0.12 seconds to fall in love scientific fact. It only takes a fifth of a second to fall in love. A kiss helps to make a choice

In order for a person to fall in love, just a fifth of a second is enough. Such a discovery, RIA Novosti reports, was made by scientists from the University of Syracuse in New York. At the same time, the effect of love is similar to the effect of cocaine, writes the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.

The first wave of love activates 12 different areas of the brain, releasing compounds such as oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline, and vasopressin into the bloodstream. Interestingly, the production of these same hormones and neurotransmitters is also stimulated by the use of cocaine.

"Love has a scientific justification. However, it still remains unclear whether we love with the heart or with the head? I would say that to a greater extent still with the head, but the heart is also involved," says Professor Stephanie Ortigo, one from the authors of the study. “Love is a complex phenomenon, and it is, in particular, due to processes occurring between the brain and the heart in both directions: both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. For example, activation of processes in some parts of the brain can produce cardiac stimulation and love yearning. Thus, those symptoms that we consider manifestations of the activity of our heart can sometimes originate in our brain," she explained.

Incidentally, the study also showed that different types love affect different areas of the brain. So, for example, the midbrain is "responsible" for the love between mother and child. But passionate love is associated with areas of the brain responsible for cognitive (cognitive) functions of a higher order, such as recognition of the image of the human body.

The scientific basis is brought under love and the discovery made by other researchers: it turns out that in the blood of lovers there is an increased content of a protein known as "nerve growth factor" and which plays an important role in maintaining the vital activity of neurons. This protein, found in the human body, has previously been known to play an important role in communicating with other people.

The discoveries are of great importance for the study of the human brain and psychiatry, because unfolded love relationship often lead to strong feelings and depression. "If we understand how people fall in love and why unhappy love causes them so much pain, we will find new ways to treat mental disorders," Ortigo said. By finding areas of the brain that have been directly affected by love, doctors can better understand the experiences of patients suffering from failed love lives.

Working with Ortigo's team was a group of scientists from West Virginia University and a university hospital in Switzerland.

Films are made about love at first sight, novels and poems are written. The Master and Margarita, Vronsky and Anna Karenina, Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. However, in real life love at first sight does not exist.

Of course, someone can like at first sight, but this is only an attraction, not. Only writers and poets can call that feeling when at the first meeting with a person you feel how your heart will jump out of your chest and goosebumps run down your skin, and your face turns red, call it love.

At first glance, an attractive outwardly person can be very liked, but it takes time to truly love him. Within a few minutes, after talking with him, you can understand that his moral principles, character and inner world is not at all what it seemed to you before. Only when interest in a person you like at first sight does not fade away after communication, you can talk about love.

Experts from the University of Applied Psychology in the United Kingdom decided to find out how long it takes a woman to fall in love. As a result of their research, scientists have found that the fair sex does not fall in love at first sight, but at least from the sixth. According to their calculations, it takes women 45 seconds for specific biochemical processes to start in the body that are responsible for the process of falling in love. This time is sufficient for female body pheromones reacted, and the subconscious mind determined how pleasant the man was in appearance and smell.

However, scientists have warned not to confuse the feeling of falling in love with the manifestation of love. 45 seconds is clearly not enough to truly love a person. True love must mature gradually in order to begin to experience it, according to scientists, a woman needs to meet a man at least 6 times.

Many girls believe the words of a man who claims to have loved her at first sight. This is extremely erroneous. Do not believe such confessions and do not rush to immediately go to bed with him if you are striving for a serious relationship, and not looking for easy flirting or just a person who would be nearby. In order for a man to truly love, he needs to look closely and understand for a long time that he is interested and comfortable with you.

At the sight of an attractive girl in men, the male hormone, testosterone, is released, which causes a strong sexual desire. His men are confused with sudden surging love, but this is only a physiological need, not love. Someone understands this and is in no hurry to confess to a girl they like at first sight in love, but there are also those who specifically say: “I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you” in order to cloud the gullible mind of a woman and drag her into bed faster.

Of course, if half a century ago, talking about sex was considered indecent among young people, but now young people are not burdened with such prejudices. They have access to a lot of information about sex - from magazines to porn sites on the Internet. Therefore, today girls and boys begin to live a sexual life early enough and they do not consider sex without love to be debauchery.

Modern youth believes in the existence of love at first sight, as they seek to quickly plunge into the river of sexual experience. Young people do not understand parents who claim that the first sexual experience should be the result of a long and serious relationship.

In practice, this is rarely the case for today's youth. Moreover, boys are more often pushed to have sex by peers who like to brag about the number of sexual relationships with girls. Even if a young man does not want to have sexual intercourse with an unloved girl, in order not to drop himself in the eyes of his comrades, he has to go for it. Girls can also be pressured by a guy they like who tells her that he fell in love with her at first sight.

