Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Exercise 1.

Read with uniform intonation. Determine which members of the sentence are homogeneous members in each sentence and how they are interconnected. Draw diagrams of the 3rd, 7th, 8th sentences.

1) Below, the surf roared measuredly and widely (Kazakov). 2) Either the sun hides, or it shines too brightly (Krylov). 3) In the train car it was crowded with backpacks and skis and noisy (Kazakov). 4) He grumbled, but did not dare to disobey (Korolenko). 5) The voice of the blind beggar was weak and trembling ... (Bitter). 6) She is young, graceful, loves life ... (Chekhov). 7) They slowly walked past the blank log walls, hedges and baths, went out to a cliff above the lake and sat on a bench under a birch (Kazakov). 8) From Moscow I went to Kaluga, Belev and Orel and in this way made 200 miles extra, but I saw Yermolov (Pushkin).

Exercise 2.

Write down the text. Underline the homogeneous parts of the sentence according to which part of the sentence they are.


The earth dried up, fragrant birch buds blossomed. Fields are plowed, vegetable gardens are dug up and loosened. How many different worms, caterpillars, slugs, bugs and larvae creep out into the light of day! The starling never searches for its food in the spring either in the air on the fly or on a tree. His food is everywhere: on the ground and in the ground. Do you know how much it destroys during the summer all sorts of insects harmful to the garden and vegetable garden, if you count by weight? Three hundred times its own weight!
It is interesting to watch when he, walking between the beds or along the path, hunts for his prey. His gait is quick and a little awkward.
(K. Paustovsky.)

Exercise 3

Compose sentences with homogeneous members according to the schemes below and write them down in the following order:

a) with homogeneous members expressing connecting (enumerative) meanings;
b) with homogeneous members expressing separating (mutual exclusion, alternation) values;
c) with homogeneous members expressing adversative (opposition, comparison) meanings.
1. [Oh, Oh, Oh].
2. [O, O and O].
3. [Oh, but Oh].
4. [O or O].
5. [Not only O, but also O].
6. [Then O, then O].
7. [And O, and O, and O].

Exercise 4

Spread the sentences by homogeneous members.

Sample: Writers are strong in their connection with the people. - The great Russian writers were strong in their connection with their native people, their native country.

1) They fought for justice.
2) Pushkin created the Russian literary language.
3) The poet laid the foundation for beautiful verse and accurate prose.

Exercise 5

Write down sentences under dictation, make their schemes (commented letter). Write down the series of homogeneous members.

1) Pines, birches, larches flicker on the sides. (V. Peskov) 2) People from nearby villages brought vegetables, bread, poultry, fruits, honey to the market. (A. Fadeev) 3) They were cheerful, strong and courageous people. (M. Gorky) 4) Moscow, Moscow! .. I love you like a son, like a Russian, - strongly, fieryly and tenderly! (M. Lermontov) 5) In front of the house, multi-colored lights flared up, spun, rose up with ears of corn, palm trees, fountains, rained down, stars, faded out and flared up again. (A. Pushkin)

Exercise 6

Write out rows of homogeneous members of the sentence from the sentences written on the board, making up their schemes.

Sample. I was in the north and in the south, I sailed on a quiet and noisy wave, but everywhere, as about a faithful friend, I missed the Moscow side. (K. Bukin.)

1) On the sides of the path, rose hips stood with high and steep walls and bloomed with a scarlet and damp fire. (K. Paustovsky.) 2) Lena looked out the window at the cold expanse of the bay that had just been freed from ice, at the fishing cooperatives with nets on pebbles, at the spring caravans of geese and ducks. (A. Fadeev.) 3) On a March night, winter still furtively returns frosty silence, pungent air, the cold shine of the moon, the crystal sonority of the crust and the thin ice of puddles. (D. Zuev.) 4) Prokhor snorted, puffed, guffawed, swam to the other side, picked violets and royal curls, blossomed the bouquet with the lights of yellow lilies and swam back. (V. Shishkov.) 5) The sea catches ..t arrows of lightning and in its abyss goes out ..t. (M. Gorky.) 6) Pyotr Ivanovich quickly and completely inaudibly got up from the ground, put his hand into the bag and pulled out a folded net. (G. Skrebitsky.) 7) In the mountains, in the forest, lights, like stars, floated, descending and rising along the slopes of the hills. (I. Goncharov.)

