Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Musculoskeletal system. Risk factors and disease prevention Prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system

Prevention. Approximately 50% of cases of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not hereditary. This means that maximum efforts can and should be made to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system for people at risk:

  • Overweight
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Middle and old age
  • Posture disorder
  • Unfavorable occupational factors
  • Congenital dislocation of the hip, flat feet, etc.
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Joint injuries and surgeries
  • Professional sports

There are several directions in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Physical exercise. When moving, the joint is fed more intensively, respectively, the processes of synthesis of articular tissue are activated. Particularly useful: cycling, swimming with obligatory subsequent rest, running in nature, walking with ski poles, yoga, morning work-out Houses.
  • Body weight control. Overweight - important factor development and progression of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is generally accepted that a decrease in body weight by 1 kg reduces the load on the joint by 4 kg. Personally, I like the diet of Elena Malysheva. It does not give a "killer" load on the body. The body teaches everything nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, because he must receive them. It is laid down by nature. If a person limits himself in something, sooner or later he will break down and gain even more as a result. Therefore, it is better to learn how to eat right than to expose your body to periodic “stresses”.
  • As a prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the joints, it is recommended to use .These drugs stimulate the regeneration of articular cartilage, provide nutrition and protection, allow you to maintain the flexibility and mobility of the joints, and avoid premature aging of the joints.

Health Prevention - this is what everyone who wants to be healthy should do. The health of every person needs prevention, and only it allows you to maintain health in proper condition.

Actively engaged sports, get ready for injuries. As a rule, injuries are not generated by the physical exercises themselves, but by our incompetence, the inability to correctly assess the state of your body, which, by the way, is doing everything possible to prevent injuries. During an increase in the load on the bones, muscles and tendons, calcium is sent to the bone cells, which protects and protects the limbs from fractures. It is very important that the degree of load does not exceed the permissible limits, and there is a sufficient amount of calcium in the body.

Prevention of sports injuries

Overtraining Syndrome

Another key rule that is important for everyone - both for eminent professional athletes and for "yellow-mouthed" amateur beginners. Exercise Intensity need to increase gradually and with great care. Also, for everyone, even the most experienced athlete, there is a risk overtrain.

Overtraining Syndrome is not an injury in the full sense of the word, although some coaches believe that it is caused by microtrauma of muscle fibers.

Overtraining Syndrome occurs when you don't heed the calls for gradualism and don't give your body at least two days a week to recover, or if you jump in with enthusiasm when you're completely untrained. It is characterized by acute pain in the muscle, sometimes it even seems that the internal organs located in this area hurt. Muscles are tense, respond with pain to pressure, there may be a local (damaged muscle is hot) or even a general increase in temperature.

A slight overtraining entails only discomfort in the area of ​​the worked muscle, which disappear on its own, but a strong overtraining forces you to take drastic measures: giving up training for a week. Can be practiced just stretching and walking. In addition, you will need a sports balm to rub the damaged muscle. Such a balm can be, for example, an "asterisk" in a one-to-two mixture with petroleum jelly. Contrasting showers, superficial massage with a hard mitten or a wooden roller massager help very well. Drink plenty of water, take vitamins.

In an untrained person, muscles ache after exercise due to excess lactic acid secretion, which is not completely burned. This gradually passes, but keep in mind that if you suddenly stop exercising, waiting for the discomfort to end, then it will hurt for a week. If you find the strength to do at least a little physical education, the acid will dissolve, and the discomfort will pass much faster.


A bruise familiar to everyone since childhood is a complex injury that entails destruction of small blood vessels bleeding under the skin (hematoma) may or may not be swollen and painful. Any bruise is fraught with trauma to the periosteum, therefore, if severe pain in the bruised area has not passed within 24 hours, you need to contact a traumatologist. Two to three hours after the bruise, the affected area should be cooled, and then rubbed with an ointment that increases blood circulation and has a local anesthetic effect. On an extensive severe bruise, you can apply a warm pressure compress.