In some companies, young people often change sexual partners, believing that they are able to fall in love at first sight. Adults do not understand their attitude to love and sex, for them love at first sight does not exist, since their relationship began with friendship, and they confessed their love only a month after they met, or even a year.

We are sure that true love should not be confused with short-term passion that flares up when you see a person for the first time. Such "love" passes as quickly as it broke out. And true love does not weaken throughout life, and only it can make a person happy.

I don’t want to end the article on such a sad note, and therefore we wish everyone who dreams of love at first sight to meet a loved one and live happily ever after with him. Despite the fact that love at first sight is just a beautiful fairy tale, the initial sexual attraction can really become a guide on the way to a real and lasting feeling.

It is a great success in life to find a person who is pleasant to look at, interesting to listen to, sincerely laugh and look forward to meeting.

Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brains have, no doubt, very sensitive nerve cells, which allow us to feel the truth, even when it is not yet available to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.

Nikola Tesla

Morning hour - business, love - evening,

thoughts - autumn, cheerfulness - winter ...

The whole world is made of limitations,

not to go crazy with happiness.

Bulat Okudzhava

On April 14, Mercury will enter 15 Taurus, where the loop begins. A month later, after returning here, he will turn into direct traffic on May 22 at 16:19. Turns retrograde at 24 Taurus on April 28 at 8:20 pm and exits the loop on June 8. The lower conjunction with the Sun will be at 20 Taurus on May 9 at 18:12 Moscow time.

In the first phase (direct) from April 14 to April 28, the planet is just laying the event, it is just beginning.

In the second (retrophase) from April 28 to May 22, the event is in full swing, everything becomes clear. There is a repetition and consolidation of the results obtained earlier. The culmination of the event.

The character of a person can be judged by how he behaves with those who cannot be of any help to him, as well as with those who cannot give him back.

Abigail Van Beuren

Your happiness ... must be held tight. And people ... rarely show it ...

Nowadays, people can come up with a whole speech to justify themselves. But they cannot say a simple phrase: "I'm sorry, I was wrong"

We can lean on. On your intuition, on the ability to prioritize and understand for yourself what is important and what is secondary. There is a risk of neglecting the details. What cannot be felt may seem ephemeral. We may be too lazy to agree to do something together. It is easier to work alone, but without approval and praise, we feel uncomfortable. Therefore, we try to inform loved ones about our plans so that our activities do not become for them unpleasant surprise and they treated her with respect. Our word has power, but we can speak and act under the influence of different emotions, our opinion can be biased. And at our behest, something can be done that will later be regretted. We think, and then we ask.

We may collide.

We know what we want and we strive for it. But we are accustomed to what we have, and we do not really want to lose the good that the current situation gives. We are somewhat viscous and relaxed. Spinning in my head different ideas, but we are lazy to move a finger for their implementation. It may seem that it is easier to find a performer and hang all the responsibility on him in case of failure, and take laurels for yourself if you are lucky. Such a strategy is unlikely to succeed. There are no good fish in troubled waters. It is better to negotiate, clearly dividing the area of ​​responsibility of each, than to prove your rights later.

We will study. Be honest with yourself and others. Admit to yourself that it is time to make changes, and start moving in an uncomfortable, unusual, but necessary direction. With small steps we do what is planned, we purposefully move towards the desired, pre-thinking over each step. We are moving away from proving our superiority, from categorical judgments. We try to be objective.

1st phase of the Mercury loop. We know what we want. We are bright and emotional. We like to be the center of attention. But we notice little, we care little about how the people around us feel. We try to be respectful and polite to the people around us, to give them love and care. We work with our complexes, and we are not looking for extreme ones in order to throw off all the mistakes on them.

You need to live for the sake of those who need you constantly, not temporarily. But don't forget yourself...

It is worth knowing how to live so that even the storms of life dance to the music of our soul.

Juliana Wilson

We fight too often.

Maybe we're just incompatible?

And what will we do?


You can contact me: mail [email protected] Phone +79030926142

We all know that in order to fall in love and “fall in love with yourself”, you need some kind of mutual “intimate space”, a zone of emotions and experiences.

If we establish such an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust with another person, a strong, magical and very special emotion can very quickly appear, turning into.

We know that mutual attraction between two people defies logic and reason.

But still many researchers trying to understand how this "chemistry" works, human "impulses", words and actions that lead to the fact that we can fall in love, pair up, and there is this strong feeling that can last for months or - why not? - all life.

In 1996, social psychologist Arthur Aron of the Department of Interpersonal Relations at Stony Brook University in New York conducted an interesting experiment.

He was supposed to show how various "variables" operate in establishing a close relationship between two strangers, And How through a series of questions, you can create an atmosphere of closeness and understanding between them.

The purpose of Aron's experiment was not to create conditions for these two people to fall in love with each other. His work was purely academic and was a laboratory experiment.

