Hidden potential: concept, definition, properties of character and personality, tasks and exercises for unlocking potential. The semantic meaning of the concept of "potential

Reanovich E.A.

PhD in Economics, South Ural State University



This article presents an analysis of the use of the concept of potential in various sciences. On the basis of information from the encyclopedic, dictionary and scientific literature, a conclusion was made about the ambiguity of this concept. The author's version of considering the potential in terms of time parameters is proposed: past (resource), present (reserve) and future (opportunities), which allows clarifying the terminological space and more accurately conducting scientific research.

Keywords: potential, resources, reserves, opportunities.

key words: potential, resources, reserves, abilities.

In the etymological sense, the term "potential" comes from the Latin "potentia" and in translation means power, strength, possibility. As a result, it is interpreted differently. In dictionary foreign words”is an interpretation of the term as power, strength. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia defines the term “potential” as “… funds, stocks, sources available and capable of being mobilized, put into action, used to achieve certain goals, implement the plan; solving any problem; the possibilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area. "Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" D.N. Ushakova defines potential as a physical concept that characterizes the magnitude of potential energy at a certain point in space, and also as a set of means, conditions necessary for maintaining, maintaining, preserving something.

The scientific use of this term is rooted in the philosophy of Aristotle, who considered the act and potency as the basis of ontological development. Accordingly, being was divided into "potential" and "actual", and formation (development) was presented as a transition from the first to the second. At the same time, the potential was considered by Aristotle as the ability of a thing to be not what it is in the category of substance, the quality of quantity and place, which made it possible to correlate actualization and movement. At the same time, according to Aristotle, reality always precedes possibility and underlies its realization.

The problem of the relationship between the possible and the actual abroad was studied by P. Laplace, G. V. Leinil, I. Kant, G. V. F. Hegel, F. Engels. At present, the scientific literature has quite a variety of definitions of the term potential in relation to various fields of activity, groups of phenomena and processes. We present some of them in the table.

Definitions of the term "potential" in the humanities

Characteristics of the term "potential"


Philosophy The ability of a thing to be not what it is, in the category: 1) substance, 2) quality, 3) quantity, 4) place, i.e. the ability to carry out, respectively, a "movement" or "process" Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary
Biology Percentage of energy consumed by a person in food consumed by him I. M. Sechenov
Sociology The totality of available funds, stocks, forces in any area Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary
Psychology Used in relation to changes associated with nerve impulses Big smart psycho. dictionary
Social science Sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve any problem, achieve a specific goal, the capabilities of an individual, a state society in any area. Modern Dictionary of Social Sciences
Economy The totality of available funds, opportunities in any area New Economic Dictionary
Integration - The ability to withstand adverse environmental impacts; - The amount of accumulated resources and the result that can be achieved in the future with the optimal use of available resources;

– A mechanism that provides a modern and active response to external influences

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

So, the analysis of encyclopedic and scientific literature showed that the potential is a multi-valued concept. For example, the potential is spoken of as the totality of all means, reserves, sources that can be used if necessary for any purpose. Potential is associated with the degree of possible manifestation of any action, any function. Potential is a value that characterizes a wide class of force fields (magnetic potential, eclectic potential, chemical potential, etc.). Finally, potential implies the capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area. As for the humanities and socio-economic disciplines, here the potential is used, as a rule, as a synonym for resources, reserves or human capabilities and activity. It can be argued that each person has a certain potential, which depends on heredity and life practice.

As our analysis showed, in other areas scientific knowledge potential is used, as a rule, as a synonym for resources and is actively used in such combinations as “human resources”, “industrial potential”, “energy potential”, “scientific potential”, “aesthetic potential”, etc. In support of this, we cite the words of L. I. Abalkin, who believes that potential is “a generalized, collective characteristic of resources tied to place and time.

In the scientific literature, the question of the relationship between the concepts of "potential", "resources", "reserves" and "opportunities" is often discussed. This aspect of the problem is reflected in the works of V.P. Gorshenina, S.A. Drokina and others.