The usual sports injury of "moderate severity" requires you to skip the next workout, replacing it with home physiotherapy. Pay special attention to knee bruises. On the knee, a bruise can be small, but a bruise can be serious, so with any knee bruise, go to the doctor and get it done. x-ray.


They call wounds any skin disorder- from scratches to more serious tissue damage. Make sure that at least some dressing material (sterile bandage, plaster) during training was at hand. In case of serious injuries, do not self-medicate!

Prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system


The second most common injury stretching. And the best prevention of injuries and damage to muscles, as well as tendons, is nothing more than warming up and warming up.

Stretching is characterized by sharp pain, swelling in the area of ​​injury, deformation (due to swelling) of the joint. Sometimes a sprain requires long-term treatment with physical therapy.

The first five to six hours of stretching are treated with ice (cold). The injured joint needs to be immobilized (immobilized with a bandage) and cooled to avoid severe swelling. After 2-3 hours, when the overall picture is clear, sports gels or creams can be applied. On the second day, you can treat the joint with warm baths, compresses, rubbing and massage.

However, sprains are easily frightened with dislocation or rupture of ligaments ( special case sprains), so we recommend that you consult a doctor. And one more thing: once an injured joint can no longer withstand the usual loads, it needs to be protected during sports.

Absolute leader in stretching- the ankle joint, which has a bad habit of "tucking". Most often, ankle injuries occur in overweight people, leading sedentary image life, suffering from flat feet, who do not have special sports shoes. If you have all of these features, train only in ankle bandages and after specialized warm-up(given below).

Lie horizontally on the floor and stretch your legs; count up to 6.

  1. Slowly, bend your leg at the knee joint without lifting your heel from the floor plane.
  2. Try to reach your chest with your knee without using your hands, as much as possible. Do not strain yourself too much, because this is a warm-up.
  3. Straighten your leg so that your thigh and shin form a straight line.
  4. Start, slowly, lowering your leg and keep it on weight, at a distance equal to about the length of your lower leg.
  5. Slowly, lower your heel to the floor surface.
  6. Straighten your leg and stretch it out in front of you again.

The above complex must be performed 5-6 times on each leg. This complex is specifically focused on the progressive increase in the load on the cardiovascular system, provides a plentiful rush of blood to the legs, and also warms up and stretches the muscles.


Doctors consider dislocation persistent displacement of the articular ends of the bones causing dysfunction of the joint. A dislocation can be recognized by the unnatural position of the limb, which sticks out at an anatomically incorrect angle. A dislocation is a serious injury, and it is not easy to correct a dislocation. So the first aid to oneself or another will be reduced to cooling the affected joint (a gross mistake - the immediate application of a warm compress) and the speedy delivery of the victim to the doctor. The dislocation can be reduced within two days, later it becomes impossible without surgical intervention. During delivery, the injured joint should be gently supported to avoid pain and aggravate the injury.

After reduction of the dislocation, the affected ligaments of the joint are treated.


Bone damage called a fracture. A fracture or fracture of a bone is easily diagnosed by very strong, sharp pain. In case of a fracture, the damaged bone is fixed with a splint and a bandage (the limb is bandaged to a stick or something similar), the wounds, if any, are treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied, after which (without cooling) the victim is transported to the emergency room.


A concussion can occur when head injury. During a concussion, the relationship between individual parts of the brain is temporarily disrupted. A concussion can be accompanied by loss of consciousness, lasting from just a few seconds to even hours. Further symptoms: nausea, vomiting, headache, brief memory loss, fatigue, drowsiness, weakness. Usually, these symptoms disappear within two weeks after the injury, but some manifestations can persist for up to six months.

First aid for severe head injury and loss of consciousness - put the victim on his back, you can turn his head to one side, while stretching his arms down along the body and immediately consult a doctor.


