Ege Russian language task 5 training exercises. Valid - Valid - Valid

Task 5 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2018.


Paronyms- these are words that are partially similar in spelling and pronunciation, but different or partially similar in meaning.

The wording of task 5 in USE demos in Russian 2018 sounds like this:

"In one of the following sentences, the highlighted word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Smartphones are currently in development and may be subject to change.

The pain turned out to be UNTOLERABLE, and a doctor approached the athlete right on the football field.

INFORMATION portal of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is very popular among high school students.

They stood silently at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, looking at the flame of ETERNAL fire rushing about in the wind.

The WARRANTY card must contain the date of sale, the name of the product, its serial number.



1) Read the task carefully. It is always necessary to find a mistake in using a paronym.
2) For each paronym, you need to remember its pair (or several paronyms).
3) Remember! The paronym shows its meaning in full only in the context. The differences can be looked up in a dictionary. Remember better in context. For example: subscription to the theater - the subscriber is not available. Based on such examples, you will be able to understand whether the paronym is used correctly in the proposed fragment.
4) Suffixes and prefixes are responsible for the difference in meanings in paronyms. Remember what types of paronyms exist: root, suffix, prefix. This often helps when you can't remember the exact paronym. You can try to change the prefix or suffix in the word, then you will get the desired paronym.
5) Suffix paronyms are easy to remember if you know which specific suffixes alternate, you can see this in the information below.
6) Write down the answer, you must not only find the error, but also FIX - this means writing the correct answer yourself.


All paronyms can be conditionally divided into:

1) Root

2) Platformers

3) Suffixes

4) Mixed


Subscription - subscriber

Dictation - dictation

diplomat - diplomat

Ignorant - ignorant

Former - former

instigator - instigator

cruel - hard

Selective - qualifying

kind - kind

vocabulary - verbal

Housing - residential


(in, vz, you, from, from, for, on, to, from, times, o, y, about, re, pre, pre, pre)

Inhale - sigh

choosing - choosing

Issuance - return - transfer - distribution

payout - pay - pay - pay

pay - pay - pay - pay - pay

grow - grow - grow

Growing - building - growing

to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off

lower - lower - lower

pay - pay

Fill - fill - fill

Filled - filled - full

put on - put on

Reminder - mention

snippet - snippet

embrace - embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Deflection - evasion

evade - evade

Distinguish (s) - distinguish (s)

Difference - difference

endure - endure

Submit - Submit

(look at the letter combinations)

Poor - distressed
Irresponsible irresponsible
grateful - grateful
Great - majestic
Single - the only one
Artful - artificial

Artistic - Artistic
Harmonic - harmonious
Democratic - Democratic
Diplomatic - diplomatic
dramatic - dramatic
ironic - ironic
microscopic - microscopic
Organic - organic
practical - practical
journalistic - journalistic
romantic - romantic
stage - stage
Technical - technical
actual - actual
predatory - predatory
Economic - economical - economical
Aesthetic - aesthetic
Ethical - ethical

hostile - hostile
bestial - brutal
vital - worldly
Visual - spectator
inventive - inventive
Popular - populist
Enlightened - Enlightenment Rhythmic - Rhythmic
Neighbor - neighbor
equestrian - equine

swampy - swampy
Clay - clay
Stony - stone
wooded - wooded

App. on TEL
charitable - benevolent
Comparative - comparable
humiliating - humiliated
desired - desired
long - long
accusatory - accused
representative - representative
Recognized - Recognized

High - high-rise
Hidden - secretive

Age-old - eternal
sound - sonorous

Guaranteed - guaranteed
Lacquered - lacquered

personal - personal
Holistic - whole (whole)

Material on -YAN
bone - bone
Ice - ice

Nouns in -OST
Benefit - Profitability
Availability - cash
pride - pride
Humanism - humanity
Irritability - irritability
Efficiency - showiness
resistance - resistance

CHIV, LIV, TIV(adjectives)
rainy - rainy
trusting - trusting
unlucky - unsuccessful
memorable - memorable
Lucky - Lucky
Productive - grocery
Effective - effective
timid - scared

