How to safely open the chakras yourself at home. How to open all the chakras yourself The most effective way to open all the chakras

Good afternoon dear friends! Have you ever felt an overwhelming need for love? For no apparent reason. Everything is there, but something is missing. Familiar? Feelings like this are a sign of a blockage in the heart chakra. If energy cannot circulate freely through the body, stagnation occurs. Because of the resulting imbalance, the whole body suffers. Chronic illnesses, failures in personal life, financial problems... I think it's not worth continuing: it's so clear that something needs to be done about it. How to open the heart chakra in a woman? About everything in order.

Block symptoms

The most noticeable manifestation is pessimism and passivity. Normally, a person perceives the world optimistically and copes with difficulties, even if it is not easy. With a block, there is an increasing desire to give up. With dysfunction, a person is not looking for opportunities, but for excuses and excuses. When he is offered options, he reluctantly agrees, but then he finds a thousand "buts". I don’t want to move forward, I have to get bogged down in the “swamp”.

There is a feeling of insecurity. It seems that others are negatively tuned. “I am not worthy of love, no one will ever love me,” is one of the typical thoughts. In fact, relations are hindered only by increased suspicion, resentment and constant pain. Women with dysfunction are prone to jealousy and revenge, even little things cause them outbursts of anger.

First of all, the block distorts the perception of the world. We cannot correctly assess the situation, so false emotions arise.

Often, the following symptoms or diseases develop when blocked:

  • oncology
  • heart attack
  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • hypertension
  • tachycardia
  • panic attacks, anxiety or anger attacks
  • breathing problems.

If you have noticed something similar behind you, it's time to move on to drastic measures!

Ways to open the heart chakra

How to remove the "blockage" from the channel? There are many methods. They are based on the exclusion of the negative. Let go of resentment, longing and anger. It's energy junk! What will help you achieve your goal? Consider the most effective ways.

1. Tactile contact.

Sometimes all a person needs is a big hug. Have you ever been hugged during an argument? Surprisingly, such a simple action quickly conquers anger. The pet also helps to open the chakra. When we stroke a pet, happiness hormones are released. At the very least, try a massage.

2. Farewell.

If someone has done bad things to you, that is his fault, not yours. Resentment is an emotional burden that the offender is trying to dump on you. Don't accept negativity. Why do you need him? Remember that a happy person cannot offend. The right decision is to take pity on the “attacker”, continue on your way and continue to enjoy life.

3. Open your soul.

Often we shut ourselves in. We don’t let anyone in, and then we sincerely don’t understand: why are we alone? This is due to fear. Most people are afraid of negative experiences. Many have already burned themselves and do not want repetition. Get rid of the phobia! Remember that a bad experience is also an experience. It is needed in order not to repeat mistakes, and not to escape reality.

4. Get used to thinking positively!

Did you catch yourself on the excuse or the negative? Find 2 solutions to the problem or 2 pluses in the current situation. There should always be more good than bad. Gradually, you will no longer see the negative and be afraid of obstacles.

5. Move into reality.

We are so accustomed to the Internet that we rarely communicate with people live. Letters and brackets replaced facial expressions, intonation, emotions. This is a "dead" communication that brings almost no benefit. Try to give up social networks for a week, talk friends over, arrange a small joint action. You will see how your life will change during this time. Surely you will have time to find several common hobbies and get to know each other better.

6. Go in for sports.

Exercise helps to keep in good shape not only the body, but also the soul. You don't have to work to the point of exhaustion. Enough 15-30 minutes a day. Be sure to choose exactly what you like. Maybe your element is a pool? A morning jog helps you put your thoughts in order and get ready for work. While cycling, you notice the beauty of the world around you. If you want to improve your health, prefer a course to strengthen the muscles of the back or a set of exercises "5 Tibetans". I have talked about them in other posts.

7. Listen or repeat affirmations.

It has long been proven that self-hypnosis works. A person can tune himself to any wave. If you constantly reproach and blame yourself, you will not be able to get out of the vicious circle. The simplest affirmation is: "I love and I am loved." However, we are all individuals and you may need a different one.

8. Read mantras.

We have already said that sound can heal. Vibrations passing through our body affect the energy channels. The mantra for the heart is the sound of "yam". It is necessary not only to repeat it, but to tune in to the ritual. Imagine how a stream of energy passes through you, clear your thoughts. Not only the mantra itself is of great importance, but also your emotions.