As you already understood from the above: prevention of sports injuries in fitness and bodybuilding, as well as other power disciplines, mainly falls on our shoulders. Always observe safety regulations, use special shoes and other elements of protection, never start training without a serious warm-up and warm-up, approach training responsibly, - never indulge and do not let others do it - weight training is not as safe as it seems at first glance. Take care of yourself!

Violation of posture is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system of schoolchildren. Posture- this is the habitual position of the human body while walking, standing, sitting or working.

For correct, or physiological, posture is characterized by a normal position of the spine with its moderate natural curves, symmetrical position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, straight content of the head, straight legs without flattening of the feet. With proper posture, there is an optimal functioning of the system of organs of movement, the correct placement of internal organs and the position of the center of gravity.

Posture, as a rule, is formed at 6-7 years of age and may change during life. However, it must be remembered that the formation and consolidation of motor skills that form posture occurs gradually and for a long time from an early age. Spinal growth occurs most fully in the first two years of life. The curvature of the spine, which is his characteristic feature, is formed in the process of individual development of the child. At an early age, when the child begins to hold the head, a cervical bend appears, directed by a bulge forward (lordosis). At 6 months, when the child begins to sit, a thoracic curve with a bulge backwards (kyphosis) is formed. When the child begins to stand and walk, lumbar lordosis is formed.

In the preschool years, postural disorders can cause flattening of the feet, incorrect posture while drawing or watching television, etc. Low physical activity combined with excess weight are factors influencing the formation of pathological posture during this period. It must be remembered that in children the muscles of the body are still poorly developed, so their posture is unstable. Posture is not hereditary.

Incorrect or pathological, the posture of schoolchildren is formed as a result of a number of reasons, which primarily include high specific gravity hypokinesia and hypodynamia in the life of children and adolescents, which leads to muscle hypotrophy and weakening of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

The beginning of schooling is accompanied by a sharp restriction motor activity, an increase in static load associated with the need for long-term maintenance of a working posture, and the like. An essential factor in the prevention of posture disorders in schoolchildren is the observance of hygienic norms of physical activity.

Violation of posture in the form of an increase in the natural curves of the spine, the appearance of lateral curvatures, pterygoid shoulder blades, asymmetry of the shoulder girdle not only disgrace the figure, but also impede the work of internal organs (heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract), disrupt metabolism and reduce performance. For example, with scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), changes in the work of both the right and left ventricles of the heart are diagnosed. Pronounced asynchrony in their activity subsequently leads to severe disorders of the heart. The curvature of the spine that occurs during the period of bone growth in girls often changes the shape of the pelvis, narrowing it in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Subsequently, this can lead to a difficult course of childbirth. The most common posture disorders are flat back, round. Violation of posture is manifested in an increase or decrease in the natural curves of the spine, deviations from the correct position of the shoulder girdle, torso, head.

According to hygienists, debilitated children very often have posture disorders and curvature of the spine. Most of them at an early age endure numerous childhood infectious diseases, suffer from rickets, traces of which remain on the skeleton in the form of chest deformities, curvature of the legs, and flat feet.

The formation of incorrect posture and the development of spinal deformities often increase myopia, muscle hypotension, malformations of the spine, diseases of the lungs and heart. It is known that myopia often accompanies kyphosis, and muscle weakness associated with rickets is the cause of the development of poor posture.

For the formation of correct posture, the development of the muscles of the body is of great importance. The tension of these muscles forms and holds the posture, and a decrease in their tension breaks it. In case of incorrect posture, the head is pushed forward, rib cage flattened, shoulders brought forward, belly protruding, and chest sunken. Lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis are more pronounced. Often, poor posture accompanies scoliosis, that is, lateral curvature of the spinal column.

The main thing in the formation of posture is the uniform exercise and the harmonious development of all muscle groups. Until the age of 18, posture stabilizes, after which it is very difficult to correct it.

In the absence of attention from teachers and parents, posture defects that arose in children as early as preschool age progress significantly during school life. Particularly rapid progression of deformities is possible in the prepubertal and pubertal periods.

