very scarce a woman cannot get pregnant, but from a medical point of view, everything is fine with her a person is afraid of people or enclosed space a person loses within a short time, a significant weight of a person, when visiting a church, begins to scream, fall and becomes ill if a person puts on a cross, and he pushes away from the body or is lost after a while if a person is tormented by unclean people at night if a person cannot look in the mirror and cannot stand his if a person has a red eye inside the eye pupil; if a person inside the body hears barking, meowing, croaking, etc. if a person, looking at an icon or a cross, begins to swear against his will if a person dries up before his eyes, doctors make many diagnoses, and there is no improvement after treatment if a person is panicky afraid of the smell of incense and he becomes very ill from it constant loss of strength, no desire to live, move, work, and thoughts about leaving life settled in my head. if a person begins to read a prayer, he immediately starts yawning if mice, ants, cockroaches, etc. appeared in large numbers in the house if unclean people come to you at night and live sexually with you if your stomach is coming out constant rumbling if in your life there is a constant " black line”, that is, sheer bad luck in everything if a pretty girl meets guys, but she can’t get married in any way if you find various suspicious objects near your door or in your courtyard (earth, water, blood, sand, salt, feathers, needles, buried eggs, animals, birds, etc.). if in your pillows or featherbeds you find everything that does not belong to a feather (wheat, corn, millet, ropes or feathers with roses, a fan, a nest, crushed feathers, etc.).

How can damage become attached to a person:

  1. Evil eye or priszor - may be from evil eye, a person with such a look will look at you, envy, and the job is done.
  2. From a blow or a pinch. Never allow strangers, and acquaintances also stroke you (especially on the head). Some people have this habit of hitting, pinching or stroking you while talking. Immediately "cut off" it, do not be shy, just say that it is unpleasant for you or come up with something else. It is better to immediately make it clear to a person that you do not like it when you are accidentally touched than to suffer from incomprehensible diseases later.
  3. From luggage - it can be women's hair, bones, broken chicken eggs, salt, dog droppings, earth taken from a cemetery, needles, three splinters singed at the ends, charred firebrands or matches, wolf berries and much more, sewn into bags, pillows, mattresses, feather beds, and anywhere (how to get rid of this I will write in a special article "How to get rid of spoilage" - a very big topic).
  4. From a slander - it can be both bad words spoken to you and good ones when you are praised, but in your soul - on the contrary.
  5. From izurochi - damage is sent down the wind, at a distance. It hits people like a shot from a gun. There may be sharp pain in the lower back, severe stabbing in the chest, or severe pain in the stomach, while the suffering is very strong, people scream and roll on the ground from unbearable pain. In a small village, a woman began to have very severe pain in her stomach, and a medical assistance carriage was called. The doctors examined the patient and determined from their own experience that this was not their case. And, since in such sparsely populated areas everyone knows each other, the doctors also knew that this patient should be taken to the “grandmother”. The next day the woman was well. Damage was sent to her by her husband's mistress.
  6. From the influx - this is almost the same as the evil eye, only more difficult to recognize, the signs of this damage are confusing.
  7. On the trail. If on the ground, after you have passed and left a deep trace, you can carefully cut it off and send damage. There can be very serious consequences.
  8. On the shadow, when in sunny weather you walk down the street and cast a shadow, the sorcerer can walk nearby and step on your shadow to recite a plot. Childhood illnesses are well reduced (tolerated) to the shade.
  9. Attitude - this damage is accidentally sent, not out of anger and not intentionally. Healing at the crossroads. By the way, about intersections - this is the most a good place for inducing and removing damage. Crossroads where people walk. Never pick up any objects in these places, most often there are charmed money.
  10. And of course, through food and drink, I talked about this in a previous article. This is the most common and fastest way. In the old days, not in vain in the house of their enemies or ill-wishers, they always refused treats under any pretext. And yet, if you yourself do damage to a person, then you also can’t eat his treats, as there may be a reverse blow.
  11. Through blood - the most terrible and deadly damage is induced.

Be careful! Do not touch or taste suspicious things that you accidentally find in your purse or somewhere else. If you didn’t put them there yourself, then it’s unlikely that they came to you as a pleasant surprise. If you are young, lucky, pretty, then you probably have a lot of envious people who sleep and dream of ruining your life. Such is the truth.
