Feijoa with sugar - recipes for delicious preparations for the winter. Feijoa berry - "Feijoa jam grated with sugar." Feijoa grated with sugar recipe for the winter

To cook feijoa like raw jam mashed with sugar, the recipe is not difficult to find. This medicine and delicacy can be varied healthy berries, citrus, nuts. Each new product will have its own unique taste. Having dealt with the preparation technology of the workpiece, you can improve it in accordance with your taste.

When choosing a cooking recipe, the following nuances should be considered:

  • the berry can be prepared both without heat treatment and with digestion;
  • the blank may contain only feijoa, and also be in assorted with other additives;
  • fruits during preparation can be peeled or used with it;
  • when choosing a grinding method, you can use a meat grinder, food processor or blender.

Important! Considering all the specifics of the workpiece, it must be remembered that the basis for obtaining a benign product is the sterility of kitchen utensils and utensils.

Selection and preparation of ingredients and containers

When choosing a fruit for harvesting, give preference to a berry:

  • large, it is more ripe and juicy;
  • with a smooth, uniform skin, without violating integrity;
  • dark green, without spots;
  • elastic and dense, but not hard.

When making a purchase, ask the seller to cut the berry. A benign fruit has a solid core of light cream color. White berry - unripe, too dark - overripe.

To prepare the fruits for processing, you must:

  • wash;
  • examine for good quality;
  • cut ponytails;
  • cut into several pieces.

The container to be used for harvesting must be:

  • washed;
  • sterilized in the oven or hot steam.

Ways to prepare goodies for the winter

There are several ways you can use to prepare.

traditional recipe

You can prepare grated berries like this:

  1. Twist in a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  2. Add sugar in a ratio of 1:2 (one part of the grated mass and two parts of sugar).
  3. Mix.
  4. Distribute to banks.
  5. Cover with capron lids.

If the ratio of ingredients is changed, then there is a possibility of fermentation of the finished workpiece. To avoid this, after laying in a jar, sugar is poured over the grated mass with a layer of 1-1.5 cm.

Exotic fruit with sugar and walnuts

To prepare such a blank, use the traditional cooking method with the following recipe:

  • feijoa - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • chopped nuts - 0.2 kg.

Pureed assorted with pears

Rub the fruit in the traditional way. The pulp of a pear, crushed on a coarse grater, is added to the finished product at the rate of 2 medium pears per 1 kg of the product.

This assortment does not have a special taste, since the fragrant fruit has a richer taste than pears.

Healthy treat with ginger and lemon

The grated berry is mixed with ginger and lemon. The recipe is:

  • feijoa - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • ginger - 0.1 kg;
  • lemon - 100-120 g (1 pc.)

with cranberries

You can prepare feijoa with cranberries by combining 200 g of a whole, washed berry with 1 kg of a traditional grated product.

With honey

It is necessary to cook feijoa with honey, replacing sugar with natural flower honey in the same proportions.

Recipe with cane sugar

It makes no difference which sweet product is used for harvesting. Prescription proportions remain the same 1:2.

Feijoa with citrus and granulated sugar

To prepare a product without cooking, using citrus fruits, you should:

  • wash them thoroughly beforehand;
  • douse with boiling water;
  • take out the bones;
  • grind with a blender;
  • mix with the main mass prepared in the traditional way.

Rules for storing feijoa blanks

All blanks of raw jam are stored only in the refrigerator. Storage time should not exceed 3 months.

Do you think harvest season is over and you can relax? Nothing like this! The recipe for feijoa with sugar for the winter without cooking is my favorite because it is very simple.

Now is the time to stock up on delicious "cold jam". For him, you do not have to sterilize jars or pour boiling water over the lids. No need to stand at the stove and watch so that it does not burn. Without cooking, you can keep within half an hour, if you try.

Fragrant puree will be perfectly preserved until the next harvest in the refrigerator. The only thing you need is to go to the market and buy a couple of kilograms of ripe emerald berries. A nice bonus: the yummy output is twice as much as the original product!

Feijoa season lasts from October to mid-November. Do not miss!

