Legends of equestria на русском языке. Русский Официальный Сервер LoE

Дорогие друзья! Вот уже пол года мы ведем Русский сервер игры legends of equestria, за это время сервер пережил много обновлений, ддосов, ошибок и т.п. Вы спросите что же изменилось? А изменилось то что нам дали добро и мы теперь являемся Официальным Русским сервером LoE! В дальнейшем после релиза игры, мы будем заведовать русским подразделением LoE! Ну а сейчас мы переводим игру и держим сервера открытыми! Да да да! Вы можете скачать наш клиент и поиграть в игру! Большие вы узнаете на нашем сайте http://legendsofequestria.ru или в группе ВК https://vk.com/rus_loe

Обновления клиента не будут пока что проводиться, так как наш сервер не подстроен под новое обновление(печалька((), но не стоит огорчаться, в место этого мы все больше и больше переводим игру на Русский язык!

В игре не переведено главное меню. Нет, вы что, мы вовсе не ленивые! Это все вина движка игры! Это он не хочет переводить игру!!! Это вовсе не мы!

В игре переведены все миссии, так же русифицирован магазин и добавлено много разных заданий которые можно взять у НПС на разных локациях!
Ты в игре и не знаешь что такое СУ? СУ-Сахарный уголок, именно в нем обычно собирается народ и веселиться под музыку нашего радио!
Так же есть несколько правил с которыми вы можете ознакомиться в группе

Welcome to Legends of Equestria, a free-to-play MMORPG, available to play right now in Open Access!

Our in-development game is full of adventures, magic, and small horses. You will be able to fly, dance, play with pets, and more with friends or by yourself. There"s even a whole community of friends over at our

We are an ongoing project! We are always looking for talented new volunteers to help us out. If you feel like you"re ready, feel free to send us your application.

Level Designers

Script Implementers

Descriptions of the above jobs, and additional hiring information and recruitment status can be read

The following departments are currently not hiring: Animation, Concept Art, HR, Moderation, PR, Web Dev, and Writing.

If you don"t receive a response to your application within two weeks, please contact us on our support email .


The 2019 Spring Update Is Finally Here!

May 09

Hey again, everypony! You might"ve noticed that spring is pretty late in coming to Equestria, as tends to be tradition around these parts; well, it"s finally time to do something about! Our spring update, Version 2019.01.01, is now available from our .

This update brings the Winter Warm-Up event back to Ponydale! The town needs your help to clear up the snow and prepare the area for the new season ahead. If you want to help - and earn a nifty team vest for doing so - speak to Check List at the Town Hall! An important thing to note here is that, even if you have already completed this event last year, you can still participate again this year - it"s all hooves on deck to get this snowfall shifted! Why not try to earn a different team jersey this year?

We"ve also added a new location, in the form of the Cloudopolis Academy interior! This means that each pony race now has a classroom implemented into the game, so you can expect more foal content to come down the pipeline in the future that utilizes this!

Of course, this update comes with a host of smaller fixes and improvements - new quests, audio issue fixes, quest inventory fixes, and more quest marker problems than you can shake a stick at! If you want to see the full list of additions, !

There"s still plenty more to come, with some big things in the works that we can"t wait to show off to everypony! Until then, we hope you enjoy this update, and we"ll see you in Equestria!

Legends of Equestria in 2018: A Recap!

Dec 31

Hey there, everypony!

First of all, from the entire LoE Team, A happy New Year to everypony!

To mark the end of 2018, we thought we"d have a little throwback to what has happened in-game and behind the scenes over the last 12 months, so here we go!

To start off our list we go to everypony"s favourite season - winter - which has once again returned in-game, meaning you can see perhaps the biggest change in 2018"s first update; a Ponydale covered in snow, and with even more flakes falling from the sky in some places!

Second on our list is something you all seem to enjoy a lot, seasonal costumes. Dressing up as a scary ghost, bat, mummy, and more; everyone had their joy with these spooky outfits. In our April Fools update, we also saw for the first time long requested All-icorn Upgrade! And lastly, we added another long-requested cosmetic item (and my personal favourite), scarves.

We also added more protective items over the year; not one, not two, but twelve new armor sets, all with special stats to make your pony powerful. And that doesn"t even include the all-important wearable pots and pans.

To make it extra special, the latest armor to be added can even be colorized.

