Урок на тему одежда английском. Английский язык самостоятельно: hot english issues: урок фонетики i. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Класс: 3

Урок разработан на основе УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

Тип урока – комбинированный.

Цели урока:

  • воспитательные цели - осуществление нравственного воспитания учащихся, формирование навыков и умений интеллектуального труда; воспитание культуры мышления, общения, поведения, обучение умением пользоваться разными источниками информации;
  • образовательные цели - научить детей рассказывать кто во что одет; вести диалог “В магазине одежды”; составлять краткий пересказ текста;
  • развивающие цели - развитие интеллектуальной, эмоциональной и мотивационной сферы личности учащихся; расширение кругозора учащихся.

Задачи урока:

  • закрепление изученной лексики по теме “Одежда”;
  • знакомство с новой лексикой по теме “Одежда”;
  • тренировка употребления новой лексики;
  • повторение лексики по теме “Цвета”;
  • тренировка употребления глаголов в Present Progressive;
  • развитие диалогической речи;
  • развитие навыков чтения.

Ход урока

1. Вступление

T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to meet you! How are you today?

PP: We are fine. Thank you. And how are you?

3. Основная часть.

T: Well done! Let"s remember names of clothes and we will learn new words.

(На экране демонстрируются отрывки из видеоурока

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j62HR5lNpzw 0.40-1.54 и 4.50-6.28. Дети смотрят видео и повторяют слова и фразы за диктором.)

T: Good work, kids! Now describe your pictures, please.

Дети достают заранее приготовленные рисунки и рассказывают кто во что одет. На экране остается последний видео кадр как образец для высказывания.

P1: He is wearing a blue shirt and black trousers.

P2: She is wearing a yellow dress and green shoes.

T: Well done! Now let’s play a game. You will go to the shop to buy the clothes you need.

(Раздаем карточки для диалогов. См. Приложение 2. Дети разыгрывают диалоги на основе ранее выученного уп.8 ст.58, заменяя названия одежды, цвет и размер в соответствии с полученной карточкой.)

P1: Hello! I’d like a pair of jeans, please.

P2: What colour would you like?

P2: And what size do you want?

P1: Thirty-two. Can I try them on?

T: You are very good pupils! Let’s have action time.

(Дети выполняют команды зарядки только в том случае, когда они слышат слово PLEASE.)

T: You’ve done exercises very well. And your dialogues were very good. Now let’s think what things can we buy in shops except clothes.

PP: food, games, computers...

T: You are right. Open your book, please, p.61 ex.7. You will read the text “A Good Idea” but first look at the pictures and try to guess that it is the text about.

P1: This tale is about a cat.

P2: This tale is about mice.

P3: The cat likes to watch TV.

P4: The mice like to eat.

T: Very good. Please, read the text and we will see if your predictions are right.

(Дети читают текст.)

T: Please answer my questions. Who lived in the house?

P1: A big cat and mice lived in the house.

T: What was the cat’s name?

P2: The cat’s name was Tom.

T: Where did Tom live?

P3: He lived in the kitchen.

T: Where did mice live?

P4: They lived under the kitchen.

T: Could the mice eat in the kitchen?

P5: No, they couldn’t.

P6: Because Tom was in the kitchen.

T: What did Tom like to do?

P7: He liked to watch TV.

T: What did the mice do to eat in the kitchen?

P8: The mice bought a TV set for Tom.

P9: Now Tom watches TV every evening.

P10: And the mice can eat in the kitchen.

T: Very good. Now let’s find 6 or 7 sentences to give the main idea of the tale.

(Находим и подчеркиваем в тексте предложения, выражающие основную идею сказки.)

4. Заключительная часть.

T: Your home task is – to learn the new words and to retell this tale.

Very good. You’ve done all the tasks very well. You are good pupils. You can read in English, you can understand English, you can speak English. You were very active. You get excellent and good marks. Thank you for your work. Good bye!


This one or that one?


    Тренировка произносительных навыков.

    Повторение лексического материала по теме « Одежда».

    Предъявление новой лексики по теме « Магазины промышленных товаров».

    знакомство с новым грамматическим правилом (слова-заместители существительных)

    Повторение грамматического материала (указательные местоимения).

