Composition of ingredients for bitter tincture "tormal". About Blue Clay and Vinegar Essence


About the healer Petr Titovich Borbat, the employees of the Healthy Lifestyle have heard more than once from grateful patients. In one case, he helped part with 60 (!) extra pounds, in another - to cope with asthma, in the third - relieved of a skin disease ... However, sometimes the information reached years later, and the former patients, now healed, did not remember the healer's phone number and address. Only recently it was possible to bring all the threads together, and now our correspondent Elena Pechorskaya is talking with Pyotr Titovich at his home, in cozy apartment on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, not far from the Polezhaevskaya metro station.
"HLS": As far as I understand, Petr Titovich, you have been practicing medicine for more than a year?
BORBAT: Yes, I have at least three decades of experience as a healer. At first, when traditional medicine was banned, it was necessary to practice illegally. Now I have an appropriate diploma and a lot of patents and certificates, or, as they say in the Western manner, "know-how".
Healthy Lifestyle: Why did you turn to healing? After all, your main profession is far from medicine.
BORBAT: You are absolutely right, I gave many years to the army, I was a military builder. By the way, at one time he developed the so-called system of labor participation coefficient (KTU). For people who remember those years, a short abbreviation says a lot. I was always not the most “convenient” subordinate for the authorities: I was looking for something of my own, striving for improvement, organically could not lie ... My mother said that my soul was too open, really open to the world. This is all by the way, but I owe my appeal to traditional medicine to her ..
Healthy Lifestyle: How did the “turn to healing” happen?
BORBAT: Rather, it was not a turn, but simply a return to the roots. I was born in Belarus, but our village was dominated by the Yugoslavs who settled here, and the surname Borbat is of Serbian origin. As you know, there are many healers, clairvoyants, fortune-tellers and other people with unusual abilities in Yugoslavia. So my mother successfully treated people with herbs, infusions, conspiracies, she had a strong field, the gift of clairvoyance ... There were five children in the family, but we did not know what a doctor was, and not a single child died from diseases.
Around 1960, I began to have serious health problems. Close communication with my mother helped me avoid hospitalization and surgery. I healed an ulcer and lost 13 kg excess weight. It was then that I began to collect herbs, at the same time my acquaintance with the book by Paul Bragg, which became my desktop, happened. I was convinced that the possibilities of naturopathy and herbal medicine are truly endless. Later, I consulted doctors on non-traditional methods of medicine.
ZOZH: Nevertheless, as Lenin once put it, you went your own way...
BORBAT: In a certain sense, yes. Most herbalists, including my mother, recommend infusions, teas, and decoctions prepared from herbal preparations to patients. I prefer alcohol tinctures. They are much more convenient for patients, because they are already ready for use and, importantly, they are more economical in terms of the cost of plant materials. To correctly calculate the amount of each component of the herbal collection with an alcohol equivalent, it took me years of life and the compilation of a special table. Now most of my tinctures are patented. There are multi-component balms for the treatment of respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes of both types, the main "female" and "male" diseases, for the improvement of the skin, fortifying action, for raising the immune system ... It's impossible to list everything.
Healthy Lifestyle: What about oncological diseases?
BORBAT: 12 antitumor balms are offered for patients with cancer of the kidneys, larynx, breast, gastrointestinal tract ... Depending on the nature of the neoplasm, they include agrimony, tartar, bedstraw and a number of other plants. My infusions act in several directions at once: increasing immunity, resorption of the tumor, elimination of Trichomonas pollution ...
"HLS": Do you agree with Svishcheva's theory that the basis oncological diseases lies the infection with protozoa?
BORBAT: Not on all counts, but it certainly has a rational grain.
"Healthy Lifestyle": Can your patient limit himself to only taking tincture or should he take some other measures for general recovery?
BORBAT: Of course, one balm is not enough. I approach the issue of healing in a complex way. Many of our illnesses are the result of excess calorie intake and insufficient fluid intake, or partial dehydration. I suggest drinking 8 glasses of fluid daily, even for people with a minimum weight (45-55 kg). At the same time, I recommend adding cucumber or tomato pickle to the water. This improves its taste properties, and not only. By the way, when salting, all the most useful vegetables go into the brine, which we usually pour out.
"HLS": Well, of course, alcoholics have long been under "marked.
BORBAT: What are you laughing at? It may very well be. But I do not advise drinking brine in glasses, as is customary among the people to relieve a hangover. My recommendation is this: add 100 grams of brine to 1 liter of water. This acidified liquid promotes the production of peptins and proper fermentation. Various kvass are very useful, in this I absolutely agree with Boris Bolotov. The consumption of animal fats should be significantly limited. and refined sugar. Instead of the latter, I advise my patients to consume honey or jam. It is necessary to introduce more plant foods into the diet, especially fruits and vegetables middle lane Russia. Horseradish and garlic should never disappear from the table. I attach particular importance to the common radish and other bitter root crops.