Next up, places to visit. As the world of Equestria grows, there will always be new locations to discover and explore! This year saw the addition and revamps of some maps; to start off we begin with the biggest addition, the Athamanes digsite.

Giving access to this long-forgotten dungeon, Athamanes is an ancient city recently uncovered, but for now the secrets below the city have yet to be uncovered. Watch this space!

While exploring long-forgotten ruins is a lot of fun, we can"t forget the fact that ponies need to study; one of our updates also added the Ponydale schoolhouse.

And to round things out, we"ve got the classy Cantermore Gala Hall, for all your fancy functions. The perfect place for a ballroom blitz!

For our last recap element, we come to the backbone of the entire project: game mechanics. There have been a lot of changes and improvements in this area; the entire combat system has been revamped, and experience gain altered, to accommodate our original intentions, as well as new elements like the crafting system.

We also worked to make it easier for you to interact with players and items. Banks were added all around to give you extra storage, And the trading system that made it easy for you to conduct trades and gifts.

And of course, who could forget our decision to allow for the enabling of player collision? I think we can all agree that that was an unmitigated mistake.

It wasn"t just the LoE team hard at work over 2018, though; this year saw a whole heap of exciting player-led events spread out all across the calendar! from birthday parties and weddings to seasonal contests like the Equestria Games, and everything in between (Summerween, Hearthswarming Helper, Nightmare Night, our Anniversary, and more roleplay events than I even have space to list), the LoE playerbase always has something exciting and surprising planned!

The 2019 Equestria Winter Games are apparently already in the planning stages, and we can"t wait to see what else you guys come up with in the coming year!

This is by no means everything 2018 saw for LoE, just our personal highlights. It was definitely a productive and fun year for our team, and we hope you enjoyed everything we brought to life for you over the last 12 months! Don"t worry, though, we still have plenty more to come in 2019, and there"ll definitely be some new surprises along the way. Once again, we just want to thank you all for your support, and for the love you"ve shown us ever since this silly little project started all those years ago!

We hope you enjoyed this trip down LoE"s memory lane and hope to see you again in 2019. Don"t forget: "Pony should pony pony!"

Legends of Equestria"s 2018 Holiday Update is Live!

Dec 24

Hey again, everypony! There"s still a little time left (emphasis on little) that we can credibly get away with releasing a "holiday" update, so in our now-yearly tradition, we"re pushing one out in the eleventh hour! Version 2018.10.01 is now available from our .

First things first: as you might expect, this update brings the now-traditional (two years in a row is enough to establish a tradition, right?) snowfall in Ponydale, as well as some winter-themed decorations. Other seasonal additions have also been restored, such as the rare Enchanted Ice Skates drop, and Ensemble"s holiday costume quest!

On top of that, we"re adding something really, truly, very exciting. More exciting than anything else we"ve ever added. More exciting than socks.

Yeah, I said it; more exciting than socks.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new must-have adorable cosmetic item: scarves!

Now available from your local clothes-horse.

There"s other new additions, too! Two, actually - two new armor sets are now available. Iridescent Armor can be created by speaking to expert artisan Golden Gauntlet, whose unrivalled technique allows her to combine Sunlight Armor with Marble Dust to create something new. It"s not just NPCs getting new creative power, though; player artisans may also discover new recipes to create Pearlescent Armor!

There"s plenty more included - new quests, readable book functionality, updates to textures and music, and more. You can check out our for all the details!

We hope that you enjoy the new content, as well as the seasonal specials! As always, though, if you have any issues or bugs to report, please do so using our Phabricator system, , to ensure that the right people on the team know about the issue and can get to work on fixing it.

Happy holidays from the whole team to every single one of you, and we"ll see you in Equestria!

Costumes, Interiors, Decor and More: The (2018) Hallowe"en Update is Live!

Oct 31

Hey again, everypony! It"s that spooky time of year, so what better way to celebrate than by dressing up a virtual horse in thematic costumes? Well, lucky for all of us, Legends of Equestria"s latest update, V2018.09.01, is now available!

This seasonal update brings a few new costume designs into the game, for all of you who want to really get into the spirit of things! As usual, they"ll be available from fashion designer Ensemble, in the Crystal Kingdom - for a modest fee, of course!