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How to choose feijoa in the market or in the store?

The quality of the feedstock is the first thing you should pay close attention to. If you take unripe or spoiled fruits, then the taste and consistency of the mixture will not be the same. Sometimes hard work can go down the drain.

Therefore, we slowly walk through the rows and choose carefully 😉

Many run past this nondescript berry. And absolutely in vain! Try it, but carefully inspect the fruit before buying. ABOUT good quality The product has the following characteristics:

  • There are no dark spots, scratches or other damage on the surface.
  • There is no pronounced odor.
  • The skin is green, not dark and not yellow.
  • The shape is closer to oval, length is from 3 to 7 cm.

Taste the berries to the touch. Take the prettiest one in your hand. Run your thumb over it, and then press lightly. Ripe will not be too firm. There are no dense tubercles on its surface.

Often on display are halves. If not, ask the seller to cut one piece. See what's inside her. The fruit, ready to eat, has a translucent pulp of a slightly yellowish tint. It smells good and has a jelly-like consistency.

One day I was in a hurry and bought an unripe feijoa. Dense grains from these tubercles were felt even when ground with sugar. They ruined all the fun.

Most likely, you will not be allowed to choose feijoas individually. Stop near the showcase where there are more large specimens. Do not buy small, too soft or hard. Avoid unevenly colored and dark greens.

Feijoa usually comes to us from Adler and Abkhazia, so I have no doubts about environmental friendliness.

In the northern regions of the country, imports from South Africa or other countries may come across. It is treated with chemicals. This calls into question the appropriateness of leaving the peel. In any case, do not be too lazy to wash the berries thoroughly.

What to do at home?

Before harvesting feijoa for the winter, it must be properly prepared. Failure to follow the basic principles can lead to the fact that "jam without cooking" spoils ahead of time. Here are the main steps:

  • Sort the fruits, discard spoiled, unripe.
  • Rinse in running water.
  • Lay out on a clean paper towel and let dry.
  • Remove sepals and twigs.
  • Cut with a sharp knife into halves or quarters, depending on size.

If you still bought green fruits - it does not matter. Spread in one layer on a flat, dry surface. They will reach the desired state in a couple of days.

When washing, you should not be too zealous so as not to remove valuable anthocyanin plaque. Anthocyanins are water-soluble natural pigments. They are not synthesized in the body and have biological activity.

Preparation of cans and other equipment

Dishes must be glass. No plastic or metal! As a last resort, take an enamel pan of a suitable size.

The most convenient are small screw-on jars. I take liter, half-liter or 0.75 liters. They should be rinsed in warm water and be sure to dry. We do the same with lids. There is no need for sterilization.

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If you plan to use a meat grinder, then disassemble it and wash all the parts well. Especially if the meat was ground before. Pour boiling water over and wipe kitchen towel. I have a separate device for such purposes, which is ready and waiting in the wings.

Try to minimize the chance of water ingress, especially wet. This increases the risk of spoilage.

What is the best way to chop feijoa?

Use the equipment available in the house. For large quantities, a food processor is suitable. There is a desire - turn on the blender. And if you just want to prepare a portion for testing, use a regular kitchen grater.

The last option is the most labor intensive. When rubbed, large pieces remain. Not everyone likes them. I like to get an even paste.

How to cook feijoa?

In countries where fruits ripen in abundance, not only sweet dishes are made from them, but also seasonings, marinades, side dishes. We will not complicate our lives and just prepare vitamin jelly. And what's left - eat it raw.

Classical feijoa recipe with sugar without cooking

The composition of the ingredients is limited to two points. You will need:

  • 1 kg feijoa,
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking, step by step instructions:

  • Wash the raw materials, dry, cut off the excess.
  • Grind.
  • Pour a kilo of sugar into a wide bowl, stir with fruit puree.
  • Leave for an hour or an hour and a half for the crystals to completely dissolve.
  • Stir again, pour into jars, close, refrigerate.

Feijoa with nuts

Let's not dwell on two ingredients, but add a "zest" to them - nuts. But not ordinary ones, but (to walk - so walk!).