Mixed paronyms (alternation of different suffixes), 3 or more paronyms

fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up
annual - annual - annual
humanistic - humanitarian - humane
businesslike - businesslike - businesslike - businesslike
valid - valid - valid
Binary - double - dual - double - double - doubled
friendly - friendly - friendly
Informative - informational - information - awareness
Outgoing - Outgoing
colorful - dyed - coloring
Chunky - Root - Root
Comfortable - comfortable
impatient - intolerant - intolerant
Ice cream - freezer - frosty
Buying - buying - buying
Productive - production - performance
venerable - respectful - honorable
royal - regal - reigning

Task 5 teaches you to distinguish between words that are similar in meaning and spelling. These are paronyms. The meanings of paronyms become clear in the context - phrases and sentences. Remember them that way. And we'll give you some tips.

Task 5 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

Task Formulation:

In one of the sentences below WRONG highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the highlighted word.

Joy seized the traveler's soul.

She suffered unbearable grief.

He was considered a closed and hidden person.

This incident turned out to be isolated.

As you can see, it is necessary not only to find an error, but to choose the right paronym word.

Paronyms are one-root words that differ by prefixes or suffixes. But with external similarity, they have different lexical meanings and are combined with different words.

Let's complete the task by referring to the dictionary of paronyms:

  1. embrace- hug, conclude between outstretched arms, fingers, paws: grasp the trunk; wrap your fingers around your wrist.
  2. Reach- 1) perceive something big in its entirety: take in the look; 2) include, introduce something into the circle: take care of; 3) put within your limits: flames engulfed the house.

  3. Intolerable- hardly tolerable, very strong in the degree of manifestation: unbearable heat.
  4. Impatient- feeling or expressing impatience: impatient child.

    Intolerant- 1) one that cannot be tolerated, unacceptable: bigotry; 2) one who is intolerant: man is limited and intolerant.

  5. Secretive- hiding his feelings, thoughts, intentions, not revealing himself or hidden: secretive person, secretive life.
  6. Hidden- hidden, secret, outwardly imperceptible or not yet manifested: hidden threat, hidden camera.

  7. Unit- separate, isolated, individual single case.
  8. The only one- only one: the only joy.

You can easily master the dictionary of paronyms for preparing for the exam, especially since you know the meaning of most words. Stop at what seemed difficult. The main thing: remember the entire “bush” of paronyms, and remember the meaning of each paronym through an example (the paronym “lives” precisely in the context).

What should you pay attention to? Suffix H in an adjective suggests that the adjective names a quality, a short form can be formed from it. Another suffix makes the adjective relative, naming the attribute in relation to something.

For example: artistic person - artistic cafe, beneficial influence - charity event, ethical behavior - ethical standards of behavior.

Suffix IST gives the adjective the meaning of "with a lot of something": clay soil, rocky road, bony fish. Compare these adjectives with their "made from" paronyms: clay, stone, bone.

There are paronyms with very narrow compatibility: transient glory (minute, temporary, fast passing), high-rise buildings (multi-storey).

Sometimes each of the paronyms has not one, but several meanings: introduce the employee; 2) submit a report; 3) imagine a picture - 1) provide a vacation; 2) provide a loan; 3) provide an opportunity to justify.

There are paronyms that indicate a different attitude towards the phenomenon they call: the initiator is the founder of something good, positive, and the instigator is the founder of something negative.

Paronyms are the result of established language practice, they are difficult to classify. We are speaking: ice arena, ice blockage, but an ice peak, an ice block. Only practical acquaintance and experience will help here.

Recall the famous couple: put on yourself - put on someone else.

The USE-2017 paronym dictionary can be found on the fipi website

For this task you can get 1 point on the exam in 2020

You can complete only one task 5 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in order to assess your knowledge regarding the compatibility of words in the Russian language - this is the topic of the fifth question of the exam ticket. The task indicates several sentences, which include paronyms - words that are similar or completely the same root, but differ in their meaning. The examinee will have to indicate the variant of the phrase in which such a word (and it will be highlighted in bold or capital letters) is used incorrectly, without meaning. Sometimes the solution of the issue ends here, but in many variations USE tests you will be asked to write the phrase correctly using the new correct word. Examples of paronymic words are the pairs "trustful-confiding", "aesthetic - aesthetic", "initiator - instigator", "ironic - ironic" and others.