There may also be a special item available to commemorate the anniversary of our Open Access Release, from Marvell in Ponydale - and of course, the yearly batpony costume quest is now available once more for those who didn"t complete it last time round, from Ensemble! This does, however, mean that Festival of Light quests are no longer available - you"ll have to wait for that seasonal event to roll around again to get those items if you missed out this time!

That"s not all, though; new interior zones have been added for some key locations, such as Cantermore"s Gala Hall, Ponydale"s schoolhouse, and the mysterious Dig Site dungeon in the Heartlands!

A host of other improvements have made their way into this update: a bunch of new mob attacks and animations have been added, the Harmonious Armour is now available for artisans to learn and craft, and of course, the obligatory host of bugs have been squashed. Sorry, but the rogue teleportation spell that caused the Ponydale bench to hover 30 feet in the air has finally been removed!

On a brighter note, this update brings with it our crafting system. Now you can make your own unique armor, and upgrade it with special harmonies to make it even stronger, through artisanry; or, you could cook up a fantastic feast for everypony to enjoy! There"s more possibilities than ever before.

To go along with this new system, we of course have two new Talents available for foals to choose: Artisanry, and Cooking. The quest to earn a Talent Mark in either of these can be started by speaking to your racial teacher, assuming you haven"t already grown up to the adult stage!

That"s not all, though! We"ve also implemented two more Talents, and these ones have been long-awaited: Combat and Flying are now available to all foal characters. Once again, you"ll need to speak to your racial teacher to earn these Talents - and of course, Flying is available only to pegasi, much like how Magic is exclusive to unicorns!

A new exterior location has also been added to the Heartlands. Archaeologists have been excavating the ruins of Ancient Athamanes, a pony civilisation lost to time, and their digsite can be seen in the large (and formerly empty) crater towards the Eastern end of the area. This location will soon be excavated more thoroughly, granting access to a new dungeon area, with its own unique lore, quests, and traps to navigate!

Is all that not enough for you? Well, it"s a good thing there"s a new seasonal event happening, too! Ponydale is celebrating the Festival of Lights during these long summer(ish) days, and Taffy Treat in Sugarcane Corner wants to do it in style! She"s already hung the lanterns and worked on the dance floor, but she wants something extra special to liven things up - and she needs your help to do it! Meanwhile, creatures all over Equestria have suddenly started collecting the mysterious Prismatic Crystal Shards, and everypony"s favourite fashion designer, Ensemble, is eager to see you collect them all, to help him create something truly enlightening!

There"s a whole host of other new features and changes, including the new auto-loot option, a background blur for dialogue focus, more bank locations, a new sleep emote, and so much more - including, of course, a raft of bug fixes. As mentioned earlier, the changelog has all the details, so check it out if you"re interested in reading about everything we"ve been working on!

If you"re using our Windows launcher, Legends of Equestria should update automatically when you next run the program. For everypony else, you"ll need to download the newest client, available from

Welcome to Legends of Equestria, a free-to-play MMORPG, available to play right now in Open Access!

Our in-development game is full of adventures, magic, and small horses. You will be able to fly, dance, play with pets, and more with friends or by yourself. There"s even a whole community of friends over at our

We are an ongoing project! We are always looking for talented new volunteers to help us out. If you feel like you"re ready, feel free to send us your application.

Level Designers

Script Implementers

Descriptions of the above jobs, and additional hiring information and recruitment status can be read

The following departments are currently not hiring: Animation, Concept Art, HR, Moderation, PR, Web Dev, and Writing.

If you don"t receive a response to your application within two weeks, please contact us on our support email .


The 2019 Spring Update Is Finally Here!

May 09

Hey again, everypony! You might"ve noticed that spring is pretty late in coming to Equestria, as tends to be tradition around these parts; well, it"s finally time to do something about! Our spring update, Version 2019.01.01, is now available from our .

This update brings the Winter Warm-Up event back to Ponydale! The town needs your help to clear up the snow and prepare the area for the new season ahead. If you want to help - and earn a nifty team vest for doing so - speak to Check List at the Town Hall! An important thing to note here is that, even if you have already completed this event last year, you can still participate again this year - it"s all hooves on deck to get this snowfall shifted! Why not try to earn a different team jersey this year?

We"ve also added a new location, in the form of the Cloudopolis Academy interior! This means that each pony race now has a classroom implemented into the game, so you can expect more foal content to come down the pipeline in the future that utilizes this!