9. Love yourself.

How often do you sacrifice your desires or health for the sake of others? Stop "beating" yourself! If you have health problems, take care of them. No excuses or fears. Just go to the doctor and start treatment. If you don't love yourself, you won't be able to love others. Allow yourself little whims. Look for the golden mean.

10. Compassion is love.

Sometimes it's good to watch a heartbreaking movie and just cry. Don't keep your emotions inside, let compassion come out. Tears, care, desire to help - this is completely normal. Literally translated from Armenian, “I love you” means “I will take your pain.” Very true! If you want to help someone, help. Do not be afraid to once again seem intrusive. It's better to be pushy than heartless.

Don't stop at just one way! Ideally, all methods should become your personal rules. They will help not only open the heart chakra, but also deal with other issues.

The block of energy channels hits on all fronts. First there are problems inside, and then - outside. You involuntarily close yourself in an imaginary comfort zone, which in fact turns out to be a trap. Don't fall into the trap! Try not to allow the formation of a block, and if trouble has already caught up, fight. It's just worth getting started.

How do you "open" your heart? Essential oils help me. I love rose, mint and lemon scents. They allow you to relax and get back to work. The smell of citrus in general greatly affects the mood. See you soon!

I'm sure most of you know what chakras are, where they are located, and, accordingly, what colors.

Probably, many of you have done a bunch of different meditations and techniques for developing the chakras, and perhaps they helped someone. But we often forget what the chakras represent? For example, the sexual chakra is creativity, the solar plexus chakra is interaction with society, the heart chakra is love, openness, trust, the throat chakra is self-expression, the third eye chakra is intuition, etc.

What do you think needs to be done in order to develop these energy centers most effectively and broadcast it to the outside world? Meditation is a wonderful and necessary way, but you can sit in a meditative state for a very long time and not get any results. Everything is really simple! Let me tell you an example from my life.

I, too, once worked hard with my chakras, trying to dissolve blocks, sitting in meditation for hours, but in the outside world everything was in vain, until I started working with them using the tools that exist in the outside world. Only at that moment it was unconscious. Then I was engaged in many interesting things, I wanted to try everything, to know, in a sense to catch up, to embody the desires from my childhood. I went to belly dancing, Zuko (Latin couple dances), yoga, martial arts, worked in an online toy store as a manager (fantastic sphere), but the main activity in my work was communication with people (customers and store employees). While doing all this, I began to notice that I was becoming more open and liberated. If earlier it was difficult for me to communicate with people, and I closed myself off from them, now I got great pleasure from communication, and at that moment my heart radiated incredible warmth that came out of my body!

After oriental dances and yoga, I began to feel more feminine and liberated in terms of expressing myself. The strong tension in the lower abdomen has gone, the pain has stopped. I felt warmth and relaxation there, my movements became more measured, smooth and soft. After Latin dances, I began to trust men more and understand them. The essence of these dances is that a woman in a couple completely trusts a man, allows him to lead herself in the dance and her task is to relax and follow the movements of her partner. This greatly influenced my attitude towards the opposite sex and had a very beneficial effect on my personal life.

I also realized that I was afraid to speak my mind. They visited thoughts, what if I say something wrong or do something wrong. And what will others think of me, etc. I had a thyroid problem for a very long time. There was a lump in my throat and it caused discomfort. After realizing, I began to learn to express my own point of view, to defend my interests in a conversation, without thinking about who would think what. Over time, the lump seemed to dissolve and even the voice changed a little. Many complexes are gone.

There was another interesting story. Once in the summer, my friend and I were walking around Moscow at night. We walked until the morning ... just because we wanted to ... We went to a cafe, sat there for a while and went for a walk again. It was great to just go without thinking where and why you are going. You just go and that's it ... (very unloads the brain). And then dawn came, and Moscow began to wake up. Someone was walking somewhere from somewhere, immersed in thoughts, someone was already starting their working day ... In general, we suddenly wanted to just say to these people: "Good morning! Thank you for being so good and wonderful! Thank you for everything you do!"... And we began to talk to everyone we met. The reaction of surprise, amazement, joy of a person inspired us to do it even more! It was very nice to see the smile of the women workers of the subway, who in the morning with a half-asleep and drooping expression began their working day and after our words their face lit up with a genuine luminous smile! With each of our appeals to the people we met, it caused more and more states of happiness, joy and love in our heart and body! In some way it was a practice, but at that moment it was just a call of our heart, coming from the soul! After this walk, I came home and went to bed, and when I woke up, I felt lightness in my chest, in my heart, in my body, an inner smile and joy. I breathed and spoke easily after that! And I was just happy!