Without dwelling on the analysis of these publications, we emphasize that the categories "resources", "reserves" and "opportunities" characterize individual manifestations of the potential as a whole, reflect it "from different angles". This circumstance allows us to distinguish several levels of potential manifestation:

- potential defines the past in terms of reflecting the totality of properties accumulated by a person and causing his ability to any activity (potential takes the value of "resource");

- potential reflects the present in terms of practical application and use of available abilities by a person (potential has the meaning of "reserve");

- potential is focused on development (future) (potential has the meaning of "opportunities").

These conclusions, reflecting the semantic meanings that the term "potential" takes, are schematically presented in the figure.

Rice. The semantic meaning of the concept of "potential"

Thus, a broad interpretation of the concept of "potential" makes it possible to consider it as means, abilities, stocks, sources, resources that can be put into action and used to solve any problem. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account the past, present and future potential.

List of sources used

1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) [Electronic resource]: 30 volumes on three CDs. – M.: Bol. Ros. Encikl., 2003. - 3 Elektron. opt. disc (CD).

2. Vasyukova, I.A. Dictionary of foreign words: about 5000 words / I. A. Vasyukova. – M.: AST, 2005. – 990 p.

3. Gorshenin V.P. Management of the innovative potential of the personnel of the corporation: Ph.D. dis. … Dr. Econ. Sciences: 08.00.05 / V.P. Gorshenin. - Chelyabinsk, 2006. - 42 p.

4. Drokin, S.A. Management of the quality of the educational potential of a machine-building enterprise: dis. … cand. economy Sciences: 08.00.05 / S.A. Drokin. - Chelyabinsk, 2003. - 203 p.

5. History of management: textbook. allowance / ed. D.V. Gross. – M.: INFRA-M, 1997. – 256 p.

6. Rezanovich, I.V. Business education: professional development of managers / I.V. Rezanovich. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2005 - 291 p.

7. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: about 30,000 words / ed. D.N. Ushakov. - M.: AST, 2008. - 1054 p.

The role of internal capacity

Friends! I have GOOD NEWS for you. You are able to show the talent inherent in you from birth. That's right, and nothing else! However, before you open up as a person, you have to do a lot of inner work. To begin with, you should know and study yourself. You will have to analyze ideas about your capabilities and your potential. You will need to think about who you can become, what heights to reach and what actions to take to fill your life with new meaning. You will need to overcome your fears and move forward in spite of them. I am confident that you will be up to the task. After all, the reward for your work is Success! This is the life of a happy person.

The path to success begins with knowing yourself. The most unexplored area in a person's life is his own inner potential: talents, abilities, giftedness, etc. Many do not even suspect that a genius is hiding inside them, that a real treasure is stored in the corners of their soul.

One day God gathered all the angels and asked them: “Where can I hide the great potential of a person so that he will never find it?” There were many proposals: on the Moon, on top of the highest mountain, in the depths of the oceans, in the center of the Earth... But wherever the angels placed this mysterious potential, God saw that very little time would pass, and man would find it. He was already completely desperate to find a reliable hiding place, but then one little angel said: “Let's hide the great potential in the person himself! It's the only place he never looks into. Or looks in last. So God did. He placed great power in the heart of a person and watches how he is looking for her anywhere, but not inside himself!

With all responsibility I declare that the root cause of any success is the inner potential of a person. If a person has the ability for a certain type of activity, he will be able to achieve brilliant success. And if not, he will be disappointed. That is why many of our fellow citizens, and indeed millions of people around the world, feel dissatisfied. They just don't do what they should. They work to survive. They have yet to find their own business, which will bring them true success and happiness. In the meantime, they live, guided by the principle "laziness was born before man." This "wisdom" is firmly planted in the minds and often does not allow the natural potential to be revealed.


What is this potential? These are the hidden possibilities of man. These are abilities and talents, natural giftedness.


Not only geniuses or some special people have potential. Everyone has them. It's just that some talents and abilities are pronounced, while others are hidden inside. But everyone has potential!

Many people think that they are mediocre and doomed to live a mediocre life. But this is only because they have not yet revealed and developed their potential. Potential is like a treasure hidden from human eyes. But believe me, the treasure inside you is waiting in the wings! It just needs to be pulled out. There is real wealth hidden inside every person!