  • Prepare the feijoa.
  • Grind, mix with an equal amount of sugar.
  • Chop (or leave as is) 300-500 grams of cashews. Add to mixture. Keep in mind - this will add extra sweetness. Wash the nuts first, roast them in a pan, cool.
  • Stir, transfer to a glass dish.

It will turn out an excellent dessert that is not ashamed to serve to guests. It can be eaten with toast for breakfast or filled with shortbread baskets for holiday table. And most importantly - no cooking!

Feijoa recipe with ginger

Delicious option. I see it as healing. I try to use ginger wherever possible to reduce the frequency of attacks.


  • Peel the fresh root, wash, grate on a fine grater. I pass through a meat grinder along with feijoa.
  • Measure out 2-3 tablespoons and add to the classic feijoa recipe.
  • Mix the ingredients.

I don't use citrus here. Berries and without them give sourness. Squeeze lemon or lime juice if you like.

Puree from feijoa grated with sugar: benefits

A vitamin supplement diversifies the menu, enriches it with new notes, and helps to survive the winter months without colds. In the absence of contraindications, it has a positive effect on health:

  • Provides additional income ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B.
  • Improves bowel function due to the presence of pectins.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Supports the work of the heart, blood vessels.
  • It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.
  • Slows down the aging process (thanks to antioxidants).

In addition, silicon brings great benefits to the skin of the face. The element strengthens nails, improves hair structure.

Contrary to popular belief, iodine in feijoa is not “over the top”, but some ... 13.3: 2 = 6.75% of the daily requirement. And then, if you eat 100 grams, which, of course, is undesirable. I wrote more about this.

The absence of heat treatment allows maximum preservation of active substances. You should not get carried away (I myself know how difficult it is to stop when there is such yummy on the table), and wrap up with glasses. Enough 3-4 spoons a day.

Do not forget that half of the product is sugar. And this is “not ice” for those who monitor weight, control blood glucose or seek to reduce insulin resistance.

Those suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis should take into account that, according to official medicine, excessive intake of iodine complicates the course of the disease. The product is contraindicated for those suffering from hyperthyroidism and diabetics. With hypothyroidism, dessert will not harm in the absence of AIT.

Storage rules

  • Keep the workpiece in a cool place.
  • Avoid freezing.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight.

Why does "cold jam" from feijoa darken?

When I first saw this, I was worried. After standing, the mass on top for some reason turned brown. But nothing bad happened. The substances simply oxidized upon contact with air. On nutritional value this does not affect, because the bulk of the useful elements remained intact and intact.

If you notice browning, just stir with a spoon and eat healthy.

The berries are stored for a short time, the feijoa recipe with sugar without cooking is very simple. Prepare a healthy mix for the winter. It won't take much effort. On cold days, it will delight you with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Bon appetit!

feijoa- These are evergreen small trees with juicy fruits, the taste and aroma of which are usually compared with strawberries and pineapples. The main value of feijoa is its high content of iodine, which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the hormonal system and immunity. By the amount of this trace element, a green berry can compete with fish and seafood. Feijoa came to Europe from Brazil at the end of the 19th century, but still many Europeans do not know how to eat it.

If you are one of them, then you will need a recipe for cooking feijoa with sugar- very fast, light and gentle, i.е. retaining all the properties of a valuable fruit. Not knowing the taste, we often bypass unfamiliar types of vegetables and fruits, and if you have never tried feijoa, then cast aside your doubts and prepare an emerald dessert for tea according to this recipe. Feijoa with sugar will not only bring you the joy of new taste sensations, but also bring invaluable health benefits!

How to choose feijoa?

Do not try to buy large fruits, as experience shows, they are not as fragrant as smaller ones. The main thing is that the skin of the feijoa should be evenly green, without dark spots and damage.