    развитие навыков чтения и аудирования с целью получения конкретной информации.

    развитие навыков говорения и письма.




Pupils answer the following questions:

1). Who usually goes shopping in your family?

2). Do you often go shopping?

3). When did you go shopping last time?

4). Who did you go shopping with?

5). What new things did you buy?

6). What size shoes do you wear?

7). So you usually try shoes (jeans…)on (примерять ) before you buy them?

8). What colour shoes (jeans…) do you like to wear?

9). How do you usually choose things before you buy them?

10). What do you usually wear at home?

11). What do you wear when you go to school?

12). What do you wear when it’s cold (warm)?

(Pupils can be divided into 3 groups. In each group any pupil can choose a question and interview his groupmaters.)

    Phonetic exercises.

    Teacher. Let’s sing this wonderful rhime-song!


(в растерянности)

Where, where do they sell dolls?

Where, where are the dolls sold?

Where, where do they sell bolls?

Where, where are the bolls sold?

Where, where can I buy toys?

Where, where are the toys sold?

Where are toys for girls and boys sold?

Where, where? I am not told.

How much, how much are dolls?

How much, how much are bolls?

How much are toys? Are they cheap or dear?

I have no idea, no idea.

    Teacher. Today we’ll learn this funny poem. We are going to visit a lot of shops (a toy chop, a sports shop, a music shop, a clothes shop, etc) at this lesson. So, this poem will be useful for us.


( Детский мир)

I suggest that we pop

That we pop into the shop,

Into the shop which is called

Which is called the “CHILDREN’S WORLD’’

Guess the riddles, please.

    Two deep wells full by day, empty at night. (high boots)

    A flower planted on the hand, that blossoms when it rains. (an umbrella)

    When you look around you on a cold winter morning, what do you see on every hand? (a glove)

    Lexical activities.

Teacher. Now I’d like to know who is the best in translating the words on the topic “ Clothes”.

    We’ll play the game “Harry chance” (счастливый случай ). You should quickly translate the words in English.

T : Шорты, кроссовки, майка, теплый спортивный костюм, лосины, кепка.

P 1 : Shorts, trainers, T-shirt, tracksuit, leggings, baseball cap.

T : Рабочие брюки, джинсы, куртки из хлопчато-бумажной ткани, туфли на плоской подошве, шарф, мини-юбка, галстук-бабочка, вечернее платье, туфли на высоком каблуке.

P 2 : Dungarees, jeans, denim jacket, flat-shoes, a scarf, miniskirt, bo9w tie, evening dress, high-heeled shoes!

T: Thank you! You are the winner!

    Now let us see. Can you write these words? Complete the spidergrams. (Pupils are divided into 3 teams.)

    The spidergram “ Clothes for gym”

shorts trainers

T-shirt Gym tracksuit

baseball cap leggins

    The spidergram “ Clothes for school”

suit jeans shirt

skirt School waistcoat

tie V-neck jumper denim jacket

    The spidergram “ Clothes for party”


jeans miniskirt


silk scarf high-heeled shoes

evening dress

Pupils do this task in their cards.

3. Vocabulary building (writing).

Teacher. There are a lot of songs about shops. But why not write a new one?

Choose the words from the box and

a) match the shops and goods.

The box

a toy shop

a sports shop

a music shop

a clothes shop

a shoe shop

a newspaper shop

a bicycle

a guitar

a magazine





a shirt

Example: 1) to the clothes shop to buy a dress

2) to the music shop to buy a guitar

3) to the toy shop to buy some games

4) to the sports shop to buy a bicycle

5) to the newspaper shop to buy some magazines

b) Write a song about a shop you like and things you can buy there.

    Grammar activity.

    Substitutions one/ones.

Слова-заместители существительных.

Teacher. These words substitute nouns after adjectives and demonstrative pronouns this/that, these/those .

Example: - Do you like this hate or that one ?

    I don’t like yellow trousers.

    What about black ones’ ?

Teacher. What would you like to have or buy? Match!

1) What colour car would you like? a) a red one

2) What sort of house would you like? b) modern ones

3) What kind of flat would you like to live in? c) a big one

4) What shoes would you like to have? d) a comfortable one

5) What kind of eyes are ideal for you? e) big and blue ones

6) What flowers do you like? f) yellow ones

7) What kind of biscuits do you like? g) chocolate ones

    Grammar revision. Demonstrative Pronouns (указательные местоимения )

Remember, please!