The only thing that sometimes prevents you from showing your potential is the psychology of the victim: the habit of shifting responsibility for everything that happens in life to other people, to circumstances, to unforeseen factors. Maybe stop blaming others for your own failures? Maybe it's time to take control of your own life? I will teach you this. Let's train. Immediately, sincerely, purposefully. Look in the mirror and take responsibility for your life.

Now let's find out what's stopping you from doing it. Tell me, are you honest with yourself?


Continue the test regardless of the answer. Tell me, please, do such thoughts sometimes overcome you?

If only I had another job!

If only I were rich!

If only I lived in another country!

If only I had normal parents!

If only I had a better chance of getting an education!

If I met true love!

If only, if only, if only...

These endless "if only yes if only" haunt us. It's so easy to blame others for the fact that our life has not turned out the way we wanted. In failure family life we blame our spouses. The chief is guilty of the fact that we do not have the opportunity to reveal our talent. We reproach our parents for raising us wrong. We accuse, we accuse, we accuse. But in doing so, we are simply looking for an excuse for ourselves.

Such behavior of a person indicates that he plays the role of a victim. He admits that he cannot control his own destiny. He seems to declare: “In order for my life to change, it must change the world". But the world, people, circumstances for some reason are in no hurry to change. Or an even more interesting thing happens: the environment changes, and the person remains in his usual position.

If you think that everyone except yourself is to blame for your troubles, you are leading the life of a silent victim. If you follow this philosophy, you will never achieve anything meaningful.


Plastic surgeons are usually used by people who are dissatisfied with their own appearance or body. They think that by changing the shape of the nose, ears, facial contours or making some other changes, they will finally be able to love themselves. Do you know how it all ends? A person gets an ideal result, but... CONTINUES TO HATE HIMSELF!

Now look at your life from a different angle. Treating it as the greatest gift, taking full responsibility for it, you will be able to rise to a new level of development. Accept this statement as an axiom: "In order for my life to change, I myself must change." This is your opportunity to start new life- the life of a rich, successful, happy person.


Keep in mind that from the moment you made the decision to change your life and began to study this book, you have no chance of failing. Your dreams will come true. Your goals will be reached. Your desires are being realized. You can believe it or not, but very soon your life will improve significantly. Just immerse yourself in reading a book, get carried away with the process, study the theory and, most importantly, reinforce it with exercises. You will see miracles await you. Yes, adults do not believe in fairy tales. However, this does not mean that miracles do not exist. They happen to us every day, it's just that we, preoccupied with pressing problems, do not notice them. But miracles remain! Let's return together to a time when all paths were open, and all dreams seemed easy to achieve, Try it. I'm sure you'll like it.

It is foolish, having the potential of an eagle, to live the life of a clam!

Andrey Ushkov

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Rice. 2.1. Classification of species manifestations of potentials

The structure of the system, which is the potential of the enterprise, is understood as "a network of the most significant, stable (invariant) connections between elements. There is a broader interpretation of the structure, according to which two types of structures are distinguished: macro- and micro. The macrostructure expresses the most stable (invariant) connections systems, and microstructure - changes and (possible) The totality of the macro- and microstructure of an object or process, that is, the totality of all connections, constitutes their content.

To determine the structure of the potential of the enterprise in the economic literature, there have been various approaches. Most researchers consider the resource structure of the potential, however, they recommend taking into account a different number of constituent elements in it. In one case, it is recommended to include only means of labor in its composition, in the other - means of labor and labor, in the third - means of labor, labor and natural resources that are used in the production process, in the fourth - means of labor, labor and objects of labor. . There are also more extended concepts of the structure of the potential of an enterprise with an addition in the form of a system for collecting, processing and consuming information, management experience, energy, and the like. It should be noted that even with the coincidence of views on the structure of the potential of the enterprise, the resource approach does not fully characterize this term. Of particular scientific interest are studies of multi-aspect analysis of the structure of the potential, in which, along with the resource, other aspects of the structure are also considered, which gives a more complete picture of its elemental composition. In the general formulation of the question, the elements of the potential of the enterprise include everything related to the functioning and development of the enterprise.

So, in fig. 2.2 shows the structure of the potential of the enterprise with a distinction in its construction of the place of subject and object components.