The acquired habits of sitting stooping, standing leaning on one leg, walking with the head tilted down, improper organization of the night sleep of children and adolescents lead to a violation of posture: a narrow or short bed, soft feather beds, high pillows. Poor nutrition, which can cause a lack of complete proteins, mineral elements (especially Ca), vitamins, is also a risk factor for the development of posture disorders in children and adolescents.

The habit of keeping the correct posture is easily brought up and consolidated among schoolchildren, if, simultaneously with general strengthening activities (rational daily routine, good sleep, nutrition and hardening), they perform various physical exercises, and training sessions and extracurricular activities are carried out taking into account age characteristics, meet hygiene requirements.

In this context, the formation of proper posture skills when reading or writing becomes essential in the prevention of spinal curvatures. It is important for a teacher, especially for elementary grades, to achieve the automatism of such a landing in students. It should be as comfortable and familiar to them as possible.

However, it should be remembered that long-term maintenance of even a physiologically expedient posture leads to muscle fatigue, to reduce which it is worth allowing students to change their body position during the lesson, to conduct physical exercises.

It has been proven that during training sessions, the most appropriate is a direct landing with a slight tilt of the body forward. The distance from the eyes to the notebook (book) should be approximately equal to the length of the forearm and hand with outstretched fingers, the shoulders should be parallel to the edge of the table cover, the forearm and hand should be symmetrical on the table, the body should be moved away from the edge of the table by 5-6 cm.

In order not to squeeze the vessels of the popliteal region, the depth of the seat should be approximately equal to 2 / 3-3 / 4 of the length of the thigh. The height of the seat should be equal to the length of the lower leg with the foot plus 2-3 cm for the selection: in this case, the student’s legs in all three joints (hip, knee, hip) are bent at approximately right angles, which prevents blood stasis in lower limbs and pelvic organs. The seat must have a back - either solid, profiled, or with at least two crossbars at the level of the waist and shoulder blades. Providing such a direct fit is possible if the dimensions of the furniture correspond to the proportions of the growth of the students.

The distance of the seat, which characterizes the ratio of the table and the seat horizontally, can be negative (the edge of the seat goes beyond the edge of the table), positive (the edge of the seat is placed in the same vertical plane with the edge of the table or at a certain distance from it) and zero. With a positive distance, the student, as when the table is low, leans forward too much. Therefore, according to hygienists, the distance should only be negative, that is, the edge of the bench should go beyond the edge of the table by at least 4 cm and not more than 8 cm.

The selection of optimal school furniture is of great importance in the prevention of postural disorders and curvature of the spine in school-age children. According to modern state standards, school furniture is produced in five groups: A, B, C, D and D. Children with a height of 130 cm should sit behind group A furniture, group B furniture is intended for schoolchildren with a height of 130 to 144 cm. Schoolchildren whose height is 145-159 cm, should sit behind the furniture of group B, and children whose height is from 160 to 174 cm - behind the furniture of group D. Group D furniture is intended for students with a height of 175 cm and above.

To find out which group of furniture a student needs, you can use the empirical formula of N.N. Kartashikhina:

serial number of the letter = [student height (cm) - 100]: 15.

Example: the height of a student is 160 cm.

(160-100): 15 = 4 Serial number (in alphabetical order) - the letter G.

Quite often, schools do not have furniture markings. In order to find out which group of furniture a table (chair) belongs to, you can use the following formulas:

Table group (letter) = height (cm): 5 - 10.

Group (letter) of the chair = height (cm): 5 - 10.

Example: table height above floor level = 70 cm.

70: 5 - 10 \u003d 4 The serial number of the letter G.

Thus, the correct selection of furniture should provide the student with the most physiologically appropriate fit.

