Breastfeeding with a cold: benefit or harm. Breastfeeding: advice to a nursing mother Is it possible to breastfeed

The benefits of blackcurrant have been proven for a long time. It is a source of many vitamins and other useful substances needed to maintain human health. And, if under normal conditions, a person can eat currants without hesitation, then a young breastfeeding mother wants to know for sure whether the introduction of currant fruits into the diet will harm her baby.

You can diversify the simple diet of a nursing woman with berries, which have a positive effect on health and have many useful substances. Not all are suitable for use during lactation. You should pay attention to the chokeberry (chokeberry).

There are no spices and seasonings in the menu of a nursing woman. They irritate the digestive system, change the taste of breast milk, and can cause allergies in a baby. Only for cinnamon an exception is made.

The monotonous menu during breastfeeding can be changed by adding lamb to it. If done correctly, it will benefit both mother and child.

The nutrition of a nursing mother should be rational, balanced, healthy. The menu can include dairy products that meet all stringent requirements. Not all women know how to relate to the Snezhok fermented milk drink, whether it is useful for breastfeeding.

During breastfeeding, a woman should be especially attentive to her condition. Any indisposition of the mother, as well as the medicine taken by her, will affect the well-being of the baby.

In some cases, a nursing mother may need an examination. by the most modern method diagnosis is an MRI. Compatibility of tomography and breastfeeding is an important issue for lactating women. Proper use of this diagnostic method will help to avoid many health problems.

Breast-feeding very important for a newborn baby and his mother. Unexpected health problems in a breastfeeding woman can suddenly interrupt this required process. Effective and safe methods of treatment are needed, one of which is warming up the legs with a cold. Full information about this method allows you to use it for health benefits.

Pear is a juicy and fragrant fruit, known for its beneficial properties since ancient times. It is no coincidence that she is often called the queen of fruits. A rich vitamin and mineral composition, hypoallergenicity, high nutritional value, low calorie content, good digestibility are important characteristics due to which pears are allowed to be consumed by a woman while breastfeeding.

The foundation of the health of any person is laid from the first seconds of his life. All mothers, without exception, understand that breastfeeding is necessary for the full development of the newborn, but not everyone has the experience of long-term breastfeeding. In the section you will find a large number of articles that answer the main questions that mothers have regarding this important process.

Doctors recommend starting planning for the next child not earlier than 1.5 - 2 years after birth. By this time, the woman is fully restored, both physically and mentally, but in reality it is often different. Conceiving a child can come as a surprise. During lactation reproductive function the female body is reduced, which lulls the vigilance of the couple.

When breastfeeding, few people think about protection. from unwanted pregnancy. Some women purposefully get pregnant a few months after giving birth. This is due to the desire to grow weather. This approach saves time and money. It is also believed that between the weather the same close relationship as between twins or twins.

Theoretically, a woman can continue to breastfeed her baby during pregnancy. But there are many pitfalls that she must take into account during this period. The negative aspects of lactation during pregnancy include:

  • a lack of nutrients for two kids;
  • increased chance of miscarriage due to the production of oxytocin during feeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases due to a large load on the body;
  • increased symptoms of toxicosis.

If the pregnancy is problem-free, then the ban on lactation is not imposed. The decision to wean a child from the breast is made by the woman herself. Sometimes he stops breastfeeding due to a change palatability milk. This is due to hormonal changes.

Another reason for the cessation of lactation is the increased sensitivity of the woman's nipples. Influenced growth hormones the number of cracks increases, the skin becomes more vulnerable.

IMPORTANT! The notion that breastfeeding causes contractions is wrong. This happens only in the case of regular and prolonged stimulation of the breast with a breast pump.

Until what time?

Doctors advise to stop breastfeeding until the 20th week of the position. The exception is cases in which no problems with the course of pregnancy are observed. Child over 1 year old wean much easier. The introduction of complementary foods is carried out gradually, in accordance with established norms.

If the child is under 6 months old, stop lactation is undesirable. At this age, he needs the nutrients that are part of breast milk. Their entry into the body provides strengthening immunity.

The decision to stop breastfeeding takes into account the state of health of the woman. It is more difficult for a fragile body to endure the symptoms of pregnancy. Some women are forced by circumstances keep bed rest in the first trimester. Implementation of lactation in such a situation can be problematic.

ADVICE! During breastfeeding, a pregnant woman should take care of the usefulness of her diet. It must contain the necessary vitamins and minerals.