Rice. 2.2. Enterprise potential structure

Object components associated with the material and personal form of the potential of the enterprise. They are consumed and reproduced in one form or another in the process of functioning.

These include: innovation potential, production potential, financial potential and reproduction potential.

Innovation potential - the total capacity of the enterprise to generate, perceive and implement new (radical and modified) ideas for its systemic technical, organizational and managerial renewal.

Production potential - existing and hidden opportunities of the enterprise to attract and use factors of production to produce the maximum possible volume of products (services). It should also be perceived as a set of functioning resources that are capable of producing a certain volume of products. Therefore, the production capacity of the field is a structural system. It includes: the potential of the earth and natural and climatic conditions; potential of fixed assets; potential of revolving funds; potential of intangible assets; potential of technological personnel.

Land potential and natural and climatic conditions / - opportunities of the enterprise for the use of total natural resources in economic activities.

Stock potential - available and available opportunities of fixed assets that form the technical and technical basis of the production capacity of the enterprise.

Potential of revolving funds - this is a part of the production capital of an enterprise in the form of a certain set of objects of labor (raw materials, construction materials, fuel, energy and various auxiliary materials) that are in inventories, work in progress, semi-finished products of own manufacture and deferred expenses.

Potential of intangible assets- a set of opportunities for an enterprise to use the rights to new or existing products of intellectual labor in the economic process in order to realize corporate interests based on the satisfaction of social needs.

Potential of technological personnel - the ability of workers to produce various products, provide services or perform work.

Financial potential - is the volume of own, borrowed and attracted financial resources enterprise, which is at his disposal for the implementation of current and future costs.

The main component of the financial is investment potential, which represents the existing and hidden opportunities of the enterprise for simple and extended reproduction.

Reproducing the potential of an enterprise is a process of continuous renewal of all its constituent elements. As you know, depending on the characteristics of reproduction processes, simple and extended reproduction are distinguished. This classification of reproduction is also characteristic of the potential of the enterprise.

Simple reproduction of the potential of the enterprise is carried out in its unchanged volumes to update the consumed factors of production and ensure the continuity of its functioning.

Expanded reproduction of the enterprise's potential provides for the quantitative and qualitative development of production factors and other components of the potential, which provide a higher efficiency of its activities.

Within the framework of expanded reproduction, three types of enterprise potential development can be distinguished: extensive (traditional), intensive (innovative) and extensively intensive (mixed).

With an extensive type of reproduction, the potential for increasing the scale of production is achieved by additionally attracting labor, natural resources and means of production while maintaining the existing technical and technological basis.

With an intensive type of reproduction, potential development is achieved through the qualitative improvement of production factors: the use of progressive tools and objects of labor and types of energy resources, advanced training of technological and managerial personnel, as well as continuous improvement in the use of all available components of the enterprise's potential.

According to the mixed type of expanded reproduction potential, it is characterized by a balance or dominance of extensive or intensive factors of its development. Therefore, a predominantly extensive, predominantly intensive or mixed nature of economic development is distinguished.

The reproduction of individual components of the enterprise's potential has its own time cycles and features, predetermines the use of various sources of financial support associated with the formation and reproduction of production capital.

For example, a simple reproduction of the replacement of worn out and obsolete fixed assets is due to the accumulation of depreciation fund and other internal sources of financial resources. The expanded reproduction of fixed assets is aimed at increasing production capacities, fundamentally restructuring the technical and technological base of production, and requires the use of such sources of productive investment as long-term loans, the issuance of securities, own accumulated income, government subsidies, and attraction of foreign investment.

Based on the foregoing, reproduction potential should be understood as a set of material, technical, intangible, financial and other capital resources that are at the disposal of the enterprise, can be additionally attracted and used for simple and expanded reproduction of production factors and other components of the enterprise's potential.