Singular this ( этот , эта )

this house/picture/man

Singular that ( тот , та )

that house/picture/man

Plural these ( эти )

these houses/pictures/men

Plural those ( те )

those houses/pictures/men

4. Reading/listening (for detail)

Teacher. Jane and her mother went to a shoe shop one day.

1) Reading.

Have a look at the pictures, put in this/that/these/those. What kind of slippers did they buy?

The text

We are looking for a pair of slippers.

We’re got a lot. What kind of slippers would you like?

Some of ( those) please. On ( that ) top shelf.

OK. Would you like the black slippers or the brown ones?

The black ones, I think.

What about ( this ) pair?

Oh, ( these ) are too baring. May I try on (those ) on the left shelf?

Yes, here they are.

Super! They are just what I wanted, Mum!

How much are they?

Three roubles.

All right. We’ll take them.

Thanks, Mum

2) Pupils read the dialogue and put in correct demonstrative pronouns.

3) Then they answer the question: What kind of slippers did they buy?

Example: P1: They bought red slippers.

4) After that pupils listen to the dialogue to check their work.

VI. Reading (for the main idea)

1. Pre-reading activity.

Teacher. To buy different things people go to different shops.

1) Put one/ones where necessary, then listen to the check.

2) Answer the question: what shop did a Russian boy Boris go to buy a souvenir?

2. Reading/Writing.

The text

I’d like a T-shirt, please!

We’ve got a lot of T-shirts. What kind of shirt would you like?

The ( one ) like those in the window display.

Would you like the red shirt, the yellow shirt or the green (one )?

The red ( one ).

This ( one )?

No, not this ( one ), but that ( one ) with the picture.


Yes, that’s right. May I try it on?

Yes, please… Here is it?

It’s too big. Have you got a smaller (one )?

No, we’ve got these shirts only in big sizes, I’m afraid.

Too bad! Well, thanks for your help. Good buy!

Pupils read the dialogue and put in one/ones where necessary and then they listen to the dialogue to check their work.

3. Post-reading activity (speaking/listening)

1) Pupils answer the question given before the text.

Example: P1: Boris went to buy a souvenir to the clothes shop.

2Pupils listen to the dialogue once more and answer the 2 rd question: “What was Boris going to buy as a souvenir from Krasnodar?”

Example: P2: He was going to buy a red T-shirt.

VII. listening/reading (for specific information).

1. Pre-listening.

Teacher. A tourist is buying something as a souvenir in Krasnodar.

1) Listen to the dialogue and choose from the suggestions below.

2) Answer the question: What is he buying?

2. Listening/writing.


Can I help you?

Yes, please, I’m looking for a book .

- What about?

About animals.

I see. What about this one?

That looks nice. May I look at it?

Yes, sure, is it all right?

No, it’s too childish . I think. Have you got another one , please?

Yes, we have. Here you are.

Oh, yes! It’s great! How much?

It costs two roubles .

It’s not too expensive. I’ll take it.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Pupils listen to the dialogue and choose from the suggestions below.

1. Post-listening activities (reading).

1) Pupils read out the conversation that took place.

2) They listen to the conversation again to check.

3) They answer the question given before listening: “What is he buying?”

Example: P3: A tourist is buying a book about animals as a souvenir in Krasnodar.

VIII. Speaking (Dialogue speech)


Teacher. In real life we buy things for different occasions. Imagine you are in Krasnodar region and you want to buy something as a souvenir. Make up a dialogue between a tourist and a shopkeeper.


P 1 (shopkeeper) : Can I help you?

P 2 (tourist) : Yes, please, I’m looking for any toy as a souvenir.

P 1 : We’ve got a lot! What kind of toys would you like?

P 2 : Some of those, please, on that top shelf!

P 1 : ok. I see. You’d like to buy Teddy Bears! What about this one?

P 2 : That looks nice. May I look at it?

P 1 : Yes, sure. Here you are!

P 2 : It’s super! How much?

P 1 : It costs 3 roubles.

P 2 : I think it’s not too expensive. I’ll take it!