Exercise 7

Write down the sentences, underline the homogeneous members of the sentence, draw up diagrams, comment on the conjunctions with which the homogeneous members of the sentence are connected.

1) Aspen is chilly, yes the river is narrow, yes blue forest, yes yellow fields, you are sweeter than everyone, dearer than everyone, Russian, loamy, hard earth! (A. Surkov) 2) Siberia has many features both in nature and in human right. (I. Goncharov) 3) Either you, my friend, are tired of the howling storm, or you are dozing under the buzz of your spindle. (A. Pushkin) 4) Either rain or snow, either it will or it won't. (Proverb) 5) The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone. (Proverb) 6) Our shelter is small, but calm. (M. Lermontov)
7) Again sunny, cold and pleasant
And the day, and the brilliance of the gardens.
And light green silver spots
In the transparency of the ponds. (V. Komarovsky)
8) The nightingale was in love with spring and dawn,
And made a nest in a currant bush,
And until the morning in unswept grief
He sang love obedient to a dream. (K. Fofanov)

Test on the topic "Homogeneous members of the sentence"

1. Which statement is false?

Homogeneous members of the sentence ...

1) are interconnected by coordinating unions
2) answer the same question and refer to the same word
3) can be common
4) are always expressed in one part of speech.

2. What syntactic function do homogeneous members perform in a sentence?

The days were overcast, rainy, but warm.

1) homogeneous subjects
2) homogeneous predicates
3) homogeneous definitions
4) homogeneous circumstances

3. What syntactic function do homogeneous members perform in a sentence?

Green populated his books with a tribe of brave, simple-hearted, like children, proud, selfless and kind people.

1) homogeneous subjects
2) homogeneous additions
3) homogeneous definitions
4) homogeneous circumstances

4. What syntactic function do homogeneous members perform in a sentence?

Fogs in London happen, if not every day, then every other day without fail.

1) homogeneous predicates
2) homogeneous additions
3) homogeneous definitions
4) homogeneous circumstances

5. Find homogeneous members in sentences and determine their syntactic function.

1) We explored our new home and found a lot of useful things here.
2) And you can love St. Basil the Blessed, the Moscow Kremlin, Pushkin's songs, poems, Tolstoy's romances.
3) Pink and unsteady reality is reflected in dreams.
4) A long-legged shadow from a white, red-spotted, short-legged Murzik.
5) Tasya and Voloshin were standing next to Streletsky.
A. Subject. B. Predicate. B. Definition. D. Addition. D. Circumstance.

6. Determine how homogeneous members are related.

1) This bird generally loves lakes, rivers, swamps.
2) There were narrow and sharp racing boats and wide seaworthy boats here.
A. Allied connection. B. Unionless connection.

7. Set the type of unions connecting homogeneous members.

1) And the teachers there were grandmothers, and grandfathers, and village ones.
2) The screams intensified, then subsided.
3) Somewhere in the distance, thunder grumbled, but faded away.
A. Connecting unions. B. Opposing alliances. B. Divisive alliances.

8. In which answer option are sentences with several rows of homogeneous members indicated?

A. On the sides of the path, rose hips stood in high and steep walls and bloomed with scarlet fire.
B. The sea catches lightning bolts and extinguishes them in its abyss.
C. The power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.
D. There was a smell of wet grass and fresh hay in the forest and meadow.
1) A, C 2) B, C 3) A, B 4) A, D

9. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Dawn breaks in the east, and the water appears pink. (2) The sun rises above the earth as if in a steamy light haze, accompanied by the singing of countless birds. (3) Just like a living breath of the earth, a light golden fog spreads over the fields, over the motionless ribbon of the river. (4) The sun rises higher. (5) Cool transparent dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)

10. Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) And how beautiful in winter are forest lakes covered with ice and snow, frozen small rivers, in which life invisible to the eye continues! (2) Aspen trees are good in winter with the finest lace of their bare branches against the background of a dark spruce forest. (3) In some places, wintered berries turn red in the forest on mountain ash, bright clusters of viburnum hang. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)