There are factors that force you to stop breastfeeding during pregnancy. These include:

  • excessive sensitivity of the nipples;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • significant weight loss;
  • termination of pregnancy in the past;
  • pain in the small pelvis.

Lactation during the period of bearing a baby is very difficult to endure emotionally. Hormones do not have time to fully return to normal. There is a sharp jump in progesterone. It is characterized by changes in a woman's mood. Your doctor may decide to stop breastfeeding for prevention of depressive disorders.

PECULIARITIES! With a small age difference between children, the option of joint feeding is possible. If there is concern, breastfeeding of the older child is stopped before the start of the second trimester.

Cessation of lactation implies the observance of simple rules. With their help, the end of breastfeeding will be less painful for the baby. The duration of feeding is gradually reduced. Their frequency also decreases. IN child's diet cereals, fruits and vegetables are gradually introduced.

Plentiful warm drink increases quantity of milk. To stop lactation, it should be abandoned. The principle is changing expressing milk. It is carried out not until the chest becomes empty, but until it is relieved.

How does pregnancy affect milk quality?

Science has proven that with the advent of pregnancy, the quality, taste and amount of breast milk are changing. Such changes can lead to the refusal of the child from the breast. In rare cases, milk is changed to colostrum.

Its quantity becomes too small to fully provide for the child nutrients. After childbirth, the level of milk increases, and its taste becomes the same.

Whatever decision a young mother makes, she should consult a doctor. He will voice all possible risks and dispel stereotypes. By maintaining lactation, a woman provides her child with good health and protection from external influences.

After the baby is born, a young mother has a lot of pleasant worries associated with caring for a new family member.

At the same time, a woman should not forget about herself, she should carefully monitor her health and the slightest change that happen to her.

One of the frequent alarming symptoms that disturb the nurse is an elevated body temperature. In what cases it is necessary to start sounding the alarm, and when to continue the usual feeding - more on this later in the article.

What thermometer readings in a lactating woman are considered normal?

The body of each person is individual, but still it is considered to be the norm of readings in the range of 36.5-36.9 ° С.

In a nursing mother, the temperature may be slightly elevated and this may be due to the physiology of a woman during feeding. Normally, the temperature during feeding can be 37.6 ° C.

Causes of fever while breastfeeding

Remember that very often the human body with the help of temperature tells us that inflammatory processes are occurring in it. If the thermometer shows more than 37 ° C, you need to understand the reason why this happened:

Is it possible to feed a child if the temperature barrier is exceeded?

After the nursing mother has found out the reason for the increase in body temperature, a decision can be made on whether it is possible to breastfeed at this time.

If this phenomenon was caused by inflammatory processes in the body of a woman, then it is best to postpone feeding and take the necessary medications.

Only a qualified specialist should prescribe medications during the period of HS. There are medications that can be taken while breastfeeding, and there are those that are categorically contraindicated.

Many experts believe that, on the contrary, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding during fever caused by acute respiratory infections. Together with breast milk, the baby will receive the necessary antibodies to a cold infection, thereby protecting his immunity from further viral attacks.

We offer you to watch a video on whether it is possible to feed the baby when the mother's temperature rises:

Influence of high heat on milk quality

This phenomenon is believed to be negative influence it does not affect the quality of milk, if we are not talking about infections and inflammations that are not transmitted. So, if a nursing mother has a fever with a normal acute respiratory disease, then it is possible and even necessary to breastfeed the baby during this period, and if she has, for example, purulent mastitis, then feeding must be abandoned.

Anyway, during the period of fever at the wet nurse, it is recommended to express milk first and only then apply the baby to the breast.

At what indications of the thermometer scale should you not breastfeed?

A rather difficult question, because there is no definite answer to it. If the fever was caused by a cold, then it is necessary to deal with this problem as soon as possible. There are a number medicines, the reception of which is acceptable during lactation. High temperatures do not affect the quality of milk in any way, so it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding during this period.

How to measure correctly?

No less important will be the correct measurement of body temperature during lactation. If you use the thermometer immediately after breastfeeding, then it will certainly show more than 37.5 ° C.

This is explained quite easily - breastmilk rush increases the temperature in the armpits. Moreover, when feeding a child with milk, there is a contraction of the pectoral muscles, which is accompanied by the release of heat.

It is believed that in order to understand correct temperature body, after feeding should take at least 20 minutes. But there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter.

Shoot down high or not?