"ZOZH": Allow me to inquire, why do you have them in such honor?
BORBAT: The juice of black radish, radish and other bitter root crops dissolves stones and salt clots that accumulate throughout the body over the years. In general, we carry within ourselves the source of all our illnesses. These are fossilized masses of many years, sometimes even many decades ago, which are collected in the large intestine. All "archaeology" must be removed from the body, and the person will become healthier, younger and more cheerful.
"ZOZH": We have repeatedly written about the benefits of cleansing with enemas ...
BORBAT: I disagree with most healers on this point. Such powerful layers in many cases are not able to exfoliate even enemas. In addition (for some reason, they write about this much less often), the frequent setting of enemas is not very useful. It disrupts the normal balance of microorganisms in the intestine and leads to dysbacteriosis.
ZOZH: What do you propose?
BORBAT: In order for the large intestine to be completely freed from the stones accumulated in it, the cleansing must go in a natural descending way. For this purpose, I usually give my patients the drug borkal, which is based on the development of the doctor Kondakova Valentina Maksimovna and her comrades. I only slightly modified, tested and put this tool into practice. Unfortunately, it is still not put into mass production. This is an absolutely harmless drug, which includes Glauber's salt, baking soda, ascorbic acid and other harmless components. Borkal works just great. After the colon has been cleansed, other problems, such as body fat, are much easier to deal with.
Healthy Lifestyle: Do you recommend any of the standard products to your patients?
BORBAT: Of course. For example, I consider ordinary bran very useful, which contain valuable fiber, help prevent cancer, atherosclerosis and a number of other diseases. By the way, bran helps to reduce immoderate appetite, which is extremely
important in the fight against obesity.
"ZOZH": By the way, about obesity. There are many various systems nutrition, which sometimes contradict each other. For example, most nutritionists do not recommend eating before bed, but Galina Sergeevna Shatalova eats tightly in the evening. How would you comment on this?
BORBAT: The distribution of the total caloric content of the diet during the day is an important issue. I recommend the following. Breakfast should have only 15 percent of daily calories, lunch - 25, dinner - 60. Absorption rate useful substances from the evening meal is higher than in other meals. Therefore, I usually say this: breakfast should be light, at lunch half a lunch (that is, salad and soup, without a second course), and at dinner you can eat your fill, but not overeat. However, between the last meal and sleep, a gap of 1.5-2 hours is necessary.
Healthy Lifestyle: How about “sharing breakfast with a friend, eating lunch yourself, and giving dinner to the enemy”?
BORBAT (laughs): I think that this proverb was just invented by the enemies in order to eat tasty food at our expense and improve their health.
"ZOZH": How do you feel about milk?
BORBAT: Milk and cottage cheese contribute to the formation of mucus, so useful products I don't count them. They are especially harmful to people suffering from chronic bronchitis, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases associated with increased mucus secretion. I advise you to give up milk and cottage cheese, but cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir in most cases do not cause any harm to the body.
Healthy Lifestyle: Do you use urine therapy in your practice?
BORBAT: Yes, I recommend that patients clean the maxillary cavities with 1/2 cup of urine. The scheme of this treatment is as follows: 5 days - twice (that is, in the morning and in the evening), 7 days - 1 time (only in the morning) and 1-2 times a month - for the rest of your life! First of all, this is important for those who suffer from sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis and similar diseases. However, everything in the body is in close unity, and here is a seeming paradox for you: treatment prostate should start with nasal lavage.
Healthy Lifestyle: Pyotr Titovich, could you recommend something exclusive for our readers?
BORBAT: I don't know; how exclusive, but I dare to say that it is effective. The fact is that many health problems are associated with sluggish blood flow. To stimulate blood circulation, including cerebral circulation, I can recommend a simple remedy: nettle baths. This stinging plant is usually used orally or as part of dishes, but I suggest the following. Fill 1/3 of the dishes with nettle leaves, add 2/3 of boiling water, let it cool down, so that you can endure it, and immerse your feet in this bath. Keep 7-10 minutes, you can with short breaks. The same procedure is useful to do for hands. Just do not overdo it: there should be a break of 2-3 days between nettle baths!
Healthy Lifestyle: Do you agree that health is a reward for hard work?
BORBAT: Of course! And diseases are to a large extent nothing but the result of our connivance.
Address: Borbat Petr Titovich, 123308, Moscow, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, 11, apt. 40. Phone: 946-27-72.