To get a good taste of feijoa, only fully ripened fruits should be eaten. The trouble is that ripe feijoas are very soft, they are easily damaged and quickly deteriorate, so not quite ripened fruits are usually sold in the markets. Ripe feijoa fruit soft to the touch, with transparent and juicy pulp. If the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled, and if it is white, it is not ripe. It is better to buy a slightly unripe, hard fruit - with room temperature it will mature in a couple of days. The ripe fruit should be soft, and its pulp should resemble jelly. The more ripe the feijoa, the more useful it is.

You can eat feijoa cut in half, taking out the pulp with a spoon. It can be eaten whole by dipping in sugar, but the most popular way to consume this fruit is to crush and combine with sugar.

You will need:

  • feijoa fruit 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg

Step-by-step photo recipe for making feijoa with sugar:

Be sure to wash the feijoa well cold water and drain in a colander to drain the water. Many believe that fruits should be doused with boiling water, but I think that it is better not to expose them to heat.

Cut off a dry hard inflorescence from each fruit, it will not be useful. The peel of the fruit is dense and tart, but also edible, it is in it that a large amount of pectins is concentrated, the content of which the product surpasses most fruits, so it does not need to be peeled. But if there are damage or darkening on the skin, it is better to cut them off. Cut the feijoa in half so you can easily notice the spoiled fruit and throw it away.

Grind the feijoa with a blender or meat grinder.

Combine chopped fruits with sugar and mix.

Spread the finished homogeneous green mass in clean, dry jars, close tightly and store in the refrigerator, where the “cold” jam can stand all winter. Don't be embarrassed if upper layer jam will darken, this speaks of great content iodine.

Favorite accompaniment to tea is homemade jam, including feijoa, grated with sugar. By the way, such an unusual name for the fruit comes from the name of the scientist Joanie de Silva Feijo (port. João da Silva Feijó), who in former times headed the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brazil and made a significant contribution to the selection and distribution of many famous modern world plants.

For lovers of sweet feijoa, grated with sugar, this is just a godsend - the combination of tasty and healthy is not so common. Feijoa is recommended in violation of work gastrointestinal tract and its inflammatory processes. A very valuable property of feijoa is that its fruits do not cause allergic reactions and can be given to young children.

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Despite the fact that feijoa grows in the south of Russia, it is still considered exotic in other regions of the country. Its fruits are eaten fresh, and also preserved for the winter in the form of jams and compotes. To keep the maximum useful properties feijoa, many housewives make "cold" jam. The simplest recipe suggests adding only sugar to the berries - and nothing else. This preparation is stored in the cold and without cooking. Connoisseurs of homemade alcoholic drinks get feijoa aromatic tincture. In general, there would be berries, but there are ways to cook them!

A berry rubbed with sugar is not only healthier than the one that has undergone heat treatment, but it also takes less time to cook. There are many options for "raw" or "cold" jam. They differ in proportions, as well as recommendations on how to grind the fruits. Many housewives advise using a meat grinder, because with its help a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The situation is more complicated with the proportions of feijoa and sugar. There is no single opinion on this issue. You can find recipes in which the ratio of berries and granulated sugar is indicated as 1:1 and even 1:2. The hostesses explain the desire to make jam very sweet by the fact that otherwise the finished product will ferment.


But there are other recipes where sugar should be put even less than berries - for example, 0.8 kg per 1 kg of prepared feijoa fruits.

Advice. To prevent the “raw” jam from fermenting, pour a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm thick) into each jar on top of it. This cork will prevent the appearance of mold.

Whatever proportion you choose, the method of preparing grated feijoa with sugar will be the same:

  1. The fruits are washed well, dry “tails” are removed from them. The skin does not need to be removed.
  2. Grind them in a meat grinder, food processor or using a blender.
  3. Pour sugar into the resulting mass (in the selected ratio).
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. During this time, the mixture is stirred periodically to help the sugar dissolve.
  5. After that, the jam is laid out in sterile jars, covered with nylon or metal lids and put in a cold place.