Subjective components associated with the social form of their discovery. They are not consumed, but act as a prerequisite, as a general economic, general economic social factor in the rational consumption of object components. All this indicates that the subjective components of the potential of the enterprise in terms of the impact on the development of the main factors of production and the efficiency of functioning economic systems, as the latter become more complex and their " environment", acquire a decisive role. It is known that even those enterprises that have similar potentials often differ significantly in their performance results. Under these conditions (in the absence of external "interference"), the difference in results can only be explained by the unequal degree of accuracy of the target orientation of the system In other words, ceteris paribus, the magnitude of the result will be the greater, the more successful the organizational and economic support for achieving the set goals.Scientific support of production and the degree of its efficiency also depends on the quality of management.

The subjective components of the potential of the enterprise include: scientific and technical potential, managerial potential, potential of the organizational structure of management, marketing potential.

Scientific and technical potential - a generalizing characteristic of the level of scientific support for production (science, technology, technology, engineering, production experience, capabilities and resources (including scientific and technical personnel) that the enterprise has at its disposal to solve scientific and technical problems.

Management potential - these are the skills and abilities of managers at all levels of management in the formation, organization, creation of appropriate conditions for the functioning and development of the socio-economic system of the enterprise. In its most general form, it is the integration of functional-structural and intangible elements.

Potential of organizational management structure - is a corporate-wide managerial (formal and informal) mechanism for the functioning of an enterprise, embodies the level of organization of the functional elements of the system and the nature of the relationship between them.

Marketing potential - this is the maximum opportunity for an enterprise to systematically and systematically direct all its functions (determining needs and demand, organizing production, sales and after-sales service) to meet the needs of consumers and use potential markets. In the structure of the marketing potential, the logistics potential is separately distinguished.

A broad interpretation of the concept of "logistics" as a complex function of providing the enterprise with the initial factors of production at all stages of its activity allows us to single out as part of this function: firstly, the delivery of the necessary means of production (services) to the territory of the enterprise from external counterparties (supply logistics); secondly, the delivery of certain types of production resources directly to the places of their processing or use in the required volumes and at the appointed time (production logistics); thirdly, providing points of sale with finished products and branded services (logistics of distribution or marketing).

Taking into account functional features and structural cut of logistics processes by subject matter (logistics of personnel, logistics of materials and finished goods, logistics of energy and information flows) logistics potential enterprises can be defined as the maximum productivity (functional capacity) of systemically integrated units, covering all types of activities for movement in space and movement in time: personnel - transportation of employees, their placement in the office, movement according to the temporary work schedule; materials and finished products - transportation, warehousing, storage, sorting and redistribution; energy and information flows - transmission, processing, storage and transformation.

Particular attention in the structure of the potential of the enterprise is entitled to: labor, infrastructure and information potentials. All of them do not fall under the specified classification of the components of the potential of the enterprise, they cannot be unambiguously attributed either to the subject or to the object components.

"Labor potential" as a scientific term entered into circulation the period of transition from extensive to intensive way of development of production. It was a kind of reaction of science to the need for practice to ensure a qualitative improvement in the formation and use of the total ability of a person as a subject of production and management.

Labor potential is a personified labor force, which is considered in the aggregate of its quality characteristics. This concept allows, firstly, to assess the degree of use of the potential capabilities of both a single employee and their totality, which is necessary to activate the human factor, and, secondly, to ensure a qualitative (structural) balance in the development of personal and material factors of production.

infrastructure potential - balanced with the requirements of production, the capabilities of workshops, farms and services that provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the main divisions of the enterprise and the satisfaction of the social needs of its personnel. With hypertrophied infrastructure development! components of the potential of enterprises can perform work or provide certain services to third-party organizations and other market entities.

The information potential as the most important component of the technical, technological and managerial base of modern enterprises is of particular relevance. Developed countries have already moved to a new post-industrial (information) place of social progress. Efficient management of Ukrainian enterprises, rational use their potential is impossible without the availability of information support adequate to modern requirements.

Information potential - this is the unity of organizational, technical and information capabilities that ensure the preparation and adoption of managerial decisions and affect the nature (specifics) of production through the collection, storage (accumulation), processing and distribution of information resources. As part of the information potential, one can single out information and computing potential , which includes a complex of technical, software-mathematical, organizational and economic tools and special personnel, designed to automate the process of solving enterprise management problems in various areas of human activity.

In addition, information and the knowledge obtained with its help are realized in new means of labor, technologies, professional experience of workers, the level of organization of production units, which once again indicates its close relationship with other components of the enterprise's potential.