The invention can be used in the alcoholic beverage industry. The composition of ingredients for bitter tincture "Tormal" contains the following ingredients, kg per 1000 dal:

St. John's wort (flowers and leaves - 5.5-6.5

The invention provides for the development of a tincture with a clearer effective focus on improving the liver and reducing alcohol addiction body while strengthening the nervous system and general condition human health. 1 tab.

The alleged invention relates to the food industry, namely to the distillery industry. Known composition of ingredients for the balm "Siberia" (Recipes for alcoholic beverages. Ed. Easy and food industry. M. 1981, p. 253), including angelica, St. The disadvantages of this composition are:

Excessive (4-10 times) oversaturation of the balm with individual components with a high content of biologically active substances (pine buds, black chokeberry, bird cherry, pine nuts - 20-50 kg each), in combination with a number of other components presented in very small doses (angelica, wormwood, yarrow), cannot noticeably show their very useful taste and healing properties;

Insufficient balance of ingredients in terms of their pharmacological properties, some of which have an opposite effect on some systems of the human body (Rhodiola rosea and chokeberry). Closest to the proposed one is the composition of ingredients for the bitter tincture "Strizhament" (AS USSR N 815030 class C 12 G 3/06 1979), containing angelica, St. sweet clover, oregano, common hyssop, oak chips, apples, cognac, color, water-alcohol liquid. This composition has a fairly high taste and aromatic qualities and some healing properties that gently affect the main systems of the body. The technical result of the invention is the development of a composition of ingredients for bitters, which has a clearer effective focus on improving the liver and reducing alcohol dependence of the body while strengthening the nervous system and general human health. This technical result is achieved by the fact that the composition of the ingredients of the tincture is taken in the following ratios of ingredients, kg/1000 gave:

Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5-6

St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 5.5-6.5

Leuzea safflower-like (roots) - 3.5-4.5

Common juniper (cone-berry) - 5.5-6.5

Peppermint (leaves) - 5.5-6.5

Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 5.5-6.5

Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5-6

Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 5.5-6.5

Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4.5-5.5

Water-alcohol liquid - Rest

The components of the tincture include plant materials that were used in the practice of traditional medicine to cure alcoholism and related neuropsychic and physical disorders. In particular, water infusions in the form of tea from a mixture of thyme and wormwood in folk medicine are used to prevent and reduce craving for alcohol. In addition, the essential oils contained in this mixture, bitter resinous and tannins, carotene and organic acids have a healing effect on the respiratory and digestive systems, and reduce headaches. Angelica officinalis medical practice used for hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, alcoholism, gout, rheumatism. It contains essential oil, tannins and bitter substances, wax and organic acids enhance the secretion of bile and other digestive juices, tone up the cardiovascular and central nervous systems of the human body. Leuzea safflower-like, containing inulin, essential oil, resins, vitamins A and C, is used in medical practice for fatigue, drowsiness, to raise the tone in case of loss of strength due to alcoholism. St. John's wort and yarrow, containing carotene, alkaloids, phytoncides, flavanoids, tannins and dyes, have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. In folk medicine, they are used to treat the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, for headaches, and metabolic disorders. Mint, blackcurrant leaf and juniper contain a wide range of biologically active substances that together activate the digestive and excretory systems of the body, stimulate cardiac activity, increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, reduce nervous excitations, including those arising under the influence of alcohol. In the proposed combination of known ingredients for tinctures in the indicated ratios, there is a significant increase in some of the properties inherent in individual ingredients. At the same time, the healing effect on the liver and counteracting the craving for alcohol acquired the most significant increase. A new unexpected effect of this composition of ingredients was the transformation of a strong alcoholic drink into an anti-alcohol one, inhibiting the development of alcohol dependence. With moderate consumption of bitter tincture "Tormal" in a person, after the usual intoxicating effect on the body, there is a slower, but invariably progressive recovery of the liver and other organs that have been under the harmful influence of alcohol. As the liver heals, an indifferent attitude to alcohol is formed, the consumption of which becomes reasonably dosed. Along with this, it strengthens nervous system increases the immunity of the body. Bitter tincture "Tormal" has high taste and aromatic qualities. Prepare the tincture as follows. By double infusion of vegetable raw materials on a water-alcohol liquid, an extract-concentrate of the tincture is obtained, which is then diluted with a water-alcohol liquid to bring the strength of the finished drink to 45%. An example of the preparation of infusions of vegetable raw materials with an average consumption of ingredients kg/1000 gave. (see table). Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5.5