Thus, my work was completed at all levels of my being in a short time. Therefore, if some level in your life is suffering and needs to be worked out, just start developing this level in the outside world. The tools and possibilities are endless! You just have to want. In addition, it is interesting ... the colors of life become bright, other people become interested in you, new acquaintances arise, like-minded people appear! You discover and know yourself in something new. This is wonderful! Just act, learn, experiment! You are doing this for yourself! Good luck and all the best!

A person is not only a physical body and a spiritual component, but also a huge one. The human energy system consists of individual elements called chakras. They provide an exchange of energies between people, and the stronger the chakras are developed, the more protected a person is.

What it is?

In addition to the physical, a person also has other types of bodies: mental, ethereal and others. If you imagine an energy body, it is comparable to a vessel that is filled with positive and negative energy and is able to accumulate and spend it during interaction and communication with people.

For example, acquaintances at a meeting wished each other a good day - an exchange of positive energy took place between them. Chakras are responsible for this exchange - the energy centers of the etheric body. Each person has 7.

A person with psychic abilities, who is able to see not only the physical body, describes the chakras as denser bundles of energy, although its thin threads permeate the entire body. They are also called lotuses, because they resemble this flower in shape.


In translation, chakra means a spinning wheel with spokes, and the principle of operation of energy centers really resembles the rotation of a wheel. Chakra is the first and main analyzer of words, actions, thoughts that come from outside.

That is, what we see, hear, feel, is secondary in comparison with the energy content. For example, sometimes after a simple, not emotionally colored conversation with someone, there is a feeling of discomfort or an unpleasant aftertaste.

This means that mentally a person does not want good or thinks badly about the interlocutor. One of their functions and features is that they do not let the information received into consciousness.

These subtle fields “absorb” impressions, process them and transmit them to the outside world. We understand the transmission of chakras as mood. However, this does not mean that a person is forced to live in lies and falsehood. Intuition helps to recognize, which works on a subconscious level, and it already warns the brain about possible harm.

Chakras react very sharply to especially strong negative emotions and close abruptly. Thus, they protect against a negative blow, but at the same time they can appear. For example, you can feel the negative from a person who, in a fit of anger, mentally wishes for death.

The interaction of the etheric (energy) and physical body is very close and continuous.


A person has 7 chakras, which are located in different areas of the body.

What are the types of chakras?

  • sahasrara. Located above the head. It is responsible for receiving energy from the outside and distributing it through subtle fields, and is also associated with the lymphatic and skeletal systems;
  • ajna or third eye. Located in the center of the forehead. Ajna ensures the functioning of the nervous system and brain, is responsible for the transmission of information over long distances;
  • - chakra in the lower part of the neck. It is also called the throat chakra, because it is responsible for the thyroid gland and the respiratory system;
  • - heart chakra. It is responsible for the feelings of a person, fills the cardiovascular system with energy;
  • manipura. Located in the center of the navel, is responsible for the process of digestion;
  • - sexual chakra at the base of the spine. It supports immunity;
  • muladhara- the coccyx chakra, responsible for.

How to open chakras?

Under the influence of various external and internal factors, the chakras are closed or blocked. Physically, a person does not feel this in any way, at least at first.

Each psycho-energetic center closes for a specific reason, but you can open them by following one algorithm:

  1. identify the cause of blocking;
  2. make sure that the desire to remove it reaches its maximum;
  3. find a way to open the chakra that is convenient for you and start putting it into practice.

Each person opens individually.

First root

Muladhara is cherry colored. She is responsible for security, survival, strength and procreation. Most often, the blocking of this center occurs due to any fears (fear of the dark, relationships, fear of performing on stage), which appear with a certain frequency.

To unlock muladhara, you need to find out why there is a fear of a particular phenomenon, deal with the causes of fear and try to face it. Courage, generosity and will help to open the chakra.