As for the rules for seating students, the main requirement is that the furniture matches the height of the student. If there are difficulties with the selection of furniture, it is better to put the student at a table (desk) larger than necessary, rather than smaller. When seating students, you need to take into account their state of health, namely, vision, hearing and a tendency to colds. As you know, small children usually sit at their desks, closer to the board, taller ones behind. In the case when a tall student has visual impairments (for example, myopia), it is advisable to move him closer to the board for the outer column of the desk he needs. It should be noted that if the vision of such a student is corrected by glasses, then he can not be transplanted, but make sure that he uses them. With hearing loss (for example, due to otitis media), a student tall it is desirable (together with the corresponding desk) to transplant closer to the board, but with a column that is close to the inner wall of the classroom. It is undesirable to put unseasoned, weakened students and those who often catch colds at the outer column. Once a year (after the winter holidays) students who sit at the extreme columns should be changed places without violating the principles of proper seating. Such a change of places, firstly, excludes the one-sided orientation of the head and torso relative to the board, and secondly, creates more uniform lighting conditions.

Another disease of the musculoskeletal system of children and adolescents, which happens quite often, is flat feet. flat feet called deformation, which consists in partial or complete omission of the longitudinal or transverse (sometimes both) arches of the foot. It causes complaints of fatigue and pain in the legs during long walking.

A normal foot with a high arch, the supporting surface occupies no more than 1/3 of the transverse size of the foot. If the supporting surface is 50-60% of the transverse size of the foot, the foot is flattened. With flat feet, the foot is in contact with the floor (ground) with almost all of its points and the footprint is devoid of an internal recess.

Flat feet are congenital and acquired, the latter happens much more often. Acquired flat feet, in turn, can be static, paralytic and traumatic. The most common is static flat feet, the development of which can be caused by overweight, wearing excessive weights, wearing shoes without heels and devoid of elastic soles.

Prevention of flat feet is associated with instilling the skills to walk correctly. It is necessary that the socks “look” straight ahead when walking, the load falls on the heel, the first and fifth fingers, and the inner vaults do not fall. Flat feet can also develop with prolonged sitting and standing, carrying large loads when wearing narrow shoes, the ligaments are stretched, which leads to flattening of the foot. Rickets can also contribute to the development of flat feet.

To strengthen the muscles that support the arch of the foot, it is recommended to walk barefoot on an uneven, but soft (sand, soft ground) surface. When walking, it is useful to periodically bend and relax your fingers. For prevention and correction in daily morning exercises introduce several exercises: walking on toes, heels, on the inner and outer edges of the feet, etc. Volleyball and football games have a positive effect on strengthening the arch of the foot.

It is of great importance to wear shoes that are selected in accordance with hygiene requirements. It should match the length and width of the foot, have a wide toe, wide heels and elastic soles.

With flat feet, in addition to therapeutic exercises, contrast foot baths and massage, doctors sometimes recommend wearing arch support inserts in regular shoes or special orthopedic shoes.

Muscles and their tendons are usually damaged as a result of overexertion during work or from various forces during sports. Some muscle diseases cause muscle weakness and progressive degeneration.

Stretching a muscle slightly damages the muscle fibers. Stretching is a condition caused by repetitive movements performed in inappropriate positions of body parts. Irritation of the tendons of the flexor and extensor muscles are common injuries. Finger movements cause pain.

If many muscle fibers are torn, the injury is called a muscle tear. A torn muscle causes severe pain and swelling. The appearance of a hemorrhage causes the formation of a blood clot.

Questions for self-examination:

1. What types of muscle tissue do you know?

2. Describe biological significance skeletal muscles.

3. List the signs of microscopic and anatomical structure skeletal muscle.

4. Name the groups of human skeletal muscles and determine their functional purpose.

5. What is dynamic / static work muscles? What determines muscle strength?

6. How can you explain the increase muscle mass from people who are engaged in the Body building program? What type of muscle tissue does it work with?

7. Describe age features muscular apparatus.

8. Describe the development of movements in children.

9. What is physiological / pathological posture? How to form and maintain the correct posture? What are the causes of pathological posture?