In the dissertation of Repina Inna Nikolaevna, "Management of Entrepreneurial Potential", for the first time a graphical-analytical method for diagnosing the entrepreneurial potential of an enterprise was proposed, called by the author "Potential Square". This method allows you to systematically establish quantitative and qualitative relationships between individual elements of the potential, the level of its development and competitiveness and on Based on this, timely substantiate and implement management decisions to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.It has several theoretical aspects that must be taken into account when justifying management decisions.

In a broader sense, the graphical model of the potential of the enterprise, designed to diagnose the capabilities of the enterprise, has the shape of a sphere. This form represents all areas of the enterprise, thereby revealing the dialectics of its potential. But in practice it is difficult to use a spherical shape to assess the potential of an enterprise.

We propose to simplify the graphical model of analysis to the shape of a circle in general terms, or to the shape of another figure, depending on the choice of the number of directions for diagnosing the potential capabilities of the enterprise (Fig. 2.3).

Rice. 2.3. Graph-analytical model of the potential of the enterprise

Summarizing the existing experience in the practice of diagnostics, we come to the conclusion that it is advisable to diagnose the potential of an enterprise by the method of a comparative comprehensive rating assessment using a system of indicators for the following functional blocks (Fig. 2.4).

For the first block - "Production, distribution and marketing of products" it is necessary to analyze:

Volume, structure and rates of production.

production funds.

Existing fleet of equipment and the degree of its use.

Location of production and availability of infrastructure.

Production ecology.

Sale condition.

Rice. 2.4. Distribution of the enterprise's activities by functional blocks

in order to assess its potential

On the second block - " Organizational structure and management" is considered:

Organization and management system.

Quantitative and qualitative composition of employees.

Management level.

Corporate culture.

The next, third block - "Marketing", involves research:

Market, product and distribution channels.


Marketing plans and programs.

And the last, fourth block - "Finance" is an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise using profitability ratios, efficiency, business activity, market stability, liquidity and others.

This list of indicators should meet the following requirements: the indicators should cover all aspects of the production, economic, financial and other activities of the enterprise as fully as possible; the process of collecting indicators should be simple; duplication of indicators is not allowed.

The calculation of the final rating is based on a comparison of enterprises for each indicator of the four above sections of the system of indicators with a conditional reference enterprise or an enterprise with the best result. Thus, the basis for obtaining a rating assessment of the state and level of use of entrepreneurial potential is not the subjective views of experts, which is typical for most assessment methods, but the highest results that were achieved in real competition from the entire set of objects are compared. This approach corresponds to the practice of market competition, where each independent commodity producer aims to look better than its competitor in all performance indicators.

Algorithm of the graphic-analytical method for assessing the potential of an enterprise "Potential Square":

1. The initial data are presented in the form of a matrix (), that is, a table where the numbers of indicators are written in rows (i = 1, 2, 3, n), and in columns - the name of enterprises, are considered (j = 1.2, 3, m).

2. For each indicator, the best value is found, taking into account the sensitivity coefficient, and the ranking of enterprises is carried out, with the definition of the occupied place.

3. For each enterprise, we find the sum of places (Pj) obtained in the course of ranking according to the formula:

4. We transform the sum of places (Pj) obtained during the ranking into the length of the vector, which creates the square of the enterprise's potential (Fig. 2.5). The square of the potential of the enterprise has four zones in accordance with sections (k), which are applied in the considered system of indicators and four vectors (B) that create it.

So, the length of the vector that creates the square of the potential of the enterprise (Vk, where k = 1.2, 3, 4), we find using the formula:


5. Having determined the length of all vectors, we create a square of the potential of the enterprise and draw the appropriate conclusions.

The graphic-analytical method of analysis - "Potential Square" allows you to systematically establish quantitative and qualitative relationships between individual elements of the potential, the level of its development and competitiveness, and on the basis of this, timely justify and implement management decisions to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. It has several special theoretical aspects that are necessary take into account when justifying management decisions.