Feijoa jam without cooking with cranberries, nuts, lemon, horseradish

During storage, “raw”, unboiled jam is sometimes covered with an unappetizing brown crust. You should not worry: this is oxidizing iodine, which is quite a lot in feijoa fruits. If appearance is crucial for you, take note of the recipe for a “raw” billet with cranberries or lingonberries. For 0.6 kg of feijoa, 0.4 kg of washed and dried sour berries and 1 kg of sugar will be required. Cook in the same way as the classic grated jam without cooking.

Advice. If you put less granulated sugar, you get the original sauce for baked meat.

No less tasty and healthy is the “cold” preparation of feijoa with nuts. Most often they take walnuts, but peanuts are inappropriate here. Proportions:

  • 1 kg of exotic fruits;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 0.2 kg of peeled and chopped nuts. You can reduce their number by half.

Make jam in the same way as all other similar preparations. It can be eaten not only with tea or just like that, but also added to cereals.

Feijoa with lemon

Another no-boil vitamin jam is obtained by combining feijoa with lemon and ginger. For 0.6 kg of berries, you need to take 1 large citrus, 0.5-0.6 kg of sugar and 1-3 tbsp. l. freshly grated ginger root(taste). All additional ingredients are added to the chopped feijoa. Lemon can be simply washed and ground. Another option is to grate the zest separately, and free each slice from the films. In addition, gourmets can prepare sweet and sour feijoa spicy sauce by adding berries to 0.5-0-6 kg:

  • 1 large pear;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. grated horseradish root.

For children, feijoa jam with honey and lemon or nuts is most often prepared. But you need to remember that exotic fruits are contraindicated for a child under 1 year old, in other cases they make sure that there is no allergic reaction. To prepare a vitamin complex for 0.5 kg of berries, they usually take 1 citrus and 100 g of honey. Another option is to add 0.5 tbsp to the same amount of feijoa. fragrant bee product and chopped walnuts.

Attention! For any jam, you need to take ripe, but not overripe fruits without dents or other damage.

Feijoa drinks: compote for the winter and tincture

Delicious compote is very easy to prepare:

  1. Place the washed feijoa berries in sterile jars, filling them 1/3 full.
  2. Pour boiling water over them, leave for 1 hour.
  3. Then drain the water and boil syrup from it by adding 0.2 kg of sugar. At the end, put 1/4 tsp. citric acid. The number of ingredients is indicated for 2 liters of liquid.
  4. Fill jars with syrup, roll them up with lids, turn them over and leave for a day under the covers.

Advice. You can put in each 3-liter bottle peeled tangerine or a glass of pomegranate seeds and a pinch of dried tea rose. Another option is to replace half of the feijoa berries with apples.

To prepare a homemade alcoholic drink, you need to take ripe or even overripe feijoa berries. However, they must be without signs of damage. Any alcohol base is suitable: vodka from the store, well-purified moonshine or diluted ethyl. It is important that alcohol is High Quality and odorless. If you add cranberries or lingonberries, you get a tart, slightly sour tincture. Strawberries will enhance the strawberry aftertaste characteristic of feijoa.

Feijoa compote

To make a tincture at home, you need:

  1. Wash the feijoa well with warm water, dry and cut into small pieces along with the peel.
  2. Turn 100 g of lingonberries, cranberries or strawberries into a homogeneous liquid mass. You can use a rolling pin or a mortar and pestle for this. If you are making a "clean" tincture, skip this step.
  3. Mix all the berries and put them in a jar.
  4. Add to taste from 50 to 150 g of granulated sugar or honey.
  5. Pour the contents of the container with vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol). All ingredients should be covered with alcohol at least 2-3 cm.
  6. Mix everything, close the jar tightly and transfer to a dark place at room temperature.
  7. To withstand 2 weeks, once a day it is good to shake the future tincture.
  8. Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the berry pulp. If desired, add sugar or 25-100 ml of water to reduce the strength of the drink. In this case, you will need to leave the tincture for another couple of days.
  9. Pour the finished drink into bottles, store no longer than 1 year.

Feijoa can be stored not only in the form of such delicious blanks, but also fresh by putting carefully selected, intact fruits in the refrigerator. IN winter time they make a great treat for the whole family.

Feijoa blanks: video