It is not recommended to bring down the temperature if it has not reached 38.2 ° C. To get started, you can use folk recipes without resorting to drugs. You can wipe yourself with vinegar, observe bed rest and take plenty of fluids.

Excessive fluid intake is contraindicated for those women who suffer from mastitis. After all, the liquid will increase the flow of milk to the breast, thereby increasing the swelling.

There are a number of medications that are allowed while breastfeeding. Safe antipyretic drugs include "Paracetomol", the use of which is compatible with breastfeeding. Efferalgan and Panadol can also be drunk by a young mother, these drugs can even be given to children, only in the appropriate dosage.

Ibuprofen and its analogues are also considered safe drugs., which penetrate into breast milk in a very small percentage, therefore, to reduce fever and pain, their use is not prohibited during this period.

What to do if the thermometer mark has risen: the opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician believes that it is simply impossible to speed up the process of producing antibodies in the human body with the help of drugs.

All that can be allowed to a mother who is breastfeeding a child during a period when the body temperature has risen with acute respiratory infections is: drinking plenty of water, saline solutions for washing the nose and moistening the air.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that by weaning a child from the breast, the baby can do much more harm, so you should not stop feeding at a temperature.

The elevated temperature of a nursing mother is a fairly common phenomenon.. Knowing how to behave correctly during this period, a woman will be able to protect her baby from infection and avoid possible complications for myself. Be healthy!

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of the appearance of temperature during HB and the rules of feeding during this period:

Life is like a maze: you don't know when you'll get pregnant. This also happens during breastfeeding. The woman has just recovered after giving birth - and suddenly finds out about an unplanned pregnancy. Often in such situations there are thoughts about the need to wean the baby from the breast. So is it possible to breastfeed a baby during pregnancy? In what cases is it not desirable? Let's figure it out together.

Features of breastfeeding during pregnancy

If the difference between the future second child and the first is small, breastfeeding two children at the same time will be optimal. This is called tandem feeding. Therefore, it is not necessary to wean the baby from the breast during the normal course of the second pregnancy. After all, feeding a baby absolutely does not harm pregnancy if the mother follows certain rules.

Since in such a situation a woman doubles her responsibility for the health of two children, she needs to eat fully. Perhaps, after consulting a doctor, you need to start taking vitamins. Maternal malnutrition is the distribution of nutrients by the body in favor of the fetus. Then the child who feeds on mother's milk will be deprived of such substances. Milk will become poor food, which will reflect badly on the baby.

During the second pregnancy, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, so the mother may experience discomfort during feeding, which was not there before. Therefore, you need to insert the nipple deeper into the baby's mouth and monitor the grip during feeding.

When should you not breastfeed your baby during pregnancy?

There are situations when it is really necessary to wean a child from the breast with the onset. The reason for this may be the onset of toxicosis. Then the child on breastfeeding feels it. He is nauseated and sometimes vomits. Although this happens extremely rarely, but this is the reason for weaning a son or daughter from the breast.

The second situation is Then, too, you should stop breastfeeding your baby. As a rule, the uterus does not feel the effects of oxytocin, which is formed by irritation of the nipples until 20-22 weeks of gestation. In most pregnant women who breastfeed until the end of the third trimester, such stimulation of the nipples does not cause labor. Unless, of course, the birth itself does not occur.

Weaning your baby at the onset of a second pregnancy will be appropriate in such cases:

  1. your birth was premature;
  2. you had a miscarriage;
  3. you were bleeding.

You should know that at 4-5 months of pregnancy, breast milk changes in its composition. The body, as expected, begins to secrete milk to feed the newborn after childbirth. The baby you are breastfeeding will feel the difference. After all, the taste of milk will change and it will stand out less. Sometimes in such cases, the baby himself may refuse breastfeeding, that is, give up the breast.

If your pregnancy comes at a time when you are about to wean your older baby from the breast, then it would be advisable to do it sooner. After all, it will be difficult to feed a two- or three-year-old child and a baby at the same time, and this is not necessary.

Weaning in this situation is best completed 2 months before delivery. The baby must have time to adapt to a different diet, and the mother, thus, will be able to make her life easier by delegating the feeding of the older child to the father or another family member. In this case, the child should be weaned from the breast gradually. It is necessary to offer him to fall asleep without breast sucking or during this period to reduce the time of sucking, to fall asleep on his own. By this period, daily breast sucking should also be reduced to a minimum. In return, it is recommended to offer the baby something to eat or drink. The child needs to be told that there is no more milk, that he will not suck. You need to explain to your son or daughter that you still love him, but now he will only eat tastier.