1. The appearance of the potential square can be of two types. The first type has the correct shape of a square (i.e., the vectors that create it must be equal or close to it) and if, as a result of the analysis, we have a figure visually close to a square, then the enterprise in question has a balanced potential, which are the basis for the success of its activities . The second type has a distorted square shape, the reason for this can be twofold: one vector is developed more than the second (painful vector) or all vectors are developed differently (vector disharmony). If an enterprise has the second type of square shape, then its entrepreneurial potential requires immediate transformation, which will lead to an improvement in the balance of potential elements.

2. Potential enterprises can be classified by size as large, medium and small. Enterprises have great potential when the length of the vectors that create the square of the enterprise's potential is within 70-100 conventional units; medium - within 30-70 USD; small - up to 30 c.u.

3. Outer loop square determines the ability of the enterprise to develop the potential in the optimal parameters.

4. The second and third vectors of the potential square ("Organizational structure and management" and "Marketing") are a prerequisite for further development of the enterprise's potential.

5. The fourth vector - "Finance" - is productive, which characterizes the success of the enterprise.

There is a relationship between the shape and size of the squared capacity of an enterprise and its life cycle shown in fig. 2.5.

Rice. 2.5. Relationship between the shape and size of the enterprise potential square and its life cycle

It can be seen from the figure that at the first stage - the "stage of development" - there are enterprises in the form of potential of the second type and size, which turns from small to medium in relation to the time it takes to pass the stage.

At the second stage - the "stage of success" - there are enterprises whose form of potential belongs to the first type, and its size turns from medium to large.

The stage of decline indicates negative phenomena that occur with the potential of the enterprise, namely, the transition to the second form of potential and a decrease in its size from large to medium, and then to large.

In modern economic literature, there are quite a variety of definitions of the concept of "potential", which refer to different areas of activity, phenomena and processes. Many works substantiate the need to study the potential and highlight the problems of its assessment, as well as the existence of significant disagreements in the definition of the concept itself, its essence, structure and relationship with other potentials.

Refinement of the definition and disclosure of the essence of the concept under study is proposed to be carried out in several stages.

1. Historical development of ideas of potential in Russia. Interpretation of the concept under study in various fields of activity

One of the reasons for the development of ideas of potential in Russia, according to A. I. Anchishkin, was the need to create a theoretical basis for developing the most effective approach to managing the Soviet economy. Rusinov F. M. and Shevchenko D. K. argued that the study of the effectiveness of economic development should be based not only on the achieved level of resource use, but also proceed from the potential of production, which will allow for a comprehensive account of its untapped reserves and provide planning for the pace, directions for increasing and use of potential. It is important to note that during this period, the issues considered in potential theory were not fundamentally new - the novelty consisted only in the approach to solving known problems.

A variety of definitions of the concept of "potential" make it possible to apply it to various branches of science and spheres of human activity, depending on what kind of force, means, reserves, sources in question: economic potential; defense potential; competitive potential; Innovation potential; personnel potential; marketing potential; production potential and others.

In physics, potential is related to potential and kinetic energies, which together make up the total energy of the system. Energy is defined as the ability of a system of bodies to perform a certain amount of work under given conditions, or as a general measure of the movement and interaction of all types of matter. There is kinetic energy manifested in motion and potential energy hidden in the body. In accordance with the law of conservation, the energy of a closed system remains constant for all processes occurring in it. The law of energy transformation states that energy can only be converted from one form to another and redistributed between parts of the system, that is, converted from potential energy to kinetic energy.

2. Etymology of the concept of "potential". Its difference from the following concepts: "potency", "resources" and "reserves"

The etymological origin of the concept "potential" is shown in fig. 1.1.

For the first time this concept in the scientific sense was used by Aristotle, who considered the act and potency as the basis of ontological development. In his philosophy, being was divided into "potential" and "actual", and development was seen as a transition from the first to the second. The philosopher represented the potential as the ability of a thing to be not what it is in the category of substance of quality, quantity and place, which made it possible to correlate actualization and movement. At the same time, according to Aristotle, reality always precedes possibility and underlies its realization.

Rice. 1.1. Etymology of the origin of the concept of "potential"

For the purposes of further research, it seems necessary to note that the concepts of "potency" and "potential" differ significantly from each other (Table 1.1).