Card with exercises on the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions"
Exercise 1.
Write out the definition with the main word, marking the homogeneity with a comma.
1) After the September thunderstorms, cold, clear weather came. 2) Countless pale green moths hovered over the coastal fragrant grasses. 3) This song woke up a strange, big and creepy feeling in me. 4) She crumpled the ends of the cape with long dark fingers of small beautiful hands. 5) A sultry, hard day was approaching.
Exercise 2.
Find in the sentences homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Rewrite underlining them and insert commas where necessary.
1) The sun cast golden shining streams of light to the earth (Sholokhov). 2) A small birch grove could be seen in the distance (Turgenev). 3) At a great distance, the city sprawled and quietly flamed and sparkled with blue white yellow lights (Korolenko). 4) She looked at him and smiled, but not with a cheerful and joyful, but with a frightened, pitiful smile (L. Tolstoy). 5) Short velvet grass turns green near the spring (Turgenev). 6) A young aspen trembled over its head with tender lemon leaves (Paustovsky). 7) Snowdrifts were covered with a thin ice crust (Chekhov).
Exercise 3
Write out first sentences with homogeneous, and then - with heterogeneous definitions.
1) The fields are sad, covered with snow. 2) Her desire is to see life free, reasonable, beautiful. 3) The girl had a long black braid. 4) The river went into golden, blue forests from autumn. 5) She was wearing a dress the color of golden onion skins. 6) Here in front of me is a wide straight road into the distance.
Exercise 4
Write off the sentences, determine whether the definitions are homogeneous or heterogeneous in them.
1) Deep, dense antiquity surrounded my childhood in the suburbs. (S. Marshak.) 2) A gray passenger ship passed. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) It was an annoying October rain. (K. G. Paustovsky.) 4) Long monotonous days dragged on again. (S. Shchipachev.) 5) We bought an inflatable rubber boat for fishing. (K. Paustovsky.) 6) A joyful, festive, radiant mood was bursting and the uniform seemed to become cramped. (S. Serafimovich.) 7) It was somehow sad in this small garden, already touched in late autumn. (B. Gorbatov.) 8) Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror. (F. Dostoevsky.) 9) Then I will have the eternal, undoubted truth ... (I. Turgenev.)
Exercise 5
Write down suggestions. Find definitions. Which of them will be heterogeneous? Justify your opinion.
1) Young fruit trees grew very closely ... 2) bright cloudless days came for the schoolboy Popolzukhin. 3) He ran to the river, drank from the palms of the cold Yenisei water. 4) Bluebells dangled from side to side on long, crisp stems. 5) Fresh cold air floated towards me ... 6) Quiet, even breathing reached the half-open door from the next room. 7) In autumn, grandmother returned from the forest with a large round basket.
Exercise 6
Indicate the numbers of sentences in which commas must be placed.
1) He was born into a poor peasant family. 2) A clear bright thoughtful smile lies on the clouds. 3) Sun rays playing on thick juicy dewy grass. 4) She involuntarily indulged in involuntary disinterested love. 5) Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains. 6) I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman. 7) In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin. 8) Light broke through a small ice-covered window. 9) Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror. 10) He had big fish eyes. 11) A flat, dull steppe stretched around. 12) A sonorous children's laughter was heard. 13.) The dark unlit windows of the houses looked unfriendly. 14) Everything fell asleep in a sound healthy sleep. 15) Was cold autumn evening. 16) Large heavy drops hung on the branches. 17) Memories are a living trembling world full of poetry. 18) Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden. 19) A dry hot wind was blowing. 20) A strong pre-dawn dream overcame him. 21) Wet loose and dazzling snow lay in the fields. 22) We walked through a quiet taiga lit by stars. 23) The rain-washed young grass smelled stupefyingly. 24) Tolstoy couldn't write unless he had good clean paper in front of him. 25) On a warm summer morning I went to Lvov. 26) Red blue yellow rocky peaks rise to the sky. 27) A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest. 28.) The old country park is quiet. 29) A yellow maple leaf, killed in autumn, is slowly falling to the ground. 30.) All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits.
Exercise 7
Write off the text, placing the missing commas.
In the meantime, the sun had risen slightly above the horizon. Now the sea shone no longer entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon a long radiant streak burned, and dozens of bright eyes-cutting stars flashed in the slowly rolling waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the tender, sad blueness of an August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different new unseen. It changes every hour before our eyes. Sometimes it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. That it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo woolen, as if it were being stroked against the nap.
Exercise 8
Find homogeneous or heterogeneous definitions in the sentences. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.
1) After the holiday, he will doom himself to a long everyday life(Goncharov). 2) But even in the evening, in this stuffy languor of the air, in this piercing lunar ray, there is something disturbing (Goncharov). 3) In Chud we saw long streets blocked by massive stone fences with dense beautiful trees(Goncharov). 4) Brave fishing boats also disappeared along the bays (Goncharov). 5) Washed by rains, the young month rested with a bright slit on the western edge of the sky (Sholokhov). 6) And the hasty young rain dripped at random (Tvardovsky). 7) He was ashamed to express all his new Masonic thoughts (L. Tolstoy). 8) Over the steppe, obscuring the sun, at its zenith stood a thick purple hail cloud reared up by the wind (Sholokhov). 9) The half-opened little mouth shone with a meek smile (Gogol). 10) Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror (Dostoevsky). 11) Tired sailors on duty, wet in the rain, dreamed of a change (Stanyukovich). 12) Sometimes an old man appeared in our house, dirty, baggy, awkward, utterly strange (Dostoevsky). 13) In summer, few Chinese wear pointed straw hats that look like soup bowl lids (Goncharov). 14) Cold metallic light flashed on thousands of wet leaves (Granin). 15) Still, a timid slave note sounded in this tone (M. Gorky). 16) The old woman closed her leaden, extinguished eyes (M. Gorky). Exercise 9.
Expand the sentences using the data in brackets of the definition. Consider whether a comma is needed between definitions. Please comment on your decision.
1) Under one of the maples there was a dilapidated bench on rusty ____________________ paws (cast-iron). 2) A neglected ____________________ park with impassable hazel thickets caused despondency (linden). 3) Gusty __________________ winds (cold) often fly in autumn. 4) The priest wore a black ____________________ coat (long-skirted). 5) The stooped man was dressed in a gray _______________ suit (thin). 6) He climbed the twisted _____________________ stairs (iron). 7) We drank cold __________________________ water (delicious). 8) The book has a colossal ____________________________ power (attractive). 9) A large _______________________ shadow was visible next to the house (black). 10) This man walked all summer in a yellowish ______________________ caftan of German cut (linen).
Exercise 10
Copy the text, insert homogeneous or heterogeneous definitions in place of gaps. Underline homogeneous definitions with a wavy line.
GESE FLYING OFF It's raining. With the wind Now drizzling, then _______, _______, _______. In the wet _______ sky, geese flying south scream, scream night and day, sometimes so high that they are not visible in the rain, otherwise they are very low, just above the forest. And then it seems that they, along with the clouds, are carried to the south by a gusty _______ wind. Bowing after aspen and birch, waving branches. Red and _______ leaves break off the branches and fly after the geese. A flock of finches flies along with the leaves. You start to confuse where the finches are and where the leaves are. But now the finches have flown away, and the leaves, exhausted, fall on _______ _______ grass from heavy rains, on a dirty and _______ road, on pockmarked _______ puddles. Behind the birch forest, the cries of geese are heard again. The wind is blowing south another flock of geese. (A. Zimin) (Author's definitions: large, biting, cold, gray, northern, yellow, red.)