So, you can breastfeed your baby during pregnancy. And you can always discuss all questions, exceptions to the rules, doubts with your observing gynecologist.

Especially for Elena Tolochik

Doctors unequivocally recommend not to stop feeding in case of illness. It is explained simply. By the time the symptoms of a cold are detected, quite a long time can pass - up to three days. During this period, the baby will have time to get all the pathogens. However, antibodies to them will also enter his body, which will provide protection from further complications. Thus, nature itself put everything in its place. If you deprive your baby of your milk, then leave him unprotected against viruses.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that various bacteria await the child at every step. It is impossible to completely isolate him from them! And breast milk is the best assistant in building a strong immune system. The causative agents of the disease will be the first enemies that the child's body will fight. Therefore, breastfeeding with a cold is not only safe, but also beneficial. This can be done even when high temperature, provided that the mother has enough strength.

An equally important reason for not stopping breastfeeding is the stress that a weaned baby will inevitably experience. Replacing mother's milk with dry formula will drastically reduce his immunity. There may be a risk of serious complications. For natural development, the child simply needs the confidence that the mother is always there, and not breastfeeding can seriously affect this. After all, the psychological state is directly related to the physical!

It should also be borne in mind that a cold, on average, lasts from three days up to a week. It is very important to take the disease seriously. The fact that milk will not infect the baby does not mean that treatment can be taken lightly. The sooner the mother recovers, the better for the child. In addition, timely and competent treatment is a guarantee of the absence of complications that can be more dangerous than the common cold.

Therefore, your first task is to do everything to cope with the disease in the most short time and restore their own strength.

Rules for the behavior of the mother in case of illness

What should a mother do so that her cold does not affect the baby? You just need to follow a few simple rules, which will help to overcome difficulties most painlessly:

  • pay extra attention to personal hygiene: take a shower or bath every day, wash your hands with antibacterial soap as often as possible;
  • wear a respiratory mask and use oxolin ointment;
  • do wet cleaning every day;
  • ventilate the room as often as possible.

Remember that the chance of getting infected by airborne droplets is much higher than when breastfeeding. And such actions will help get rid of viruses more effectively than weaning a child from the breast.

In this case, you do not need to do any manipulations with breast milk. No need to express or boil it, so it will lose not only its beneficial features, but will cease to be a defense against disease. Just feed your baby in natural conditions to which he is accustomed, without creating any stressful situations. So you will greatly reduce the risk of infection of the baby, as well as the occurrence of complications after the disease.

How to treat a cold with HB?

If you are breastfeeding, it is advisable to be treated exclusively folk remedies without resorting to medication. This method will take longer, but it is much safer. So, with a cold on HB, you can:

  • do foot baths and use aromatherapy;
  • drink teas and decoctions of chamomile, calendula, linden and others useful herbs(provided there is no allergy);
  • make onion juice and use as nasal drops;
  • do inhalations with saline and mineral water without resorting to medication;
  • breathe over the steam;
  • drink warm milk with honey;
  • rinse the throat with a solution of soda and iodine.

The temperature does not need to be brought down if it does not exceed 38◦, because this is a protective reaction of the body. If it is possible to leave the child with her husband or mother, lie still, sleep. After all, a cold exacerbates all chronic diseases that a person has. Rest will only help your body continue fighting the disease. And the sooner you get well, the better for your baby and the whole family.

Medications can also be used, but this should be done only after consulting a doctor. Carefully read the instructions for each medicine, and in no case take risks if there are contraindications for breastfeeding.

Despite the opinion of doctors that milk is not a carrier of a cold, carefully monitor the baby during the illness. If you notice signs that indicate malaise, immediately take the measures agreed with your doctor. At such a young age, any disease can be quite dangerous for a child.

Prevention is the best defense

If you are a mother of a baby, your immunity is not yet fully strengthened after childbirth. This means that prevention should be taken very seriously. During this period, you can get sick from any draft or get infected from someone on a walk. Therefore, immediately after the birth of a child, begin to strengthen your immunity. Choose fortified and healthy eating, include in the diet as many fruits and vegetables allowed during breastfeeding, be more in the fresh air.

If the doctor has decided that you can already experience physical activity, do not neglect exercise. In autumn and spring, the body is more prone to colds, but you must pay attention to preventive measures. all year round. Indeed, for a child, a healthy and happy mother is the best assistant in the knowledge and development of this difficult world.