When determining promising or possible parameters development, it is correct to use derivatives of the concept of "potency", for example, potentialities, and when describing the achieved parameters, current situations, it is correct to use the concept of "potential".

Table 1.1

Distinctive features of the concepts of "potential" and "potency"

The concept of "potential"

The concept of "potency"

The potential is determined by real, specific, fixed opportunities, formed in the course of any activity and currently unrealized for some reason, but being in a ready and real form.

It is characterized by unrevealed, unrevealed, unformed and unrealized possibilities. They can turn into real possibilities, that is, into potential, only in the process of any activity.

It contains resources that have effective, concrete, studied possibilities and can already be used in social production at the present time.

Contains resources that create hidden opportunities.

This concept reflects the real ability to use available resources to achieve the goal.

This concept reflects the theoretical, which does not take into account the real reproducing conditions, the ability of an individual worker, enterprise, society to use resources and create material goods and services.

To clarify the concept under study, it is necessary to note its difference from the concept of "reserves", which lies in the fact that the potential contains both the existing and the potential, and the reserves - only the potential, unused. In this regard, according to the degree of realization of the potential, there are:

Achieved (actual) potential;

Perspective (projected) potential.

The concept of "potential" characterizes the maximum (potential) capabilities of the enterprise that actually exist and that can be achieved in the future. In this case, the potential characterizes the prospects for the development of the enterprise and takes the form of a promising potential. According to D. K. Shevchenko, the promising potential can be achieved under ideal or close to them conditions for the development of production and scientific and technological progress. Prospective potential consists of two parts: used (actually achieved level of potential) and unused (unused opportunities or reserves that really exist, but are not actually claimed for any reason) opportunities. Knowing the prospective potential and hidden reserves allows you to determine the direction of its development and growth.

The fundamental difference between the concepts of "resources" and "potential" is that resources exist independently of the subjects of economic activity, and the potential is inseparable from the subjects of activity. In other words, the concept of "potential", in addition to material and non-material resources, includes the ability of an employee, team, enterprise, society as a whole to efficient use available resources in accordance with a given goal.

3. Definition and disclosure of the essence of the concept of "potential" in the field of economics

In modern economic literature, there is still no consensus on the definition and essence of the concept of "potential". In the broadest sense, “potential is means, reserves, sources that are available and can be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve a specific goal, implement a plan, solve a problem.”

In table. 1.2 presents some definitions of the concept under study, which must be analyzed in order to identify their features and shortcomings for the subsequent clarification of the definition of the concept of "potential".

In the above definitions, one can note minor differences in the interpretation of the concept of "potential", which is understood as "strength", "opportunity", "aggregate of means" in any area.

Most researchers highlight the availability of resources as the main elements of the concept under consideration. In our opinion, the potential cannot be presented simply as a set of any resources, because the essence of the potential lies in the interaction of its elements. Thus, the potential is not a simple sum, but a system of elements. Defining the concept of "potential", it should be borne in mind that it includes not only the resources used at a given time, but also their reserve stocks. Therefore, potential determines the potential, and not just the real, ability to use resources to achieve the goals.

Table 1.2

Definition of "potential"

Concept definition

Vvedensky B. A.,

Potential is the means, reserves, sources that are available and can be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve certain goals, implement a plan, solve a problem, the capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area.

Efremov T. F.,

Potential - the totality of all available opportunities, means in any area, area.

Melnichuk O. S.,

Potential from the Latin potentia - "strength": opportunity, strength, reserves, ways that can be used.

Misko K. M.,

Potential - the limit of human knowledge of internal, hidden possibilities for the effective use of the object under study, which can be quantified and, ultimately, realized when ideal conditions practical activities.

Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu.,

Potential - the degree of power in some respect, the totality of some means, possibilities.

Petrov F. N.,

The interpretation of this concept as "power", "strength" is given.

Ushakov D.N.,

Potential - a set of means, conditions necessary for maintaining, maintaining, preserving something.

Shansky N. M.,

The origin of the word "potential" is pointed out as borrowed in the 19th century from the French language, where potentiel from the Latin potentialis is a derivative of potens - "powerful", literally "able to be".