Second sacral

Svadhisthana is orange in color and belongs to the water. Svadhisthana can be blocked by a constant feeling of guilt. But this does not mean that a person cannot feel guilty.

It is important not to bring yourself to self-torture, not to take responsibility for all the failures of the people around you and not to allow "self-devouring". Cheerfulness and the realization of sexual energy helps to unblock the chakra.

third solar plexus

Manipura is yellow in color and belongs to the fire element. The central chakra is blocked by frustration and shame.

Very often, manipura has been closed since childhood, because parents and teachers are very fond of repeating the phrase “shame on you?”, thereby educating the child with a sense of shame in relation to many of his actions and words.

To open the third manipura, you need to work on confidence, realize your own freedom, realize yourself in society and learn insight.

Fourth cardiac

Anahata obeys the air element. Its blocking happens under the influence of internal isolation and severe grief. In the first case, we are talking about excessive restraint and secrecy, when a person does not give vent to accumulated emotions and experiences.

In the second case, the anahata is closed by a strong and deep heartache associated, for example, with the loss of a loved one. Often, against the background of grief, a deep depression develops, a depressed mood prevails, and apathy is present.

If this state lasts for a long time, the cardiac anahata closes. Opening the chakra helps love, joy, openness, happiness and compassion.

Fifth throat

Vishuddha, the neck chakra, is blocked when a person either prevents himself from expressing his own opinion or chooses to lie. He prefers to remain silent, not to talk about his desires, inconveniences, to ask for help. If he is asked if everything is fine, he answers yes, even if it is not. In addition, a person often lies to himself.

To open the energy center, you need to communicate more, talk about your desires, be sincere with yourself and other people, not be afraid of self-expression and creative impulses.


The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is indigo in color. Ajna is associated with psychic abilities, clairvoyance, intuition.

It closes when a person cannot distinguish illusion from reality, when reality and expectation do not match. Usually a person imagines a situation in one way, but everything turns out differently.

In this case, spiritual knowledge cannot be comprehended, since a person cannot even imagine the near future in a form close to reality. Pride and star disease interfere with this. Opens ajna awareness, intuition, flexibility.


Sahasrara, also called the crown chakra, is responsible for. It closes when material, earthly goods acquire a strong significance.

A person becomes so attached to the benefits and values ​​​​of this world that he becomes the owner and hardly lets go of material things, and even people (spouse, children, friends).


You need to understand that everything earthly is a manifestation of divine energy, and you cannot become attached to this. The development of the inner world and the release of subtle energy helps to release the chakra.

Chakra opening

There are several ways to open the chakras:,. But there is one very simple and effective method that allows you to remove the blockage of energy centers and protect them from closing in the future.

What do we have to do:
  • purchase homemade plain chakra-colored clothes that need to be revealed and always wear them at home;
  • find a place in the house for paintings with a sacred image, a dream catcher, buy bed linen in the color of a closed chakra. In other words, work with the interior;
  • buy a certain one, which is a symbol of a particular chakra. It should always be carried with you and periodically sorted out in your hands. Sahasrara corresponds to amethyst, ajna to aventurine, vishuddha to lapis lazuli, anahata to turquoise, manipura to honey amber, svadhisthana to orange amber, muladhara to coral;
  • make sacred images on yourself: these can be temporary henna drawings on your hands or even a tattoo;
  • refuse for a while from heavy food, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy;
  • Avoid unpleasant odors. Get incense sticks, candles, lamps with a fragrance that matches the chakra;
  • light candles during meditation;
  • turn on monotonous music or mantras during.

You can spend only 20-30 minutes a day on opening the chakras. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, light candles, turn on monotonous music and say words to yourself that will help open one or another chakra. For example: “I am aware of my fears. I feel them leaving me. I am no longer afraid and I let my fears take over.”

Regular practices help to release the energy centers, after which both the physical condition and the emotional mood will improve significantly.

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How to open the chakras yourself:

Closed chakras can be the culprit of many problems in a person's life, ranging from strained relationships with loved ones to serious illnesses. Energy centers are blocked for various reasons, so their opening is always individual. A long and tightly closed chakra is best opened during meditation or yoga in group sessions with a trainer.

open chakra

Chakras are important energy centers of the body, and on the physical plane (body), in a material form, they are not represented in any way. One can only talk about the projection of the chakra into a certain area on the physical body. Chakra, in analogy, is more like an electrical distribution substation than a pipe.