P 1 : Here you are. Thanks.

IX. The conclusion of the lesson.


Compose the conversation between a tourist and a shopkeeper.

Theme : Clothes

Class : 5

Goals :

Образовательные :

1)активизировать изученную лексику по теме «Одежда»;

2)научить учащихся использовать названия предметов одежды во фразах « I am wearing » в монологической речи и в работе с микротекстами;

3)научить составлять ситуативный диалог с лексикой по теме «В магазине» ;

4)совершенствовать навыки чтения,письма, прослушивания, звукопроизносительные навыки


Развивать память, логику, творческое воображение


Прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Good morning, good morning we say in the morning

Good afternoon , good afternoon we say in the afternoon

Good evening , good evening we say in the evening

To fellow and friends we say –Hello!Hi!

We know how to greet each other in different ways. Now let’ s speak a little bit.

Who is on duty today?

How many pupils are there in the classroom?

Who isn’t here today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

Thank you very much! Sit down, please!

Look at the pictures and speak about the weather today.Is it sunny\ cold\rainy?

Great!Are you ready to work?

2.Подведение к теме и целям урока

To get know our topic for today I suggest you to make a puzzle.Each pair has the pieces of the puzzle. Your task is to join all the parts correctly and you will have pictures.

What pictures do you have? What is our theme?-Right. Clothes.Write down the date and the theme.

We’ ll speak how to wear in different seasons and how to communicate at the shop.

3.Phonetic exercise

Firstly, work at your pronunciation. Take phonetic cards, listen to me, repeat and show the common sound of words.

- jeans, jacket, jam What is the sound? What is the odd word here?

- shorts, shoes,sugar

- blouse, trousers, mouse

-socks, skirt, sun

4. Повторение изученной лексики

Match the clothes with the pictures. Make it individually and then we will check.

You have the evaluation table. Look at the criteria and put the mark.

5. Закрепление темы

Now we should speak about the seasons and suitable clothes. I ‘ll give you the picture. You should write the clothes , its colour and the appropriate season.

На доске предложения,проверяем, у кого совпало ставим плюсы.

Yesterday I got one video-message for you. Your task is to listen to the video carefully and try to understand for the first time, for the second fill in the gaps.

1)Hello!My name is I am from England.I am eleven years old.I am wearing black trousers, white shirt and black shoes.

2)Hello, pupils ! My name is. I am from Indonesia.I am wearing white shirt, red skirt and red tie.

3) Good morning! My name is I am from Mexico.I am wearing green uniform. What are you wearing ?

Заполнить пропуски

Каждый ответит.что одевает в школе

6. Физминутка

It is high time to have a rest a little bit. Stand up and move!

7. Работа с диалогом

Now you should go to the shop and buy some clothes. Look at the blackboard. There is a dialogue between the customer and the shop- assistant. Listen to me and repeat after me.

The shop assistant : Good morning !Can I help you?

The customer : Hello! I ‘d like a brown shirt .

The shop assistant : What size do you wear?

The customer : M

The shop assistant : Do you like it?

The customer : Yes, I like it. \ No, I don’ like it. How much does it cost?

The shop assistant :It is 50 $

The customer :Thank you!

Change the underlined words and make your own dialogue.

Каждая пара составляет по образцу, читает.другие пары слушают и исправляют потом ошибки.

8. Рефлексия

Today you have worked very well . Now it is high time to analyse your work. Your have three stickers. Pink is for five, green is for good , four and blue is for three. Stick your marks to the blackboard.

9. Конец урока

The lesson is over. Stand up!Good bye!

Урок по английскому языку по теме: « Clothes » .

Учитель английского языка

Пономарева Виктория Владимировна


1.Организационный момент .

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? The theme of our lesson is ….. Let’s try to guess.

Слово – Clothes.

The aim of our lesson is to know more about clothes.

2. Фонетическая зарядка .

And now, put the words into the columns according to the pronunciation. But, at first repeat after me.

[t] – trousers, jacket, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, coat, boots, trainers, tights, hat, sweatshirt

[s] – scarf, boots, shorts, dress, jeans, socks, skirt, sweater, tights, sweatshirt

[∫] - shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shoes, shoes, sweatshirt

[z] – blouse, gloves, trousers, trainers

Let’s check up.