Task B4. Homogeneous members of the proposal "

1. Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) And how beautiful in winter are forest lakes covered with ice and snow, frozen small rivers, in which life invisible to the eye continues! (2) Aspen trees are good in winter with the finest lace of their bare branches against the background of a dark spruce forest. (3) In some places, wintered berries turn red in the forest on mountain ash, bright clusters of viburnum hang. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

2. Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Behind the trunks of old lindens, a huge flaming ball rose above the awakened earth. (2) He seemed to swell, shone with a joyful light, played, smiled. (3) My childish soul rejoiced. (4) For the rest of my life I remember the face of my mother, illuminated by the rays of the rising sun. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

3. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Dawn breaks in the east, and the water appears pink. (2) The sun rises above the earth as if in a steamy light haze, accompanied by the singing of countless birds. (3) Just like a living breath of the earth, a light golden fog spreads over the fields, over the motionless ribbon of the river. (4) The sun rises higher. (5) Cool transparent dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

4. Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The buds on the trees burst, young grass crawls out of the ground. (2) The forest turns green from head to toe. (3) Hundreds, thousands of birds fly in from the south. (4) Their songs resound in the thicket of the forest. (5) Everything came to life, everything woke up, everything crawled out; bustling activity goes on in the forest. (6) Who eats after a winter hunger strike, another sings all day long for joy. (7) Others are already busy with nests for their future family. (Bogdanov M.)

5. Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The color of the sky itself changes, a golden-blue tent covering the boundless sea. (2) The foam on the crests of the waves looks like gold. (3) Gulls flying behind the stern seem golden. (4) The masts shine with scarlet gold, the painted side of the ship glistens. (5) You used to stand on watch at the bow of the steamer, your heart filled with unspeakable joy. (6) A new day is born! (7) How many meetings and adventures does he promise a young happy sailor? (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

6. Among sentences 1-6, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The air smells like spring. (2) Casting purple shadows on the snow, the trees stand motionless in the forest. (3) Transparent and clear sky with high light clouds. (4) Under dark firs, porous snow is sprinkled with fallen needles. (5) A sensitive ear catches the first familiar sounds of spring. (6) Here, almost above the head, a ringing drum trill was heard. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

7. Among sentences 1-5, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these proposals.

(1) Good, pure Russian snowy winters. (2) Deep snowdrifts sparkle in the sun. (3) Large and small rivers hid under the ice. (4) On a frosty, quiet morning, smoke rises into the sky in pillars above the roofs of village houses. (5) Under the snow coat, gaining strength, the earth rests. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

8. Among sentences 1-7, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these proposals.

(1) Residents of large cities rarely admire the sunrise. (2) Tall stone masses of city houses cover the horizon. (3) Even villagers wake up for the short hour of sunrise, the beginning of the day. (4) But in the living world of nature, everything awakens. (5) On the fringes of the forest, over the illuminated water, the nightingales sing loudly. (6) Soar from the fields into the sky, disappearing in the rays of dawn, light larks. (7) Cuckoos joyfully cuckoo, thrushes whistle. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

9. Among sentences 1-8, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these offers.

(1) The weather on the island did not always favor us. (2) There were lingering violent storms. (3) The sea, gentle and calm in calm weather, became formidable during a storm, terrible in its indomitable strength. (4) From the top of the island, huge water hills could be seen rising to the very horizon. (5) Huge waves furiously, tirelessly rolled on the coastal rocks. (6) With a deafening cannon roar they hit their stone chests. (7) The spray reached almost to the top of the island. (8) The whole sea near the rocks was completely covered with white foam. (Vurdov N.)

10. Among sentences 1-8, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these proposals.

(1) The ascent continues for three hours. (2) During this time, the rain stopped, and the rays of the sun melted the blue thawed patches. (3) We are already high. (4) Closer, the spacious sky turns blue. (5) The approach to the pass is free from forest. (6) The gently sloping rocky slope is braided with polar birch, elfin, and alder. (7) Above, the bushes thin out, become smaller, and completely disappear. (8) Only undersized dwarfs run out onto the saddle, and there, in the stones, you can see densely woven rhododendrons. (Fedoseev G.)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Generalizing lesson "Homogeneous members of a sentence. Punctuation with homogeneous members" in grade 5.

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. Verification work on the topics "Homogeneous members of a sentence", "Generalizing words with homogeneous members of a sentence", "Dash in a simple sentence" Grade 8

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"Homogeneous members of a sentence. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence"

Homogeneous members of a sentence are one of the manifestations of the structural-semantic category of syntax - homogeneity, which is also found at the level of a complex sentence. In the block of homogeneous members, e ...

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Few definitions for one definable noun are not alwayshomogeneous members of the proposal and therefore do not always share commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics in the school program. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, further in the section "Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions" some of them are considered in more detail and are accompanied by examples.

Signs of homogeneity of definitions(briefly) :

  • indicate signs of homogeneous objects: blue, yellowish, reddish balls;
  • designate signs that are synonymous in terms of context: mighty, violent, loud downpour;
  • designate signs that are interdependent in terms of context (= because, because): lunar, clear evening (= clear, as lunar);
  • designate artistic images, metaphors: leaden, extinguished eyes;
  • there is a semantic gradation: satisfied, solemn, radiant mood;
  • a single definition is placed in front of a common one: an empty, snow-covered field;
  • placed after the word being defined: a woman is young, beautiful, good, intelligent, attractive;
  • indicate a personal characteristic (optional feature): a tiny, golden cloud; long, narrow carpet;
  • in a position after the word being defined: the clouds are round, highest, golden-gray, with delicate snow-white edges.
  • Signs of heterogeneity of definitions(briefly):

  • designate the shape and material: pot-bellied walnut bureau;
  • indicate color and shape: snow-white round clouds;
  • designate the size and material: huge stone abodes;
  • designate quality and location: a gloomy Siberian river.
  • Punctuation marks athomogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

    1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions that are not connected by unions.