Of course, this update comes with a host of smaller fixes and improvements - new quests, audio issue fixes, quest inventory fixes, and more quest marker problems than you can shake a stick at! If you want to see the full list of additions, !

There"s still plenty more to come, with some big things in the works that we can"t wait to show off to everypony! Until then, we hope you enjoy this update, and we"ll see you in Equestria!

Legends of Equestria in 2018: A Recap!

Dec 31

Hey there, everypony!

First of all, from the entire LoE Team, A happy New Year to everypony!

To mark the end of 2018, we thought we"d have a little throwback to what has happened in-game and behind the scenes over the last 12 months, so here we go!

To start off our list we go to everypony"s favourite season - winter - which has once again returned in-game, meaning you can see perhaps the biggest change in 2018"s first update; a Ponydale covered in snow, and with even more flakes falling from the sky in some places!

Second on our list is something you all seem to enjoy a lot, seasonal costumes. Dressing up as a scary ghost, bat, mummy, and more; everyone had their joy with these spooky outfits. In our April Fools update, we also saw for the first time long requested All-icorn Upgrade! And lastly, we added another long-requested cosmetic item (and my personal favourite), scarves.

We also added more protective items over the year; not one, not two, but twelve new armor sets, all with special stats to make your pony powerful. And that doesn"t even include the all-important wearable pots and pans.

To make it extra special, the latest armor to be added can even be colorized.

Next up, places to visit. As the world of Equestria grows, there will always be new locations to discover and explore! This year saw the addition and revamps of some maps; to start off we begin with the biggest addition, the Athamanes digsite.

Giving access to this long-forgotten dungeon, Athamanes is an ancient city recently uncovered, but for now the secrets below the city have yet to be uncovered. Watch this space!

While exploring long-forgotten ruins is a lot of fun, we can"t forget the fact that ponies need to study; one of our updates also added the Ponydale schoolhouse.

And to round things out, we"ve got the classy Cantermore Gala Hall, for all your fancy functions. The perfect place for a ballroom blitz!

For our last recap element, we come to the backbone of the entire project: game mechanics. There have been a lot of changes and improvements in this area; the entire combat system has been revamped, and experience gain altered, to accommodate our original intentions, as well as new elements like the crafting system.

We also worked to make it easier for you to interact with players and items. Banks were added all around to give you extra storage, And the trading system that made it easy for you to conduct trades and gifts.

And of course, who could forget our decision to allow for the enabling of player collision? I think we can all agree that that was an unmitigated mistake.

It wasn"t just the LoE team hard at work over 2018, though; this year saw a whole heap of exciting player-led events spread out all across the calendar! from birthday parties and weddings to seasonal contests like the Equestria Games, and everything in between (Summerween, Hearthswarming Helper, Nightmare Night, our Anniversary, and more roleplay events than I even have space to list), the LoE playerbase always has something exciting and surprising planned!

The 2019 Equestria Winter Games are apparently already in the planning stages, and we can"t wait to see what else you guys come up with in the coming year!

This is by no means everything 2018 saw for LoE, just our personal highlights. It was definitely a productive and fun year for our team, and we hope you enjoyed everything we brought to life for you over the last 12 months! Don"t worry, though, we still have plenty more to come in 2019, and there"ll definitely be some new surprises along the way. Once again, we just want to thank you all for your support, and for the love you"ve shown us ever since this silly little project started all those years ago!

We hope you enjoyed this trip down LoE"s memory lane and hope to see you again in 2019. Don"t forget: "Pony should pony pony!"

Legends of Equestria"s 2018 Holiday Update is Live!

Dec 24

Hey again, everypony! There"s still a little time left (emphasis on little) that we can credibly get away with releasing a "holiday" update, so in our now-yearly tradition, we"re pushing one out in the eleventh hour! Version 2018.10.01 is now available from our .

First things first: as you might expect, this update brings the now-traditional (two years in a row is enough to establish a tradition, right?) snowfall in Ponydale, as well as some winter-themed decorations. Other seasonal additions have also been restored, such as the rare Enchanted Ice Skates drop, and Ensemble"s holiday costume quest!

On top of that, we"re adding something really, truly, very exciting. More exciting than anything else we"ve ever added. More exciting than socks.