In order to answer the test questions correctly, you can try to find their definitions or synonyms for the paronymic words. One problem - for this you must know exactly the meanings of these words. Special dictionaries of paronyms will help you prepare for the successful completion of assignment No. 5 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language - they can be downloaded on the Internet. They indicate the correct spelling of such words, as well as the interpretation of their meanings and examples of their compatibility with other words. These dictionaries are updated periodically, for example, at the moment there is already such a dictionary, specially compiled for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in 2020. It contains almost three hundred paronyms, united in almost 120 groups. Some of these words were not used in USE assignments(FIPI) earlier, some words, on the contrary, are excluded.

Preparation for the exam in the Russian language. Task number 5

Errors associated with the use of paronyms are quite common in speech. Their reasons are explained by the ambiguity of affixes in the Russian language, the different combination of words, as well as the lack of the examinee's skill in determining the lexical meaning of a word in the context.

Paronyms - these are cognates belonging to the same part of speech, similar in sound, but having different lexical meanings:ignorant - ignorant, dress - put on.

Members of paronymic pairs:

    They have different lexical meanings.

    Combine with different words.

To understand the difference in the use of words, you need to try to form their lexical meanings, and then try to determine what the difference between these meanings is.

Quite often, the correct formulation of the lexical meaning of each of the paronyms allows the selection of synonyms for them. The difference in the lexical meaning of these words is clearly manifested in their compatibility with other words.

Doing task number 5, reason according to the model:

    We check the correctness of the use of the highlighted words in each of these sentences.

    Errors in the use of paronymic words are primarily due to the fact that these words have a certain similarity in sound, morphemic structure (they have the same root), grammatical features (these are words of the same part of speech). The root also gives them a common lexical meaning. However, these words different meanings, which must be taken into account when using them in speech.

Lexical norms (use of paronyms)

Option number 1

    What pair of words are synonyms?

    Greek - Greek

    arrogance arrogance

    High Low

    The room was forced to furnish - I was forced to study

    In which row are paronyms used correctly?

    Enter to the top of the mountain - deep processes

    Diplomatic move - trusting tone

    Tolerance for other people's actions is a diplomatic issue

    Climb into the classroom - a thundercloud

    ice need to use the word ice ?

    It is impossible to describe the brightness and beauty of the polar ice sea.

    Lake Ladoga was an ice track that brought life to the people of Leningrad.

    He said those words in an icy voice.

    Changes in ice conditions in the Arctic seas are of great scientific interest.

    In which sentence instead of the word pay need to use the word pay ?

    The institution pays travel expenses.

    Wages were paid late.

    At the end of the year, employees were paid a bonus.

    The writer was paid a fee by the publishing house.

Great The victory of 1945 was largely due to the moral qualities of the Russian people.

The animal sits on a pine tree, withbusinesslike crunchy gnaws the hotel.

Participants of the competition are ordinary schoolchildren who passed in their citiesselected tours and arrived at the final.

Grinin's friend, a Frenchman, claims that these pictures come fromlife-giving force.

Answer: __________________________________

    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

life-giving the mountain air restored her complexion and strength.

The memorial includes the Demidov Museum, a monument, a spaciousmemorable square.

After the thickets of willows beganage-old sycamore forest, behind it - maple.

It is the historian's duty to find out whether the mostlucky the path to the goal was chosen, with what sacrifices it was passed.


    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In the springtime our oldapple the whole garden was covered with dense flowering.

Chaga iswoody a mushroom that grows on a birch trunk.

Colorful the color of these cliffs depending on solar lighting very different.

Together with the quiet evening coolness, it spread in the airlive freshness.

His grandfather was realGreek pirate and somewhere huge treasures.


    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Softwood produces the best pulp and newsprint,woody coal, acetic acid.

Professionalsaving services arose where a person was in particular danger - on the water and in the mountains.