    Definitions are homogeneous, in that case

    a) denote features various items: Reddish, snow-white, pink, yellowish carnations made a beautiful bouquet;

    b) denote different features of the 1st and the same object, characterizing it on the one hand: A strange, sharp, sick cry was suddenly heard twice in a row over the river;

    c) each of the definitions directly refers to the noun being defined, and therefore between them there is the possibility of sticking a creative alliance "And". Wed: spotless, measured light of the moon (spotless and measured light of the moon); a cup of thick, strong coffee (a cup of thick and strong coffee) and so on.


  • homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, in that case, with all this in terms of context they are connected together by some common feature (the similarity of the memory they produce, appearance, etc.): He held out his reddish, swollen, stained hand to me; Languid, cool clouds lay on the tops of the nearby mountains; Grayish strands gleamed in thick, black hair; pale, serious face; joyful, benevolent laughter; deserted, inhospitable house; tender, lively eyes; proud, brave look; dry, chapped lips; heavy, angry feeling; greyish, continuous, light rain etc.;
  • most of all, they are homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets): His pale blue, glassy eyes;
  • homogeneous also synonymous(in terms of context) definitions: quiet, temperate river; taciturn, timid, shy girl. In a series of similar definitions, each of the following can strengthen the sign they express, forming a semantic gradation: There was a contented, solemn, radiant mood; In autumn, the steppes completely change and get their own unusual, special, incomparable look.;
  • in the role of homogeneous definitions are usually adjective followed by participial phrase:An old man with a bushy, graying beard entered.;
  • most of all, homogeneous agreed definitions, standing after the defined word: On the winter road, a boring three greyhound runs. Exception are combinations of terminological character: pipes are thin-walled electrowelded corrosion-proof; late winter pear;
  • homogeneous are definitions that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Six months later, long, cool nights give way to quiet, warm.
  • 2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

    Definitions are heterogeneous, in that case characterize the object from different angles: big stone house(size and material); white round stones(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous, in which case they are connected together common feature: Our terrace now stands on new, brick pillars.(the unifying feature is “strong”).


  • heterogeneous definitions are often expressed by a combination of high-quality and relative adjectives: new leather briefcase, fascinating children's book, warm July night, bright birch grove, transparent window panes and so on.;
  • less commonly heterogeneous definitions consist of a combination of high-quality adjectives: an old gloomy house, rare editions worthy of attention.
  • Exercises for the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions»

    Exercise 1. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put commas.

    1. He was born into a poor farming family.

    2. A clear bright thoughtful grin lies on the clouds.
    3. The sun's rays play on the thick juicy dewy grass.
    4. She involuntarily indulged in involuntary disinterested love.
    5. Languid cool clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.
    6. I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman.
    7. In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin.
    8. Light was breaking through a tiny ice-covered window.
    9. Alyosha gave him a tiny folding round mirror.
    10. He had huge fish eyes.
    11. A flat, gloomy steppe stretched around.
    12. A booming children's laughter was heard.
    13. Black unlit windows of houses looked unfriendly.
    14. Everything fell into a sound healthy sleep.
    15. It was a cool autumn evening.
    16. Large languid drops hung on the branches.
    17. Memoirs are a living, quivering world full of poetry.
    18. Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden.
    19. A dry hot wind was blowing.
    20. A strong pre-dawn dream overcame him.
    21. Wet, loose and dazzling snow lay in the fields.
    22. We walked through the quiet taiga, illuminated by stars.
    23. The rain-washed young grass smelled stupefyingly.
    24. Tolstoy did not have the opportunity to write, in that case, excellent clean paper did not lie in front of him.
    25. On a warm summer day I went to Lvov.
    26. Reddish blue yellowish rocky peaks rise to the sky.
    27. A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest.
    28. The ancient suburban park is quiet.
    29. A yellowish maple leaf killed in autumn slowly falls to the ground.
    30. All travelers were dressed in monotonous polar suits.

    Answers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

    Exercise 2. Write off the text, placing the missing commas.
    In the meantime, the sun had risen slightly above the horizon. Now the sea was no longer shining all the time, but only in 2 places. On the very horizon, a long gaping strip was burning, and in the slowly oncoming waves, tens of the brightest eyes-cutting stars flashed. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the gentle sad blueness of the August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different new unheard of. It changes every hour before our eyes. Then it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost snow-white stripes of calm. That it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under the freshest wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo woolen, as if it were being stroked against the nap.