10. What is flat feet? What are its causes and prevention?

Lecture 6: Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The diseases of the musculoskeletal system are traditionally assigned the glory of “age-related” diseases: it is believed that problems with the musculoskeletal system in a person can begin only at retirement age. Partially, this statement is correct: for example, every fourth woman over 60 suffers from osteoporosis (men - four times less often), 55% of those suffering from osteoarthritis are people over 50 years old. On the other hand, osteochondrosis is a fairly "young" disease - affecting mostly young people aged 20 to 40 years. All diseases of the musculoskeletal system have serious consequences and some of them lead to disability. For example, fractures of the femoral neck in 45% of cases end in disability, and in 20% of cases - death. The overall incidence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in our country is more than 10% of the total population.


Osteoarthritis. The risk of developing osteoarthritis increases in proportion to age: after 65 years, the percentage of patients with this disease is 87%, but after 45 years the risk increases to 30% (compared to 2% of people under 45).

Osteoporosis. This is a systemic disease that affects all bones of the skeleton, accompanied by a decrease in bone density and strength, which leads to an increased risk of fractures even with minimal trauma. Most often, osteoporosis occurs in women over 60 years of age (in men - less than 4 times).

Osteochondrosis. This is a disease of the spine, which consists in a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the vertebral bodies, their processes, intervertebral discs, small joints of the spine, muscles and ligaments.


Risk factors can be divided into two types according to the effectiveness of their elimination: irremovable and removable. Risk factors map Unremovable risk factors are a given, something that must be reckoned with, something that you cannot change. Avoidable risk factors, on the other hand, are things that you can change by taking appropriate action or making adjustments to your lifestyle.


Age. After the age of 45 in men, age becomes one of the risk factors for developing osteoarthritis.

Floor. Women are several times more likely to develop osteoporosis and osteoarthritis than men, especially after menopause.

Heredity. If your parents or close relatives are sick with osteoarthritis, then your risk of getting sick also increases several times.

Dysplasia of bones and joints. Congenital diseases of bones and joints occur in 2-12% of the world's population.


Overweight. Anthropometric map Obese people in the vast majority of cases have problems with the knee and ankle joints. Also, weight for many years has a pressing effect on the bone apparatus, aggravating all diseases and causing bone deformities, disorders in the spine.

Systematic heavy physical activity. Heavy physical activity is considered to be one in which you spend most of the day on your feet, actively moving, getting very tired, lifting or carrying heavy objects, and performing many tasks associated with physical activity.

Low physical activity. Just as excessive exercise is harmful, so is not good for bones and insufficient physical activity, which leads to atrophy of muscle tissue, and then bone tissue.

Professional sports. Those sports that are associated with chronic excessive load on the musculoskeletal system (weightlifting, bodybuilding) increase the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis several times due to constant overload of the joints.

Lack of calcium intake from food. If you do not receive enough calcium per day, this becomes a factor in the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Since calcium is the main component bone tissue bones become weaker and more fragile.

Smoking. Smoking several times increases the possibility of developing osteoporosis.

Alcohol abuse. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in calcium absorption in the intestine and, consequently, to the development of osteoporosis.

Severe injuries of the spine, limbs. Severe injuries of the spine and limbs, even with full treatment, can lead to persistent dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of bones and joints. Any diseases of the bones and joints can further lead to the development of other problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Proper nutrition. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary elements, vitamins, minerals. If your diet is not rich in calcium and vitamin D, take vitamin complexes.

Physical activity. Physical exercise in sufficient volume (at least 150 minutes a week) strengthens bones and develops muscles, which can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system and provide decent muscle support to the spine and bones.

To give up smoking. Since smoking leads to bone loss (osteoporosis), this factor is extremely strong in the general list of causes of diseases.

Restriction of alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in calcium absorption in the intestine and, consequently, to the development of osteoporosis.

Weight control. Rid your skeletal system of the excess load of extra pounds. The main thing is to do it slowly and make sure that the number of calories does not decrease due to foods rich in calcium.