The singer demonstratedrare artistry in the aria of the Countess from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro.

This amazing, majestic , the unique temple is an adornment of our city and all of Russia.

I have kept warmmemories about trips to the zoo with grandma and parents.

Lexical norms (use of paronyms)

Option number 2

    Indicate the incorrectly chosen antonymic pair.

    Tree - flower

    Native - foreign

    early - late

    True False

    In which sentence instead of the word housing need to use the word residential ?

    Layouts, drawings, new projects were exhibited in the hallhousing construction.

    Chinatown is followed by a newhousing part of a European city.

    Mer had to dohousing problems.

    Is ourhousing legislation needs to be amended.

    In which sentence instead of the word eternal need to use the word age-old ?

    The memorial is on fireeternal fire.

    They lived all their lives on the same site, door to door, ineternal insults and quarrels.

    It was their favorite cozy place in the park betweeneternal oaks.

    The concepts of good and evil, love and hate are conceptseternal.

    In which sentence instead of the word whiny need to use the word weeping ?

    Nadiawhiny and shouted to Misha in an angry voice: “Wait!”

    Mom will never see mewhiny the irritable old woman that I saw her.

    Not far from the forest stood sprawling birch trees, bowed almost to the ground.whiny yellow hats.

    Vova is the strongest and strongest and at the same time the mostwhiny of all the guys.

    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Life has passed, leaving memories ofpast joys and happiness.

In the evening you should restshake off the worries of the day.

From smartdiplomat much depends on international affairs.

inevitableindigenous changes in agriculture.

    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In these stories, Mishka gets into funny, ridiculous andcomic situations in which he behaves also funny.

The lion is called the king of beasts not so much formajestic a view, how much for a mighty voice, from which all living things shudder.

Mostsuccessful and interesting rehearsals are always those when each of the participants in the work brings something of their own to them.

It seemed to both of us that visiting Europe was like taking a sipalive air.


    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In the first year of the institute, Danila already worked willingly and withpride made gifts to the family.

Mom is amazingwhole man: for her there are no halftones, only black and white.

Amongage-old the low setting sun was visible from the forest, and rare cannon shots were heard from somewhere.

The problem is solved by manipulation andlogical reasoning.

Any aggressor who penetrates our sacred land is waiting fordeplorable fate.


    One of the following sentences uses the underlined word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

That's what it meanssuccessful a phrase said at the right time in the right place.

Venerable scientists offered a lot of completelylogical explanations of the experimental results.

On the streetwhole the day is drizzling cold autumn rain.

The month has not yet risen, and only two stars, like twosaving lighthouse, sparkled on a dark blue vault.

Close to the hedge stalkedmajestic stallion.






shake off







Evaluation criteria:

8 points - "5"

6-7 points - "4"

4-5 points - "3"

0-3 points - "2"


    Drabkina S.V. Unified state exam. Russian language. A set of materials for the preparation of students. Textbook./ Drabkina S. V., D. I. Subbotin. - 2nd ed., Rev. - Moscow: Intellect - Center, 2017. - 320 p.

    Senina N.A. Russian language. Unified State Examination - 2016. Thematic training. essay models. Grades 10-11: textbook / N..A. Senina, S.V. Garmash / Edited by N.A. Senina. - Rastov n / D: Legion, 2015. - 423 p. - (USE).

    Tutorial. Modular course. Russian language. USE. Workbook. Moscow "Enlightenment", 2016.

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Student ID:________________________________________________________________Date _______________________














The purpose of task number 5 is to test students' knowledge in the use of paronyms - single-root words of the same part of speech that have a similar sound, but different meanings. For the correct performance of this task, the graduate can receive one primary point.

Theory for assignment No. 5 USE in the Russian language

To prepare for this task, it is advisable to use a dictionary of paronyms, which gives examples of their use; for greater effect, you can compose your own sentences using paronyms. For example, consider the pair "ignorant - ignorant". The first word denotes an ill-mannered person, and the second - a poorly educated person.

Let's make suggestions:

  1. That man is rude and generally behaves like an ignoramus.
  2. I consider myself an absolute ignoramus in the field of geometry.