Yeah, I said it; more exciting than socks.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new must-have adorable cosmetic item: scarves!

Now available from your local clothes-horse.

There"s other new additions, too! Two, actually - two new armor sets are now available. Iridescent Armor can be created by speaking to expert artisan Golden Gauntlet, whose unrivalled technique allows her to combine Sunlight Armor with Marble Dust to create something new. It"s not just NPCs getting new creative power, though; player artisans may also discover new recipes to create Pearlescent Armor!

There"s plenty more included - new quests, readable book functionality, updates to textures and music, and more. You can check out our for all the details!

We hope that you enjoy the new content, as well as the seasonal specials! As always, though, if you have any issues or bugs to report, please do so using our Phabricator system, , to ensure that the right people on the team know about the issue and can get to work on fixing it.

Happy holidays from the whole team to every single one of you, and we"ll see you in Equestria!

Costumes, Interiors, Decor and More: The (2018) Hallowe"en Update is Live!

Oct 31

Hey again, everypony! It"s that spooky time of year, so what better way to celebrate than by dressing up a virtual horse in thematic costumes? Well, lucky for all of us, Legends of Equestria"s latest update, V2018.09.01, is now available!

This seasonal update brings a few new costume designs into the game, for all of you who want to really get into the spirit of things! As usual, they"ll be available from fashion designer Ensemble, in the Crystal Kingdom - for a modest fee, of course!

There may also be a special item available to commemorate the anniversary of our Open Access Release, from Marvell in Ponydale - and of course, the yearly batpony costume quest is now available once more for those who didn"t complete it last time round, from Ensemble! This does, however, mean that Festival of Light quests are no longer available - you"ll have to wait for that seasonal event to roll around again to get those items if you missed out this time!

That"s not all, though; new interior zones have been added for some key locations, such as Cantermore"s Gala Hall, Ponydale"s schoolhouse, and the mysterious Dig Site dungeon in the Heartlands!

A host of other improvements have made their way into this update: a bunch of new mob attacks and animations have been added, the Harmonious Armour is now available for artisans to learn and craft, and of course, the obligatory host of bugs have been squashed. Sorry, but the rogue teleportation spell that caused the Ponydale bench to hover 30 feet in the air has finally been removed!

On a brighter note, this update brings with it our crafting system. Now you can make your own unique armor, and upgrade it with special harmonies to make it even stronger, through artisanry; or, you could cook up a fantastic feast for everypony to enjoy! There"s more possibilities than ever before.

To go along with this new system, we of course have two new Talents available for foals to choose: Artisanry, and Cooking. The quest to earn a Talent Mark in either of these can be started by speaking to your racial teacher, assuming you haven"t already grown up to the adult stage!

That"s not all, though! We"ve also implemented two more Talents, and these ones have been long-awaited: Combat and Flying are now available to all foal characters. Once again, you"ll need to speak to your racial teacher to earn these Talents - and of course, Flying is available only to pegasi, much like how Magic is exclusive to unicorns!

A new exterior location has also been added to the Heartlands. Archaeologists have been excavating the ruins of Ancient Athamanes, a pony civilisation lost to time, and their digsite can be seen in the large (and formerly empty) crater towards the Eastern end of the area. This location will soon be excavated more thoroughly, granting access to a new dungeon area, with its own unique lore, quests, and traps to navigate!

Is all that not enough for you? Well, it"s a good thing there"s a new seasonal event happening, too! Ponydale is celebrating the Festival of Lights during these long summer(ish) days, and Taffy Treat in Sugarcane Corner wants to do it in style! She"s already hung the lanterns and worked on the dance floor, but she wants something extra special to liven things up - and she needs your help to do it! Meanwhile, creatures all over Equestria have suddenly started collecting the mysterious Prismatic Crystal Shards, and everypony"s favourite fashion designer, Ensemble, is eager to see you collect them all, to help him create something truly enlightening!

There"s a whole host of other new features and changes, including the new auto-loot option, a background blur for dialogue focus, more bank locations, a new sleep emote, and so much more - including, of course, a raft of bug fixes. As mentioned earlier, the changelog has all the details, so check it out if you"re interested in reading about everything we"ve been working on!