3. Активизация лексики по теме «Одежда».

Let’s talk about weather and clothes. + (здоровьесберегающийаспект)

What are your favourite clothes?

What do you usually wear at school?

What do you wear when it"s cold (warm, hot)?

Do you like to wear jeans?

Do you like to wear a scarf in summer?

Do you wear a coat and an umbrella when it"s rainy?

Ex 1, 2. p . 4 3-44 .

+ (здоровьесберегающий аспект): беседа о том как нужно одеваться в разную погоду!

4. Аудирование:

Do you like parties? What do you wear when you have a party?

5. Физкультминутка

    And now let’s have a rest. Listen and do

I am a little snowman, look at me.

These are my buttons, 1 2 3.

These are my eyes and this my nose.

I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr …. It is cold !

6. Чтение и говорение.

Now read the text about children and there favorite clothes.

Tell me about you favorite clothes.

7. Развитие навыков письма :

8. Объяснение домашнего задания :

Draw you favourite clothes and write about them. (Ex. 3b, p. 45).

9. Подведение итогов урока .

Thank you for your excellent work. Listen to your marks.
-Show me your mood?
-Good- bye! The lesson is over. Thank you for your work at the lesson.

по теме « The clothes » («Одежда»)

Учитель: Езопова Т.С.

Дата проведения: 22.04.2014г.

План-конспект урока английского языка во 2 «Г» классе

по теме « The clothes » («Одежда»)

Цели (задачи):


    помочь учащимися вспоминать необходимый материал по теме "Одежда";


    формирование лексических навыков;

    повторение лексики по теме: "Одежда";

    повторение правил правописания слов по теме "Одежда";

    представление учащимся возможности использовать язык в игровой ситуации;


    тренировать в монологическом высказывании по пройденной теме;

    научить быть внимательными, слушать других, читать тексты с полным пониманием и впоследствии работа с ним.

Ход урока

I Организационный момент


T.: Good morning, children.

P.: Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning my teacher,

We are glad to see you

II Проверка домашнего задания

Домашним заданием было: нарисовать человека и описать, во что он одет (He is wearing …).

Несколько учеников по очереди вызываются к доске. Каждый показывает свой рисунок и описывает во что одет его персонаж.

III Центральная часть урока

    Вставить пропущенные буквы

На доске написаны слова, в которых пропущены буквы. Необходимо вставить пропущенные буквы. Учитель вызывает по одному из учеников.

T.: Look at the board! Name and write the missing letters. Read the word, please.

J e a n s

S o c k s

H at

D re s s

J u m p er

B oo t s

T-s h i r t

S ho r t s

    Соединить слова с изображениями

Учитель вывешивает на доску картинки с изображением одежды. Необходимо соединить слова с нужным изображением.

T.: Now read the words and match them with the right pictures.

    Кто во что одет?

Учитель описывает, во что одет один из учеников, дети должны угадать, кого описывают.

T.: And now let’s play. I describe one of you classmates and you try to guess. And now you please.

    Помогите одеть!

На доску вывешивается плакат с изображением человека, на столе у учителя лежат предметы одежды. К доске выходит ученик, ему выдается карточка, на которой по-английски написано, во что надо одеть этого человека. Сначала он самостоятельно выполняет задание, далее проверяют остальные ученики. Затем еще один ученик выполняет это же задание, но по другой карточке.

T.: And now let’s play. You read the description and dress the boy.

IV Физминутка

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips, sit down

Hands up, to the side

Bent left, bent right

1, 2, 3 hop

1, 2, 3 stop !

V Работа с учебником

    Open your textbook at page 76. And now let’s do ex.1 p. 76.

Разбираем задание, по одному выходят к доске, выполняют упражнение.

    Записываем в тетрадь новые выражения

Look at the board! These are new words. And now write in your exercise book these words.

Take off – снимай

Put on – одевай

    And now let s do ex . 2 p . 77 (задание выполняется устно).

VI Записываем домашнее задание

VII Подведение итогов урока

Обсуждение того, выполнили ли мы поставленные в начале урока цели и задачи. Цели и задачи выполнили!

VIII Выставление оценок за урок