Adequate physical activity. If possible, dose physical activity, get enough rest, allocate time for rehabilitation. Consider changing jobs.

Timely provision of medical care for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Be sure to complete the treatment of injuries to the end, fully follow the recommendations of the doctor. Try to eliminate from your life the factors that led to the injury. Take your treatment of bone and joint diseases seriously, follow all the instructions of your doctor, monitor your recovery and take preventive measures, which you can ask your doctor about.


When monitoring the state of the musculoskeletal system, it is very important to undergo medical examinations on time - especially if you are at risk or experience pain in the spine, bones, and joints.

Men over the age of 70, women over the age of 65 - densitometry (determination of bone density).


  • Artra;
  • Don;
  • Formula-C;
  • Structum;
  • Teraflex;
  • Piascledin

Preparations for injection

  • Elbon;
  • Noltrex;
  • Alflutop;
  • Hondrolon;
  • Adgelon.
  • Synocrom;
  • Fermatron;
  • Synvisc;
  • Hyalur;
  • Ostenil.

Prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Prevention diseases of the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system is aimed primarily at changing lifestyle. Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is aimed at strengthening bone, muscle tissue, synovial joints and preventing pathologies.

Correct balanced diet, observance of the daily routine, leisure and refusal bad habits contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. Use useful products nutrition saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

To strengthen the joints and all tissues of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to receive vitamins A, E, C, B.

Prevention of arthrosis includes the following aspects:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • taking chondroprotectors;
  • balanced diet;
  • weight correction.

Prevention of arthrosis, arthritis of the chronic form consists in carrying out strengthening therapy, timely treatment of infectious, viral diseases. Diseases of ENT organs, carious lesions of the teeth are also sources of infection, so it is necessary to monitor the condition oral cavity and visit the dentist regularly.

Preventive measures for osteochondrosis include the following aspects:

  • a ban on lifting weights;
  • back massage;
  • horizontal bar exercises;
  • rest after a long stay in an upright position;
  • even load distribution.

It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for a night's rest. In order for the body to be in the correct position, they use an orthopedic pillow or a roller under the neck, sleep on a hard mattress.

Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is active recreation (swimming, cycling, hiking, skiing) and healing the body.

Also in preventive purposes orthoses are used - orthopedic devices designed to fix and relieve stress from the spine and joints.

In case of arthrosis, special preparations are used to restore cartilage - chondroprotectors. They affect the very cause of the disease, returning the joint mobility in full. The course of treatment is long, from 6 months to a year. With arthrosis caused by autoimmune diseases, potent drugs are used. Cytostatics and immunosuppressants suppress their own immunity and thereby save the joints from destruction. The treatment regimen is determined individually by the doctor for each patient.

Based on the fact that chondroprotectors act for a long time, or rather slowly, the analgesic effect that the treatment of the joints “gave” lasts for 3-6 months, which will also depend on the degree of complexity of a particular disease.

Chondroprotectors for oral administration

This group includes drugs such as:

  • Artra;
  • Don;
  • Formula-C;
  • Structum;
  • Teraflex;
  • Piascledin

Preparations for injection

This group consists of the following drugs:

  • Elbon;
  • Noltrex;
  • Alflutop;
  • Hondrolon;
  • Adgelon.

It should be noted that the injections begin to act much faster than any other means that provide treatment for the joints. A full therapeutic course consists of 10-20 injections, after which oral preparations are used.

Substitutes for intra-articular fluid

Chondroprotectors based on hyaluronic acid are widely used. These include:

  • Synocrom;
  • Fermatron;
  • Synvisc;
  • Hyalur;
  • Ostenil.

They are injected directly into large joints, since they replace the intra-articular fluid, the production of which is significantly reduced in arthrosis. In this case, the course is from three to five injections. In most cases, the doctor is limited to only one. Secondary treatment, perhaps not earlier than after six months. As a rule, in the dominant number of cases, these drugs are used to treat knee joints injection method.