As you can see, the meanings of these words are completely different. If you encounter difficulties in completing the task, which is to find an incorrectly used paronym, you can try to find synonyms for it.

Task execution algorithm

  • We carefully read each proposal.
  • We select synonyms, antonyms for the selected word and conclude whether it is used correctly in the sentence.
  • Write down the word used incorrectly.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 5 USE in the Russian language

The fifth task of the 2018 demo

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Smartphones are currently in development and may be subject to change.
  2. The pain turned out to be UNTOLERABLE, and a doctor approached the athlete right on the football field.
  3. INFORMATION portal of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is very popular among high school students.
  4. They stood silently at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, looking at the flame of ETERNAL fire rushing about in the wind.
  5. The WARRANTY card must contain the date of sale, the name of the product, its serial number.
Execution algorithm:
  • The options for using paronyms in sentences 1, 3, 4 and 5 are not in doubt. undergo change- be subject to change informational portal– portal providing information; Eternal flame- non-extinguishing fire; warranty card- Guaranteed card. The paronym in the second sentence is used incorrectly: the word intolerant derived from the word tolerance - tolerance. The sentence is about pain that cannot be endured. Therefore, you need to use a word derived from the word patience is an unbearable pain.

Answer: intolerable.

The first version of the task

INone of the sentences below has the underlined word incorrectly used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  1. You have chosen not the most SUCCESSFUL time to buy real estate: the prices are very high now.
  2. Journalists who have worked in hot spots repeatedly were presented with state awards.
  3. HIGH-RISE buildings built in last years forever changed the skyline of the city.
  4. He is a bright, ARTISTIC person.
  5. Tension, aggression, the presence of conflicts in the family have a negative impact on children.
Execution algorithm:
  • We read each proposal carefully.
  • Successful- suitable, best - the word is used correctly; submitted for awards - the word is used correctly - you can pick up other phrases with this word: presented to the order, presented to the title, etc .; high-rise buildings - you can choose synonymous combinations - high-rise buildings, high-rise works; an artistic person is an artistic child, an artistic character. The paronym in sentence number 5 is erroneous. The combination “the presence of conflicts” is used here, however, cash is the amount of something that is available (often they say this about money). The phrase can be recast as "the presence of conflicts"; a synonym for the word presence - presence.

Answer: presence

The second version of the task

  1. In the IV century BC, the Greeks began to build the MAJESTIC temple of Artemis, surpassing all other sanctuaries in beauty.
  2. Some of the wording in the draft law allows for a BINARY interpretation.
  3. Most ACTIVE way struggle for cleanliness - regular cleaning.
  4. In public, Goryunov was invariably BUSINESS and collected.
  5. You are unfair: our area is not at all swampy.
Execution algorithm:
  • We read each proposal carefully.
  • Upon careful reading of the sentences, it becomes obvious that the mistake was made in the second sentence. The word "binary" is used in relation to the number system, and the interpretation can be "dual" or "double", that is, ambiguous. Often students are confused by the word "businesslike", but it is used absolutely correctly: manners, appearance, person can be businesslike. His paronym "business" means "related to business": business letter, business meeting, business dress code.

Answer: dual

The third version of the task

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  1. We have a very FRIENDLY class.
  2. The boy was OUTSTANDING.
  3. Light and IRONIC, he was everyone's favorite.
  4. The structures were specially designed for the construction of residential buildings in the permafrost zone.
  5. Highlight the ROOT morphemes in the words.
Execution algorithm:
  • We read each proposal carefully.
  • Many may find it difficult to find a mistake here the first time. Sentences 1, 2 and 4 should not be in doubt - they are correct. The correct paronym is also used in sentence 3: a person can only be ironic, not ironic. An attitude, a look, a smile, a remark can be ironic. The dictionaries give a very close definition of these words, so it's best to just memorize their combinations. The sentence number 5 is erroneous. The word “indigenous” means “original, important, deep”: a fundamental issue, an indigenous population, an indigenous turn. But "root" - "relating to the root" - the root system, the root morpheme.