Therefore, when people talk about the openness of a person's chakra, they mean its activity, and not a hole that can be more or less open. Although the analogy with a hole, a pipe, is also appropriate, because. , including the interaction of the organism with the environment.

Since the chakra unites a group of organs, the more active the chakra, the more open the chakra, the more intense the processes in these organs. And the more intense is the energy exchange through this chakra between the body and the outside world.

closed chakra

When they talk about a closed chakra, they most likely mean the energy suppression of this area, these organs. In practice, here we are talking not about a closed chakra, but about a “covered” one (see below). Below, I will try to give a description of the chakra, if it is closed.

For example, slow digestion, constipation, may indicate a lack of digestive "fires", i.e. about weakness. It can be said that the manipura chakra is not sufficiently open or suppressed. Or you can say that it is closed. Why the chakra is closed is a separate issue that is beyond the scope of this article. Perhaps, over time, we will have an article on the topic of the connection between the state of the chakras and diseases on our website.

But in fact, the chakra of an ordinary person is not completely closed. Because completely closing the chakra would lead to serious health problems or even death. Imagine what will happen if some large blood vessel, for example, an artery, is squeezed in the physical body. Moreover, if you are told that all chakras of someone are closed, then either that person does not understand what he is talking about, or he is talking about a corpse.

Opening the chakras must be done carefully.

As you probably know, moderation is key in everything. This is an important principle of the universe, it also works for the chakras. Excessive, its hyperactivity, can be a problem even worse than a closed chakra. Excessive openness of the chakra can lead to an overload of the organs for which it is “responsible”.

As an example, we can recall sexual overexcitation when there is no way to realize. Many men (possibly women) have experienced this condition more than once, especially in their youth. This is an overload, an excessive openness of the sex chakra. As a result, the genital area is overflowing with energies, which, finding no way out, burns the host's body. This is accompanied by pain, unpleasant pressure and, in general, the condition is uncomfortable.

Another example is from female nature. Periodic opening of the sex chakra, initiated by the body itself, associated with the menstrual cycle. I think most women do not need to explain further about the disadvantages of sexual chakra hyperactivity.

As you probably already understood, it is not worth opening the chakras out of idle curiosity. Just like picking a screwdriver in your ear. I'll give you one more problem. In addition to opening the chakras, they still need to be harmonized, because. chakras do not exist separately, by themselves, but are elements of a complex system. About the harmonization of the chakras, perhaps we will talk more separately.

But then in what cases does it make sense to engage in the opening of the chakras?

The task of the chakra opener is to make it (this very chakra) more active. There are a number of methods for how this can be achieved. Here it is necessary to note an important point, the energy of the body, like any complex system, has inertia. Therefore, working on opening the chakra once is not enough in most cases. Over time, the chakra regime will return to its original state if the practice of opening the chakra is not continued regularly.

So, one of the methods for opening the chakras was given in a soft version in. At the end of the article, where it was about meditation for beginners. Similar techniques in relation to several chakras were described in a general way in.

The next well-known method is the frequency resonance method. Chakras differ among themselves in the speed of ongoing processes, in frequency. You can choose a sound or a combination of sounds that will resonate (fully or in the form of secondary harmonics) with the frequency of a particular chakra.

For example, if you tighten (sing long) the mantra “jo-jo-jo…” out loud, then after a while you may notice activation in the area (root chakra) - this is the area of ​​the sacrum, pelvis. Yes, words in the folk lexicon do not appear out of nowhere. Such syllable sounds are classified as mantras. Such mantras for the chakras, mantras for meditation on the chakras.

There are more complex mantras than in my example. And there are just musical compositions that activate the chakra (open the chakra). For example, music for the chakras. Everything works according to the principle of resonance.

Of course, there are many musical compositions and mantras, the description of which indicates that they contribute to the opening of the chakra (or all the chakras at once!), But in reality they do not work. How to distinguish working things from non-working things will become clear to those who pass our training program.

Another method to help open the chakras (some). These are complexes of special physical exercises. For example, yoga or qigong. Some of the postures that the practitioner takes set a certain configuration for the flow of energy, collect attention on the energy center, on the chakra. As a result, you can work in this way, for example, with the three lower chakras (muladhara, svadhisthana and). The upper chakras (above the manipura) are difficult to engage with physical exercises.