  • Section "Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members" in the manual Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section "Definitions" in the electric manual "Course of the Russian language" on the website lik-bez.ru
  • Exercises from the manual Kazarina S.G., Milyuk A.V., Usacheva M.P. "Punctuation" (link to manual download)
  • Additional to the site:

  • What are homogeneous members?
  • Under what criteria are definitions homogeneous members?
  • What are the rules for punctuation with homogeneous members?
  • How are punctuation marks placed with homogeneous members with a generalizing word?
  • What are the difficult cases of punctuation with homogeneous terms?
  • Where can I find exercises on the topic "Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members"?
  • How to distinguish between compound sentences and ordinary sentences with homogeneous members?
  • What are the syntactic errors in the construction and use of sentences with homogeneous members?
  • Where can I find exercises for the topic “Mistakes in the construction and use of sentences with homogeneous members”?
    • Where can I find exercises for the topic “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions”?

      Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions Few definitions to the same noun are not always homogeneous members of the sentence and therefore are not always separated by commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics in the school program. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, further in the section "Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions" some of ...

    Exercise 31 Find similar terms in the text. Break them down according to plan. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

    1. Upstairs, under the ceiling, someone either groans or laughs (Chekhov). 2. Lukerya spoke quietly and weakly but without stopping (Turgenev). 3. Empty without a team with a lowered flag of the uprising "Potemkin" slowly moved surrounded by a close convoy of smoke (Kataev). 4. He was a thinker and did not hide it (A.N. Tolstoy). 5. Usually, the Coach recognized the consent or refusal by the look (Paustovsky). 6. Thoughts caught the artist either in the middle of the street, or in a cab, or in the midst of a conversation with friends (Paustovsky). 7. He gave money to everyone who asked, not so much out of kindness as out of feigned gentlemanship (Chekhov). 8. Finally, I hear the speech of not a boy but a husband (Pushkin). 9. Although he was a close but not best friend (Goncharov). 10. Lisa's eyebrows not only frowned, but trembled (Turgenev). 11. He can talk at any time, waking up on an empty stomach, dead drunk in a fever (Chekhov). 12. However, there is always a place for a dog and for a gun and for fishing rods (Sands). 13. In this forest there are aspen and birch and viburnum a lot of bird cherry (A. Ivanov). 14. The sky was then clouded over with white clouds, then suddenly cleared in places for a moment (Turgenev). 15. Grushnitsky hit the table with his fist and began to walk up and down the room (Lermontov). 16. Kiryukha and Vasya wandered at a distance and collected weeds and birch bark for a fire (Chekhov). 17. All the feigned gaiety, self-control, restraint all left Davydov at that moment (Sholokhov). 18. She washes and washes floors and accepts babies and woo and beg (Chekhov). 19. Table, chairs, chairs, everything was of the most difficult and restless quality (Gogol). 20. The professor immediately showed me everything the right tools both for catching butterflies and for laying them out (Aksakov). 21. The defender did not receive an answer to his question and did not feel the need for it (Chekhov). 22. Alexander's apartment, although spacious, is not elegant and gloomy (Chekhov). 23. On the infinite in the free space, noise and movement, roar and thunder (Tyutchev). 24. In the serious silence, only Chapaev's imperious voice and whistles and snores of sleeping soldiers were heard (Furmanov). 25. I will either sob or scream or faint (Chekhov). 26. These words did not seem to threaten anyone, neither her, nor the people running after him and overtaking her, nor the director of the plant, nor Savchuk (A. Ivanov). 27. There were no other flowers of forget-me-nots, buttercups, cat paws (Soloukhin). 28. Tatyana, in a brief table of contents, finds in alphabetical order the words bor storm witch spruce hedgehog meadow bridge bear blizzard and others (Pushkin). 29. From the house, from the trees, from the dovecote and the gallery, long shadows ran far from everything (Goncharov). 30. Hope and hate both disappeared at the same time (Chekhov). 31. Dogs, horses, chickens, everything is wet, sadly shy (Chekhov). 32. In the mornings in our hut it was not only smoky, but somehow smarno (Nagibin). 33. I could never indifferently see not only cut down groves, but even the fall of one large cut tree (Aksakov). 34. The river stood as it stands (Rasputin). 35. No one will be warm or cold from Protopopov's criticism (Chekhov). 36. He is neither a man nor a gentleman nor fish nor meat (Chekhov).