If you"re using our Windows launcher, Legends of Equestria should update automatically when you next run the program. For everypony else, you"ll need to download the newest client, available from

Онлайн игра "Легенды Эквестрии" - многопользовательская онлайн игра нового поколения связанная с пони. Играя вы сможете углубиться в настоящие Легенды Эквестрии создав своего уникального персонажа пони и начав выполнение разных заданий, которые будут доступны на протяжении всей игры. Вы сможете полностью настроить под себя внешний вид вашего персонажа, создать свой дом и принимать участие в коллективных мероприятиях с истории игры. Здесь можно делать почти все то, что и в реальной жизни, бегать, летать, общаться с другими пони, растить урожай, кормить животных, готовить еду и принимать участие в других веселые приключения с вашими друзьями. В Легенды Эквестрии будут представлен большой выбор аксессуаров, в том числе много разновидностей шляпы, носки, обувь, ювелирные изделия, седла, доспехи и многое другое. Так же в игре присутствуют некие бои и сражения но без каких либо жестоких сцен, что дает возможность играть в игру маленьким детям. Так же в игре будет общий чат в котором смогут общаться все пони игроки которые находятся в сети одновременно.

4.4076667895319 (Оценок игры 2713)

Здесь расположена онлайн игра Легенды Еквестрии.

Для того чтобы играть - вам нужно выполнить два простых пункта:

  • 1. Скачать клиент игры. (ссылки ниже)
  • 2. Пройти процедуру регистрации на Официальном сайте игры, а конкретнее, на форуме. Это нужно для получения игрового аккаунта.

    Пояснения! Скачиваете игру, находите скачанную папку, в ней 2 файла, извлекаете в нужную вам папку. В той папке, будут еще папка, и файл.ехе. включаете.ехе и входите в игру. Дальше регистрация , там в правом верхнем углу "зарегистрироваться" (правда, там все на английском), потом вводите имя персонажа, пароль, э-меил, код. Там будет вопрос типа "ты человек? или "ты робот?", отвечаете так, чтобы вы были человеком(да или нет) потом будут еще 2 вопроса, которые даются наугад. На них вы легко ответите, если хорошо смотрели мультик. Если делаете все правильно, то вы будете зарегистрированны, вам придет код на э-мейл, и вы просто переходите по нужной ссылке. Уже в самой игре вводите свои данные, как-то обновляете игру(я сам не знаю, как это делается) и играете. Все просто! Удачи!

Внимание! Игра уже доступна на Русском сервере, скачивайте клиент и начинайте прямо сейчас!

Настоящая онлайн игра с пони, в которой вы сможете делать все, от передвижений по всем известным местностям Эквестрии, до общения с настоящими игроками которые будут так же в образе пони.

Управление: Как играть в игру Legends Of Equestria:

  • W, A, S, D – для двигаться.
  • Shift + W, A, S, D – обычная ходьба.
  • Двойное нажатие пробела - лететь.
  • Q, E – сделать перекат.
  • R – сделать петлю
  • Стрелочки клавиатуры, или зажатие кнопок мышки - поворачивать камеру осмотра.
  • Отдаление камеры - колесико мышки.
  • Двойное нажатие W, чтобы бежать или лететь быстрее.
  • Esc - перейти в меню.


(LoE_Launcher.zip - оригинальная версия игры для Windows)

(Legends of Equestria.zip - оригинальная версия игры для Linux)

(Legends of Equestria.zip - оригинальная версия игры для Макинтош)

Дополнительные команды в игре Легенды Эквестрии:

  • /listfriends - отобразить список друзей.
  • /players - список друзей в конкретной комнате.
  • /report - Команда позволяет написать сообщение модераторам.
  • /playervisible - Позволяет сделать вашего персонажа невидимым для вас. Все остальные будут его видеть.
  • /cinemacamera - Ваш персонаж исчезнет и камера перейдёт в свободный режим полёта.
  • /time - Устанавливает игровое время в диапазоне 0-24.
  • /stand - Пони встаёт.
  • /dance - Пони танцует.
  • /facehoof - Пони бьёт себя по лицу.
  • /logout - Выход из игры.
  • /help - Список всех доступных команд.
  • /sit - Пони садится.
  • /unwearall - Снять все предметы с пони.
  • /inventory - Открыть инвентарь.

Установка игры:
Для установки данной игры на ваш компьютер, просто распакуйте скачанный архив и запускайте файл с называнием LoE-Windows.exe.