I think there are many more methods for opening the chakras, including the direct impact of consciousness on the chakra. But now, we will consider just one more method of opening the chakras and try it out in practice (on our own skin) in order to get personal experience. Personal experience is the basis of any spiritual development. So, we are trying to open the chakras on our own.

The technique in question belongs to the family of pranayama techniques, (energy breathing technique). Using it (method) to open the chakra, be very careful and moderate (why, it was said at the beginning of the article). Do not rush to super results. Track changes between exercises.

The essence of the method is breathing through the area corresponding to the projection of the chakra on the surface of the physical body. For each chakra, a description will be given of its area, where the chakra "is" and what the opening of this chakra gives.

A side effect may be the cleansing of the chakra from energy plugs. But cleaning the chakras is a separate big topic. For now, don't focus on it.

The entire exercise should be done in a comfortable state. In case of even slight discomfort, finish the exercise. Discomfort suggests that either the exercise is done incorrectly, or an overload begins.

Exercise is done strictly in a clean, pleasant place. Because to breathe filth, especially to shove it into your body, of your own free will, hardly anyone will agree.

To start the exercise, sit in a comfortable position in which you can comfortably spend 10-20 minutes without moving. Close your eyes and gradually focus your attention on your breath. Watch how you breathe. As when you inhale, you take something from the surrounding space, it penetrates inside. And when you exhale, you expel something from yourself, it goes beyond the limits of the physical body. Remember these states, this is a feeling of energy exchange between the body and the surrounding space.

Now try breathing through your palms. You also breathe, as before, but gradually transfer all attention to the palms. Imagine how when you inhale, the energy enters through the palms from the outside, fills the palms, spreads further along the forearm. And when you exhale, the energy comes out through the palms. Exhale through your palms.

Breathe like this for a while. An indicator of the correctness of the exercise will be warming up the palms. Now let's go through each of the seven chakras separately. I warn you, the responsibility for the consequences of independent exercises lies solely with you.

Muladhara chakra or root chakra is located in the sacrum, from the back (see article about chakras). Red flower. How to open Muladhara Chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to this area and breathe through it.

The opening of the muladhara chakra allows you to strengthen the immune system and, in general, physical manifestation in the world. Material issues will begin to come to the fore.

This is the place where the great energy of Kundalini lurks. It is dangerous to disturb her ahead of time, therefore, be attentive to various kinds of energy effects, for example, such as heating up the physical body.

How to develop Muladhara Chakra? To begin with, it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise.

The svadhisthana chakra or sex chakra (sexual chakra) is located approximately in the lower abdomen. Orange flower. How to open the sex chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the area of ​​the svadhisthana chakra and breathe through it. Do not get carried away too much, overload in this area is not a pleasant thing.

An open svadhisthana chakra makes a person more sexually attractive, because. increases the amount of energy in the area of ​​this chakra. But be careful with development, you are also influenced by the monstrous power of sexual energy.

Regular careful work with this center (the exercise to open the svadhisthana chakra) can alleviate the painful effects on women's days. Listen to your body and intuition.

How to develop svadhisthana chakra? Decide whether you need it, because it can be difficult to cope with sexual energy. To begin with, it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise.

Manipura chakra is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus (upper abdomen). Yellow flower. How to open manipura chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the area of ​​the manipura chakra and breathe through it.

An open manipura chakra is energy, it is will, it is a reliance on your inner core. In addition to the positive effects, they can also show the negative aspects of your character. For example, aggression, temper, etc. Opening practices should be accompanied by tracking your emotional reactions to situations throughout the day.

How to develop manipura chakra? Regular exercise is the key to success. It is enough to perform the above exercise.

Anahata chakra or heart cup, respectively, is located in the region of the heart, so be extremely careful. Green flower. How to open anahata chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the area of ​​the anahata chakra and breathe through it. Don't forget about (see above).

An open anahata chakra is an emotional openness to the outside world, an experience of deep feelings. A person with an open anahata chakra can feel unity with the surrounding world, connection with it. This is an indescribable feeling.

How to develop anahata chakra? To begin with, it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise.

Vishuddha chakra or as it is also called, the throat chakra. It is located at the base of the neck, in the region of the jugular cavity. Blue flower. How to open vishuddha chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the vishuddha chakra area and breathe through it.