But in January of that year, The New York Times published an article by researcher Mandy Len Catron, who developed this topic.

She discovered that during the exchange of questions(and answers) that Professor Aron used in his experiment are quite it could be fall in love and fall in love with yourself.

She understood this and decided to develop the theme. We are sure that you will also be interested to get acquainted with these questions and learn how they work.

How to fall in love: 36 questions to create an atmosphere of intimacy

First, let's clarify some aspects.

Questions you will read touch on very intimate and personal topics. It is quite possible that even already established couples have not asked and do not ask each other such questions.

These 36 questions are divided into three blocks.

Starting such an experiment with a stranger, you must, first of all, remain calm and observe the reaction of the interlocutor.

If he shows awkwardness and embarrassment, it's best to stop asking, but if you feel understanding and interested on his part, and the environment is conducive to conversation, then continue.

If you already have a partner, you will also be interested in doing this experiment with him. The experiment takes over an hour, but the time will be well spent.

This is far from a game, every question "explores, deepens and illuminates": Old fears, needs, and virtues resurface, usually muffled "voices" become audible.

We invite you to ask these 36 questions, even if right now you don’t have the “need” to fall in love or fall in love.

With the help of questions, you can create an atmosphere of openness, equality with your interlocutor, and this will encourage you to reflect, to knowledge and understanding.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Choose a quiet place.
  • You need to ask questions loudly enough, in turn. Each interlocutor must answer every question.
  • Both interlocutors must constantly maintain eye contact.
  • The questions are divided into three series. Rest a little after each episode and decide whether to continue.

Shall we start?

First series of questions

  • If you could choose any person in the world Who would you like to have dinner with?
  • Would you like to be famous? In what sense?
  • Before you call someone, you "rehearsing" in your mind the upcoming conversation? Why?
  • What does "a wonderful day" mean to you?
  • When was the last time you sang "for yourself"? And for someone else?
  • If you could... What would you prefer? Have the mind or body of a thirty year old?
  • Do you have a premonition of how you will die?
  • Name three things you wish you and your partner had in common.
  • For what in your life are you most grateful to fate?
  • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  • Tell the story of your life in four minutes.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow and acquire some new quality or ability, what would you choose?

Second series of questions

  • If some magical crystal ball could tell you the whole truth about yourself, about your life, about your future, or anything else, what would you like to know?
  • Is there anything you've wanted to do for a long time? Why didn't you do it?
  • What is your biggest achievement in life?
  • What do you value most in friendship?
  • What is your most treasured memory?
  • What is your worst memory?
  • If you knew you were going to die within a year, what would you change about your life? Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What role do love and sadness play in your life?
  • What are 5 things you want to find in a partner?
  • At your place a good relationship with family members? Do you think that your childhood was happier than most people?
  • What is your relationship with your mother?

Third series of questions

  • Formulate three true expressions with the word "we". For example: “We are now asking each other questions, now we are calm ...”
  • Complete the following sentence: “I wish there was someone to share with…”
  • Tell your interlocutor what you like about him or her.
  • Tell me about a moment in your life that you are ashamed of.
  • When was the last time you cried in front of other people? And alone with yourself?
  • Tell me what you like about the friends you have now.
  • What thing (if any) is too serious to joke about?
  • If you had to die today, and you would no longer be able to talk to anyone, what would you most regret about not saying (to someone)? Why haven't you said it yet?
  • Let's say your house is on fire. You saved the people and pets that were there. And you have time left for the last entry into the house to save some item. What will it be? Why?
  • Whose death (in your family) would you most regret? Why?
  • Share with your interlocutor a personal problem and ask him how he would cope with this situation.

Such studies of human relationships and emotions are always interesting. However, it must be kept in mind that not always thirty-six questions are enough to fall in love or fall in love with yourself.

Love doesn't always "understand" reasons or explanations. Sometimes one glance is enough, and sometimes we can't understand for years that we love someone. But without a doubt, love is an adventure worth experiencing.

Scientists have found that the first wave of love activates 12 different areas of the brain, while compounds such as oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline and vasopressin are released into the bloodstream. The researchers also note that the production of these same hormones and neurotransmitters is also stimulated by cocaine use.

"Love has a scientific justification. However, it still remains unclear whether we love with the heart or with the head? I would say that to a greater extent still with the head, but the heart is also involved," says Professor Stephanie Ortigo, one from the authors of the study.

The study also showed that different types of love affect different areas of the brain. So, for example, the midbrain is responsible for the love between mother and child. But passionate love is associated with areas of the brain responsible for cognitive functions.

Recall, earlier a group of American scientists from the Stanford University Medical Center, that the passionate and all-consuming feeling of love that occurs in the first months of a romantic relationship reduces sensitivity to pain like opioid analgesics and narcotic substances.