St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 6

Leuzea safflower (roots) - 4

Common juniper (cone-berry) - 6

Peppermint (leaves) - 6

Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 6

Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5.5

Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 6

Blackcurrant (leaves) - 5

Total: 50 kg

For the first infusion, the dosed and crushed raw materials are loaded into extractor containers and poured with a water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 70% in the amount of 500 liters (ratio 1:10) and infused for 10 days. The output of the infusion from the first drain is 390 liters (i.e. 78% of the bay) with a strength of 69%. For the second bay, 390 liters of water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 50% are used, insist 10 days. The output of the infusion from the second drain is 390 liters (i.e. 100% of the bay) with a strength of 54.4%. The mixture of infusions of the first and second plums is 780 liters of concentrated extract of the tincture with a strength of 61.6%. To obtain a ready-to-drink drink - Tormal bitters with a strength of 45%, 9220 liters of a water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 43.7% are added to the blend tank.


Composition of ingredients for bitter tincture containing digil officinalis, St. John's wort, peppermint, wormwood, common yarrow and water-alcohol liquid, characterized in that it additionally contains safflower-like leuzea, thyme, common juniper, black currant leaf in the following ratio of ingredients, kg/1000 gave:

Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5 - 6

St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 5.5 - 6.5

Leuzea safflower-like (roots) - 3.5 - 4.5

Common juniper (cone-berry) - 5.5 - 6.5

Peppermint (leaves) - 5.5 - 6.5

Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 5.5 - 6.5

Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5 - 6

Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 5.5 - 6.5

Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4.5 - 5.5

Water-alcohol liquid - Rest

Among the stream of letters that come to the editor, there are many complaints from women about the alcohol addiction of their husbands. Actually, this topic is present in today's issue. How to deal with terrible evil? Today we publish the advice of the healer Peter Titovich Borbat. He offers a special tincture-balm as one of the methods of struggle.
. To cure alcohol addiction with simultaneous improvement of the liver, I recommend using a special alcohol tincture-balm "Tormal" (alcohol inhibition). Back in 1998, a Russian patent for an invention was obtained for this balm. However, its mass production, unfortunately, has not yet been established. For distilleries, the release of an anti-alcohol balm seems illogical and incompatible with their main products. Having lost hope for mass production, I recommend that those who wish to make Tormal balm on their own at home. The composition of "Tormala" includes 9 herbal components in dry form in equal weight fractions: angelica root, St. John's wort, leuzea root, peppermint grass, juniper berry, black currant, yarrow herb, thyme herb. For tincture, alcohol is used, half diluted with water, or vodka in a ratio of 15 ml per 1 gram of a mixture of dry ingredients. Time of insisting on alcohol - 3 weeks, on vodka - up to 4 weeks.
After draining the tincture, plant bottom residues are poured with hot boiled water at the rate of 5 ml per 1 gram of dry ingredients and infused for another 2 days. The water tincture is then strained and mixed with alcohol tincture first plum. The sludge is no longer used.
The resulting tincture-balm can be consumed in pure form as food additive 1 teaspoon per glass of warm water or tea 2-3 times a day. When adding balm to vodka, 1 teaspoon per 100 ml, not only significantly increase its taste qualities. With moderate consumption of such a drink (no more than 150-200 ml per day), people suffering from alcohol dependence gradually develop an indifferent attitude towards alcohol, and the hangover syndrome disappears. This happens because the liver, under the influence of Tormal balm, begins to heal.
It has long been established that everyone who consumes excessive alcohol has a liver disease. The disease develops gradually. Once used to alcohol, the liver eventually loses its ability to function normally without the alcohol stimulant. As a result, some parts of the brain are also affected, "tuning in time" with the work of the liver. Thus, the liver becomes a provocateur of alcohol consumption and pushes the human mind to the need to satisfy its needs. That is why the treatment of alcohol dependence must begin with the root cause - with the treatment of the liver.
Often chronic alcoholics do not want to recognize themselves as such and cannot deny themselves the consumption of alcohol. They do it not for pleasure, but out of physiological necessity. They drink, as a rule, in small portions several times a day and for several days in a row. In these cases, given the inability of the patient to heed the good advice of relatives and friends, one should agree with his behavior. Let him continue to drink, but to enhance the taste of vodka, he adds Tormal balm to it, 5 teaspoons per half liter. The healing effect of this balm will be many times greater than the destructive effect of vodka, with which the balm is used. After a few days of hard drinking, the chronic alcoholic himself begins to reduce the consumption of vodka with Tormal, replacing it with tea, but also with Tormal. After 3-6 weeks, the liver significantly improves and stops provoking consciousness to drink.
By the way, the consumption of Tormal with tea is also useful for people suffering from diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines and disorders of the nervous system.
. To quickly remove the hangover syndrome and increase the effectiveness of the Tormal balm, I recommend using the Borkal inhaler-simulator (information about it was in the HLS Bulletin No. 7 for 2003). For this purpose, 1 teaspoon of Tormal balm is poured into the water in the inhaler jar, the lid is closed, and breathing through the device begins. With the very first breath, together with the aerohydrosol formed in the jar, the vapors of the healing balm enter the lungs, from where they are carried by the blood throughout the body. After 5 minutes of breathing, a person with a hangover syndrome noticeably reduces headaches, and after 10-15 minutes, the urge to drink provoked by the liver disappears. The same mixture in the inhaler can be breathed several more times during the day with benefits for the liver.
In addition, with the help of the Borkal inhaler, a number of other diseases can be more successfully cured, while using water-soluble drugs prescribed by a doctor. The consumption of drugs in this variant of consumption is reduced several times compared to their consumption through the stomach, and the healing process is significantly accelerated.
For the treatment of acute diseases of the upper part respiratory system, you can use the commercially available "mixture for inhalation" - 3-4 drops in water in an inhaler jar for a breathing session (10-15 minutes). For the treatment of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, you can use "Zelenin drops" - also 3-4 drops for 1-2 sessions.