An open vishuddha chakra is the mind, the intellectual understanding of any concepts. Also, this chakra is responsible for verbal communications, the ability to explain, express one's point of view, and accurately formulate thoughts. Opening exercises can affect the thyroid gland. This can put the body into stress mode, so be careful.

How to develop vishuddha chakra? If you are sure that there is no way without this, then it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise. This will be enough for the first stage.

Ajna chakra is located in the brow area, in the center of the head above the eyebrow line. Blue flower. How to open ajna chakra? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the area of ​​the ajna chakra and breathe through it.

The opening of the ajna chakra is traditionally associated with the opening of the third eye. An open ajna allows you to directly see the subtle world in the form of visual images, without the participation of interpretation, as is true for.

The opening of the ajna chakra also opens up access to the subconscious, to past incarnations. Therefore, be vigilant, because it is not known who hid on the other side!

How to develop ajna chakra? To begin with, it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise.

Sahasrara chakra or thousand-petalled lotus is located exactly on the top of the head. Purple flower. How to open ? With pranic breathing, bring your attention to the area of ​​the sahasrara chakra and breathe through it.

An open sahasrara chakra is a connection with the information field of our planet. Access to the so-called Akashic records. In this regard, the effect of insight is possible when a person receives some knowledge directly. But the acquired knowledge can be difficult to correctly interpret, or knowledge can be partial. Therefore, do not rush to share with the world the secrets that have been whispered into your ear through this channel. This requires some skill.

This mechanism works in the so-called channelers. This is how they contact something (someone) and write their own channelings.
In addition, an open sahasrara is a connection with the egregor of religion, with God. Such a person becomes close, significant to God. As a result, the concern of the higher forces noticeably increases. But at the same time, the freedom of one's own will decreases, because. have to solve problems of a "global" scale. As a side effect of such a relationship, a complete loss of one's own personality is possible. Be careful when opening .

How to develop sahasrara chakra? Decide if you need it. At the first stage, it is enough to regularly perform the above exercise.


In this article, within the framework of our concept of developmental education, I tried to present my vision and experience in working with . We answered the questions about what a closed chakra is, what it means to open a chakra and why it might be needed.

I hope this article will be useful to you and help answer the questions you are looking for answers to here. It will help you find or continue your difficult path to yourself, the path of spiritual evolution, human capabilities.

You can write your questions and wishes here in the comments or in a personal message. I'll try to answer everyone.

Good luck and see you soon!

Do you want to be happy, healthy, and loved, but instead you just survive and feel unsatisfied, tired, or stressed? Do you have physical or emotional health problems? Are quarrels and scandals increasingly occurring in your home? The root of all problems, most likely, lies in the fact that your chakras are blocked. Therefore, the energy in the body does not flow properly and creates all sorts of difficulties.

To unblock the chakras, it is not necessary to turn to gurus and experienced instructors. If you do not know how to open the chakras yourself, at home, then listen to our recommendations. There are simple but powerful techniques designed to open a person's chakras. Having worked through these techniques, chakra points can be independently opened and balanced, restored, peace, clarity, health and happiness, harmonize your life.

Chakras: types, principles of work.

Chakras are the energy centers of the body through which both positive and negative energy passes. When any of these centers become blocked, an imbalance is created and no free flow is created in your system, resulting in physical, emotional and spiritual health problems. In total, a person has 7 chakras:

  1. - Muladhara. The very first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine in the back of the coccyx or the front of the perineum. Muladhara is responsible for the sense of validity and survival instincts, physiological needs.
  2. - Svadhisthana. The second energy point is located in the pubic area and represents connection and the ability to accept new experiences and people around you, well-being, sexuality, pleasure and abundance.
  3. - Manipura is located in the upper abdomen, just above the navel. By discovering Manipura, we discover for ourselves the possibilities of intuition, attention, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. — Anahata. It is located in the center of the chest and represents the abilities and feelings of the human heart: to love, to rejoice, to develop.
  5. Vmshudha is located in the region of the throat. It is responsible for the ability to communicate, develop and express oneself.
  6. - Ajna. The so-called third eye is located between the eyes on the forehead. Ajna represents a person's ability to concentrate, imagine, the ability to see the big picture, make important decisions, wisdom. With Ajna, all the possibilities of intellect and consciousness open up.
  7. - Sahasrara, the highest energy point located at the top of the head. If you activate the Sahasrara, then you can achieve complete harmony, bliss, pleasure.

A chakra blockage will definitely be felt by a person. This will be felt on the emotional state, some diseases may appear. Also, blocking is associated with failures in life, in the family, in business.

Techniques for activating the chakras

If you want balance, inner harmony, health, love and happiness to come into your life, then use the following techniques to activate closed chakras:


Meditation practice is a powerful way to connect with your spirit and ask for help from your higher self. It is an effective way to release negative energy and unwanted blockages, unlocking new and positive energy forces. Any form of meditation is an excellent practice for chakra opening. There are also meditative techniques for activating a particular type of human chakras and opening them.


Another effective way to unblock and open the chakras at home is through yoga exercises. Regular practice of yoga and calisthenics can bring balance to your mind, body and soul, open your chakras and balance your energy.

Mantras and affirmations

Mantras are another sure way to open yourself to unconditional love, promote harmonization, Mantras are the training of our subconscious. You can use them during meditation or throughout the day, repeating out loud or to yourself. You can use Sanskrit words or come up with your own mantras. Use the statements you need the most. To achieve chakra harmonization, it is necessary to work out affirmations daily.


Creative visualization is a powerful tool to unlock and clear the mind of negative information. Elevate yourself to a relaxed state, sitting on a pillow or lying on a comfortable bed, or, even better, on the green grass or on the banks of a babbling river. Visualize images and colors that represent love and happiness to you. Bring yourself mentally to a happy place.

Deep breathing

Deep and conscious inhalations and exhalations can also lead to chakra activation and. Each breath directs energy to your problematic energy point, and each exhalation allows this energy to settle there. Processing can quickly restore harmonious balance to your mind, body, and soul.


Holding on to resentment, anger, regret, grief, and not remembering past hurts and hurts can cause a lot of energy blockages within you, especially in the heart chakra. Forgiving and letting go is the surest way to effectively open your chakras.


Practicing gratitude can instantly raise the vibration of positive energy and open and activate all of a person's chakras as a result. can bring more abundance, happiness, health, peace, love, meaningful relationships and other positive qualities into your life. When you wake up, imagine all the things you are grateful for in your life. Keep a gratitude journal and list at least three things each night you were grateful for that day. Take a few minutes during the day to say thank you to the people around you, God and the Universe for the pleasant little things and human happiness.

color therapy

Each of the chakra centers has its own colors:

  • Muladhara - red;
  • Svadhisthana - orange;
  • Manipura - yellow;
  • Anahata - green;
  • Vmshudha - blue;
  • Ajna - indigo;
  • Sahasrara - purple.

To activate the chakras, use specific color accents in clothes, shoes, jewelry. The same goes for food.


Crystals and gems offer an easy and natural way to ignite the natural flow of energy within you and balance your mind, body and soul. Amethyst is for the crown, sodalite for the third eye, chrysocolla for the throat, rose quartz for the heart, citrine for the solar plexus, carnelian for the sacral, and hematite is good for the root chakra.

Daily exercises to open the chakras

  1. The first root chakra is associated with the earth, so walking barefoot on sand, grass, or mud is beneficial. Any time spent in nature is good for Muladhara.
  2. The second Svadhisthana is associated with water, it is useful for it to swim or spend time near water bodies.
  3. For the solar plexus, sunlight, the warmth of a fire, is useful.
  4. Anahata is associated with air, so deep breathing will help clear the energy.
  5. Vishuddha is personified by ether (similar to spirit), so simply being under a clear sky is an incredible way to receive positive energy.
  6. The so-called third eye is associated with light. To work through and open Ajna, sit often in silence in the sun, relax in front of the window at dawn when the sun rises.
  7. The last seventh chakra is connected to all the elements, it works when all energy centers are open. Spend your free time meditating, singing or praying, try to open yourself up to positive thoughts and feelings.

As you can see, there are many ways to benefit all of your chakras. Chakra work should become a conscious regular process that will lead you to and open towards the fulfillment of desires, the healing of all organs. Working with the chakras is a sure way to restore, regulate and balance the flow of energy in your body, this is the path to harmony and happiness.