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Composition of ingredients for bitter tincture "tormal"

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The invention can be used in the alcoholic beverage industry. The composition of ingredients for the bitter tincture "Tormal" contains the following ingredients, kg per 1000 dal: Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5-6 St. John's wort (flowers and leaves - 5.5-6.5) 4.5 Common juniper (cone-berry) - 5.5-6.5 Peppermint (leaves) - 5.5-6.5 Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 5.5-6.5 Common yarrow ( tops of stems) - 5-6 Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 5.5-6.5 Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4.5-5.5
EFFECT: invention provides the development of a tincture with a clearer effective focus on improving the liver and reducing the body's alcohol dependence while strengthening the nervous system and general human health. 1 tab.

The alleged invention relates to the food industry, namely to the distillery industry. Known composition of ingredients for the balm "Siberia" (Recipes for alcoholic beverages. Ed. Light and food industry. M. 1981, p. 253.), including angelica, St. oregano, eleutherococcus, apples, chokeberry, etc. - 26 ingredients in total. The disadvantages of this composition are:
- excessive (4-10 times) oversaturation of the balm with individual components with a high content of biologically active substances (pine buds, black chokeberry, bird cherry, pine nuts - 20-50 kg each), in combination with which a number of other components presented in very small doses (angelica, wormwood, yarrow), cannot noticeably show their very useful taste and healing properties;
- insufficient balance of ingredients in terms of their pharmacological properties, some of which have an opposite effect on some systems of the human body (Rhodiola rosea and chokeberry). Closest to the proposed one is the composition of ingredients for the bitter tincture "Strizhament" (AS USSR N 815030 class C 12 G 3/06 1979), containing angelica, St. sweet clover, oregano, common hyssop, oak chips, apples, cognac, color, water-alcohol liquid. This composition has a fairly high taste and aromatic qualities and some healing properties that gently affect the main body systems. The technical result of the invention is the development of a composition of ingredients for bitters, which has a clearer effective focus on improving the liver and reducing alcohol dependence of the body while strengthening the nervous system and general human health. This technical result is achieved by the fact that the composition of the ingredients of the tincture is taken in the following ratios of ingredients, kg/1000 gave:
Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5-6
St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 5.5-6.5
Leuzea safflower-like (roots) - 3.5-4.5
Common juniper (cone-berry) - 5.5-6.5
Peppermint (leaves) - 5.5-6.5
Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 5.5-6.5
Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5-6
Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 5.5-6.5
Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4.5-5.5
Water-alcohol liquid - Rest
The components of the tincture include plant materials that were used in the practice of traditional medicine to cure alcoholism and related neuropsychic and physical disorders. In particular, water infusions in the form of tea from a mixture of thyme and wormwood in folk medicine are used to prevent and reduce craving for alcohol. In addition, the essential oils contained in this mixture, bitter resinous and tannins, carotene and organic acids have a healing effect on the respiratory and digestive systems, and reduce headaches. Angelica officinalis in medical practice is used for hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, alcoholism, gout, rheumatism. The essential oil contained in it, tannins and bitter substances, wax and organic acids increase the secretion of bile and other digestive juices, tone up the cardiovascular and central nervous systems of the human body. Leuzea safflower-like, containing inulin, essential oil, resins, vitamins A and C, is used in medical practice for fatigue, drowsiness, to raise the tone in case of loss of strength due to alcoholism. St. John's wort and yarrow, containing carotene, alkaloids, phytoncides, flavanoids, tannins and dyes, have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. In folk medicine, they are used to treat the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, for headaches, and metabolic disorders. Mint, blackcurrant leaf and juniper contain a wide range of biologically active substances that together activate the digestive and excretory systems of the body, stimulate cardiac activity, increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, reduce nervous excitations, including those arising under the influence of alcohol. In the proposed combination of known ingredients for tinctures in the indicated ratios, there is a significant increase in some of the properties inherent in individual ingredients. At the same time, the healing effect on the liver and counteracting the craving for alcohol acquired the most significant increase. A new unexpected effect of this composition of ingredients was the transformation of a strong alcoholic drink into an anti-alcohol one, inhibiting the development of alcohol dependence. With moderate consumption of bitter tincture "Tormal" in a person, after the usual intoxicating effect on the body, there is a slower, but invariably progressive recovery of the liver and other organs that have been under the harmful influence of alcohol. As the liver heals, an indifferent attitude to alcohol is formed, the consumption of which becomes reasonably dosed. Along with this, the nervous system is strengthened, the body's immunity is increased. Bitter tincture "Tormal" has high taste and aromatic qualities. Prepare the tincture as follows. By double infusion of vegetable raw materials on a water-alcohol liquid, an extract-concentrate of the tincture is obtained, which is then diluted with a water-alcohol liquid to bring the strength of the finished drink to 45%. An example of the preparation of infusions of vegetable raw materials with an average consumption of ingredients kg/1000 gave. (see table). Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5.5
St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 6
Leuzea safflower (roots) - 4
Common juniper (cone-berry) - 6
Peppermint (leaves) - 6
Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 6
Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5.5
Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 6
Blackcurrant (leaves) - 5
Total: 50 kg
For the first infusion, the dosed and crushed raw materials are loaded into extractor containers and poured with a water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 70% in the amount of 500 liters (ratio 1:10) and infused for 10 days. The output of the infusion from the first drain is 390 liters (i.e. 78% of the bay) with a strength of 69%. For the second bay, 390 liters of water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 50% are used, insist 10 days. The output of the infusion from the second drain is 390 liters (i.e. 100% of the bay) with a strength of 54.4%. The mixture of infusions of the first and second plums is 780 liters of concentrated extract of the tincture with a strength of 61.6%. To obtain a ready-to-drink drink - Tormal bitters with a strength of 45%, 9220 liters of a water-alcohol liquid with a strength of 43.7% are added to the blend tank.


Composition of ingredients for bitter tincture containing digil officinalis, St. John's wort, peppermint, wormwood, common yarrow and water-alcohol liquid, characterized in that it additionally contains safflower-like leuzea, thyme, common juniper, black currant leaf in the following ratio of ingredients, kg/1000 gave:
Angelica officinalis (roots) - 5 - 6
St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) - 5.5 - 6.5
Leuzea safflower-like (roots) - 3.5 - 4.5
Common juniper (cone-berry) - 5.5 - 6.5
Peppermint (leaves) - 5.5 - 6.5
Wormwood (leaves and tops of stems) - 5.5 - 6.5
Yarrow (tops of stems) - 5 - 6
Thyme (leaves and flowers) - 5.5 - 6.5
Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4.5 - 5.5
Water-alcohol liquid - Rest
